Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 31, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Brandes Creamery
Cream Buyers and Butter Makers
127 First 8t.
Bet. Washington A Alder, Portland, Or
11I:IiimI, Price l'nld for Sweet und
Hour Cream, Butter und Egg,
When you require an Abstract of Tltl
to land In Clackama County, hav
It accurately and reliably propard
by a roHponslblo company Incorpor
ated for the purptme. Our rate ara
reasonable, Wo Invito you to ex
amino our complete iut of Abittracl
600- 608 Chainhnr of Commerce Bldg..
Money to loan ou Clackamaa County
Oregon City, .... . Oregon
Will practice In all court of tho itat
OlTIco In Cauneld Building.
W. S. EDDY. V, S., M. D. V.
Crlutte of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of
Surgery of Chicago, ! located
a. Oregon City and nuMUhrd an
office at The Fashion Stable,
Seventh Strrrt near Main.
lloth Mrphoiiet.
Parmer' IJl Man
I Jit
In tho Circuit Court of tho Bt.ule of U" the Circuit Court of the State of
OniKon for tho County of Clacka-
Loyd R, Flugg, ritillitllt,
AIIIho KIiikk. Defendant.
In tho iiumo of'tho State of Ore
gon: You, Alllso Flngg, urn hereby re
quired to appear uud answer tho com-
philnt filed against you horeln on or
before TtiKHdny, tho 18th day of Juno,
1907, that tiny being Mix weeks from
thn first puhlli'utlon of tho summons
herein, and If you full to appear and
answer heroin, plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for tho relief prayed for In
tho complaint on fllo horeln, to which
reference In hereby made, and more
particularly an follow: For a decree
(IIhhoIvIiik tho bond of matrimony
now tfxlHtlntc between plaintiff and
defendant on tho ground of dofen
duut'a willful desertion of tho plain
tiff for tho period of more than one
year, continuously, Immediately prior
to thn commencement of thla action,
and for auch other or further relief aa
may b equitable.
Thla aummona la served upon you
by publication thereof for not lo
tliuti six ueceslv week In tho "Or
egon City Enterprise," published In
tho County of Clueliamit. gtato of
Oregon, and by order of the Honorable
Thoiuaa A. McBrlde, Judgo of the
abovo entitled Court, which ordet la
doted tho 17th day of April, 1907.
Tho (Into of tho flint publication of
summon la Friday, tho 20th day
of April, 1907, and tho date of tho
IbhI publication of thla uromon la
Friday, tho 7th day of Juno, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Oregon for tho County of Clacka-
Leonora A. Cooper, Plaintiff,
William A. Cooper, Defendant.
To William A. Cooper, Defendant,
In tho Name of tho State of Oregon:
you nro hereby reillred to appear
II tid anHwer tho complaint filed agalnit
you In the abovo entitled ault on or
before tho last day of the Huih pre-
Hcrtbed In tho order for tho publica
tion of thla Hummona, to-wlt: on or
before tho 10th day of Juno, 1907, aald
ditto being the expiration of alx (C)
weoka from tho first publication of
thla Hummona; and If you fall m to
appear and answer, for want thereof
tho plaintiff will apply to the Court
for tho relief demanded In tho com-
plulnt, to-wlt, for a docrc-o dissolving
tho bond of matrimony and marriage
contract existing between plaintiff
and defendant.
Thla aummona la published by order
of Hon. T. A .McBrlde, Judgo of the
ubovo named Court, which order u
made and entered ou the 18th day of
April, 1907.
19t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
I thla
Livy srirr
JuRtlce of the Peace.
Office In Jaggnr Building, Oregon City
fl For sulo by
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
miiH. Dyelo A. I). Knott, Plaintiff,
Win. 11. Knott. Defendant.
To Win. H. Knott, defendant above
numed :
In the name of the Stato of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint filed
against you In tho above entitled court
anil catiHo on or before tho 8th day of
June, 1907, that being the time fixed
by the court for you to appear and
answer herein and alx week from the
first tiny of publication of Hummon
and if you fall to appear and answer,
tho plaintiff will apply to tho court
for the relief demanded In her com
plaint, to wit: For a decree of dlvorco
dissolving the bond of matrimony
now cxlMtlng between plulntltT and de
fendant herein, awarding plaintiff the
care, ruatndy and control of the minor
children of plaintiff and defendant,
namely, Harvey Edward Knott and
lyola Anna Knott, and for auch other
relief a to the court may aeem meet
and proper.
