10 OREGON CITY. ENTERPRItC, FRIDAY, APAlL 2, 1807. nlW ml il in i Ordinance No.- An Ordinance providing for the time and manner of improving Seventh Street of Oregon City. Oregon, from the East line of Water Street to the West line of Main Street. Oregon City does ordain as fallows: Section I. The proposed improve ment of that part of Seventh street of Oregon City. Oregon, lying between the East line of Water Street and the West line of Main Street, shall be completed within ninety days after the signing of the Contract by the parties thereto, due notice thereof having been given by publication of notice as will more fully apiear by proof there of duly presented and filed In the of fice of the City Recorder. Section 2. The Improvement shall consist as follows: Grading. The street shall be graded down or filled up to the suhgrade as given by the City Engineer: said subgrade shall be eight Inches below the finished surface at the center of the street and six Inches belw at the curbs after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. Care must be taken to preserve the proper crown and all soft and spongy places refilled w ith good earth, sand, gravel or crushed rock, carefully rammed or rolled so as to make such filling compact and solid. The full width to be paved shall be sprinkled and thoroughly rolled and compacted with a steam road roller, of not less than 10 tons weight, or by rammJug in such places as the roller cannot reach, and if during the process of rolling, indentations or sunken places appear, such shall be filled with proper material and then again rolled, until even surface Is secured. Such rolling shall be completed in sections of at least one block, and shall be tested and accepted by the City Engineer before any material for the pavement Is placed thereon. Macadam. On the roadbed thus formed and completed will be spread a layer of clean, broken stone, free from dirt, not less than 6 inches in depth after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. The stones shall be of square faced quarried rock, uniform in quality and as nearly approaching the cube In form as practicable, of not less than one Inch in diameter, nor of greater diameter than will pass through a two and one-half (24) inch ring. On the above layer of stone will be spread a layer of screenings, in suf ficient quantity to fill up all inter stices, and to bring the street to the proper grade after being thoroughly rolled and compacted. And such screenings shall be sprinkled and rol led until a firm, unyielding and tho roughly even surface Is obtained; and the surface shall be finished grade of street Macadam will be paid for per cubic yard in place. Obstructions. y The surface of the street will be cleared of all obstructions tncluding timbers, planks, side walks and cross walks not on grade and otherwise in ---i- cr-i.i if sucjj obstructions nr.; - d by the owners of the ai.-a.- (.u-v -ty within 3 days after b:,-: m - jtified by the Superin- .."-;' ;. H.?ets they shall become j-i..:.Hy -of the contractor and it!! I: r: . ed by him without ad- . u-rr;! f ;; ensation therefor. .... Embankments. No material of a perishable nature will be placed in the embankment. Th earth taken from the excava tion will be used to bring the street and side walks to grade when neces sary, the remainder will become the property of the contractor and shall be removed by him. Grading shall be paid for per cubic yard for excava vation and embankment. The waste earth, rock or other material will bo paid for in the excavation only. Transporting Material. The contractor is required to have beds of all wagons, carts or other vehicles used in transporting earth, rock or other material to and from the site of the work sufficiently tight to prevent leakage; and to cause all loose material clinging to the beds or running gears of such vehicles to be brushed or scraped off after loading and unloading and take every pre caution to prevent the unnecessary strewing of such material upon the streets. Lumber and Timbers. All lumber and timbers used in the work must be of sound fir timber, square edged and free from all large loose or unsound knots, waney edges, splits, and generally free from sap. Removal of Rubbish. All rubbish that may accumulate during the performance of the work or by reason of the work herein pro vided for shall be removed by the contractor and the street left in a clean and good condition. Settlements. AH settlements that may appear In any portion of the macadam or other work before the final acceptance of the work by the city shall be repaired and made good by the contractor at his expense. Obstructions to Travel. The work must be done In such a manner as to obstruct public travel as little as possible. As soon as