OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907. NEWS OF THE WEEK, DAY DAY 4 BY TUESDSY TELLS ABOUT RESOLUTION F. M. Gill Gives Particulars of Recent Pomona Grange Incident IT WAS NOT DISCUSSED Laid on Table Without Debate, He Seconding Motion Important Action Overlooked in Newt paper Reports. To the Editor: Considerable has been said in dif ferent papers about the Gill resolu tion at the Pomona grange u Logan, Wednesday of '"st week. I believe W. S. U'Rea Is correet in thinking that no effort will be made by the grangers pf this county to circulate the peti tions calling the referendum on the University of Oregon appropriation. A circular letter and petitions were on the table of the secretary, but I did not see any one take any of them. The resolution which I introduced merely stated as follows: Resolved, that it is the sense of the Clackamas District Pomona Grange that we do not favor the calling of the referendum upon the University of Oregon appropriation, believing it to be unwise, and t Be it further resolved, that we favor the Normal school question and Uni versity question being made the sub ject of an initiative measure. This is the wording according to my recollection of it. The committee on resolutions, con sisting of Beard of Maple Lane, Gris enthwaite of Central and Borland of Oswego granges, reportd the resolu tion with the recommendation that it be laid on the table. Reposing confi dence in the judgment of these, my true friends. I did not question their motives and was myself one of those who seconded the motion to lay the mattr on the table. The resolution was not discussed by anyone, and the vote laying it on the table did not mean that the grange was for the referendum. I under-stood it to mean that they did not wish to make a decision on the matter either way. The report of the proceedings of the Pomona in the papers failed to men tion the unanimous action taken by the grange in favor of the enactment of a law embodying the principles of the Wisconsin Corporation Tax law, which I consider tlije most important action taken at the grange meeting. Estacada, Oregon. F. M. GILL. No Encouragement Here. Eugene F. Palmer of Albany was in Oregon City Monday sounding grange members on the proposed ref erendum on the University of Oregon appropriation. He is peddling peti tions and endeavoring to secure people to circulate the same. He met with mighty little encouragement in Ore gon City or vicinity, and Monday nigat went on to Portland. Treasurer's Notice I now have money to pay county j warrants endorsed prior to Septera uer i, lwi). and rna:i warrant r.rl,.r to December 1, 1900. Interest will cease on such warrants on. date of this notice. April 15, 1&07. J. C. PADDOCK, rmintv TrMt.ircr . Mrs. W. B. Shively, Sr., visited her sou W. B. Shively, Jr., at Portland, Tuesday. " ' J. A. B 1 -v P 1 I r.V,. -.nf A '' 1 IB Or I t (Continued from page 1.) April 26. Mrs. Clara Batdorff vs. Oregon City et al May S. Klaetsch vs. Klaetsch, May 6. Lawsou vs. Fay. May 7. Phelps vs. Phelps, May 4. State vs. Dillon, May 8. Desertion Charged. Leu a C. Goodwin, by her attorneys, has brought suit for divorce from J. F. Goodwin, upon charges of deser tion. Other Business. H. E. Edwards vs. Jacob Haering et al. Decree of foreclosure. Charles V. Geer vs. May Elizabeth Geer. Dismissed. Edwin L. Ilendee vs. Nettle Isham Hendee. Dismissed. Claiming to have pleaded guilty to the offense and already been fined by the justice of the peace at Viola, V. M. Hartzell, came to Oregon City, Thursday nrtming to answer to a charge of assault and battery prefer red by S. T. Derring, the lumberman, i It is said Hartzell, after committing J the assault went to the Viola justice and told what he had done and was fined $1, this without knowledge of Mr. Derring. Hartzell was arraigned in Justice Stipp's court Thursday afternoon. He pleaded guilty and was fined J5. One story of the trouble Is that the men met in the road and called each other liars and Hartzell then struck , Derring. Another version states that Derring had turned to open his rural mail box when Hartzell struck him. Hartzell is a big. muscular man while Derring Is small and said to be crip pled. Game In Their Possession. Charles Gates and C. E. Nash, charg ed with having ducks in their posses sion out of season, pleaded guilty in Judge McBrlde's court, Wednesday. Sentence is suspended. Divorce Cases. A decree of divorce was handed down by Judge McBride Wednesday afternoon in the suit of Clara Velgutb vs. Arthur E. Velguth. and