Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Ordinance No.
An ordinance providing fur tin1 time
ii ml mutincr of Improving Tenth
St root of Oregon City, Oregon, from
tho Weal aide of Mm tract of lint Ore
gon unit California Itiillrond Company
on mhIiI Tenth Htrwt to Hi';
lino of Mnlrt Street, mill from Mm West
lino of Main Street to Mm East lino of
Wnlur Street.
Oregon City does Ol'dlllll US follows:
Section t. Tim proposed Improve
iiioiiL of Mutt iiirl of Tenth Street of
Oregon City, Oregon, lyli'K between
thn Wi'Mt aide of Mm truck of Mm Or
egon iiml California Railroad Coiiipiiny
on suld TcnMi Street mid Mm Hunt
linn of Miiln Street, liml between IhO
Wont llim of Miiln Street uud Mm East
linn of Water Street, mIiiiII bo oomplct
ml wUlilu ninety day after Mm sign
ing of the contract by tin- parties
thereto, ilim notice thereof having
been given by publication of not loo in
will morn fully appear by proof there
of duly presented uiul lllcil In Mm of
ficii of tin- City Recorder.
Section 2. Tim Improvement shall
consist mm follows:
Tln street ulntll be gruded down or
llll. mI up to tli auhgindo in given by
llm City Engineer; muI1 subgrudu hIiiiII
bo eight Inches below Mm finished
Miirfuce at Mm center of Mm Mtreel and
alx liiohca at Mm curlm lifter being
MioroiiKhly sprinkled uud rolled.
Ciir mum be taken to preserve
llm proper crort n and nil soft nnd
spongy placeM not affording u llrm
foiiudutloU "bull be dug out uiul the
space refilled with good eurth,
sand, gravel or eruhcd rock, carefully
rammed or rolled mo in to make such
filling compact mid solid.
The full width to be paved ahull be
sprinkled and thoroughly rolled ami
compacted with a steam roiid roller, of
not b-HH Mum 10 tona weight, or by
ramnUiig In nuch placea an Mm roller
cannot reach, ami If during the process
of rolling, Imteiitntlona or sunken
place uppeiir, nuch ahull Ih filled
with proper tuiiierlat mid then agnln
rolled, until even surface Im scoured.
Such rolling ahull be completed In
Kt-ctloiia of ut leBHt one block, and! done Htrlct conformity with theao
ahull be tented and accepted by tho j Mpecincatlona and pinna accompany
City Knglnecr before any material for . nn nume In u thorough and workman
Mm pnvemeiit l placed thereon.
Oil the KUidlied MlUK fill lllcil
couiplcicil will bo Mpread a layer of flcatlona, im-itHtiromcntM, computa
clenn, Inoken tone, free from dirt, jtlona of rjunut It iN, the quality of ma
not i hh Mum i luchew In deith after tmlal to be uaed and all other mat
belim MioroiiKhly aprlnkled and rolled, .tera pertaining thereto, whether freely
Tho Minima Khali bo of nquare faced
quarried rock, uniform in quality nnd
as nearly approaching Mio rube In
form us practicable, of not les than
one Inch In diameter, nor of greater
diameter Mum will puss through a
two uud one half (2' bx h ring.
On the atmvo layer of stone will lie
spread a layer of screenings, In suf
ficient quantity to fill up all Inter
stices, and to bring the Htrect to the
prowr grade after being thoroughly
rolled ami compacted. And such
acreenings hIiuII bo sprinkled and rol
led until a firm, unyielding nnd tho
roiiKbly even aurfuco la obtained; and
the nurture shall be finished grade of
street. Miicudum will bo, puld for per
ruble yard In place,
Tho surface of the street will be
cleared of all ohHtructlons Including
timbers, planks, side walks and cross
walks not on grade and otherwise In
good condition. If such obstructions
an' not removed ,v the owners of tho
adjacent property within :t days after
having been notified tiy tho Superin
tendent of Streets they shall become
the proH-rty of the contractor and
shall be removed by him without ad
ditional compensation therefor.,
Fills and Embankments.
No material of a perishable nature
will bo plucod In the embankment.
