8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1907. MARKETS WHOLESALE PRICES. Hay and Grain. Hay Timothy, f is, clover, oats, clover S per ton; cheat mixed, $12. drain Oats, gray, $29; white, $30. perton; wheat 7.c per bu; rolled bar V'y $23 per ton; bran $18; shorts. $20; chops, $17; middlings $26; corn whole $28; cracked corn, $29. Flour Hard wheat $4 200 $4.70 per bbl; valley $3.80; Olympic Pancake flour, $3.75. Dressed Meats. Eeef, dressed, cows, 4 1-2JT6 cents; steers CSt 7c; hogs S(ff 8 1-2; mutton 10 llc; veal 7 l-2c. j FOR SALE. Live Stock and Provisions. jHOCSK AND LOT-has fruit trees. Steers $4.50 $5.25 per 100; heifers chk.kon hou80, ttc., located on Sixth 14.000$ US; cows. $3.73$l.'.0; hogSjslm,t Must l)0 8o)J at onc0 CaU at $6.5rJ7.00; Spring Lambs, &y9c; bacon 17i?i22c; hams. 1717 1- i c. Produce Butter Ranch and Poultry. per roll; cream- cry 45 per roll. Eggs 18c per dozen. Hens 13c; roosters, old 11c; young 11 l-2c; chickens mixed, 12c. Fruits and Vegetables. Apples $1.00Ib$l. 25; potatoes $1.30 per sack; turnips, carrots, ruttabegas, parsnips, beets 75c per sack. RETAIL PRICES. Flour, Hay, Grain. Flour Valley $4.15 per bbl; Oregon hard wheat, $4.55 per bbl. Wheat No. 1, S5c per bushel. Shorts. 90c per sack. Barley $1.15 per sack. Oats in sacks. $1.50 per cwt Hay Timothy $14; clover $10; oat $12; and cheat, mixed, $10 per ton. Produce, Poultry, Provisions. Butter Ranch 45 per roll; cream ery, 53 per roll. Eggs 20c per dozen. Honey 15c per lb. Dressed chickens 16c per lb. Bacon, ISc; bams, ISc. Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes $1.25 per sack. Cabbage 3 l-2c. Ruttabagas, carrots, turnips, par snips, beets, lc per lb. PROFITS OF BOARDING (Continued from page 1.) has been established for any of the streets; that more than two-thirds of the owners of property adjacent to Second street had remonstrated; that the council naa not determiil the probable cost or assessed the shares of the lots; that contract has been en tered into without any of the afore said legally necessary preliminary steps; that there is no street super intendent under whom the property owners can make their share of im provement; that if contract is car ried out it will largely increase the burden of general taxation; and that Lindsley began work on April 15. The plaintiffs having no adequate remedy at law, pray for court order enjoin ing the continuance of the work. PUT HANK OP HAIR IN HIS MEDICINE Accusing his wife of putting a bunch of hair in his medicine when he was sick, and divers and sundry other offences culminating in deser tion of him about a year ago, W. P. Rihorn has brought suit for divorce from Corda Rihorn to whom he was married in Ohio, in October, U)ul. The husband says he lay sick in bed only four or five months after their happy marriage and that Corda deliberately put into his medicine a bunch of hair, whether hers or whose the plaintiff does not say, and that she tried to induce him to swallow the aforesaid bunch. He also complains of her accusing him, falsely of course, of undue intimacy with other women. Corda also berated him because ho didn't make more money, and in fact earned on in such a high handed man- ner that their quarreling became com- ; mon lain among their neighbors. Fi-: nally Corda left him on June 2, l'JOG, and hasn't returned since, for which he is probably thankful, though he doesn't say so. for it gives him good grounds for the divorce he seeks. Wrote to James Clark. Charles L. Moore seeks a divorce Qireful of I One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Piano and Furniture Moving G o i ft 0 I Bros. Ph- : Office 1121, Residence from Uerlha L. Clark to whom ha ws married as long ago as February, ISiU. He says that along In the mU die of 1905 she began to correspond with James Clark and continued in thi lottor writing habit In spite of his protestations all the while James was away from Portland. When James returned to Portland, ltertha was constantly In his company until their undue intimacy became notori ous. Mr. Moore further alleges that he and Pertha have not lived together ; as husband and wife for two years, j ! The safe, certain, reliable little pills that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's Little Liver Pills. Pest for sick head ache, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold hy Huntley Proa. Innniet William Seventh street Sold on easy terms. 19tf i I The saive that acts ilka a poultice ) is fiue fcaive caruouzea. .no otner salve so good for cuts, burns, boils and chapped skin. Ask about It, Price 25 cts. Sold by Huntley Bros. I now have money to pay county warrants endorsed prior to December 1, 1906. Interest will cease on such warrants on date of this notice. J. C. PADDOCK. April 26, 1907. County Treasurer. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Loyd R. Flagg. Plaintiff, vs. j Allise Flagg. Defendant. I In the name of the State of Ore I gon: You. Allise Flagg, are hereby re- quired to appear and answer the com I plaint filed against you herein on or before Tuesday, the ISth day of June, 1907, that day being six weeks from the first publication of the summons herein, and if you fall to appear and answer herein, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint on file herein, to which reference is hereby made, and more particularly as follows: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant on the ground of defen dant's willful desertion of the plain tiff for the period of more than one year, continuously, immediately prior to the commencement of this action, and for such other or further relief as may be equitable. This summons is served uimjii yon by publication thereof for not less than six successive weeks in the "Or egon City Enterprise," published in the County of Clackamas, State of ! Oregon, and by order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBride. Judge of the ! above entitled Court, which order is I dated the 17th day of April. 1907. ! The date of the first publication of this summons is Friday, the 26th day of April, 19ii7. and the date of the last publication of this summons is Friday, the 7th day of June, 1907. ' EMMONS & EMMONS, j Attorneys for Plaintiff. ,20t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. PUBLIC AUCTION. The owner, Frank Grimm, will sell at public sale a his farm five miles east of Molaila coiner, and three miles southeast of Meadow-brook, in Clackamas County, commencing at 1 o'clock, a. m., on Saturday, May 11, lft'C the following property, to-wit: One mare, 9 years old. weight 15'"); 1 mare, 9 years old, weight, 1323; 2 (Minies ; 1 grade Hereford bull; 5 cows with calves; 1 stripper; 3 two-year-old steers; 2 one-year-old steers; 2 one-year-old heifers; 1 sow with pig; .", shotes; 1 three-inch, wide-tire wagon; 1 buggy, good an new; 1 set team harness, good: 1 new buggy har ness; saddle and bridle; 1 Buckeye mower; 2 two-horse plows, li inch each; 1 one-horse new No. 10 Oliver plow; all-steel lever spring tooth har iov. all-steel lever peg tooth harrow; cultivator; double shovel plow; stump jack; logging outfit; Belle City feed cutter, new; cider mill; grindstone, and other small articles too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums under $5 cash; over $."), six months' time will be given with approved security. FRANK GRIMM, Owner. W. W. II. SAMSON, Auctioneer. Your Property I Transfer Co. 9 1833 525 Main Stree Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Pyclo A. Knotts. Plaintiff, vs. Win. H. Knotts. IVfcndant. To Win. It. Knotts, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to np- pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the Sth day of June, 1907. that being the time fixed by the court for you to appear and answer herein and six weeks from the first day of publication of summons and if you fall to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her com plaint, tow It: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony 'now evlstlni: between nhllntlff and do fendant herein, awarding plaintiff the care, custody and control of the minor children of plaintiff and it f ll 1llf " Knotts ami I namely, Harvey Edward Lola Anua Knotts, and for such other relief as to the court may seem meet and proper. This summons Is published pursu ant to order of Hon. T. A. McPride, ,,,,her side of the street as follows, to Judge of the above entitled court, i wit: I made and entered therein on the 24th day of April. 1907, which order directs the publication of this summons not less than once a week for six weeks prior to the Sth day of June. l!H7. The date of the first publication of this j summons is April 26 1907, and of the ! last publication of this summons (June 7. 1907. j HEDGES & GRIFFITH. 20t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff Ordinance No.- An ordinance providing for the time and manner of Improving Fourth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water Street to the West line of Main Street, and from the East line of Main Street to the Stone wall of the Oregon and Califor nia Railroad Company on said Fourth Street. Oregon City does ordain as follows: i Section 1. The proposed Improve ment of that part of Fourth Street of Oregon City. Oregon, lying between the East line of Water Street and the West line of Main Street, and between the East line of Main Street and the Stone wall of the Oregon and Califor- nia Kaiiroaii umipany on said rourm Street, shall be completed within nine ty days after the signing of the con tract by the parties thereto, due not ice thereof having been given by pub lication of notice as will more fully