Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 03, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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' Summom.
In tlm Circuit Court of the Btale of
Oregon for the Counter of Cliicku
nuis, liyd It. Flugg, Plolntlff,
AIIImi) FIiikk. Defendant.
lu tlm mi inn of tho Htiite of Oro
Mini: You, Alllso Flugg, are hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho com
plaint filed against you herein on or
bnfuro Tuesday, tho INtli day of Juno,
1907, thiit ilny being nIx weeks from
Mm flrHl publication of thu summons
herein, hdiI If you fall to appear mid
answer heroin, plaintiff will apply to !
Um Court for tho relief pruyid for In
tlm com 11I11 hit on fllii heroin, to which
reference In hereby made, and morn
particularly us follow: For a decree
dissolving tlm bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant on tlm Kround of defi-n-limit's
willful desertion of tlm plain
NIT for tlm period of morn than 0110
yeur, continuously, Immediately prior
Ut tho commencement of thin action,
and for such other or further relief as
may be equitable.
ThU HuiunioiiH In nerved upon you
by publication thereof for not less
than six succcmmIvo weeks In tho "Or
egon City Enterprise," published In
tho County of Cliirkaman, Htato of
OreKon, and by order of tho Honorably
Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the
abov entitled Court, which order la
dated tlm 17th day of April, 1907.
The date of the first publication of
thin Huiiiinona Is Friday, the 20th day
of April, 1907. and the duto of tho
lam publication of thin summon la
Friday, tho 7th day of June, 1907.
2017 Attorneya for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the. State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
ma. Dyrle A. D. Knott, IMalntlff,
Wra. II. Knotta, Defendant.
To Win. IJ. Knotta, defendant above
In tho name of the Stato of Ore
gon, you nro hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In tho abnvn entitled court
and cause on or beforo the 8th day of
June. 1907. that being tho tlmo fixed
by the court for you to appear and
answer herein and nix weeka fr6tn the
first day of publication of aummona
and If you fall to appear and anawer,
the plaintiff will apply to tho court
for the relief demanded In her com
plaint, to wit: For a decreo of dlvorco
dissolving the bonda of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant herein, awarding plaintiff the
care, riiHtody and control of tho minor
children of plaintiff and defendant,
namely, Harvey Edward Knotta and
!.ola Anna Knotta, and for auch other
relief aa to tho court may seem meet
and proper.
Thla aummona la published pursu
ant to order of Hon. T. A. McBrldo,
Judge of tho above entitled court,
made and entered therein on tho 24th
day of April, 1907. which order dlrecta
tho publication of thla aummona not
less than once a week for alx weeka
prior to the 8th day of June, 1907. Tho
date of. tho first publication of thla
aummona la April 20, 1907, and of the
last publication of thla summons
June 7. 1907.
2017 Attorneya for Plaintiff.
The citizens of Bnrlow havo organ
ized tho Harlow Mutual Telephono
company, and have elected the fol
lowing oftleera: W. W. Josso, proal
lent; T. J. Parmenter, vice-president;
8. II. Ilerg, treiiHiirer; J. J. Sands
noss, secretary. Executive commit
tee, J. J, Wuiful, (!co. Gllbertson, J.
O. Andrews.
James Myers, brother of J, R. .Myers
returned Friday evening from China,
whero he has been for over a year sur
veying and civil engineering.
For milo by
1 ' A 1 V.'
W. 10, Honney of Col ton spent Hun
day In Oregon City,.
. C. Krlckson of Molulla transacted
liiiMlneHH In tho county neat, Hittiinlny.
Miss llortha Oborst of Molulla mode
a business trip to Oregon City, Fri
day, N. M, Itobblua and daughter, Mra,
W. P, Klrchem of Iogan, wore In I
lown on bualneaa, Salurduy.
K. Htorm and II. oruol havo brought '
two more louda of Ilea to thla city
from the aawmlll at Rodlands.
Mr. and Mra. tiobhart of Stafford
arc among tho number who mado bua
lneaa Irlpa to Oregon City, Saturday
Mis Klonor Olnther filed a very
favorable report for thla term of thu
Sprlngwater school, with Superintend
ent Zlnacr.
John Kugeman luia ace p ted a posi
tion aa InHidi). lineman under Suporln
tendont Smith of tho Pacific Telephone
company. '
Harry Jones waa awarded tho con
tract for tlm Improvement of Singer
Hill creek to furnlah power for tho
furnlturo factory.