the plain tiff was allowed to resume her maid en name of Clara Gilbert. A default and reference order was entered in the divorce case of Fred Chard vs. Frances Chard. Suit to Quiet Title. Lemuel G. Reynolds has brought suit against the Eastern Investment company to quiet title. Tax-Collecting Record. Tax-Collector, Sheriff Beatie, and assistants have, collected during Feb ruary, March ami up to Wednesday, April 17, 1209,885, probably the record in tax collecting in this county for an equal period of time. As late as July last year when Sheriff Beatie entered into office there was $20,000 still uncollected, and that was a big record. This year, over two months and a half before July, and on a tax roll $12,000 larger, there remains only $23,000 uncollected. SALOON LICENSE. Notice. Is hereby given that I will apply to the council of Oregon City at its next regular meeting" for a renewal of my -liquor license for a period of six months at my present place of business. Main and Eighth I streets, Oregon City. . 18-12 E. MATHIES. Beauty More Than Skin Deep. Every one who wants a good healthy ) color, and a clear skin free from bll- j iousness, sluggish liver and chronic ! constipation should get a ackage of 1 Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, nature's ! sweet restorer. Huntley Bros. Absolutely Pure NO ADULTERATION Cream Tartar ure and 'Pure Bicarbonate Soda Only SOLD on MERIT: Folger & CO. S.nFr. CATARRH M'it. r. mini 1!" 3& Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy la Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. CivtS RClltr AT onci. It cleanses, soothi. heals, nd protects the duwaDtid membrane. It cum Ctrrh ami drives sway Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the 8eues of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. ConUiua no injurious drug. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Large Size, SO cents at Druggiitta or by mail; Trial Sue, 10 ceutHy mail. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Wirrsn St., Niw York. Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to pay county warrants endorsed prior to November, 1, 1906. Interest will cease on date of notice. April 19. 1907. J. C. PADDOCK, d-w County Treasurer. Mrs. Geo. Disbro of Third and Cen ter street la very III. Hard Times In Kansas. The old days of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten In the prosperous Kansas of today: although a citizen of Codell, Earl Shamburg, has not yet forgotten a hard time he encountered. He says: "I was worn out and discouraged by coughing night and day, and could find no re lief till I tried Dr. King's Now Discov ery. It took less than one bottle to completely cure me." The safest and most .reliable cough and cold cure and lung and throat healer ever dis covered". Guaranteed by Howell ft Jones drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Carlisle of San Francisco, Cal.. were In Oregon City Monday, calling on Miss Adele Qulnn. The ladies were school mates when they were children. SPRING HAS COME Its coming makes necessary to you many things that we offer for sale. Don't Imagine that because at the particular moment you may desire any special article It may not be exhibited on our shelves or In our windows or show cases that we haven't got It In stock. TELL US WHAT YOU WANT We are anxious and ready to relieve you of the bother and annoy ance of hunting for things. LET US DO IT FOR YOU We will leave no stone unturned to satisfy your desire and to de serve your friendship, to give you o Suspension Bridge Cor Mrs. J. W. Carothers of Couomah was called to Sherwood again Tues day morning- Her father, John Clear, has suffered a rolaps ami her mother Mis. Clear, tins pnemuonlu. Rheumatic Pains. I have been a very great sufferer from the dreadful disease, rheuma tism, for a number of years, I have tried many medleluea but never got much relief from any of thorn until two years ago. when I bought a bottle ' nt Phiimhfirtuln'ii Puln Tlnlni t fimnil relief before I had lined all of one bottle, but kept on applying It and soon felt like a different woman. ThoruKh my advice ninny of my friends have tried It and ran toll you how wonderfully It has worked Mrs. Sarah A. Colo, 140 S. New St., Dover. Del. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is a liniment. Tim relief from pain which It affords la alonu worth many times Its cost. It makes rest and sleep pos sible. For sale by Howell & Junes, FOR SALE. HOi'SE AND LOT has fruit trees, chicken house, etc.. located on Sixth street. Must be sold at once. Call at Daniel Williams, 4 IG'a Seventh street Sold on easy terms. 