OfttOON CITY ENTtltPRItt, FRIDAY, AfAlL 26, ,1907, !!' HIM" uii'IU" I. ..'!)" tiUiUJiJi .ill '!' JJi.JJ 1 1 Mji. iiiiiffiii.il in 18.75 COMMISSIONERS -COURT Lin It remembered, Hint at a regit In r term of thn County Court of Clack umuit County, hold In thn Court House, In Oregon City, for the purpose of transuding comity ImihIiicmh In April, the same lniliiK tlx limit fixed by law for holding n regular term of miM court, urouent lion, (hunt II. Dim Ich, county Judge, , presiding; T, H. Klllln mid John Lowelllug, commis sioners, win' it thn following proceed ing were had, to-' wit: Claims Allowed. Pauper District Indigent Road OUtrlcta District No. 1 District Pelor J. Ilunseli, ii.00 V. Diinforlli, 6.00 II. II. Hughes, ' 8.00 C. IC. lluniM, 11.00 II. K. Forrester, COO W. J. Lewellen, 8.00 M. Kruger, 7.00 Mrs. Valentine, 7.00 John Avlu. 10,0(1 J. K. Jack, 8.00 W. T. Gardner, 10.00 Mm, M. PUkens, 10.00 F. W. BpraKue, ' 10.00 Mm, Ilrttdtl. 10.01) Mm. Hclna, 10,00 .1. A. Jones, 10.0(1 Auk. Splinter, 10.00 (1. II. Dlmlck, If. On A. HMebtand, 1000 Soldier Mend 1'imt II A, It , fl.im Win.. Finn, 60.00 Frank Quliin, 34 00 Jim Little,, . 86.00 Auk. Hack id, 6.00 I. H, Hyntcill, 20.00 A. C. Warier, 14.00 J. V. Green, 32.50 A, J, Ware, 30.00 .1, A, Confer, 32.50 Max Telford, 12.00 C. W. Little, 10.00 n. W. Porter, 2.60 B. Niilull. 2.00 16 Greenwood Lumber Co., 16.19 It. Montgomery, 2.00 (I. H. ftandull, 200 V. L. Mead, 2.00 .1. Penman, 4.00 Ti rciiman, 5.00 W. (I. Iiuudi.ll, 5,75 No. 16 Unto & Co,, 248,50 Pope & Co., GOO II. lU'iirlcl, 1.1.70 A. Mather, 110,50 10, W. lloriiMhuh, 45.00 Jiimi'M Hluinnon, 56.62 (!. Mui-Hit, 4.1.75 Ah. ThoniBH, 4 1. 25 Elmer Lundergun, 17.00 lly Shelly, 28.12 WlttTs Hughes. 18.00 VVm. Grlsenthwslte, 48.25 A. HornHhuh. :i8.25 George Holman, 12.00 Fred Htidnor. 0.00 W. C. Martin, 24.00 Vni. Martin, 12.00 Wm, YonnK, 40.25 Jleall k Co., 105.00 A. Mather, 19.00 W. II. Counsell, 5,00 No. 2 CiD. II. Hate Co. 5.110 No. 3 II. 1. Smith Co.. 1200 itodlun Bros.. 110.42 J. E. Blefer. 33.75 Sam Kudar, 12.00 Godfrled IUm'ho. 10. on F. Hoese, 12.50 J. E, Heifer. H.Oo F. h. 10.00 .Mm Kcttcl, 12.00 Kd. liorlnK. t oo John I'crlliiK. 4O0 A. Iloese, 24.00 Wm. Potter, G.oo J. Avery, 400 (). McNeal. 4.00 Wm. Holler, J.GO IC. Ilennenscn, 25.00 A. Itearork, 30.00 L. 8. Ilencin k, 4.00 No. 6 O. A. Palmar. 4.00 K.H. Old. 43.55; J. A. Olds. 27.70 j II. KelloKR. 21.7" I ("rent luiraon, 18.00 J. E. Slefer. 23.75 (1. Botne. 17.00 A. Sutton. 10.00 Ham Kudor, 9.50 O. A. I'nlmer. 27.50 Destnn Lake, 12.00 J. K. Blefer. .0o A. lleaeock, 12.00 Olaf (ireen, 14.00 A. Wolfhagcn. 3.00 Auk. WwIId, 10,00 John ' WlrllnK. ZM A. I). Herr. 3.00 F. IIim'hi., 4.00 District 6 John Straus. Mux ilartarh. Fred Wluchlo, District 6 D. W. Douglas, District No. 11 District Wm. Plielph. 8.50 II, II. Hughes, 8.75 Cbaa. Btelner, 4.00 Val. Bohlander. 14.00 W. F. Hartm I. 3.50 J. 8teluer, 1.70 Alvln Hornshuh. 2.00 Edward llilKbeH. 10.50 Wm. Phelphs. 10.50 Charles Joues, 1.00 Henry Cliitber, 1.50 (!. A. Schubel, 3.00 I). Olnther, 20n V. Bohlaudur, 3 50 District No. 19 Carlton tt Rosenlfrans 11.45 I). I Trulllnner, lo John Akin, 4.00 Bite Adklos. 