Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 17, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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L. A, Brando F, F, IlrundoM
Brandes Creamery
Cream Buyers and Butter Makers
127 Ffrt 8t.
Bet. Waihlnyton A Alder, Portland, Or
IIlKhMt Prices Puld for Sweet and
Hour Creum, Butter and Egg.
write for prices,
Whon you require an Abtract of Title
to land In Clackama County, bv
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
a toil (or tli (j purpoHO. Our rate art
reasonable, Wo Invito you to ex
amino our complete not of Abstract
4500- 008 Chamber o( Corainorco Uldg,
Money to loan on Clnckamai County
eummona. SUMMONS.
In tho Circuit Court of tliu Stute of In tho Circuit Court of the Btato of
Oregon for tho County of Clucko
Oregon City, Oregon
Will practice In all court a of tbfl atat
Office In Cauflold Building.
W. 5. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary Collrge of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKllHp School of'
Surgery of Chicago, bat located
a. Orrgon City and eatahliubcd an
office at The FmIiIou Stable,
Seventh Street near Main.
Itoth Telephone.
I'rmer' ijj Mali
Loyd H. Flag, Plaintiff, '
v. (' 1
AHIho FIiikK, Defendant.
In tho namo of tho Btato of Ore
gfln: You, AIIIho Flagg, are hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho com
print filed uKuliiHt you herein on or
before TunHday, tho 18th dny of Juno,
1907, that day bolng lx week from
th first publication of tho mirnmon
herein, and If you full to appear ad
miHwor heroin, plaintiff will apply to
tho Court for tho relief prayed fpr In
tho complaint on fllo heroin, to which
roferonco la hereby mndo, and more
particularly as follow : For a docroo
dlMHolvIng tho bond of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant on tho ground of dofon
(I ii nt' willful desertion of tho plain
tiff for tho porfod of moro than ono
your, coutlnuoiiMly, Immediately prior
to tho commencement of thin action,
and for audi other or further relief a
may bo equitable.. '
Thl aumnion I servoiLupon you
by publication thereof for not I'm
thnti Mix buccchhIvo week In tho "Or
egon City Enterprise," published In
tho County of Clackamas, Btato of
Oregon, and by order of tho Honorablo
Thoma A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho
abovo entitled Court, which order I
dated tho 17th day of April. 1907.
Tho dale of tho flit publication of
thl aumnion I Friday, tho 2Cth day
of April, 1907, and tho dato of tho
liiMt publication of thl aummon I
Friday, tho 7tll day of Juno, 1907.
20t7 Attorney for Plaintiff,
Oregon for tho County of Clacka
nm. 11
Leonora A, Coopor, Plolntlff,
William A. Cooper, Defendant.
To William A. Cooper, Dorondant,
In tho Narno of tho State of Oregon:,
you aro hereby required to appear
and answer tho complulnt filed against
In tho Circuit Court of the Btato of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
lu a.
Jessie Dixon, Plaintiff,
Edward M. Dixon, Defendant.
To Kdward M. Dixon, Defendant:
In tho name of tho Btato of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed agalnat
you In tho abovo entitled ault on or
before tho 1t day of July, 1907, that
being the luat day prescribed In the
order of publication of thl summon,
and If you fall to appear and answer
the complaint filed herein, tho plain
yon In the abovo entitled ault on or
before thonuat dny of tho tlnm pro
scribed In tho order for tho publica
tion of thl Summon, to-wlt: on or
before tho 10th day of Juno, 1907, aald
ditto being tho expiration of hIx (C)
week from the flrt publication or
thin Summon; and If you full ho to
appear and ariHwer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to tiio court,
for tho relief demanded'ln tho com
plaint. twlt, for a decree dissolving M -.m ..,,,, , thn ,.rl fr Mia re-
. . ...... i - -
1113 OOIMJH Ul IJiai.l IIM'ril ami Him I iuk7
contract existing between plaintiff
ami defendunt.
Thl summon I publlHhed by order
of Hon. T, A .McDrldo, Judge ot the
above named Court, which order wa
made and entered on tho 18th day of
April, 1907.
19t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Publication of Summon.
Juntlce ot the Peace.
Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City
toftri n7''rrVft
Ely's Cream Balm
Thl Remedy Is Speolflc,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It c loanwn, ooth, hi'al, and itrotacta the
i!imtwd meuibrnnn. H cure Catarrh ami
lriv.Hi awnv a Cold in tho Hd oui.Vly
ItoHtori the 8fliinii of Tiwte and Bmull.
Ijuiy to u CouUiliw no iujurloua drug.
Aoidiod into the mmtrila aiid abortM)iL
iArgo Hlxo, 50 rent at DruggUte or by
jwil t Trial Hue, 10 cent by mall.
UY BROTHERS, 68 Warran St., New York,
In the Circuit Court of tho Btato of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
ma. Dyclo A, D. Knott, Plaintiff,
Wm. n. Knott. Defendant.
To Win. II. Knott, defendant abovo
In the namo of the State of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and anewvr tho complaint filed
agalntit you In tho above entitled court
and rauao on or before the 8th day of
June, 1907, that being the time fixed
by tho court for you to appear ond
anawer herein and alx week from thr
flrt day of publication of aummon
and If you fall to appear and anawer,
tho plaintiff will apply to the cout
for tho relief demanded in her com
plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce
dlnaolvlug tho bond of matrimony
now exUtlng between plaintiff and de
fendant herein, awarding plaintiff tho
caro. cunlodyand control of the minor
children of plaintiff and defendant,
namely, Harvey Kdward Knott and
Lola Anna Knott, and for wuch other
relief a to the court may seem meet
and proper.
Thl summnna 1 publlHhed pursu
ant to order of Hon. T. A. Mcllrlde,
Judge of tho Obove entitled court,
made and entered therein on the 24th
day of April, 1907, which order direct
tho publication of thl aummon not
lenH than once a week for alx wcekB
prior to the 8th dny of June. 1907. The
date of tho first publication of thl
HiimmoiiH I April 20, 1907, and of the
lnnt publication of thl aummon
June 7, 1907. 1
20t7 , Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clucka
ma. Robert T. Llnney, Plaintiff,
Oregon & California' Railroad Com
pany, am! Union Trut Company, Do
feudaiit. To Union Trimt Company, ald de
In tho namo of tho Stole of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
aiiNwer tho complaint filed against
you in the above entitled ault on or
before Monday, the 17th day of June,
A. D 1907, and If you fall ao to ap
pear and anwer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take a decree against
you for tho relief demanded in the
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree to quiet tho tltlo to
tho Southeast quarter of tho South
west quarter of Section Eleven (11)
In Township Two (2) South of Range
Five (5) East of tho Willamette Mer
idian, In Clackamas County, Oregon,
and that said defendant has no right,
tltlo or interest In and to the same.
Thl summon wa ordered publish
ed In'tho Oregon City Enterprise, a
weekly newspaper published in Ore
gon City, Oregon, once a wee for
six auccesslve week, by Hon. Thomas
A. McRrlde, Judge of the Circuit
Court, mado in open Court on the 30th
day of April, A. D. 1907.
Tho first publication of this sum
mons wa May 3rd, 1907, and the last
publication. June 14th, 1907.
21C Attorney for Plaintiff.
Ilef demanded In aaid complaint, to-
wlt: for a docroo dissolving the bond
of matrimony and marriage contract
existing between tho plaintiff and de
Thl ummon,l published for six
(6) consecutive 'week by order of
Hon. Thoma A. Mcltrldo, Judge of
said Court, mado on the 8th day of
May, 1907, tho first publication being
on the 10th day of May, 1907, and tho
last publication beintf on the 21st
day of June, 1907.
22 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
week from the first publication of
thl summons and If you fall to ao
appear and answer, for want thereof,
tho plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in plaintiff'
complaint, to-wlt: To correct an er
ror in the description of a certain
deed executed oi or about the 14th
day of February, 1857, by John D.
Garrett and Eunice Garrett, hla wife,
to Thoma J. Chase, which deed was
recorded on tho ICth day of February
1857, on page 434 Hook 15, record of
deed for Clackamas County, Oregon,
and a certain deed executed on or
about the 5th day of April, 1814, by
M. M. Owen, administrator of the e-
tato of Thorna J. Chase, deceased,
which deed was recorded on the 11th
day of April, 18C4, at page 594, Book
D, record of deed for Clackamas
County, Oregon, and to quiet tltlo
This summons l published by order
of tho Honorable Thoma A. Mc-
Brlde, Judgo of the above entitled
court, which order wa made and en
tered on the 3rd day of May, 1907.
