4 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1907. LOTTERY OF MARRIAGE W. H. Sanford Didn't Draw a Blank But Probably Wishes He Had THREE FILED TUESDAY More Divorce Suite Started By M It- mated Couplee May Bowen Cruelly Beaten She Says. V. H. Sanford, according to the complaint in the divorce suit filed by his attorneys, Dinilck & Dimlck, would have been better off If he had drawn a blank in the matrimonial lot tery, rather than a prize that, whatev er else may be said against her, is surely not a blank. However she is one who makes frequent use of language, according to his story, that can only be indicated in a daily paper by blank lines, owing to a rule of the postof fice depVtment relating to the trans mission of obscene or indecent matter through the mails. This wife's name is Laura B. San ford and she and the plaintiff were unhappily married in Oregon City, Sept. 20, 1904, and she has since that date led him a merry dance. W. H. spends his working hours on steam boats as pilot, mate, etc., and his leis ure hours seeking his wife among the demi-monde of the fair but wicked city of Portland. Why he searches for her one cannot understand', for when he meets her she greets him with a torrent of obscene curses that would make a country corner loafer turn green with envy. j Sanford says she ran a pretended rooming house at 401 1-2 Morrison street In 1903, that was In reality a sporting house. She abandoned the plaintiff at Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 15, 1903, and ha3 since continued to live apart from him. She clings like an eel to a rock to life insurance policies on his life for $3000, and he wants them cancelled, intimating they pre r -Lt so big a temptation to her that iis life i3 in danger. HUSBAND EARNS $250 GIVES WIFE NOTHING. Caroline Jones asks for divorce from Frederick N. Jones on grounds of desertion. They were married at Portland, Nov. 21, 1901, and she says he deserted her on Dec. 5, 1905, since which time she had to support' herself and their child, a boy now four years of age. She wants the custody of the 'child, the right to resume her maid en name, Caroline Griffith, and an or der compelling her husband pay a suitable sum toward the maintenance of the child. The husband earns from f 150 to $250 a month, the complaint states. Blackened Her Eyes. May Bowen charges that her hus- ban, J. J. Bowen, commenced to abuse her shortly after they were married at Salt Lake, Utah, striking her in the face and on the body; that on Nov. 10, 1900, he beat her with his fist un til her eyes were blackened. He curs ed her, she says, and called her a "whore," which he knew was untrue. She professes to be in bodily fear of Urn but states that she has never for given or condoned any of his offenses. She is a resident of Clackamas county, prays for a divorce and to be allowed to .resume her maiden name, May Courtney. There are no children. ' Marriage Licenses. May 13. Guasie Kelm and Frank E. Smith. ADJUDGED INSANE. Mrs. Nellie Blanchard Knox of near Clackamas station, aged 30, brought to Oregon City Monday evening, was ad judged insane and committed to the state asylum. She was taken to Sa lvia Monday night. The cause of her affliction is hereditary and her con dition was truly pitable. MAKING RAILWAY TIES ON THE SANDY Fourteen miles south of the mouth of the Sandy river, railway ties are dropping into the swift current of the stream at the rate of one every few seconds from the flume that leads back to the Fox saw mill, formerly the I'rainhaH mill plant. The tie3 are lioated down the Sandy river to Trout dale, where they are caught In a boom and scooped out of the water by means of an automatic machine, whose long arms pick them up and whisk them up the Incline to the bank, where they are piled up awaiting shipment to all sections of the country. Seventy thousand ties will be made at the Pox sawmill this season. Four other mills, too, are working along the Sandy, turning out ties, which will be floated down to Troutdale for ship ment. It is estimated that more than 250,000 ties will be cut on the Sandy within the next few months. All bear the mark of thojr makers, so they can be segregated at the end of the river voyage. Some will be stranded on the shallows and along the banks of the river, but men will follow them from the sawmills and start them anew on their voyage to Troutdale. Few, If any, will be lost. The whole country along the Sandy river, formerly heavily timbered, is being rapidly denuded of its forest growth by the sawmills cutting rail road ties. Every tree that can be turned Into ties is being cut for some one of the five sawmills along the riv er. The value of the railway ties Is considerable, the railroads paying about 50 cents each for them. The land from which the timber la being cut Is well suited for agriculture and will be valuable when cleared. SHERMAN INVITED FOR DECORATION DAY Although two joint meetings of Meade post, G. A. R., and Mead corps, V. R. C, have been held for Decora tion day arrangements, nothing has been definitely settled for the day. Judge G. B. Dimick was invited to act as president