1'hla aummona la published pursu
ant to order of Hon. T. A. McBrlde,
Judge of the oliove entitled court,
made and entered therein on the 21th
duy of April, 1907, which order direct
tho publication of thl mimmona not
li'H than onco a week for six week
prior to the 8th day of June, 1907. The
date of tho first publication of thl
Hummona 1 April 2G. 1907, and of the
liiHt publication of thl aummona
June 7, 1907.
2ot7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Publication of Summon.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
man. Robert T. Llnnoy, Plaintiff,
Oregon & California Railroad Com
pany, and Union Truat Company, Defendant.
To Union TruHt Company, 'aid de
In tho name of the State of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to appear and
anHwer tho complaint filed against
you In the abovo entitled ault on or
before Monday, the 17th day of June,
A. I)., 1907, ond If you fall so to ap
pear and answer, for want thereof tho
plaintiff will take a decree agalnt
you for tho relief demanded In tho
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree to quiet tho title to
tho 8outheot quarter of tho South
went quarter of Section Eleven (11)
In Townahlp Two (2) South of Range
Flvo (5) East of tho Willamette Mer
idian, In Clackamaa County, Oregon,
and that aald defendant ha no right,
title or Interest In and to the same.
Thl aummona wa ordered publish
ed In the Oregon City Enterprle, a
weekly newspaper published In Ore
gon l ity, Oregon, once a week for
itlx RiicccHHlve week, by Hon. Thomas
A. Mcllrlde, Judgo of the Circuit
Court, made In open Court on tho 30th
day of April. A. D. 1907.
The first publication of this aum
mona was May 3rd, 1907, and the last
publication, June Hth. 1907.
21-6 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clackamaa.
Jessie Dixon, Plaintiff,
Edward M. Dixon, Defendant.
To Edward M. Dixon, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed ogalnat
you In tho above entitled ault on or
before tho lt day of July, 1907. that
being the lust day prescribed In the
order of publication of this aummona,
and If you fall to appear and answer
tho complaint filed herein, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief demanded .in aald complaint, to
wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonda
of matrimony and marriage contract
existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant. Tbl aummona I published for alx
(6) consecutive weeka by order of
Hon. Tbonitt A. McDrlde, Judge of
said Court, made on tho 8tb day of
Moy, 1907, the first publication being
on tho 10th day of May, 1907, and the
last publication belnd on the 21st
day of June, 1907.
West line of Main Street will bo Im
proved according to the established
grade thereof. Said street Improve
ment will consist of tho laying of
crushed rock or gravel on aald street
tho full width thereof between curb,
and by the laying of sidewalks, curbs,
and gutters, and by grading aald street
according to the establlahed grade
Thl notice ) published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon
City, made at a special meeting of
said Council held May 11th, 1907,
Hy order of the Council of Oregon
W. A. DIMICK, Recorder.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackama County.
Clarence V. Hlgbee, Plaintiff,
Grace O. Hlgbee, Defendant,
To Grace O. Hlgbee, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and caue on or before the 28th
day of June, 1907, and if you fall to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
tho plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving
the bonda of matrimony existing be
tween you and tho plaintiff, upon the
Uprising in Swatow Province,
China, Followed by Mas
sacre of Local
grounds of desertion.
Attorney for Plaintiff. 1 Thl summon la published by order
. of Grant O. Dimick, County Judge of
Summona. I Clackamaa county, Oregon, and aald
order waa made and given by him on
In tho Circuit Court of the State of the 15th day of May, 1907, on account
Oregon, for the County of Clacka- of the absence of Judge of said Clr
To th 8cene Report 8ay That Mia-
ilonarie Were Saved, but Mia
ion Station Totally
for Warrant of School District
No. 107.
Notice la hereby given that there
are now funds on hand to pay war
ront Issued by School District , 'No.
107, Clackama County, Oregon, to
W. I. Bush for the sum of G3, dated
August 14, 1902. Interest on same
cease with date of thl notice.
J. R. HALL, Clerk,
Orient, Oregon.