The earth taken from the excava
tion will he unod to bring the street
anil hio walks to grude when neees
aary, the remainder will become the
properly of the contractor and shall
be removed by him. (leading shall
be puld for per cubic yard for excavu-
vatlon and embankment. Tin waste
earth, rock or other material will bo
paid for In the excuvutlon only.
Transporting Material.
The contractor la required to have
tho beds of all wagons, carts or other
vchlcli'H lined In transporting eurth,
rock or other muterlal to and from the
alto of the work sufficiently tight to
prevent leakage; and to cause nil
liaise material clinging to the beds or
running gears of such vehicles to be
brushed or scraped off after loading
and unloading and lake every pre
caution to prevent the unnecessary
strewing of such material upon the
Lumber and Timbers.
All lumber uud timbers used In tho
work must bo of sound fir timber,
square edged and free from all large
liaise or unsound knots, wimey edges,
splits, and genernlly free from sup.
Removal of Rubbish.
All rubbish that, may accumulate
during the performance of the work
or by reason of the work herein pro
vided for ahull bo removed by tho
contractor and the street left In ft
clean and good condition.
All aettlemonta Mint muy appear In
any portion of the miicudum or other
work before the tlua! acceptance of
the work by the city ahall be repaired
and mnde good by the conlriiclor ut
his expense.
Obstructions to Travel.
Tho work must bo, done in auch a
nutntior as to obstruct public trnvel
as little us possible. As soon us thn
macadam Is complete It, ahall bo
thrown open to travel, but such open
ing ahall not be deemed the final ac
ceptance of the work.
A side wulk will bo constructed on
either aide of the street us follows, to
wit: The planking will be 1 Inches
thick, 8 Inches wide and 7,4 feet long,
dressed on tho upper surface and laid
upon three stringers, Tho string
era will be 4 x 0 Inches nnd not
loss than 12 feet long and will bo act
on edge and laid with broken Joints.
Tho Btrlngers, when not resting upon
tho solid ground will have a firm
bearing every alx feet In length of
tho walk.
Tho plunking wlIMm securely null
ed to Mm at ringers milng two, four ami
oim-lmlf Inch wire nulls In each
A linn of cowrulo curbing will be
const rnioi on either side of Mm
street 22 feet from Mm center linn
I hereof ii h follows: Tim curb will bo
t) Inches wlile on top and H luclieM
wiiln on the bottom uml 18 Inches
Tim wmIK will Imve n grade or full
toward thn center of tint street of
one fourth () Inch to cuch foot In
width of walk.
In Mm event of Mm owner or owners
of uny or nil of Mm abutting property
desiring to Iny or construct walks,
or Kill tern of eoneioto In lieu of
wooil us herein Mpeclfled, Mm right In
hereby reserved for them to ho Iny
or construct Mm same, In which event
Mm entire additional cost of such con
crete walka or gutters, over
uml uIiovm the rontrnet prion for Mm
Hiinm hh constructed of wood, shall
lie borne by the said property owner
mid Mm cont rnctor ahull look to Hiich
owner or owner only for such addi
tional compensation.
All concrete walks, curbs anil gut
leiH hIiiiII conform to the standard
specification for sumo hh provided In
;rdlnnnce No. 32!.
Colored Lights.
Colored llghta and If necessary
nlgUt watclininn are to be maintained
ut all obstruction or other plucca of
This will Include clay, Hand, loam or
other earthly material and loose
utoneH containing lean than one cu
bic foot,
Loose Rock
This will Include all loose atone
containing one cubic foot to ono cubic
Solid Rock
Tli I a will Include all Iooko rock or
liowldcrH containing oim cubic yurd
and upwarda, alo all rock lodged or
other material requiring to be dIMn
tergrated by blunting.
All work herein provided for will bo
like manner to tho autiafactlon of tho
City Knglnecr, and hla declalon aa to
'the moaning and Intent of theao apecl-
Inpcclf1cd herein or not ahall be final
and conclusive between tho parties.
All unfit or condemned material
hIwiII bo immediately removed from
the site of the work, In tho event of
any workman employed by the con
tractor refusing to comply with the In
structions of the City Knglnecr or
hla iikhIhIiih! or the inspector In
charge of the work In regard to the
removal of rejected material or
for doing his work In an unworkman
like manner Khali bo dlacharged by
the contractor ns soon as notified in
writing by the Knglnecr of such no
gleet or refusal.
