Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 19, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
H. A. Galloway. .Editor and Manager
Subscription Rates:
One Year $1.50
Six Months 75
Trial subscription, two months.. .25
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment Is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Entered at the postofflce at Oregon
City. Oregon, as second-class matter.
Ex-Governor Goer, editing the Pen
dleton Tribune, is In a hot contro
versy with Valley papers over wheth
er the late legislature was spotless
or the worst ever, he contending the
members were like the lady in white
who traveled on the road of anthra
cite. A correspondent in the Capital
Journal asks Mr. Geer these six ques
tions: First. Does he think the legislature
did right in expending $100,000 for
Second. Does he think it did right
In passing a bill paying Jeff Myers
$2300 for services that he was to do
for nothing: In fact in the face of a
law which declared he should do the
work without any compensation what
ever? Third. Does he approve of appro
priating $2000 for every graduate our
state university turns out In a year;
in short, for appropriating $123,000 a
year to a college that does little more
work on that sum than Willamette
University does on $20,000 a year?
Fourth. Does Mr. Geer favor the
official pass bill a bill that has made
Oregon the laughing stock of the
world a bill passed in defiance of
the will of the people as expressed by
referendum vote?
Fifth. Does Mr. Geer think the late
lamented night-mare, mis-called leg- j tions in Linn county it is necessary
islature, did right in appropriating a j to recirculate them. The certificate
million dollars more than any l'egis-! that It is believed the names are all
lature that ever met In Oregon? (those of legal voters under a new law
Sixth. Does Mr. Geer think Mr. !has to be made by the person circu
James U. Campbell was right when Mating the petition. This was omitted
he publicly declared that the only land the work will have to be done
way to get the late legislature to pass over,
any bill, was to tack on an approprl- . ... ;
ation. and then it would go through New York papers are less concern
like a shot? . led about where the truth is In the
. . jHarriman-Roosevelt controversy than
HONESTY IS AN ENIGMA. (they are about what Europe will
President Roosevelt is an enigma 'think of the row. New York city, dls
to the Albany Democrat, because he "j loyal in w ar time, corrupt and cun
does not travel in the groove some ; taminating during peace, is the most
men follow. It cannot understand, un-American spot between the Atlantic
yet it believes, that Roosevelt is sin- and Pacific. It is a cankerous sore
cere in declining another nomination.
It approves of his policies and ex
cuses its approval by saying they are
Democratic policies. It finally con
cludes that Roosevelt Is a pretty good
Democrat and that the real Republi
cans are Piatt, Depew, Harriman,
Morgan. Rockefeller and Fairbanks,
the real party now being plutocratic." Thursday is a sample: "The Clacka
There is partisanship of the SO mas countv eranire refuel tn rH
years ago variety. Didn't know it sur
vived in Oregon. The editor of that
paper knows that nine-tenths of the
Republicans north of the Ohio river
are Roosevelt men that is believers
in and insfstent upon the policies for
which he stands. And to tell the
whole truth, probably three-fourths
of the Democrats believe likewise,
one-eighth of the remainder being
more radical while the other one
eighth, the Ryans, Whitneys. Bel
monts, Perrys, Davises. and their ilk
are of the "safe and sane" variety
and herd with the Republican plutes. !
One of the best features in the Dye
vinion high school law is the author
ity given the union board to maintain
a department of manual training in
connection with the high school.
Men who are closely in touch with
the trend of public school courses of
study are saying it will be only a few Miss Merle Shelley after a visit
years until most of the so-called "fads" with her moher, Mrs. M. T. Wash
are dropped and a good course of man- burn has gone to Portland where she
ual training, and even full apprentice- has work.
ship course in trades will be deemed William Boerner and family have
Just received
John leere Iraes
for the Spring trade. The John Deere buggy is giving the best wear
ing value of ay buggy in the market of equal price. Buy your wagons
now as delay in repairing old wagons Is a loss of money to a farm
er in the rush offspring work. Different kinds of wagons to select
from which are fully guaranteed.
Peter Schuttler, Old Hickory, Cooper, Weber, Racine, Moline,
Chattanooga and Columbia Wagons, Iron Wheeled Farm Trucks.
Keystone Wire Fencing add to the appearance of your plane.
Indispensable parts of a common and
high school education.
