OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1907. EM-ANNUAL EPORTS On Juifid lut report. Hecelved Hlncw . . . . . l'alil out llulonco 85.98 80.00 u.n R t 85.98 f 85.98 Library Fund On hand liiHt report. KwelvtKl Hlnnu . . . Of County Officers Fo Six Months Ending Match Si, 1907. I'ald out. Hulunce . 40.23 114.05 754.28 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY $ 754.28 f 754.28 General Fund On hand lunt report Itacolved alnce ruld out 139,489.04 f 6,442.95 85,002.65 Iiulimce 61.956.50 SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT .f TrMmor of Cluokiinma County, Oregon, for the nil montlm ending on tho :ilt day of March, 1907, of money received and paid out and on what ac- fount paid out. Special School Fund Ilulunco on hand lunt report I 1,822,78 llecolvcd alncn 20,804.00 Amount paid out I 5.o:i0.74 rialunci. on hand 10,590.67 $22,027,44 $22,027,44 Special City Fund- MuIhiicm on hund luxt report j.oi Hmelvcd alnco 9.600.92 Paid out 9,722.83 Ou hand report I 1,337.70 $10,389.63 $10,389.63 $91,445.00 $91,443.60 County School Fund- On hand UHt report Received alnco 40,742.89 I'ald out $14,217.53 Uulance f 41,475.58 $55,693.11 $55,093.11 THOS F. RYAN, ATTORNKY-ATLAW Probate and Realty Lav Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse. O. D. EBY, ATTORNETAT-LAW Money loaned, abstracts famished, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and Eighth Sts. W. 8. U'REN C. SCHUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice is. all courts, make collection" and settlements ot estates Furnim. HTATK OK OREiON, County of Clackaman. h. I, J. C. Paddock, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true state ment of tho amounts received, paid out, and remaining on hand, In the coun ty treasury of said county for the six months ending on the 31t day of March, 1907. Witness my hand this 2d day of April, 1907. J. C. PADDOCK. . County Treasurer. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of the amount if Money and Warrants recelvod for Taxes, and Money paid to the County Treasurer by the Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, for Oct. $ Nov. $ 19.80 Road Fund On hand luxt report. It'H-elved slnctt $ 1,3337.70 43,890.31 I'ald out $18,432.09 Uulunce ou hand 20.795.92 $45,228.01 $45,228.01 Institute Fund Uulance on hand last report U'-celved since Paid out since $ 2H6.20 Hulunce 208.87 $ 393.07 102.00 $ 495.07 $ 495.07 State School fund On hand lant rlrt ((reived alncn $ 1 4,433.00 Paid out $14,433.00 HiiIiiiici' $14,433.00 $14,433.00 Indigent Soldier Fund- FRIED AY, MAY 5d. Two Performances -2 and 8 p. m. Never' before seen outside the Czar's Domain - Newskyof Troupe of Russian Dancers FAMOUS AVALLON TROUPE BICYCLE EXPERTS Melnotte Leolle 'Tro Sensational Comedy Wire Artists Leffel Trio Trampoline Bar Acts 30.41 60.74 1805.62 Dec. $ 12.80 13.71 82.95 "GO. 25 Jan. 20.22 $ Feb. 185. 7. 200.42 703. 31487. 3lHt day of March, A. D. 1907. DURING MONTH OF 72 01 88 Mar. $ 22.51 12.73 522.09 145922.01 abstracts ot title, lend you money on first mortage. Kulldlng, Uregon City, Oregon. Office in LYTEKPklSE J. E Medces HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS F. r. GRIFFITH Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House H. E. CROSS AT 24.60 9.20 12.80 10. CO $1947 07 $878.91 $245.44 $32400.51 DURING MONTH OF Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. $99,321.28 $146479.34 Mar. 1902 and back tux 1903 taxes ., ... 27.18 1904 taxes 218.99 1905 taxes 10390.72 1900 taxes the six months ending on tho TO AMOUNT RECEIVED rcea 7.20 Total received.. ,.$10050.09 IIY AMOUNT PAID Oct. Total paid . . . . Treasurer . .. $10050.09 $1947.07 S78.1 1243.44 J.JZ4U0.61 !l4l4i.3 KTATIC OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. sh. I, It. H. 11EATIE, Sheriff of said County, do hejreby certify that the foregoing statement Is correct and true. Witness my hand this first day of April, 1907, A. D. R. H. HEAT1E, Sheriff of Clackamas County. SEMI ANNUAL 8TATEMENT. Of the Financial condition of Cluckamas County, Oregon, on the 31st day of March 1907. Liabilities. Warrant outstanding and unpuld General Fund , $64,512.43 Warrants outstanding and unpaid Road Fund 31.311.85 Estimated Interest accrued 3500.00 ATTORNEY Heal Estate, Loans, Insurance LAW Main Street, OREGON CITTf Resources. Funds lu Treasury applicable to payment of Road Warrants... Net indebtedness to balance Funds in Treasury, applicable to payment of County Warrants., $99,324.28 . . 26.793.92 ..$20,571.80 ,.$31,956.56 YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED with us will be a.working asset, good to keep and to have for an emergency or op portunity Wise is the man who has his capital, no matter how small, deposited where it is at work earning more capital. Tte Bank of Oregon City 100 NEW AND NONEL FEATURES 100 SEMI ANNUAL REPORT of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, showing the amount of claims allowed by tho County Court of said County, for what allow ed, amount of warrants drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid from the 1st day of October, l'mo, to the 31st day of March. 1907, both Inclusive. County Court and Commission (,rit $1,018.85 Circuit Court 900 Justice of the Peace C47.25 Sheriff !. County Clerk l.lUCo Recorder 1.270.15 Treasurer c29-98 Coroner 2-2-'10 Supt. of Schools 641.61 Assessor 1,305.87 Tax Department 1,163.88 Tax Rebate 384 EO Stock Inspector 18.40 Hoard of Health 302.70 Total general fund $21,348.34 Road Warrants Issued , 30,194.61 Total amount Warrants ..