The contractor shall take entire
charge of tho work during the pro
gross and shall bo renjionslblo for any
loss, damiige or Injury to water and
sewer pipes to adjacent property, or
accidents resulting from blasting or
from any carelessness or neglect In
ilolng the work set out In these plans
and specifications, and will hold the
city of Orison City and any and all of
the officials thereof free and harmless
Tho contractor must protect hla
work until It Is completed and duly
accepted, and he must repair any dam
age done to it by freshets, ralna or
other accidents at his own eoHt. In
case of any accident to water or sew
er pipes the contractor ahall Immedia
tely notify tho proper authorities.
Staking Out Work.
The work provided for under these
specifications will be staked out by
the City Engineer or his assistants
and the contractor will lie required to
carefully preserve nil auch stakes set.
The right Is reserved by the city
council to make such alterations as.
may be found expedient dining the
progress of the work, and In mien
event there shall be added to or de
ducted from tho contract price such
sum as ahull represent the cost of
such additional or subtracted work to
be estimated by the engineer.
The City reserves the right to lay
or relay all or uny water or sewer
pipes or connections during the pro
gross of the work.
Extra Work.
The contractor shall not be en
titled to demand or receive pnyment
for any work us extra work, unlest
ordered In wiillng by the Engineer to
do the sumo nnd ut the price agreed
iiMin and named (n the written order
for such work previous to Its com
mencement. Disputes.
All disputes as to the Intent and
meaning of thone speclllcutions shall
be referred to the Engineer and
Street Committee whoso decision
shall be II mil nnd conclusive.
Parties bidding on the work provid
ed herein must stute In their bid the
time required for tho completion of
the entire Improvement us herein
specified after the approval of the
contract by the Mayor and should the
contractor full to complete- the work
within the time speellied In tho said
contract the city shall have the right
to charge the contractor tho sum or
five dollars per iluy as liquidated dam
ugea for each nnd every tiny that the
work shall remain uncompleted after
suld speellied date and such sum shall
be deducted front the amount of the
Until payment.
No proposal will be considered
when not accompanied .by a certified
check equul to five per cent of the
total estimate, which check shall be
forfeited to the city main the failure
of the successful bidder to execute
the agreement provided for heroin
within ten days after the award of
tho contract.
Hlank forms upon whloji all propo-
sals are to be submitted will be furn-
Ished upon application to the City En-
Upon final acceptance of the work
thn Kngliieer will make a final eatl
inuto of tho cont thereof anil a pay
ment of anvetity-flvo per cent of auch
CHtlmnto will fon ordered at tho flrat
regulur tnenting of Mm City Council
Tim remaining twenty flvo per cent
to hn nindo In a lump aura within thlr
ty flvn dnya after Hiich final accep
tance. Bond.
The contractor will be required, to
furnlHh o bond with approved accurlty
In the full amount of Mm contract,
price, conditioned on tho faithful arid
complete performanco of tho work In
accordunco with all the atlpulatlona
of tho contract and within tho tlmo
named therein.
Wherever tho word "Knglneer" Ih
UMcd In Miohh Kpeclflcatlona It Ih tin
denilood to refer to tho City Knglnecr
or to any Knglrioer employed and au
thorized by Mm city council to aup
perliitend nuch work.
Wherever tho word "Committee"
oecura In Mioho Mpeclflcatlona it Khali
be undcrntood to refer to tho Com
mittee on Htroota and Public property
of the City Council of Oregon Ctly.
Wherever tho word "contractor" oc
eura in theao apeclflcutlona It la tin
derHtooil to refer to tho contractor, or
firm of contractor (or any member
thereof) or any contractor undertak
ing tho work herein apod fled.
All tho above work and material to
be furnlahcd, ahall bo done and furn
iHhed to the satisfaction of the City
ine . ny t oiincu reserves uie ngni
in it'ji-ri tiny uiiii uu uifjH.
