Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 10, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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SXttmilfMof long dl
tatictt telephone wire In
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the 1'aoHlc
Httttion Tolejihone Com
jmny, covering 2,2r)
Quick, atcurato, ehoitj
All the satisfaction of a
iKTMonal (Htinmunicnlion.
Distanco no ell'ect to a
clear underHtanding, Hik
kan and Han Francisco
an eucily heard a Port
land. Oregon City ofllee at
Harding's Dnur Store
When yon require an Abstract of Title
to InrnlH In Clackamas County, hare
It oecutatly and reliably prepared
by a ri'HpiinHlljlo company lucorpor
atod for the purpose, Our rates are
reasonable. We Invite you to ex
amine our complete net of Abstract
COG- 108 Chamber of Commerce DM.
Money to loan ou Clackamas County
Oregon City, Orofon
Will practice In all court of the itate
Office In Can field Building.
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V.
Graduitc of the Ontario Veteil
ury Collrge of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of
Surgery of Chicago, ta located
at Orrgon City and rstabliahcd an
office at The 1'aahlon Btablrt,
Hevcnth Strrrt near Main.
Iloth rrtephonea.
Partners' 132 Man Ijlt
In llio Circuit Court of the State of
On-Knit for the County of Clocka-
l.oyd II. TliiKK, Plaintiff,
AIIIho Flugk", Defendant,
In Him name of the State of Ore
gon: You, AIIImo Flugg, ore hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you herein on or
before TucKiliiy, the I Kill duy of June,
l!ii)7, I hut duy holiiK six weel(H from
the first publication of the summona
herein, and If you full to appcur and
answer herein, plaliitllT will apily to
the Court for the relief prayed for In
the com plaint on file herein, to which
reference Ih hereby made, ami more
particularly a followa: For a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff find
defendant 011 the ground of defen
dant's willful desertion of the plain
tiff for the period of more than one
year, coulliiuoiiHly, Immediately prior
to the commencement of IIiIh action,
and for audi other or further relief uh
muy lie equitable,
TliU auuimoiiH I served upon 011
by publlciitlou thereof for not less
than hU successive week In the "Or
egon City Enterprise," published In
the County of ClnckumaM, Ktato of
Oregon, and by order of the Honorable
ThomaM A. McHrlde, Judge of the
above entitled Court, willed order la
dated the 17th day of April, 1907.
The date of the Urn! publication of
thU summons Ih Friday, th 20th day
of April, ISO", and the date of the
liiHt publication of IIiIh summons la
Friday, the 7th doy of June, 1907.
:ot7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Bid For Lumber Wanted.
Notice Ih hereby given that the tin
designed, Recorder of Oregon City,
Oregon, will receive sealed bids, fur
the fiirnlMliIng of lumber for Oregon
City, for municipal purpoHCH, for a
period of one year, from the date of
tlo contract relative to the name J.o
be entered Into by Oregon City and
the auccesxful bidder herein.
Call for Warrante of School District
No. 107.
Notlco In hereby given that there
ore now fund on hand to pay war
rant. Issued by Hchool District No,
107, OlnckamitH County, Oregon, to
W, L. Hush for the Hum of $fi, (luted
AugiiHt 14, 11)02. Interest on samo
censes with date of thin notice.
J. K. HALL, Clerk,
Orient, Oregon.
Flint Publication May I!, 1907. 21-4
The Mystery Solved.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice In hereby given that the un
dersigned linn been apoplnted by the
county court of the State of Oregon,
for Clackamas county, aa admlnlstra
tor of the estate of H. H. Llehten
thaler, deceased. All person having
cluliiia against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to me
with proper vouchers, as required by
law,-ut Kherwood, Oregon, or at the
office of Win, I. Kenton, C09 Fenton
building,, Portland, Oregon, within nix
mouths from date hereof.
Administrator of the estate of II. H.
Llehtetit hater, deceased.
First Insertion, April 19, 1907.
LiiHt Insertion, Muy 17, 1007. 19t5
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
maa, Leonora A, Cooper, Plaintiff,
William A. Cooper, Defendant.
To William A. Cooper, Defendant,
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
you aro hereby required to appear
and aiiawer the complaint filed agalnat
you In the above entitled suit on or
before the last day of the time pre
scribed In the order for the publica
tion of thin Summons, to-wlt: on or
before the 10th day of June, 1907, aald
date being the expiration of six (C)
weeka from the first publication of
this Summons; and If you fall ao to
appear and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the icllef demanded In the com
plaint, to-wlt, for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony and marriage
contract existing between plaintiff
and defendant.
