Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 12, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Boundary Board Grants Peti
tions From Highland and
Marks Prairie Patrons
Parts of Elwood, Aurora and Eglo
Creek Are Attached to Dodge ,
Barlow and Barton, Respectively.
pleaded Kiillty and was' fined $15. Ross
presented un awful night when III ap
peared In tin) court room, ft 1m fneo be
ing beaten uliiiiiMt to a pulp, ami very
much discolored; caused, ho claims,
by Vli'iH slumping on him with his
feet after ho wim down on tho floor.
VPth hiul boon working In Cull for
nlii for Honm lliuo utid rot urrmd homo
on tho night of tho disturbance. It
seems Ihut during Vlers' absence,
MrM. Vlor tin comliictoil her rosi
donoo and deportment In a manner
that excited comment among neigh
lioi'H, nml on hlit returning homo,
Vlers found tho hotiso deserted and
another man's property In ono of tho
rooms, Vlers waited, ho slates, for
IiIm wife's return ami when alio (lnully
did, nlm was In ii n Intoxicated condi
tion, Ross arrived on tho aceno a
llillo later and Vlor immediately
Two new Hchoid dlNtrlct were set
iff hy tho county MctuxiJ district boun
dary board at It meeting, Thursday
afternoon, ono ihii r tho Molallit dis
trict and tlm other resulting from a
division of tlm Highland dlHtrlct,
In thn ItlKhlnnd illxtrlct tlm peti
tioners claimed tlm district wan ho
larg, and tlm school house not be
liiK In tho center of the dlHtrlct, that
many of tho children had to go two
and three mile to school, The pres
tot Highland Hchool la In need of re
pairs. There had tieen mime talk also
of adding n ninth grade, which would
have necessitated another teacher.
The remonstrance to the petition ttald
the dlvlMlon would result In additional
expense uinl higher taxes. Th new
dlntrlct net off from Highland will he
nunihercd HI. lly the school census
of lyiiil, there are .15 person of school
age In each of tlm two dlHtrlct form
ed from HlKhland.
Tlm other new dlHtrlct will ho
known n number 110. It la formed
from part of Mnckhlmrit, Mark pral-
rle and Muudoiff dlNtrlct. Tlm argu
menu advanced for and agul.iHt thin
dlntrlct were alioiit thfi name aw those
lined In the HlKhland cane,
While the order of the hoard goes
Into effect at once, the new district
will he without fund until next year.
Superintendent Inner will notify
three nun In each dlHtrlct of the
hoard action, and they will rail a
"pedal election of three directum and
a clerk, to servo until tlm annual
meeting to he held the third Monday
In June, The apportionment of county
achixd money of $1 per capita recent
ly made hy Superintendent Zlnser, of
course la In the hand of tlm old school
txiarda. The new district may levy
a special tax to provide, fund for
school houses and conducting a term
of Hchool in xt full, and may alno come
to an anilciihle urraiiii"m-nt with the
boards of the old district for an
equitable division of the money on
hand, and of the apportionment that
will he made next October.
Three other petition were acted
upon by the boundary iMiard, ThurH
ilny. A pint of F.Uood dltrlct wan act
off and attached to Itodge, a pint of
Jogan, April 4. Spring must ho
hero. There wum a book agent going
tlm rouuila thlw week,
LoKnultn thought for awhile luat
week tlint what "might have been" a
tragedy, or murder, camu near ink
If K placo near hero. "Doc," or Doc
tor Covert, an ho stylos himself, who
Uvea at tho old Feldhelmer placo,
went up to tho mall box and, as ho
tell his story, was attacked hy some
one who first tried to mala him swal
low polHon. Falling In that, then
Htruck him a blow on tlm head. He
wan found hy a passing neighbor on
Mr. Khiimway'H porch with a badly
pounced on him and administered a bruised face, and In a doilrous condl
Mound boating. Jtloti. As ho la in tho habit of using
Vlers said that Itosa tried to druw iarsonlo, It Ih tho prevailing sentiment
a revolver on lilm hut that ho torn' of tho community ho was his own as
It away from him and went outaldo IsaHarit, or fell In Homo way to brtilso
and dlHchiiiKed all tho chamber of It 'hi face. He claims to own great plan
to prevent Its bolng tiaed In tho fra- tatlons somowhero cattlo ranches,
Yet, f Have Pound It at Last.
