Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 10, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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The case against Edward Kopper
of Cherryvllle, charged with threat
ening to kill Clark Rich of Poring,
was brought up before Justice Llvy
Stlpp Saturday afternoon at 2 o'eock,
but was dismissed on account of lack
of sufficient evidence on the part of
state. Kopper was Immediately re
arraigned on charge of carrying con
cealed weapons, and he pleaded guilty
to this charge, paying the fine of f 10
imposed by the court. The defendant
was represented by U'Ren & Sonne
bel and the prosecution was carried
on by 0. D. Eby.
The trouble between the two men
started several years ago, when Hop
per's young wife left him. He blames
Rich for the trouble. He Is said to
have made remarks to several neigh
bors to the effect that he would have
Rich's life as a revenge, and to have
laid in wait for him.
Golden Gate
Sore Nipples.
Any mother who has had experinece
with this distressing ailment will be j
pleased to know that a cure may be
effected by applying Chamberlain's
Salve as soon as the child Is done
nursing. Wipe It off w ith a soft cloth
before allowing the babe to nurse.
Many trained nurses use this salve
with best results. For sale by How
ell & Jones.
Sold True to nam
Packed in
San Francisco.
farther ahead. The larger, then, the
area of the national ami state control
over woodlands, the greater Is the
likelihood that the foretfts of 'the
country will be kept permanently productive.
M. C. Faber of Cauby visited In this
city Sunday.
A little excitement was caused Fri
day night by a fruitless chase between
a trio of chicken thieves and the night
officers. The thieves had gained en
trance to John Moore's chicken house
at the south end of Main street, and
were about to make oft with some of
the feathered occupants when their
presence was made known by a dis
cordant squawk from one of the fowls
On hearing the noise, Carl Moore ran
out to the scene of the trouble, caught
one of the marauders, and after giv-
tent that it will be unnecessary to
close the paper mills during the sum
mer on account of low water. Three
years ago the W. P. & P. company
built a large portion of the dam on
the west side of the river on condition
that the electric company would finish
it. It was granted three years time
In which to complete its share and as
this Is the last year it will make the
improvement. The washing out of
the old wooden wall of the basin also
furnished an Impetus for rushing the
project to completion. The work will
In alt probability last till well Into fall
and a large number of men will be
Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough
People everywhere take pleasure In
testifying to the good qualities of
Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. Mrs.
Ing him a severe shaking up let him Edward Phinips of Barclav Md-
g0- writes: "1 wish to tell you that I can
A few minutes later, another mem- recomtnend chamberlain's Cough
ber of the family went out to see the Remedy. My littIe grl Catherinei
amount, of damage done the fence, and whQ u twQ ypars od hag be?n tak,ng
was surprised to see that the men;this remedy whenew she has had
were back again. A call was sent lnjC(jld gince she WM twQ months od;
for the police and Officer Cooke, ac-About a month agQ , contracte(1 a
companied by Chas. Wright, was the, drea(lfu, cod my8elf but , tJ0k
first to arrive on the scene. The trio ChamberIain-s Cougn Remedy and
. olu.u6 v,u 'was soon aa weii as ever." This reme-H
street about halt way between Mam ;dy ,3 f()r gale by Howe & Joneg
street ana me lunnei unaer me rail
road track. By the time the officer
learned the cause of the trouble the
men made good their escape under
the railroad track. Charles Wright j
was standing at the corner of Third j
and Main and says that, had he been
deputized, he is confident that he '
could have landed one of the party
and constipation try Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many re
markable cures have been effected by
f.iO.Ti. Price, 25 cents. Samples free.
For sale by Howell & Jones.
, Miles Deakins, of Deakins Bros, fruit
ifarm, one mile this side of Clackamas
, Station, was in town Saturday. Mr. j
Deakins says they picked their first
i strawberries last year May 13. but the
frosts will make the season a few
weeks later this year and the berries
will probably not be ready much be
fore the first of June. Deakins Bros.
have seven acres of strawberries be-
j sides raspberries, apples and other
GETTING MATERIAL. fruits. Their berries are sold In the
FOR CONCRETEDAM. Portland market. (
The Portland Railway, Light & Pow
er company has a force of men at
work on the bluff 'between Oregon
City and Canemah blasting and break- Laxakola tonic tablets are cascarin
ing stone to be used on the concrete and dandelion which is one of the Bat
coffer dam that is to be built around est complexion beautiflers known,
the falls. This dam will raise the Forty little chocolate coated laxative
water above the falls to such an ex- tablets, 25 cents. Huntley Bros.
