OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1907. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. By THE STAR PRESS. H. A. Galloway. .Editor and Manager Subscription Rates: One Year $1.50 Six Months Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment ia the matter will receive our attention.! . 1 Entered at the postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon, aa second-class matter. TIMBER ASSESSMENT. Assessor Nelson will double the as- P'e f te referendum, but it does not sessment on timber back in the mmm- follow that it favors a vote on any or talna this year, raising it from $ii to every art of the legislature simply at least $12. Timber on the lowlands localise someone Is disgruntled. The in this county is assessed as high as 'ight of the disgruntled to petition for $25 to $30 an acre. ; referendum is fully conceded; we Many counties in the state are em-'no doubt will be among that num ploying cruisers to secure data oh ber some day. but it will not be on which to base assessments of timber. There is no doubt that a reliable cruise does much to equalize the bur dens of taxation, and the experience of many counties is that the extra , Ps,,s referendum on a legislative taxes received the first year pays the jct, both sides will be given a fair cost of cruising and leaves a good .hearing in the news columns, margin over. I There is no dispute among those Polk county court has just hired j present about the action of the Fo two men to cruise the timber for as- Imona grange meeting at Logan in ref- sessment purposes. A Dallas paper gives a resume of the work in other counties. Washington county has five exper ienced cruisers in the field, and the court expects to have an estimate of all timber by June 13, so as to have it placed on this year's assessment t roll. Clatsop county had her timber cruis ed two years ago. and the assessor of that county is authority for the state ment that the county made more than enough to pay for the cruise the first year from the increased valuations on timber. Benton county court has the subject under consideration, as has also, the court of Linn county. Yamhill county opened bids last week for estimating the amount of timber between McMinnville and the Tillamook county line. Timber in Yamhill was assessed at only $5 an acre last year. Marion county had several sections of timber cruised a few years ago. and the court Is preparing to have all the remaining timber cruised this sum mer. The property cruised before had been assesed at from. $5 to $10 an acre, but was raised last year to $25 an acre. The Lane county court purchased the estimates of four former cruisers on 1347 sections of timber land and will make their assessment accord- ing to these figures. Values will be ! raised to about $7 an acre on the bet ter class of timber. Previous to this year, nothing was known of the ac tual worth of the timber lands, and good, bad and indifferent were as sessed at $3 an acre. County Judge Dimick says the Clack amas county court will probably take up this summer the matter of a cruise of the timber in this county. ERROR DODGES TRUTH. Give a falsehood a night's start and the truth can never catch it. The two or three Linn and Marion county pa pers that are working might and main for a referendum on the university ap- j propriation, took up with great glee the incorrect report of the Clackamas i Pomona grange meeting at Logan, ! published in the Oregonlan, and have 1 dally reiterated that "President Camp-! bell was turned down," and that j "Clackamas county grange endorsed the petitions of the Linn granges for j a referendum." This is repeated over and over, in spite of the fact that the Oregonian gave a correction of its report on the following day. The Linn and Marion county papers have carefully refrain- j ed from allowing a hint of the cor-1 rection to appear in their columns, The enemies of the university in those counties are therefore unaware that DUANE General Just received a John Deere Iras for the Spring trade. The John Deere bueev Is eivlne rh best wear. Ing value of any buggy In the market of equal price. Buy your wagons now as delay In repairing old wagons Is a loss of money to a farm er in the rush