$51,512.95 Amount of warrants outstand ing March 31, 1907, Gener al Fund $61,512.43 Amount of warrants outstand ing March 31, 1907 Road Fund 31,311.85 Estimated amount of interest accrued 3,500.00 7 ... Current Expense Court House Expense Jail County Poor . v Indigent Soldier Insane Committment Rrldgo Account Election Expense . . Printing and Advertising... DnmagCH Surveyor and Road Surveys. Fruit Inspector 25S.28 1.338.22 104.69 2,217.17 30.00 129.52 4.190.37 60.90 1,119.67 75.00 310.60 139.00 Total $99,324.28 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. I, F. W. Greenman, County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, do here by certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the amount of claims allowed by the County Court for the six months end ing March 31, 1907, on w hat account al lowed, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear of record in my office and In my care and custody. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court this 13th day of April, 1907. (SEAL.) F. W. GREENMAN, County Clerk. Gives More Light Gem High Efficiency Electric Lamp. This new line of high candle-power lamps signalizes an important development in the u?e of electric light, and marks a notable advance in the betterment of illumina tion. The actual gain is 20 per cent better efficiency than is at present obtained from the highest efficiency incandescent lamps. !s 100 -Circus Champions and Celebrities -100 7 Xlufteian Cossack SkZ Famous Equestrian II Arnblnti Tumblers in i irM, A.riH.t- 23 Mmrry Mlrthfui Clown 8 5nauoaau AquuiDriBts 20 Astonishing Acrobats A Complete Japanaae Clrcua Supsrb Garland Sntros scores of Trained Wild Beasts Hard of Portormlnn Elophanta Camels, Llamas nnd Bos Indicus Educated Seals and Sea Lions Highest Jumping Horses Thundering Roman Chariot Races Tmlnaii ImnnrUd Indian Slalliunt " I T , Only Lady Japanese Ariisls in America WW vi " friP Cnke Wn,k,ntl Horses cicbrastirki'lOJFamily Lc Ftcur Troupo U tvtl l.ediM ot -'atittl Form tn Cleiilt un Urtet bvolvtit I'trintel. Pretty Edria Maretta Ti Onl lJi In fht Rnltre Worle who lhraw MIMLHMHH' k the Nthed Heih l Hwlhly WunntnB Hat it MANY PERSONS SEE BUT FEW OBSERVE i ONE IS WORK OF EYES, OTMLK PRODUCT OF EYES' AND BRAIN. not because God forced upon them his revelations of truth, but because they had prying minds. They were called Seers, because they were seeing ones. It is the duty of every man to look beneath the surface of things. (There is an outside of things and an inside. The man with a trained splrit- i ual tye looks not on the appearance I of things, ut peers within. Ha fath oms the meaning of the universe." The congregation were 'delighted with the fine music rendered by Miss Alicia McElroy of Portland. She play ed a selection called "The Story," and one hearing it could almost feel the spiritual meaning of the tale, the pathetic lament of unhapplness, the first glimmerings of faith, and the final outburst of Christian triumph. At the close of the service she play- Grand Street Parade mi at Dally Al the Congregational church Sun day evening, the pastor, Rev. 12. Clar ence Oakley, preached to a large con gregation on "The Eyes.'' Among other things he said: "Tho eye is a marvelous magician: It catches up a pencil of light, that is meaningless, having neither form nor color, and by its strange powerful analysis dissects it into a picture of d in an exquisite manner the Raelv beauty nnd glory. .The trip from j Gounod "Ave Marie." Miss McElroy tho bit of scenery out there on the . is a vlolinlsle of considerable power; landscape to tho picture thrown upon jher playing is so sweet and appealing, the screen of the soul is an infinite I She may always be sure of a cordial mmmmmm i if v v Journey. There Is a great difference between eyes: Some eyes see nothing In a world that is full of sights: other eyes see everything. The difference x not so much in the eye as iu the man behind the eyo. The difference Is between mere seeing and observ ing. Seeing is the work of the eye; observing is the product of the eye and the alert mind back of it. Tho welcome in Oregon City. Out of Sight. "Out of Sight, out ot mind," Is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. Piles too and chilblains disappear under its healing Influence. Guaranteed by Howell & prophets discovered what they did, j0nes, druggists. 25c. High Efficiency Lamp with Distributing Holophane Reflector. Appreciating the great gain in lighting secured by the use of proper reflectors, there has been designed for use with the new lamps a special line of Holophane Pagoda shades, which, when used with the new lamps form a brilliant and highly effective lighting combination. Two kinds of reflectors are provided, the distributing or "D" form which is shown above, and which is recom mended where wide areas are to be illuminated, and the concentrating or "C" form of reflector which is admirably adapted for use m show-wmdow lighting or wherever a concentration of light is desirable. The GEM lamp with its Holophane Glass reflector forms a brillant lighting combination and merits the at tention of store keepers and all those interested in the improvement of lighting facilities. On exhibition at the Company's office 609 Main Street. Call telephone 1081 for information. Portland Ry, Light & Power Co. Anyone contemplating wiring for electric lights or rewiring hia store or premises to comply with the underwriters' rules. It would be well for him to call at the office of the company and get prices on wiring for the different kinds of lights which are now on exhibi tion at the office of the company.