Kectlon .1. The committee on
Streets pnd I'ubllc Property are here
by authorised to advertise for and re
ceive proposals as aforesaid, nnd the
Mayor and Recorder ahull enter Into
contrnct with each person, firm or
corporation to whom the contracts are
let by tho City Council for tho im
provement or parts thereof as speci
fied In this ordinnnco.
Section i. Each contract shall con
tain a stipulation to tho effect that
the person, firm or corporation to
whom said contract is let shall look
for payment only to the sum to be as
sessed upon the property liable to pay
for such Improvement, nnd collected
and paid Into the City Treasury for
that purpos. and they will not re
quire Oregon City by any legal pro
cess or otherwise to pay the Hald sum
out (X any other fund.
Section 5. Whereas the condition
of said street Is dangerous to the
health and safety of the city, and its
Improvement la necessary for the Im
mediate preservation of the same, In
the Judgment of the Council of Ore
gon C ity. Oregon, an emergency ex
ists; therefore this ordinance shall
take effect ami be In force immediate
ly upon Its approval by the Mayor.
Head first time and ordered publish
ed at an adjourned meeting of the
Council of Oregon City, held Thurs
day, April 18th, 1907, and which ad
journed meeting was an adjourned
meeting of a special meeting of said
Council held Wednesday, April 17U),
1907, and to come up for second read
ing and final rmssage at a special
meeting of said Council to lie held Sat
urday, May 11th, 1907. at 8 o'clock
P. M.
Hy order of the Council of Oregon
Ordinance No,
An ordinance providing for the time
and manner of Improving Ninth Street
of Oregon City, Oregon, from the
West line of the right of way of the
Oregon nnd California Railroad Com
pany on said Ninth Street to the East
line of Main Street, and from the West
line of Main Street to a point on said
Ninth Street l"0 feel west of the West
line of said Main Street.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. The proposed Improve
ment of that part of Ninth street of
Oregon City, Oregon, lying between
the West line of the RlRht of Way of
the Oregon and California Railroad
Company of said Ninth Street and the
Kast line of Main Street, and between
the West line of Main Street and a
point on said Ninth Street 1,10 feet
West of the West line of said Main
Street, shall be completed within
ninety days after the signing of the
contract by the parties thereto, due
notice thereof having been given by
publication of notice ns will more fully
appear by pnsif thereof duly present
ed nnd filed In the office of the City
Section 2. The Improvement shall
consist ns follows:
The street shall bo graded down or
filled up to the sub-grade as given by
the City Engineer; said sub grade
shall be 8 Inches below the finished
surface nt the center of the street
nnd six Inches below at the curbs
after being thoroughly sprinkled and
Cure must be taken to preserve the
proper crown and all soft and spongy
places not. affording a firm founda
tion shall be dug out and the space re
filled with good earth, sand, gravel or
crushed rock, carefully rammed or
rolled so as to make such filling com
pact and solid.
The full width to be paved shall
bo sprinkled and thoroughly rolled
and compuctod with a steam road rol
ler, of not loss than 10 tons weight,
or hy ramming In such places as the
roller cannot reach, and if during
the process of rolling, Indentations or
sunken places appear, such shall be
filled with proper material and then
again rolled, until oven surface Is
Such rolling shall bo completed in
sections of at least one block, and
ahall be tested and accepted by the
City Engineer before any material for
the pavement Is placed thereon.
On the roadbed thus formed and
completed will be spread a layer of
c'0""1. broken Btone, free from dirt,
not less than 6 inches In depth after
l)elng thoroughly sprinkled and rolled,
The stones shall be of square faced
quarried rock, uniform In quality and
as nearly approaching the cube In
form an practicable; of not lean than
ono Inch In diameter, nor of greater
diameter than will paaa through a
two an ono-balf (2V4) Inch ring,
On tho above layer of atone will bo
apread a layer of acreonlnga, in auf
llclcnt quantity to fill up all lntor
atlcoa, and to bring tho street to tho
proper grado after being thoroughly
rolled and compacted. And auch
acroenlnga ahull bo aprlnklod and roll
ed until a firm unyielding and thor
oughly even aiirfuc.o la obtained, which
auifaco ahull be th flnlahed grado of
tho afreet. Macadam will bo paid for
per cubic yard in pluco.