The bill Is a good one In all its
main features. Read the summary of
It by Mr. Dye, published in tills pa
per, and Judge of It for yourself.
The move started by the graduates
of the Barclay school for a union high
school here, is a grand one, and should
succeed as no doubt It w ill.
The children of Gladstone, Park
place, Mt. Pleasant, Canomah, Wil
lamette, the West Side and Oregon
City are entitled to as good an educa
tion as furnished by any community
of like size in the state. We can af
ford It as. well as any: we surely are
as enlightened as any. The expense
is comparatively small.
The government experts, backed
by President Roosevelt and the At
torney General, have decided that
blended whisky is not whisky at
all, but an Imitation composed of neu
tral or cologne spirits, a little whisky
to flavor it and burnt sugar to color
it. As "blended whisky" constitutes
about four-fifths of what Is sold as
whisky a lot of people who have been
drinking what they supposed was
whisky for years, will lie. surprised to
learn they have never really taken a
drink of whisky.
Rooks for Oregon's public schools
will be selected by the State Text
book commission next June. Several
exchanges are likely to be made in
texts for the primary and grammar
'grades, says the Ashland Tidings.
There is general sentiment among ed
ucators that the Thomas history, the
Cyr first and second readers. Went
worth arithmetic, the Reed speller, the
Reed and Kellogg grammar and the
Frye geography should give way to
newer books.
On account of an error in the Uni
versity of Oregon referendum peti-
on the body politic, and the only cure
for it is the knife.
The Salem Capital Journal runs
daily about eight or ten rtems of cur
rent news designed for public school
children. It is feeding the pupils false
statements if this one published
from its determination to take a ref
erendum vote on the State University
biennial appropriation of $250,000."
The last several weeks of intermit
tent showers In the Willamette val
ley would not be considered a "wet
spell" over on the coast where they
have had twice as much rain during
the same period.
Clyde Hughes has hired M. T. Wash
burn to build him a house on his land
adjoining John Graw. Don Shaw has
purchased four acres of the Latour
ette place and will build this summer.
M. T. Washburn had his goats
sheared last week. The cold rain
which began to fall the next day was
pretty bard on the shorn animals.
Mrs. Lula Yager of Woodstock vis
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wash-
: burn. Wednesdav.
a Swell Line of
For Thin,
You can trust a medicine
tested 60 years! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsa
parilla; the Sarsaparilla the
doctors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
But Tn Kit, until! M innlifln rsimnt ,l.
Ill Imi rk if His lu.r i ina, tl ml iiir
tHtttpift conmtl,atit. Knr tti lt ,,m.iii r
.mIU, vou ahottl.t uks lnkAitvi it,., t,r Ayor'i
t'llla whit taking lii Saruitrllls.
Kkd t J. O. kr Co.. TU, KM.
9 luimiooR.
tpi0 Aut eciite.
w w O ctiim pcctokal.
V fear no eru t W publish
lh formul uf all our mdioin.
moved to Clackamas Heights near his
wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zlnser
lk)g. John Graw bought his house
and four acres'uf land.
A merry crowd of young people met
at the home of Conductor Mass of the
Willamette Falls street car line, Fri
day evening, to celebrate the thir
teenth birthday anniversary of his
sou Ernest. There were twenty of
Ernest's friends present to enjoy the
evening with him, and ail had a splen
did time, with a variety of games.
When the refreshments were served,
w hich were especially enjoyed, a beau
tiful birthday cake was cut containing
four dimes and a penny. The slices
with the dimes went to Rosa Lynn,
LUzie Roddy, Genelve Capen and Ray
mond Olson, and the penny slice to
Carrie Warner. Tne cutting of the
cake made lots of fun. The company
wish Ernest many happy returns of
the day.
From the Estacada News. ,
Born, on Sunday morning, April 7,
to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Coop, a boy.
The cow that kicked J. P. lrvln. and
by doing so laid him up for more than
a week, isf no gentleman.
T. Paulson was over from Dodge
and wanted rural phone and ma'l
route over his way.
Miss Florence Buchanan, teacher
In the Tracy school, closed her school
for this week on account of grip, and
will stay with her sister in Portland
till she recovers.
In spite of a hunting expedition or
ganized last Monday at Currlnsville
that coyote Is still at large.
