OREQON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1807. WEDNESDAY'S NEWS IMPROVED DISTRICT SCHOOLS FIRST NEED LOGAN CORRESPONDENT GIVES VIEWS OF FARMERS ON EDU CATIONAL QUESTION. IKn, April 10",--I,ogan bus liiul a f'w ilayM sunshine, and fruit, true are taking on spring die. (limit I'ortcli hits returned home nf Ur h two yi'iitV iilmi'iu'O lu Califor nia. Mis ElMe I.eeily of Tlgiinlsvlllo Ik vUltliiK Mr. II. 8. Anderson thl wuek. and attended grunge, here. O. I'. Sharp of Hlafford wa uIho a l.oKnti visiter at tho Pomona mooting. The youngest child of Wm. Watt uf Stone, who wa quite III wltlwthroat trouble, lit Improving. C, F. M, Hrown, the Unan bluok xmlth, wa nmrrlod last Tuesday to MIhm Mello Hoffman. Mr. Ilrown uud bride tin vo (lu- congratulations of their inuiiy friends. Wednesday lust tho Pomona grange met at Harding grange hnll, about 130 being present. Tho day provlou bo t n k ho nilny, many stayed at home, who otherwise would havo come. Thorn, with "bxoh to grind" worn there I R. L. UINOO rUNERAL . LARGEST A'l CLAimES Improve and Beautify the Complexion. The principal Ingredient In Dainty Laxakols tonic tablets are cancarln and dandelion which Is ono of the .saf est complexion boautiflors known, forty little chocolate coated laxative tablet, 2G ctnta. Iluntloy Bro. ClurkHM, April 16. JCvoryonn Ih en Joy 1 n k I hi nlco weuthor; homo are nowIiik on Ik and Homo mulling garden, Cherries and plums am In blossom. Mr, l.uud wont to work aKulu and hi wlfo I KtnyliiK alone at bo mo a hor daughter, Mr. L. Funnymurk, loft Huturdiiy for Washington. Mr. Martin In plowing and kowIiik ont for Osear Hold, MIhm Erne draco In staying with hir aunt I.I..lo Rlngo for a few week. (tut Hulllvaii had an Increase of a nlco llttlu roll last week. Mr. Rose ItiM'Kar 'f Washington cmnii down to visit hor brothor, Albert Durst, for a few week. R. L. Rlngo' funeral wan tho larg est that ever wa In Clarke. Th grave wa nicely decorated with all kind of flower. Frod Mower of Col ton ha taken hi on Charley to town to moo tho doctor. Ho ha been 111 for some time. Presiding Elder Charles Fretting of tlui Gorman M. K. Church hold quarterly meeting. Hunday. I', Stogomatt left homo to go Kant two week ago, Last heard of, ho hud corne homo aKaln, George Clark and family wont Hut urduy to make a visit to hi parent on tho CluckamuH, Frank Mueller and family mado a Notice, of Street Improvement. Notice Im hereby given that Ninth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from tho Went lino of the right of way of tho Oregon and California Rullroud Company on said Ninth Htn'et tit tho East lino of Main Struct, arid from tho Went lino of Main Htreet to a point on said Ninth Street 100 feet went of tho Went lino of Main Btreet will bo Improved according to tho es tablished grado thereof: AIho that said Ninth Htreet from a point on said Ninth Htreet 100 feet Went of the West lino of Main Street to a point on hh Id Ninth Htreet 150 feet Wet of tho Went lno of Hiild Main Htreet will bo Improved according to tho propon ed grado thereof. Bald Street Improve merit Mhati coiikIhI of the laying of crushed rock or gravid on ald Htreet, the full width thereof, and by laying Hldewalk. curb and gutton, and by Admlnletrator'e Notice. Notice hi hereby given that thn un dorHlgnod ha boon apoplntcd by tho county court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackuma county, a admlnltro tor of the entate of II. JJ. Llchten thulor, docoriHod. All poraon having claim agalnnt ald otat.o are hereby notified to proHont tho ame to wic with proper voucher, a required by law, at Sherwood, Oregon, or at the office of Wm. V. Fonton, C09 Fenton building,, I'ortland, Oregon, within alx month from dale hereof. . E. 0. LICHTENTHALER, Admlrilntrator of tho entate of H. 11. Llchtenthaler, deceased. First lnertlon, April 19, 1307. Lat Inaertlon, May 17, 1907. 