OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1907. NEWS OF THE WEEK, DAY BY DAY FR1DRY FHDDH HURT Back Severely Strained And He Will Be Laid Up Long Time Drop ped Into Canal Lock Year Ago. E. 1L Wright, said to be a peddler, met with a serious accident Thursday afternoon that came near ending his life. He was walking across the 0. W. P. company's railroad bridge across the Clackamas river at Park. place and in some manner fell through the structure to the ground below, a distance of about thirty feet. The ac cident occurred some time between the hours of twelve and one, but was not discovered till half past two o'clock, when he was found by Units Htmler, who happened to be passing and heard his groans. Himler immediately telephoned from St. Agnes' Baby Home in Park place to Dr. Meissner in this city and the doctor hurried to the scene as quickly as possible. Dr. Meissner saw that the man's injuries were very se- rious. and telephoned Chief of Police . Gritzmacher of Portland to see if the Injured man could be taken to hospital in that city. As the accident occurred outside of Multnomah coun ty, the Portland official refused to take the man, so the doctor adminis-1 tered to his needs and after removing him to Wilkinson & Hughes' green house, returned to this ity and noti fied County Physician Norris of the accident. Dr. Norris in turn informed County Judge Dimick of the affair and the latter sent a buggy to Gladstone and brought the injured man to this city. Wright was taken to the residence of F. A. Miles on Sixth street where he will be cared for until his recovery. The exact cause of the accident is unknown as the man cannot recollect how it happened, although his mind t is clear on other matters. Wright is blind in one eye and the vision of the ' other is very defective, and it is the prevalent opinion that he accidently stepped over the side of the bridge. The fact that only a five eent piece Was found on his person tells that Wright was in straitened circumstanc es. Wright is known in this city, hav- me wuiit-u iu ine ruip muis across fh rfver i Ki,i tfc m i.. . -. , .... ....... - - v. m .v J V, VWC U1UU who accidentally fell in the canal locks about a year ago. t-ij .. .ty mUr- .Sar.ant and profitable meet with m" nioi lue uuuuoti is very or gnt ro the man's recovery nmvi,t n complications set in. There as no bones broken,, but his back was badly strained. His recov ery will necessarily be very slow and it will be a long time before he will be able to do any work. Wright's home Is in Bellingham, Wash., where his mother, Mrs. H. I Caldwell, resides. i . " The safe, certain, reliable little pills that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head- . , ,,, uuiuuniicaj auu ia:y livers, soiu oy Muntiey Broa. . NEW PERFECTION Wick BlueFlame 00 Cook-Stove The different Oil Stove The improved Oil Stove Gives best results. Reduces fuel ex pense. A working1 flame at the touch S7 match. "Blue Flame" means the hottest flame produced by any stove. The New Perfection will make your work lighter. Will not over heat the kitchen. Made in three sizes, with one, two, and three burners. Every stove war ranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. - The R&yo Lamp gives a clear, steady light. Fitted with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Every lamp warranted. Suitable for 1 ibrary, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Inoorporattd) I INQUIRY The secretary of the Portland board of trade says he has rncetved a sample of sand from Clackamas county said to carry the necessary perceniajje of silica for glassmaklng. The sample will be subject to three Analyse he fore the product Is officially endorsed, by the board. What makes the find of special nig- mlftcance Is that an Eastern window 'glass manufacture r proposes to re- ! nu,v his l,a"t to Portland or Vicinity in case suitable sand Is found for mak ing the finished product. If the proper sand Is in this county, Oregon City is the natural point for the location of glass factories near the source of supply of both material and power. The owner of the deinisit from w hich the sample came informs the board that a test he made on his own ac count resulted in convincing him that Hie sand will prove of the quality want ed. The owner of the sand deposit al so sent in a sample of rock which ho desired to have tested, believing it ha.t the KiiliKinn. fmm -hi..h twi.m.i emm s m Shom Wg out as he expects, there Is In tiros- ;pect not only a fortune for the own er, but the start of a big Industry In this section. ' There was a cement factory in Ore- jgon City about 20 years ago. said T. K. Ryan. Saturday morning, that re ceived its raw material from Eastern Oregon. It was located down where the filtering plant is, but the enter prise failed it was ahead of the times. CANEMAH Mrs. J. W. Carothers returned to the bedside of her father, John Clear at Sherwood. Friday, after a few days! wm,u lra"' ' r'1 at home. Mr. Clear is not Improving ! Dye' T F- Sectors E. and u very ( Caufield. O. W. Eastham. W. A. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller returned i HllD,U,jr- " E" CroS8 M John Adams' Thursday from Shedds where th''hre was a gdly number of numbers had been to attend the funeral of Mr.if the loard an'1 ol,,r cltimis pro- .Miller's sister, Mrs. Coon. Fred Painter returned Thursday from a few days spent at Columbia Beach. I G. W. Miller of Dayton made a short visit with his brother, Jacob Miller. i amJ mily, en route home from at- I" U11,, lue 'unerai oi nis sister, Mrs. iC,on - at S1,ed(,s- I The Ladles Aid snflpfv htAA a nlaaa. - Jennie Jenn,e 'nam, icuraaay afternoon.,. , There were twenty memlers present and two visitors, Mrs. Charles Midlam and Mrs. Jennie Boice. After the quilting had kept them all busy for awhile, a refreshing repast was serv ed. The society will meet next week with Miss Ada Bidwell. Beauty More Than Skin Deep. Everv one whn nnta n trnni yaaw I 'r.,,1,,. - nj . ,. ,, , . ' j "lor, and a clear skin free from bll- I 'ousness, sluggish liver and chronic 1 constipation should get a ackage of nnt.. t 1 1 , . t. . i bv.u. loum.i, uoiuica i restorer. Huntley Bros. SATURDAY BOARD MEETS Committee From Board of Trade to Take Up Chan nel Project LOWER TRACTION RATES O. W. P. Will Be Again Asked to Give Oregon City Equitable Treat ' ment Legislative Senti nels Appointed. The Oregfln City board of trade real izes the great importance of the Im provement of the Wllluim-tte river at the Clackamas rapids. At Its meet ing, Friday night. J. K. Hedges, W. S. l"Hen and Thomas F. Ryan were ap pointed a special committee to take tip with Colonel Kosslter, United States 'engineer, the proposed improvement jat lhis Ulm, 0llt uf tll0 appropriation for the improvement of the Wlllam ette river above Portland and to do whatever they may deem best to bring this matter to the attention of the Engineering department of the United States and to secure the co-operation of the senators and congressmen of Oregon in the work of owning up such ! a channel. The making of an all the year-round navigable channel through the Clack amas rapids ranks with the building of free locks at the falls in import ance not ouly to this community and county, but to all the upper Willamette valley. Indeed the two should be projierly classed together. Besides the officers and directors of ! the board of trade r is a -i lent, ine sentiment was strong and unanimous for Immediate and d.x-isive I action in the matter f the proposed j improvements. Eleventh Street Public Dock. Frank Busch of the committee ap- j pointed to ascertain conditions rela tive to a public dock on the river at j 1 Eleventh street, .submitted a verbal! ; report, stating about what the cost of j sM w"uIJ o -. i. i provement of Eleventh and Moss streets leading to the site of the pro posed new dock. On motion the com , mittee was continued with instruc tions to ascertain the cost of the pro , posed Improvement of Eleventh street to dock ; also to ascertain what meth- 'od or means should be taken In order i ito secure the funds necessary to con- struct said public dock, and to work with the committee to whom the board ascertaining of the .. ,.. , tv. , , .wishes of the people living on Eleven- .,1, utvi.t MUtl..n , I . 1,1 nlrvl HTIt.C IU in lUltll ltMIlt.lU q pas(jjanl J. E. Hedges and W. j A. Huntley were appointed a commit ! tee to ascertain the w ishes of the peo Jple ownins property on Eleventh ; street from the river to either Jeffer ' son or Madison streets, also on Jef jferson street from Eleventh to : Twelfth streets, and on Twelfth street jfrom Jefferson to Madison street, as j to the Improvement of said streets, 1 and to prepare the necessary peti tions for Improvement of said streets or parts of same, as in their findings and Judgment it may be deemed wise and expedient to do at this time. Equitable Traction Rates. The committees on more equitable traction rates on the O. W. I'. was continued with instructions to co-operate with the Oak Grove and Glad stone associations In securing the re ductions desired, and tho committee is empowered in the name of the board of trade to take any and all steps it may deem necessary to obtain such ! reduction and abate the discrimination now in vogue. The principal thing desired from an Oregon City standpoint Is that fares from stations between here and Portland shall be the same for equal distances north or south. Lower northbound fares are desired, but Bouth bound fares sholld be the same as the northbound whatever the latter may be. Public 8entinel Committee. The board believes an ounce of fore knowledge Is worth two of regret, and so a committee -consisting of O. W. Eastham, W. S. U'Ren, and V. Harris, was appointed to scrutinize, investi gate and report on all measures before the county court and the city coun cil, and to bring to the attention of the board any matter before said bod- lea that HiIh committee may deem It best to have an expression of the business men or people of the vun ty regarding the advisability of allow ing the same to be acted upon. The matter of amendment to the city ordi nance giving freight franchise to the O. W. P. & K. K. company now pend ing before the city council, Is to bo Investigated by this ftentlnel commit tee. Road to Ogle Mines. The committee on county road to Ogle Creek mining district recommend ed u road Trom the Know lea county road to Copper creek. .1. V, HarleHS found some injections by residents of the Soda Springs district to the lo cation of the road, so the committee was continued with Instructions to consult with tho people of said road .11. ...I... I., tt i ... . .. ... uii-iiii'i, i lie eiui wiai an differences may bo satisfactorily adjusted. Inter ests harmonized and said county rond ' to said mining district be laid out and opened. actory Site Held High, The committee to whom was refer red the mntter of securing a more con venient and larger slto for tho Os wald Furniture company, reported that they were unable to secure sat isfactory terms from tho owner of the property, where said company de sired to locate for tho use of same. Re port filed and committee discharged, Communications from Portland mag azines In reference to advertising along special lines, ordered filed. m OVER 300 FARMER PHONES CONNECT NEW ONES BEING ADDED. TO Over 300 farmer telephones will be connected with the new Oregon City exchange of the Pacific Telephone company, says Mr. Hall, the country manager. At present there are 123 farmer ! Phones connected directly to the at iimmi'tte are switch Isiard; 90 connected by trunk line, and t:!0 at Damascus and Boring and vicinity will be connected here soon. The lines are coming in from all di rections, says Mr. Hall, along the Clackamas, the West Sld,, out Beaver Creek and Molalla way. All are metal- .nded in connec Hon with the exchunse. The Pacific has not lost a farmer j patron, says Mr. Hail. On the con- I trary it has gained many and Is se- j curing more all the time. A line Is ' now being constructed from Clear Creek near Logan; a line almost com- ! plete from Itlgelow.'s mill on the Heaver Creek road, and a line along the Molalla road extending out to Car-. us Is near completion all going to connect with the Pacific company's ' exchange In this city, and receive day, J night and Sunday service and free ex- ; change with the over 400 city sub- j scribers of the Pacific. SOCIAL DOINGS Derthick Club. One of the most delightful events of the Derthick club given this aea son, was the social afternoon, at the beautiful home in West Oregon City of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Porter, Fri day. Mrs. Ernest A. Sommer, who re cently returned from a year abroad, won mi; in minor nun was given ; a cordial reception Into the club after j her long absence. i Mrs. Clark Oanong with Mrs. Ieslle ' Porter as accompanist, very sympu-, thetlcally rendered the Scottish ballad 1 "My Ain Folks" by Lemon; she gra- j cloimly responded to an encore and sang "My Laddie," a beautiful Scottish j song by Thayer. A third selection, I Fischer's Irish Melody, Tlpperary, was also enjoyed. Mrs. Sommer gave a very interest-1 lug description of Germany and tho j Rhine, particularly speaking of the castles along the Rhine, showing Il lustrations from a large collection of pictures, she has gleaned from the splendid places she had visited. Mrs. Sommer's description was highly en tertaining and Instructive. Delicious refreshments were served and tho remainder of tho afternoon de voted to cards. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. C. G. Mil ler, when Mrs. Walter Dimick has kindly consented to give a musical program. Present Friday afternoon were Mesdames W, A. Huntley, E. A. MAWV mil i Sommer. I.. I Porter, W. K. Lewth- walte, .1. W. Moffett. (1. I,. HcdgoHj T, W, Clark, II, K, Straight, It. C. tin. uong, li. I Pickens, P, K. Hammond, I.. Adams, 0. II, Caulleld, W. A. Dim Ick, and S. O, Dlllmnn; MIhhcm May and Muriel Stevens, Veritas Literary Entertainment. The Veritas literary society of the Barclay school entertained t!io boy of the Lniireau society at the rest donee of J. C. Zlnser, on Thirteenth and Washington streets, Friday even ing. The time was delightfully spent In singing and various games. In a literary, guessing gnm, Harry Frost won the llrst prize, while the consola tion prl.e wan awarded to Hu.cl Finn els. After the guinea, tempting re freshments were served. The party broke up at a late hour ami all pies- t I Ladies' Hand Tailored In all the richneit of the Spring Season. This department receive! much car and etudy the dealgnt 'being very select. We are sure of pleating the most particular. The "Palmer" garment are all hand tailored and always retains their shape. A very attractive display of ladies' and children's coats. Open for your Inspection. Exclu sive agents for the Palmer Gar ments. II Copyright 1907 by Hart SchafFncr t3 Marx yf 0 OREGON CITY'S imjmm . .- ' .rir1 e":s-jT$WMt VWftl'Ktii&g!88titiitj out declaro It to he one of the most successful aoclul funrtloiis given by the high acliool studeiitH for Homo time, NEARLY PAID UP. The last cull for county warrant IsHued by County Treasurer Paddock, published In tonight' star, bring those deslruble pieces of paper up to August I last. From present Indica tions, said Treasurer Paddock today, the I'oiiiity warrant will he only a. few month behind by the cIohii of this year, inn! up to date long beforo the close of ltlOH. Koselmig lodges, I. (). O, F., will celebrate the 8Mb anniversary of tint founding of thfi order with a free en tertainment In the Rimeluug theater. Suits j I I I I NEW SHIPMENTS, arriving daily of Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes. You are sure of finding Just what you want In a suit or topcoat, and patterns that have life to 'em; further more we guarantee 'em all wool. Distinctive styles for young men. We have suits from $9.00 TO $28.00. W ' r - mm t$iP Ada, ffiri BUSIEST STORE 0 1