Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 19, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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- v. . , . , , . w OREGON CITY IWTIRMI88. FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907.
' Wilson-Myers.
Miss Imogene Candace Myers and
J. W. Wilson of Toledo, Oregon, were
married at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. C. K. Myers of Mount
Pleasant, Thursday, April IS, at 3 p.
m. Rev. Ii. C. Blackwell officiated In
the presence of a number of relatives
and friends, among them Mrs. James
Burdette of Salem, sister of the bride;
lr. Smith, an uncle of The Dalles,
and Mr, Wilson's mother and sisters
from Toledo. Miss Myers has been
a successful teacher in the county
schools and is a graduate of the Ore
gon City high school. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson leave on the 5 o'clock train
for Toledo, where Mr. Wilson is prin
cipal of the schools.
Wedding Invitations.
Oregon City friends and relatives of
Miss Grace Balrd of Portland have re
ceived invitations to her marriage to
Mr. Bruce Macdonald of Michigan.
The ceremony will be solemnized in
the First Baptist church of Portland,
April 29.
Mrs. A. S. Dresser of Oregon City
is a sister of Miss Balrd and she has
a host of friends and acquaintances
here, where her people resided for
many years. Miss Baird has been a
teacher in the Portland high school
the last four or five years. Mr. and
Mrs. Macdonald will reside in Mich
igan, where Mr. Macdonald is in business.
Nedwill Brown,
Miss Ret ha Emily Brown of Ore
gon City and Mr. Edward Ned will
of Portland, will be married at the St.
Paul Episcopal church of Oregon City,
Thursday morning, April IS, at half
past ten o'clock, by the rector. Rev,
P, K. Hammond. After the ceremony,
an elaborate wedding dinner will be
given the happy couple at the bride's
home, four miles west of Oregon City.
They will reside at Albtna, where Mr.
Nedwlll is In business.
Hit Dear Old Mother, "i . J
. , , ?
i'My dear old mother, who Is now
eighty years old, thrives on Electric
Hitters," writes W. B. Brunson. of
Dublin. Ga. "She has taken them fort
about two years and enjoy an ex
cellent appetite, feels strong and
steeps well." That's the. way Electric i
Hitters affect the aged, and the same
happy results follow in all cases of
female weakness and general debility.
Weak, puny children too, are greatly
strengthened by them. Guaranteed
also for stomayh, liver and kidney
troubles, by Howell & Jones, drug
gists. 60c.
Mrs. L, Semi has been quite 111, but
Is somewhat better now,
,Mr, nnd Mrs. Morrell and family of
Indiana have been visiting their cous
in. Mis. Davis. They expect to make
their' home In OroKon. '
JHot of the Uedland people nt tend
ril church at Viola, Sunday.
Mr. Hooper and family have Just ar
rived from Alberta, Canada. They
had been detained on account of the
severe winter there.
Yet, I Have Found It at La it.
Found what? Why that Chamber
lain's Salve cures ocxemu and all
manner of Itching of I ho skin. I iinvo
been afflicted for many years with
skin disease. 1 bad to get up three
or four times every night and wash
with cold water to allay the terrible
Itching, but hIucc using this salve In
December, 11105. the Itching baa stop
ped and baa not troubled me. Elder
John T. Ongley, Roolvllle, Pa. For
sale by Howell & Jones.
Breakfast Cotfet Cake.
Take a ploco of broad ilonir.li ami
add oitohalt cupful of sugar ami U
tnlilcspnouful of melted butler; 'then
roll outran Inch thick and put. on u
greased pie pan, brush the top with
melted butter and cover thick with cin
namon and mi mir, let lUjbie and hnl.fi
quick. Cut In long, mi now strips to
serve. Eat hot or cold. If Is nice
made Saturday with the oilier halting
to uho Sunday morning for breakfast.
Marriage Licenses.
A marriage license was issued late
Wednesday evening by the county
clerk to Leona C. Bear and George A.