19t5 tiff may hav uch othor and further iwl In tho petition of E. A. Howard, relief In the prcmlHO a the merit of .guardian of the- poraon and estate of her cae ahall require, and a In ,Balli m,nnr .hould ho wild. eoiilty hhall aeem meet. I if u ,hr.f,.r r,irH ih. th Thl summon I publlHhed by or- i " ' , , ' lt der of Grant B. Dlmlck. County Judge next of kin of aald ward, to-wlt: D. of Oregon for Clackamas County, andlN, Trulllnger, Herbert Trulllnger and ald order wa made and given by lo.riha A. Trulllnger, and all person Administrator' Sale of Real Estate In the Matter of the Eatate of Arthur L. Albright, deceased. l'uruant to an order of the County Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, I will, on and after Bajurday, the 4th day of May, 1907, procoeg to sell the roiiowing ie wrlhml rpnl nrorx-rfv hnlonsrlns to tho grading tho resiiectlvo portion of Htt(r eMtito at private aalo for canh aald Ninth Street according V the eHtabllHhed or prtoHe grado of aald BtrtM't bh above Net out. Thl notice I publlHhed puiHuimt to an order of tho Council of Oregon City, mado at an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council, held Tbur day, April 18th, W7. My order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK. 1912 Recorder. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice I hereby given that Fourth Htreet of Oregon City, Oregon, from however. I do not know who Informed vUlt to hi brother, William Mueller, '. K"1 lln" ',f, NVU;r .8trt',';J ,to l'10 , , .. I , , Wfst line of Main Htreet, will bo Im- tho Htar that the member attending Sunday. t)r(m, tt(Tor,nK ,0 tl)f, t.HtabllKhed this roinona iniM.tlng were "unaiilmou ' grade thereof; alno that portion of In Monument for tho appropriation," but I do know (hoy wero badly mlx tiikeu. it Im not quite fair to the KruiiKo to quote It bm tinanlmouH, It Im very pliiln to be seen I'rof. Campbell Im a IiIkIi protection man. Ho ha a high ottlre and I going to protec t It if ho can. What the farmer actually need Im an Improvement In tho rural IU(rlt si'IicmiIn, ho that their child ren ran take the Oth, loth, 11th and 12th gradoM In the homo kcIiiniIm. Af ter they have completed thene couth v If they denlre to tuke the higher eottiHOH, which Include football, Iibho bull, etc., let It be their privilege. What we most need In the way of edu cation Im HchiMiU that will give pupil a kimmI practical education and leave out some of the "braln-racklng" stud- that are of no benefit to tho av erage boy ami girl In everyday life. Mr. II Mulder's many frlendu will le Kind to hear that nho Im slowly Im proving She i at tho hospital In tjladilone. Wonder If the Clear Creek and Netjtected Colds Threaten Life. From the Chicago Trlbuno. and subject to confirmation by the ald court, aald real property being de scribed a follow, to-wlt: The North half of the Northeast quarter of Section 15 In Townshln-(l Hotith of Range 4 Easf of tho Willam ette Meridian In Clackamas County, State of Oregon. FRANKJ.IN T. GRIFFITH, Administrator of the Estate of Arthur L. Albright, Deceased. 17t5 said Fourth Street from, tho East line of Main Htreet to the Stone wall of ,1... n..,l r'ullf,.fnln O Q lli-rttlil '"Dont trifle with a cold U good (.(,mi,any ,m hM Kourth strwt wm advice for prudent men and women, be improved according to the proposed It may be vital In tho case of child, grade thereof. Bald street Improvement Proper food, good ventilation, and dry. warm clothing are tho proper safe- shall consist of the laying of crushed rock or gravel thereon the full width of said Street, and by laying side guard it against colds. If they are i walks, cross walks, curb and gutters. maintained through tho changeable and by grading tho respective nor- weather of autumn, winter and spring, of !, ?"'rth s,r,,t a"dln , , to tho established or propoHed grado tho chance of a surprise from or- Ur(.of al()v0 et out. This notice dlnary cold will bo slight. Ilut the U published pursuant to an order of ordinary light cold will become severe the Council of Oregon City, mado at If neglected, and a well establlahed " dJrned meeting of a special , , , ' . . ,, .L meeting of said Council held 1 burs- ripe cold Is to tho germ of dlpththo-(lny A.,rl -jHtl) lfl07 rla what honey Is to tho bee. The My order of tho Council of Oregon greatest menace to child life at thl season of tho year Is tho neglected cold." Whether It 1 a child or adult, the cold alight or severe, tho very best treatment that can be adopted I to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It It aafo and sure. The great popu larity and Immense sale of thl prep aration ha -been attained by Its ro markablo cures of this aliment A City. 1912 W. A, DIMICK. Recorder. 