First Publication May 3, 1907. 21-4
Theodore Hagenburger, Plaintiff,
C. C. Garrett anl Lillian Garrett,
bis wife, Jarae H. Garrett and Rach
oel Garrett, hla wife, Emma G. Hawk
In and Henry H. Hawkln, her hua
band, Sarah Garrett Brownell and Wil
liam E. Brownell, her husband, Eu
gene L. Garrett, Herbert M. Garrett,
and Florence Garrett, hi wife, Roy E.
Long and Rhoda A. Iong, hla wife,
Lillian Long, Iva Long, Eva L. Barker
and Hadley Barker, her husband, Myr
tle Duran and Reason Duran, her hus
band, Charle Long, Adeline Long,
Minnie Long. Emma C.' Garrett, Ed
ward E. Garrett and Emma L. Garrett,
hi wife, Jeanette E. Arnold and Jo
seph O. Arnold, her husband, Charles
C. Garrett and Blanche Garrett, his
wife. Ella Stanton and Clark Stanton,
her husband, May Leonard and Joseph
Leonard, her husband, Arthur "W. Gar-
Irett. John G. Garrett, Irving S. Gar
rett. Jamo D. Garrett, Alta Garrett, ;
Clyde C. Garrett and Vivian Garrett,
the heir at law of John D. Garrett
and Eunice Garrett, his wife, deceas
ed, Defendants.
To T. C. Garrett and Lillian Garrett,
hi wife, Jame H. Garrett and Rach
ael Garrett, hi wife, Emma G. Hawk
In and Henry H. Hawkins, her hus
band, Sarah Garrett Brownell and Wil
liam E. Brownell, her husband, Eu
gene u Garrett, Herbert m. uarrett.
and Florence Garrett, his wife, Roy E.
Long and Rhoda A. Long, his wife.
Lillian Long, Iva Long, Eva L. Barker
and Hadley Barker, her husband. Myr
tle Duran and Reason Duran, her hus
band, Charles Long, Adeline Long,
Minnie Long, Emma C. Garrett, Ed
ward E. Garrett and Emma L. Garrett,
his wife, Jeanette E. Arnold and Jo-
cult Court for aald County and Dis
trict, and said order la made return
able to the Circuit Court of Oregon,
for Clackama county. Tho first pub
lication of thl summons 1 made on
the 17th day of May, 1907, and the last
publication Is the 28th day or June,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Elvs Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
8ur to Clve Satisfaction.
It cleanse, sootlum, heals, and protect th
jiwftml meiuhrnnn, H euros L-aiurrn ana
drive. awny a 0ld in tlm Head qniukly.
ltcstore tho Smiso of Tiutto and Sinull.
Vjmi to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. (
Administrator' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has beeu appointed admin
istrator of the estnte of William W.
Henderson, deceased, hy the Honor
able County Court of the Stnto of
Oregon for Clackamas county.
All persons having claims against
tho said estate nro hereby notified to
present the same to mo for payment
with proper vouchers nt my olllco on
Main street In Oregon City, Oregon,
within six month from the date of
this notice. A. H. GRIESSEN,
Administrator of the estate of William
H. Henderson, deceased.
John W. Loder ond Gordon E. Hayes,
Attorneys for Administrator. 22-15
Administrator' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of tho State of Ore
gon, for tho County of Clackama, as
administrator of the Estate of Harry
Kenyon, Deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against tho said estate
must present tho Bame to me, prop
erty verified at tho office of my at
torney, Thos. F. Ryan, in Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Administrator of tho Estate of Harry
Kenyon, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator. .
Dated May 4, 1907. 22-t5
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
V. Vincent Jones, Plaintiff,
Sallye W. Jones, Defendant.
To Sallye W. Jones, the defendant
above named:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
cause within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons upon you, jto-wlt: within six
weeks from the 17th day of May, 1907,
and If you fail so to answer for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In the
complaint, to-wlt: for a decree of
divorce dissolving the contract of
marriage now existing between you
and the plaintiff.
This summons is served upon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
Grant B. Dimick, county Judge for
Clackamas county, Oregon, which or
der la made and dated the 14th day of
May, 1907, and prescribes that this
summons be published once a week
for six week. The date of the first
publication of this summons Is May
17th. 1907, and the date of the last
publication of this summons is June
28, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Berlin, May 27. Advices Just re
ceived In thl city by cable from Swa
tow Province, Kwatlug, China, tell a
tory of rebellion and massacre In
that province. It Is said that the civil
and military authorities have been
massacred, that the uprising ia quite
general, and that pillage and robbery
followed in the wake of the uprising.