Lewis. The coupte were married im
mediately afterwards by County Judge
County Clerk Greenman issued a
marriage license Wednesday after
noon to Mary Manning and George H.
of the
5,000 Stock of Men's
contained in tbe store of:
Next to Harding's Drug Store
Opposite First National Bank
at Oregon City, two doors
South of the Post Office
Out of Sight.
"Out of Sight, out ot mind," Is an
old saying which applies with special
force to a sore, burn or wound that's
been treated with Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind
and out of existence. Piles too and
chilblains disappear under its healing
influence. Guaranteed by Howell &
Jones, druggists. 25c.
"The best laid schemes o' mice an men gang aft a gley; an' lea'e us naught but grief and pain for promised Joy." -
So sang Bobbie Burns, more than a century ago and the same sad condition exists today. Plan as we will, th culmtnailou of our planning Is In the hands of a Divine Provi
dence. A few short weeks ago Messrs. Goldstein & Levitt came to Oregon City and -bought out" the store of Mr. ;io.cnteln. They Immediately set to work along siienuou lines to
sell out all the goods'then in the store, removing much of It In bulk to other towns and disposing of It at a sacrifice. They started at once to rebuild and Improve the old store, mak
ing alterations throughout. Hardly a vestige of the former store's appearance remained, and NONE of the former stock. From the dingy chrysalis of the obi store emerged a new, mod
ern and down-to-date "Toggery Shop" for men-THE FINEST CLOTHING. SHOE. HAT and FURNISHING STORE IN OREGON CITYI
Not a dollar's worth of old goods remained. All new, smart apparel for critical and genteel dressers' Spring and Summer wearing Everything was ready for the GRAND SPRING
OPENING-Stocks complete, store In bright and.gladsome readiness when-like a thunderbolt from Jove tmMiand of death descended and struck down, in the vigor of full manhood, in
the prime of life and full enjoyment of well earned prosperity, the senior member of the flrm-Mr. I. GOLDSTEIN, who panned to the reward of his faithful labor on Sunday. April 7 -His
last request was for a prompt settlement of his estate, and to this end the Court has appointed as ADMINISTRATOR, MR. M. BARDE. of Portland, Ore. Mr. Hanie ha taken charge
and will close out the stock in the store at once, for the benefit of the heirs. AT LESS THAN ACTUAL COST AT THE FACTORIES! SALE OPENS SATURDAY, APR. 20TH.
. Duane C. Ely went over to Tualatin,
Sunday, expecting Mrs. Ely to be able
to return with him, but she is not
well enough to come for another week.
Do Not
Send East j
I For Talking j
Machines or j
! Grapho- I
I phones..
Occasionally persons desiring
to purchase a Talking Machine
or a Graphophone conclude that
0 they can secure a machine at
a lower price at roriiana or Dy
sending east.
This is certainly a mistake as
the Victor Co., The Edison Co.,
and the Columbia Co., bind all
of their dealers by the same
cast iron contract to sell only
at the prices fixed by the fac
tory and any agent doing other
wise is promptly suspended.
When you purchase out of town
you are simply out the express,
freight or car fare.
Buy from your local dealer who
is here to stay and makes good
all guarantees..
We carry all makes and have a
very large stock of machines
and both Victor and Edison rec
ords. April records are in, come and
bear them. We repair Talking
Machines and Graphophones.
k 10BN
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner.
Men never before had such chance to buy clothes for so little!
Hear In mind, all the newest, most fashionable merrhandlx In 'he market -and at
reallyles than Goldstein & Levitt paid for It In market ONE MONTH AGO.
Men's Suits
Men's new and ultra fashionable suits, in all the newest, most stylish
fabrics, embracing fancy and undressed worsteds, thibets, tweeds, cassl
meres and cheviots. Including every new pattern and weave, plain black and
an Infinite variety of neat and swagger checks aud conservative plaids,
greys predominating. All splendidly tailored and from the leading factor
ies of America. Masterpieces of workmanship. All Used In serge or satin,
hand tailored and padded.