Attorney for" Plaintiff,
Dato of first publication, May 10th,
1907. 22-t7
For salo by
Administrator Notice.
Notice i hereby given that the un
iderslgned has been apopinted by the
county court of the State of Oregon,
for Clackamas county, a ad minis tra
tor of the estate of H. B. Llchten
thalor, deceased. All persons having
claim against said estate are hereby
not Hied to present the same to me
with proper vouchers, a required by
law, at Sherwood, Oregon, or at tho
office of Wm. D. Fenton, C09 Fenton
building,, Tortland, Oregon, within six
months from date hereof.
Administrator of the estate of H. B
Llchtenthnler, deceased.
First Insertion, April 19, 1907.
Last insertion. May 17. 1907. 19t5
HOUSE AND LOT has fruit trees,
chicken house, etc., located on Sixth
street. Must bo sold at once. Call at
Daniel Williams, Seventh street
Sold on easy terms. 19tf
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1671
A beautiful bay, 1(1 hands high
weighs 1545 pounds, splendid coach
action, thut was admired so much at
the Lewis and Clark Show, where ho
stood tlilru in a class of Conch stal
nous mat count not. lie Beaten on
either continent. Ptlol won first prize
and championship at the Oregon State
Fair In 1903-4, and is considered by
good judges to be the highest class
couch stallion In the state. Ills colts
are uniformly good, and. ou of trot
I ting bred mares they look like pure
bred coachors. Will make the season
of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hub-bard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay's;
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oe-rgon City. Terms $20 to insure with
foal. v J. N. McKAY, Owner, ...
7 " - - v v.- " ' A '
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka-!
ma. ' !
Iva Beaver, Plaintiff,
Theodore J. Beaver, Defendant.
To Theodore J. Beaver, Defendant.
In the namo of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed against
you in the abovo entitled suit on or
before the last day of the time pre
scribed In tho order for the publica
tion of this summons, to-wlt: on or
before the 1st day of July, 1907, said
date being the expiration of six (C)
weeks from the first publication of
thl summons; and If you fall so to
appear and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in the com
plaint .to-wlt, for a decree dissolving
the bond of matrimony and marriage
contract existing between plaintiff and
Thl summons I published by order
of Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the
above named court, which order was
made and entered on the 8th day of
May, 1907.
22-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
71C Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice la hereby given that the un-
derslgned ha been duly appointed by
the County Court of the 8tate of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas, a
administrator of the Estate of Harry
Kenyon, Deceased. All person hav
ing claims against the said estate
must present the same to me, prop
erty verified at the office of my at
torney, Tboa. F. Ryan, in Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months from the
dato of thl notice.
Administrator of the Estate of Harry
Kenyon, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
Dated May 4, 1907. 22-t5
City Treasurer' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that there
are sufficient funds on hand in the
general fund of Oregon City to pay
all outstanding warrants endorsed
prior to June 8, 1903. Also all water
warrants endorsed prior to June 16,
Interest ceases with date of this
notice. M. D. LATOURETTE,
Treasurer of Oregon City.
Dated May 9, 1907.
Administrator' Notice.
Notice 1 hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of tho estate of William W.
Henderson, deceased, by the Honor
able County Court of the State of
Oregon fur Clackamas county.
All nersons bavins claims acalnst
fjie said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to mo for payment
with proper vouchers at my office on
Main street In Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice. A. H. GRIESSEN,
Administrator of the estate of William
H. Henderson, deceased.
John W. Loder and Gordon E. Hayes,
Attorneys for Administrator. 22-t5
Bids For Nail Wanted.
Notice Is hereby given that the un-
defslgned, Recorder of Oregon City,
Oregon, will receive sealed bids, for
tho furnishing of nails for Oregon
City, for municipal purposes, for a
period of one year, from the date 'of
the contract relative to the same to
be entered Into by Oregon City and
the successful bidder herein.
