OEBGGN CITY ENTERPBJSE . vr. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1907. . , ' ESTABLH ESTABLISHED 1866. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR NO,' 21, NAMES OF LONG AGO Roll of Oregon City's First Fire Company McLough lin Engine No 1. DEBATING LYCEUM '60 Minutes of Old Organliatlon That, Will Awaken Memories of Aged Rei Identi Found In ClerVt Vault. Whll lock. R. JaeobM, W. C. JollllSOII, I, Hunt, 13, Dailies, J, Casey, K, llol dm, ,1. A. puwnull, John Miller, John Dement, ,1. W. I-ewls, U ,1. I-owls, DROPS DEAD ON STEAMER. Well Known Employe for Five Yean of Oregon Railroad 4. Naviga tion Company Reilded at Dayton, (u (l uiliiK nut lln vault to itiuko riMiin fur tli" new til! iik cuhi-r ami rec ord ImmiK shelves, County Clerk Green limit titicnit h-rt some old minute btsik or Journal thut are, mighty interest IliK reudliiK to Oregon City p0il, es pecially olil residents, On Ik Urn Journnl of tli" meeting of Oregon Hurry Keiiyoti, steward on tliu m( hhu'V "Ruth" of the 0. It. A N. company's fleet, dropped deud Titos diiy morning at 0:20 as a result of heart failure. Ills demise wcurrcn as tint boat wan Rolnu through the locks on ili.i west side of tho river. For quite a while. Ki nyon hud been ruin plaining of paint In his heart, no it was decided that no lnquHt bo held Kenyoii wan one. of tho best known ami respected men on th river, hav Iiik served th(. o. it. & N. Co. for over five years. Coroner llolman was notltied of Die death nd met the boat lit the Caiieiunh dock, whew the body was searched. HI pockets were found to contain numerous trinket and $175.25 In money. Ills effects failed to shed any light n tho whereabouts of hlit relative. Although he wii great conversationalist, none run re member IiIh ever mentioning hia fam jllj connection. During hla time- spnt City's first tire company, and nnothcr,,,,, , R N ,oa, . nB(j mu,jw In the secretary's minute of the Ore gon City Lyceum, a debuting society that flourished mtnie 47 years ago, Dayton hla headquarters, and It , la tluniKlit possible thut hla effect In thHt city may give, a clue by which hla The Lyceum was organled Nov. 15, relative may be iiotllled, Hla 'body waa brought to Holman's undertak IliK purloi'H, where It will be held pending Investigation - of hla affair im'iii, In mutt house and hold meet lugs , more or lean regularly until March 12, IstiS. The lutler dale la the Intent recorded In th lunik. From reHiilutloua ndopted and admonition by Hie president, It la plain that the heat engendered by the great Civil war Im-kiik to ahow In the debutes, and MMHlbly that was the ciniHe of the iIIhcuiii Inuumc of l lie meeting. The flint olllcera were V. C, John Will, preHldent; O. Denney, vieeprcs , Idettl; 8. HoluieH, secretary, und Noble MeKlnney, treasurer. The sub jects for debate were moMly of ft lit erary nature, though luter on In Hull and IK'2. xilltlca bt'iian to creep In. KolliiwIiiH U tin' lull of nienibera aa recorded In the Iwiok, all but n few of whom hav rnwaml tho nrvni divide: Owen Kenny. A. J. Apperaon. Haul 1). H.dmeH, ft. M. Hiinnaker, J. W. Meldrum, Noble MrKlnnuy. W. C. Jolinmin, I). Mimuiiuw. C.ihi. Sheppard. . V. llunnnUer. V. 11. 11. Konta, A, L. Kelly, Jimephua TonipklnH, N. W. Itamlall, Peter 1'aKuet, John (Jrirfln, A L. nicherdmm, John Sellwiaitl II. K. HlneH. V. A. Stttikweather, Chaa. C. Murray. I), !. Stephenxon, Joacph II. Ux-y, Abel Kndey, Knoa Glover, G. II AlUliiHon, Or. Cole, JikIk Mat-liM-k, K. K. tiray. McLoughlln Engine Company, The lliat remilnrly oisuulzed flr' company In Oregon City waa the Mr lAiimhlln KukIiii compuny No. 1. It WHH IliddlliK ItiectluKa in lHT).'., the llrHt recorded In the old Journnl belnu May G of that year, and the minutea of niectlnca continue down to Juno, 18i5. Very few of ibla roll nf nameaiare llvlni? today: , , V. CaMKldu. foi finan ; A. Warner. ! lat asst.; M I'atvi'KonSd. Bat.", J.M. Itnciin, aocy.; Tho Churmnn. tieun.; Win. Smith. ciiKltu'er; J. Matthownon, .Jut ukhI.; J. Shiver, Wm. PattPiHon.j Linn Rlcimrdaon nnd .Mm Uuxter, i hoaeman .!. Klitley, Kred Charman, J, !,. 