Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 31, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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H2 iti'KiouH lit Hid nhnde, Sunday,
Muck Italy In recovering from lilx
nkk Hpill.
WlllluH llrynn In tip mid out again.
Dudley C, lloyle hint nil oMrntlon
for upttlt'lt 1m In Portland, Sunday,
J, V. Hiiilcs In expected homo (IiIm
Supervisor II. N. Eveihurt U devel
oping a couiily gravel pit on tint north
west corner of Alex H in t( Ii'm farm.
Mutual Telephone lino No. 4 linn In
niiillixl tlm latent. "I'unIi the button"
mid you get your party. Nine-tenth
of the tinlse I cut out.
Uxik out for another assessment In
tin' mouth Clackamas county bounty
club In June,
Mr. Nelson of Marhfleld U here
Ki ttlnx bin house la readiness for bin
family, who are romliiK to Dover to
l'int the summer.
JoM'ph IX'Hhaer' home klckcfl
Mm In tlm breast Saturday night, mm
be wa uiibltcbliiK from tint rond
craper. H la able to b around and
In lucky that he wan not hurt worn.
Mr. J. L. Robertson marketed her
flint Installment of chicken, Monduy.
Stm runa an Incubator.
Ml Grace Wolf and Ml Monl
win spent tbe day Sunday with Mr.
I learnt of Flrwood.
rtchol cloned last Friday. The la-
tllea of IXjver gave the teacher quite
a surprise by appcarliiK a they did
Jut befort' kcIiooI cloned at noon, with
well filled banket. Talk wereoatole
well fllled basket. Tablea were aprend
In the school yard and all enjoyed a
K'od dinner, after which all listened
to an excellent program. At the clone
r the exerclnea C. A. Keith In behalf
of the puplln, prenented Mr. Kinmel
with a fountain pen. The achoul ha
been very aatlnfactory to all this
term and It wa the regret of ull that
Mr. Kmmel had to leave this commu
nity. Webster llobert and Helen
Ivlth were neither abneut nor tardy
uue durliiK the eight miinthn. Mr.
Kminel left Saturday morning f"r hi
home In Washington county.
Grading on the Ilrannoii bill I
nlxiut completed. Hear Creek bill
coinen next.
The whlntle of a nawmlll In a com
limn thing here except when a mill
Mow the whlntle continually for mi
hour at midnight. Such waa the cane
Friday night at Jonnrud'n mill and
when the neighbor rushed In to nee
If It wa on fire the engineer thought
It time to atop the whlntle, which
Hume one had tied to the roof
Friend here were norry to bear of
the untimely ibath of Mm. Clarence
Steven of I'leannnt Home on Satur
day, The new spread that Mra. Sin
clair and Arthur Mason were married
last Sunday, no the hoy nereuaded
them early In the week.
Alfred Rich nold moat of hla home
and ha gone on bin way.
Mark I'agh, Joel Jarl. Henry Kii
itnd IV N'elnon all purchased hornea
from A. Itleh.
Vljle at work for the Jarl & Pagh
uil'.l Monday, Arthur Mason cut a
large ganh In hi foot with an axe,
which will lay him off for Home time.
Minn Dottle Sinclair and a young
man from Portland were married here
thin week. They will muko their
borne In Portland.
Mr. Gantenblne of Falrvlew waa In
this vicinity buying dairy cow last
week. Willie Rosholm aold him thir
teen bend and Joel Jail five.
Even In Stafford there lives a few
natural born pessimist who d a re
member that It ever mined, and feel
Mire thn whole place will dry up and
blow away. Hut we Just heard a
man say that not for years bad his
stock looked better, or had his feed
In tho woods been ns good.
Henry Toeiletemeir, who recently
bought n anwltig machine and has
been malted with order for stove
wood, wan sawing at John DeNem'a
nud oiled the machine while in mo
tion and got Hie Index finger of his
left hand In the cogs, taking It oft
below tho first joint. DoNul rushed
hint off to Dr. Mount who dressed It
for him. His brut her Louie took his
place at tbe machine.