K. Storm of Hedlanda came to Ore
gon City Saturday to purchaao fur
nlahlnga for tho new hoiiao ho haa
Juat completed for hla family.
Mlaa Joaephlno Chaao, who waa In
Ixm Angeles, for tho laat two yearn,
haa returned to Oregon City and is
with her aunt, Mra. It, D. Wllaon, of
Water street.
Hev. W. H. Wettlaufer ot Clarke
waa In Oregon City Sunday and as
sisted In tho aervlces at tho German
Evangelical church.
Alfred Zlegler, who haa been design
er In tho woolen mills, left Sunday
night for Providence, R. I., whero ho
will accept a similar poaltlon.
Kdna, tho little daughter of Mr.
and Mra. W. T. Rowan, of Mt. Pleas
ant, who haa been very III of pneu
nVnla la better.
Mr. and Mra. J. If. Taylor and three
children of Wllmar, Minn., came
Thursday for a visit with their rela
tives, tho Tuft, McFarlano and Nlles
Mrs. Ernest Walker, who had been
visiting her parenta, Mr. and Mra.
William Gardner for several weeka
left Monday for Baker City, whero Mr.
Walker la permanently located. 8he
went down to Portland on the 4 o'clock
Miss Tutllemeler of Mllwauklo la
one of the galaxy of Oregon beauties
w ho are going to tho Jamestown expo
sition under tho leadership of Colonel
Coopvr. They will wear military cua
tonia Instead or Indian garb as first
Charles Blakealeo, who bought the
Cascade laundry of J. E. Wlneger,
took poHsesslon Monday piornlng. Mr.
IllekeHloo comes to Oregtm City from
Corvallls whero he Just disposed of
a laundry ho hod been , conducting
there. Ills son, lafo Blakealeo will
asKlKt In tho business, here.
A big park la being fixed up at Es
tacada. tho terminus of the O. W.
P. lino, and material haa been fur
dialled from tho Oaks at Portland to
make It attractive. A crowd from
We wish to announce to the public that we haveopened dffices in your ctty .where
we are prepared to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider
ing the class of work produced.
2 f A, J J W.
i ; , , . I
All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Note our prices
ver Harding's Drug Store
Oregon City were In Estacada, Sun-
W, H. Ilonney baa old tho tele
phono lino running through hero to
tho Clear Crock Mutual Telephone,
company. Tho lino la over a mile In
length, and If additional aubacrlbora
arc aecurod, ax In contemplated, It
will provo a valuable addition to tho
mutual or homo phono system.
Mra, K. llohijll who haa boon III for
aomn time, waa worae Sunday and hor
daughter Mlaa Myrtlo, who ia a nurse
In thu Portland Sanitarium, was call
ed homo. Mlaa Itohall will give up
her work for awhile and will remain
In Oregon City for two or three
O. A. Brown la building a now barn
on hla homo place at Maple La no.
tho barn la 40 feet In sl.o and octo
gon In ahape, Mr. Brown had to give
up bin carpenter work at Portland be
cauao of lllneaa In hla homo, hla wlfe'a
i mother who makea her home with
theui, having been an Invalid for many
yeara. Ho will work nearer homo.
George Blgham was thrown from a
colt ho was breaking, Sunday, and al
though his Injuries are not thought
to be serious, 'he waa pretty badly
hurt. He was thrown against a tele
phono polo in the feed yard, but for
tunately Instead of striking It hard.
was rather wrapped around It. The .
colt stepped on the calf of his leg and 1
his knee was somewhat Injured. 1
Tho equipment of the county clerk's
office at the court house will bo much
Improved by the addition of five new
fllo cases and a record carrier. The
vaultj spaco has become very Inade
quate of late, so tho Improvements
were ordered. The cases arrived Fri
day morning and will be Installed Im
mediately. The county clerk has
transacted a largo amount of legal
business this spring.
Rev. E. Clarence Oakley, Sunday
morning, preached the first of a se
ries of four or five sermons on the
parables. He gave an explanation of
the workers In the vineyard, a salient
feature of which he said was the wil
lingness for work shown by all the
laborers whether hired at the be
ginning of the day or at the eleventh
hour. It Is the will that God values,
not the deed, and that makes clear
the passage that has puzzled so many
"The last shall bo first and the first
last." In the evening, Rev. Oakley
preached tho concluding sermon In
the "anotomy" series, his subject be
ing "The Tongue."
