Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 03, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    J v
of the whites against the Indians
have been greater than those of the
TO ADVERTISE STOCK 'decided affirmatively by the Judges.
Next question is, "Kesoiveu, mat ine
present game ami fish law Is wrong."
The leaders are Luke Puffy and Hugo
l .
Fred Knmrath, Percy Williams. Ar
Stafford. May 1 The
spell of exceptionally good spring
weather has nut farmers on their
feet and most all have their work well
in hand. Some have seeding done and ;
..n n1..r.v ..-UK fVinir pflrilpns '
ml wi'u nii'M, ...
Karly gardens look extra well. Rad
ishes, lettuce, etc.. have graced many
of our tables for the last fortnight.
Fruit trees are blooming handsome
ly and a heavy crop of nil kinds Is
practically assured.
Some cheep have been shorn, but
the nights are almost too chilly for
a general clipping. t
Pigs, both young and old are a
scarcity here and some of our neigh
bors that have an over supply of
such of a good grade, would do them
selves as well as many others a good
turn by advertising iu our county pa
pers. Cats and young chickens are not a
very good mixed crop to try to raise,
as many of us have learned to our
sorrow. They lay down quietly to
gether like the lamb and the Hon
the lamb Inside the lion. A shotgun
brigade has been organized and many
"good" cats Is the outcome. The
young chick industry is looking bet
ter as the result.
Reint De Xeui has made many
Improvements at his new home. A
splendid well with a windmill pump, a
rustic fence to his front yard, a poul
try house and a Klondyke stable are
but a few of the many finishing touch
es that catch the passerby's gaze.
Gus Gephart. our stand-by carpen
ter, baa a small farm and has turned
his attention to the raising of fruits
and hops. Mr. Gephart has such a
rush of business in the carpentry- line
that his farm and himself have neces
sarily become strangers to a marked
Frank Burger, who years ago was
a resident of Frog Pond, has returned
and is now employed by Mr. Gage.
Frank looks the same as in years gone
Mr. Woodhouse is reported very
low with a complication of diseases.
His days are numbered and he is ex
pected to go down to the river where
the two worlds meet at any hour. His
children, grown and scattered, have
all come home to see their parent ere
he goes to return no more
Jthur Staben and Mr. Williams, went
fishing on Milk creek Sunday. They
jmndo qutte a haul. They hud In ttie
prolonged neighborhood of 171 trout between
them, but who caught the one
don't remember.
either side of the street as follows, to
wit: The plunking will bo ITi Inches
thick. S Inches wide and ti feet long,
dressed on the upper surface ami laid
upon three - stringers. The string
ers will be 4x6 inches mut not
less than 12 feet long and will bo net
on edge and laid with broken Jolnta.
The stringers, when not resting upon
the solid ground will have a firm boar
lug every six feet In length of walk.
At equal distances of not less that
ten (10) nor more than eleven (li)
feel; one plank 10 feet long will ex-
I I tend out over the curb.
The planking will be securely nailed
to the stringers and curbs using two,
during the performance of the work
or by rohson of the work herein pro
vided for shall be removed by the
contractor and the street left In a
clean and good condition,
AH settlements that tuny appear In
any portion of the macadam or other
work before the final acceptance of
the work by the city shall be repaired
and made good by the contractor at
his expense.
Obstruction toTravel.
The work must be dixie in such a
manlier as to obstruct public travel
as little as possible. As soon us the
nmendam Is complete It shall bo
thrown open to travel, but such open
Ins shall not be deemed the final no-
Following Is report of school dis
trict No. 8. I-ogan. for month ending
April 2(5:
Number of pupils belonging. IIS;
average dally attendance, "I; days
taught, 20; days attendance, tiSO:
days absence. SO; times tardy, 11.
Those neither absent nor tardy.
were: Erne and .Marion Kircnem, nei
en and George Tracy. Ralph Storm,
Gladys Tweedie. Vernon Frakes. Jesse
Cromer. Rosallie Allen. Edward Mor
gan and Pearl King.
Visitors present were: Mesdnmes
Charles Tracy, Ralph Tracy, Win. Mil
ler, M. Frames, and Alice Newklrk and
Messrs. M. Frakes and Robert Dnue,
directors. Visitors are always wel
f.nr uwi i.ii..lnilf i4i ineti wire miiu i cent mice of the work.
In each bearing, , Colored Llghtt.
, .. .... , ,, (lured lights and If necessary
The walk will have a grade or fal , , WH,cnmBll ,ut, u, maintained
towards the center of the street of I , , , , , ,
at iv 1 1 (instructions or oilier puices oi
Ordinance No.