4.00 John Darnell, 4.40 II. Derrick, 575 Fred Howard, 4.00 Henry Turner, .85 WVV Woodtilde, 13.00 Oistrict No. 20 II. D, Harm, District 26 ' W. W, Bvorhart, II. I'', JolmHon, It. I'ulky, J. F. Adarna, HoMilmt Ijrtm., J. II. Colo L Co., 14. N. Evwrhart, KiluN WrlKht, Hubert KiikI'-', District 27 It. JobnH, x .1. II. Nleraon, A. P. Anboo, A. N'fUon, F. K. Krlekaofi, llonry Abon, t. I). Lnrklns, .1. Taylor, (I. W, Hentley, Iru Jamea, C. W. LalMiur, J. Labour, District No. 28 Francis Rami, II. Wllaon, Win. Miller, Jobn Hhcpard, Frank Huun, L. D. Hhank, District No. 30 Tualatin Mill Co., I. N. DbvIn, C. DeLaHbman, (5. C. Tledetnan, ('yniH Arnett, ('. Ilrnwn, J. Ki.er, V. DH-auhman, ' ft. C. Wortblngton, L. CiJneft'lter, (J. Ilunaaker, T. O. Whlttler, J. Dicker, Frank WhltUui, L. Halllnan, A. J. Thompson, District No. 31 J. Nomlc, Delker, J. Krancla, lllKn. Froboae, Peters, Ed. pamperln, 8. J. Jones, KlllKben, Wagley, OroKH, Sclwor, t 32 12.50 4.00 12.00 7.50 A. 8. II. II. C. District Z. J. F. O. No. Wentern StorftKP, F. Beely, Aug. Ilotenlierg. Storm Sawmill Co., 09.27 Geo. II. Rate t Co., It. IS O. C. Mill and I. Co., 17.34 IC. Harrington, 17.50 Kd. Nachand, 6.00 M. Rivera, 4.00 Ilalllc Johnson, 2.00 (!. C. Smith. 13.60 Arthur Cliff. 2.00 13- r. Rate & Co,, 12.95 W. Emmett, 9.40 I). D. Evan, 9.40 L. Evana, 9.G0 M. M. Ilart.ell. 3.40 W. II, Hubert. 1.40 Harry Hubert, 13.80 A. Hubert. 24.75 W. II. Drown, G.OO W. II, Word, 3.C0 .1. Sevier. 1.00 John Hughes, 8.80 Hurry Hubert. 12.00 "John Hamilton, 4.00 E. M. Rarrott. 3.20 W. Shannon. 20.25 No. 14 A. T. Doraey, fi.15 O. F. Glbbs, 55.00 C. C. Olbhs, 44.00 Jas. Shelly, 9.00 G. Gwllllam. 42.00 F. Heard, 25.00 F, Steuvona, 29.00 A. L. Roho, ' , 43.00 D. J. Thorn, 44.00 J. II. Jackson, 41.00 A. Splinter. 39.00 P. Allon, 6.00 II. OIhmi, 6.00 t No. 15 J. V. Groen, 22.G0 J. A. Confer, 22.50 j Pope & Co., 1.C5 Story & Thomas, 3.95 Popo & Cri., .35 CnpiA & Hufterlnch. 219.20 C. Epler, Scripture 4 Haullaii, .40 A. Voaa, A. Vallen. 3.50 II. Vohs. L. Vallen. U.80 W..Todd. J. full. 8.75 W. Wlllla. J. J. Jonoa, 1.75 W. More, S. Gianatxskl. 1.75 It. Moerln, V L. Ilaker, 6.95 " ft. Hoavert,, M, Dibble, 8 30 It. D'rvey, Jwiae Col, 8.40 W. H. Ik'aler, P. I'ntt, 8 58 C. McConnell, A. Ileurer. 8.68 District No. 33 P. MadlHon, 5.25 Telefnon Proa. M. ltyKlrBkl, 7.00 Dulkiia Lumber W. Cox, 3.50 W. II. Handle, F. Ileurer. 175 A. D. Schmidt GoorKO StephenN, 1.75 . 8. F. DeerlnK Kit Fellows. 1.75 E. HldRcviay H. Henderaon, , 1.68 8. M. Ralney E. lllttner, 1.68 C. Jubb F. lllttner, 3.15 E. Uwellen A. Vallen. 2 25 E. H. Tlnon I Vnllen. 1.75 A. A. Allen J. Put, 10.00 Henry Cromer J. J, JolteH, 24.50 District No. 34 8. GranatzHkl, 11.45 WUhou & Cookt F. Daker, 2.00 T. J. Gary J. Munnlng, 8.75 A. Mather II. rmtner, 1.50 Sam, Hatdorf II. Sullivan, 42.50 faut Schroedor District 22 Gefn?o nail, R. D. Hall. A. EnKle. District No. 23 D. O. Froomlln, Karl Nelson. T. A. Cnmpnu. J. McGIII, Co. 4.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 5.75 1.00 District J. J. Taylor, 12.00 D. J. Parmnnter. 20.25 Ed. Dickson, 9.00 P. Maloy, 5.00 J. II. Dickson, 8.00 Sam Hcr.lK. 3.60 C. Mark, 6.00 R. W. Zimmerman' 27.70 No. 24 C. G. Hoffman. 6.50 Jacob Egll, 3.00 Enoa HoHtetler, 1.50 H. DecU, v 1.50 John Oahler. 9.7G Cbas. Konsback, 5.25 M. Meyer, 3.00 .1. E. Mitts, 3.00 Wm. Konshack, 6.00 E. R Miller, 3.00 D. Ackoraon, 1.50 L. D. King, 3.00 Geo. AhKIus, 2.25 Geo.MlUa, .75 Ernest, Werner, 9.00 Phillip WelKand, .75 J. Schwaubauer, ' 3.00 L. P. SpiiBHi, 44.50 District No. 25 Carlton & Rosenkrati9 34.25 James Adidas, 9.00 W, Lamour, 1.60 C. Thomas, .75 D. C. Harms, . 