Kound what? Why that Chamber
Iain's Halvo cures eczema and all
manner of Itching of tho skin. I have
boon afflicted for many years with
skin dlneaHO, I had to got up three
or four tlriios overy night and wash
with cold wator to allay tho terrible
itching, but sliico using this salvo In
Deoombor, 1905, tho itching has aU,p
ped and has not troubled rno. Kider
John T. Ongtoy, Kootvlllo, l'a. For
salo by Ilowoll & Jones,
The seHlon of tho county court Fri
day forenoon was mainly taken up with
routluo matters, allowing of claims,
The report of tho county hoard of
road viewers on the John 0. Jacobson
road was adopted, all claims for dam
were disallowed, and tho mad
lectured a county road, the supervisor
also coffee plantations.
Mrs. Cora Spraguo was quite seri
ously burned Wednesday afternoon.
She was wawhlng and started to carry
out a pal! of hot water, when In sotno
way she slipped and fell, scalding her
arm from tho shoulder to tho elliow.
Harding grangers aro getting ready
to entertain Pomona grange Wednes
day, April 13.
Saturday will bo tho regular month
ly meeting of Harding grange No. 122.
Ho on hand. All members are re
quested to como.
Notice of Change of Street Grade.
Notice Is hereby given that the
grade of Tenth street of Oregon City,
Oregon, from the WohI line of Main
street to tho East lino of Water street
is ordered changed and re-established.
This notice is published pursuant
to an order of tho Council of Oregon
City made at a regular meeting of
said Council held Wednesday, April
3rd, 1907.
and of tho last being April 12, 1507.
Dated March 5, 1907.
13t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion.
Interesting Statement by Huntley
When a man come Into this store I
and calls for any particular lndlges-
l,,n rnmAriv via irlva what. Via aaVl I SUMMONS.
for, but In case he leaves It to us we , 0 - th0 t f c, . '
usually recommend I'epsikola tablets, mM.
Hero I a preparation we have been Mary E. Courville, plaintiff,
Salem, April C Articles of Incorpor
ation were granted today for tho Ore
gon City, Heaver Creek and Molalla
of the dlHtrlct in which the road Isjrallwny, with Thomas P. Hyan, Grant
located being ordered to open BBtne 1 1 h. IHmlck, W. Sherwwjd and B. O.
and remove all obstructions therefrom, icnufleld as Incorporators.
The road Is neiir Clackamas station. Tho articles state It Is tho pur
The petition of A. II. Hhodes for a poso to build and operate a railway
liquor license, was withdrawn. from Oregon City to Ileaver Creek.
Administrator'! Sale of Real Estate.
In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur
L. Albright, dect'ased.
Pursuant to an order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for thojijac y0ur money without the least
county or t;iacKamas, i win, on ana i f
after Saturday, the 4th day of May, ar8uratcu
l!)07, proceed to sell the following de
scribed real property belonging to tho
said estate at private sale for cash
and subject to confirmation by the
said court, said real property being de
scribed as follows, to-wlt:
The North half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 15 In Township 4
South of Ilange 4 Kat of tho Willam
ette Meridian in Clackamas County,
State of Oregon.
Administrator of the KHtate of Arthur
L. Albright, Deceased. 17t3
Tho town plat of Willamette park
wns ordered filed and recorded.
