Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 03, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Clothe Washed "Whiter Than
Bnow." Family Washings at
Reasonable Rates- -No worry,
no regret If you phone 1204.
Our wagon will call.
Box Ball Alley
$5 in Prizes for
Highest Score
d(H Main HI, Iletwoon 6th and Cth BU.
2,(KK) mile of long dto
t tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Call
for nia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Ktation Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,2.70
towns ,
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
I biwtance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and Ban Francisco
as easily heard at Port
land. -Oregon Citr office at
Harding' s l)rur Ston
When you require an Abstract of Title
to landa in Clackamaa County, bar
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for tbe purpose. Our rate are
.mi.. n..r mmni.t. Ak.tr.At 1
est- 60S Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Money to loan qd Clackamaa County
Oregon City, Oregon
Will practice In all courts of the atate
Office In Cauflald Building.
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M, D. V.
Crsduite of tbe Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
sod tbe McKUlip School of
Surgery of Chicago, bit located
st Oregon City and established an
office st Tbe Fashion Stablrs,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both telephones.
Farmers' ija Mail
Private Money to Loan
1 have private parties with the fol
lowing amounts to loan on real estate:
Parties Amount. Time
1 (3000.00 5 to 10 years
1 $4500.00 S to 5 years
2 $3500.00 I to 3 yean
5 $1500.00 , 5 years
t $ 500.00 I tn S yean
15 $ 300.00 2 tc 4 years
25 $ 100.00
$ 200.00 1 to 5 years
Interest at 6 per cent and your owe
time for repayment.
Also a little Chattel money at I pet
Will buy notes and mortgages.
Also own Oregon City property to
trade for country land.
Will look up titles to land free If
trado la made. "
Own 3 lots, house, barn and chicken
park at Willamette, for sale cheap on
No real estate agent to Interfere.
If Interested call, write or phone,
Stevens Building, Oregon City,
" f - - -r , j
bred coachers. Will make the season
of 1907 as follows; Monday at Hubbard; Tuesday at J. N. McKay'B;
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oe-rgon City, Terms $20 to Insure with
foal. J. N. MCKAY, Owner, ...
J. D.Raliiey, Keeper. ' R. F. D. No. 1 Woodburn, Oregon.
Notice Ih hereby given, that by vir
tue of an oritur and license of nolo,
duly made by the Honorable County
Court of Clackamas County, Oregon,
on the 5th day of April, A. I). 1907,
In the mnttor of the estate of Anna
Chuso, un Insane ponton, I will on
Monday, the Cth day of May, 1907, at
the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m. of said
day, In front of the court houMe door
In OrKon City, In aald county, soil
at public auction to tho highest blddnr
for caxh In band, all the right, tltlo and
Interest, which said Insane person ban
In and to (he following described real
property, situated In Clackamna coun
ty, Oregon to, wit:
The south-east quarter of the north
went quarter; the south-west quarter
of the north woMt quarter of section 13,
T. 2, 8. R. 4 K. of tho Willamette Me
ridian, and all that portion of the
north-went quarter of the aouth went
quarter of aald section 13 lying north
of the Suudy and Portland roud; also
all that portion of the north-cant quar
ter of the south-west quarter of wild
Bictlon 13, lying north of aald road;
aave and except the south-west quar
ter of the aouthweet quarter of the
northwent k of said Action 13, owned
by R. Olxon, and also certain lota or
urn si I parcels of land lying north of
aald rond and which have heretofore
boon aold by FrIU Btulke. II. II. Chaae
and wife, and Charlea 8. Chase, but
Including amall tract under contract
of aale to Newton Orr, and all subject
to a mortgage of $1500.00 In aald
premises. The tract undir contract
to aald Newton Orr, will be aold sep
arately, CHARLES . CHASE,
Guardian of Anna Chase, an Insane
HARVEY E. CR088, Attorney for
Guardian. .. 17-15
Administrator's 8al of Rtsl Est..
In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur
u Albrigni, aeceasou.
I'ursuant 10 an oraer oi inn muiuy
Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Clackamas, I will, on and
after Saturday, the 4th day of May,
1907, proceed to Bell tho following de
scribed real property belonging to the
said estate at private aale for cash
kilt! nuujuci uj cuiiiirui.uuii vj uv
said court, said real property being do
nor I bed as follows, to-wit
The North half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 15 In Township 4
South of Range 4 Eaat of the Willam
ette Meridian In Clackamaa County,
State of Oregon.