J. 0. Gage, who went on a trip for
his health to Coos Hay, returned Mon
day on bis way to his home In St.
Helens. Ho went down oil tho Keil
burn and enmo back by lund by ensy
nlnges, slopping off at various places.
Mrs. Powoll and Mr. Maya were ob
liged to consult a physician for some
iiffectlon of the lungs.
Mrs. Welseiiborn was In town a
few days on business.
Rond work Is tho order of the day.
F. Gerber, road boss, has a force of
ten teams hauling grovel on tho nmln
vorul ,
The school picnic given by the low-
Vr Logan school, Saturday on tho bunk
of the Clackamas Hi Klrchem'N, wo
of the "made to order", und the crowd
waa a Jolly omi. (lumen, swinging,
boat-rldliiK, iiiiimIc; mid a abort pro
gram by the achnol, followed by din
ner nerved In the grove, were the mont
Interesting feature. This picnic
Kroiind I not marked on the map per
liupa and we do not think Columbus
ever dlncovered It, but all who attend
ed aabt It waa an Ideal picnic ground.
Mr. Anna I'artch wan called to
Boring Friday nlKht to her broth
er'a child, who wun taken auddenly III
with cerebro apluul meneugltl. The
family la under quarantine. Heporta
current aay the girl baa been uncon-
clmm three daya .
if "country folk" would get wise
they will Ignore the big Fourth of
July celebration In Home cltlea, Port
land trlea to keep down tbe truth
about the death rote from aplnal men
engltla, and trying to boom t celebra
tion for July 4th. Health officer
ouKht to prohibit anything of the aort
when auch dUcunc are prevalent.
MlHa Margaret nubhoff leave aoou
to lUt"lid the busliu' CoIIckm 111 Pott
land, Mr. Moser ha been vUltlug the
pUHt week In Portland.
Mlna Klta Fallert and Mia Mary
Swale made a short vlnlt home Sun
day. 8. K. Gerber entertained a number
of friend at dinner Bunday. He
leave aoon for Nome, Alaska.
The saive that acta like a poultlct
la Pine Salve Carbollzed. No other
salve an gotd for cut, burn, boll
and chapped akin. Aak about It.
Price 25 ct. gold by Huntley Bros.
W. n. Ilrown of U'baiion vlnlted
with W. II Mattoon'a, Saturday.
Charlea Hlclnboihem apent Hunday
at Jamea Kelver'.
'Mr, HarUell made a trip to Port-
hind lunt week.
J. P. Galeener nold hi fine year old
mule to an Oregon City man taxi Sat
urdny. Jame Selver bought a threshing
machine a few day ago.
lren Tenney, Jr., In making a lot
of new fence on hi farm between
here and Estacnda.
I-oren Tenney. Sr., ha nold aeverul
head of line milk cowa.
Mr. W. I). Ilrown, who ha been
visiting her mother, Mm. W. H. Ma
toon, returned to Ieban.'n, Monday.
C. C. Milter, who ha been employ
ed by a nawmlll company, In Marlon
county, I home for a abort time.
iMr. Jiib!) I painting Ed Miller's
Mr. Ward In preparing to go Into
the poultry htmliicxH on a large ncale.
C. C. Miller U having a fine new
woodshed built.
Home of ourpeople are planning to
attend the dedication aervlcea at the
M. E. church at Kstaeada next Sun
day. ,
Thirty daya treatment for kidney
and bladder trouble aand rheumatlnm
for 11.00. Your money refunded If
not satisfied. Plneulee contain no al
cohol. Do not derange the stomach.
Easy to take. Sold by Huntley Broa.
Memorial day! lleautlful was tho
Idea that gave life to the custom we
follow today and dear has lt,,become
to those who are heavy-laden. Scat
ter bright (lower upon the mossy
graves, the old aud the newly made.