An ordinance providing for the time
and manner of Improving John Quin-
cy Adams Street of Oregon City, Ore
gon, from the North line of Seventh
Street to the South line of Eighth
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. The proposed Improve
ment of that part of John Quincy
Adams Street of Oregon City, Ore
gon, lying between the North line of
Seventh St. and the South line of 8th
Street, shall be completed wittiln nine
ty days after the signing of the con
tract by the parties thereto, due not
ice thereof having been given by pub
lication of notice as will more fully
appear by proof thereof duly present
ed and filed in the office of the City
The street shall be graded down or
filled up to the sub-grade as given by
the City Engineer; said sub grade
shall be 8 inches below the finished
surface at the center of the street
and six inches below at the curbs
after being thoroughly sprinkled and
The earth taken- from excavation
will be used to bring the street and
sidewalks to grade, the remainder will
become the property of the contractor
inch to each foot In
one-fourth (til
width of walk.
In the event of the owner or owners
of any or all of the abutting property
desiring to lay or construct walks,
curbs or gutters of concrete In lieu of
wood as herein specified, the right Is
hereby reserved for them to so lay or
construct the same. In which event
the entire additional cost of such con
crete walks, curbs ur gutters, over and
above the contract price for the same
as constructed of wood, shall be borne
by the said property owners and the
contractor shall look to such owner
or owners only for such additional
All concrete walks, curbs and gut
ters shall conform to the Btandard
specifications for same as provided In
ordinance No. 320.
There will be a line of curbing plac
ed on either side of the Macadam and
Twenty .(20) feet distant from the
center line of the street except at alley
The curb will be 4x1(5 Inches and
will be set vertically on a line of the
sidewalk bed. At alley Intersections
the curb will be set on a true curve
of a two foot radius. The curb In
work until It Is completed and duly
accepted, and he must repair any
daimige done to It by freshets, rains or
other accidents at his own cost, In
case of any accident to water or new
er pipe the contractor ahull lintnodlu
tely notify the proper authorities,
BUklng Out Work.
The work provided for under these
specifications will be staked out by
the City Knglneer or his assistants
and the contractor will be required to
carefully preserve all .mch stakes set.
The right I reserved by the city
council to mnkti such alterations us
may be found expedient during the
progress of the work,, nnd In audi
event there shall be added to or de
ducted from the contract price audi
mini as shall represent tin cost of
such additional or stihstnictcd work
to be estimated by the engineer.
The City reserves the right to lay or
relay all or any water or sewer pipe
or connect Ions during the progress (if
Earth the work.
Tliis will Include clay. sand, louin ! Extra Work,
or other earthly materliU and loose) The contractor ahull not be entitled
Hteiies containing less than one cub- to deinand or receive payment for
lc foot. 'any work as extru work, unless order
Looie Rock
'M will Include all loose sbflies
containing one cubic foot to one cub
ic yard.
Solid Rock
Tliii will Include all loose rock or
bowlders containing one cubic yard
nnd upwards, also all rock ledges or
other material requiring to bo dis
integrated by blasting.
All work herein provided for will bo
tlone In strict conformity with these
sp.vilW'iillons and plans accompany
Inn same In a thorough and workman
HI f manner to the satisfaction of. the
City Engineer, and his decision as to
the meaning and Intent of these spec
iftcutiotis, measurements, computa
tions of quantities, the quality of ma- i within the ti specified In the said
tei lul to be used uud all other matters
pertaining thereto, whether freely
specified herein or uot shall be final
uiul conclusive between the parlibs
shall be finmedlately removed from
the site of the work. In the event of
ail Instances to be set to such grade any workman employed by the con
as to conform to the cross section of tractor refusing to comply with the
ih trei instructions of the City Engineer or
me siretu i i., . ,. i.,.,.,. i,.
charge of the work In regard to the
rhv contractor is required to have
the beds of all wagons, carts or other
vehicles used in transporting earth,
rock or other material to and from
the site of the work sufficiently tight
to prevent leakage; and to cause all
loose material clinging to the brds or
running gears of such vehicles to be"
brushed or scraped off after loading
and unloading and take every precau
tion to prevent the unnecessary strew
ing of such material upon the streets.
Lumber and Timbers.
All lumber and timbers used In the
work must be of sound fir timber,
square edged and free from all large
loose or unsound knots, waney edges,
splits, and generally free from sap.
I Removal of Rubbish.
All rubbish that may accumulate
The contractor will he required to
furnish u lud with upproVod seeurlly
In the full amount of the contract
price, coudlUiined on the faithful ami
complete performance nf the work
In accordance with all tl.o stipulations
of tin) contract uud wllhln the time
named therein.
Wherever the worn ' Engineer" 'm,
used In these specifications It la un
derstood to refer to the City Knglneer
or to any Engineer employed uud an
thorUcd by the city council to super
intend such work,
Wherever the word "Coiiiinltleo" oc
curs In there specification It shall lie
undelstood to refer to the Committee,
on Htrecla and Public properly i f lint
City Council of Oregon City.