A man about 43 or GO years of age
went Into the Royal restaurant Thurs
day night and after showing the night
clerk several papers that indicated
the benrer to b a Mr. Dunne who Is
In charge of n construction crew for
the Southern Pacific, stated that he
expected to do some track work In
this place and he would like to make
arrangements to have the men hoard
at Unit restaurant. Next he told the
clerk that he had just arrived In the
city and it was too Into to go to tho
bank. 1m was out of funds and would
like to get. a supper and bed. After
he had finished supper he began mak
ing negotiations with the proprietor
Molalla, Soda Springs, Wllhoit and
southern Clackamas county.
Saloon Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at tho next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a re
newal of my liquor license at my pres
ent place of business, 501, corner Fifth
and Main streets.
17t2 A. J. SURDER.
Beauty More Than Skin Deep.
Kvery one who wants a good healthy
color, and a clear 'skin free from bil
iousness, sluggish liver and chronic
constipation should get a ackage of
Dainty Laxnkola tonic tablets, nature'
sweet restorer. Huntley Bros.
Notice of Proposed Street
Notice Is hereby given that tho City
Council has ordered the improvement
of Madison street, Oregon City, Ore
gon, commencing at the North line of
Third street thence Northerly to the
South line of Fifteenth street. Said
Improvement shall be made by grad
ing said street to the proposed grade
to be established by the City Engi
neer, by laying wood side walks six
feet wide, by laying all necessary
cross walks, and by setting wood
curbs twelve and one-half feet from
the center of said street, and by Im
proving all parts of said street be
tween curbs, and all Intersections of
streets and alleys the full width with
crushed rock and screenings. Wher
ever said grade requires a fill of more
than 15 feet, then said street shall bo
Improved by building a good substan
tial wood bridge 23 feet wide with
four feet sidewalks on each side there
of. Provided that the part of the street
now occupied by the present bridge
between Fourteenth street and Fifth
teenth street shall he Improved by
laying sidewalk four feet wide with
a good substantial railing along each
side thereof, on same grade as bridge.
Provided further that wherever a
fill of more than six feet Is required
said fill need not be more than 40 feet
wide at the top with sidewalks six feet
wide laid at the side thereof next to
Oliver L. Courville, Defendant.
To Oliver L, Courville, defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon
yon are commanded to appear In the
above entitled court and cause on or
before the 13th day of April, 1907,
which is more than six weeks from
the date of tho first publication of this
notice and the date set by the Judge
of the above entitled court, and you
are required to answer the complaint
filed against you In said court and
cause, and for want of such answer or
appearance, the plaintlfT will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded in
the complaint, to-wit: for a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and you
as defendant, on the ground of willful
desertion, and for such other and
further relief as may be Just and meet
in equity.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. John B. Cleland, Circuit Judge)
improve ang ocayioy me wmH..Ur,. , t(.rfe(j ,n the afKm, enttIe(j caiSe on
The principal Ingredient in Dainty the 19th day of February, 1907, and
Laxakola tonic tablets are cascarln made by the said Judge because and
and dandelion which Is one of the af- 2." c"1 th of Hon.
, , , Aia . I Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the
est complexion beautlfiers known. ; a, entitled court and for the Fifth
Forty little chocolate coated laxative judicial District, and on account of
A. McBrlde, and because and for the
reason that the said Thomas A. Mc-
selling right over the counter for year
and from actual observation we know
it must be good, and really doe re
lieve and cure Indigestion and dyspep
sia or there would be a steady stream
of people coming back for their money,
as every 25 cent box I sold with the
understanding that you must be de
cidedly benefitted or there la nothing
to pay.
You simply try Pepsikola tablets
wth the understanding that tbey will
steady your nerves, Improve your ap
petite, relieve wind belching, coated
tongue, sour stomach, fullnes after
eating, weakened energy, and other
symptoms of Indigestion or Huntley
Bros, are ready at any tme to pay
tablets, 25 cents. Huntley Bros.
Neglected Cold Threaten Life.
From the Chicago Tribune.
'"Don't trifle with a cold,' is good
advice for prudent men and women.
It may be vital in the case of a child.