Administrator of the Estate of Arthur
L. Albright. Deceased. 17t5
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned baa been aooDlnted bv the
Lminly cour, of tho Smf ()f 0ww
for Clackamaa county, as administra
tor of the estate of H. B. Llchten
thaler, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate arc hereby
j notified to present the same to me
with proper vouchors, as required by
law, at Bhorwood. Oregon, or at the
office of Wm. D. Fenton, 609 Fenton
building,, Portland, Oregon, within six
months from date hereof,
Administrator of the estate of H. B.
Llcbtenthalcr, deceased.
First insertion, April 19, 1907.
Last Insertion, May 17, 1907. 19t5
Order to Show Cause.
In the County Court of tho 8tate of'
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matier of the guurdianshlp of
tbe person and estate of Isabella
Pope, an Insane person.
It appearing from the petition of
George Pope, the guardian of the per
son and estate of Isabella Pope, an
Insane person, that It Is necessary for
the maintenance and support of aald
Isabella Pope, and that It would be to
the best interest of said Isabella Pope
that all of the real estate, or her In
terest therein, mentioned and set
forth in the petition of said George
Pope, guardian of the person and es
tate of said Isabella Pope, should be
sold :
It Is therefore ordered that the next
of kin of said Isabella Pope to-wit:
Ella Hammond, Nellie Smith, Patience
Smith, Theodora W. Smith and C. W.
Gay, and all persons Interested In
said estate, appear before this court
on Monday the 20th duy of May, 1907,
at 10 o'clock a. m at the court room
of this court, at Oregon City, Oregon,
to show cause, If any they have, why
such Bale should not be ordered.
And It Is further ordered that a
copy of this order be published In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper In general circulation, In
mild Clackamus County, Oregon, for
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1671
A benutlfiil bay, 1G hands high
weighs 1545 pounds, splendid coach
action, that was admired so much at
the Lewis and Clark Show, where he
stood third in a class of Conch stal
lions that could not bo beaten on
either eoutlnent. Pflel won first prize
"hiuI championship at the Oregon State
Fair In 1903-4, and Is considered by
good judges to be the highest class
conch stallion In tho state. His colts
are uniformly good, and out. of trot
ting bred mares they look like pure
a period of three (3) successive
Dated thin 12th day of April 1907,
19t4 Judge of said Court.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
maa. Leonora A. Cooper, Plaintiff,
William A. Cooper, Defendant.
To William A. Cooper, Defendant,
" In the Name of the btate of Oregon
you are hereby required to appnar
and answer tbo complaint filed against
you In the above entitled ault on or
before the last day of the tlmn pre
scribed In the order for the publica
tion of this Summons, to-wit: on or
before the 10th day of June, 1907, said
date being the expiration of six (6)
weeks from the first publication or
this Summons; and If you fall so to
appear unr answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in tha com
plaint, to-wit, for a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony and marriage
contract existing between plulntlff
and defendant.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. T. A .McHrldo, Judge of the
above named Court, which order was
made and entered on the 18th day of
April, 1907.
1917 Attorney for Halntlff.
Ouaranteed Remedy for Indigestion,
Interesting Statement by Huntlty
When a man comes Into this store
and calls for any particular Indiges
tion remedy, we give what be aska
for, but In case he leavea It to ua we
usually recommend Pepalkola tablets'
Here la a preparation we have been
selling right over tbe counter for years
and from actual observation we know
It must be good, and really doe re
lieve and cure indigestion and dyipep
,sla or there would be a steady stream
of people coming back for their mosey,
as every 26 cent box Is sold with the
understanding that you must be de
cidedly benefitted or there Is nothing
to pay. v
You simply try Pepslkola tablets
wth tbe understanding that tbey will
steady your nerves, Improve your ap
petite, relieve wind belching, coated
tongue, sour stomach, fullness after
eating, weakened energy, and other
symptoms of Indigestion or Huntley
Bros, are ready at any tme to pay
back your money without the least
Rev. Huber Burr and wife have tak
en rooms at W. Vincent's and have
sent for tbelr household goods. The
Congregatlonat church has advrtlsed
for bids for building the new church
and the work will be punhed right
along. With a new church building,
Parkplace will have three splendid
public buildings, the school, of which
the pwple of Parkplace are deserved
ly proud; the orphanage, not only a
(lne building but a grand institution,
with the Sisters of Mercy In charge,
and a house of divine worship.