Remember the brave who In the
time of the nation' struggle for ex
istence gave up their live that those
who came after them might breathe
the air of freedom. Remember the
grave of those they fought as an
emblem of forgiveness and a tribute
to the gallant hearts that throbbed
and tho strong arm that were up
lifted In another cause. Drop wreath
uiMin the dust that hides their ashes.
l-ct Memorial Day be a day of ten
derness hallowed In the sanctity of
unselfish love blest In the purest
emotions of the human heart, conse
crated to the most enobling expres
sion of sympathy.
One year has swept by; bow brief
doe It seem.
I.Ike tho scenes of a drnnin, the
hour of a dream.
Hubble-llUe It has gone 'mid the
stream's hollow roar,
To break on tbe rocks of Eternity 'b
Many new graves In the green sward
are made,
The roll call Is lengthened, the sum
mons obeyed,
llrave old boys puss in silence down
the lino
And place on the marblo the emblem
The dear old heroes may we ever hold
A tender regard and their last mo
ments cheer.
For in enrnp, Held and fortress they
never forgot v
The loved ones nt home while nobly
they fought.
M. B.
Gently moves the twweis and at the
some time stops the cough. Bee's
Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains
Honey and Tar. No opiates. Best for
CoughB, coliN, croup and whooping
cough. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Children like It. Mothers Indorse it.
Sold by Huntley Broe.
Mrs. Ora Hughs of Portland Is vis
iting her parents for a few days.
Ada Brock who was visiting In Port
land for a couple of weeks, Is home.
Tom Allen wns. quite pleasantly
Saturday evening when a number of
his young friends cime to spend the
evening with him. The occasion was
his eleventh birthday. After playing
games, refrenhmenta were aerveci,
after which the guest went borne,
wishing him niuny more audi happy
K. N. Brock In working on the
Sprlngwiitor telephone line.
J lilt lie Uankell left Saturday for
Seattle where she will keep houne
for her futher,
(Continued from last week.)
Claud Crosa 17 00
K. K. Parker 17 50
Jamea Hrennam 17 DO
R. Green 17 CO
F. Chlnn 24 00
Guy Fleming 10 00
F. Way 15 00
Cbaa. Thompson 10 00
Homer Harnett 10 00
Wm. Huckner 32 00
A. F. Stokes 120 75
Wm. Fine 10 25
Frank Qulnn 3 00
J. W. Little ' 8 00
John Green 17 50
A. J. Ware 17 CO
J. A. Confer 21 00
C. W Little 10 00
C. W. Crytaell 2 00
A. t Warner 2 00
Mc Telford 7 00
John Stally 8 00
L. Gelger 8 00
C. C. Gibb 4 00
District No. 16
Wllaon L Cooke 2 10
Walter Mead 11 00
Jonah Penman 19 00
M. Stauber 24 00
Tom Penman 24 00
W. G. Randall 40 CO
Dltrlct No. 17
Klllman 1 Klnzel 17 CO
George Kelland 15 7D
A. M. Knight 8 75
A. Klllmer 3
Cbaa. Klnzel 1
J. F. Eckeraon 2
C. At
H. W. Evans
District No. 18 1
F. Hunch
Dlx Bros.
Buffalo Pitts Co.
Pope Sc Co.
A. Hornshuh
C. Muralt
W. Grisenthwalte
A. ThomaB
W. Phelph
J. Shannon
W. Martin
W. GrUenthwalte
A. Horonhuh
V. Uohlander
W. Phelphs
J. Shannon
E. W. Hornshuh
J. Shannon
G. Holman
W. Martla
D. Martin f
H. Fisher
H. Shannon
A. Hugh
Alvin Hornshuh
E. Lundergaln
D. Gulnther
R. Edward
W. Daniel
E. Shatz
C. Jones
F. Stelner
W. Gulnther
D. Gulnther
.G. A. Schuebel
District 19.