Thla numinous Ih publiHhed by order
of Hon. T. A .Mcllrlde, Judge of the
ututi'ia numftil fiiitrf m.-hlh nrdnF ta fl
All bids arc required to bo sealed' .; ,,, ig,,, ,iflV of
Juatlco of the Peace.
Office In Jagger Building. Oregon Cltj
IMH'SK AND LOT-ha fruit tree,
chicken houae, etc., located on Sixth
tttnet. Mjist be sold at once. Call at
Daniel WlllluniH, 41Cty Seventh street
Sold on eay terms. 19tf
AND lir.AI.IXl
CtllK foil
Ely's Cream Balm
UJ and pltuatil lo
n. riitiui no In
)nrimn drug.
If ! milrb Iw ldArlu.,1
(ilvra llfllrf l ()ln.
llnla (nit I'miptk ilia MDinliran. Kntiirra tha
Krti.oa tit '!'' anil hiii'll. Ijira Hicr, H) crnta at
Uriivriiia or hr mall; 1'rlal Him, 10 rrnn liy mall.
tLY liHOTliKUtt, M Warrau hUavt, Naw Vurk.
and filed with the undersigned at bin
office, Andresen Hldg, Oregon City,
Ore., oir or before Saturday, Junu 1st,
1907, at i o'clock p. tn. Koch bidder
must statu the price for rough, sur
faced, dressed (four aides) and tired
ned (one side) lumber. All lumber to
lie delivered at Oregon City, Oregon.
The right Is reserved to rejeci any
or all bids.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the council of Oregon
City, made April I2ud. 1907.
Recorder of Oregon City.
April, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Order to Show Cause.
Baaajaisi.. ii i ' 1 ""
a m I
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Dycle A. D. Knotts, Plaintiff,
Win. H. Knotts. iH'fcndant.
To Win. H. Knotts, defendant above
named :
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
agalnHt you In the above entitled court
and cause on or before the 8th day of
June, 1907, that being the time fixed
by the court for you to appear and
answer herein and six weeks from the
first (lay of publication of summons
and If you fall to appear and answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for tlio relief demanded In her com
plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant herein, awarding plaintiff the
care, custody and control of the minor
children of plaintiff and defendant,
namely, Harvey Edward Knotts and
Lola Anna Knotts, and for such other
relief as to the court may seem meet
and proper. .
This summons Is published pursu
ant to order of Hon. T. A. Mcllrlde,
Judge of the almve entitled court,
made and entered therein on the 24th
day of April, 1907, which order directs
the publication of this summons not
less than once a week for six weeks
prior to the 8th duy of June, 1907. The
(Into of the first publication of thla
summons Is April 20, 1907, and of the
Inst publication of this summons
June 7, 1907.
20t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 167!
A beautiful buy, 16 hands high
wulghs 1,Vl.ri pounds, splendid conch
action, that was admired so much at
the Lewis and Clark Show, where ho
stood third In a class of Conch stal
lions that could not bo beaten on
cither continent. Pflel won first prize
and championship at tho Oregon State
Fair in IDOIM, and Is considered by
good judges to be the highest class
conch stallion in the state. His colts
are uniformly good, and out of trot-
asaJ ting brod mares they look like pure
bred coachers. Will make the season
of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hub-hard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay's;
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oo-rgon City. Terms $20 to Insure with
?! J. N. McKAY, Owner, ...
J. D.Ralney, Keeper. R. F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In tho matter of tho guardianship of
the person and estate of Isabella
Poie, an Insane person.
It appearing from the petition of
('eorR Pope, the guardian of the per
son and estate of Isabella Pope, an
Insane person, that It Is necessary for
the maintenance and supjiort of said
Isabella Pope, and that It would be to
the liest Interest of said Isabella Pope
that all of the real estate, or her In
terest thcxcln. mentioned and set
forth In the petition of said George
Pope, guardian of the person and es
tate of said Isabella Pope, should be
sold :
It Is therefore ordered that the next
of kin of said Isabella Pope to-wlt:
Klla Hammond, Nellie Smith, Patience
Smith, Theodora W. Smith and C W.
Gay, and all iiersons Interested in
said estate, appear before this court
on Monday the 2nth duy of May, 1907,
at 10 o'clock a. in., at the court room
of this court, at Oregon City, Oregon,
to show cause, If any they have, why
such sale should not be ordered.
And It Ih further ordered that a
copy of this order be published In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper In general circulation, In
Hald Clackamas County, Oregon, for
a period of three (3) successive
Dated this 12th day of April 1907.
19tt Judge of said Court.