of spring work. Different kinds of wagons to select from which are fully guaranteed. Peter Schuttler, Old Hickory, Cooper, Weber, Racine, Mollne, Chattanooga and Columbia. Wagons, Iron Wheeled Farm Trucks. Keystone Wire Fencing add to the appearance of your place. OREGON CITY, Clackamas county grange did not en dorse the movement or did not "turn down" President Campbell. The (also report of the Pomona grange meeting In the county was the biggest and al most solo boost their movement has received, and It gave them great en- southern Oregon are passing vresolu tions against the attenrpt to line the grange as a Ixidy against the state university. lf ,h0 Liun m,,,," Mlu,,lf 'H,,slst in their design, there Is little doubt the encouragement received in the faIs0 rt,p,,rt from this county will be ' mainly responsible. I This paper believes in the prluei- an appropriation for educational pur poses as long as we believe the money will bo wisely spent. Whether this paper favors or op- orence to the university appropriation In the words of our Logan correspond en published in this paper, and who certainly cannot be accused of bias in favor of the appropriation, there was "NO action taken whatsoever." Don't let up in the effort to have Eastern people come to Clackamas county. Cheap round-trip rates will bo in effect all summer. If you nav- ;en't written that letter, now is the time. The summer tourist rate from Missouri river points and St. Paul and Minneapolis is $iH), from St. Louis $t9, from Chicago, $73. One fare round trip rates will be placed on sale June 20 to July 12 and will be good to return until September 15. They will be even less than the rates here quoted. Jay Gould offers to supply Mt. Scoit people with choice rose bushes and other shrubs and trees. Another Jay Gould once sold trees in Delaware county, N. Y. Later he showed up in Wall street with a patent rat trap, but found angling for suckers a more remunerative business, and his child ren can't throw away all the money he stole. A man is not necessarily a Jay because that Is his name. A 2C2-acre farm near Corvallis will be divided into 52 five-acre fruit farms - That's the way to populate this valley and double ftie per capita wealth at the same time. There are thousands of acres of rich land just east and southeast of this city that will be divided in that way if the Beaver Creek and Molalla road is built. St. Johns Review: The pupils of the Barclay school of Oregon City, planted a birch tree on arbor day and named It after Governor Chamberlain. We are glad that it was a birch, for the governor will need a good many birch wittles if the people continue to elect such men as composed the late ,amente1 legislature lP to Saturday night i0i0 tax re - ceiI)t3 na(1 been 8'vpn out by Sheriff Beatle- 11 wa n"t until the 19th of September was that number reacheJ last year- Prompt payment of taxes ,s indicative of prosperity. Candidates for city offices are so scarce at Estacada that the News is offering bargain rates on announce ments. Regular price $3, but job lots of a half dozen or more will be pub- "shed at $1.97 each. 'Ti "aid the Southern Pacific will enter Paradise through a tunnel. Har- riman had better couple his car to C. ELY Dealer Swell Line of OREGON the first train going In, as It will bo the only paradise he'll ever see. At. the meeting of Mllwaukto grange, Saturday, only one out of 25 who spoke, favored the uulverslty appropri ation referendum. That, was "near ly unanimous." TRANSFERS o Ernest I.. Weltmer to P. It, Cnttehor lot 1, see 5, :!s-7e, 40 acres; $225. G. D. and Elizabeth Hoardumn to J. E. A. Noyce, lot 23 of Hoanlman's add to Jennlng's Lodge; $270. August Hottemillei; to Edward Rot tenilller, all the former's property In Clackamas county; $200. Kussell E. and Male E. Sewall to John H. Itottemlller, part of George Crow die 2s le. 31 acres; $1. John H. nottemlller to Western Clay Mfg. Co., part of Geo. Crow die 2s-1e. 34 acres; $10. K. L, Sabln, trustee to J. W. lleetl, lots 2 to 12 Inclusive blk. 5 of Esta cada: $(0.".0. John D. Krlegor to Jessie Krleger, se of sw and sw of se of sec 4, 4s fe 80 acres; $1. Hibernla Savings Bank to Daisy 1. Rand, lot If,, blk. C or Wllwaukle Park $130. W. A. Laidlaw