Colton & Rosenkrans
J. MjOshberger
Wm Moshberger
78 89
3 50
1 C5
15 37
3C 87
14 37
3C 37
5 37
9 50
7 00
21 CO
24 CO
19 75
22 7
22 75
42 CO
17 50
1C 00
2 00
4 00
2 00
14 00
12 25
2 00
6 00
12 00
9 00
17 60
9 25
2 00
7 00
1 00
5 00
2 00
7 00
11 43
12 25
8 75
5 75
Wm. Wlsemantle
John Helvy
Ernest Sturgls
W. A. Woodslde
District 20
Wilson & Cooke
Clarke's Saw Mill
N. Scrlber
N. Sorlber
J. Wallace
F. Madison
W. Hettman
E. Kirk
P. Schlewe
2 2
1 8
20 00
5 70
101 00
5 25
3 25
3 32
1 75
. 50
W. H. Blttemlller 2 50
J. Putz so
J. C. Beigland 50
J. A. Stromgreen 1 75
B. Sullivan 22 00
Will James 6 88
Claude Wlnslow 7 50
W, II Sturdevsht 4 00
Roy Garrett 3 50
Henry Fischer 9 63
Will Bonney 5 25
Chas. Fischer 4.00
Anson Countryman
Frank Bonney
Frank Bonney
U. S. Dix
Will R Jones
John Putz
P. E, Bonney y
J. C. C. Hall
Frank Wlnslow
District 22.
A. Mather ' 44 80
George Ball 22 00
R. D. Ball ' 20 00
Jack Slaughter 14 00
Gust Johnson 23 00
Ira Boyer 16 00
Charles Llndqulst 22 00
Clay Engle 32 00
George Boyer 14 00
Chun. Genn 13 00
Clove Tonoy 13 00
Albert Engle 37 CO
District 23.
A. J. Zimmerman 7 00
F. M. Luecke 2 00
J. C. Mark 2 00
H. H. DeU . 4 00
W. Flh 10 00
R. W. Zimmerman 7 25
District 24.
Dallas Miller 4 10
J, D. Rltter 1 00
E. B. Miller 3 00
Solon Klnzer 12 00
E. J. Montandon C
Sam MUler 2
Charlea Davl 2
Milt Armstrong 2
Christ Hondrlck 7
Bteve Flher 6
C. Konscbak 1
M. Berkholder 13 10
T. J. Kynlaton 12 00
Grant Yoder C 00
W. L. Moaber 0 00
F. Eymaa 2 00
Edward Mitts C 00
O. Ogle 2 00
L. P. Spagle 50 00
District 25.
Henry Kummer 3 00
Wm. Hummel 5 25
Frank Brusch 9 00
J. Brunch 1 CO
Cbas. Thoma C 00
H. D. Harm 28 C5
District 26.
