Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 31, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post
office as second class matter.
H. A. Galloway. .Editor and Manager
Subscription Rates:
One Year $1.50
Six Months 75
Trial subscription, two months.. .25
Subscrihera will find tha data nf at.
piratlon stamped on their papers fol-1
lowing their name. If last payment is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Mrs. William McKlnley, wife of the
late President McKlnley, died at her
Canton, Ohio, home, Sunday after
noon. Death came peacefully, the
shadow of the death angel passing
over her while she lay asleep. Fun
eral will be held from her late, home
Wednesday afternoon.
A Washington correspondent says:
"The report that Secretary Cortelyou
is a secret enemy of Secretary Taft'8
presidential aspirations is wide of the
mark. The secretary of the treasury
is entirely too shrewd a man for that
and while it is probable that he has
ultimate hopes l the Presidency, he
does not even think of the nomina
tion at the coming convention. He
la a close friend of President Roose
velt and such a thing as undermin
ing Judge Taft would be treachery to
his chief. Secretary Cortelyou is a
young man and has time ahead of
him for Presidential aspirations."
Men desirous of belittling the
president for some private reason
known to themselves are advising
him to have hi3 third term declina
tion phonographed. ' These men are
hut the enemies the people love him
for making. While the President's
third term declination seems genuine ;
still there is no reason to think that
Theodore Roosevelt will refuse to
further serve his country, if called,
simply to please disgruntled politic
ians Waive technical defects in those ref
erendum petitions, Mr. Attorney Gen
eral. The legal percentage of voters
have asked for a vote on the question
and it would be chicanery to refuse
it because the name of the bill and
not the act was used in the petition
heading. Everybody knows the par
ticular act of the legislature that is
What's In a name. The new heir
to the Spanish throne is named Alfon
so Plo Christino Eduardo Francisco
Fernando Antonio Venancio. There
are enough goose eggs in that name
to supply a baseball score board in
Portland with cyphers for the home
team for a whole series.
The Portland press has no right to
call Oregon City a country town from
this on. At last accounts the post
office lawn in that city was being
used as a public cow pasture, with
Uncle Sam's officials trying to re
possess themselves of the premises.
H. C. Frick, the coke-! king million
aire, denies the story that he Is to
give Pittsburg five millions for an
academy of fine arts. Well, any one
who knew Mr. Frick intimately would
want a confirmation of the story be
fore he believed It.
Judging from the strenuous life in
and about the New ZIon establish
ment at Chicago there can be little
religion in the Dowie association that
Is striving to bring about a revolution
in the mode of living in this genera
tion. There's peace everywhere except in
Honduras, Boise,
Id., and the usual ,
political squabble in Ohio
And any
of those three wars is about as seri-
ous as the others.
Heney is reaching those "higher up"
In San Francisco. Why not? Is the
bribe-taker any worse than the bribe
giver? A union high school may readily
grow into a county high school.
Mica Axle Grease
Eest lubricant for sxles in the
world long wearing and very ad
hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a
litht one. Saves half the wear on
wagon and team, and increases the
earning capacity of your outfit.
Ask your dealer for Jika Axle
When the
Hair Falls
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
ment ! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any
thing else. It's nature's way.
Ths best kind ot a testimonial
' Sold tor over sixty years."
Mtxlt ty J. c. Aytr Co.. l.owil, Km
Estacada Brick and Tile Co. to the
Land Company of Oregon, beginning
in center of Shafford ave. Estacada,
9.70 acres. $t.
A. Dull to Louis Servas, lots 7 and
19 feet off e side "of lot S in blk 4,
West Gladstone. $1000.
Emma Schaber to Anna Schroeder,
beginning 15.7S chs e of qr sec cor
on s line of sec 20, 2s-le, 2 acres. $1.
Julia Maxwell to Louisa E. Hamil
ton, part of Hector Campbell die, sec
29, ls-2e, 2 acres. $1.
George Boschlin to A. A. Yerex, ne
of ne of sec 14, 2s-4e (timber not in
cluded). $130.