Every person In the I'nlted States
is using over six times as much wood
as he would use In Europe. The
country as a whole consumes every
year between three and four times
more wood than all of the forests
of the I'nlted States grow in "the
meantime.' The average acre of for
est lays vip a, store of 10 cubic feet an
nually, whereas it ought to be laying
jup at least 30 cubic feet In order to
furnish the products taken out of It.
Since 1SS0 more than 70,000.000.000
feet of timber have been rut for lum
ber alone. Including 80,000.000,000
feet of coniferous timber in excess of
the total coniferous stumpage esti
mate of the census of 1SS0.
These are some of the remarkable
statements made in Circular 97 of
the Forest Service, which deals with
the supply of the I'nted States and
reviews the stumpage estimates made
by all the Important authorities. A
study of the circular must lead direct
ly to the conclusion that the rate at
which forest products in the I'nlted
States have been and are being con
sumed Is far tix) lavish, and that only
one result can follow unless steps are
taken to prevent waste in use and to
Increase the growth rate of every acre
of forest in the United States. The
result is a timber famine. This coun
try Is today In the same position with
regard to forest resources as was
Germany 150 years ago. During this
period of 150 years such German
states as Saxony and Prussia, particu
larly the latter, have applied a policy
of government control and regulation
which has immensely Increased the
productivity of their forests. The
same policy will achieve even better
results In the United States, because
we have the advantage of all the les
sons which Europe has learned and
paid for In the course of a century of
theory and practice.
Lest it might be assumed that the
rapid and gaining depletion of Amer
ican forest resources is sufficiently
accounted for by the Increase of popu
lation, it Is pointed out In the circular
that the Increase in population since
1880 Is barely more than half the
Increase In lumber cut In the same
period. Two areas supplying timber
have already reached and passed their
maximum production the Northwest
ern states In 1S70 and the Lake states
in 1S90. Today the Southern states.
which cut yellow pine amounting to
one-third the total annual lumber cut
of the country, are undoubtedly near
their maximum. The Pacific states
will soon take the ascendency. The
state of Washington within a few
years has come to the front and now
C. L. Hates of Cauby was a visitor
In Oregon City, Sunday.
Improve and Beautify the Complexion.
The principal Ingredients In Dainty
ranks first of all Individual states.
At present but one-fifth of the total
forest area of the United States is
embraced in National forests. The re
maining four-fifths have already pass
ed or, are most likely to pass into
private hands. The average age of
the trees felled for lumber Is not less
than 150 years. In other words,, If
he Is to secure a second crop of trees
of the same size, the lumberman or
private forest owner must wait, say,
at least one hundred years for the
second crop to grow. As a rule, such
long time Investments as this waiting
would involve do not commend them
selves to business men who are ac
customed to quick returns. But the
states and the nation can look much
John Weaver of Sandy was In Ore
gon City Saturday on business.
F. J. Phelps of Alius uuide a busi
ness trip to Oregon City, Friday.
We Advertise
To Make You
F. M. Morey of Sllverton visited
friends in this city Friday afternoon.
V. E. Uonuey and family of Col-
ton attended the circus In this city,
Messrs. Pearl and Charles Hall of'i
Molalla visited friends In this city.
W. A. Shaver of Molalla was among
the crowd that attended the circus
Friday night.
The old fashioned "ethics" that n dentist should not iidvoitlso are
dead, except with n few eld fogies. Patronize mi up to dam d n'M
nnil Ituep your teeth up to dale also. You have been promising your
self to have those unsightly teotho cleaned, the tartar removed, ihonn
bleeding ami tender gums I real oil ami the decayed teeth crowned or
tilled; but you have let them go knowing that the diseased condition
of your mouth and teoOi ure causing that unpleasant breath and de
stroying your health. Why not have your mouth and teeth clean nnd
healthy and able to do ttio work nature Intended them to do. It would
be a good investment which you will realize when you have lost both
your teeth and your health. Nino tenths of all stomach troubles are
caused by bad teeth and ulcerated gums, Wo do crown and bridge
work without hurting you and our work Is up to the standard of huge
cities. It Is bestJ Call and see us. We are careful not to hurt you
and guarantee to please you, No charge for examination or advice,
I I PifKPrK Weinhsrdl.uilding,
MJi Mm L 1 IVllVllftJ OrrKon City, Ore.