Like the flowers that bloom In the
Bpriiig the yoiinx girl Just budding into
womanhood is an inspiring sight and
she is usually beautiful if she is per
fectly heakny. iSbe stays beautiful
just so long as her health and constitu
tion remain good. Let her be nervous,
hav backache, sleepless nights, and
how soon docs It take for wrinkles,
crow's feet and dark circles to appear
in the face? Her cheeks were rosy
until she began to suffer from woman
weaknesses and the constantly recur
ring pains and drains brought her
quickly from the beautiful age to the
premature middle age. It was not
meant for women to suffer so it i
dun to our unnatural, but civilized
methods of living, and to the fact that
so many neglect those small ills which
aoon lead up to larger ones. Nothing
jio drags a woman down as those con
itantly recurring periods when she
suffers more ond more from a chronic
condition that can be easily cured. No
woman should take an alcoholic com
pound for that will disturb digestion,
and the food is quickly compacted and
becomes bard and tough in contact
with alcohol, rendering the food in
digestible, rjhe must go to Nature for
a cure. The native Indians of early
times were far from wrong when they
called a marvcloiisly effective medi
cinal plant "Squaw roof what the
physicians of our day called Caulophyl
lum or JJlue Cohosh. This and Black
Cohosh, olden Keal, Lady's Hipper.
and Unicorn root, are important
initredienls of a wonderfully success
ful remedy in modem timea, namely,
... r.
ir. i ierce s ravorue i-rpsrnpuon.
Having made a specialty of the disease!
of women in the early sixties Dr. Pierce
soon found that a glyceric extract of
these roots with Hydrastis or Holder.
bcal and Lady shopper root, comoimt
in just the right proportions, made the
very best tonic anu cure lor me uisires
ling complaint of i women. When
women suffered from backache, weak
ness, nervousness and lack of sleep, it
was usually due to functional trouble,
therefore tnis prescription directed a:
the cause cumi IH per cent, of sucl.
cases. That is why Dr. Pierce soot,
put it up in a form easily to be pro
cured all over the CniU-d htates.
Aching from head to foot that it
the condition that atllicts some women
at stated periods backache, dizziness,
and pains almost unbearable. An hon
est and a safe remedy which no woman
can afford to lose the opportunity of
trying for the cure of these distressing
complaints which weaken a woman's
vitality is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre-
acription. Dr. Pierce not only assure!
you that his "favorite rrescription- i
honestly made, but he lets you know
Just what it contains.
The best of medical authorities reoom
mnd and extol the virtue of the above
Ingredients in "Favorite Prescription."
Thus F. Klllngwood. M. D., Professor of
Materia Medlca, lk-nnett Medical Col
lege, Chicago, says of Golden Seal : "It
Is an Important remedy in disorders of
the womb. In all catarrhal conditions."
Of Lady's Slipper root he says: "Exer
cises special influence upon nervous con
ditions depending upon disorders of the
female organs; relieves pain, etc." Prof.
Juhn King In th Amkhicax Disitnsa
tokv, says of Mack Cohosh root: "This
Is a very active, powerful and useful
remedy." j'Uys a vsry
Important part In diseases of women; in
the painful conditions Incident to woman
hood. In dysmenorrhea It is surpassed
by no other drug, beinif of greatest
utility In irritative and comrestiv con
ditions." "lis action Is
slow, but ltt effects are permanent."
"For headache, whether congestive or
from neuralgia or dysmenorrhea it is
promptly curative.
Dr. John Fyf. of Saugatuck. Conn.,
F-dltor of the lepartment of Theratieu
tics in Thk F.i.kctic Ukvikw says of Uni
corn root (ift'h'Mio iHo(eo), one of the
chief tmrredlents of Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription: "A remedy which In
variably acts as a uterine (wombi invlg
orator and always favors a condition
which make for normal activity of the
entire reproductive system, cannot fail
to be of great usefulness and of the
utmost Importance to the general prac
titioner of medicine."
"In Helonia we have a medicament
hich more fully answers the above
Oregon people are becoming very
much awake to excursion rates from MAPLE LANE GRANGE VOICES
the east, and many of the commercial --mtimpnt nr farmers
bodies inrougnoiii trie state or ac-
tlvasv advertlHlna the fact that the NEAR OREGON til I Y.
(-"-'' . - ,
low rates beginning June 1st, particu
larly those of one fare for the round
trip from all points In the United At the May meeting of Maple Lane
States and Canada during July, are Grange, No. 200, P. "of H.. Saturday,
available for stops In Oregon with
out extra cost.
The Oregon Development league Is
growing, and new memberships are
being received. The following or
ganizations have become members re
cently: Gresham Commercial &. De
velopment, league, HoultonSt. Hel
ens Commercial club, Hermlston De
velopment league, and the Rainier
Commercial club
three new members were received
and over $25 added to the building
The Grange work was Inspected by
Mrs. H. L. Vail of Evening Star Grange
No. 27.