Mrs. M. Sours of Oregon City was
a gueBt of Mrs. John Johansen at
Parkplace, Friday. '
The Parkplace school will give the
annual public entertainment, Friday,
May 10, at the school. An excellent
program Is being prepared. The en
tertainments given by this school are
always above tbe average and this
one will be a little better than the pre
ceding ones. A principal attratclon
will be a soldier's drill by Mss Wll
sou's class of boys. W. P. Morris of
Portland an ex-officer of the Philip
pine war, will be at the school next
Tuesday afternoon, to begin Instruct
ing the boys in the drill.
Mrs. George Hamilton went to Port
land with her son Glenn, Thursday.
He has been In poor health for some
time and they -went to consult Dr.
A company known as the Clackamas
Lumber company has leased lota, of
W. A. Holmes at Parkplace and will
sell lumber and deliver It on the cars.
The company has almost completed
a new office.
The Southern Pacific Is surveying
for a road through W. A. Holmes' res
idence property.
Saloon License.
Notice Is hereby given that we will
apply to the city council of Oregon
City at the next regular meeting for
a renewal of our liquor license for a
period of throe months at our present
place of business, the Hub saloon, on
Main street, Oregon City, Oregon.
"When you buy un
lis the easiest and
only ww to get
the oesx
Sold everywhere
J'lm strong-cut in I tids hsvn gotten trmlr
p-Hilriuli)ii dired from Jsiur. Naturn
h tin! gn-ut teacher of mankind. We
esn Iimik to Nature for all our needn. In
the rwent KiMHo-JatiHiiese war the sur-
gm of the Jiinanee i,avy and army
OiHcoverwl that wound would heal rnorn
rHimily and with better ucns If left to
Nature, The.y wsxhed the wounds with
water which had been bolM and thus
terlll-il then bandaged the wounds
Willi cli-iin linen no fiowerful drug or
anlliu'iiiirs were uiw-d In their II rut aid to
the Injured. Much methods resulted In
the lowt of only 32 out of Ott men treated
In a naval himpltal for their wounds. It
Is only from lin k of observing Nature's
law that niiwt of us suffer at one tln
or aiiolhnr from Indigestion, lmpaie
blond and a generally run-down syittem.
Our remedy lies In Nature's laboratory
deep In tlis fragrant woodswhere are
ninny American plants, the roots of
which when properly treated will sup
ply health-Klvlug tonic.
Aluny yearn ago a physician who had
an extensive, practice among the afflicted
made a striking departure from the usual
mciliodnof his confrere in medicine br
went straight to Nature for the cure ol
Urn'- stomach disorders which resulted
o oMeti In an anu-mlc condition, or Irn
pur blood. Im of appetite, pale or
plainly skin, feelinR of latitude and
weakness. lie found that the bark of
th Illack Cherry-tree, ths root of the
Mandrake, tstoiifl root. Oueen's root,
Itloodruot and Oolilcn Heal ryot, made
Into a scientific, non-alcoholic, extract by
ths line of glycerine, mads ths best altera
tive and tonic. The refreshing Influence
of this extract is at once apparent In the
recovered strength of the patient the
vital fires of the body burn brighter and
their Increased activity consumes the
tliwue rubbish which otherwise ma
poion the system. This alterative and
tonic extract has been found to stand
alone as a safe. Invigorating tonic, as It
doe not depend on alcohol for a false
Itlniulallon, but Is Stiture'g (run rncfiod
of tlrengthcnlug and cleansing the sys
tem. It tones up the stomach and the
blood in Nature's own way. It is well
known all over the world as Dr. Pierce's
Golden Mil leu I Discovery. The name
was given to this vegetable compound
because one of the Important Ingredients
was (iolden Seal root. Such an
authority as Iir. Robert liartholow, of
Jefferson Medical College, says "very use
ful a a stomachic tonic. Cures catarrh
of the stomach and headaches accom
panying the same." Dr. tirover toe, in
hi book (rganic Medicines, speaking of
(eildcn Heal root, says that "as a liver
Invlgorator it has fru- npwU." Further
be nays, "In chronic Inflammation of the
bladder we deem it one of the most reli
able agents of cure. As a tonic in the
convalescing stages of fevers, pneumonia,
dysentery and other acute diseases Hy
drastis ((iolden Seal root) Is peculiarly
Dr. Coe continues: "We would here
add that our experience ha demon
strated tbe Hydrastis or Golden Seal root
to be a valuable remedy In bronchitis,
laryngitis, and other ajiections of tbe
respiratory organs."