flobblns Bros. 5 60
Cha. E. Miller 4 00
M. Trulllnger 1 85
E. Scbolzman 8 00
W. W. Everhart 6 00
Rex Stubbe 6 00
Robbing Bros. 5 CO
J. . Cole 2 00
J. Shepherd 9 75
B. Johnson 9 75
L. Shank 18 00
Roy Pelky 7 50
Allae Wells 1 00
H. N. Everhart 30 00
W. P. Kayler 1 00
Carl Ramsby 2 00
P. A. Marquam 1 00
G. W. Bentley 1 00
J. Labour 10 00
No. 2a
Frank Haun 26 00
Francis Haun 16 00
L. B. Trulllnger 8 00
Ben Wade 10 00
Harrison Wilson 14 00
Wm. Miller 5 00
George Wyland 8 00
L. D. Shank ' 40 00
: No. 30
A. Mather 30 95
I. N. Davis 24 00
G. Arnett 24 09
G. C. Tledeman 25 00
F. Davidson 8 00
James Cooke 10 00
: No. 31
Wilson & Cooke 3 70
Z. Elligsen 36 00
J. W. Nushbaum 8 00
A. Delker 21 33
L. J. Barnes 25 50
E. Athey 3 50
Wm. Schatz 4 00
C. Elligsen 4 00
M. Schafer 2 00
J. Sager 2 00
G. Volpp 32 00
G. Settje 20 00
H. Geschwindt . 4 00
: No. 32
W. Wills 6 00
W. More 12 00
J. Baker 1 00
B. Morris 8 00
G. Todd 4 00
W. Todd 7 00
J. Roberts 7 00
W. Dodson 7 50
H. Her 4 00
R. Dewey 38 50
J. S. Barnes 7 00
A. Yobs 3 50
J. Flcken 2 50
W. Obust 50
A. Zin 3 50
J. Bowers 3 60
F. Kruger 1 50
H. Bergman 2 50
H. Baker 6 00
J. Huffman 1 2 00
G. Huffman 7 00
W. Baker 2 00
D. Bristo 1 00
W. Bristo 6 00
P. Heater 21 00
W. Young 50
F. Plnard 4 00
E. Hines 50
F. Klser 50
F. W. St. Clair 7 00
W. Boston 1 00
M. Roberts 50
G. McCully 50
A. Johnson 50
W. C. Heater 37 60
District No. 33
The Cary Hdw, Co. 31 75
G. Wlllcox 4 00
Roy Wlllcox ' 6 00
A. D. Schmidt 6 00
W. II. Handle 4 00
L. F. Roley 41 00
R. A. Wlllcox 8 00
Henry Cromer 30 00
No. 34
Sam Batdorf 72 00
Dick Oldenstadt 64 00
Arthur Bolen CO 00
68 00
64 00
44 00
28 00
42 00
6 00
. 6 00
42 00 '
2 00 l
30 00 j
52 CO
5 05 '
6 75
12 00
15 00
6 CO
15 00
4 60
8 75
3 60
49 00
45 00
10 75
1 CO
' 75
1 75
10 25
4 60
4 CO
13 CO
29 25
7 50
8 65
4 15
3 90
46 63
49 C3
46 63
27 50
28 13
12 00
District No. 39
S. 8. Miller
II. M. Robbin
W. F. Smith
Amos Yoder
W. II. Bremer
Arthur Schneider
Frank Zumsteg
A. P. Schneider
A. 8. Thompson
A. J. Lais
Paul J. Schneider
Carlton It Rosenkrans
M. Jennon
F. M. 8amson
A. Hardest
Olatrlct No. 37
Wilbur Wllmot
C. W. Krue
District No. 38 .
Amlel Tucbolke
August Tucbolke
George W. Thleaaen
James Ghormley
II. Thiessen
District No. 39
F. Busch
Pope It Co.
Story It Thomas
Albert Shanborn
Robert Shanborn
Evan Lewis
Herman Fisher
Virgil May
Frank Jaggar
J. Klabflelsch
Fred Josle
Louis Jaggar
Frank Busch
Pope It Co.
The Western Storage Co.
Williams Bros. . 3
Beall & Co. 86 94
John Lewellen 70 30
T'surer Oregon City 2812 94
Claims Allowed.
T. B. Klllln
I 68 30
Circuit Court
W. H
6 00
M. Robins
Frank Smith
A. Hardesty
Roy Springer
A. W. Albright
Thos. Fish
Ole Mlkkleson
Geo. Lazelle
M. Donahue
W. T. Henderson
W. B. Stafford
John Tracy
V. L. Mack
Joe Lutz
H. S. Gibson
Jay Baker
A. D. Grlbble
Horace Williams
H. N. Everhart
J. R. Cole
M. W. MUler
Fashion Stables
Paul Schneider
Justice of the Peace
W. A. Dlmick
C. E. Burns
6 00
6 00
5 60
5 20
16 40
16 00
20 00
16 60
20 00
20 00
12 20
21 00
16 00
2 00
10 00
5 20
5 60
1 85
2 30
8 85
9 60
T. G. Jonsrud
L. Stlpp
David Caufield
Wm. Swaubauer
p. F. Jones
George Edar
Nick Story
Frank Presuchoff
U Rail
Wm. McLarty
J. C. Bradley
Sam Roake
J. M. Ware
J. W. Aldredge
C. F. Ely
R. B. Beatie
Tax Department
E. S. Buck
Edith Jackson
C. B. Pratt
B. A. Sleight
Mann & Beach
G. L. Hedges
Jessie Paddock
J. C. Paddock
E. P. Carter
W. 11. Shaw
G.F. Horton
T. B. Hayhurst
Current Expense
Telephone Co.