The German mission station waa de
serted by It Inmates and the station
destroyed. It Is believed that all those
stationed there have escaped and are
now safe with friends.
A German gunboat cruslng in
waters near there has been ordered to
the scene. It is aald that there are
enough marines on board to enable
the local authorities to protect foreign
Interests. Other nations are being ap
pealed to and are expected to send re
inforcements. An uprising in this locality occurred
in 1905, at which time five mission-.
arles are said to have been killed.
For stomach troubles, biliousness
and constipation try Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many re
markable cures have been effected by
them. Price, 25 cents. Samples free.
For sale by Howell & Jones.
HOUSE AND LOT has fruit trees,
chicken house, etc., located on Sixth
Iitirgo Size, fit) cent at Druggist or by Btreet. Must bo sold at onco. Call at
muil Triul Sizfl, 10 cent by mail. Dnnlel Williams, 416V Seventh street
CLY BROTHERS, 50 Warren St., Nw York, Slll(1 on oasy torm8 mt
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1 67 J
A beautiful bay, 16 hands high
weighs 1545 pounds, splendid conch
action, that was admired so much at
tho Lewis and Clark Show, where he
stood third in a class of Coach stal
lions that could not bo benten on
either continent. Pflel won first prize
and championship at the Oregon Stato
Fair In 1U03-4, and ia considered by
good Judges to bo tho highest class
conch stallion In tho stato, Ills colts
nre uniformly good, and out of trot
ting bred mures they look like pure
bred coachera. Will make the soiiHon
of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hub-bard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay's;
Thursday, Frliluy and Saturday at Oo-rgon City. Terms $20 to Insure with
foul, J. N. McKAY, Owner, ...
J. D.Rnlney, Keopor. R. P. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, (or tho County of Clacka
mas. Iva Heaver, rialntiff,
Theodore J. Beaver, Defendant.
To Theodore J. Beaver, Defendant.
In tho name of the State of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed against
you In tho above entitled suit on or
before the last day of the time pre
scribed in tho order for the publica
tion of this summons, to-wlt: on or
before the 1st day of July, 1907, said
date being tho expiration of six (G)
weeks from the first publication of
this summons; and If you fall so to
appear and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in the com
plaint ,to-wit, for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony and maningo
contract existing between plaintiff and
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judgo of the
above named court, which order was
made and entered on the 8th day of
May, 1907.
seph O. Arnold, her husband, Charles
C. Garrett and Blanche Garrett, his
wife, Ella Stanton and Clark Stanton,
her husband, May Leonard and Joseph
Leonard, her husband, Arthur V. Gar
rett, John G. Garrett, Irvlpg S. Gar
rett, James D. Garrett, Alta Garrett,
Clyde C. Garrett ond Vivian Garrett,
the heirs at law of John D. Garrett
and Eunice Garrett, his wife, deceas
ed, Defendants. ;
Iu tho name of the State of.Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entered suit
on or before the 22d day of June, 19.07,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons and if you fail to so
appear and answer, for want thereof,
tho plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in plaintiff's
complaint, to-wlt: To correct an er
ror In the description of a certain
deed executed on or about the 14th
day of February, 1S57, by John D.
Garrett and Eunice Garrett, his wife,
to Thomas J. Chase, which deed was
recorded on the 16th day of February
1S57, on page 434 Book B, record of
deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon,
and a certain deed executed on or
about the 5th day of April, 1S64, by
M. M. Owen, administrator of the es
tate of Thomas J. Chase, deceased,
which deed was recorded on the 11th
day of April, 1864, at page 594, Book
D, record of deeds for Clackamas
Executor' Sale of Real Property.
In the matter of the Estate
Mary A. Heulat Bradley, Deceased.
Pursuant to an order duly made and
entered in the County Court of the
State olf Oregon, for tha County of
Clackamas, in the above entitled es
tate, I will, on and after Saturday, the
15th day of June, 1907, proceed to sell
at private sale the real property be
longing to the said estate described
as follows, to-wlt: All of Lots One
(1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), and
Six (6) of Block No. Six (6) of Pleas
ant Place Addition to Oregon City In
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
according to the duly recorded plat
thereof. Terms of sale cash, and sub
ject to confirmation by the said court.