L. W. Van Dyke has purchased a
40-acre fruit ranch one mile from Red
Bluff, Cal., on the banks of the Sacra
mento river. The place has several
acres of bearing fruit trees of differ-
lent varieties. Mr. Van Dyke will re
jmain there. The family Intends go-
I Ino olu.nt Ilia "'M '
David Bridenstine, road overseer
for Garfield district, has secured all
; necessary help from the county to
j build a good bridge over the Wade
j creek just north of town. Some grad
jlng will be done and gravel or plank
will be laid to connect with the Im
proved road In both directions.
Fern Hive was awarded the second
prize at the Maccabee convention in
Portland, for having the largest dele
gation of members present, 22 ladies
j going down: also the 3d prize for hav
lng secured the largest number of
I benefit members since January 1,
1907, six new members having been
! added. When the prizes ($10) were
awarded, Mrs. Holiister "said,, "Evi
dently there is something more out at
Estacada than dolls stuffed with saw
dust." Oregon Eighth In Lumber.
The national forestry service has
made public Its estimate of the annual
production of lumber in this country
at 100,000,000 cords, valued at $1,020,
000,000. The state of Washington
ranks first, with an output of 4,000,
000,000 feet, and next In order come
Wl.iconsin, Louisiana, Minnesota,
Michigan, Arkansas, Pennsylvania,
Mississippi, Oregon, North Carolina,
California, Texas, Alabama, Maine,
Virginia, Georgia, West Virginia, Flor
ida, New York, Tennessee, South Car
olina, Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana,
New Hampshire, Ohio, Vermont, Mas
sachusetts, Idaho, Montana, Maryland,
Iowa, Illinois.
j The people of Brownsville, Linn
I county are going to have a fruit and
vegetable cannery, and to secure an
adequate supply of produce the pro
moters of the factory have 150 acres
of land adjoining the site of their can
nery, which they have sold out In
jsmall tracts with the agreement that
produce for the establishment will be
raised thereon.
Circus Is coming! That's Joy
enough for the little folk, and very few
of the older ones hear the announce
ment without a tingle of fond remem
brance, followed by immediate plant
to take their youngsters to "see the
animals," for what parent Is so selfish
as to deny Ills own children the inno
cent Joys of his own youth?
Mr. Norrls, brother of the senior
member of Norrls & Rowe, was In
Oregon City. Friday, contracting for
grounds, feed, advertising, etc., for nu
exhibition of that well known show In
Oregon City on Friday, May 3.
The proprietors say their show this
season has many Innovations and Im
provements. It will mark the 20th
year of their copartnership and to
fittingly celebrate the occasion, the
tour will be known as "The Jubilee
Souvenir Season." They have had
made to their order, hundreds of thou
sand of costly and pretty souvenirs
that will be distributed free to their
patrons. It Is the first season they
travel In three sections of fifteen cars
each. ntuklng their circus train forty
five cars In all. It Is a fact that the
Norrls &. Rowe circus has grown larg
er and faster than any other show In
the world. It was always a railroad
circus and never a wagon show as all
other American circuses were at their
Inception. The parade this year will
be a gorgeous pageant. They will have
more bareback somersault riders,
both male and female than ever be
fore and more gymnasts, acrobat,
aerial and mid air acts, trained wild
and domestic animals, bicycle acts,
marching Shetland nles, drilled
Arablun stallions, camels, dromedaries,
llamas, hippodrome races and arenlc.
features of a sensational nature than
they have ever presented before.
The menagerie has grown greatly
by purchase and numerous births at
the winter quarters. A pair of tiny
cub lions, four Siberian bear cutis and
a baby tigress are among the native
sons and daughters of most interest.
The show has the greatest spread of
all new canvas that they ever exhibit
ed tinder. This western circus has
always received a cordial welcome
here and the coming season should
prove no exception.
The Albright pasture north of town
has been secured for show prounds
Uncle Hiram and the Circus.
I've said it time an' time agin,
(Join' to circus ain't no sin.
A circus Is a moral show.
I can t convince Malviny though.
I've argued up an' argued down,
But all she'll say Is: "Hiram Brown,
What would you think, supposln' I
Should wear such skirts an' kick so
Down East, w here circus folks Is from,
It's style to Hklmp the pattern some;
And I've been told that 'evnln' dress'
Is always lackln" more or less!