19tf Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. Wm. Henry.of Chattnooga, Tenti., had rheumatism lu bis left arm. "Tho strength seemed to have gone out (f tho muscles bo that It was useless for work." he says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and wrapped the arm In flannel at night, and to my relief I found that the pain gradually left me and the strength re turned. In three weeks the rheuma tism hail disappeared and has not since returned." If troubled with rheumatism try a few applications of Pain Balm. You are certabi to be pleased with the relief which It af fords. For sale by Howell & Jones. The trial of Edward Hlmler, charg ed with Illegal fishing, Is set for a week from Friday. Gently moves the toweis and at the sane time stops the cough. Bee's laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. No opiates. Best for Coughs, colds, croup ami whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. Children like It. Mothers Indorse It. Sold by Huntley Bro. Mrs. Matt Kllngor. though badly bruised In the runaway near Jones' Mill, Sunday, will recover and Is rest ing easier in her home at Bolton, Tuesday. ma stok WITH THE LITTLE PRICES NEW ARRIVALS GOODS AND LADIES' SUITS. A COMPLETE LINE OF MIL- INERY AT LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE. NOTE SATISFACTION , GUARANT EED, MONEY To) A SUCCESSOR TO I. SELLING MARKETS o WHOLESALE PRICES. Hay and Grain, Hay Timothy, $13, clover, oats, clover $S per ton; cheat mixed, $12. Grain Outs, giHy, $21); white, $:10, perton; wheat 7fio per bit ; rolled bar ,ey $25 per ton; bran f IS; shorts, $20; chops, $17; middlings $2(1; corn wholo $28; cracked corn, $2!. Flour Hard wheat $1 . 201ft $1.70 per bbt; valley $180 ; Olympic Pancake (lour, $3.75. Drjtted Metts. Beef, dressed, cows, 4 1-24! 6 cents; steers C.ti7e; hogs 88 12; mutton 10 lytic; veal 7 1 2c. Live Stock and Provision Steers, HO0ft.GO per 100; heifers $:i.50(fi$l 00; cows. f3.2WM.75; hogs. $0.73Cf$7,00; Spring Umba, 8f0c; bacon 1722c; hams, 17tf 17 1-2 c. Produos and Poultry. Butter Ranch, ."c per roll; cream ery fiOc per roll. Eggs 18c per doKen. Ileus Uc; roosters, old lie; young 11 1 2c; chickens mixed, 12c. Fruits and Vegetables. Apples $t.00(ff$l. 25; potatoes $1 30 pc." sack; turnips, carrots, ruttabegas. parsnips, beets 75c per sack. RETAIL PRICES. Flour, Hay, Grain. Flour Valley $4.13 per bbl; Oregon hard wheat, R53 per bbl. Wheat No. 1, 85c por bushel. Shorts, D5c per sack. Barley $1.15 per sack. Oats In sacks. $1 50 per cwt. Hay Timothy $14; clover $10: oat $12: and cheat, mixed, $10 per ton. Produce, Poultry, Provisions. Buttr-Ranch. 50c per roll; cream ery, One per roll. Eggs 2tc per dozen. Honey 15c per lb. Dressed chickens 10c per lb. Bacon, 18c; hams, ISc. Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes-$1. 50ft $1.00 per sack. Cabbage 3 l-2c. Ruttahngas, carrots, turnips, par snips, beets, lc per lb. Thirty days troatment for kidney and bladder trouble sand rhcutnatlsm for $1.00. Your money refunded If not satisfied. Plneules contain no al cohol. Do not doraujie the atomnrh. Easy to take. Sold by Huntley Bros. f has Kaufman t lirov COtR(ChT Mot HA. K4jPMAN MO) CHICACO and n GORDON HATS ANY COLOR ft ANY STYLE $So(B)(D REFUNDED IF GOODS ARE NOT AS CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothes Washed "Whiter Than Snow." Family Washings at Reasonable Rates -No worry, no regrets If you phono 1204. Our wagon will call. PRC0 C. GADKC Plumbing & Tlnnlnfl Not Air furnscM, Hup Plpei, Fusnpi. Sprsy Pumpi, Water Plpti, Jpriyln Material. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on Alt Classes of Work. Res. Phone 1514 Shop 151$ 914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or STRAIGHT & SALISBURY Successors to A. Mlhlstln. PLUMBING, TINNING AND GENERAL JOBBING. rumps, Spray-pumps, Etc. . Main St.. Between 7th and 8th. Phone 1011. THE BRUNSWICK Hotel and Restaurant Bent Scivlce and Accommodations Main St., 0pp. suspension Bridge Box Bali Alley i5 In Prizes for Highest Score C. A. NORMS ,504 Main St. Between 5th and fill! Sts. For the Smartest Suit of the day As to value-RlvIni?, that Just puts us on our mettle, for we know, and will prove in you that, look where you may, you will not find nny values to equal those we offer nt TEN DOL LARS.. 8omo stores ask l for thorn others even more. WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS REPRESENTED. Oregon City, Ore.