Proper food, good ventilation, and dry.
warm clothing are the proper safe
guards against colds. If they are
maintained through the changeable
weather of autumn, winter and spring,
the chances of a surprise from or
dinary colds will be slight. But the
ordinary light cold will become severe
If neglected, and a well established
ripe cold Is to the germs of dlpththe-
ria what honey Is to the bee. The
greatest menace to child life at this
season of the year is the neglected
cold." Whether it Is a child or adult,
the cold slight or severe, the very best
treatment that can be adopted is to
give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It Is safe and sure. The great popu
larity and Immense sale of this prep
aration has been attained by its re
markable cures of this ailment A
cold never results In pneumonia when
It Is given. For sale by Howell &
Bride is not within the County of
Clackamas at the time of the appli
cation of this order.
Date of first publication March 1,
1907. Date of last publication, April
12, 1907.
12t7 Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for ClaekJ.mas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Rob
ert Baty, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the executor of the last
will and testament of Robert Baty,
deceased, has filed his final account
as such executor In the above entitled
Court and matter and that Monday
April 15, 1907, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m. at the County Court
room in said county, has been ap
pointed by the County Judge as tho
time and place for hearing and deter
mining any and all objections there
Executor of the last Will and testa
ment of Robert Baty, deceased.
Dated March 12, 1907. 14t5
for tho board of the crew, and in
Creek dlHtrlct wn added to I the course of the conversation he told
Barton, mid a part of Aurorn district
was attached to Harlow illstrlrt.
the proprietor that lie would like to
borrow two dollars to go to Portland
Cured of Rheumatism.
Mr. Win. Henry, of Chattanooga.
Tonn., had rheumatism In his left
arm. "The strength seemed to have
gone out of tho muscles so that it
was useless for work." he says. "I
applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
wrapped the arm In flannel at night,
and to my relief I found that the pain
gradually left tne and the strength re
turned. In three weeks tho rheuma
tism hnii disappeared and has not
since returned." If troubled with
on. TI.li.kl.iK It queer that a railroad r'.;un.atlsn, try a few applications of
... 1 Pain llnlin. on are certain to be
nun. wouiu nave to pay tare, ttie pro
prietor phoned to Agent Fields, who
William Vlers, of Willamette, who
was arrested Wednesday night by
Deputy Sheriff Baker on a charge of
assault and battery on the person of
Frank Ross, was given a hearing be
fore Justice Stlpp Thursday afternoon,
Informed him that no such man work
ed for the company. Friday morning
when (he stranger arose, ho asked the
lay, clerk If the proprietor had not
left the niotiey for him, and being in-
pleased with 'tho relief which it af
fords. For sale hy Howell ft Jones,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Jonathan Stoker, Plaintiff,
This notice is published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon l n0fnfl!inf
City made at a regular meeting of said Sadie Stoker, Defendant,
Council held Wednesday,
April 3d,
To Sadie Stoker, Defendant. ,
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, on or
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I before the 20th day of April, 1907,
J said date being more than six weeks
Notice is hereby given that the un-'after the date of the first publication
derslgned has been appointed execu-jof this summons; and if you fail to
tor of tho estate of Jacob Miley, de- so appear and answer, plaintiff will
ceased, by the Hon. County Court of apply to the Court for the relief de-
Clackamas County, Oregon. All per
sons having claims "n'gainst the said
estate are hereby notified to present
tho same to me for payment with
nroner vouchers at my home in Union
Notice is hereby given, that by vir- ,procln(.t Clackamas County, Oregon,
tu of an order and license of sale,
duly made by the Honorable County
Whooping Cough.
I have used Clianiberlaln's Cough
Remedy In my family In cases of
whooping cough, and want to tell you
that It is the best medicine I have i
ever used. W. F. Gaston, Posco, fin.
This remedy Is safe and sure. For
sale by Howell & Jones.