the macadam is complete it shall be thrown open to travel, but such open ing shall not be deemed the final ac ceptance of the work. Sidewalks. A side walk will be constructed on either side of the street as follows, to wlt: The planking will be l78 inches thick, 8 inches wide and 74 feet long, dressed on the upper surface and laid upon three stringers. The string ers will be 4 x 6 inches and not less than 12 feet long and will set on edge and laid with broken Joints. The stringers, when not resting upon the solid ground will have a firm bearing every six feet In length of walk. The planking will be securely nail ed to the stringers using two, four and one-half (44) inch wire nails in eaeh bearing. A line of concrete curbing will be constructed on either side of the street 22 feet from the center line thereof as follows: The curb will be 6 inches wide nn tnn and fi fnnhaa wlln . I , . . . i . n i . ! uc uu me uuuoin unu is incnes deep. The walk will have a grade or fall towards the center of the Btreet of one-fourth (Vi) Inch to each foot In width of walk. In the event of the owner or owners of any or all f the abutting property desiring to lay or construct walks, er gutters of concrete In Hen of wood as herein specified, the right is hereby reserved for them to so lay ar construct the same, In which event the entire additional cost of such con crete walks or gutters. over and above the contract price for the same as constructed of wood, shall be borne by the said property owners and the contractor shall look to such owner or owners only for such addi tional compensation. All concrete walks, curbs and gut ters shall conform to the standard specifications for same as provided In ordinance No. 326. The contractor will be required to make a neat finish around the Suspen sion bridge cables where they pass through the walks. The trestle work of the approach to the Suspension bridge for a distance ef 112 feet from Its Easterly end will be enclosed with planking 1 Inches thick and six () inches wide, placed horizontally and spaced one-half (4) Inch apart. The planking will be sur faced and painted with two coats of paint on the exposed face, and will be securely nailed to the bents using two. four and one half (44) Inch wire nails in each bearing. The planking will be so placed as to break joints as much as possible, consistently with out waste of material. The space between the remaining bents will be macadamized the same as the other parts of the street. The concrete side walk on the South side of the street will not be taken up or disturbed In any manner. The new walk will be constructed S feet wide and joined to the westerly nd of the concrete walk and extended to Water street as shown on plans. Colored Lights. Colored lights and if necessary night watchman are to be maintained at all obstructions or other nlaces of danger. Classifications. Earth This will include clav. sand, loam or other earthly material and loose stones contalniug less than one cu bic foot. Loose Rock This will include all loose stones containing one cubic foot to one cubic yard. Solid Rock This will include all loose rock or bowlders containlna one ruble vnr.l and upwards, also all rock lodged or other material requiring to be disin tegrated by blasting. Superintendence. All work herein provided for will be done In strict conformity with these specifications aad plans accompany ing same in a thorough and workman like manner to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and his decision as to the meaning and intent nf tna ei. ficatlonst, measurements. computa tions of quantities, the quality of ma terial tO be Used and all nthor mat. ters pertaining thereto, whether freely sin-emeu nerein or not shall be final and conclusive between the parties. All unfit or condemned material shall be immediately removed from the site of the work. In the event of any workman employed by the con tractor refusing to comply with the In structions of the City Engineer or his assistant or the Inspector in charge of the work In removal of rejected material on for doing his work in an unworkman like manner shall he disehartoH s the contractor as soon as notified In rmng ny the Engineer of such ne glect or refusal. Responsibility. The contractor shaN take entire charge of the work during the pro gress and shall be responsible for any loss, damage or injury to water and sewer pipes to adjacent property, or accidents resulting from blasting or from any carelessness or nutrient in doing the work set out in these plans aim H-cuicauons, and will hold the city of Oregon City and any and all of the officials thereof fn?e and harmless therefrom. The contractor must protect his work until it is eomnletpH ,i.,i accepted, and he must repair any damage- done