Wherever the word "contractor" oc
curs In these specifications It Is nil
dei'Ktood to refer to the contractor, or
firm of rout melius (ur any member
thereof) or auy contractor undertak
ing Die work herein specified,
All the above work uud material to
be furnished, shall be done and furn
ished to the satisfaction of t ho City
The City Council reserves the light
to reject any and ull bids.
Section ;l. The coiiiiulllee on
Streets and Public property are here
by authorised to advertise for ami re
ceive proposes as afmexiild, mid the
Mayor uud Recorder shall enter Into
contract with each person, firm or
corMirutlnn to whom the contractu are
let by the City Council for the Im
provement or parts thereof a apit'l
lied in this ordlnnnce.
Section 4. Ettch contract shall vim
tain a stlpulullon to the effne that th
person, firm or corMratlou to whom
ra ill contract Is let shall look for pay
ment only to the sum to be assessed
upon the property Untile to pay for
such Improvement, and collected and ,
paid Into the City Treasury for that
purpose, and Uiey will not require Or
egon City by any legal process or oth
erwise io ptiy the Minn ( ui of any
ft her fund.
Section 5. Whereas the condition
check equal to live per cent of the of said street la dangerous to the
total estimate, which check shall be health and safety of the city, and Its
forfeited to the city umi the failure Improvement Is necessary for the lin
ed In writing by the Engineer to do
the sailie and at the price agreed up
on uud named In the written order
for uuch work previous to Us com
mencement. Disputes.
All disputes us to the intent uud
meaning of these specifications shu(l
be referred to the Engineer nnd
Street folnniltteii uIwimh iIitIhIoii
'shall bo final and conclusive.
Parties bidding on the work pro
vided herein must stale In their bid
the time required for the completion
of the entire Improvement as herein
j specified after the approval of the
i contract by the Mayor and should the
contractor full to complete the work
contract the city shall have the right
to charge the contractor the sum of
live dollars per day as liquidated dam
ages for each and every day Hint the
,,, , ... .., -1..1 "h" ' men nun pin uu) mm ill"
All until or condemned material, ',,,;, nft,.r
said specified date and such sum shall
be deducted from the amount of the
final payment
No propoMiil will be considered
when uot accompanied by a certified
removal of rejected material or for
doing his work In an unworkmanlike , f ( ,, ueeessful bidder to execute I mediate preservation of the sumo, ,in
manlier shall be discharged uy me the agreement provided for herein
contractor as soon as notified lu writ-'within ten days after th award of
I L. . . .
l.i- ihu l-'iiL'ln,.ei- nf mirli tiecleet IU" counsel.
or refusal.
The contractor shall take entire
chaw of the work during the pro
gress and shall be responsible for
any loss, damage or Injury to water
ami sewer pipes to adjacent property,
or accidents resulting from blasting
or from any carelessness or neglect
in doing the work set out In these
plans and speulfiratlons. and will hold
tlw city of Oregon City and any and
all officials thereof free and harmless
tarnt mm I
11 1 link forms upon which all pro
suls are to he submitted will be
furnished uimn application to the
CJty Eugineer.
1'pon limn acceptance of the wik
the Engineer will make a llnul esti
mate of the coht thereof and a pay
ment of seventy five per cent of such
estimate will be ordered at the first
regular meeting of the City Council
The remaining twenty five per cent
to be made in a lump sum within
The contractor must protect his I thirty-five days after such final ac-
the Judgment of tlx) Council of Oregon
City. Oregon, an emergency exists;
therefore this ordinance shall take ef
feet and be In force Immediately tip
on Its approval by the Mayor.
Read first time and ordered pub
Untied ut a regular meeting of the
Council of Oregon City, held Wednes
duy. May I, I'joT, and to come up for
second leading uud final passag at
a special meeting of said Council to
be held Saturday. May 1 1. 1307. at H
o'clock p. in.
Ily order of the Council of Orenoi)
W. A. 1)1. MICK.
m t r-ooo ,. rotiimofi fmm i and will be removed by him.
.11 I 3, V fc. S-3 JM.Wlll- I
St. Helens, where she went a fortnight
hco io wait unon her son J. Q. who
bed with the grip, pneumonia and ty
phoid fever. The son, who has but
got on his feet, with his daughter Zue,
accompanied her. Mr. Gage was rais
ed among us. and although thin in
tlesh, looks the same boy. As will be
remembered he was for years a regu
lar correspondent . to our county pa
pers, mny of his writings being treas
ured in scrap books that are fast be
coming relics of the past.
Mr. Brink is remodeling and re
building his. residence.
It is hard to make a new swarm of
Should there be an insufficient
amount of material taken from exca-
for weeks been confined to his vation to bring (he street and side-
walks to grade the same will be fur
nished by the contractor and will be
designated as borrowed material.