Tho Mt. Pleasant Improvement club
is tho commonplace appellation that
probably will bo used to designate
both the name and the object of an
enthusiastic organization that held
its first meeting In the Mt. Pleasant
school hall, Friday evening, and elect
ed the following officers: F. R. And
rews, president; 8. T. Roman, secre
tary; Mrs. Olive Warner, treasurer.
The mission of the club Is tq clean
up and beautify the streets, surround
ings and public park of that sightly
suburb, and to this end the following
committee was named to collaborate
with, the club officers and report suit
able plans at the next meeting, Tues
day, April 30: Mrs. Bert Clark, Miss
Emma Roman, Mrs. Anna M. Andrews,
A. C. Warner and W. C. Buckner.
Assignee Discharged.
K. G. Catifleld, assignee of E. M.
Atkinson, an Insolvent debtor, was
discharged by order of court, the es
tate having been fully closed.
Marriage License.
Lolah A. Boyles and C. L. Shepord.
ID)2Tii!:a! Wrk
odcratc Prices
Dental .Coo
' Rooms
Tho Bank of Woodburn aecurod a
Judgment agalnat Charlo Hysllp for
9 1 87.15, attorney ' feoa and costs.
In tho milt of Luloh ToedUjmeler v.
IiiiIh Toedtornoler, an order waa
made exonerating tho defendant from
the payment of tho balance of a Judg
ment amounting to 1200. The plain
tiff died aoveral yeara ago.
In tho ault of Mary Bornhofen va.
William Borsch et al., an order waa
made confirming tho salo of real prop
erty, An order of default waa made In
tho ault of Ella E. Williams va. George
In the suit of W. O. Vaughan va.
Ornoo K. Samuel et al., decree hand
ed down correcting deed to w half
of .1. T. Wlngfleld die, In t5a-r2e.
Charlotte Tompleton vs. Williams
et al demurrer of defendant over
ruled. A special venire was issued Monday
J for Jurymen to report Friday morn
i ltK.
Tho young men of Wllsonvllle, who
were arrested for throwing -gga at
another man, pleaded guilty In the
justice court Saturday and were fined
110 each. One of tho number, Jean
Royle, failed to appear In the court,
an dlt Is thought that he will be ar
rested again and tried.
Ed. Himler, the fisherman who was
convicted of fishing illegally on the
night of April 14,, paid his fine of 50
to Justice Llvy Stlpp Monday morn
ing Instead of appealing the case to
the circuit court as it was at first
stated he would. The case could not
have been heard at this term of court,
and Himler paid the fine in preference
to waiting until the next term.
W. H. Roberts pleaded guilty In
the circuit court, Friday, to burglary
and was sentenced to two years In the
state penitentiary.
Roberts is one of the two men ac
cused of breaking Into Wilson &
Cooke's hardware store about six
weeks ago and making away with
knives, razors and scissors worth a
couple of hundred dollars. Their dra
matic capture by Gallagher Bowers Is
also fresh in the public mind.
Roberts was taken over to the city
prison and sweated by police a day or
so after bis capture, and confessed to
his part In the robbery. He seems
quite repentant and will probably be
more so by tho time he workg la the
state stove foundry for two years.
Sheriff Beatle will probably take him
to Salem tonight. ,
Dillon, the other man charged with
the same' crime, maintains he had no
hand in the burglary. He Is the in
dividual, however, who bargained to
sell tho loot to Gallagher Bowers. Dil
lon's trial Is set for May 8.
Lyman Derrick has bought through
G. A. Brown the property belonging
to Frank Cunningham at Hammond,
Joining Mr. Brown's farm on the east.
There are 10 acres in the piece and
the consideration was $1000. 1 Mr.
Derrick and his mother have been liv
ing In the Swafford house near Maple
Lane grange hall since they sold their
F. G. Eby and wife of Tillamook are
visiting with his brother, O. D. Eby
this city, for a few days.
The safe, certain, reliable little pills
that do not gripe or sicken are Dade'?
Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head
ache, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold
by Huntley Bros.
8 and 9, Willamette Building!