of the day and City At torney J. U. Campbell as marshal, but neither was able to accept Father Sherman, who was asked to deliver the address, has not been heard from. In Counter Assessor, J. A. Nel son's, office, Saturday evening, several committees were appointed, among them: On hall decorations, Daniel Williams and H. Blankinship; band, James Nelson and J. A. Tufts; pro gram, Mrs. George A. Harding. WHO STOLE THE NETS? Sunday afternoon Nick Story, a well known fisherman had two of his largest set nets stolen from him. Some of the fishermen are of the opinion that the nets were stolen by some of the Portland fishing parties who have been trolling near the falls for the last week, but Mr. Storey thinks that some of his friends are trying to play a trick on him. He says that If the nets are returned to him, he will not prosecute the guilty parties. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice Is hereby given that that por tion of Ninth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the East line of Water Street and a point on said Ninth Street 130 feet west of th West line of Main Street will be im proved according to the established grade thereof. Said street imp'rove ment will consist of the laying of Crushed rock or gravel on said street the full width thereof between curbs, and by the laying of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, and by grading said street according to the established grade thereof. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City, , made at a special meeting of said Council held May 11th, 1907. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. 2t Ordinance No. An ordinance to amend sections 1, 4 and 5, of Ordinance No. 203, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the erec tion, care and removal of telephone, telegraph and electric wires and poles." Approved November 19, 1897. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for nance No. 205, be, and the same Here by Is amended to read as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or corporation to j erect poles or stretch wires or cables I in, on, under, over or across any of jthe streets, alleys, bridges, public jways or public grounds within the ! corporate limits of Oregon City for I any purpose whatsoever, except in ! pursuance of a permit from the com jmittee on streets and public property. Such permit to be granted only, to persons, firms or corporations having i franchises allowing him, them or it Uhe privilege, and in accordance with laws and 'ordinances governing the same. I Section 2. That section 4, of Ordi nance No. 205, be, and the same here by is amended to read as follows: Section 4. All poles erected for the purposes set forth in this Ordinance shall be of cedar and not. less than forty feet long, provided that in the I rec;lflrif.p nnrttnn nf thp fitv fha Knid committee on streets and public prop lerty, in their discretion may desig j nate a shorter length but not less jthan thirty-five feet, and shall not ;vary more than nix inches from the I perpendicular; said poles shall be ! cleared of all bark, dressed or shaved smooth, and otherwise present a neat appearance; and shall have two coats of paint when put up, and shall be re ! painted once in every two years there- after a dark green color. No wire, i wires or cables shall be stretched or ! suspended on any pole less than ! twenty-eight feet above the ground or ! established grade of the street. I Section 3. That section 5 of Or j dinance No. 205, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: I Section 5. Any person, firm or cor poration, or their agents or employees, I who shall violate or fail to comply I with any provision or requirement of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction thereof before the nuiyor or recorder, be fined In any amount not more than one hundred dollars, or by Imprison ment in the City Jail not mow than fifty days, or both fine and imprison ment, and. said pole, poles, wires or cables removed by the committee on streets and public property, at the expense of said person, firm or cor poration; provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation owning or having control of any poles, wires or cables mentioned or described in this ordinance, upon whose agent, mana ger or assignee or employee, notice has beeu given or served to comply with any provision of this ordinance, who shall fall or neglect to comply and perform what Is necessary to be done In the premises within ten days of the date of such notice shall be con sidered as waiving further notice, and said poles, wires or cables shall be removed by said committee at the expense of said person, firm or cor poration, without further notice or action. Read first time and ordered publish ed at a special meeting of the Coun cil of Oregon City, held Saturday. May 11th, 1907. and to come up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting of sold council to be hold Sat urday, May 25th, 1907, at 8 o'clock p. iu. ' By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK. Recorder. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for Clackamas County. Clarence F. Higbee, Plaintiff, vs. Grace O. Higbee, Defendant. To Grace O. Higbee,, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 28th day of June, 1907, and if you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the" bonds of matrimony existing be tween you and the plaintiff, upon the grounds of desertion. This summons Is published by order of Grant B. Dimick. County Judge of Clackamas county, Oregon, and said order was made and given by him on the luth day of May, 1907. on account of the absence of Judge of said Cir cuit Court for said County and Dis trict, and said order Is made return able to the Circuit Court of Oregon, for Clackamas county. The first pub lication of this summons Is made on the 17th day of May, 1907, and the last publication Is the 28th day of June, 1907. D. M. DONAUGH. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. V. Vincent Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Sallye W. Jones, Defendant. To Sallye W. Jones, the defendant above named: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication- of this sum mons upon you, .to-wlt: within six weeks from the 17th day of May, 1907, and if you fail so to arfswer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: for a decree of divorce dissolving the contract of marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. Grant B. Dimick,' county Judge for Clackamas county, Oregon, which or der Is made and dated the 14th day of May. 1907, and prescribes that this summons be published once a week for six weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is May 17th, 1907, and the date of the last publication of this summons Is June 28, 1907. ROGER B. SINNOTT and ' LORING K. ADAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ordinance No.- An ordinance providing for the time and manner of Improving Madison Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from toe North line of Third Street to the South line of Fifteenth Street. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. The proposed Improve ment of that part of Madison Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the North line of Third Street and the South line of Fifteenth Street shall be completed within 120 days after the signing of the contract by the parties thereto, due notice thereof having been given by publication of notice as will more fully appear by proof there of duly presented and filed In the of fice of the City Recorder. Sec. 2. The improvement shall con sist as follows: Grading. The grading will consist in clear ing the surface of the street of all ob structions,"' Including trees,; stumps, roots, brush, logs, timbers, planks, sidewalks and cross walks not on grade and otherwise in good condition. If such obstructions are not removed by owners of the adjacent property within five days after having been notified to do so by the Superinten dent of Streets, they shall become the property of the contractor and shall be removed by him. The full width of the street will be graded down or filled up to the sub grade as given by the city engineer; said sub-grade shall be eight (8) inches below the finished surface of the street at the center and six ((',) inches below at the curbs, after be ing thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. When the street is at sub-grade, the surface will be wetted down and thor oughly rolled with a road roller of not less than ten tons in weight. Care must be taken to preserve the proper crown to the street and all soft spongy or sunken places that may appear during the process of rolling will be refilled with dry earth, sand, gravel or crushed rock and the street again rolled as before until a hard even surface Is secured. Such places as the roller cannot reach will ho wetted down and carefully rammed or tamped until thoroughly compacted. The ma terial taken from excavation will ho used to bring the street and sidewalk beds to grade when necessary, the remainder will become tho property of the contractor and must be removed and disposed of by him. The grading will be measured and estimated In ex cavation and embankment. Except waste or surplus material which will be measured in excavation only, Borrowed moterlal will bo measured and paid for In embankment only. No allowance will be made for over haul nor the removal of trees, stumps, roots, logs, walks or other obstruc tions. Fills and Embankments. No material of a perishable nature will be placed in tho eubankment. At all points when the embankment Is more than two feet high. It shall be supported by a rough dry stone re taining wall, said wall to bo con structed in a good substantial manner so as to support the- embankment. Where the embankment Is on steep ground, If required by tho engineer tho contractor will make cross cuts In the surface of the ground before any material for the embankment In placed thereon, so as to prevent tho same from slipping or sliding. All re taing wall to bo paid for per cubic yard In place. Macadam. On the roadbed thus formed when completed will be spread a layer of clean broken stone free from earth, not less than six (f inches thick after being thoroughly rolled. The stones will bo of square faced quarried rock, uniform In quality and as nearly approaching tho cubo In form as possible, of not less than one Inch In diameter, nor of greater diam eter than will pass through a two and one half (24) inch ring. The layer of stone will bo wetted down and thoroughly rolled and compacted be fore tho second course or - layer Is placed thereon. On the above layer of stone will bo spread a -layer of screenings In suf ficient quantities to fill all Interstices and to bring the street to the proper grade after rolling. Such luyer of screenings will be thoroughly wetted and rolled until a firm unyielding and thoroughly even surface Is secured, which surface will bo the finished grade of the street. Macadam will be measured and paid for per cubic yard In place. Drainage. Small catch-basins or Inlets will be constructed at such points as shown on plans or where, during the progress of the work, it may, In the opinion of the engineer or street committee, be found advisable or expedient to place them. Such catch-basins or Inlets will be constructed of brick or con crete according to tho detailed plans accompanying these specifications. The catch-basins or Inlets will bo con nected with the city sewer system by six (C) Inch vitrified sewer pipe. laid on a regular grade, with cemented Joints. Each basin will bo provided with a cast Iron shoulder plate and grating complete as shown on plans. Catch basins Or Inlets will be paid fof4at the price bid per basin. Sewer pipe will be paid for per lin eal foot In place. Excavating for the catch-basins and trenches for sewer pipe connection will be paid for per cubic yard for ex- casatlng and backfilling. For the pur pose of computing quantities In ex cavation for catch-basins, an addition al space of four (4 Inches over and above the outer dimensions of the basin will be allowed for tho forms or for, working room. For the purpose of computing quantities In trenches for sewer con nections, a width of trench of twenty- four inches will be allowed. Box drains or gutters will be constructed according to tho plans furnished here with and placed where shown on plans or where, during the progress of the work. It may In the oplii.ou of tho engineer or street committee, be found advisable to place them. Box drains or gutters will be. paid for per lineal foot In place. Curbing. A line of wooden curbing will be placed on either side of the macadam ized portion of the street 12V6 feet distant from the center lino, except at street and alley Intersections. The curb will be four (4) Inches thick and sixteen (10) Inches deep and will bo set vertically on a line with the side walk bed as shown on plans, and firm ly Imbedded in the earth. At all street and alley Intersections the curb will be set on a curve of a three foot and two foot radius respec tively. The curbs In all Instances to be set on such grades as to conform to the cross section of the street. Sidewalks. - Sidewalks will be constructed on either side of the street as follows, to wlt: The planking will he 1 7-8 Inches thick, eight (8) Inches wide and six (0) feet long, dressed on the upper surface and laid upon three stringers and a curb. The stringers will bo 4x0 inches sot on etlge and when not Imbedded in the earth will have a firm bearing in every si feet in length of walk. The planking will bo securely nailed to the stringers and curb by using two 4'2 inch nalfs to each bearing. r At equal distances of not less than ten (10) and not more than eleven (11) feet In length of walk, one plank 15V6 feet 'long will be laid down and securely nailed to the stringers and curb to hold the latter In a vertical position. The sidewalk will be placed two feet from the property lino and the spuce between the walk and tho property line, also between the walk and the curb, will be filled In with good earth on a line flush wilh the tops of the curb and the sidewalk uillp or stringers. Where the walk is on a grade of steeper than ton percent, the planking will bo placed with the dressed side down. Whore the walk is on a grade of twedve per cent and upwards, every alternate plank will be 2 3-8 inches thick and placed with the dressed side down. Sidewalks will be constructed on a grade or fall toward the center of the street equal o inch to each foot in width of walk. Cross Walks. Cross walks six (6) feet In width will be constructed at all street and alley Intersections. The cross walks will bo placed one Inch above grade at the center of the street and flush with the top of the side walk at tho curb. Cross walks will bo constructed of fir plunking th pee (3) Inches thick and twelve Inches wide, securely sulked with six Inch wire mills to fir sills 4 xti Inches, firmly Imbedded In tha earth. Tho end of the sills lu nil casis to bo flush with tho outer edge of the cross walks, The sills are to bo placed under alt Joints of plunk used In cross walks and not a greater distance than seven feet from each other. Cross walks to be laid, con forming to cross section of street ex cept where elevntlon to admit the passage of