A resolution favoring a public
wharf at Oregon City was unanimous
ly adopted.
The lecturer's hour Immediately af
ter the noon recess, was attended by
I.. .. . ,.f t,lul,-,ra anH tha fnltriw.
Persons having large tracts of land!" " -" ,
lng entertaining program was given:
suitable for colonization purposes l
should address the Oregon Develop-- "Drifting ith th
ment league at Portland, giving full ,the Granger-roll call and
particulars. I.arge capital and active
men are willing to colonize Oregon
Just as they have Canada, Texas and
With the Tide," by
response to
the question, "How do you like to
eat apples?"; paper, "Frances E.
Wlllard," by Mary Shelby; reading.
The Little Blossom," by A. Splinter;
oiriop utatttU tall t (f lu alaUrilllf ttl V TkltP. I
V v u i. i ' recitation, "Sweet Peace, The Gift of
essary that they should have Iron !"'-'lal' ' , ... ,
lad options good for 12 to 21 months. 9 TV . '
... ' ....... ,.,., "A Home Vegetable Garden," by C.
Every effort made heretofore has
failed for the lack of this option.
T. Forbes; recitation, "A Charming
Ride on a Country Road," by Shirley
Swallow; solo, "Beautiful Gliding
River," by S. A. Glllett; recitation,
"Twas Nothing Hedoic," by J. T.
Dlckerson; recitation, "The Drummer
Boy of Shiloh," by R. Mautz; question
box opened by A. J. Hobble and S.
A. Glllett; recitation, "Two Little
Kittens," by Myrtle Swallow; reclta-
Jtnon. "How Persimmons Took Care
Ernest Stelner, the Infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Stelner of Oregon
City, died Saturday at the home of'
Klu i.a.untu Tha ttiitH tt'fla BPVPn I
: i;Z;; . of the Baby," by Carrie Seeley; aong.
, .,..... , ,,.Uo K-J'The Plow, Spade and Hoe. by the
nwilie llMltr yicfivuo ij no utiwtov.,
funeral arrangements have
been made.
as yet
Hugh L. Tycer, son of Mrs. Missouri
Tycer, who died of consumption at
the family home In Brownsville, April
30, was at one time a resident of Ore
gon City, and was a member of Wil
lamette Falls Camp, Woodmen of the
World at the time of his death. The
funeral was from the home on May
1, with interment In the Masonic cem
etery, under the auspices of Hemlock
Camp No. 214, Woodmen of the World,
at Brownsville.
Grange;, recitation, "How Bryan Waa
Saved," by O. A. Swallow; recitation,
"Romalin,", by Nettie Beard; original
poem, "The San Francisco Earth
quake," by Win. Gardner; address,
Ignorance," by Louise Beard.
A Significant Prayer.
"May the Lord help you to make
Bucklen's Arnica Salve known to all,"
writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill,
N. C. It quickly took the pain out of
a felon for me and cured It In a won
derfully short time." Best on earth
for sores, burns and wounds. 25c at
Howell & Jones drug store.
For sale by
purposes Uum any other drug with which
1 out ocqiKiirifcii. in the treatment of
diseases peculiar to women it Is seldom
that a case is seen which does not
iresent soma Indication for this reoie-
Publication of Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Robert T. Llnney, Plaintiff,
OreKon & California Railroad Com
pany, and Vnlon Trust Company, De
fendants. To Union Trust Company, said de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before Monday, the 17th day, of June,
A. D., 1 907, and If you fall so to ap
pear and answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will take a decree against
you for the relief demanded in the
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree to quiet the title to
the Southeast quarter of tho South
west quarter of Section Eleven (.11)
In Township Two (2) South of Range
Five (5) East of tho Willamette Mer
idian, In Clackamas County, Oregon
and that said defendant has no right,
title or Interest In and to the same.
This summons was ordered publish
ed in the Oregon City Enterprise, a
weekly newspaper published in Ore
gon City, Oregon, once a week for
six successive weeks, by Hon. Thomas
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of William W.
Henderson, deceased, by the Honor
able County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas county.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me for payment
with proper vouchers at my office on
Main street In Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice. A. H. GRIESSEN,
Administrator of the estate of William
H. Henderson, deceased.
John W. Loder and Gordon E. Hayes.
Attorneys for Administrator. 22-t5
John D. Conway died at his home In
Gladstone, Thursday, aged 51 years.
His death was due to stomach disease.