But I've gi n up; so here I be
A-trlmtnln' this dutn'd apple tree,
With all this fun agoln' on,
And half the dad-blamed county gone!
The finest sight I ever see,
Is w hat they call the grand en tree,
With the horses pawln' up the ground.
And elephants cavortln' 'round. ,
The- band aplayln' llckty-split,
The big drum Just a goin' It
You can't keep still. You toBs y'r hat;
"Kee! Yee(!" you holler Just like
The flutterln' flags, the tanbark scent,
The lions roarln' In the tent,
The crowds of people ev'rywhere
Oh, drat the luck! Wlsh't I was there!
You goin'7 Say! You needn't be
Surprised If you get sight of me,
About the time them fellows gets
To turnln' twistln' summersets!
F. L. Rose.
Two of the blooded Kentucky
hounds owned by John Vaughan on
the Vaughan ranch southeast of town
were poisoned, Thursday.
The hounds bad been taken over to
Beaver Creek for a wolf hunt One 1
wolf was run down and the dogs start
ed another and followed it toward the
Vaughan ranch. On the way they
found poison that 'had been put out
for coyotes and carelessly left. One
dog was found dead. The other has
not been found but It Is probably lying
dead In the woods as both hounds
were together when last seen.
The hounds cost $100 each In Ken
tucky and It cost $30 to bring them
to Oregon City.
" Clierry-Blossom
TH0 JAPANOSU G1V11 (100D l-XAMlU.ft
. It Is a proverb of Cherry Blossom
Land Hint a healthy stomach Is the
basis of all strength- nature In
also recognised as of great Importune.
The Japanese as a people ure remark
able for their health, endurance, pa
tieuce met skill.
The cherry tree is the most highly
primed of nil in Japan. It not only
give forth a beautiful blossom but the.
wild cherry tree furnishes a bark which
U must highly pri.ed In medicine.
Wild Cherry JaV?'
(Yiomm l"triiMen(i). I'K NMATu.W,
; . which is an
authority on medicines, siiv of the
properties of this Blank Clierrybark:
" Pnitiitg with a tonio power the
property of calming irritation ami
diuiinisliing nervous excitability.
Adapted to the treatment of diseases
In which there Is debility of the stom
ach or of the svsteni." ' Another au
thority, Kino's Amkkii'an Pihtknma
roKY says, "it gives tone ami strength
to the system, useful In fever, cough,
and found excellent In consumption. "
1'hi ingredient is only one of several
very Important native, medicinal root
in lr. Pierce's Uolden Medical Discov
ery. This is a remedy which lias en
loved the public approval for nearly
forty years, nothing new or untried
about it, lias cured thousand of jwvipln
o( those chronic, weakening disease
which are accompanied by a cough,
unii ns bronchitis and incipient con
litmiition. More than that, by reason
of tne other ingredients, Bloodroot,
Mandrake, Golden Seal, and (jueen'a
root, all of the medicinal virtues o
which are scientifically extracted and
Oouibini'il in Dr. Pierce's Golden Mist
ical Discovery, remarkable cures ol
dyspepsia ami stomach disorders Iiavh
been accomplished.
Nearly forty years airo. Dr. Pierce
iiseovered that chemically pure glyc
erine of proper strength is a better
tolvcitl ami preservative of the, active
medicinal principles residing in most o
our indigenous or native medicinal
plants than is alcohol. As its use I
entirely unobjectionable, while alcohol
is weil known when used even in
mall portions, for a protraet.il peril!,
to do lasting injury to the human sys
tem, especially in the ease of delicate
women and children, he decided to
mm rhemicatlv pure glycerine instead
of the usually employed alcohol lit
the preparation of his medicines.
He found that the glycerine, twsidee
being entirely harmless, possesses in
trinsic medicinal propertn-s of great
value. Its nutritive properties, lr.
Pierce believe, far surpass those of
cod liver oil, entitling it to favorable
consideration in all cases of incipient
consumption and other wasting diseases.