Suits bought to sell for $18 to be closed at $11,05
Suits bought to sell for $20 to $25, administrator's price ... $14,35
Suits bought to sell for $10, administrator's price $ 3,95
A line of Men's handsome dark mixtures in Suits adapted for
Summer wear, very neat effects, administrator's price $ 635
(worth double)
itSti" favored bv Fashion
I 1 ,'IV
Mats made on leading fashion
able blocks, In every stylish shape,
soft and stiff, black, pearl, grey.
ullng fac-
1 s sale
prices, vl.:
Wfyjjffi'fr 'Mn' nrown nn'l popular
'tiJjyfo' '-tJ H(iducts fif America' leading
JfyjfftfN torles all at administrator's
$3.00 Hats $2,15 -"" $1,65
$2.00 Hats $1,35 1.0 Hats .. 7 5q
SHOES ! Men's, Women's and Children's
At Administrator's Sale Prices
..Usui I rW
1' -. . .-v IX n
Products of
latest styles.
America's leading makers, in all wanted leathers and
MFN' HOF EXTRA 0ue llne ot broken sizes, not every
luLll J JIIUCJ SPECIAL HZe a lot but all sizes in the gath
er ing, so all can be fitted. A variety of styles In the choosing, values to
$3.00 for .'...$ 1.45
A line of Men's $3 Shoes, Administrator's Sale Price $ 2,1 5
Children's Shoes SIS
Men's Oxfords
Sizes lOVa to 2, lace, Blucher and reg-
Bargains u)ar styles worth up to $2 59C
In Vicl KM tan leather. A splendid $3 value. Ad
ministrator's Price & 1,95
Men's low Shoes in button styles, patent leathers, $4 values Administrat
or's Price $2,70
Men's Pants
Neat dressy patterns, genteel wor
steds and handsome mixtures in
tweedish materials, nicely tailored
and fashionable cut.
$1.50 Pants, Administrator's Price 95c
$2.50 Pants, Administrator's
Price (5
$:i.00 Pants', Administrator's
Price $1 95
$4.00 Pants, Administrator's
Price 2 90-
$5.00 Pants,' Administrator's
Price $3 25
Administrator's Sale Opens Saturday, April 20th, at 9:00 A. M.
Goldstein &Levif
Next to Harding's Drug Store, OREGON CITY.
By order of M. BARDE, Administrator of I. Goldstein Estate
Men's Furnishings
Men's 25c Suspenders, pr 15c
Men's President Suspenders ,pr,..39c
.Men's 15c Linen Collars ,each Sc
Men's 25c Socks, pr, 18c
Men's (Hack or tan Socks, pr Sc
Men's 15c Socks, pr 9c
Men's Summer Italbrlggan I'nder
shirts or drawers 19c
Men's 50c Neckwear 39c
Men's 25c Neckwear . ... 19c
Men's 25c Neckwear (special line,, 5c
Hlnck and White Striped Work
Shirts, good heavy materials,
fast colors anil well made, 33c
New and handsome $2 and $2.50
Neglige Shirts, In pongeo silk,
white or shaded, for ,$1.40
Men's $1 Neglige Shirts 65c
Men's 75c Neglige Shirts 59c
Men's 50c Neglige Shirts 39c
Men's White Handkerchiefs 2'ac
Men's Red Handkerchiefs ..3 for 10c
Men's Working Socks 4c pr.
Boys' Suits 7S 75 cents
Clothes for the little lads' wear. An
Immense line In the choosing, Ages
In this lot 'A to 5 years values to $4.
Administrator's Price 75c
Hoys' $2.50 School and Vacation
Suits $1 75
Boys $::.no School and Vacation
Suits 2 25
Hoys' $4.00 School and Vacation
Suits $2 75
SUIT CASES For Traveling
Solidly made, steel frames, fancy
lined with extra pockets;
$0.00 values for $3.35
$100 values for $1 85
CANVAS XlLOVKsTToc klnd,wl7l7e
they last 1000 pairs at, pr, ......60