Executor of the Estate of Mary A.
Heulat Bradley, Deceased.
First publication May 17, 1907. 2315
Hay and Grain.
Hay Timothy. $18; oats, $12.00;
clover $S per ton; cheat mixed, $12.
Grain Oats, gray, $27; white, $29;
per ton; wheat 80c per bu.; rolled bar
ley $25.50 per ton; bran $18; shorts
$19; chops $17; middlings $26; corn
whole $28; cracked corn $29.
Flour Hard wheat $4.65 $5.05 per
bbl.; valley $4.05; Olympic Pancake
flour, $3.75.
Dressed Meats.
Beef, dressed, cows, 4 1-2 6 cents;
steers 67c; hogs 88 1-2; mutton 8
9c; veal 7 l-2c.
Live Stock and Provisions.
Steers $4.50 $4.75 per 100; heifers
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas county.
Caroline Griffith Jones, Plaintiff,
Frederick N. Jones, Defendant
To Frederick N. Jones, Defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon
ou are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
Court and cause, on or before Tues
day, the 16th day of July, 1907, that
beiug the date fixed for such appear
ance or answer by the Court in the
order for the publication of this sum
mons, and if you fall so to appear
or answer, plaint if will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, to-wit: For a decree dis
solving the marriage contract now ex
Isting between plaintiff and defend
ant, and that she have the care and
County, Oregon, and to quiet tlUe i cuatotly of Frederick Tyler Jones,
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable Thomas A. Mc
Brlde, Judge of the above entitled
court, which order was made and en
tered on the 3rd day of May, 1907.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, May 10th,
1907. 22-t7
Notice of Street Improvement.
Notice is hereby given that that pop
tlon of Ninth Street of Oregon City,
Oregon, lying between the East line
:.2-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. 0f Water Street and a point on said First insertion, May 24
716 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. I Ninth Street 150 feet west of the1 Last insertion,' July 5( :
her minor child, and the right to re
take her former name of Caroline
Griffith, and that defendant be de
creed to pay some suitable sum
monthly towards the support and
maintenance of said minor child, and
for such other and further relief as
to the Court may seem meet and
This summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise not less than
once a week for six consecutive
weeks prior to said 16th day of July,
1907. by order of the Hon. Thomas
A. McBrlde, judge of said Court, made
and entered on the 20th day of May,
A. D. 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
$3.50 $4.00; cows $3.25 $3.75;
hogs $6.75 $7.00; spring lambs
$6.00; sheep, best wool $6.00; sheared
$5.00; bacon 17 22c; hams 17
Produce and Poultry.
Butter Ranch 30c 35c per roll;
ery 40c per roll.
Eggs 18c per dozen.
Hens 12c; roosters, old 910c;
young 11c; chickens mixed, 11c.
Fruit and Vegetables.
Strawberries 15c per box; potatoes
$150 to $1.75 per ewt; turnips, carrots,
ruttabegas, parsnips, beets, 75c per
sack. Wine plant 4c lb; spinach 5c
per pound; green onions 40c per doz.
bunches; rhubarb, 3c per lb; goose
berries, Cc per quart.
Flour, Hay, Grain.
Flour Valley $4.45 per bbl; Oregon
hard wheat, $4.65 per bbl.
Wheat No. 1, 90c per bushel.
Corn $1.40 per cwt.
Shorts 95c per sack.
Barley $1.30 per sack.
Oats In sacks, $1.45 per cwt.
Hay Timothy $14; clover $10; oat
$12; and cheat, mixed, $10 per ton.
Produce, Poultry, Provisions.
Butter Ranch 40c per roll; cream
ery, 50c per roll.
Eggs 20c per dozen.
Honey 15c per lb.
Dressed chickens 16c per lb.
Bacon, 20c; hams, 18c.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Potatoes 2.20 per sack.
Cabbage 3 l-2c.
Ruttabagas, carrots, turnips, par
snips, beets, lc per lb.
A Significant Prayer.
"May the Lord help you to make
Bucklen'3 Arnica Salve known to all,"
writes J. Q. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill,
N. C, It quickly took the pain out of
a felon for me and cured it in a won
derfully short time.'1 Best on earth
for sores, burns and wounds. 25c at
Howell & Jones drug store.