4 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1907. HOME BURNED AT GLADSTONE W. ,F. SCHOOLEY'S RESIDENCE DISCOVERED IN FLAMES ABOUT NOON. The residence of W. F. Schooley In Omlstone was burned to the ground todny together with all the outbuild ings, even the sidewalk in front of the house. All the members of the family were at Mountain View ceme tery at the time the conflagration started, and by the time they reached home it was completly de stroyed. The blaze was discovered a little after It o'clock, and although the neighbors worked heroically to save It, the building burned to the ground. The pump on the property was in the kitchen, and therefore out of use, so it was necessary to carry water from neighboring wells. The fire-fighters had very hard work to save the neighboring build-, ings which were constantly catching thirty-one (31). thirty-two (32) and nn ... thirty-three (33); in Township three " J , Jl3), Range seven (7), Sections four The house was valued at 12000 and (4K five l5) the north haI and 80Uth. carried about $800 insurance. The west quarter of Section six (6). the barn in the neighboring lot belonging :orth half of Section eight (8). and all to a Mr. Bluny was also burned. Noth ing Is definitely known as to its orig-fn; CLARKES. Mrs. Henry Kliensmlth is 111 but she is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman, from Ore gon City, visited Mr. Scherruble and family last week. Fred Bower of Colton has a little son who is very ill. Charley Beck and Lucy Country man went to town Tuesday to get a marriage license. Elmer Lee has started to build his new house. Mr. Carr Is assisting him. MEMBERS OF G. A. R. (Continued from Page 1.) matter how apparently obscure a place they may hold in the world. F. E. McArthur gave a very Interest ing talk to the children of his boy hood days in the war. George A Harding expressed the appreciation of the cordial reception given them, also of the program by the schools. The whistling solo by Harold Swaf ford Is deserving of special mention. He was twice called back to respond to rousing encores. An especially pretty and impressive feature at the Eastham school at 2 p. m. was the manner in which the G. A. R. were greeted on their arrival. The children formed in rank and marching out to the front platform, separated in double column while the veterans marched through. The program by the pupils which was given in a cred liable manner and was enjoyed, was as follows: "Columbia," School Concert Recitation. "The Flag of Washington," by First Grade, Ruth Miller, Evelyn Williams, Lorena Andrews, Alice Holman, and chorus by second grade. Concert Recitation by second grade, "Guard the Flag," Song School Concert Recitation Third Grade Concert Recitation Fourth Grade Quotations by Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth grades. Song, "America." School The same company representing the G. A. R. who had been at the Bar clay in the morning visited the East ham in the afternoon and made talks that were equally entertaining. CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS. G. A. Marts of Molalla visited withjrnittee on Streets and Public Proper- friends in this city, Sunday. For cheap and reliable Insurance, see O. E. Hargreaves, post office bldg., Orojroa City nished upon application to the Re- Icorder of Oregon City. , , . . . .. I Each proposal must be accoinpan- J. W. Thomas and his mother, Mrs. by a c'ertifled check for R gum Thoma3, of Molalla, passed through equal to five per cent of the total es this city on their way to Hood River, jtimate of the work, which sum will where they will attend the state meet-! subject to forfeiture to Oregon , iL . ,, , , I City in case of the failure of the slic ing of the Grange to be held In thatceful l)H(ier hereln to furnlsh the f 't.v- j required bonds and enter Into a writ- jten contract for said work, if called A meeting of a committee of three "Pn so to do, within the time specl- , i, .ni t fied for the same in the time and from all the fire campanles will meet ,, . , . . jiviu ail me w r moiinap npH nation pfivni-lnw cqW ufrror.T Monday evening In Fountain Hall for the purpose of making arrangements for the Firemen's picnic to be held some time in June. Mr. and Mrs. William Rainey were pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening at their home on Taylor street, when a few of their friends went in to spend the evening. The surprise was In honor of their 20th wedding anniver- Bary. The date was Wednesday and no Inkling of the little party had reached the worthy couple. The fact that the surprise was gotten up on short order with few preparations, made it all the more Informal and jolly. Notice of Restoration of Public Lands to Settlement and Entry. Depart ment of the Interior, General Land Office. Washington. D. C. May 11, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the vacant public lauds in the following described areas, temporarily with drawn for proposed additions to the Cascade National Forest, Oregon, on October 20. and December 16. 1905, and January 18, 1906, and not other wise withdrawn, reserved, or appro priated, will by authority of the Sec retary of the Interior be restored to the public domain on July 27. 