The aurfuco of tho atroet will bo
cleared of all obat ructions Including
1 1 inborn, planka, aldo walka and croaa
walka not on grado and othcrwlae In
good condition. If auch obstructions
are not removed by tho ownera of
tho adjacent property within throe
daya after having bwm notified by the
Superintendent of Street thoy ahall
become the property of the contractor
and ahull bo removed by him without
additional compenaution therefor.
Fills and Embankments.
No material of a perishable nature
will be placed In the embankment.
The earth taken from tho excavation
will bo used to bring the atroet and
Mde wulk to grade when neceasary,
tho remainder will become tho proper
ty of the contractor and ahall be re
moved by him. Grading will be paid
for per cubic yard for excavation and
;,.nibankment. The waste earth, rock.
or other material will be paid for In
. pX(.-avul Ion only
Transporting Material.
The contractor Is required to have
the beds (if all wagons, carta or other
vehicles used In transporting earth,
rock or other material to and from
the site of the work sufficiently tight
to prevent leakage; and to cause all
loose material clinging to the beds or
running gears of auch vehicles to bo
brushed or acraped off after loading
and unloading and take every precau
tion to prevent the unnecessary strew
ing of such material upon the streets.
Lumber and Timbers.
All lumber and timbers used in the
work must bo of sound fir Mrnler,
square edged and free from all large
hsise or unsound knots, waney edges,
splits, and generally free from sap.
Removal of Rubbish.
All rubbish that may accumulate
during the performance of the work
or by reason of the work herein pro-
j vl(jf, for Hhftl, b " r(,mom) by "the
contractor and the street left In a
clean and gisxl condition
All settlements that may appear In
any portion of the macadam or other
work before the final acceptance of
the work by the city ahall be repaired
and made good by tho contractor at
his expense.
A side walk will be constructed on
either sldo of the street as follows, to
wlt: Tho planking will be l' inches
thick. 8 Inches wide and 7V4 feet long,
dresaed on the upper surface and laid
upon three stringers. The string
ers will be 4 x C Inches and not
less thun 12 feet long and will be set
on edge and laid with broken joints.
The stringers, when not resting upon
the solid ground will have a firm bear
ing every six feet in length of walk.
The planking will be securely nailed
lo tlie,t1',uer,8 'isinf two;, fo,ur an2
one-half (4'i) Inch wire nails in each
A line of concrete curbing will be
constructed on either aide of the
street 22 feet from the center line
thereof as follows: The curb will be
6 Inches wide on top, 8 Inches wide on
the bottom and 18 inches deep.
The walk will have a grade or fall
towards the center of the street of
one fourth C4) Inch to each foot in
width of walk.
In the event of the owner or owners
of any or all of the abutting property
desiring to lay or construct walks, or
gutters of concrete In lieu of wood as
herein specified, the right is hereby
reserved for them to so lay or con
struct the same, In which event the
entire additional cost of such concrete
walks, or gutters, over and above the
ooutract price for the same as con
structed of wood, shall be borne by
the said property owners and the con
tractor shall look to such owner or
owners only for such additional com
pensation. All concrete walks, curbs and gut
ters shall conform to the standard
specifications for same as provided in
ordinance No. .126.
Obstructions to Travel.
The work must be done In such a
manner as to obstruct public travel
as little as isissible. As soon as the
macadam is complete it shall be
thrown open to travel, but such open
ing shall not be deemed the final ac
ceptance of the work.
Colored Lights.
Colored lights and If necessary
night watchman are to be maintained
at all obstructions or other places of
This will include clay, sand, loam
or other earthly material and liaise
stones containing less than one cub
ic foot.
Loose Rock
This will Include all liaise stones
containing one cubic foot to one cub
ic yard.
Solid Rock
This will Include nil loose rocks or
bowlders containing one cubic yard
and upwards, also all rock lodged or
other material requiring to be dis
integrated by blasting.