to it by freshets, rains or other accidents at his own cost In case of any accident er pipes the contractor shall immedia te nouiy me proper authorities. Staking Out Work. The work nrovkleri for specifications will be staked out by the City Engineer or his assistants and the contractor will he ronniH t carefully preserve all such stakes set. Alterations. The right is reserved hv ), m,, council to make such alterations as may oe round expedient during the progress of the work, and tn .i,t. event there shall h addud a ducted from the contract price such uui as snan represent the cost of such additional or subtracted work to be estimated by the engineer. The City reserves the right to lay or relay all or any water or sewer pipes or connections during the pro gress of the work. Extra Work. The contractor shall iw k .... . ' ..".l, ru- titled to demand or rocf-ivn nm,.i for any work as extra work, unlesr ordered in writing by the Engineer to i.. me name and at the price agreed upon and named In the written order for such work previous to its com mencement. Disputes. All disputes as to the intent and meaning of these specifications shall be referred to the Engineer and Street Committee whose decision shall be final and conclusive. Proposals. Parties bidding on the work provid ed herein must state in their bid the the entire Improvement as herein specified after the approval of the contract by the Mayor and should the contractor fall to complete the work time required for the completion of within the time specified in the said contract the city shall have the right to charge the contractor the sum of five dollars per day as liquidated dam ages ior eacn and every day that the work shall remain uncompleted after said specified date and such sum shall be deducted from the amount of the final payment. No proposal will be considered when not accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of the total estimate, which check shall bo forfeited tto the city upon the fnllure of the successful bidder to execute the agreement provided for heroin within ten days after the award of the contract. lllank forms upon which all propo sals are to be submitted will be furn ished mum application to the City En gineer. Payments. Upon final acceptance of the work the Engineer will make a final esti mate of the cost thereof nnd a pay ment of seventy-five per cent of such estimate will be ordered nt the first regular meeting of the City Council thereafter. The remaining twenty-five per cent to be made in a lump sum within thirty-five days after such final accep tance. Bond. The contractor will be required to furnish a bond with approved security In I he full amount of the contract price, conditioned on the faithful and complete performance of the work In accordance with all the stipulations of the contract and within the time named therein. Engineer. Wherever the word "Engineer" Is used In these specifications it is un derstood to refer to the Cltv Engineer or to any Engineer employed and au- inorueii iy the city council to sup perlnteml such work. Committee. Wherever the word "Committee" occurs In these specifications It shall ne understood to re tor to the Com mittee on Streets and Public immertv of the City Council of Oregon Ctly. Contractor. Wherever the word "oontrartoi" tv. curs in these specifications It Is un derstood to refer to the contractor, or firm of contractors (or any member thereof I or any contractor undertak- Ing the work herein specified. All the above work and mateilal to Im furnished, shall be done and fiirn. Ished to the satisfaction of the City r.ngtneer. The City Couucll reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Section ;:. The commute nn Streets and Public Property are here by authorized to advertise for and re ceive proposals as aforesaid, and the Mayor and Recorder shall enter Intn contract with each person, firm or coporatfon to whom the contracts are let ty the City Council for the Im provement or parts thereof as speci fied In this ordinance. Section 4. Each contract shall con tain a stipulation t the effect that the person, firm or corporation to whom said contract is let shall look for payment only to the sum to be as sessed upon the property liable to pay for such improvement, and collected and paid into the City Treasury for that purpose, and they will not re quire Oregon City by any legal pro cess or otherwise to nav the ha!1 sum out of any other fund. Section o. Whereas the condition of said street is dangerous to the health and safety of the city, and Its improvement is necessary for the Im mediate preservation of the same. In the Judgment of the Council of Ore gon City, Oregon, an emergency ex ists: therefore this ordinance shall take effect and lie in force Immediate ly upon Its approval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered publish ed at an adjourned meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Thurs day. April 18th, 1907, and which ad journed meeting was an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council held Wednesday, April 17th, 19o7, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held Sat urday. May 11th, 1007, at 8 o'clock P. M. ny order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Ordinance No. An Ordinance to amend Section 15 of Ordinance No. 207. Approved Nov ember 19th, 1897. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 15 of Or dinance No. 207. entitled "An Ordi nance providing for the licensing and regulating the carrying on of certain professions, trades, callings and oc cupations carried on within the cor porate limits of Oregon City, Oregon." Approved November 19th, 1897, be and the same hereby Is amended to read as follows: Section 15. The proprietors or agents of any permanent show or moving picture gallery shall pay the sum of One Hundred and Twenty Dol lars per annum, to be paid semi-annually in advance. The proprietors or agents of all other exhibitions not enumerated in this Ordinance shall pay a license of Five Dollars per day. Read first time and ordered publish ed at an adjourned meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Thurs day, April 18th, 1907, and which ad journed meeting was an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council held Wednesday, April 17th, 1907, and to come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of said Council to be held Sat urday, May 11th, 1907, at 8 o'clock P. M. fiy order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, Recordor. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice Is hereby given that Seventh Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water Street to the West line of Main Street will be Im proved with crushed rock or gravel, and by laying sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and by grading said Seventh btreet according to the proposed 1 grade thereof. This notice is publish ed pursuant to an order of hn rviunMi 1 of Oregon City, made at an adjourned ! meeting of a special meeting of said I Council, held Thursday, April 1 8th, By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, lflt2 Recorder. Ordinance No. An ordinance providing for tin time and manner of Improving Eighth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the Stone wall of the Oregon and Cal ifornia Railroad Company on said Eighth Street to the East line of Main Street, and from, the West line of Main Street to point on said Eighth Street I lift feet West of the WohI line of said Main Street. Oregon City does oplulu bh follows: Section I. The proposed Improve ment of that part of Eighth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, lying' between the Stone wall of the Oregon and Cul Ifornlft Railroad Company on said Eighth Street and the East line of Main Street, and between the West Hue of Main Street nnd a point on said Eighth Street ICS feet West of the West line of said Main SI root, shall be completed within ninety days after the signing of the contract by the parties thereto, due notice thereof having boon given by publication or notice as will more fully appear by proof thereof duly presented and tlleil In (he office of the City Recorder. Section 2. The Improvement shall consist as follows: Grading. The street shall be graded down or tilled up to the sub grade as given by (he Cltv Engineer: mi LI mill iirmia shall be 8 Inchon below the finished surface at the center of the street and sit inches below at the 'curbs after being thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. Care must be taken to preserve the proper crown and all soft and spongy places not affording a firm founda tion shall 1e dug out and the space re filled with good earth, sand, gravel or crushed rock, carefully rammed or rolled so as to make such filling com pact and solid. Tho full width to bo paved Shall be sprinkled and thoroughly rolled and compacted with a steam road rol ler, of not less than 10 tons weight, or by ruminlng In such places as the roller cannot reach, and If during the process of rolling. Indentations or sunken places appear, such shall bo tilled with proper material and then again rolled, until even surface Is secured. Such rolling shall be completed In sections of at least one bluett nnd shall be tested and accepted by the City Engineer before any material for me pavement is pluced thereou. Macadam. On the roadbed thus formed and completed will be smcad n In ver itf clean, broken stone, free from dirt. not less than 6 inches In depth after be thoroughly sprinkled ami