It is an invigorating, tonic, alterative
and owes it virtue to Nature' vege
table garden. Ir. Pierce is only thfl
, " : " i scientific gar-
NaturC s Garden, de nr who
.. ... . . ' know how to
combine the plant given n by Nature
to cure our disease. Thi prepara
tion i of pleasant taste, agrees jwr
fectly with rebellious and sensitive
stomach, and i extremely effective in
restoring ton and vigor to the entire
system. It cures inflammatory trouble
of the stomach a well as indigestion
and dvspepsia arising (rout weak
stoniaclt. One reason why it restore
the health of ruu-dow n, pale and ema
ciated peojde is U'causx it first throws
out the poison from the Ii1hh through
the liver and kidney. It Uien begins
It reconstructive work in building n
K "P
, red
flesh I
tlesh by tint making good, rich
itie "tioiden .Medical ihscovery " is
made in a larttc lalmratory, thoroughly
equipped with every scientific appliance,
at Buffalo, N. Y. (jnalitied chemist
are in charge of the laboratory, with
nearly a score of skilled physicians and
Burgeon employed to scrutiiii.e, deter
mine and prescrilie these remedies and
oilier mean of cure as eem liest siytcd
to many thousand ol cases of chronic
disease which come lefor them for
treatment each year. It costs you noth
ing to write to Ir. R. V. Pierce the
head of ibis Institution, at Ihiffalo, N.
Y. slid get an accurate medical opinion
in your special case and wholly without
of 1007 as follows; Monday at Hub -
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Oe -
? ,;D .
J. D.Ralney, Keeper. n.
For sale by B
E. Matthle.
I,, , 7 3
L: .A V.'7'r-i
2,XK mill oflongdlH
tittiee telephone wire In
Oregon, WaKliiiiKton, Cali
fornia and Maho now in
oKrtititn by thn 1'uoiflo
Station Tlcihono Coin
1'itr.y, coveriiiK 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the Hatisfaotion of a
nnrsonal communication.
l)intanoe no elVect to a
clear understanding. 8h
kane and Han franowoo
ha easily lioard as Tort
land. Oregon City odlce at
Harding's Dnur Store
When you require an Abstract of Tltla
to land In Clackamas County, hav
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for the purpose, Our rate art
reamtnablo. W InvIU you to i
amlna our complete aot of Abstract
600- 08 Chamber of Commerce Bldg,
Money to loan ou Clackauta County
Property. ,
Oregon City, .... . Oregon.
Will practice In alt court of ttio ttt
Office In CAuflold Ilulldtng.
W. S. EDDY, V. 5., M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of
Surgery of Chicago, li located
a. Oregon City and established so
office at The I'aahioit Sublet,
Seventh Street near Miu.
Both Telephone
Parmer' iji Mali fju
Justice of the Peaco.
Office la Jaggor Building, Oregon City
Collection, Mortgage. Foreclosure.
Abstract of Title and General Law
Office over Ilaai ol Oregon City.
408 Main Street.
Phone 122t
Private Money to Loan
I have private parties with the fol
lowing amount to wan on real estate:
Parties Amount. Time.
$1500 00
$ 500.00
$ 300.00
$ 100.00
5 to 10 year
3 to 5 yean
1 to 3
5 year
1 to 3
2 tr. 4
$ 200.00
1 to 5 yeir
Interest at 6 per cent and vour nn
time for repayment.
Also a little Chattel money at 8 per
Will buy note and mortgage.
Also own Oregon City proporty to
trado for country land.
Will look up titles to land free If
trade I made.
Own 3 lots, house, barn and chloken
park at Willamette, for sale cheap on
No real estate agent to Interfere.
If Interested call, write or phone,
Attorney at Law,.
Stevens Building. Oregon City,
Phone 221-Ofllce P. O. Hid. Main 8L
Pioneer Transfer
And Express
E.P.0RISEZ, Prop.
Successor to C. N. GREENMAN
Sand and Gravel
Oregon City. Oregon.
The Imported German Coach Stallion
PFIEL 1671
A beautiful bay, l(i hands high
weighs 1515 pounds, splendid couch
action, that was admired so much at'
the LowIh and Chirk Show, where ho
stood third In a class of Conch stal
lions that, could nut lie heuteti on
either continent, pflel won first prize
and championship at the Oregon State
Jalr In l!)o:i-4. and Is considered by
good Judges to bo the highest clnsa
coach stallion in tlio atate. Ills coltH
are uniformly good, and out of trot
ting bred mares they look like mi
bred coachers. Will make the Henson
bard; Tuesday at J. N MeKavV
rgon City. Terms $20 to lnmire with
J- N- McKAY, Owner, ...
F. D. No. 1-Woodburn, Oregon