Pott Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Oentlttry,
City Phone 1293 Mutual and Independent 131
Casper Youukers, well known busi
ness man of Sandy, was In Oregon
City, Saturday.
H. D. Morris left Monday morning
for St. Johns, and will make that city
his future home. '
Carl C.oranson, an old resident of
Molalla, made a business trip to Ore
gon City, Saturday.
of shingles
C. Ely.
Friday, bought of Dunne
WANTED Person to travel and col
lect tu home territory; weekly sal
ary of $1072 per year and expenses.
Address, Joseph Alexander, 121
Plymouth PI., Chicago, III.
lie Is authorized tu
for advertising and
make contracts
printing of all
Mr. and Mrs. James McFaiiaue, Mr,
nnd Mrs. J. II. Taylor and their friends
i i m.j ii.,r..r,i ii riintn ,,f IDalt,, was In
.ill, uiiu ,'itn. . !,). ..r,r.
Portland will spend Sunday at Sea
Mrs. Charles Moehnke of Shubel,
who formerly lived at Oregon City, Is
spending a week with her Utuie, A.
F. Parker, at tiludstnne ami visiting
old friends here.
The Herman Lutheran churches of
this district will hold B ten days' con
ference In Portland. beginning on
Miss Nora Hannifin of this city vis-, Wednesday. A numlter from the Ore
gon City church will go down.
Ited friends In Heaver Creek. Satur
dav afternoon and Sunday.
Mrs. Julius Brabant of Colton. vis
ited her sister Mrs. C. W. Frederlch,
Friday and Saturday.
It. I). Morris or this city leaves Sat
urday evening for a few days' visit
with friends In Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cross went to
Sandy Monday morning, where they
expect to spend the summer.
Mrs. Margaret5- Henry of Meldrum
visited Sunday with her sister. Mrs.
II. Hannifin of this city.
A. E. Joyner and wife of New Era.
attended Norrls & Howe's circus In
this city, Friday evening.
J. 11. Lawrence of Kaunas City.
Is visiting her friends Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Daulton and family In West Ore
gon City. They were acquaintances
lu the east several years ago.
Mrs. Frank Ilusoh Is confined to
her home on Sixth street with Ill
ness caused by overworking herself
In the store. During her Illness, Miss
Elsie Kallert Is filling her position.
Henry Meldrum arrived In Oregon
City Saturday from San Francisco,
where lie stopped a few days on his
way home from Washington, I. C.
He went to Portland Saturday night.
Evernuin Robblns, Molalla mer
chant, visited friends In Oregon City
Saturday evening and Sunday.
nta,! Wrlk
od.era.te Prices
We wish to announce to the public that we have opened offices in your city where
we are prepared'to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider
ing the class of work produced.
All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices
BRIDGE WORK - - $5.00
Over Harding's Drug Store
Rooms 8 and 9, Willamette Building
Attorney V. S. U'Ren Is recuperat
ing at Ocean Park, Washington, and
will Be away perhaps two weeks.
D. H. Martin Is having a dwelling
erected at Mt. Pleasant. W. E. Scott
Is superintending the construction.
Thos Sager and Elbert Larklns of
Shubel witnessed the performance of
the "world's greatest show" Friday
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. llestow of Port
land were guests of Mrs. W. II. Wood,
Frldav. Mr. and Mrs. llestow are old
Oregonlaiis, having come to Oregon
City In IHill. They moved from here
t.) Portland about ten years ago.
Raleigh Worthington, who was ar
rested for having his nets and fishing
paraphiinella lmproerly numbered on
the night of May 1. pleaded guilty In
Justice Stipp's court Friday afternoon
and was fine. I $10 und costs. The fine
was paid.
Bert Jonsrud, constable at Ilarton,
was In Oregon City as a witness In
a case In Justice Stipp's court, Saturday.
Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond and
their San Francisco guests, Mrs.