4.50 J. D. Cpl& 6.7G R. Schroeder George, Illckel Frank Kekel Smith Turner Kill Olsem Jack Roy Ion J. Turner District No. 35 N. E. Doriahue A. IX Edwards District No. 36 W. H. Rremer Matt OIhou Albert Elliott Paul J. Schneider Amos Yoder A. Schneider District No. 37 W. Wllmot C. W. Kruse District No. 38 . Geo. Jones J. Phillips A. Tucholko II. Thiessen District No. 39 K. Story T. Dorscy A. Mather Popo &, Co. Albert Shanborn Robert Shanborn Evan Lewis Virgil May , Herman Fisher Frank Jaggar District No. 40 A. Vester General Roads Howe & Co. Beall & Co. ' .John Lewellcn County Commissioner G. 11, Dlmlck 3.00 21.00 4.50 3.00 .80 5.90 21.50 .75 2,00 10,60 1.60 7.60 12.00 COO 10.60 7.50 5.25 1.60 0.00 3.00 37.50 24.75 7.50 3.75 1.60 9.75 35.00 18.20 62.00 3.00 42.00 10.00 20.00 18.00 9.00 12.00 12.00 22.00 18.00 .14.00 32.00 8.00 6.00 16.00 24.00 3.50 1.75 7.00 1.75 2.60 17.25 18.10 5.25 S.25 9.75 .25 3.50 4.50 3.00 8.75 7.00 5.25 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 72.82 267.48 10.00 7.00 30.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 18.50 22 72 46.75 13.65 1.25 96.38 61.00 23.00 5.00 14.00 16.00 16.00 30.00 2.00 51.25 101. 3ll 28.50 8.00 3.73 2.00 14.50 10.00 10.50 .45 106.82 11.00 9.00 8.00 2.50 6.40 3.30 34.50 4.40 45.75 44.50 45.75 17.00 18.75 4.50 5.00 250.00 109.50 .40.00 9.05 John Lewlln T.lD. Klllln . Circuit Court T. M. Miller Justice of the Peace L. Btlpp C. F. Ely A Hardeaty W. F. Smith W. II. Ilrerner Martin Itobblna E. O. Lftater Win Beard C. E. Cross 8. S. Jones, E. It. Williams John Kelly .1. II. Hlatferly L. Sllpp B. L. Hliaw L. Btipp Chan F. Ely L. 8Upp Chan F. Ely A. Pelpke W. F. Henderson Jesse Cox Matt Kandle Fred Moehnke L. Stipp C. F. Ely L. Btlpp Gerhardus Tax Department hi. Mulvey Nellie Kwafford 8. O. Dlllman R. II. lleatlo Iletta Pierce Ileus Kelly Edith Jackson B. 8. Buck W. B. Baker Pratt R. C. Recorder It. W. McAlpln Treasurer 9.20 21.20 24.00 13.20 24.00 6.90 . 6.60 ' 5.90 CIO 6.10 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.95 2U0 6.95 15.. 85 6.70 16.60 5.10 5.10 5.50 . 4.50 3.. 10 6.95 13.10 3.20 3.00 19.75 31.50 17.50 16.16 23.00 10.00 61.62 87.76 25.00 R7 7r, 12.00 .!. C. Elliott 4.00 R, E. Lovelace 4.00 '8. A. D. Hunga , 4.50 Printing and Advertising , Courier 48.90 Telegram 1.90 The Star Press 45.60 Board of Health Dr. 3, W, Norrls .50 Jessie Paddock 10.00 's Inguest J. C. Bradley 1.20 R. T. Barbur 1.20 II. Peckover 1.20 J. W. Cole 1.20 David Caufleld . 1.20 C. E. Burna 1.70 William Stow 1.70 A. Simmons 1.20 W. E. Carll 10.20 J. W. Loder 4.20 R. L. Holman 9.85 J. W. Cole 1.20 J. C. Bradley 1.20 R. T. Barbur 1.20 A. Simmons 1.20 David Caufleld 1.20 Henry Peckover 1.20 Charles E. Burns 1.70 C. M. Stow 1.70 E. II. Willougbby 1.70 Dr. W. E .Carll 10.20 C. E. Hayes 1.70 A. O. Vaughan 4.70 J. C. Stuart 4.70 J. W. Loder 6.20 R. L. Holman 19.50, J. W. Cole 1.20 J. C. Bradley 1.20 R. T. Barbur 1.20 A. Simmons 1.20 David Caufleld 1.20 Henry Peckover 1.20 C. E. Burns 1.70 C. M. Stow 1.70 E. II. Wllloughby 1.70 Dr. W. E. Carll 10.20 G. E. Hayes 1.70 A. G. Vaughan 4.70 J. C. Stuart ' 4.70 J. W. Loder 6.20 R. L. Holman 19.50 Assessor S. T. Roman E. P. Carter L. Pope H. W. Shaw J. F. Nelson Tax Rebate W. G. Glover C. E, Burns E. N. Foster James Duncan