Home Telephone Company
CKI.ens of Oregon City should not
fall to avail themselves of the oppor
tunity to secure an early Installation
of tho new Telephone Company's. In
ntrument. The Independent Telephone Com
pany has recently Installed a tele
phono plant at Albany and hero Is
what they say:
Oregon Business Men'a Lengge. G,
H. Sanders, Albany, President; M.
Peterson, Forest Grove, Vlco-Prosl-dent;
Ceo. F. Rogers, Salem, Secre
tary & Treasurer. Otllco of tho Pres
ident, Albany, Oregon, March C, 1907.
To whom It may concern: Tho ad
vent of the Homo Telephone Company
Into Albany and Linn county has been
of niaterlul benefit to the users of
telephones, Inasmuch bh It has In
creased our telephone patronage more
than five hundred per cent, and tho
service from a poor, Indifferent one, to
tho best that modern applinnco and
strict business, application can pro
duce. I would not consider for a mo
ment, a proposition to destroy our
telephone competition.
(Signed) GEO. E. SANDERS,
Trosldent Oregon Business Men's
I,. Ol..,. 1. ... .. fl......... lww,...
formed to the negative he qnlcklv left v"u" "'""
and ha not been seen since. !"" '"" "" n- J'n"'
In the matter or the estate ot Anna
Chase, an insane person, 1 will on
Monday, the f.th day of May, 1907, at
the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said
day, In front of tho court house door
In Oregon City, In said county, sell
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, all the right, title and
Interest, which said Insane person has
In and to the following described' real
property, situated In Clackamas coun
ty, Oregon to, wit:
The south-east quarter of the north
west quarter; the south-west quarter
of the north-west quarter of section 13,
T. 2, S. R. 4 13. of the Willamette Me
ridian, and all that portion of the
north-west quarter of the south-west
quarter of snld section 13 lying north
of the Simdy and Portland road; also
all that portion of tho north east quar
.1. It. Cusclck ft Co., Bankers. J.
W. Cuslck. President; 13. D. Cuslck,
Cashier; H, 11. Cusclk. Assistant Cash
ier. Capital and Surplus, $70,000.00.
Albany, Oregon, March , 1'.'07.
To whom It may concern: Tho
Homo Telephone Company's existence
In Albany has had the effect of giving ;tpr ()f U)0 80uth.weEit quartor of Bald
been especially holpfnl to tho farmers.
It has been tho means of reducing
very materially their rates, Wo (lid
not know what good servlco meant un
til the advent of this company.
(Signed.) E. D. CUSICK.
J, S. Van Winkle, Albany Oregon,
March 6th, 1907.
To whom it may concern: This la
to say that tho telephone system in
stalled In thla vity by the Home Tele
phone Company gives a far superior to a mortgage of $1500.00 In said
service to any with which I have ever premises. The tract under contract
come In contact, and it has operated to d N t Q , be 80,d
to give us a farm more extended ser- v
vice with the farmers and rural dls- rately.
trlcts than ever enjoyed before this 1 CHARLES S. CHASE,
company began operations here; their Guardian of Anna Chase, an Insane
methods are clean and businesslike perS0n
and I cheerfully commend them to " M
the public generally. HARVEY B. CROSS, Attorney for
Very respectfully, I Guardian. 17-t5
(Signed) J. S. Van WINKLE.
section 13, lying north of said road;
savo and except the south-west quar
ter of the southwest quarter of the
northwest of said Section 13, owned
by R. Olson, and also certain lots or
small parcels of land lying north of
said road 'and whldi have heretofore
been sold by Fritz Stulke, H. B. Chase
and wife, and Charles S. Chase, but
Including small tract under contract
of sale to Newton Orr, and all subject
manded in the complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and you, and for tho cost and
disbursements of this suit.
Pursuant to an order made and en-
wlthin six months from the date ofjtered March 5, 1907, by Hon. G. B.
this notice.