All bids are required to be sealed
and filed with the undersigned, at his
office, Andresen Bldg., Oregon City,
Ore., on or before Saturday, June 1st,
1907, at 4 o'clock p. m. If any differ
ence In the price of nails of different
sizes, each bidder must state clearly
the respective prices, All nails are
to be furnished and delivered subject
to the order of the Street Superinten
dent of Oregon City.
The right is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Tills notice is published pursuant
to nn order of the Council of Ore
gon City, made April 22nd, 1907.
J. D.Ralney, Keeper.
R. F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon.
Call for Warrants of School District
No. 107.
Notice Is hereby given that there
are now funds on hand to pay war
runt Issued by School District No.
107, Clackamas County, Oregon, to
W. L. Bush for tho sum of $05. dated
August 14, 1902. . Interest on same
ceases with date of this notice.
J. R. HALL, Clerk,
Orient, Oregon.
First Publication May 3, 1907. 21-4
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. '
Theodore Hagenburger, Plaintiff,
C. Garrett onl Lillian Garrett,
his wife, James H. Garrett and Rach
ael Garrett, his wife, Emma G. Hawk
Ins and Henry H. Hawkins, her hus
band, Sarah Garrett Brownell and Wil
liam E. Brownell, her husband, Eu
gene L. Garrett, Herbert M. Garrett,
and Florence Garrett, his wife, Roy E.
Long and Rhoda A. Long, hla wife,
Lillian Long, Iva Long, Eva L. Barker
and Hadley Barker, her husband, Myr
tle Duran and Reason Duran, her hus
band, Charles Long, Adeline Long,
Minnie Long, Emma C. Garrett, Ed
ward E. Garrett and Emma L Garrett,
his wife, Jeanette E. Arnold and Jo
seph O. Arnold, her husband, Charles
C. Garrett and Blanche Garrett, his
wife, Ella Stanton and Clark Stanton,
her husband, May Leonard and Joseph
Leonard, her husband, Arthur W Gar
rett, John G. Garrett, Irving S. Gar
rett, Jaties D. Garrett, Alta Garrett,
Clyde C. Garrett and Vivian Garrett,
the heirs at law of John D. Garrett
and Eunice Garrett, his wife, deceas
ed, Defendants.
To T. C. Garrett and Lillian Garrett,
hla wife, James H. Garrett and Rach
ael Garrett, his wife, Emma G. Hawk
ins aud Henry H. Hawkins, her hus
band, Sarah Garrett Brownell and Wil
liam E. Brownell, her husband, Eu
gene L. Garrett, Herbert M. Garrett,
J and Florence Garrett, his wife, Roy E.
Long and Rhoda A. Long, his wife,
Lillian Long, Iva Long, Eva L. Barker
and Hadley Barker, her husband, Myr
tle Duran and Reason Duran. her hus
band, Charles Long, Adeline Long,
Minnie Long, Emma C. Garrett, Ed
ward E. Garrett and Emma L. Garrett,
, his wife, Jeanette E. Arnold and Jo
seph O. Arnold, her husband, Charles
C, Garrett and Blanche Garrett, his
wife, Ella Stanton and Clark Stanton,
hor husband, May Leonard and Joseph
Leonard, her husband, Arthur W. Gar
rett, Johu G. Garrett, Irving S. Gar
rett, James D. Garrett, Alta Garrett,
Clyde C. Garrett and Vivian Garrett,
the heirs at law of John D. Garrett
,and Eunice Garrett, his wife, deceas
ed, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you iu the above entered suit
Fred Griessen, proprietor of the
Wllhelm Tell hotel, has bought the
Salvation Army property on Sixth
street for $1C30. The deal was made
through the real estate firm of
Schooley & Griessen.
Mr. Griessen will tear down the old
barracks and erect a large hotel or
rooming house on the lot, which is
33x70 feet in size. Work will begin
Edward Harry "and C. q, Latt are
here from Nebraska for a visit with
their uncle, Mr. Heistand. They will
go from here to California for a visit.
Peter Rinearson, who was operated
upon in the St. Vincent hospital at
Portland, Tuesday, is recovering nice
ly. Mrs. A. Lundeen of Aurora, has Just
undergone a very successful operation
in the Dr. M. )j. Strickland hospital
here. Mrs. Lundeen's husband is
proprietor of the Aurora hotel at Au
rora. Milton Gault has returned to his
home at Medford, after a visit with
his brother, T. E. Gault and family.