No material of perUhable nature
will be placed In the embankment.
Care must be taken to preserve the
proper crown and all soft and spongy
places refilled with good earth, sand,
gravel or crushed rock, carefully ram
med or rolled so as to make such fill
ing compact and solid.
The full width to be paved shall
be sprinkled and thoroughly rolled
and compacted with a steam road rol-
!ler. of not less than 10 tons weight,
uos Rntified in a hive of another or bv rammine in such places as tne
swarm rtiat has left. "Oh, why should ! roller cannot reach, and " during
rj tne process oi ruuni. mucuioiwun
I sunken nlaces appear, such shall be
the spirit of mortal be proud?"
we carpenters have no reason to complain.
tilled with proper material and then
again rolled, until even surface Is
secured. .
i Such rolling shall be Completed in
nnlAI RFfdWC sections or at least one block, and
KtVIVHL DCUIlJ j8han fe tesle(1 an(i accepted by the
AT DPni ANirt M AY t 1 City Engineer before any material for
Ml KLULrtlW, lltti J,the pavement is placed thereon.
J Grading will be paid for per cubic
'yard for excavation and embankment
Viola. May l..l. P. Galeener i!exe(,pt i)0rrowed material which will
about to Bell his store and property j))(J I)a(, f()r ln the embankment only,
to an Oregon City man. I Macadam.
Loren Tenney made a business trip On the roadbed thus formed and
to Portland. Tuesday. ' completed will be spread a layer of
Mr. Haruel, took a fine lot of dress- jj". free from dJJ
d hogs to market Wednesday. ! being thoroughly sprinkled and roiled.
Rev. Patum preached to a large an- j The st0nes shall be of square faced
dknee in the M. K. church, Sunday i quarried rock, uniform in quality and
afternoon la nearly approaching th' cube in
'- " -""- TX',X
meetings for Rev. Patton at Redland. i diamHf,r tnan will pass through a
May .V ;two and one-half (2V2) inch ring.
On the above layer of stone will be
spread a layer of screenings, in suf
ficient quantity to fill up all inter
stices. and to bring the street to the
ANin fiAMP I A Vf (proper grade after being thoroughly
AND UAriL LAW3 roN Bnd compacted. And such
I screenings shall be sprinkled and roll
led until a firm unyielding and thor
Ki.nbPl Am-il no. Robert Moebnke ioughly even surface is obtained, which
and Will Hettman are working at jaurface shall be the finished grade of
1 (..'. mill the street. Maeadam will be paid for
UIMll S3 Mil"!
Annie Grossmiller is going to port-1 per cubic yard In place.
, 1 i Obstructions.
1UUU l" , The surface of the street will be
12. F. Ginther Is painting his house, j cl(.are(i of an obstructions including
Will Clarke bad another horse hurt j timbers, planks, side walks and cross
rtnv last week .-.'it uot snacired walks not on grade and otherwise in
somehow while logging.
I The Ig
1 H II I iV. tT l4 I - '1 I
w mm m 1 1 1 ' l i'i. f
1 .
g he Pr i rvcctcxx Out ing
1 ".ERgxr-
For the Smartest
Suit of the Dav
As to value-giving, that Just puts
us on our mettle, for we know, and
will prove to you thut,. look where
ytu may, you' will not find any .
values to equal those we offer at
1 TEN DOLLARS. Some stores ask
; $15 for them and others even more.'
See Our Window Display
Its coming makes necessaryi lo you many things that we offer for
sale. Don't Imagine that because at the particular moment you may
desire any special article, It may not be exhibited on our shelve or
In our window's or show cases that we haven't got It In stock.
, '
We are anxious and ready to relieve you of the bother and annoy
ance of hunting for things.
Wo will leave no stone unturned to satisfy your desire and to de
serve your friendship, to give yod
Any Color-Any Style
Sole Agents
, Chris Moehnke baled his hay last
week. ..''- ( '
There was a pleasant surprise 'parly
"given Annie Grossmiller one evening
(last week at which the young folks
tall enjoyed themselves.
' The Debating society debated the
question.' Resolved,' fliat' the"crimes
good condition. If such obstructions
are not removed by the owners of
the adjacent property within three
days after having been notified by the
Superintendent of Streets they shall
become the property of the contractor
and shall be removed, by him without
additional compensation therefor.
A side walk will' be constructed on
Successor to I. Selling
Suspension Bridge Corner, Oregon City, Ore.
New Arrivals
Every day, of Dress Goods
and Ladies' Suits. A com-,
plete line of Millinery at
, Lowest Prices Possible.
Successor to I. Selling v
Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon City, Ore.
Note Satisfaction guaranteed, money refunded if goqds are not
as represented. . ) t