4- Notice of Street Improvement Notice Is hereby given that Tenth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, 'from the West side of the track of the Ore gon and f'aflfornla Railroad CompanyJ , on said Tenth Street to East line of! I Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion. Interesting Statement by Huntley Brothers. When a man comes Into this store and calls for any particular Indiges tion remedy, we give what he asks for, but In case he leaves It to us we usually recommend Pepslkola tablets. Here is a preparation we have been selling right over the counter for years and from actual observation we know It must be good, and really does re lieve and cure Indigestion and dyspep sia or there would be a steady stream of people coming back for their money, as every 25 cent box 1 sold with the understanding that you must be de cidedly benefitted or there Is nothing to pay. ' You simply try Pepslkola tablets wth the understanding that they will steady your nerves, Improve your ap petite, relieve wind belching, coated tongue, sour stomach, fullness after eating, weakened energy, and other symptoms of Indigestion or Huntley Dros. are ready at any tme to pay back your money without the least argument him on the 12th day of March, 1907, the Hon. T. A. McHrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, being absent from tho said County of Clackamas, and the date of tho first publication thereof I the 15th day of March, 1907, W. E. 8TOWE, 14t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. ' 6UMMON3. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, Jonathan Stoker, Plaintiff, vs. Sadie Stoker, Defendant. To Sadie Stoker, Defendant. , In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 20th day of April, 1907, said date being more than six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons; and If you fall to ao appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and you, and for the cost aad disbursements of this suit. Pursuant to an order made and en tered March 5, 1907, by Hon. O. B. Dlmlck, County Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, this summons Is serv ed on you by publication thereof for six successive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise. The date of the Interested In said estate appear before this court on Monday, the 29th day of April, 1907, at 10 o'clock A. M to show cause, if any they can, why such sale should not be ordered, and that a copy of this order be published In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper circulated In Clackamas County, for a period of three (3) suc cessive weeks. Dated tbl 25th day of March, 1907. JC-t4 OR ANT B. DIMICK, , Judge. Kn lino the Star correspondent i lt j, Kven. For iaIa by Howell & penlis of. Is line of thoso "one party" IIiiom that the !', H. company speuks of? Stouo In the terminus, of that line and not Uik.hi. Competition I tho life of trade. The Clear Creek Mutual bun slKiied a contract with tho Home or Automatic company. Tho ar ticle lu tho Star Is mlMleadlng a the line mentioned only goen to two Indi vidual resident at Stono and I not a farmers' organization. MARQUAM SEWING CIRCLE'S SUCCESS Marquaii), April It. Farmers arc very busy, as tho crops Bnd hop-work monies at tho same time. Everything Is lu n very flourishing condition. Dr. Ilrooks was called to see Miss Tessa Lai kins Monday. She Is very 111. Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Hubbard mado a business trip to Silverton, Saturday. Mrs. A, 1). Hall U attending court at Oregon City this week. Wallaco Allbrlght Ih at court, as mo of tho Jurors. Mrs. (1. W. Mentley Is qulto poorly. Mr. and Mrs. llert Hlbbard of Glad tidings visited at tho home of Harry !llllmnl, Sunday, it Is rumored that the teacher, Miss Ottlo KlHonhnrt, Is to give a May-:lay vntortalnment, All wish hor success. Orcn Hull Is going to stay with his Grnndniii Hall of Woodburn for a whllq. Tho Sowing; Circle composed of 10 young girls, gave tin entertainment and basket social Friday evening-. Tho program wuh said to bo tho best over given In Mnrquuni. Charlie Mlrtchct was auctioneer, and I tell you ho was all right. Ho got a good price for tho basket r. Tho proceeds, $50.10, will bo used to purchase an organ for the school Ikjiimo. ' You did well, girls, try again. , . ' Jonos. Main Street will bo Improved accord ItiK to tho f'Ntabllshed Krado -thereof; cold never result In pneumonia whonjgu,, that said Tenth Street from the Wtst lino of Main Street to the East lino of Water Street will be Improve .1 according to the proposed grado there of. Said Street Improvement shall eon-dst of tho laying of crushed rock . .... ,1... ..11 ..