My address being Aurora, Oregon,
R. F. D. No. 3, Box CS.
Executor of the Estate of Jacob Miley,
GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for
Estate. 14 15
Dated March 9th, 1907.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Louise Emma woir Russell, Plaintiff,
Robert Nephl Russell, Defendant.
To Robert Nephl Russell, tho above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Yon are hereby required to appear
and answer tho complaint filed
against you in the" above entitled
court and suit on or before the expi
ration of six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons,
On or before the 2Gth day of April,
1907, and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for In her complaint now
on file herein, to-wit: that tho bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant be dissolv
ed; that the plaintiff be awarded the
care and custody of the minor child,
Louise Willamette, and that the plain
tiff may have such other and further
relief In the premises as the merits of
her case shall require, and as la
equity shall seem meet.
This summons Is published by or
der of Grant B. Dimick, County Judge
of Oregon for Clackamas County, and
said order was made and given by
him on the 12th day ot March, 1907,
the Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the
above entitled Court, being abseat
from the said County of Clackamas,
and the date of the first publication
thereof Is the 15th nay of March, 1907.
14t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dimick, County Judge of Clackama3
County, Oregon, this summons is serv
ed on you by publication .thereof for
six successive weeks in the Oregon
City Enterprise. The date of theilC-tl
first publication being March 8, 1907,
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
In the County Court of the State of
In the Matter oi the Guardianship
Pearl E. Trullinger, a Minor.
It appearing from the petition of
E. A. Howard, the guardian of the
person and estate of Pearl E. Trullin
ger, a minor, that It Is necessary for
the maintenance, support and educa
tion of said minor, and that it would
be to the best interest of said minor
that all of the said real estate mention
ed in the petition of E. A. Howard,
guardian of the person and estate of
said minor, should be sold.
It is therefore ordered, that the
next of kin, of said ward, to-wit: D.
N. Trullinger, Herbert Trullinger and
Bertha A. Trullinger, and all persons
interested in said estate appear before
this court on Monday, the 29th day of
April, 1907, at 10 o'clock A. M., to
show cause, if any they can, why such
sale should not be ordered, and that a
copy of this order be published in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper circulated In Clackamas
County, for a period of three (3) suc
cessive weeks.
Dated this 25th day of March, 1907.
. Judge.
Crown Boys' Mining and Milling Co., (a corporation) Location of prin
cipal place of business, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, (414 Maiiv
Notice is hereby given that there is delinquent upon -the following
described stock of said corporation on account of assessments levied by
the stockholders thereof, on, the dates and in the several amounts set op
posite the names of the respective stockholders, as follows:
No. of No. of
Name Cert. Shares. Date of Ass't. Amount.
Chas. E. Lane, 100 1800 Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1, 1900
Jan. 1, 1907, $3.24
76 60000 Dec. 1, 1906
Jan. 1, 1907, $44.50
38 25000 Jan. 1, 1907, $11.23
89 2500 Oct. 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1906,
Jan. 1, 1907, $4.52
31 20000 Dec. 1, 1906 ,
, Jan. 1, 1907, $18.00
29 10000 Dec. 1, 1906
Jan. 1, 1907, $9.00
39 10750 Jan. 1. 1907, 4.83
85 3000 March 15, Apr. 15, May 15, June 15,
Oct, 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1906
' Jan 1, 1907, $10.80
And in accordance with law, and an order of the Board of Directors
ot said corporation, made on the 22nd day of March, 1907, eo many
shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at
public auction at the office of G. F. Anderson, at 414 Main St., Oregon
City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 30th day of April, 1907, at the hour of 5
o'clock p.m., of said day at said place, to pay said delinquent assessments
thereon together with costs ot advet Using and expenses of Bale.
By order of the Board of Directors of the Crown Boy's Mining and
Milling Co.
Dated, this 28th day of March, A. D. 1907.
1615 D. C. BAKER, Secretary.
Chas. Moran,
Helen Montour,
M. Moran,
H. B. Nickels,
Stacey Nickels,
W'm, Cummings,
Alphonse Goulet,