1.OV0, A. H, Ste 1, Andrew Port, . j Apperaon. VJ. Lnuny, C . McCue, Kred tiovora, Wm. P. RuriiH, It.. Hob irtH,' Homer Hollaud, Nv,Ilrown, C. M. , Taylor, C. . M,.KeU''r, I. llolun.vWm. - : ''. r--: ' . Kenyon waa a member of Hie Maon lc lodK1 In Ihiylou. SHOWERS OF MONEY April Downpour Swells Re ceipts In Recorder's and County Cletk's Offices ALL RECORDS BROKEN Fee on $13,000,000 Mortgage Adda to Recorder's Total Increase of Bualneaa Explanation Of fered by Clerk. , CONTEST WINNERS TO RECEIVE REWARD April broke ull wcorda In receipt in the county clerk'a office, with a to la! of $m:1.33. Till haa nevrr been equaled In th olflco of tho clerk of Clackamaa county, and ahnws louder than worda th growth of bualneaa at tendunt on the growth of population. OomparlBon gives a brtter idea of the total for April. Th monthly av eraKc la about lion, and for April which Ik a month of hla; biiHlneaa, the average la about $.100. One month lunt year the rocelpta reached 700, but that Ik the nearest they ever cam to the IKn.nS of the month Just clos ed. Th: record was broken in the re corder's office also where the receipts reached 509.25, several dollar the lurgMt ever known In the office. This total was awelied by the fees for the HohwcII iitlTided th telephone meet- in,,- Friday night. Mr. Itoswcll re pre-1 m uled the Kalacada Ttileplione com- t'luiy. The central division reported that they hud organized with V. II. Mulder, president; Kd, Wonacott, sec reiary, and Henry Grapp, treaHurer, Thi se peoido have commenced cut ting poles. Robert Miller and Her limn I. Ins of George were present at jihe meeting and agreed to go into the . m.ra! division. ' j Gin field grange, No. 317, met 8at I hi day at Its hall. It adopted without n iJlKsentlng vote a resolution which sm: "He it resolved by' Garfield virmige No. 317 that we do not favor lie bumpering of the (state university by calling tho referendum upon the appropriation -inado by the late legis lature." The Rev. Hiram Vrooman was present and delivered a forty-minute talk on "Government Ownership." Tin-re were many profitable topics discussed during the lecturer's pro gram. Kva D. Primer was initiated In the first and second degrees. The Odd Fellows' anniversary meet ing was well attended at Eutacada Sat urday night. Mears. F. M. Gill, A. Demoy and W. A. Hylman addressed the meeting. A splendid banquet wat spread and much enjoyed by the Odd Fellows, their wives, children and friends. James Palmateer and Earl Palma teer of Lodl, Calif., are visiting rela tives In the Palmateer settlement, this week. Walter Snlffln made a business trip to Portland, Friday. The Garfield Grange Dramatic club will play their comedy, "The Cheer ful Liar," at the Eagle Crenk grange hall, May 11, by Invitation of the Eagle Creek grange. The referendum petitions on the TWO MAILS BY ELECTRIC Notice of Improve Service for Willamette P.O. Has Been Received EFFECTIVE ON MAY 13 Convenience for Patront ChangesNn West Side Rural Routes Desir ed Carriers Form County Association. log his rtjuto quicker and better, A meeting will be held in the Tire IiouhO on .1. Q Adams street on the night of May 11. - TEXT BOOK COMMITTEE. P. L. Campbell of University of Or egon, Wm. Colvig of Jacksonville, C. A. .lohiw of Baker City, M. A. Miller of I?banon and H. W. Scott of Port land, the state committee on text books, will meet at Salem in June to revise the list or schooh books and make such changes as Is deemed nec essary. The committee revises the list onco in six years. MOLALLA CRANGER8 WILL SET THEIRS, SATURDAY FARE WELL PARTY. On and after May 13 Willamette postofflce wllf receive two malls a day except Sunday and holidays when one mall will reach Postmaster Gary, all being sent over the Willamette Falls traction line. Notice of this new arangement has been received by Postmaster Randall of the Oregon City office, from which the 'mails will be dispatched to Wil lamette. The time of departure of mails la not yet known but probably will be morning and evening; This will be a greet Improvement of the present service, the Willamette office now being supplied bf rural car rier No. 5,' and the change will great ly convenience the people of the vil lage and immediate vicinity. A re-arrangement of the rural routes supplying the, country districts of the NEW DISTRICT ELECTS. C. Gelbrlch, John Nordhausen and J. Gibson have been elected direc tors and John P. Cole, clerk, of the new school district No. 110, recently created near Molalla, These are tho first officers chosen by the new district. 