rolled. The stones shall Ih of square faca.1 quarried rock, uniform in quality and as nearly approaching the cube In form as practicable; of not lesshan one Inch In diameter, nor of greater diameter than will pass through a two an one-half (24) Inch ring. On the alMjve layer of stone will Im spread a layer of screenings. In suf ficient quantity to fill up all Inter stices, ami to bring the street to tho proper grade after being thoroughly rolled and compacted. And such screenings shall be sprinkled and roll ed until a firm unyielding and thor oughly even surface Is obtained, and surface shall bo finished grade of the street. Macadam will bo paid for per cubic yard in place. Obstructions. The surface of tae street will be cleared of all obstructions Including timbers, planks, side walks and cross walks not on grade and otherwise In good condition. If such obstructions are not removed by the owners of the adjacent property within three days after having been notified by the Superintendent of Streets they shall become the property of the contractor and shall be removed by him without additional compensation therefor. Fills and Embankments. No material of a perishable nature will be placed in the embankment. The earth taken from the excavation will be used to bring the street and side walk to grade when necessary, the remainder will become the proper ty of the contractor and shall bo re moved by him. C.radlng will be paid for per cubic yard for excavation and embankment. The waste earth rock or other material will be paid for In the excavation only. At all points where the embankment Is more than two feet high, if required by the En. glneer It shall be supported by a rough dry stone retaining wall, said wall to be constructed In a good and substantial manner, so as to support the embankment. Transporting Material. The contractor is, required to have me ) ..r an wagons, carts or other 1 vehicles used in transporting earth I rock or other material to and from' the site or the work sufficiently tight I to prevent loakaae: :ind i,. -., ..o - v .Hiinu nil loose material clinging to the beds or umuiiK Hears or such vehicles to be I brushed or scraned rr oft... i.....n.... and unloading and take every precau-! mm mi prevent ine unnecessary strew ing of such material upon the streets I Lumber and Timbers. All lumber and timbers used In the work must be of sound fir nn,i. square edged and free from all lurge loose or unsound knots, waney edges splits, and generally free from sap' ' nemovai OT HUDbiSh. 1 All rubbish that uurlng the nerformanro nf or by reason of the work herein pro-1 ..KM 101 niiu.il no removed by the contractor and the street left . In a :ieau unit good condition. Settlements. All settlements that ITl'iV Uniumn In any portion of the macadam or other work before the final acceptance of the work by the city shall be repaired and made good by the contractor at his expense. Obstructions to Travel, The work must be done In such a manner as to obstruct public travel BH little au tmuuihlo Au ... I , - .-. nn noon a ine macadam is complete it shall be thrown open to travel, but such open. Ing shall not be deemed tho final ac ceptance of the work, Sidewalks. A side walk will be constructed on either side of the street as follows, to wit: The planting will be 1 inches thick, H Inches wide and 7 V4 feet long, dressed on tho upper surface, ami lalii upon three stringers. The st ring ers will be 4 x 0 Inches and not less than 13 feet long and will be sot on edge nnd laid with broken Joints. Tho stringers, when not resting upon the solid ground will have a firm bear ing every six feel In length or walk. The planking will be securely nailed to tho Wringers using two, four and one-half (4 4) Inch wire nails In each bearing. A line of concrete curbing will be constructed oil either aide of the street 22 feet from the center lino thereof as Tollows: The curb will be ft Inches wide on top, 8 Inches wlilo on the bottom and 18 Inches deep. Tho walk will have a grade or rail towards the center or tho street of one fourth (Vi) Inch to each foot in width of walk, In tho event of the owner or owners of any or all of the abutting property desiring to lay or construct walks, or gutters of concrete In lieu or wood on herein specified, tho right Is hereby reserved for them to so lay or con struct the same. In which event the entire additional cost of such concrete wolks, or gutters, over ami above tho contract price for tho same as con structed of wood, shall bo borne by the said property owners and tho con tractor shall look to such owner or owners only for such additional com pensation. Ail concrete walks, curbs and gut ters shall conform to the Mtundiird specifications for same as provided In ordinance rso. ;S2ti, Cross