A. & A. J. Wallace Alfred Inman Jacob Rupp John Gaffney Current Expense Telephone Co. F. W. Greenman T. F. Ryan C. E. Ramsby Huntley Bros Co. Court House Expense V. Harris Straight & Salisbury Peter Nehren Jail- It. B. Beatie County Poor J. Montgomery R. L. Holman ' J. E. Jack C. Bluhm W. A. Holmes S. Rosensteln Howell & Jones W. B. Rambo Insane Committments W. U. Tel Co. H. S Mount Dr. Election G. D. Ely Fruit Inspector A. J. Lewis Road Surveys S. A. D. Hungnte N. Blair Bud Thompson ,W. R. Dallas 3.15 66.00 30.00 54.00 2.50 16.59 5.90 17.50 6.48 5.50 5.40 1.00 3.00 5.60 4.80 30.00 7.33 13.90 1.15 .65 10.00 25.14 2.50 10.00 10.25 5.00 .47 11.04 2.45 17.92. .25 5.00 3.90 27.00 35.60 21.50 21.60 2.00 In the matter of the petition of A. Venter and others for county roads. Ordered that viewers meet at place of beginning on 21st day of April, 1907. In the matter of the vacation of alley In block 4 of Oswego. Ordered that same be vacated as prayed for. In the matter of franchise of Beav er Creek Mutual Telephone Co. Ordered that same be granted sub ject to proper regulations by County Court. In the matter of the application of John Haugh for payment of road war rant that had been lost. Ordered that same be paid without Interest. In (the matter of deed made by David E. Pendleton and wife for land for road way. Ordered that said deed be accepted and ordered recorded. In the matter of deed from Charles F. Clarke and wife for land for road. Ordered that said road be and is named "Lawnflold Iload." In the matter of the petition of W. G. Glover for rebate of tax; Ordered that warrant Issue for sum of $16.59 in payment of same. In the matter of petition of C. B. Burns for rebate of tax. Ordered that warrant issue for sum of $5.69 iu payment of same. In the matter of petition of E. N. Foster for rebate of tax; Ordered that warrant Issue for sum of (17.50 In payment of same. In the matter of petition of James Duncan for rebate of tax. Ordered that warrant Issue for sum of 6.48 in payment of same. In the matter of petition of A and A. J. Wallace for rebate of tax. Ordered that warrant issue in sum of $5.50 in payment of same. In the matter of petition of Alfred Inman for rebate of tax. Oredered that warrant issue In sum If $5.40 in payment of same. In the matter of petition of residents of road district No. for improve rment of hill near farm of A. Newell. Ordered that said hill be cut down, graded, and improved according to prayer of petition. In the matter of the appointment of H. H. Johnson, as Deputy County Sur veyor. Ordered that said appointment be and is confirmed. In the matter of appointment of field deputies by J. F. yelson, As sessor. Ordered that the appointment of E. P. Carter, Geo. F. Horton, H. A Shaw and G. B. Hayhurst be and is confirmed. In the matter of bond of John C, Elklns as Constable for District No Ordered that same be and is ap proved. In the matter of the petition of Jacob Rupp for rebate of poll tax. Ordered that warrant issue to said petitioner in payment of same. In the matter of obstruction of county road known as the Turner road In road district No. 34, by Mat Ranch. Ordered that said Mat. Rauch be notified to immediately remove all obstructions from said road. In the matter of petition of J. D. Ernston et al. for Improvement of road. leading from Marquam to Glad Tidings, with