All work herein prevlded fur will be
done In strict conformity with these
specifications and plans accompany-
lug same In a thorough nnd workman
like manner to tho satisfaction of the
City Engineer, and his decision as to
, .
tho meaning and intent of these spec-'s8ia contract is let shall look for pay
mentions, measurements, computa- I ment only to the sum to be assessed
tlons of quantities, the quality of nin-' upon the property liable to pay for
terlal to be used and all other matters 8uoh Improvement, and collected and
pertaining thereto, whether freely ,md Into the City Treasury for that
specified herein or not shall be final purpose, and they will not require Or
and conclusive between the parties. egon city by any legal process or oth
All unfit or condemned material erwlse to pay the said sum out of any
shall be Immediately removed from other fund.
the alto of tho work. In tho event of Section 0. Whereaa the condition
any workman emoyed by the con- of ""'d Btreet 18 3ani?erous to tho
tractor refttsing comply with the health and safety of tho city, and It
Instructions of (he City Engineer or Improvement la necessary for the Im
his aaslstant or tho Inspector in m("ll,, preservation of the same, ,ln
charge of tho work In regard to tho the Judgment of the Council of Oregon
removal of rejected material or for f;lty',0re?01n' a" emergency exlataf
, , , , . ... therefore this ordinance shall take ef-
dolng his work In an unworkmanlike , . . . , , . ,, .
, , , . , . feet and be In force Immedlatetly up-
manner shall be discharged by the on its approval by the Mayor,
contractor as soon as notified in writ-) Head first time and ordered publish
ing by the Knglnecr of such neglect ' "t an adjourned meeting of tho
or refimal i Council of Oregon City, held Thurs-
, , , day, April 18th, 1907, and which ad-
Responsibility. Journed meeting was an adjourned
The contractor shall take entire : meeting of a special meeting of said
charge of the work during tho pro- (fnincll held Wednesday, April 17th,
gross and shall be responsible for io7, and to coma up for second read
any loss, damage or injury to water iK an,i p,nai passage at a special
and sewer pipes to adjacent property, i meeting of said Council to be held Saf
er accidents resulting from blasting j urday, May 11th, 1907, at 8 o'clock
or from any carelessness or neglect p. jf.
In doing the work set out in these j rjy orr)er 0f the Council of Oregon
plana and specifications, ana win nota ;
the city of Oregon City and any and
all officials thereof free and harmless
Tho contractor must protect bis
work until It Is completed and duly
accepted, and he must repair any
damage done to it by freshets, rains or
other accidents at hla own cost. In
case of any accident to water or new
er pipes the contractor shall Immedia
tely notify the proper authorities.
Staking Out Work.
The work provided for under these i
specifications will bo staked out by
tho City Engineer or his assistants
and the contractor will be required to
carefully preserve all such stakes set.
The right Is reserved by the city
council to make such alterations as
may be found expedient during the
progress of the work, and In such
event there shall be added to or de
ducted from the contract price auch
sum as shall represent the cost of
Mich additional or substracted work
to be estimated by the engineer.
The City reserves the right to lay or
relay all or any water or aew-er pipes
or connections during the progress of
the work.
Extra Work.
The contractor shall not be entitled
to demand or receive payment for
any work as extra work, unless order
ed In writing by the Engineer to do
the same and at the price agreed up
on and named In the written order
for such work previous to its com
All disputes as to the Intent and
meaning of these specifications shall
be referred to the Engineer and
Street Committee whose decision
shall be final and conclusive.
Parties bidding on the work pro
vided herein must state in their bid
the time required for the completion
of the entire improvement aa herein
specified after the approval of the
contract by the Mayor and should the
contractor fall to complete the work
within the time specified In the said
contract the city shall have the right
to charge the contractor the sum of
five dollars per day as liquidated dam
agea for each and every day that the
work shall remain uncompleted after
said specified date and such sum shall
be deducted from the amount of the
final payment.
No proposal will be considered
w hen not accompanied by a certified
check equal to five per cent of the
total estimate, which check shall be
forfeited to the city upon the failure
of the successful bidder to execute
the agreement provided for herein
within ten days after the award of
the contract.
Blank forms upon which all pro
posals are to be submitted will be
furnished upon application to the
City Engineer.
I'pon final acceptance of the work
the Engineer will make a final esti
mate of the cost thereof and a pay
ment of seventy-five per cent of such
estimate will be ordered at the first
regular meeting of the City Council
The remaining twenty-five per cent
to be made in a lump sum within
thirty-five days after such final ac
ceptance. Bond.