E. M. Howell to D. Catto, part of
Ezra Fischer die, 2s-2e. $150.
E. P. Berdine and Ida E. Berdine
to Homer Fisher, all of tract 47 of
Willamette that lies s and w of coun
ty road. $275.
Peter Wilhelm to H. E. McHenry,
nw of sec 26, ls-5e. $1700.
E. J. Swank to Proctor & Beers,
right of way on e side of w line of ne
of se of sec 27, ls-4e. $25.
D. D. Jack, administrator, to Proc
tor & Beers, se of se of sec 27, ls-4e,
40 acres. $1000.
Proctor & Beers to Eugene Da
mours, se of se of sec 27, ls-4e, 40
acres. $1032.50.
W. A. Proctor to Frank Beers, sw
and sw of nw of sec 33, and e half of
se of sec 33 and e half of ne of sw of
sec 35 and part of nw of ne of sec 35
and part of nw of ne of sec 35, ls-4e.
Frank Beers to W. A. Proctor, se
andse of ne of sec 34; nw of sw and
w half of ne of sw and w half of sw
of sw of sec 35; and s half of nw of
sec 2G, ls-4e. $1.
S. W. Scoville to Robert Fassell,
begining in center of Woodview coun
ty road 16.29 chs e of w line of sec
27, ls-4e. $3000.
Thomas H. Moore to William Welst,
s half of ne and n half of se of sec
20, 4s-5e, 160 acres. $4750.
Charles M. Cole to William Weist,
half interest in e half of nw and lots
1 and 2 of sec 31, 4s-5e; also lot 2 and
ne of sw and e half of nw of sec 30,
4s-5e. $1
Martin McXulty to William Welst,
half interest in lots 1 and 2 and e
half of nw of sec 31, 4s-6e; also lot 2,
ne of sw and e half of nw of sec 36,
j4s-5e, 326.58 acres. $1
T. J. Kirk and S. C. Kirk to Charles
jD. Kirk, s half of sw of sec 3, 4s-3e,
180 acres. $1500.
Joseph A. Law to E. L. Thorp, lots
1 2 ,and 3, blk 5 of Falls View add to
Oregon City. $300.
W. H. Fitzpatrick to G. W. Kenny,
sw of ne and se of nw of sec 30. ls-4e.
'so acres. $3500
Geo. W. Kennov in Harrv A r.ixt
jSw of ne of sec 30, ls-4e. $1600.
George W. Kennev to Ed II. Cm-
sler sw of nw of 8ec 30 1Me 2m
Caleb E Cross et al to W. A. Cross,
lots 13 and 14, blk 98, Gladstone. $324.
John C. Mueller to G. H. Jones, lots
3 and 4, tract 71, and 1, 2, 3 and 4 of
tract 78, 1st suVliv of part of Oak
Grove. $4000.
H. S. Howard, S. M. and Minnesota
Thresher Co. to Roscoe II. Branson,
j beginnlg 8.25 chs s of cor to sec 9, 10,
15 and 16, ls-le, 4 acres. $125,000.
J R. H. Branson to Northwest Thresh
! er Co., beginning 8.25 cha s of cor to
sees 9, 10, 15 and 16, ls-le, 4 acres. $1.
j N. W. Thresher Co. to Sarah E.
Blazer, beginning 8.25 chs s of cor to
sees 9, 10, 15 and 16, ls-le 4 acres. $1.
E. A. Smith to John W. Loder, lots
15 and 16, blk 29, Gladstone. 200.
M. O. Moore to W. F. Schooley, blk
1, West Gladstone (blks 1 to 8 inclu
sive.) $1.
Chas. S. Chase to The Sandy Land
Company, se of nw, sw of nw, sec 13,
2s-4e and all of nw off sw of sec 13
lying n of Portland and Sandy road.