Walka. Cross walka will bo constructed leading from, the ftstt or tho steel siolrway to and connecting with the side walks on either side ttf the street. Such cross walks will bo constructed six (til feet wide, of planking 4x Inches layed upon and securely spiked to sills 4xi! Inches six (II) root long, as shown on plans. A cross walk eight (8) feet wide and twenty (0) rect long will bo constructed at tho driveway In tho rear of tho Welnhard llulldlng. as shown on plans. Colored Lights. Colored lights and If necessary night watchman ar to bo maintnlued at all obstructions or other places or danger. Classifications. Earth This will Include clay, sand, loam or other earthly materlul and loose stones containing less than one cub ic foot. Loose Rock This will Include all Uoso stones containing one cubic foot to one rub le yard. Solid Rock This will Include all loose rooks ox bowlderg contalniug one cubic yard and upwards, also all rock lodged or other muterlal requiring,,, 1o bo ills Integrated by blasting. Superintendence. All work herein provided for will bo done in strict conformity with these specifications uml plans accompony Ing same In a thorough and workman like manner to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and his decision as to tho meaning and Intent of tl , upec- Iflcatlons, measurements, computa tions of quantities, tho quality of ma terial to bo used and all otftr ftnmrn pertaining thinto, whether freely specified herein or not shall bo final and conclusive between tho parties. All unfit or condemned material shall be Immediately removed from the site of the work. In the event of any workman employed by the con tractor refusing to comply with the Instructions f the City Engineer or his assistant or the Inspector In charge or tho work In regard to tho removal or rejected material or for doing his work In an unworkmanlike manner shall bo discharged by the contractor as sism as notified in writ lag by the Engineer of such neglect or refusal. Reiponaibiiity. The contractor shall lake entire charge of the work during the pro gross and shall be responsible for any loss, damage or Injury to water and sewer pliies to adjacent aroperty or accidents resulting from blasting or rrom any curelessness or neglect In doing the work set out In these plans and sped ricnt Ions, and will hold the city of Oregon city and any and all officials thereof free and harmless therefrom. The contractor must protect his work until It is completed and duly accepted, and he must repair any damage done to It by freshets, rains or other accidents at his own cost In case or any accident to water or sew er pipes the contractor shall Immedia tely notify the proper authorities. 8taklng Out Work. The work provided for under these specifications will be staked out by the City Engineer or his assistants nnd the contractor will be required to car-fullyvpreserve all such stakes set. Alterations. The right Is reserved by the city council to make such alterations as may be found expedient during the progress of the work, ami In such event, there shall be added to or d- uucieu rrom the contract price such sum as shall represent the cost of such additional or subslracted work to bo estimated by the engineer The City reserves the right to iny or relay all or any water or sewer pipeH or connections during the progress of the work. Extra Work. The contractor shall not he entitled to demand or receive payment for any work as extra work, unles order ed In writing by the Engineer to do the same and nt the price agreed up on and named In the written order for such work previous to Its com mencement. Disputes. All disputes as to tho Intent and meaning of these specification shall bo referred to the Engineer and Street Committee whose decision shall be final and conclusive. Proposals. Parties bidding on the worlr pro vided herein must state In their bid tho time required for the corrrpletbm of th entire Improvement As herein specified after the approval of the contract by the Mayor and should tho contractor rail lo complete the work w II hlii tho time specified In tint said contract tho city shall have the tight to charge the contractor the sum or live dollars per day as liquidated dam ages for each and every day (hat (ho work ahull remain uncompleted after said specified date and Much stun shall bo deducted from tho amount of the final payment. No proposal will bo considered when not accomiuinlod by a fortified check oquul to live per cent of the total estimate, which check shall bo forfeited to the city upon the failure of the successful bidder to execute the agreement provided for heroin within ten days after the award of the contract. Itlauk forms upon which all pro isisals are to bo submitted will he furnished upon application