The contractor will be required to
furnish a bond with approved security
in the full amount of the contract
price, conditioned on the faithful and
complete performance of the work
In accoiaaace with all the stipulations
of the contract and within the time
named therein.
Wherever the word "Engineer" is
used in these specifications it Is un
derstood to refer to the City Engineer
or to any Engineer employed and au
thorized by the city council to super
intend such 'work.
Wherever the word "Committee"' oc
curs in these specifications it shall be
understood to refer to the Committee
on Streets and Public property of the
City Council of Oregon City.
Wherever the word "contractor" oc
curs In these speciflcatitons It is un
derstood to refer to the contractor, or
firm of contractors (or any member
thereof) or any contractor undertak
ing the work herein specified.
All the above work and material to
be furnished, shall be done and furn
ished to the satisfaction of the City
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Section ;. The committee on
Streets and Public Property are here-
i by authorized to advertise for and re
ceive proposals as aforesaid, and the
Mayor and Recorder shall enter into
contract with each person, firm or
corporation to whom the contracts are
let by the City Council for the im-
L.i ... ,,i ..;iio
: nvn its ioio iiioiiHiiv-v,
Section 4. Each contract shall con
tain a stipulation to the effect that the
nerson. firm or corporation to whom
At the meeting of Milwaukie grange
Saturday, Mrs. Mary Getchell, lec
turer, required an expression from
everyone in the hall for or against
the proposed referendum on the $123,
000 appropriation for the University
of Oregon.
Mrs. .1. A. Casto. master. siw,l
I lngt th0 referendum for the rea30n
she declared, the grange stands for
education. Geo. H. Himes also spoke
against the referendum, and said that
Oregon had not been progressive in
educational matters, having been dis
tanced by Washington, California and
even Idaho.
T. R. A. Sellwood was the only one
of about 23 who favored the referen
dum. He said that too much money
was being expended in the higher ed
ucational Institutions and not enough
for the primary schools. Practically
the entire membership went on record
as against the referendum on the uni
versity appropriation.
George H. Himes, secretary of the
Oregon Historical society, delivered
an address on the early history of
Milwaukie. He closed by presenting
Milwaukie grange with a copy of the
Western Star, framed and stamped
with the seal of the Oregon Historical
society, dated February 27, 1850. He
also presented the grange with a gavel
made from nine different woods, ev
ery piece of which carried historical
significance. Mr. Himes was heartily
thanked for his address and his gifts.
It was decided to arrange for frequent
historical meetings.
Elmer J. Cornwell of Saginaw,
Mich., has bought 122 1-2 more acres
of Clackamas county timber down in
the Molalla country adding to the
large holdings. Cornwell has bought
in the neighborhood of 1400 or 1500
acres within the last few months.
Deeds for his latest purchases were
recorded Monday. Oscar Soderberg
for "$400 and other value" sells him
the nw of ne sec 31, t5s, r3e, contain
ing 40 acres.
Lars G. Larson sold to Cornwell for
$350, the sw of the se, sec. 30, t5s,
r.le, containing 40 acres.
Albert Engle and Nancy J. Englo,
in consideration of $000 transfer to
Cornwell the ne of sw, sec 29, t5s,
r3e, containing 40 acres. Also the fir
timber on 2.5 acres situated near the
center of sec. 29, tas, r3e.
With the change from the old sys
tem to the new central energy sys
tem at the Pacific Telephone com
pany's exchange the old wires have
become useless and are beiug rapidly
taken down by a force of workmen.
All the wires but the farmer lines
come to the central office through a
cable, thus eliminating the former net
work of wires that cumbered the com
pany's poles. The farmer lines, be
ing the property of the subscribers
using them, will not be changed.
With the other changes comes the
change In numbers, and many people
are now called to the phone by a dif
ferent ring than was formerly used.
The subscriber will not be kept busy
counting the number of rings as here
tofore for the reason that the number
of rings on any of the city lines will
not exceed two. The new directories
have not been issued yet, but they are
expected In a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dickinson and
daughter, Miss Birdie, of Maple Lane
neighborhood, were entertained to
dinner, Sunday, by Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Painter of Canemah.