8IGN CONTRACT WITH P. T. CO. Pacific Telephone company has made a two year renewal contract with the Multnomah and Clackamas Mutual Telephone company, that has its exchange at Gresham and over 150 subscribers, ail on metallc circuit SUSPICIOUS OF FOUL PLAY ARE UNFOUNDED armory bill and the compulsory pass i I nupwiriiih hit: wuuvi j uiou io - big mortgage, probably the longest bill, prepared by the Oregon btate i , d!d b , one ever filed In the Clackamaa coun- (grange, are being circulated In this . ..,, rnm sher. ty recorder's office. It was given by part of the country'. , ! wood and another from Oswego now covers a large part of the territory wets of the river in this county. If Molullu, April ."lO. SihtHil closed Friday In districts Noa. 35 and 5.1. Pry time now, seven clods to the foot, when one iIih-s not monopolize the space. J. H. Vlck and sons huve their hop yards well under way. Murrled, on Thursday, Miss May Herman and Mr. Arthur How man, at Marqiiam, by Rev. Henry Spelss. It was a short courtship so may the union be a long and useful life. They will reside at "Pleasant Farm." Mrs. lla Rugby gave Miss Minnie Trulllnger, the Teasel Creek teacher, a farewell party Saturday night. Thir ty-five were present. Carry Herman acted as master of , ceremonies and per. an InliTi'Ht lnir nriiiri-nm unit retnlernrl. I Orders of the Portland Hallway. Light & Power company In favor of the Trust com pany of North America, and covers all Its proiH-rty. The amount of the mortgage Is 1 5,000,000, and is In a printed book of 123 pages. The des cription of the property covers 10 pages, and the filing fee Is 100. which Is greater than any fee ever cltarged for filing an instrument hero,. If you don't think Recorder Ramsbyi and his two assistants have been busy during the last 30 days, read the rec ord of the Instruments they recorded: During the month of April, the coun ty recorder recorded the following In struments: Deeds, 2.11 ; mortgages, 71; satisfaction of mortgages, 3; margin al cancellations. 3fi; chattel mortgag es, 13; miscellaneous, 10; town plats. I : assignments, 7. REPAIRING SUSPENSION BRIDGE. routes from Oregon City supplied them, the patrons would get their Portland and eastern' mall as prompt ly as now and would receive county MISSING MANS WAS IN OREGON CITY AFTER LEAVING WOOD CAMP. ,' The mystery surrounding the disap pearance of E. D. Kinney, who left Eagle Creek last February has been cleared op. While Kinney s present whereabouts are not known, he has been eeen since the time when It was feared he had been foully dealt with. Dr. J. W. Norris, county physician, saw In the paper about the disappear- The county court met In rtgular ses sion Wednesday mornlnt The mat- r.f Ilia ln.r.rrvratl,in it rtanrecrft was laid over until May 15. The peti- "m" " jance or Kinney ana me queBuoms tlon for the Thomson road near Wkh-' phan l,n the tes wlU '" of Springer. Kinney's cabin-mate, and Ita was withdrawn Htar,el petitions from the recollected about an old man who gave not rr r a ii a l,.,-. 4n tt!a fi rta tYiu Threw men have begun stripping the ""'""" jwii uiia. v i . latter Dan or reoruarr. mai wan top of the west pier of the suspension bridge so the court fan ascertain the repairs that are necessary. j Rural Carriers Organize. tallied in description with the missing The Divorce Grist. Jonathan Stoker granted a divorce from Sadie Stoker, and Mollle L. Bul ger given decree from Thomas H. Bui- reference made In the i Marriage Licenses. Llllle Christina Belt and R. H. Lit tiefleld.. The girl is under age and the consent of her mother was given. Louisa Margaret Guttrldge and Em erson C. Mooney. This Is a "longR. f. X No. 5, Oregon City; treas distance" license. Mr. Mooney lives urer, W. P. Ecberd, R. F. D. No. 1. in Hood River and he sent