appear by proof thereof duly present- .ed and filed In the office of the City , Recorder. Section 2. The improvements shall .consist as follows: , ! Grading, i The street shall be graded down or ' filled up to the sub-grade as given by the City Engineer; said sub grade shall be 8 Inches below the finished surface at the center of the street and six inches below at the curbs after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. Care must be taken to preserve the ; proper crown and all soft and spongy ; places not affording a firm founda tion shall be dug out and the space re filled with good earth, sand, gravel or crushed rock, carefully ' rammed or ' rolled so as to make such filling com ' pact and solid. The full width to be paved shall be sprinkled and thoroughly rolled and compacted with a steam road rol ler, of not less than PI tons weight, or by ramming In such places as the roller cannot reach, and If during the process of rolling, Indentations or sunken (daces appear, such shall be filled with proper material and then again rolled, until even surface is secured. Such rolling shall be completed in sections of at least one block, and , shall be tested and accepted by the City Engineer before any material for the jiavement is placed thereon. Macadam. ! On the roadbed thus formed and completed will be spread a layer of clean, broken stone, free from dirt, not less than 6 Inches in depth after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. The stones shall be of square faced quarried rock, uniform in quality and as nearly approaching th' mbe in form as practicable; of not less than one inch in diameter, nor of greater diameter than will pass through a two an one-half (V inch ring. On the above layer of stone will be spread a layer of screenings, in suf ficient quantity to fill up all inter stices, and to bring the street to the proper grade after being thoroughly rolled and compacted. , And such screenings shall be sprinkled and roll ed until a firm unyielding ami thor oughly even surface Is obtained, which surface shall be the finished grade,, of the street. Macadam will be paid for per cubic yard in place. Obstructions. The surface of the street will be cleared of all obstructions Including timbers, planks, side walks and cross walks not. on grade and otherwise In good condition. If such obstructions are not removed by the owners of the adjacent property within three days after having been notified by the Superintendent of Streets they shall become the property of the contractor and shall be removed by him without. 'additional compensation therefor. Fills and Embankments. No material of a perishable nature will be placed in the embankment. i The earth taken from the excavation will be used to bring the street and side walk to grade when necessary, the remainder will become the proper ty of the contractor and shall be re- moved by htm. Clradlng will bo paid for per cubic yard for excavation and embankment. The waste earth, rock, or other material will be paid for In the excavation only. Transporting Material. The contractor U required to have the beds of all wagons, carts or other vehicles used In transporting earth. I rock or other material to and from I the site of the work suthYlently tight 'to prevent leakage; ami to cause all loose material clinging to the beds or i running gears of such vehicle to be ! brushed or scraped off after loading ; and unloading and take every precau tion to prevent the unnecessary strew i lug of such material mum the streets. Lumber and Timbers. I All lumber ami timbers used In the j work must be of sound llr timber, ; square edged mid free from all large loose or unsound knots, waney edges, splits, and generally free from sap. Removal of Rubbish, All rubbish that may accumulate during the performance of the work or by reason of the work herein pro vided for shall be removed by the Contractor and the street left In a clean and good condition. Settlements. All u..Ml.. ....... I., ....... .......... I.. 11111. 111CT (111,1 I1IUJ lllj.l't,l 111 ;any portion of the macadam or other Wlirk before the Ilnal acceptance of the work by the city shall be repaired innd made good by the contractor it I nll expense. Sidewalks. i A side walk will he cmmhui'te.l mi i The planking will be thick. S Inches wide and l7i Inches 'a feet long. dressed on the upper surface and laid upon three stringers. The string ers wilt be I x 6 Inches and not less than 12 feet long and will be set on edge and laid with broken Joints. The stringers, when not resting upoiiai conclusive between the pardon. the solid ground will have a firm bear ing every six feet In length of walk. The planking will be securely nailed to the stringers using two. four and one half (4Vj) Inch wire nulls In each Inuring. The walk will have a grade or