of service In chronic catarrh of tbe
stomach and bowels following abuse of
alcohol, a tonic after malarial fever.
Has a distinct, anti-malaria! influence.
Good In all catarrhal . conditions, as
uterine catarrh, leucorrho-a, etc. Is a
curative agent in chronic dyspepsia."
Ilobart K. Hare, M. D., Lniversity
of Pennsylvania.
Prof. John M. Scudder In Specific Med
ication says: It stimulates tbe diges
tive processes, and increases the assimila
tion of food. 11 r these mean the blood
U cnrtcied, and this blood feeds the
muscular system. 1 mention the mus
cular system because I believe it tint
feeli the Increased power Imparted by
the stimulation of Increased nutrition.
The consequent Improvement on the
nervous and glandular systems are
natural results.
In relation Uf Its general effects on
the system, thrrt it tio medicine in use
about which there in turh pcnrml nrion-'
imity of opinion. It Is utilimoJt re
garded as tht tonic nseful in all de
bilitated SUM."
After many years of study and labo
ratory work Dr. R. V. Pierce produced
the most happy combination of this
Golden Seal root with other efficacious
rootsenhancing and Increasing In cura
tive power these native plants from our
American forests by tbe addition of chem
ically pure glycerine, of proper strength,
which Is far better than alcohol, both
for extracting and preserving the medi
cinal principles residing In plants. Glyc
erine itself Is useful In medicine to sub
due inflammation and by cleansing the
membrane of the stomach of abnormal
secretions aids In the cure of dyspepsia,
and stomach and Intestinal troubles.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser. 1 vl8 pages. Is sent free, on receipt
of stamps, to pay expense of mailing onfy.
Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in
Daoer covers, or 31 utimni for the cloth-
bound volonfe. Address Ir. R.V. Pierce,
663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Data from the government weather
bureau at Portland gives the follow
ing figures on May weather In this
section for last 35 years: Mean tem
perature 57.30. highest 99 degrees on
May 29, 18S7. lowest 32 degrees on
May 9, 1894, which waa latest date a
killing frost ever occurred. Precipi
tation average 2.42 Inches, greatest
C.60 inches in 1S79, least .68 of an Inch
in 18S8. Average number of clear
hr partly cloudy days 18. Prevailing
winds are from the northwest.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blackburn
moved this week to Estacada for the
summer, where Mr. Blackburn has
Mrs. William Snyder has been a
sufferer from rheumatism for three
months and does not Improve as her
friends would like to have her do.
By an almost unanimous vote,
Pleasant Hill grange has turned down
a resolution Indorsing Linn county's
effort to withhold the 1'niverslty of
Oregon's appropriation.
HOUSE AND LOT has fruit trees,
chicken house, etc., located on Sixth
street. Must be sold at once. Call at
Daniel Williams, 41GV4 Seventh street
Sold .on easy terms. 19tf
(runted last week: Omar M lo
Witt, Hood River, spike; James H.
Dunstan, Susanville, bottle; Lacy M.
Norwood, Portland, knapsack; Joseph
Thomlinson, Portland, preserving fish.
The Portland Hallway, Light & Pow
er company announces that It will
construct a transmission line to car
ry electricity from its Oregon City
station to Salera and It will be built
this summer. The estimated cost w
nearly $00,000.
The company has a surplus of power
since the completion of the Caiadero
plant. ;
Salem and vicinity now depend on
electricity manufoctured by a steam
plant with the exception of some pow
er from a Sllverton station where
water Is available during a part of
the year only.