Charles S. Chase, guardian, to the
Sandy Land Company, se of nw; sw
of nw of sec 13 and all of nw of sw
of sw of sec 13, 2s-4e, lying north of
Portland nnd Sandy road. $4S0,
W. F. Schooley to C. W, Punish,
lots 3. 4, 16 and 17 of blk 1, in West
Gladstone. $1.
Charles S. Chaso to Now ton Oir,
beginning 519 chs 20 Iks a of cor of
sec 13. 2a-4e. $250.
Charles S. Chaso, guardian, to New
ton Oir, beginning 51 feet w of center
of sec 13, 2s-.4e. $20.
United States to Elizabeth Mark
ham, part of lot 5, blk 11, Oregon City,
lit! ft 6 in front on Main street and 5
feet deep along alley.
Julius Hhihm to Nicholas Llcht, nw
of se of sec 35, Is , 40 acres. $1500.
Margaret O. Moore to Win, M. May
hew, lots 15 to 20 Incl. blk 6, West
Gladstone. $1.
Oliver Uobblns to Fred Schafer,
timber on that part of Charles
SwcIrIo die between Molalla river
and county road fs-2o, $S00.
j Oregon Water Power Townslte Co.
,to Western Banking Co. former's
property In Clackamas county. $3000''.
J Jacob Krnston to William A. Chni
man. beginning at ne cor of ne of se
of sec 2S. Sale, 20 acres. $70.
j Gabriel Norris to Portland Ry..
( Light A Power Co., part of Thos. II.
.Forrester die, 2s-3o. 43 acres. $1.
j Austin C. Mllllron to Robert T. Lin-
.ney, wi of ne of sec 24, 2s 5e, SO
'acres. $500.
Elizabeth Adklns to J. D. and Iltil-
' .1 T-... .... L. i . . tf
nun r rviicu, iiegmiiing hi ne cor m
Harrison Wright die, 4s-2e, 4.72 acres.
Mrs. B. F. Hannlgan to J. D. Baker,
lot 7, blk 101, Oregon City. $1100.
II. C. Stevens to Gladstone Real Es
tate Association, lots 1, 2 and 15, blk
5, Gladstone. $1.
Amy Athey et al to Paul Schroeder,
beginning 20.61 chs n of qr sec cor
on s line of sec 20, 2s le, 20 acres. $1
Amy Athey to Eltnes Athey, begin
ing at qr sec cor on s line of sec
20, 2s-le, 20 acres. $1.
Amy Athey to Alice Athey, begin
ning 13.31 chs n of n sec cor on s line
of 20, 2s-le, 20 acres. $1.
Amy Athey to Laura Athey, begin
ning on s line of sec 20, 2s-le, 20 acres.
Amy Athey to Emma Schaber, be
ginning 15.7S chs e of qr sec cor on
s line of sec 20, 2s-le, 20 acres. $1.
P. K. Peterson to A. V. Folsom,
beginning In center of Nagle Road,
sec 21. 2s-le, 40 acres. $S40.
W. A. Garner to Clarence and Net
tle Isham, beginning at ne cor of J.
D. Garrett die sees 31 and 32, ls-le
5.96 acres. $S94.
A. J. and Carrie Marrs to Ednetta
Chase Di'.lman," beginning on s line
M. M. McCarver die, 3s-2e. 4 acres.
Also beginning 39.67 chs s of ne cor
of M. McCarver die, 3s-2e, 10 acres.
Superintendent Zinser, speaking of
the proposed union high school said
that the plan was to support one good
high school rather than six, each per
haps lacking in efficiency. As a fur
ther Incentive to the union school
comes the lesspr cost to the taxpay
ers. It is his opinion that patrons
with children ready for a high school
would profit through a union effort
If it can be carried to successful con
clusion STRAYED.
Strayed, from the residence of A.
Thomas at Beaver Creek, one Indian
saddle pony, light sorrel, with bald
face, three white feet; branded E on
shoulder and Jowl; weight about 850
pounds. Finder please notify A. Thom
as, Oregon City, R. D. 3; telephone
Mutual Home 2, Beaver Creek.