fall towards the center of the street of one fourth Ci inch to each toot In width of walk. A line of concrete curbing will bo ' ... . .1 .... ..HI. I I.. 11... i ,cyc.s..m.cu on cmicr oi ue iih..r.,f .w r..n.i.u. vi ,.i. -m 6 inches wide on top. 8 Inches wide on I the bottom and 18 Inches deep. I In the event of the owner or owners in any or an oi ine aoumng property idt'sirmg to lay or construct walks, or : gutters (d concrete in lieu of wood as j herein specified, the right Is hereby reserved for them to so lay or con struct the same, in which event the entire additional cost of such concrete walks, or gutters, over and above the contract price for the same as con structed of wood, shall be borne by the said property owners and the con- t tractor shall look to such owner or owners only for such additional com- pensation. All concrete walks, curbs and gut - ters shall conform to the standard specifications for same as provided In ordinance No. 326. Cross Walks. Cross walks will Im constructed e 9 I FAMOUS AT HOME FOR I J I GENERATIONS PAST; I ; I FAMOUS NOW ALL OVER 1 j S THP WrtRI n H I t,u !For salo by jj E. MATHIES. 1 ir IS derate IPrices We wish to announce to the public that we have (p:ned offices in your city where we are prepared to give you the finest of dental work at very low prices consider ing the class of work produced. ft ft ALL WORK All operations performed by the latest Painless methods Njte our prices SOLID GOLD CROWNS - $5.00 BRIDGE WORK - - $5.00 FULL SET OF TEETH - - $5.00 Q ft 2 $ Q 2 W fWr Harrllno-'s Dmo Stnr? ASsiB&iS94a&iai(S lending from the westerly entrance to the pcdcHlrlun suliwiiy to and con necting with the aldewnlka on either side of the street. Such cross walks will be constructed In the hiuuo man ner as the side walks. Obstructions 'to Travel. The work must be done In such a manner as to obstruct public travel as little as possible. As soon as the macadam Is complete U shall be thrown open to travel, but audi open ing shall not be deemed the final ac eoptaueo of the work. Colored Lights. Colored lights and If necessary night watchman are to be maintained at all obstructions or other place of danger. Classifications. Earth Tlils will Include clay, Hand, loam or other earthly material and loose stones containing less than one cub ic fool. Loose Rock This will Include all loose stones containing one cubic foot to one cub lc yard. Solid Rock This will include nil loose rocks or bowlders containing one cubic yard and upwards, also all rock lodged or other material requiring to be ills Integrated by blasting. Superintendence. All work herein provided for will he done In strict conformity with these specifications and plans accompany ing same In a thorough and workman like manlier lo the satisfaction of the City Engineer, unit his decision as to the meaning and Intent of these spec ifications, measurements, computa tions of quantities, the quality of ma teria! to be used and all other matters pertaining thereto, whether freely specified herein or nut shall he final All unfit or condemned material shall be Immediately removed from the site of the work. In the event of any workman employed by the con tractor refusing to comply with the Instructions of the City Engineer or his assistant or the Inspector In 'charge f the work In regard to the removal of rejected material or for I doing his work In an unworkmanlike ! manner shall be dlsrhai g.-d hv (ho ;,.( ractor as so..,, as notified In writ I lug by the Engineer of such u. elect or refusal. Responsibility. 1 The contractor shall take entire charge of the work during the pro- gress and shall be rcKiiiMlio for any loss, damage or Injury to water and sewer pipes to adjacent property, lor accidents resulting from bluMlng jor from any ran-leMHiiess or neglect I In doluk' the work net out In these j plans and specifications, and will hold , the city of Oregon City and any and I all officials thereof free and hainilens therefrom. The contractor must proiect : work until It is completed nud duly j accepted, and he must repair any , damage done in It !,y freshet, rnlna or other accidents at his own cost. In j rase of any accident lo water or new- j or pipes the contractor shall iuimedla 'tely notify the proper authorities. Staking Out Work. The work provided for under these specifications will (mi Milked out by the City I'.nglneer or his assistants and the contractor will he required to carefully preserve all .inch stakes set Alterations. The rlKht Is reserved by the city council to make such alteration as may be found expedient during the progress of the work, und In such event tin-re shall be added to or de ducted from the contract (nice such sum as shall represent the cot of such additional or Miilxtractcd woik to be wdlmnted by the engineer. The City reserves the right to lay or relay all or any water or s-wer pipes ir connections during tin- prouresH of the work. Extra Work. TlmVfilit i-iiflnr uliull r,,.l I,,, i.nllll.,.1 to deiuiind or receive payment for :any work its extra work, unless order- meunlng of these spccillcut Ions shall be referred to the Knglneer and Street Committee whose decision shall bu final and conclusive Disputes. All disputes us to (he Intent and same and lit. Ihe price agreed u H and named In the written order ' ed In writing by the Knglneer to do , for such work previous to Its com i mencemenf. Proposals. Parties bidding on the work pro- TTK A ft GUARANTEED ' ental Rooms fl0000000000 vlded herein must state In their bid tho lime required for (he completion of the entire Improvement us herein Hpeclllod lifter the approval of the contract by the Mayor mid should the iHiutractor full to complete the work within (ho time specified 111 the said contract the clly ahull have the right lo charge the contractor the sum of live dollars per day as liquidated dam ages for each and every day .Unit (lie work shall remain uncompleted after said specified dnle and Hiieh sum skull be deducted from (be iimoiiut of the 11 1 1 it 1 payment. No proposal will lie considered when not accompnnled by n ceri tiled check equal lo live per cent of the total cHtliimtc, which check shall lie foifelied to the city upon the failure of the successful bidder to execute the agreement provided for herein within ten diivs afier the award of the contract. Plunk forms upon which all pro ptiMils are to he submitted will be furnished upon application to the City Engineer. Payment, I'pon final licceplailce of the work the Kuglueer will iniike a Ilnal est i unite of ihe cost thereof and a pay ment of seventy five per cent of Such estimate will be ordered lit tho first regular meeting of the City Council thereafter". The remaining twenty five per cent, to be made In u lump sum within thirty five days after such final nc ccptanco, Bond. The cout i net or will be required b furnish a bond with approved Kccurlty lit the full amount of the contract price, conditioned on the faithful and i complete pel forinauce of Ihe work In nceoidiinco with all the stipulations of the contract and within the time named therein. Engineer, Wherever I lie Worn ' i.llgllieei '' u used III these spcclnctilloiin It !. un derstood to refer to the Clly F.uglncer or to any Kimlneer employed unit nu thorli-d by the city council to super Intend such work. Committee, Wherever the wold "I'oinmhlee" oc curs III there Hpcclllcnl Ions It Mini! I" 'understood to refer to the Committee. on Streets find Public property of Mi- 'City Council of Oregon City. I Contractor. I WheieM-r the word "i-oiitractor" in cur III theie Hpeclllciitiloun It I un derstood to refer lo ihe couti ni tor, oi firm of coiituirtoiH lor any number thereof) or any cuitincior uinleitnl, jlllK the Work herein f.(n-c'.tli-l. ' All the above work and liiateiliii t , be furnished, shall be done and furu j IsheiP to the wit Inflict loll f the Clly . Fnulncer. ! The City Council rencrvet the right to reject any and all bids. i Section II. The coliilnlttie no Streets iiiel Public Property are her--his by authorised to advertise for and re reive propoi-nls as afoienuld, and tie Mayor and Itecord'-r slmll ciio-r Into contract with each person, firm or cm iM nt Imi io w hom the contracts un let by the City Council br the Im provement or part thereof an sp'-cl 'd In thU ordinance. Section 4. Fucli contract shall con tain a stipulation to the effect that tie person, firm or corporation to whom said contrai l Is b t shall look for pu ment only to the sum to be nx-tcuM-d upon the property liable to pay for such Improvement, and collected and paid Into the City Treasury for Unit purpose, and they will not require Or egnii City by any gal process or oth erwise to nay the Mt!d sum out of nuy other fund. Section f. Wtoieas the condition of said street Is dangerous to th health and safety of the city, and It Improvement Is necessary for the liti tnedlll'e pp" ervut Ion of the same, ,tTi the judgment of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, an emergency exists; therefore this ordinance shall take ef fect and be In force Immeillatetly up on It'i approval by the Mayor. Head first time nud ordered publish ed at an adjourned meeting of the Council of Oregon Clly, held Thurn day. April 1Mb, I'M)",, and which ad journed meeting was an adjourned meeting of a siecal meeting of said Council hehl Wednesday, April lTllt. I!iu7, and o come up for second read lug and final passago at a special meeting of Hiild Council to be held Silt, urdiiy May 11th, l'.iu7, at H o'clock P. M. Pv orib r of the Council of Oregon city. W. A. lil.MR'K, Hcc-order. TT?V tt ft 9 S FOR io YEARS j 9 8 and 9, Willamette Building Co