Huntley Bros. Co
W. T. Gardner
Court House Expense
C. G. Miller
Grant J. Thomas
P. Nehren
Wilson & Cooke
16 00
S 00
8 00
4 00
10 00
1 10
69 00
63 00
63 00
75 00
Frank Busch
Owen Parry
Straight & Salisbury
Glass & Prudhomme
R. B. Beatie
A. G. Guyuup
Frank Keckcl
Conrad Schrader
Relndt de nul
Will Bolen
Smith Turner
James Edward
Win. OIen
John Bcholander
Frank Beck
John Kekel
John Turner
Tte Pt esents
to the Bride
were numerous
and beautiful I
Ten to one they came from
a Jewelry Store. For
where else could beauti
ful presents be had?
If you have a friend to
remember a birthday
anniversary or that
jolliest of all occasions
a wedding, here is the
store that stands for all
that you could possibly
imagine in the way of
suitable presents.
Our prices will accom
modate any size pocket
book. And be sure to keep
this in mind this is pre
eminently the store for
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner.
C. Bluhm
R. L. Holman
Geo. Redaway
John Gleason
J. E. Jack
A. G. Guynup
F. A. Miles
Insane Committments
Fashion Stables
W. V. Tel. Co
Dr. M. C. Strickland
J. E. Rhoades
The Tropical Oil Co.
Williams Bros.
Wm. Dutcher
J. A. Olds
R. Alexander
E. D. Olds
Printing and Advertising
Evening Telegram
S. T. Roman
The Star Press
Tax Rebate
H. F. Gibson
Mary Ellen Fri3sell
County Court.
T. B. Klllin
Glass & Prudhomme
5 00
20 00
IS 50
2 50
10 00
6 00
30 00
5 00
1 00
5 00
2 50
40 50
14 92
5 25
5 25
5 25
7 15
2 50
4 25
109 90
76 60
3 00
7 50
42 13
1 27
Letter list for week ending May 31,
1907: Githens, Mrs. Laura; Mays,
Mrs. Lilly; Olston, A. B.; Smith, El
mer; Shant, Milton.
George P. McXear has sold some
valuable holdings In the Damascus
district to D. C. Southworth. The
land Involved In the sale Is described
as the w half of se and se of sw of
sec 2G; ne, e half of nw, n half of s
half of sec 35, ls-3e. This tract con
tained 520 acres and brought a con
sideration of S20.S20. At present
there is a cloud on the title of the
property, owing to a suit between
McXear and George Gulstln,. which Is
pending In the Supreme Court, , and
in case the grantor fails to furnish a
clear title, he will be liable to dam
ages to the extent of $40 per acre.
The school house at Mt. Pleasant Is
receiving a coat of paint and when
finished will present a very creditable
appearance. The building Is being
painted green with red trimmings.
This Improvement reflects very fav
orably on the people of this lively
suburbans $52 of the sum expended
for this purpose was raised by private
subscription, the balance being fur
nished by the school district. When
the painting is finished the district
will also furnish a flag for the building.
Captain J. T. Apperson of Aber
nathy grange. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Freytag and Mrs. J. H. Reld of Mil--
44jwaukle grange, Mrs. William Beard
I of Maple Lane grange, ore attending
00 the state convention at Hood River.