A brilliant social event was the wed
ding of Mlaa Joaephlne Leona Donovan
and Mr. John R. Foraberg which waa
solemnized at the home of the bride's
parenta, Mr. and Mra. Frank C. Don
ovan, 212 Jefferson street, at eight
o'clock Thuraday evening. ,
The rooma were profuaely decorat
Hl In white and purple illaca, artla
tlcally arranged with quantities of
Oregon grape, while at one aide of
the front parlor a large bouquet of
calla lilllea atood. The atralna of
aweet mualc floated through the rooma
luring the entire evening and mingl
ing with the fragrance of the fiowera
made a veritable fairy bower of the
at 8 o'clock the bridal
I party entered the front parlor and
Htwl beneatn a norai dcii 01 wnue
lllaea, where the wedding ceremony
wan nronounced bv Rev. R. C. Black-
well of the Methodist Episcopal
church. The girlish bride was dainti
ly gowned In white silk with all-over
lace waist. She wpre a long tulle
veil fastened with orange blossoms
and carried an arm bouquet of white
carnations and maidenhair ferns.
The bridesmaid, Miss Esther Lund of
Oswego, was charming In silk organ- j
die over white. She carried Marechal
Nlel roses. The groom was attended
by Mr. Harry Stevenson. :
After congratulations an elaborate
wedding supper was served. The table
decorations were of bleeding hearts
and ferns. The happy couple left on
the ten-thirty car for a visit with
friends and relatives In Portland
amidst a shower of rice and best
wishes of their friends. The bride,
who Is a beautiful young lady, was at
tractive and smart la her goingaway
gown of Alice blue. Upon their re
turn they will be at home at 212 Jef
ferson street. Many handsome pres
ents will beautify their new home,
gifts of admiring friends.
Among the guests were Messrs. and
Mesdames J. Beauliau, H. Joehnke,
F. M. Thompson, Fred Schwarts,
Harry Stevenson. A. Simmons; Rev.
and Mrs. R. C. Black well and daugh
ter Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Wra. U.
Hanke and baby Lewis, Mr. and Mrs.
E. S. Ingram and children, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Jacobson and daughter There
sa, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cooper and
children, Mrs. John Erickson and
children, Mrs. Maggie Bruner and
daughters Lucy and Etta, Mrs. C.
iLunn and daughter Esther, Mrs. Annie
Krueger and daughter Hattle, Mes
dames Harry Saunders, Jennie Boyles,
P. J. Lutz, M. D. Phillips, Minnie
Wolfe, Emma Thomas, A. J. Wilson,
Elmer Lankin; Misses Velma and
Lulu Rlttenbouse, Lucy Gill, Ida Nel
son, Myrtle Wallace, Jennie ana Mar
garet Wilkinson, Edna Simmons, Min
nie Boyles; Messrs. James Mellien,
Christopher Schwartz, Herbert Thom
as, Fred Metzner, Donald Erickson.
Twentieth Wedding Anniversary.
One of the most delightful social af
fairs of the season took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Caroth
ers of Canemah, Thursday evening.
when they were happily surprised In
honor or tneir zutn weaamg anniver- j
sary. The surprise was very genuine.
Although Mrs. Carothers is usually
wise to what Is going on in her house
she has been fooled once, If It did
re take some scheming on the part of.ing laws of Oregon, you -a re required
of ; her daughter and the friends who as- to designate and number your nets
slsted in getting it up. The wedding
ceremony was performed In perhaps
not quite so legal and binding a man
ner as the first time, but with really
more gaiety. R. W. Porter was offi
ciating clergyman, Mrs. Julia Frost
was maid of honor and Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Miller were bridesmaid and
best man, while Mrs. Frances Mldlam
was the sweet little flower girl. The
bridal party entered the parlor to the
strains of Lohengrin, played by Miss
Delia Young. The bride and groom
of twenty years were presented with
a beautiful Haviland china cracker
Jar, W; A. Hedges making an appropri
ate presentation speech. Music en-
i livened the festivities throughout the
evening and several appreciated solos i
were rendered by Miss Grayce Maude
Marshall and Misses May and Bertha
Long, The company in arranging the
surprise did not overlook something to
eat and a splendid supper was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Carothers are living in
the house fhere they went to house
keeping after their -honey-moon and
t enjoy the friendship of a host of ac
The guests were: Messrs. and
I Mesdames R. Blunchard, J. Painter,
.I. Carothers, J. Miller; Mesdames
j Frost, Cole, Bowers, Bingnian, Finnl
gnn. Mart-tin, F. Painter, Meade,
Fields, Klemsen, Howell, Wray, II. A.