Hammond's sister and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wilson, were
dinner guests of Mrs. O'Nell nnd Miss
Hidrnes at "Rose Farm," Monday.
Chan. S. Edwards of Mayvllle, N.
Oregon City, Saturday.
with u parly of automobile tourist
taking In the sights of our city. Mr,
j Edwards Is president of the (loose
River I In ilk of Mayvllle; also a lin-tii
her of the firm of (irandln & Edwards,
extensive hind owners In the Rod Htv
yr valley of the North Mr. Edwards
Is a former acquaintance of II M.
Shaw of the Dally Slur.
Miss M. Dorothy Cross, daughter of
Attorney and Mrs. II. E. t'rtms, was
graduated May 2, from the Columbia
College of Expression In Chicago.
There are twenty-eight In her via
and MImh Cross was one of the seven
young ladles who appeared on the
graduating program. In a recital giv
en by members of the class before
the commencement exercises. Mis
Cross gave a selection by I tab), "A
muu without a country."
A prominent business man of this
city Is laughing over a little cplto.lo
that occurred Sunday. A limn of
Polish descent came to bis plnre of
business Saturday and told him that,
as he, (the pole! could not talk
English, he was unable to get a room,
lie Hiibl that he would consider It a
great favor If the business man would
secure lodgings for hltn. As the bus
iness man knew the awkward iosl
tlon of a stranger In a strange land,
he readily gratified the man's wish
es .on .Sunday he met the man again.
and lu the course of their conversa
tion, the stranger told of the ton-t
ie pains lu his chest As he kept
complaining of bin suffering, the local
man became alarmed, and asked to
see the place of sufferlnif. The man
readily opened his shirt, but the
chest could not be seen owing to tin
large variety of plasters that covered
It There were Aleock's plasters,
mustard plasters, horseradish plas
ters, kidney plasters. In fact almost
very kind of a plaster adorned the
man's bosom. The man was Bdviscd
by his friend to remove the plusters.
but, refused, and still complain of
those "awful imlns."
Dr. E. A. Hummer, the attending
physician, states that Wm. Huntley,
the little son of W. A. Huntley died of
Mrs. F. J. Neppach of Portland vis- - pneumonia wun meningitis symptoms,
ited her mother and sisters, Sunday, j but not cerebro-spliinl meningitis that
Her sister Miss1 Rose Marrs Is still lis epidemic In Portland. There are
quite 111.
HOUSE 8-rooms In complete order.
Hath ami electric lights. Finest loca
tion in Oregon City. Two blocks
from Main street.
Grocery. 82-t.l
several kinds of meningitis.
Mrs. Pauline Schwartz., Mrs. Fred
Seerest and Miss Myrtle Wallace, at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Frank
Schneider at, Estacada, Monday. Mrs.
Enquire at Harris' ncrineuier, wiiohh ueiiin occurred ri-
nay, wus lonueiiy u leMuieui. oi inu
sas city addition, Oregon City.
Chambers Howell, of the firm of
Howell & Jones, has the lumber on
the ground for a dwelling at Gladstone.
Clyde Hughes of
chased the William
from John Graw and is moving It on
to his own farm.
Frank Lowing of Troy, Ohio, ariiv
In Oregon City, Saturday night and
has accepted a position as business
solicitor for the Dally Star and the
Ilolton has pur-; Oregon City Enterprise. Mr. Lowing
Iturner bouse Is an experienced newspaper man.
Don't Push
The liorsc can draw the
load without help, if j ou
reduce friction to almost
nothing by allying
to the wheels.
No other lubri
cant ever nmdo
wears so long
and savesso much
horse iKiwer. Nexttim
try Mica Axi.k Crkask. A-7 CS-
standard OU Co.
Dr. Powell of Molalla was In Ore
gon City culling on old friends Thurs
day. The doctor was a physician hero
for a good many years.
r'areful of Your Property
The Clackamas county rural car
rier's association will hold a meeting
on the night of May 11, in the build
ing of the Hill Hose company No. 3.
Mrs. Don Meldrum and daughter
Maxlne, leave Saturday evening for
Haker City, for an extended visit with
Mrs. Meldruni's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jonathan Parker.
John Meldrum Is doing lots of build
ing and re-shingling at his place at
Meldrum Station, He took out a load
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving
Willams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street f