Property Is "on the move" In Glad
stone. W. F. Schooley reports the
transfer of 38 lots in the suburb
through his agency during the last 10
days. Themajorlty of them were sold
to Messrs. Rockwell, Parish and Ry
an. Mr. Schooley has bought the build
ing, 600 Main street, of Mr Mayhew of
Canon City, Colo., giving in exchange
four Gladstone lots. Besides Mr.
Schooley'u real estate agency the
building is occupied by the Postal Tel
egraph office.
Sore Nipples.
Any mother who has had experineco
with this distressing ailment will be
pleased to know that a cure mav l.o
effected by applying Chamberlain's
Salve as soon as the child is done
nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth
before allowing the babe to nurse.
Many trained nurses use this salve
with best results. For sale by How
ell & Jones.
The estate of Joseph Fibrig has
been admitted to probate and Sophia
Peterson appointed executrix The es
timated valuation of the estate is $750.
U'Ren & Sehuebel are the attorneys.
A black mare owned by Grant CrlUer of New Era and
hitched to a light whroii dashed out of ltallroad avenue
back of the depot and down Seventh Mtrcct to the Block
conrer at 3: 30 Friday afternoon. It plunged Into the plato
glasH of the Block store, breaking (wo large ones on th
Seventh street Hide The animal broke Ita leg and cut It
self fearfully on the glass It reared out of the window and
plunged across the walk to Main street wh 'ie It lay until
mercifully knocked on the head with ail axe. The horse
was a fine one and presented n horrible night, viewed by
hundreds The wagon was demolished.
The Pacific States Telephone com
pany's lines In Gladstone, which con
nect with the central office in this
city were cut over last night to the
new central energy system. Instead
of being ten party lines us heretofore,
the lilies are now of the four party
type. This puts the telephone service
of Gladstone on an equal footing with
that of Oregon City.
Charles Van Orden of Portland Is at
present engaged in building a fanners'
line from near that city to Oregon
City. This line w ill be connected with
the Pacific Telephone company's of
Ciinton C. Daniels, Grants Pass,
railway tWs; Charles F. Doughtoti,
Lebanon, musical Instruments; Wil
liam Hall. Marlon, luck for milk can;
Raymond A. Lnckiuann. Portland;
mercury or quicksilver still; William
A. Miller, Wapinltla. .Saw; William
C. Myertt Springfield, fruit clipper;
Frederick W. Orlh, Portland, meal
chopping machine; George Sawn, Jr.,
Sherwood, fruit gatherer.
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera
Diarrhoea Remedy.
There Is probably no medicine made
that Is relied upon with more Implicit
confidence than Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur
ing the third of a century In which It
has been In use, people have leurned
that It Is the one remedy that never
falls. When reduced with water and
sweetened It Is pleasant to take. For
ale by Howell & Jones,
The Oregon Development League's
next convention Is to be held in port
land, June 21 and 22. There will be a
meeting of the presidents and secre
taries of the seventy commercial
and industrial bodies composing the
League on the evening of the 2mh.
Portland to show her appreciation
has organized a rose show and fiesta
during the session of the convention,
and It promises to be one of the best
attractions yet given in the state.
The Co-operative Improvement club
of Twilight held an extra meeting on
Thursday afternoon, having more sew
ing on hand than they could get over
at the regular Wednesday meeting.
Mrs. McArthur of New Kra, who Is
visiting Mrs. David Martin was a
guest of the club. The entertainment
arrangements are progressing rapidly.
John Telford has accepted a posi
tion with the Portland Railway, Light
& Power company In this city.
The Connecting
Links In The
Chain of Health
Hl6M CPA"'
r Folder's Golden Gate
Coffee Tea fl
Spices Extracts y
BahinrJ Powder j
ir.. 1 Sold on Merit fiSEsE
I JAFolf3er
The Methodist church, which owns
the building occupied by W. L. Block,
will be out over I2U0 by the runaway
of Grant Crlter's horse, Friday,
Threw big plain glass windows that
(cost $0S each put In, wein smashed.