Local Man Elected One of
Ten From Oregon to
Head Camp
Lively 8etion of Third District at
Portland DIculon on Wel
fare of Order Enjo;
G. L. Snidow of Oregon City wa
one of the 10 delegates elected to
the Seattle head camp at the Third
district convention of the Woodmen
of the World at Portland, Wednesday.
In the apportionment of delegates.
Multnomah county was given five,
Marlon one, Yamhill and Benton one.
Linn and Clackamas one, Columbia,
Polk, Tillamook, Clatsop, Lincoln and
Washington two. A resolution in
dorsing the administration of Head
Consul I. I. Boak was adopted.
The afternoon session was devoted
to the consideration of resolutions af
fecting the welfare of the order. Thia
order of business was prefaced by a
lengthy address from A. L. Hawley,
chairman of the board of head manag
ers. ' He stated that a proposition
would be made at the head camp ses
sion to raise the rate of assessment on
old members so as to place them on
an equally paying basis with tho new
member of the order. He expressed
himself a being opposed to such a
course. He said that if present rate
of assessment on new members was
not adequate then he would favor
equalizing them once for all. He al-.
so thought It might be advisable to
raise the per capita tax on all mem
bers. '
Head manager Hawley also favored
retaining the cumulative plan of In
surance policies whereby the benefi
ciary would receive one-half the face
value in one year after death,, two
thirds la two year, and the full val
ue la three, year. He reported the
organization to be In a good sound
condition in every way, with plenty
of funds for present needs and credit
good everywhere . t
A proposition' will be made at Seat
tle to change the term of the head of
ficers from three year, as at present,
to two years, and the convention was
asked for an expression on this subject.
Some of the delegates favored a
term of four or six years and a resolu
tion was offered making the term six
years. After much debate an amend
ment was offered making the term
four years. Both were voted down
and the convention failed to Instruct
the delegates for any change whatev
er, j
A motion to abolish the accumula
tive certificate plan was warmly de
bated and lost by a large majority.
A hotly contested resolution was one
which w-ould debar any member en
gaging in the liquor business from all
benefits after death, even if other
wise in good standing. Head Manager
Hawley and others opposed this reso
lution on legal grounds and recom
mended expulsion from the order. Oth
ers favored a new law on the subject
providing more power for the camps.
This matter was brought up by the re
cent death of a saloonkeeper In Port-
Treasurer' Notice.
l I no, have money to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to February
I, ' 1907.' Interest ceases on date ot
notice. J. C. PADDOCK.
County Treasurer. Ion or before the 22d day of June, 1907,
Mrs. John Johensen and children
were guests of Mrs. Lee Ray in Port
land, Thursday.
The entertainment that was to have
been given by the Parkplaee school,
Friday evening, was postponed, as
Prof. Reed had so many things to at
teud to he could not get ready. The
entertainment will be held in the as
sembly room of the school house, Fri
day, May 17.'5 An excellent program
will be given and ice cream and cake
served. The commencement exercis
es of the twelfth or high grade, will
be held on June 7, when a class of
five will be graduated. They are Juli
etta Cross, Sidney Johnson, Peary
Solvers, Frank McAnulty, Charles Sel
vers. Seventeen will take the state
school examinations in the- eighth
grade Wednesday. Capt. J." T. Ap-
person of the school board at Park-
place will conduct this examination.
nadwho was a member of the order
in another state. He had kept his
dues and assessments paid up and his
policy had to be allowed his benefici
ary.. The resolution was lost.
The last business before the con
vention was choosing of Newberg as
the next meeting place.
The convention adjourned at 5
o'clock after several resolutions of
thanks all around. In the evening the
delegates went in a body to the Baker
theater and finished up their day with
an elaborate banquet in the dining
room of the new Woodmen hall at the
expense of the Portland camps.
May 10, 1907.
La Grande is excited over an arte
sian water strike, where the cool
stream flows 225 gallons a minute,
said date being the expiration of six and raises 37 feet.
will qive you com
, piexe protection
and long service
You cant afford
to buy any other
Every garment
The bt dealers sell it