watfr. Cross walks to be constructed as shown on plans, Bridges. A bridge will bo construct. td on Mad Isou street over the gulch between Tenth and Eleventh streets for which Plan nud Specifications will be fur nlshei by tho Engineer. Masonry, Brick Work. None but tho best quality of whole sound perfect shaped bricks burned hard shall bo used. All brick to bo thoroughly wet by immersion Imme diately before being laid. Every brick Is required to bo laid In n full cloHtt joint of cement mortsr at Its ends, beds And sides lit one op eration. In no case Is morta.' to be slushed lu afterwards. All brick work to be thoroughly bonded. Mortar. All mortar to be composed of the best quality of Portland cement and clear, sharp river sand, free fro n leant and mixed In the proportions of one part cement and two parts sand. The lcp rtlons f to bo mode by runs urement and In no case by approxi mation. Tho mortar must be mixed lu a box or on a platform and In no rase tiponj tho ground. Tho cement and sand will bo mixed In a dry state and the proper amount of water added after wards. Any excess mortar that has. been standing more than two hours shall not bo re tempered or used in any way Concrete. All concrete will consist of the fol lowing proportions: one part of best quality Portland cement, threo parts it c con shar;) river sand, 'n ft a loam, and four parts of clean bmken s(ft:e or gravel, sufficiently sn'sl! to paH through a two Inch ring. If re quired by tho engineer the broken stoi or gravel will be thoroughly washed before mixing. The above proportions will be thoroughly mixed by turning three times dry and twice ..ttr waned Is added. Ail inKni to be done In a box or on a platform. Transporting Material. Tho contractor Is required to have tho beds of all wagons, carts or other vehicles used In transporting earth, nck or other material to and from tho slto of tho work sufficiently tight to prevent leakage; and to cause all loose material clinging to tho beds or runnlug gears of such vehicles to be brushed or scraped off after loading and unloading and take every precau tion to prevent the unnecessary strew ing of such material upon the. streets. Lumber and Timbers. All lumber and timbers used In tho work must ho of sound fir timber, square edged and free from all large loose or unsound knots, waney edges, splits, and generally free from sap. Removal of Rubbish. All rubbish that may accumulate during tho performance ot the work or by reason of the, work herein pro vided for shall bo removed by the contractor and the street left In a clean anil good condition, Settlements. All settlements that may appear In any portion of the macadam or other work before the final acceptance of the work by tho city shall bo repaired and made good by tho contractor at his expense- Obttructlona to Travel. The work must be dono In such a manner as to obstruct public travel as little as possible. As soon as tho macadam Is complete It shall be thrown open to travel, but such open Ing shall not he deemed the final ac ceptance of tho work. Claiaiflcatlons. Earth Thitj will Include clay, sand, loam or other earthly material and loose stones containing less than ono cub ic foot. Loote Rock This will Include all looso stones containing one cubic foot to ono cub ic yard. Solid Rock , This will Include all looso rock or bowlders containing one wiblc yard and upwards, also all rock ledges or other material requiring to bo dis integrated by blasting. Superintendence. All work herein provided for will be done In strict conformity with these specifications and plans accompany ing samo In a thorough nnd workman like manner to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and his decision as to tho meaning and Intent of these spec ifications, measurements, computa tions of quantities, the quality ot ma terial to be used nnd all other matters pertaining thereto, whether freely specified herein or not shall be final and conclusive between the parties. All unfit or condemned material shall bo Immediately removed from the site of tho wmk. In the event of any workman employed by the con tractor refusing to comply with the Instructions of the City Engineer or his assistant or the inspector In charge of the work in regard to tho removal of rejected material or for doing his work In nn unworkmanllko manner shall be discharged by tho contractor ns soon as notified In writ ing by the Engineer of such neglect or refusal. Responsibility, The contractor will bo required to provide proper barricades nnd colored lights at all places of danger. Tho contractor shall take entiro charge of tho work during the pro gress and shall be responsible for any loss damage or injury to water and sewer pipes to adjacent proporty, or accidents resulting from blasting or from any carelessness or nogtoot In doing the work set out In these plans and specifications, and will hold Hiii nltv of Mriiiriin f'lltf tnl anv and all ofTlcluls thereof free and harmless therefrom, Tha contractor must protect his work until It Is completed and duly accepted, and ho must ropulr any damage dono to It by freshets, rains or other accident at Ms own cost, lu ciiho of uny accident to water or sew er pipes the contractor shall Immedia tely notify the proper authorities. 