-l.lih ' j 1. 1 IHll'l Ull tmill Bltn l IHT- Mill n iuui Dover. April 15.-C. Ii. Seward has . trif. an.l by laying side walks, . . ,, icurbs. gutters and by grading the re- u. . .'.... Upectlvo portions of said Tenth Strei-tJ v. ii. lining wus an i-.Hiacaua visi- according to the established or pro- DOTS FROM DOVER. 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Ijnora A. Cooper, Plaintiff, vs. William A. Cooper, Defendant. To William A. Cooper, Defendant, In the Name of the State of Oregon: yoa are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time pre scribed In the order for the publica tion of this Summons, to-wit: on or before the 10th day of June, 1907, said date being the expiration ot six (6) weeks from the flrBt publication of thl Summons; and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief "demanded in the com plaint, to-wlt, for a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony and marrlago contract existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. T. A .McBride, Judge of the uKitfa namoil "Vino whlstl aha mmmi u.o. -"5 o. made and entered on the 18th day of ana oi me iasi Deing April n, iyuv. Dated March 5, 1907. J. U. CAMPBELL, 13-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. Oregon, for the County of Clacka In the County Court of the State of mas. , In the Matter ot the Guardianship of ' , Pearl E. Trullinger, a Minor. A appearing from the petition of E. A. Howard, the guardian of the person and estate of Pearl E. Trullln ger, a minor, that It Is necessary for the maintenance, support and educa tion of said minor, and that it would be to the best Interest of said minor that all of the said real estate mention- April. 1907. 19t7 GEO. J. CAMERON, Attorney for Plaintiff. tor. Thursday. Rev. Watts came from Portland Monday, with Rev. J. W. Exon. A. J. Morrison was out from Port land to spend Sunday with his family. J. W. Exon has Ixnight a Jersey cow. . ' U. Sa toll's daughter Rose, was homo for a brief visit last week. Harry ami Jay Morrison sprayed Mr. Mew's orchard last Tuesday. C. A. Keith bus built a new chick-1 en yard fence. j Frank Ahnort has bought a fine 1 young horse. poHed grade of said Street as abovw set out. This notice Is published pur suant to an order of the Council of Oregon City, mado at an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council held Thursday, April 18th, 19U7. My order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, I9t2 Recorder. Two Hop Contracts. Mornard Nys has contracted 12,000 pounds off A. W. Matthlou's farm near on tho LlveM7 farm,'4 1-2 miles west of Woodburn, to Elsas & Pit., for 11 con is, say tho Capital Journal, and Ed. Horren has contracted for 5000 pounds of A. H. Mntthlep'a farm, near Aurora for 10 cents per pound. A well-known Manitoba editor writes: "As nn Inside worker I find Chamborlnln'8 Stomach and Liver Tablets Invaluable for tho touches of biliousness natural to a aedontnry life, their action being gentlo and ef fective, clearing, the digestive tract And tho bond." Price, 25 cents. Sam ples free. Howell Jonos. GIRL WANTED. GIRL wanted to assist In housework. Mrs. 11. A. Galloway, 1U09 Main street, Oregon City. 1 'Mi N KSj i m i era 1 Misses llerthenu Howard and Surah Thomas of Caws' wero In Oregon City, Tunsdny. Miss Tlllle Thomas of Portland came up and mot her sister Jiere. t'1 V V FAMOUS AT HOME FOR GENERATIONS PAST; FAMOUS NOW ALL OVER THE WORLD. For sale by E. MATHIES. Order to Show Cause. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Clacka mas. In tho matter of the guardianship of the person and estate of Isabella 1'om'. an Insane person. It appearing from tho petition of George Pope, the guardian of tho per son irhd estate of Isabella' Pope, an Insane person, that It Is necessary for tho maintenance and 'support of said Isabella Pope, and that it would be to tho host Interest of said Isabella Pope that all of tho real estate, or her In terest therein, mentioned 1 and set forth In the petition of said George PopOyguardlnn of tho person and es tate of said Isabella Pope, should be sold : lt Is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said Isabella Pope to-wlt: Ella Hammond, Nellie Smith, Patience Smith, Theodora W. Smith and C. W. Gay, and all persons interested -In said estate, appear before this court on Monday the 20th day of May, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court room of this court, at Orecon Citv. Oregon. to show cause, If any they have, why HAKvJiiX U.. GUARDIAN'S SALE.. . v Notice Is hereby given, that by vir tue of an order and license of sale, duly mado by the Honorable County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, on the 5th day of April. A. D. 1907, In the matter of the estate of Anna Chase, an Insane person. I will on Monday, the Gth day of May, 1907, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, in front of the court house door in Oregon City, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest, which said insane person has in and to the following described real property, situated In Clackamas coun ty. Oregon to. wit: The south-east quarter of the north west quarter; the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter of section 13, T. 2. S. R. 4 E. of the Willamette Me ridian, and all that , portion of the north-west quarter of the south-west quarter of said section 13 lying north of the Sandy and Portland road; also all that portion of the north-east quar ter of the south-west quarter of said section 13, lying north of said road; save and except the south-west quar ter of the southwest quarter of the northwest M of said Section 13, owned by R. Olson, and also certain lots or small parcels of land lying north of said road and whlcli have heretofore been sold by Fritz Stulke, H. B. Chase and wife, and Charles S. Chase, but including small tract under contract of sale to Newton Orr, and all subject to a mortgage of $1500.00 in said premises. The tract unde,r contract to said Newton Orr, will be sold sep arately. CHARLES S. CHASE, Guardian of Anna Chase, an Insane person. CROSS, Attorney for Notice of Street Improvement Notice Is hereby given that Seventh Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Water Street to the West line' of Main Street will be im proved with crushed rock or gravel, and by laying sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and by grading said Seventh Street according to the proposed grade thereof. This notice is publish ed pursuant to an order of the Council of Oregon City, made at an adjourned meeting of a special meeting of said Council, held Thursday, April 18th, 1907. By order of the Council of Oregon City. W. A. DIMICK, 19t2 Recorder. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICE. Crown Boys' Mining and Milling Co., (a corporation) Location of prin cipal place of business, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, (414 Main ' Street.) , . Notice. . Notice is hereby given that there Is delinquent upon the following described stock of said corporation on account of assessments levied by the stockholders thereof, on the dates and in the several amounts set op posite the names of the respective stockholders, as follows: . Name Chas. E. Lane, No. of Cert. 100 No. of Shares. 1800 38 89 such sale should not bo ordered. Guardian. 17-t5 And It Is further ordered that aj cony of this order ho publlHhed in tho SUMMONS. Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly i In the Circuit Court of the State of newspaper in general circulation. In said Clackamas County, Oregon, for a period of three CD successive weeks. -Diited this 12th (lav of April 1907. GRANT M. DIMICK. 10H Judge of said Court. NOTICE! Oregon, for Clackamas County. Louise Emma woir Itussell, Plaintiff, vs. Robert Nephl Russell, Defendant. To Robert Nephl Russell, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled To whom lt may concern: On and;co,'rt nn.(t m 011 r before the expl a ... 