to L. K. Fetbuehe, lots 6 and 7, blk 3 of May wood; $1. J. J. Cooke Sheriff to P.H. Mario lot 1. blk. 10 oc Canny; 11. P. "H. Marlay to James A. Phegley. lot 1. blk. 10 of Canby; $1. John A. and Ida Rydinuu to James A. Phegley. lot 2, blk. 10 of Canby, $100. G. A. White to A. A. Allen, part of Thos. Waterbury die. sees 3s-3e, 5 acres; also part of same die in "s 3c. 2 acres; $lt00. E. L., J. W. aud Maud Wart to T. P. Lee. tract till, and w half of tract t'4 of Pruneland; $775. W. G. Rohn to Ralph V. Hoyt, tim ber on n half of J. B. Childs die and lots I and 2 sec ti, 3s-4e; $2230. Eagle Creek Lumber Co. to Ralph W. Hoyt, timber rights on property of W. G. Bonal and C. H. Llndema; $1. Jesse Hobson, trustee, to Minnie Schram, part of S. II. Walker die, 2s lw; 1 acre; $350. Vu. H. Miller to Etta M. Miller beginning 20 degrees w of sw corner of blk. 24 of Gladstone, 5.0G acres; $1300. Gladstone Real Estate association to G. H. Miller, lots 3 and 14 blk. 3C of Gladstone: $200. Gladstone Real Estate association to V. H. V. Miller, lots 2 and 13. blk. 36 of Gladstone; $200. Richard Freytag and wife to Eugene F. Kennedy, lot 5 blk' 29H of Clack amas Heights; $70. A. & Fannie Mlhlstin to V. Harris, W 50 feet of lot 1, blk. G7 of Oregon City; $1350.' DANGEROUS LONG LEAPING AND HIGH JUMPING CONTESTS BY TRAINED ATHLETES WITH THE GREATER NORRIS & ROWE CIRCUS. An act that has always proven of j absorbing interest to the patrons of la circus is the long leaping and high j jumping contests that brings the en tertainment to a close and Norris & Rowe have paid special attention to jthis feature this season and promise jodd contests of a most exciting nat- ure. ine signt or men flying from a spring-board over the backs of horses, camels, dromedaries, llamas and ele phants, is always spirited and Inter esting. It shows the courage and physical perfection of the trained ath letes and that is what young America glories in The clowns follow the leap ers In a burlesque of their fights through the air and this supplies abundant fun for the children. The leaping tournament has been revived this season by the Greater Norris & Rowe show upon a scale in keeping with their all new circus. Many leap- ers, vanlters and high Jumpers famous in Europe as well as In this country have been engaged to take part In the tournament. A contest on the same order has been arranged for the acro bats and gymnasts In which the lian vard troupe, the Leffel troupe, the Avallons troupe and the Montrose troupe will take part. There is con siderable rivalry between the acrobats and the professional leapcrs and the most dashing and spirited feats of skill are being accomplished. To In crease the interest, a corps of lady gymnasts and physical culture ex perts have been added. Norris & Rowe will give a purse of gold and a diamond medal to the one who shows the most grace, skill and daring in successfully leaping the high barriers and clearing the backs of aalmals and obstacles. Norris & Rowe will exhibit, at Ore gon City Friday, May 3, 1907. - Thirty days treatment for kidney land bladder trouble sand rheumatism for $1.00. Your money refunded lf not satisfied. 'Plneules contain no al cohol. Do not derange the stomach. Easy to take. Sold by Huntley Bros. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, ihcn take itAycr's Sarsa porilla. lf you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. TliU I tlm ttrtt itiUm roiir itortur would .k. "Art. your l.wt M'KiOnr f " lli 1hhm lliut rf.iily at'llnii m iti bowel I ftlmttlulotf i.Hiiitul In rivtiYtii'v. Hili jn-iir llvi-r 'tiv mill V'Mir liiiwi.li n-gulia tRktttg UiMtUt tl.Mc u( Ajrrr'i I'llU. teU . O. t.p Co.. T.ow.lt. M Uo aiuiUMlurr of II A I it VH10B. aim e tiiir. CM.KKV I'ttTURAl. i Ay ers W dm- no orK I W puliliik Ih roi-mii vf lit our ttiva.vin. Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion. Interesting Statement by Huntley Brothers. When a man comes Into this store and calls for any particular Indigo lion remedy, we give what ho asks for, but In case he leaves It to us we usually recommend Pepslkola tablets. Hero is a preparation we have been gelling right over the counter for years and from actual observation we know It must be good, aud really does re lievo and euro Indigestion and dyspep sia or there would bo a steady stream of people coming back for tholr money, as every 25 cent box Is sold with the understanding that you must be de cidedly benefitted or there la nothing to pay. You simply try Pepslkola tablets nth the understanding that they will steady your nerves, improve your ap petite, relieve wind belching, coated tongue, fteur stomach, fullness after eating, weakened energy, and other symptoms ot Indigestion or Huntley Bros, are ready at any tme to pay bark your money without the leaat argument ' NOTICE! s To whom It may concern: On and after April 13, 19t", I will not be re sponsible for any debts Incurred by my wlfo, Viola M. Kopper, she having left me without any reason or cause. HOWARD KOPPKR, 19tl Cherryvllle, Ore. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice Is hereby given that Ninth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the West line of the right of way of the Oregon and California Railroad Company on said Ninth Street to the East line of Main Street, and from the West line of Main Street to n point on said Ninth Street 100 feet west of the West line of Main Street will be Improved according to the es tablished grade thereof: Also tha.t said Ninth Street from a point on said Ninth Street 100 feet West of the West lino of Main Street to a point on said Ninth Street 150 feet West of the West line of said Main Street will be Improved according to the proKis ed grade thereof. Said Street Improve ment shall consist of the laying of crushed rock or gravel on said Street, the full width thereof, and by laying sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and by grading the respective portion of said Ninth Street according to the established or proposed grade of said Street as above set out. This notice Is published pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City, made at an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council, held Thurs day, April 1 8th. 1907. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, 19t2 Recorder. Notice of Street Improvement. Notico Is hereby given that Fourth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water Street to the West line of Main Street, will be Im proved . according to the established grade thereof; also that portion of said Fourth Street from the East line of Main Street to the Stone wall of the Oregon and California Railroad Company on said Fourth Street will belmprovedaccordlng to the proposed grade thereof. Said street Improvement shall consist of the laying of crushed rock or gravel thereon the full width of said Street, and by laying side walks, cross walks, curbs and gutters, and by grading the respective por tions of aald Fourth Street according to the established or proiKised grade thereof as above set out, This notice is published pursuant to an order of thej)iincll of Oregon City, made at. an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council held Thurs day, April 18th, 1907. Ily order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, 191,2 Recorder. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice Is hereby given that Tenth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the West side of the track of the Ore gon and California Railroad Company on said Tenth Stre?:t to East line of Main Street will be Improved accord ing to the established grade thereof; also that said Tenth Street from the West line of Main Street to the Eaet line of Water Street will be Improve.! according to the proposed grade there of. Said Street Improvement shall consist of the laying of crushed rock or gravel on said street the full width thereof, and by laying side walks, curbs, gutters and by grading the re- speotlvo portions: of said Tenth street necoidlliH to the omIhIiIImIhmI or pro posed grade of Huld Street ns above, set out. This notice Is published pur suant to an order of the Council of Oregon City, tnudo ut, an adjourned meeting of a special meeting ot Maid Council held Thursday, April lHth, 11107. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, 11)12 Recorder, Order to Show Cause. In the County Court of the Hiale of Oregon for the County of Clackn tuns. In the mutter of the guardianship of the permm and estate of Isabella Pope, an Insane person. It appeurlng from the petition of Cieorgp Pope, the guurilliin of the per son mid estate of Isalirllu Pope, au Insane person, that It Is necessary for the malnteuuneo mid support of said i Isabella Pope, and that It would be to the best Interest of said Isabella Pope that all of the real eitnte, or her in terest therein, mentioned and set forth lit the petition of said tieorge Pope. KUiirdlan of the person und es tate of sulci Isabella pope, should be sold : It Is then-fore ordered that the next of kin of said Isuliellu Pope to wit: Kiln Hammond, Nellie Smith, Patience Smith. Theodora W. Smith and C. W, tluy, und nil persons Interested lu said estate, appear before this court on Monday the I'oth day of May, P.I07, at 10 o'clock a. in . at the court room of this court, at Oregon City, Oregon, to show cause, If any lin y have, why such sale should not be ordered. And If Is further ordered (hat a copy of ttils order be published In the Oregon City ICiiterprlse. u weekly newspaper In general clreulatlon. In said Claekamus County. Oregon, f,,r a period of three CI) Murrexhlve weeks. Dated this I'.'th day of April I!iu7 CHANT II. DIMICK. P"! Judge of hiiIiI Court. ........ Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned bus been aisiplnted by the county court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county, as adinlnlstra-tii.- tt ... . ,1 t, 1 1 .... . " ' " " thaler, deceased. All persons tiavlngjof matrimony now enlsiUm betwe. u claims aKalnst said estate are hereby 1,1 plaintiff and defendant be dUsolv- liotllled to present the same to inn.1'1- "IHt '"" plttlnf I IT lie awunl.-.l th with proper vouchers, as rvu'ilred by law. at Sherwood, Oregon, or at the office of Wm. I). Kenton. G0! Kenton building.. Portland. Oregon, within nlrP''r H,,a" rr(Hilri. '"' months from date hereof, K. (I. LICHTENTHALER. Administrator of the estate of II it. Llchtenthaler, deceased. Klrst Insertion, April 15, I0o7. Ijist Insertion, May 17, 1!07. 1913 Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. In the Matter or the Estate of Arthur L. Albright, deceased. Pursuant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, I will, on and after Saturday, the 4th day of May, 1907. proceed to sell the following de scribed real property belonging to the said estate at private sale for ranh and subject to connrmatlon by the said court, said real property being de scribed as follows, to-wlt: The North half of (he Northeast quarter of Section 15 In Township 4 houth of Kange 4 East of the Wlllam ette Meridian In Clackamas County. 1 and answer the complaint tiled against State of Oregon. i yon In the above entitled null (in or FRANKLIN T. GRIFFITH, before the last day of the line, pie. Administrator of the Estate of Arthur ",T"""1 1,1 "n,'r f,,r 'h'1 pitbllra L. Albright, Deceased. 1715 tl,,n "f ,h,H ""nioii. to-wlt: on or . , 1 before the loih iy of June, Km;, tuild I dale being the expiration of lx Cil GUARDIAN'S 8ALE. I weeks from the first publication of Notice Is hereby given, that by vlr- ,nlH Summons; ami If you rail ho i. tue of an order and license of sale, I fiT'lIiM m'"'' ? To "'-"'""I ' I the plaintiff will apply to the Court mo man.- y ,e jionoiauie i ouniy jCimrt of cttckamas County. Oregon, on the 5th day of April, A. I). 19o". In the matter of the estate of Anna ', Chase, an insane person, I wl Monday, the fith day of May, 1907, at the hour of 1 o'clock n. m. of said day, in front of the court house door lu Oregon City, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder DELINQUENT Crown Boys' Mining and Milling Co., (a corporation) location of prin cipal pluce of business, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, (114 Mala Street.) Notice. Notice Is hereby given that there Ih delinquent upon the following described stock of said corporation on account of assessments levied by the stockholders thereof, on the dateo and In the several amounts set op posite the names of the respective stockholders, as follows: No. of Cert. 100 No. of Shares. 1800 Name Chas. E. Lane, ('has, Moran, Helen Montour, M. Moran, H. H. Nickels, Stacey Nickels, Wm. Cummlngs, Alphonse floulet, -Oct, 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1D0C Jan 1, 1907, $10.80 And In accordance with law, and an order of the Hoard of Directors of said corporation, made on the 22nd day of March, 1907, so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at public auction at the office of G. F. Anderson, at 414 Main St., Oregon, City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 30th day of April, 1907, at the hour of 5 o'clock p.m., of said day at said place, to pay said delinquent assessments thereon together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors of the Crown Boy's Mlnlig ami Milling Co. Dated, this 28th day of March, A. D. 1907. lc"t5 D. C. BAKER, Secretary. for cash In hand, all the right, title And Interest, which said Insane person ha In aud to the following described real property, altualeil In Cliii'kamnM conn ly, Oregon to, wll : The south east quarter of I he north west quarlei'; the Mouth-west quarter of the north west quarter of seel Ion III, T. a, S. 11. I K. of the Willamette M,, rldlan, and all that portion of the, north west quarter of (he nouth west quarter of mild aecllon LI lying north of the Handy aud Poilland load; also all that portion of the north east quar ter of the Honlli'WoHt quarter of said section LI, lying north of said road: sine and except (he nouUi-wottl quar ter of the Houthw'eHt quarter of Mu northwest, of said Section LI, uwm-l by R. Olson, and also certain lots nr small parcels of laud lying iiorlh of said road and whleli have herelofnro b i sold by Frit, Stulke, 11. II, Chase anil wife, and Charles S Chase, but lucliiillug small traet under contract of sale to Newton Orr, and all sulJcr. to a luortitagii of $ I Mm on in said preinJsoH. The traet under contract to said Newton Orr, will be sold sep arately, CI I A It I. KH H, C1IASI-:. Guardian of Anna Chase, an lumrn person. HAIIVICY E. CUOS.S, Attorney for Guardian. 17 15 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Iulse Kmiim Woir Kussell, plaintiff, vs. Robert Nephl Kunm-M. lii-fondant To Robert Nephl Russell, the atotr named defendant : In the name of (he State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appi-ur and answer the complaint (lied aKalnst you In th above entitled court and suit on or before the expi ration of si weeks from the date of the first publication of this huuhiioIik. to wit; On or before the ;i;tb day of April, Wl. aud If yon fall to ho ap nr and answer, for want I hereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for th r" llef prayed for In her complaint now on file herein, to wit: Ihat Ih.. bundu care and rustidy of the minor child, lionise Willamette, and that the plain tiff may have such other and further ndlef 111 the premlm-s as the merits of equity shall seeni meet. This summon Is published by or der of Grant H. tilmlck, County Ju-lgw of Oregon for Clackamas County, and said order was made and given by him on the 1 2th dy or March. 1907, the lion. T. A. Mcllrldn, Judge of the above entitled t'ourl, being absent, from the said County of Clackamav and the date of the first publication thereof Is the 13th day of March. I9n7. W. E. STOWE. 1U7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slat" of Oregon for thw County of Clacka mas. Leonora A. Cooper, Plaintiff, vs. William A. Cooper. Defendant To William A. Cooper, Defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: VOU lire hei ehv i ennln-il In aiiiM.ur for t, r,.,.f demanded In tin plaint, to wlt. for a decree dissolving i""' bonds of matrimony and tuarrtago contract exiting between plaintiff and defendant. I This summons Is published by order , of Hon. T. A ..Mcllrlde, Judge of the- above named Court, which order was "'"In H1":!"'"",'f"' "" "", ,Ii,y "f GEO. J. CAMERON. Attorney fur Plaintiff. , jjt7 SALE NOTICE. Dale of Asft't. Amouut. Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1, 190(5 Jan. 1, 1907, $3.24 76 50000 Dec. 1, 190(1 Jan. 1, 1907, $H.,-, US 25000 Jan. 1, 1907. $1L2J 89 2500 Oct. 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1900, Jan, 1, 1907, $1.52 SI 20000 Dec. 1. 1901! Jan, 1. 1907, $18.00 29 10000' Dec. 1, 1900 Jan. 1, 1907, $9.00- 39 10750 Jan. 1, 1907, 4,83 85 11000 March 15, Apr. 15, May 15, Juno 15.