8taklng Out Work, The work provided for under these specifications will bo staked out by the City Engineer or his assistant and the contractor will be required to carefully preserve all such slakes set. , Alterations. The right Is reserved by the city council to moko such alterations as may be found expedient during the progress of tho work, and In such event there shall bo added to or de ducted from the contract price such sum as shall represent the cost of such additional or aubstrantoil work to ho estimated by tha engineer, Tho City reserves tho right to lay or relay nil or any water or sewer pipes or connections during the progress of tho work. Extra Work. The contractor shall not bo entitled to demand or receive puymeut for any work as extra work, unless order ed In writing by tho Engineer to do tho sumo and at tho prlco agreed up on and named In tho writ ten order for such work previous to Its com- Liucnccmcnt. Disputes. All disputes as to tho Intent and meaning of these specification shall bo referred to the Engineer and Street Committee whoso declslou shall be final and conclusive, Proposals, Pintle bidding on tho work pro vided herein nuiHt state In their bid the time required for tho completion of the entire Improvement as herein specified after tho approval of the tontroct by the Mayor and should the contractor fall to complete tho work within the time specified In the said contract the city shall have tho rlcht to rhargn tho contractor the sum of five dollars per day as liquidated dam age for each Slid every day that tho work shall remain uncompleted after said specified date and such sum shall be deducted from the amount of the nn ii I payment. No proposal will be considered when not accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of the total oHtlmato, which check shall be forfeited to tho city upon tho failure of the successful bidder to execute the agreement provided for herein, within ten day after tho sward of' the contract. Blank form upon which all pro posal are to be submitted will be furnished upon application to tho City Engineer. Payments. Monthly estimate of the amount of work completed will tm made by the Engineer and an advance payment of eighty per cent of such estimate will b ordered at the first meeting of the City council thereafter. The remain ing twenty percent to be paid In a lump mini within thirty five days after the Dim I acceptance of tin? entire con tract when completed, Bond. The contractor will be required to furnish a bond with approved security In tho full amount of tho contract price, conditioned on the faithful ami complete performance nf the work In accordance with all tl.o stipulations of the contract and within tho time uarnod therein. Engineer. Wherever tno worn 'Engineer" N used In these specification It la un- ' derstood to refer to the City Engineer or to any Engineer employed and au thorized by tho city council to super intend such work. Committee. Wherever tho word "Committee" oc curs In tbeco specifications It shall bo ! understood to refer to tho Committee on Mreets ami rutillc property cf tho City Council of Oregon City. Contractor. Wherever tho word "contractor" oc curs In these specifications It Is un derstood to refer to tho contractor, or firm of contractors. (or any member thereof) or any contractor undertak ing the work herein specified. All tho above work and materia to bo furnished, shall bo dono and furn ished to tho satisfaction of tho City Engineer. Tho City Council renorves the right to reject any and all bids. Section 3. The committee on Streets and Public Property are here by authorized to advertise for ond re ceive proponnls-as aforesaid, and the Mayor and Recorder shall enter Into contract with each person, firm or corporation to whom the contracts nro let by the City Conned for tho Im provement or parts thereof as speci fied In this ordinance. Section 4. Each contract shall con tain a stipulation to tho effect that the Imtsoii, firm or corporation to whom said contract Is let shall look for pay ment only to tho sum to bo assessed upon tho property liable to pny for such Improvement, and collected and paid Into tho City Treasury for that purposo, and they will not require Or egon City by any legal process or oth erwise to pay tho sum out of any other fund. Section 5. Whereas the condition of said street Is dangerous to the health and safety of tho city, nnd its Improvement Is necessary for the Ira medlute preservation of tho same, ,ln tho Judgment of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, an emergency exists; therefore this ordinance shall tnko ef fect and bo In force lmtnedlntetly up on Its approval by tho Mayor. Road first time nnd ordered pub lisheil at n specie meeting of tho Council of Oregon City, held Satur day, May 11th, 1907, and to como up for second rending and final passage nt a special meeting of said Council to ho held Saturday May 25th, 1907, at S o'clock p, m.- By order of tho Council of Oregon City, W, A. DIMICK, Recorder.