his affidavit Molalla. This organization was Der by mall accompanied by the neces- fected for the purpose of the better sary $.1, and the license was sent to 1 ment of the rural service in the coun hlm by mall. Miss Guttrldge lives in(ty and the members are requested to Clackamas county, and the wedding give any Information that would be Prof. Ogle assisted with the music. A very pleuHaut evening was enjoyed by all. Horn to the wife fif George Dnugll eity, lust week, a dunghler. Father' und mother doing well and daughter coming on under Hie usual difficulties. Molalia Grange No. 310 will hold a very profitable aud Interesting meet ing Saturday. May 1. The victors of the recent contest are to receive their reward. All members arc requested to be present. J. W.' Thomas goes to Portland UiIb wtjek to attend the Oregon State Den tal association, which will ho in ses sion May 2, 3 and 1. V ' cases of Umlse Emma Russell vs. R. ' N. Russell, and Jennaver Raster vs. T. E. Rtwrer. , . , Farms to 8,llijtfcxl with us. - ... - ' v,''WHYf BECAUSE ' we advilrtlso' extensively. That glvesi MS m morket. ! BECAUSE We have many Inquiries. That gives us customers. BECAUSE We go after business. ,;' 'That helps us1 to soil youriarm." , , . -i - h ". ; 4 .', BECAUSE "We are wd' awakp. .-V? ;.. . That "brings quick 'returns for you. ' i Cooper & Co. ! w ill occur at her home. The rural carriers of Clackamas Kinney, old, baldheaded,, . logging boots and name. He came to Norris as the county physician for treatment, and appeared to have been drinking heavily, a,nd was in an exceedingly nervous state. The old fellow claimed to have rel atives or friends in Portland, but not the car fare to go there and the doc tor gave him two-bits. , This clears away all suspicion of foul play, and ,if young Springer's story te to be believed, Kinney sinned more than he was sinned against. Kin ney's personal effects are still at Eagle Creek. . county have organized under the title of the Rural Letter Carriers' associa tion of Clackamas county. Officers were elected as follows: President, .1. D. Wilkinson, Canby; vice-president, W. F. Snith. R. F. D. No. 1, Or egon City; secretary, H. A. Waldron, (helpful to other carriers in mak- . : .Rlngo Will Filed, j The' will of tlio.lute' Robert JL. Rln go of Clarkes was filed for probate, Tuesday; It gives a life estate In all the property, real, personal and mix ed, y thewldow, Li.zle N. Rlngo, who is uiso nnmeii as executrix, i pon ner death the property goes In equal shares tt the three children, Clyde E., Herbert C. and Ha.el O., or In event o(.the death of any of them, then that share' lo hlsf' or her Issue, or falling tbat.tljen tie Khare to the surviving children. If Mrs. Rlngo dies before the children become of age, Wm. E. Grace of Baker county Is named as succeeding executor. The will was drawn Oct. 27, 190V - ,: ,New Suit Filed. ' ; . Theodore Hngenburger has brought suit against -CV C. Garrett et nl., to quiet title to 480 acres of the, J. D. Garrett die. . ' ..' ' OPPOSES HAMPERING . MATE UNIVERSITY '.'V- GARFIELD GRANGE ADOPTS',RES- y OtUTrON TCf THAT EFFECT ? ESTACADA NEWS. " . ,V-J, Estncadai April 29. The homjeii of Sarah Palmateer caught fire 7 o'clock Thursday morning. The, fire caught from a spark In the moss on the roof.(1A hole about three feet in diameter waa burned In ,.tho root, be fore the fire could be extinguished. 'Messrs. Gregory . aiid Iall.M-Vepre-sefitlng tho 'Pacific States, and Mr. ' I rf mi wnR "imillji. j'".', .."-yy -' 11111 1 1 ' ' i ii i " i nr " 1 r ----- ..-V--j-- .i iiT... i-mii N att tuft mmmm,r 111 II fO I 1 III II il 3 fV..C ,..VvJ 1 In England and France the Sale of Alum Baking Powder is pro hibited by law because of the in jurious effects that follow its use. . The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum in food, v r.i . -You may. live where as yet you have no protection against Alum iThV pniyi suh protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is to ROYAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar.--a pure Grape product. Aids digestion adds to the hcalthfulness ; of food. J j jr.itnUhi ir- 'm ' tMiia