Funeral from Oregon City Presbyter-
Ian church at 2 o'clock Saturday af
ternoon; burial in Mountain View
cemetery. Rev. J. K. umcisDorougn
will conduct the services. The de
ceased leaves a widow, two sons and
two daughters.
A Hard Debt to Pay.
"I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes G. S. Clark,
of Westfleld, Iowa, "for my rescue
from death, by Dr. King's New Dis
covery. Both lungs were so seriously
affected that death seemed imminent,
when I commenced taking New Dis
covery. The ominous dry, hacking
cough quit before the first bottle was
used, and two more bottles made a
complete cure." Nothing has ever
equaled New Discovery for coughs,
colds and all throat and lung com
plaints. Guaranteed by Howell &
Bids For Nails Wanted.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Recorder of Oregon City,
Oregon, will receive sealed bids, for
the furnishing of nails for Oregon
Miss Nora Handle of Portland visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam McCord. Wednesday.
Mrs. Emll Grimm's brother, Mr.
Shrider. came from Germany, Satur
day. He will visit his sister for a time
and look around for a permanent loca
tion In Oregon.
Oak Grove to Celebrate July 4.
A committee has been appointed by
the Oak Grove Improvement associa
tion to make arrangements for the
celebration of the Fourth of July. G.
B. Hansen Is chairman of the commit
tee. A movement has been started
to get a reduction of fare to Portland.
The present fare from Portland to
Oak Grove is 15 cents, and a reduc
tion to 10 cents Is asked for. The as
sociation is working In harmony with
the Oregon City board of trade and
the Gladstone people in asking more
equitable fares from the O. W. P.
Is due In a large measure to abuse
of the bowels, by employing drastic
purgatives. To avoid all danger, use
only Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
safe, gentle cleansers and Invlgora
tors. Guaranteed to cure headache,
biliousness, malaria and Jaundice, at
Howell & Jones' drug store.
Oregon Patents.
Granted last week: Julius W.
Humphrey, St. Johns, fence or dike.
A. L. Barbur, the former Clackamas
county man, was nominated for city
auditor by the Republicans at the
primary in Portland, Saturday, win
ning fy a plurality of 168 over the
next highest man for that office. The
winner is a brother of R. T. Barbur
of this city. Devlin was nominated
He Fought at Gettysburg.
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y..
who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes:
"Electric Bitters have done me more
good than any medicine I ever took.
For several years I Irad stomach
trouble, and paid out much money for
medicine to little purpose, until I be
gan taking Electric Bitters. I would
not take $300 for what they have done
for me." Grand tonic for the aged
and for female weaknesses. Great al
terative and body builder; sure cure
for lame back and weak kidneys.
Guaranteed by Howell & Jones.
City, for municipal purposes, for a ifor mayor by the Republicans and
Dr. Lane re-nominated by the Democrats.
period of one year, from the date of
the contract relative to the same to
he entered into by Oregon City and
the successful bidder herein.
All bids are required to be sealed
and Hied with the undersigned, at his
olllce, Andreseu Hldg., Oregon City,
Ore., on or before Saturday, June 1st,
19()7, at 4 o'clock p. m. If any differ
ence in the price of nails of different
sizes, each bidder must state clearly
the respective prices. All nails are
to be furnished and delivered subject
?. Mcllrlde, Judge of the Circuit to the order of the Street Superinten
Conrt, made In open Court on tho 30th ,dent of Oregon City,
day of April, A. D. 1907. Tho right Is reserved to reject any
The first, publication of this sum- or all bids,
mona was May 3rd, 1907, and the last This notice is published pursuant
publication, June 14th, 1907. to an order of the Council of Ore-
H. E. CROSS, 'gon City, made April 22nd, 1907.
21-6 Attorney for Plaintiff. W. A. DIMICK,
When you tuy &n
Tts the easiest and
only way to get
the best
Sold everywhere
The Oregon City Juniors added an
other to their list of victories Satur
day afternoon by defeating the West
Side baseball team on the Willamette
j ball grounds by a score of 17 to 10.
I Roos played the best game for the
j Juniors and aided things materially
'by hammering out a home run and
tvo three-baggers at opportune times.
:The batteries were: West Side, M03-
ler, and Burdon and Young; Juniors,
Moore and Hart.
Piles are dangerous nut do not sub
mit to an operation until you have
first tried Man Zan the great Pile
Remedy. It Is put up in collapsible
tubes with a nozzle that allows It to
ijie applied exactly where It is needed.
!lf you have itching, bleeding or pro
jtrudlng piles and Man Zan does not
I relieve, money refunded. Soothes
and cools. Relieves at once. Sold by
i Huntley Bros.