1907, and become subject to settlement on and after that date, but not to entry, filing or selection until on and after August 26, 1907, under the usual re strictions, at the United States Land Office at Portland. Oregon: In Town ship four (4), Range five (5), Sections four (4) and six (6) in Township two (2), Range six (6), Sections fourteen (14) to twenty-six (26). both inclu sive, the north half of Sections twenty-nine (29). thirty-four (34). thirty- five (35) and thirty-six (361 ; in Town-1 ship two (2), Range seven (7), Sec tions twenty-seven (27). twenty-eight (28), the south half of Section twenty- nine (291, all Sections thirty (30) Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warn ing is hereby expressly given that no person will be permitted to gain or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prior to July 27, 1907, and all such settle ment or occupation is hereby forbid den. R. A. BALLINGER. Commissioner. Approved: THOS. RYAN. Acting Secretary of the Interior. PROPOSALS . FOR . STREET . IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials and improving Madison street of Oregon City. Ore gon, from the North line of Third street to the south line of Fifteith street, will be received by the com mittee on Streets and Public Prop erty of the Council of Oregon City until 4 o'clock p. m. of Friday, June 14th, 1907. Plans and specifications contain ing further information will be fur nished upon application to the Re corder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per cent of the total es timate of the work, which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the suc cessful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a writ ten contract for said work, if called upon so to do, within the time speci fied for the same In the . time and manner ordinance covering said street Improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engi neer. The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the en tire improvement work of said street and which improvement work must be according to the ordinances of Ore gon City and the pan3 and gpecifica. tions governing such work. All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. In care of the Recorder. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City made at a special mewting of said Council held Saturday, May 25th, 1907. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 27th, 1907. E. P. RANDS, F. J. MEYER. D. C. WILLIAMS. Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. PROPOSALS . FOR . STREET . IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials and improving Ninth street of Oregon City, Oregon. from ihe west line of the right of way of the Oregon & California Rail road Company on said Ninth street to the east line of Main street, and from the west line of Main street to a point on said Ninth street 150 feet west of the west line of said Main street, will be received by the Com- ty of the Council of Oregon City un tiil 4 o'clock p. m. of Friday, June I pi and SDecincations contain- ing further information will be fur- improvement Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engi neer. The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the en tire Improvement work of said street and which improvement work mtiHt bo according to the ordinances of Ore gon City, and the plans and specifica- tUms governlng Bucn work i All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. In care of the Recorder. This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City made at a special meeting of said Council held Saturday, May 11th. 1907. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 27th, 1907. E. P. RANDS, F. J. MUYEH. D. C. WILLIAMS. Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. PROPOSALS . FOR . STREET . IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials and Improving Tenth street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the west side of the track of the Oregon & California Railroad Company on said Tenth street to the east line of Main street, and from the west line of Main street to the east line of Water street, will be received by the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City until 4 o'clock p. m. of Friday. June 14th. 1907. Plans and specifications contain ing further information will be fur nished upon application to the Re corder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per cent of the total es timate of the work, which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of the failure of the suc cessful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a writ ten contract for said work, if called upon so to do. within the time speci fied for the same In the time and manner ordinance covering said street Improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engi neer. The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to. Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the en tire Improvement work of said street and which improvement work must be according to the ordinances of Ore gon City, and the plans and specifica tions governing such work. All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City, in care of the Recorder. This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City made at a special meeting of said Council held Saturday, May Uth. 1907. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 27th, 1907. E. P. RANDS. F. J. MEYER. D. C. WILLIAMS. Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. PROPOSALS . FOR . STREET . IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials and Improving John Quincy Adams street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the north line of Seventh street to the south line of Eighth street, will be received by the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City until 4 o'clock p. ra. of Friday, June 14th. 1907. Plans and specifications contain ing further Information will be fur nished upon application to the Re corder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check for a sura equal to five per cent of the total es timate of the work, which sura will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the suc cessful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a writ ten contract for said work. If called upon so to do, within the time speci fied for the same in the time and manner ordinance covering said street Improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engi neer. The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the en tire Improvement work of said street and which improvement work must be according to the ordinances of Ore gon City, and the plans and specifica tions governing such work. All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. In care of the Recorder. This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City made at a special meeting of said Council held Saturday, May 11th. 1907. ( Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 27th, 1907. E. P. RANDS, V. J. MEYER. D. C. WILLIAMS, Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. PROPOSALS . FOR . STREET . IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials and improving Fourth street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the east line of Water street to the west line of Main street, and from the east line of Main street to the stone wall of the Oregon and Cali fornia Railroad Company on said Fourth street, will be received by the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City until 4 o'clock p. m. of Friday, June 14th, 1907. Plans and specifications contain ing further Information will be fur nished upon application to the Re corder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per cent of the total es timate of the work, which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of the failure of the suc cessful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a writ ten contract for said work, If called upon so to do, within the time speci fied for the same in the time and manner ordinance covering said street improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engl- The right to reject any and nil bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of tho en tire Improvement work of said street and which improvement work must be according to the ordinances of Ore gon City, and the plans and specifica tions mivertllnii such work. I All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. In care of the Recorder. This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City made at a special meeting of said Council held Saturday, May Uth. 1907. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 27th, 1907. I K. P. RANDS. F. J. IIEYER. D. C. WILLIAMS, Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. PROPOSALS . FOR . STREET . IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnlshlug all labor and materials and improving Eighth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the stone wall of the Oregon and California Railroad, Company on said Eighth Street to the east line of Main Street, and from the west line of Main Street to a point on said Eighth street 168 feet west of the west line of said Main Street, will be received by the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City until 4 o'clock p. m. of Friday, June 14th. 1907. Plans and specifications contain ing further information will be fur nished upon application to the Re corder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompnn- I led by a certified check for a sum equal to five per cent of the total es timate of the work, which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of the failure of the suc cessful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter Into a writ ten contract for said work. If called upon so to do, within the time speci fied for the same In the time and manner ordinance covering said street Improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engi neer. The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the en tire Improvement, work of said street and which Improvement work must be according to the ordinances of Ore gon City, and the plans and specifica tions governing such work. All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. In care of the Recorder. This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City made at a special meeting of said Council held Saturday, May 11th. 19o7. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, May 27th, 1907. E. P, RANDS. F. J. MEYER. D. C. WILLIAMS. Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. PROPOSALS . FOR . STREET . IM PROVEMENT. Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor and materials and Improving Seventh street of Oregon City. Ore gon, from the east line of Water street to the west line of Main street, will be received by the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City until 4 o'clock :p. m. of Friday, June 14th, 1907. Plans and specifications contain ilng further Information will be fur- nished upon application to the Re corder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompan ied by a certified check for a sum equal to five per cent of the total es timate of the work, which sum will be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City In case of the failure of the suc cessful bidder herein to furnish the required bonds and enter into a writ ten contract for said work. If called upon so to do, within the time speci fied for the same In the time and manner ordinance covering said street improvement. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by the City Engi neer. ' The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City Is hereby reserved. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of the en tire improvement work of said street and which improvement work must be according to the ordinances of Ore gon City, and the plans and specifica tions governing such work. All proposals must be addressed to the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City, In care of the Recorder, This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City made at a special meeting of said Council held Saturday, May 11th, 1907. Datrtd at Oregon City, Oregon, May 27th, 1907. E. P. RANDS, F. J. MEYER, D. C. WILLIAMS, Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City. -' . ORDINANCE NO. . Entitled an ordinance establishing the grade of Water Street from the south line of Third street to the south line of the alley between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Oregon City does .ordain as follows: That tho following bo and hereby Is established as the grade of Water street, towlt: Beginning at the south line of Third street at an elevation of 90,41 feet; thence level across Third Street; thenco to the south Hue of Fourth Street at an elevation of 93 feet; thence level across Fourth street; thenco to the south lino of Fifth street at an elevation of 94 ft; thence level across Fifth street; thence to tfio South lino of Sixth street at au ele vation of 94.1 ft. thence level across Sixth street; thence to the south Hue of the alley between Sixth and Sev enth streets at an elevation of PS feet on the east lluo of Water street and at an elevation of 88 4 ft. on the West lino of Water street; thence to the North line of the alley at au ele vation of 98 ft. on the East line of Water street and at an elevation of 88 ft, on the West lino of Water street; thence to the South lino of Huventh street at au elevation of 98.5 ft. on tho East lino of Water street and at an elevation of 82.50 ft. on tho West Hue of Water street; thence to the North line of Seventh strict at an elevation of 97.5 ft. ou tho East lino of Water street and at an eleva tion of 80 ft. on tho West lino of Wat er street; thence to the South line of 8th street at an elevation of 95 ft. on tho East lluo of Water street and nt an elevation of 09 ft. on tho West lluo of Water street; then beginning at tho North lino of Eighth street at an elevation of 95 ft.; thenco to tho South lino of Ninth street at an ele vation of 110 ft; thence level across Ninth street: thenco to tho south line of 10th street at an elevation of 112 7 ft. thenco level to tho South lino of tho alley between 10th and Uth streets. ' Road first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of tho Council of Oregon City, held Satur day. May 2..th. 19o7. and to come up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting of snld Council to be held Friday, the Uth day of June. 1907. at 8 o'clock p m. Ily order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. . An ordinance to amend section 1. I and 5, of Ordinance No. 305, entitled "An Ordlnnnce to provide for tho erection, care and removal of tele phone, telegraph and electric wires and poles." Approved November 19, 1897. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That section 1, of Ord inance No. 205. bo. and the same here by Is amended to read as follows: Section 1. It shall bo unlawful for any person, persons or corporation to erect poh'B or stretch wires or cables In, on, under, over or across any of the streets, alleys, bridges, public ways or public grounds within tho cor porate limits of Oregon City for any purpose whatsoever, except In pur suanco of a pernflt from the commit tee on streets and public property. Such permit to bo granted only to per sons, firms or corporations having franchises allowing him, them or It the privilege, and In accordance with lawB and ordinances governing the same. Section 2. That section 4 of Or dinance No. 205, be, and tho samo hereby Is amended to read as follows: Section 4. All polos erected for the purposes set forth In this Ordinance shall be of cedar and not less than forty feet long, provided that In tho residence portion of tho city the said committee on streets and public prop erty, In their discretion may desig nate a shorter length but not loss than thirty-five feet, and shall not vnry more than six Inches from the per pendicular; said poles shall be clear ed of all bark and dressed or shaved smooth, and otherwise present a neat appearance; and shall have two coats of paint when put up, and shall be re painted once In every two years there after a dark green color. No wire, wires or cables shull bo stretched or suspended on any pole less than twenty-eight feet above ground or es tablished grade of the street. Section 3. That Section 5 of Or