to thy City Engineer, Payments. I' pon final acceptance of tho work the Engineer will tnalie a final est! mate of tbH cost thereof and a puy mwiit of seventy five per cent of such estlmutw will bo ordered at the first regular meeting of tho City Council thereafter. Tho remaining Iweiity-fivo per cent to be made lu a lump sum within Ihlity-llvo days after such final ac ceptance, Bond. The contractor will bo required to furnish a Itond with approved security lu tho full amount or tho contract pile, conditioned cm tho faithful and complete performance of the work In accordance with all tho stipulations of the contract and within tho time named therein. Engineer. Wherever the word "Engineer" U used In those specifications It I un derstood to refer to tho City Engineer or to any Engineer employed and au thorised by tho city council to super intend such work. Committee. . Wherevor tho word "Committee" oc cur In these specification It Hhnll bo understood to refer to the Committee on Street and Public proM-rty of tho City Council or Oregon City. Contractor. Wherever the word "contractor" oc curs In those speclflcatltorm It U un derstood to rercr to tho contractor, or firm of contractors (or any member thereof) or any contractor undertak ing tho work herein specified. Alt the above work and material to bo furuhibt.t. sliull bo done and furn ished to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The City Council roservoH llui right to reject any and all bids. Section 3. Tho committee on Street ami Public Property are here by authorized to advcrllwo for and re ceive prsul as aforesaid, and thu Mayor and Recorder shall enter Into contract with each person, firm or corporation to whom the contracts are lot by tho City Council for the Im provonient or prta thereof as spool fled In this ordinance, . Section 4. Each contract shall con tain a stipulation to tho effect that tho lorium, rirm or corporation to whom said contract is let shall look ror pay ment only to tho sum to bo assessed upon tho property liable to pay ror such Improvement, and collected and paid Hrtn ta City Treasury ror that purpose, and they will not require Or egon City by any legal process or oth erwise to pay the said sum out of any other fund. Section 5. Whereas the condition of said street Is dangerous to the health and saMy or the city, and Its Improvement Is necessary ror the Im mediate preservation of the same, ,lu I bo Judgment of tho Council of Oregon City. Oregon, on emergency exists; therefor this ordinance shall take ef fect und bo In force Inimedlalotly up on Its approval by tho Mayor. Read first time and ordered publish ed at an adjourned meeting or the Council or Oregon City, held Thurs day. April 18th. 1907. and which ad journed meeting was an adjourned meeting or a special meeting or said Council hold Wednesday, April 17th. 1907, and lo come up for second read ing and final passage at a special meeting of "snld Council to b hold Sat urday, May ltth, 1907, at 8 o'clock P. M lly order or the Council or Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, . Recorder. Ordinance No. An ordinance re-establishing tho grade of that portion of Tenth Street of Oregon City. Oregon, lying between the West lino of Muln Street and the East lino of WaW Street. Oregon city does ordain ns rollows: Section I. That the grade or that portion or Tenth Street of Oregon City. Oregon, lying between the West Hue of Main Street, and the East line of Water Street shall bo as follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng at Muln Street at an ele vation of U1.8 feet; thence on an as (ending grade to Water Street at an elevation og 112.7 feet. Section 2. That ordlnaaco No. 127 approved ,luly Mth, 1891, us fur as tho suld ordinance pertulnM to or con flicts with the grade of that portion of Tenth Street In Section 1 or this ordinance set out, ho and tho sum, lu hereby repealed. Section ;. Whereas the condition of snld street Is dangeroim to the health and safety or tho city, and Its Improvement Is necessfcry for tho Im mediate preservation of the same, lu the judgment of the Council of Ore gon City, Oregon, an emergency ex ists; therefore this ordinance shall tako effect and be In foroo Immediate ly upon Its approval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered publish ed at au adjourned meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held Thurs day, April 18th. 1907 nnd ,hi,.i. ,i. J - , TV M 11,11 onrned meeting was an adjourned nn ouiig or a special meeting of said Council held Wednesday, April 17th. 1J07. and to como up for aecond rend ing and final passage at a special mooting of snld Council to bo held Sat urday, May 11th, 1907, lit 8 o'clock P. M. (.'yV "l(,,r of tho ncil of Oregon W. A, DIMICK, Recorder.