IThe horsw was tied to a punt tm (ith
st reel when It frightened at the cam,
broke the strap, and ran around th-
block by way of Railroad avenue, Tin'
! horse being tied relieves Its owner
I from responsibility for damage
j Mr. Ciltcr's loss Is plenty heavy,
jllu was offered $Ju0 for Hut home by
jlr. Strickland a few days ago, and
;thc only reason the offer was not
j raised to $j:,0 was that CrliUer didn't
'care to self It. The wagon Is a total
I loss also. Mr. Block lost about $2.1
worth of goods, n wishing machine
being mashed and good In (he win
duw damaged. Altogether that runa
way means a total loss of dose to
Increased difficulty Is being ,xp,i
lelleed III obtaining hoist s mid mules
for l ho Army. Hid which have Jut
bei-n opened show thai prices gener
ally have Increased, The quartermas
ter's Department says that Army
mules are bought practically by the
Baptist Church Extend Call to Chi
cago Minister.
The choosing of a pastor of the Hup
tint church hits nol been definitely set
tled as yet, but the pulpit committee,
consisting of 15 memliers of the con
jgregailon, have voted and a call ban
been extended to Kev. John M. Linden,
pastor of the Washington Park Hap
list church of Chicago. Reverend
Linden has been warmly recommended
by several members of the local con
gregation In this city as well as sev
eral former member who are at pres.
ent In Chicago and who have heard
him preach. They all express them
selves as highly delighted with his
sermons. Though an able minister,
Rev. Linden is a young man. He is a
graduate of Denlson college of Gran
ville, Ohio, and of the Divinity School
of Chicago University. 8o far the pul
pit committee has received no reply
to this Invitation, hut It Is the general
opinion that the Chicago minister will
accept. The committee will bold
another meeting tomorrow morning at
ten o'clock In the church to make a
j further consideration of the matter.
The estate of the late Mathew
Athey, consisting of 100 acres of laud
incar Kdgwood. bus t,,.,.n iiui,u.,i
among the live children: Mrs. Paul
Schroeder, Mrs. Kmma Schaber, Alice
Athey, Ultuos Athey and Laura Athey,
each receiving 20 acres.
Electric Theater
Armory Building.
Tonight wo show
and "Transformation Scenes"
and (ho Illustrated song
New Program again Monday,
Admission, KictH, Open every even
lug 7 to 10: HO. 'Special liiiillnco Bat
unlay nnd Sunday 2:30 to ;30 p. in.
Knupp & Nobel
New line of Imported and do
mcstic Cigars just received
All Kindt of Smokart' Good.
Pacific 2692
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
417 Main St. - Oregon City
Clothe Washed "Whiter Than
Bnow." Family WashluK at
Reasonable Rata--No worry,
no regret If you phone 1 204.
Our wagon will call.
8ucceor to Cha. Albright.
Up-to-date ButcherShop
Cor. Fifth and Main 6tt.
Pleasure Boats
0. C. T. DOCK
Iloat by the hour or day
Wind Mills, Pump and Hydrau
lic Ram a Specialty.
Phono 2C82.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Phone 221 Office P. O. Did. Main 8L
Pioneer Transfer
And Express
E. P. GRISEZ, Prop.
Successor to C. N. GREI5NMAN
Sand and Qravel
Oregon City, Oregon.
Plumbing & Idling
Hot Air Furnaces, Hop Pipes. Pumpi,
Spray Pumpi, Water Pipes.
Spraying Materials.
All Kind of Jobbing a Specialty
Eatlmatoa G'ven on All Clasnei
of Work.
Rob. Phone 1514 8hop 1516
914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or
Everything flratclaHg. Horaoa Hoard
ed by the day, week or month.
Farmers' Feed Barn
Geo. W. Bradley, Prop.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Fine
Horses. New Riga, single or double,
furnlHhod with or without drivers.
Prices Reasonable, Prompt Attention
Maln 8t- Oregon City, Ore.