dinance No. 205, be, and tfie samo hereby Is amended to read as follows: Section 5. Any person, firm or cor poration, or their agents or employ ees, who shall violate or fall to com ply with any provision or requirement of this Ordinance, shall upon convic tion thereof before the mayor or re corder be fined In any amount not more than one hundred dollars, or by impiisoment In the City Jail not more than fifty days, or both fine and im prisonment, and said pole, poles, wires or cables removed by the committee on streets and public property, at the expense or said person, firm or cor poration; provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation owning or having control of any poles, wires or cnbles mentioned or described In this Ordinance, upon whose agent, man ager or assignee or employee, notice has been given or served to comply with any provision of this Ordinance, who shall fall or neglect to comply and perforin what Is necessary to !" done In the premises within Ion days of the date of such notice shall bo considered as waiving further notice, and said polos, wire or cable ahull ho removed by snld committee at th oxpotmo of said person, linn or cor. poratloii, without further notice or action, Rend first time and ordered pub lished at a upeelnl meeting of tho Council of Oregon City, held Satur day, Mny 25th, 1907, and lo 001110 up for second rending aud flout passage at a special meeting of suld Council to be hold Friday, tho 14th day of Juno, 1907, nt 8 o'clock p m. By order of tho Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. . Au ordtnauco fixing th hours in which saloons, bar rooms, drinking shops or place where spirituous, vin ous or malt liquors are kept for sale shall bo kept closed. Oregon City doe ordain follows: Section 1. No person or prrann shall, In this city directly or Indirectly, lu ieron or by an other or otherwise, keep open, maintain or carry on or permit to bo kept open, maintained or car ried on, or permit any person or per sons to remain In, any saloon, bar room, drinking shop or sny place where spirituous, vinous or malt li quors aro kept for sale or In any man ner disposed of, or sell, barter, deliv er or In any way dispose of sny splr- Itous, vinous or malt liquor In any such place, to any person or persons between the hour of 12 o'clock, mid night, and 5 o'clock a in ; provided, however, that tho proprietor or hi necessary employee may remain In snld snliHiu between said hour. Ev ery such proprietor or cmploym re malulng In suld suloou between said hour shall Immediately open and ad mit any peac, officer of Oregon City upon request. Section 2 Any person violating nny provision of this ordinance shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction Iteforo tho City recorder or mayor shall bo fined In any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or by Imprisonment for any term not exceeding fifty diiy or by both fine and Imprisonment. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the Council of Oregon City, hold Satur day. May 25th, to7, ami to come up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held Friday, tho 14th day of June. 1907, at 8 o'clock p m. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A DIMICK. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. . An ordinance to amend section 5 nf ordlnnnce No. 219, entitled "an or illnanco to license, tax. regulate and restrain bur k-per, saloonkeepers and dealers In spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, bar room, drinking shops or places where spirituous, vinous or malt liquors are kept for ssle or In any manner disposed of and the dW- IosaI thereof." Approved December 2, 1897. Oregon City does ordain a follows: Section 1. Thnt section 5, of ordl nnnce No. 219, approved Deromlx'r 1897, bo slid tho samo hereby Is amended so as to rend as follows: Section 5. Every person to whom a license shall Issue, under tho pro visions of this ordinance, shall pay Into tho City treasury a lleensu fee ns follows: First. If for the sale, offering for sale, barter or delivery of any spirit uous liquors In a saloon, bar-room or In any other place, to bo drunk on Bio premises or In such saloon, Imr-room or other place the applicant shall bo deemed a retail liquor dealer, and shall pay the sum of Six hundred do Inrs per annum. Second. If for the sale, offering for sule, barter or delivery of malt liquors only In a saloon, bar-room or In any other place, to be drunk on tho prem ises, the applicant shall bo doomed it retail malt liquor dealer and shall pay the sura of two hundred dollnrs per annum. Third. If for tho sale, offering for sale, barter or delivery of alcohol, spirituous or malt, liquors In nny place other than a saloon or bar-room, not drunk or to be drunk on tho premises, and sold and delivered In quantities of not less than ono quart nt ono time, the applicant Bhall be doomed a wholesale liquor dealer, and shall pay the sum of two hundred dollars per annum. ' Section 2. This ordinance shnll take effect and bo In force on and after October 1st, 1907. Read first time nnd ordered pub lished at a speclnl meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Satur day, May 25th, 1907, nnd to comn up for second reading and flnnl passage, at a speclul meeting of suld Council to bo hold Friday, tho 14th day of June, 1907, at 8 o'clock p m. Ily order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder.