OREQON CiTY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1907. LINEMAN INJURED BY FALL FROM POLE DROPS 15 FEET ON TO PILE OF CROSS ARMS LEO IS BROKEN. V, II. Hutchinson, mi employe of i ln I'nelllo Telephone company, nar rowly escaped Mt'i'lniiH Injury In a full fl'OIII tl'lt'pllOIIO poll' ut tho unilh- west bridge corner Tuesday afternoon lllitlllt I o'clock. 1 1 ii t -li I II HI III WHM i .iiiuv hiK tin' wires iiihI cross ii r in m from Ilic pole, mill will doMcendlng when Ih' accident happened. The puli' In III! olil otic llllil III Homo places II U IIOIIH lllll Nllllllll, Ullll lIlltclllllHOII di'ov IiIh climbers !llli om (if Minim wcult HpuU w It Ii tint ri'Hiill (hut when In' Inlil Iih weight on It, tliu linlil gave way. iiiiiI ln fell to tlm Hir''t, about 15 feet lii'luw, In fulling ho swung around tint poll-. lie was considerably bruised hy striking UKiiliiHt three of the Hli'i'l hIi in thai iin screwed In t h 'sides of do' ioli In order to initki' Mm iih. cent lw illlllcult. Hutchinson III on his left foot it ml then foil imck on hH hip on mime of Mm ctcihn urniH In Ihe hi reel thut had lici'll taken from the hole. Heverul of the IiihiiIu toi on thexe iroMH ii r ii i h were brok en by lh foli o with which lie fell, lliilchliiHim wiim taken to I r . ('aril's "lUcc where lr. Mi'lsmier attended bin InliirleH It was foiiiul tliiil IiIh I'M leg lill'l MI'itulneil II 1'ottn fracture, or one JiihI nliovo the iuih!i but olh "rwlne he wmm not McrloiiHly Injured. After netting tii fracture, tint iloctor hint the Injured mini removed to a loom In the I'.leclrlc hotel, where lid will he cured fur till IiIm recovery, I lull IiIii"Ii'h liiilne Ih In I'ortllllid, where hlK relatives ri'Mlde. Jl has inly worked III Oregon City tihont m i k, heliiK olio of the force employed di remove ihi' old wlri'H ii ml cromt- ill IIIH EAGLE CREEK NEWS. Kaglr Creek, April lll-Wc bio hav ing fine wcuther now for general fiirmliiK uml planting potatoes. The Kxtiicudu hull club hi nt I lie Lagle ('reek club In tin lust game pluyed ul Iv'l.icailn, tho score stand ing II In !. S. T. Isiuglim Iuih wild bin farm to A Lot Of People MAKE EVERY DAY M LUUN l- 79 no matter how" , bad tho wc&tfer You cannot allord to be without a TOWER'S WATERPROOF OILED SUIT ,OR SLICKER "Whan you buy iook ror me 6I0N OF THE PISH l ii WIhi-iiiimIii niiin. MIhh ICrina Young and (irover noug hts were married nl Oregon City, April II. Tho KellwiMid Lumber coiupiiny Ih building u plunk mud from the mill to the comity road. .1. W, UouglllS Ih repairing Ii I k huiine un repainting It, Mr. mid M ih. J, V. Woodle attend eil church nl Ihiver Sunday and took dinner with Mr. Kit .miller. They had new piiatoe fur dinner, which In ipilte ctiu ly, In the hi'Imihi for I till country. Mr. Peuliody of Dufur Ih (IoIiik the repair work on J. V. Houghis' bonne. KNEW HI8 LIMIT. Two of Oregon City piscatorial ex ports, a county officer uml an ex-coun-ty olllcer, worn returning from a fish ing excursion Hundiiy when they met a farmer going homo from having a "good time" In town, Ho wbh a canny Hon of flcotln anil wiih iIoIdk IiIh beHt to rlno Hiiperlor to bin load. Tho Or Kon City men hIIII bad Home halt left and they offered tho fanner a drink. The lalter looked carefully up the. road ami down thn road and then Hald "Well, Jimt a nip." Ho Hinelt. the Ihpior, tiiHtcd If and then drained the Kinall flaHk cup. "Have another," mild tlm county olllcer. The canny one attain ncanned tho road carefully, then abook IiIh bead. "No, I IiIh road'H not wide mioiikIi." rilea aro dariKflroim tint do not nub mlt to an operation until you have flrt tried Man an tho great Pile Remedy. It U put up lu collapHlble tubeii will) a no.zlo that Vllowa It to b applied exactly where It In needed. If you haV) llchiriK, bleeding or pro trudlriK pllea and Man an doea not relieve, money refunded. Boothea end cihiIh. KelleveH nt once. Bold by Huntley Ilroa. '.'OIL' Saloon Llcente. Nollco Ih hereby given that we will apply to tho city council of Oregon City at it next regular meeting for a renewal of our lbjuor llcenno for a period of nix mrinthK at our prewent place of bualneHH, Mt. Hood Cafo, Fifth and Main Btreeta. JUSTIN & KOKAL. Gently inovea th Towin and at. th name time atopg the cough. Dee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. No oplatea. Dent for CougliH, cold, croup andr whooping cough. Batlafactlon guaranteed. Children like It. Mothers Indorse It, Bold by Huntley liron, We Advertise To Make You T H I IN K Mra. Klmer Jonea of Hood View Kpeiii TueHiIay In Oregon City. A well-known Manitoba editor wrltea: "Ah an Inaldo worker I find Cliarnberlaln'H Ktornaeh and Liver Tableta Invaluable for tho touches of billoiiHiieHK natural to a aedentary life, their action being gentle and ef fective, clearing the digestive tract and the head." Price, 23 cents. Barn ples free. Howell & Jones. W. J. Sheaagreen of J'ortland was a social vinltor In Oregon City, Wednes day (-veiling. The old-fashioned "ethics" that a dentist should not adverting are dead, except with a few old fogies. Patroni.o an up-to-da'.e d jnMst and keep your teeth up-to date also. You have been promising your self to have those unsightly teot.bo cleaned, the tartar removed, those bleeding and tender gums treated and the decayed teeth crowneu or filled; but you have let them go knowing that the diseased condition of your mouth and fee'.h are causing that unpleasant breath and de stroying your health. Why not have your mouth and teeth clean and healthy and able to do the work, nature Intended them to do. It would bo a good Investment which you will realize when you have lost both your teeth and your health. Nine tenths of all stomach troubles are caused by bad teeth ail ulcerated gums. We do crown and bridge work without hurting you and our work Is up to the standard of large cities, It Is best. Call and see us. We are careful not to hurt you and guarantee to please you. No charge for examination or advice. HAVE AN EASTERN EXPERT GRADUATE ASSISTANT DENTIST HP l l PlPRPFK WeinhfiJlIndit7 Ul Lrf Li I IVllVlliJ Oregon City, Ore, Post Graduate Haskell & Chicago School of Dentistry, City Phone 1293 Mutual and Independent 131 DOT8 FROM DOVER. j Hover, April M- - William Young' finished Mm work for Dr. Walters and ' llllH ('Olio to I'm tlllllll Key. J, W, Kxoii preached In the ! i Ion church Hunday and several from Hover went over to attend the hit Vices. 1 Mr. uml Mrs. Woodlo, from Kagle Creek attended church here, Butulay. ChurleH Keith Ixiught a borne from lr. McAlroy hint week. Joseph PeHllll.er WIIH doing btlKl- neiH In 1'iigle Creek. Friday. The Ihiver M. K. church has bought a new organ. LOOh BEFORE YOU LEAP e Don't bay a dollars worth of Clothes until youVe been in and seen and investigated the tinmatchable values being 01 fered in the forced sale of the IdsteliRii , Lv!l3:t ESTACADA UNION HIGH IS PROPOSED I ACCESSIBLE FOR TEN SCHOOL DISTRICT8 METHODIST CHURCH. stock of Clothing, Hals. Shoes and Furnishings for men. Every promise made Is more thin kept the "Golden Rule" put Into actual practice, HralKht forward and honeHt trcalm accorded to all A "square deal" nothing more and nothing les3 at the INISTRATORS SALE ADM Should wear glasses who don't. That's a safe statement to make. Our experience has been that people do not give the first signs of coming eye troubles the prompt attention they should. They seem to put the matter off as long as pos sible and it isn't the right way to do, not by all means. We are always ready to attend to the examination ot your eyes and as the service is entirely free there can be no real rea son for delay. Call any time that is convenient. ICslacada, April 24. Now that the live union high scIumiI law lx effective, Kstacada and surrounding districts j should begin tho circulation of peti tions for a union high school at I'm 'tacada. Kxtacady is a point central or eaHlly acci'HHlhle to theno districts: i Isnlge, Spi Ingwater, mia, Irvln, For jter. Tracy, (ieorge, Iiver, Currlnsvllle, I F.agle Creek, Douglas and llarton. A. I high school with a three year course can eaxlly be maintained by these dis tricts combined. Jlve our Isiys and girls a higher education at home. ' I Al, LlndHcy has a force of men at work on the street n of KHtacada pre paring tlii iu for nincadnml.lng. It Is a much needed Improvement, but one .that Is very expensive to property holders. j Have HrideiiHtlnn has a few men at work putting In a bridge over Wado creek. ; j Mr. Kllsworth of Orient, who i homi'Mtended the land now owned by the Lemon heirs. Is visiting old time friends In the l'almateer settlement this week. j K. F. Surface, druggist, Is putting a cement foundation under bis store, i He has made many Improvements since he purchased the property, ' Tlie M. K. church Is nearlng com pletion. Tho bell was hung Tuesday. the $25,000 Stock of Men's Wear. Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Boys' Clothing and Women's Shoes, contained in the store of GOLDSTEIN & LEVITT, next door to Harding's drug store, opposite the First National Dank, two doors south of postoffice, Oregon City. A Monster, Merciless Slaughter of every dollars worth of Goods now contained in the finest Clothing, Shoe, Hat and Men's Ftirnishing store in Oregon City. NEW GOODS WERE BOUGHT, AND THE STORE WAS STOCKED FROM TOP TO BOTTOM WITH THE NEWEST, BRIGHTEST, MOST FASHIONABLE MERCHANDISE OBTAINABLE IN THE FOREMOST MARKETS OF THE WORLD1 Not a dollar's worth of old goods remained. All new, smart apparel for critical and gentee! dresers' Spring and Summer wearing, but bear In mind all the newest, most fashionable merchandise In the market and at rreally less than Goldstein & Levitt paid for It in market ONe MONTH AGO. I mm MEN'S SUITS. Men's new and ultra fashionable Suits In all the newest, most stylish fabrics, embracing fancy and undress ed worsteds, thlbets, tweeds, cassi meres and cheviots, lncluudlng every new pattern and weave, plain black and an Infinite variety of neat and swagger checks and conservative plaids, greys predominating. All splendidly tailored and from the lead ing factories of America. All lined In serge or satin, hand tailored and pad ded. Suits bought to sell for $18.00 to be closed at. $11.85 Suits bought to sell for $20 to $25; Administrator's price $14.35 Suits bought to sell for $10; admin istrator's price $3.95 A line of Men's Handsome Dark Mix tures In Suits adapted for summer wear; very neat effects; adminis trator's sale price worth double $6.35 Hard Time In Kansas. ti Tho old days of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten In the ' prosperous Kansas or toiiay; nitliougn a citizen of Codoll, Karl Shamburg, has not yet forgotten a hard time ho 'encountered. Ho says: "I was worn i out and . discouraged by roughing ! night and day, ami could find no re lief till I tiled Or. King's New Discov ery. It took loss than one bottle to completely cure me." Tho safest and 'most reliable cough and cold euro and lung and throat healer ever dis covered. Guaranteed by Howell & .limes' drug store. 50c find $1.00. Trial bottle free. Ve ''ft f w MENS PANTS Neat, dressy patterns, genteel wor steds and handsome mixtures in tweedlsh materials, nicely tailored and fashionable cut. $1.50 Pants. Administrator's price 95c $2.50 Pants. Administrator's price $1.65 $3.00 Pants. Administrator's price $1.95 $1.00 Pants. Administrator's price $2.90 $5.00 Pants. Administrator's price $3.25 wfe- 1-06 5 SINifif YAW v r PL HATS HATS FAVORED BY FASHION Hats made on leading fashionable blocks, In every shape, soft and stiff, black, grey, tan, brown and all popu lar colors, products of America's lead ing factories all at Administrator's Sale Prices, viz: .V $3.00 Hats $2.50 Hats $2.00 Hats $1.50 Hats ..$2.15 ..$1.65 ..$1.35 . 75c MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE PRICES! Products of America's leadirg mak ers. In all wanted leathers and latest styles. MEN'S SHOES, EXTRA SPECIAL. One line of broken sizes, not every size In a lot, but all sizes In the gath ering, so all can be fitted. A variety of styles in the choosing. Values to $3.00 for $1-45 A line of Men's $5.00 Shoes. Admin istrator's Sale Price $2.15 CHILDREN'S SHOES Big Bargains. Sizes 10 1-2 to 2, lace, blucher and regular styles, worth up to $2 for 59c Men's Oxfords, In VicI Kid tan leath er. A splendid $3 value. Admisls- trator's Price $1.95 Men's Low Shoes in button styles, patent leathers, $4 values, Admin istrator's price $2.70 Saloon License. I 9 nra & AND1SI Notice Is hereby given that I will i apply to tho cily council of Oregon ('Ity at its next regular mooting for n renewal of my ltiiuor license for n period of six months at my present place of business, 121 Main street, Or egon City. 2012 1). M. KLKMS13N. e i 9 BOYS' SUITS, Worth $4.00 for 75c. Clothes for the little lad's wear. An Immense lino in tho choosing. Ages In this lot 3 to 5 years, values to $4. Administrator's price 75c Hoys' $2.50 school suits $1.75 Hoys' $;1.50 school suits $2.25 Boys' $4.00 school suits $2.75 Men's Summer llalbriggan Under shirts or drawers 19c Men's 50c Neckwear 39c Men's 25c NocUwonr 19c Men's 25e Neckwear (special line.. 5c SUIT CASES for TRAVELING. Solidly made, stoel fraie-js, fancy lined with extra pockets. $G value for $3.35 $3 value for $1.85 Men's White Handkerchiefs ...2 1-2e Men's Hod Handkerchiefs, 3 for.. 10c Men's working Socks, pair 4c Men's 25c Suspenders, pr 15c Men's President Suspenders ,pr,..39c Men's 15c Linen Collars .each 5c Men's 25c Socks, pr, 1Sc Men's ltlaek or tan Socks, pr, 6c Men's 15c Socks, pr, 9c CANVAS GLOVES 10c KIND. While they last 1000 pairs 6c pair Black and White Striped Work Shirts, good heavy materials, fast colors and well made 33c New and handsome $2 and $2.50 Neglige Shirts, in pongee silk, white or shaded, for $1.40 Men's $1 Neglige Shirts 65c Men's 75c Neglige Shirts 59c Men's 50c . Neglige Shirts 39c Administrator's Sale continues until stock is sold out to settle tho estate of the late I. Goldstein. A Criminal Attack. The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Hrldgo Corner. on an iuoiTonslve citizen Is frequently made In that Apparently useless little tube culled tho "appendix." It's gen erally tho result, of protracted consti pation, following liver torpor. Dr, Ktng's New Life Pills regulate tho liv er, prevent appendicitis, and estnbllsh regular habits of tho bowels, 25c. at Howell & Jones' drug store. Store of Goldstein & Levitt, NEXT TO HARDINGS DRUG STORE Oregon City. By Order of M. Barde, Administrator of the I. GOLDSTEIN ESTATE. I I f I 1 f I 9 9 9 9 i