1 1 ir m,w j in , . ration of six weeks from the date of after April 15, 1907. I will not be re- tUe flr8t pubHcaUon of thla SUJumon9 sponsible for any debts Incurred by to-wit: my wlfo, Viola M. Koppcr, sho having On or before the 26th day of April, left me without any reason or cause. 1907- nnd lf yu fail t0 80 PPear and tfnwABn KnppTrn i answer, for want thereof the plain ' ljUVVAUU KOllEI1' I tiff will apply to the Court for the re 19tl Cherry vllle, Ore. i0f prayed for in her complaint now j oh file herein, to-wlt: that the bonds The safe, certain, reliable little pills of matrimony now existing between that do not gripe or sicken are Dade'? the plaintiff and defendant be diasolv- Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head- ;ed; that the plaintiff be awarded the ache, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold care and custody of the minor child, Date of Ass't. - Amount Oct 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1, 1906 Jan. 1, 1907, $3.24 Dec. 1, 1906 Jan. 1, 1907, $44.50 Jan. 1, 1907, $11.25 Oct. 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1906, Jan. 1, 1907, $4.52 Dec. 1, 1906 Jan. 1, 1907, $18.00 Dec. 1, 1906 Jan. 1, 1907. $9.00 Jan. 1, 1907, 4.83 March 15, Apr. 15. May 15, June 15, Oct, 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1906 Jan 1, 1907, $10.80 And In accordance with law, and an order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, made on the 22nd day of March, 1907, so many shares of each parcel of said' stock as may be necessary, will be-sold at public auction at the office of G. F. Anderson, at 414 Main St, Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 30th day of April, 1907, at the hour of 5 o'clock p.m., of said day at skid place, to pay said delinquent assessments thereon together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors of the Crown Boy's Mining and Milling Co. Dated, this 2Sth day of March, A. D. 1907. 16-t3 D. C. BAKER. Secretary. Chas. Moran, Helen Montour, M. Moran, H. B. Nickels, Stacey Nickels, Wm. Cummings, Alphonse Goulet, 39 85 50000 25000 2500 20000 10000 10750 3000 Home Telephone Company by Huntley Uro. Citizens of Oregon-iClty should not j fail to avail themselves of the oppor tunity to ii-e'ire an early Installation of the new Telephone Company's in strument. The Independent Telephone Com pany has recently installed a ten phone plant at Albany and here is what they sa.': Oregon Buainess Men's League. O. E. fiandr.-?. Albany. President; M. Peterson, Forest Grove, Vice-President; Guv)., F. Rogers, Salem, Secre tary & Treasurer. Office of the Pres ident. Albany, Oregon, March 6, 1907. To whom it may concern: The ad vent of the Home Telephone Company into Albany and Linn county has been of material benefit to the users of telephones, ( Inasmuch as it has in creased our telephone patronage more than five hundred per cent, and the service from a poor, indifferent one, to the best that modern appliance and strict busiuess application can pro duce. I would not consider for a mo ment, a proposition to destroy our telephone competition. Respectfully, (Signed) GEO. E. SANDERS, President Oregon Business ' Men's Louise Willamette, and that the plain- League. J. H. Cusick & Co., Bankers. J. W. Cusick, President; E. D. Cusick, Cashier; H. B. Cusick. Assistant Cash ier. Capital and Surplus, $ 70.000.00. Albany. Oregon, March 6, 1907. To whom it may concern: The Home Telephone Company's existence in Albanv has had the effect of eivinir us better telephone service and has been especially holpful to tbe farmers. It has been the means of reducing very materially their rates. We did not know what good service meant un til the advent of thl3 company. Respectfully, (Sigued.) E. D. CCS1CK, i J. S. Van Winkle, Albany Oregon, March Cth, 1907. To whom it may concern: This is to say that the telephone system in stalled in this city by the Home Tele phone Company gives a far superior service to any witB which I have ever come in contact, and it has operated to give us a far more extended ser vice with the tarmers and rural dis tricts than ever enjoyed before this company began operations here; their methods are clean and businesslike and I cheerfully commend them to the public generally. Very respectfully, (Signed) J. S. Van WINKLE.