Carothers, Y. E. Mldlam, E. J.
Marshall, (. Kliuy; Misses Mayme
Long, Bertha 'Long, Ada and Harriet
Frost, Minnie Uakel, Emma Qutnn,
Grayce Marshall, Verna Meade, Relta
Cnrothors,j Naidoen Blunchard,, Leota
Smith, Hazel Cole, Maggie Carothers,
Ada Rodwell. Uena May, Louise Klnzy
Lois Maud Pain tin-, Nooma Bowers;
Mlaa Delia Young of University Park?
Meaara. Samuel Stevens, W. A. Hedg
es, Porter, Cheater Carothers, Roy
Flnnlgan, Ray Martin, George Martin.
Kitchen and Linen Ruth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Burns were
pleasantly surprised at their residence
In Green Point last night by a kitch
en and linen rnaHf given by the bride's
friends. After various games were
played, each of the guests In turn gave
the bride a recipe for some dish guar
anteed to make hubby happy, but if
some of the dlrectlona were carried
out hubby would be happy In tho
land to come. .After the reel
I" were &,ven' ach ent was toH
to give a plan to restore a tired and
hungry buaband to good humor, all
!of tho nlans Drovoklna much merri
ment. After the bride bad been taught
how to run a model house, tempting
refreshments were served. Xt a lato
h"ur the broke The newly
married couple received many pretty
and useful presents. Those present
were: Miasos Minnie Schatz, Leah
Lemmon, Gertrude, Wetzler, Nora
Hannifin, Anna Mooney, Anna Schwa-
Jbaur, Laura Parrish, Nettie Kruse,
Clara Nehren, Ethel Green, Levada
Freeman, Veta and Genlvleve Kelly
and Lola 8urber; Mesdames W. E.
Burns, C. W. Kelly, Wetzler, Freeman,
John Huerth and John Kelly.
Derthlck Club.
Mrs. C. G. Miller very pleasantly
entertained the members of the Der
thlck club at her home on Seventh
street, Friday afternoon. The rooms
were tastefully decorated In purple
Iris and dog-wood blossoms. Mrs. J.
W. Loder read the last few chapters
of Laura E. Richards' Melody, closing
the book. The reading was followed
by a highly entertaining musical pro
gram given by Mrs. Walter A. Dim
lck, whose selections are always en
Joyed. The four numbers of her pro
gram were: Rubensteln'a Cradle Song.
Erotlr, by Grelg. Song of the Brook,
Leek, and Alpine Horn, Schlrmlr. Mrs.
Miller served delicious refreshments.
Present were: Mesdames J. W. Loder,
L. L. Porter, E. A. Sommer, 8. O. Dill-
roan, J. F. Clark, W. A. Dimlck, H. E.
Straight and Miss Mae Stevens. The
club will meet May 10th with Miss
Muriel Stevens.'
Married in Vancouver. ,
Miss Birdie Miller, well known in
this city, and Charles B. Kickard of
Portland were married in Vancouver,
inursaay aiternoon. They will re
side In Sell wood where the groom has
Just completed a new house.
Oregon City assembly, United Arti
sans, met In regular business session
Thursday evening. Four candidates
were initiated, two names balloted up
on the one name put Into the lodge
later, that has yet to be balloted upon.
Deutscher Verein.
The German society of Oregon City
will give its third and last ball of the
season in Armory hall on May 11.
Music will be furnished by Prof.
j Toelle's, orchestra of Portland
Notice to Fishermen!
I You are hereby notified that In ac
cordance with Sec. 4098 of the fish-
and boats and fishing posts or monu-
ments in the manner In said law set
forth and you are hereby notified to
conform to the provisions of said law
within five days from date hereof.
Dated April 24, 1907:
82tf Deputy Fish Warden.
The salvo that acts like a poultice
Is Pine Salve Carbolized. No other
salve so good for vuts, burns, boils
and chapped sktri.. Ask about It
Price 25 cts. Sola by Huntley Bros.
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
417 Main St. - Oregon City
: - Y
Pleasure Boats
1!Y THE-
Boats by the hour or day
Collections, Mortgages, Foreclosures,
Abstracts of Title and General Law
business. v
Office over Bunk of Oregon City.
408 Main Street.
Phono 1224