subscription of $100. Ordered that prayer of petitlou be granted, and when subscription has been worked out, under Supervisor, then the county will donate an equal amount to be used on said road. In the matter of petition of John Gaffney for rebate of tax. Ordered that a warrant for $3.00 be Issued in payment -of same. In the matter of petition of A. B. Rhodes for liquor license. Ordered that all papers filed be withdrawn and all proceeding had in said matter be held for naught. tlon of Ninth Street In Section I of this ordinance set out, be and the same Is hereby repealed. Section 3. Whereas the condition of said street is dangerous to the health and safety of the city, and Its improvement Is necessary for the Im mediate preservation of the same, In the Juifjsment of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, an emergency exists; therefore this ordinance shall take ef- lect and be in force Immediately upon its approval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered publish- d at an adjourned meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Thurs day. April 18tn, 1907, and which ad journed meeting was an" adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council held Wednesday, April 17th, 1907, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held Sat urday, May 1 1th, 1907, at 8 o'clock M. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DJM1CK, Recorder. Ordinance No. An ordinance re-establishing the grade of that portion of Seventh Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the East line of Water Street and the West line of Main Street. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the grade of that portion of Seventh Street, Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the East line of Water Street and the West line of Main 8treet shall be as follows, to- wit: Beginning at Main Street at an ele vation of 105.4 feet, thence on ft de scending grade to the East line of Water Street at an elevation of .98.5 feet on the South line of Seventh Street and at an elevation of 97.5 feet on the North line of Seventh Street. Section 2. That ordinance No. 127 approved July 14th, 1891, as far as the said ordinance pertains to or con flicts with the grade of that portion of Seventh Street In Section 1 of this ordinance set out, be and the same Is hereby repealed. Section 3. Whereas the condition of said street Is dangerous to the health and safety of the city, and its improvement is necessary for the Immediate preservation of the same, in the Judgment of the (Council of Or egon City, Oregon, an emergency ex ists; therefore this ordinance shall take effect and be in force Immediately upon Its approval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered publish ed at an adjourned meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Thurs day. April 18th, 1907, and which ad journed meeting was an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council held Wednesday, April 17th, 1907, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held Sat urday. May 11th, 1907, at 8 o'clock P. M. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIM1CK. Recorder. Ordinance No. An Ordinance re-establishing the grade of that portion of Fourth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the East line of Main Street and the Stone wall of the Oregon and California Railroad Company on said Fourth Street. Oregon City does ordain a follows: Section 1. That the grade of that portion of Fourth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between the East line of Main street and the stone wall of the Oregon and California Railroad company on said Fourth street shall be as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 206 feet East of Main Street at an elevation of 108.6 feet; thence on a descending grade to a point 75 feet East of Main Street at an elevation of 101 feet; thence to Main Street at an elevation of 99.10 feet. Section 2. That ordinance No. 127 approved July 14th. 1891, as far as the said ordinance pertains to or con flicts with the grade of that nortion of Fourth Street in Section 1 of this ordinance set out, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. Whereas the condition of said street is . dangerous to the health and safety of the city, and its improvement is necessary for the im mediate preservation of the game, in the Judgment of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, an emergency exists ; therefore this ordinance shall take ef fect and be in force immediately upon its approval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered publish ed at an adjourned meeting of the council or Oregon City, held Thurs day, April 18th, 1907. and which ad journed meeting was an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council held Wednesday, April 17th, iuf, ana to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held Sat urday, May 11th, 1907, at 8 o'clock P. M. By order of the Council of Orecon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Ordinance No. Ah ordinance re-establishing the grade of Ninth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from a point on said Ninth Street 100 feet West of the West line of Main Street to a point on said Ninth Street 150 feet west of the west line of Main Street, and establishing the grade of said Ninth Street from said point 150 feet west of the west line of Main Street to the East line of Water Street. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the grade of that portion of Ninth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between a point on said Ninth Street 100 feet West of the West line of Main Street and the East line of Water Street shall be as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 100 feet West of Maiu Street at an elevation of 109.5 feet; thence to the East line of Water Street at an elevation of 110 feet. Section 2. That ordinance No, 127 approved July 14th, 1891, as far as the said ordinance pertains to or conflicts with the grade of that por Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that we will apply to the city council of Oregon City at its next regular meeting for a renewal of our liquor license for a period of six months at our present place of business, Mt. Hood Cafe, Fifth and Main Streets. JUSTIN & KOKAL. 20t2 Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the city council of Oregon City at its next regular meeting for a renewal of my liquor license for a period of six months at my present place of business, 421 Main street, Or egon City. 20t2 D. M. KLEMSEN. 1 Merchants who use the home daily to tell of their , wares and their prices are ashamed of neither.