This is a long way to transmit pow
er, as It Is nearly 40 miles from Ore
gon City to Salem by tbe route the
line will follow, but it has been found
by tbe company that power can be
carried that distance with a small
Mrs. Smith of the Twilight neigh
borhood Is going to build a house near
her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Martin,
where tbey can enjoy one another's
August Bramer has bought the
Schoep place.
George L&zelle sold a registered
Red-Poled heifer to L. C. Unger of
Elwood, last week.
James Hilton, Mrs. George V. Wil
son, Mrs. George Lazelle and Miss
Emma Wilehant attended Warner
grange at New Era, Saturday.
From inquiries received at the court
house lately, It Is believed another lo
cal option campaign la Impending In
this county. Outside parties are writ
ing asking about the vote here the
last time, November, 1904, when the
county went between four and , five
hundred wet. One inquiry was from
the liquor Interests represented by a
paper In Portland. It Is also known
that the Prohibitionists are consider
ing the advisability of trying to vote
Clackamas dry.
Old Question Answered.
An exchange asks and answers a
pertinent question as follows: "Who
pays for the advertising of the mer
chants and other business men? Not
the advertiser, for the cost la return
ed to him fourfold in Increased pro
fits. Not the purchaser, for he buys
cheaper from the advertiser and has
a better assortment and fresher goods
to select from. Who, then, pays the
advertising bills? The non-advertiser,
of course, because he loses busi
ness to the advertiser." Publicity is
the life of trade.
The people back of the power and
railway project from Portland through
Mt. Scott to the Logan country are
evidently in earnest as they are pay
ing out good money for a renewal of
the options on land that expire May
1. W. P. Kirchem was given $200 for
a renewal of the option on his land.
Miss Florence Toon closed a very
successful term of school at Mt. Pleas
ant, Friday. An hour before adjourn- j
ment was devoted to literary and mus
ical exercises.
Robert T. Linney has brought suit
by his attorney, H. T. Cross, against
the Oregon & California R, R. com
pany to quit title to 40 acres of land
over by Sandy. The forty is a part
of 200 acres recently bought by Lin
ney of James Fegles for $4000. The
land was originally sold by the rail
road company to Victor Tabordan,
but bleeds cannot be found. The com
pany acknowledges It has ho inter
Scott vf Emulsion strengthens enfeebled
nursing mothers by increasing their flesh and
nerve force.
It provides baby with the necessary fat Q
and mineral food for healthv cn-owtV O
est In the land, but this suit Is a
quicker way to remove the cloud than
to go through the endless red tape of
getting another deed from the railroad
company and the Interested eastern
trust company.
Linney Is connected with the Mt.
Hood railway and power company that
proposes to build an electric line from
Portland to Mt. Hood. This land was
acquired for that project.
Plumbing & Tinning
Bet Air Fainacci, Bop Plpet, fimas,
Sam Fompt, Water Pipei,
Spraytng Materials.
All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty
Estimate Given on All Classes
of Work.
Res. Pbcse 1514 Shop 151ft
014 N. Main 8t, Oregon City, Or
Successors to A. Mlblstln.
Pumps, Spray-pumps, Etc.
Main 8U Between 7th and 8th.
Phone 1011.
Hotel and Restaurant
Best Service and Accommodations
Main SL, Opp. suspension Bridge
Everything first class. Horses Board
ed by the day, week or month.
Farmers' Feed Barn
Geo. W. Bradley, Prop.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Fine
Horses. New Riga, single or doable,
furnished with or without drivers.
Prices Reasonable, Prompt Attention
Main St. Oregon CHy, Of.
Knapp & Nobel
New line of imported and d o
mestic Ggars fust received
All Kind of Smokers' Good.
714 Main
Pacific 2692
Home 14
phone 221 Office P. O. Bid. Main St
Pioneer Transfer
And Express
; E. P. GRISEZ, Prop.
Successor to C. N. GREENMAN
Sand and Gravel
Oreoon City Oregon.
Oegon City
Cauficld Building: Oregon?
Skating rink
Open every night except 8unday.
Skates 25c. Ladles in the gallery
Justice of the Peace..,
Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City
ALL DRUGG.ISTS : 50c. AND $1.00. X