OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1907. I A DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE. 1 A SAFE STIMULANT. I A GOOD MEDICINE. I I Fur sale by E. Matthlea. LOCAL BREVITIES Dr. l (i. I co of thU city miiwIm to lslt friends In Vancouver, Thursday evening. Mr. ('. 0. Miller Ami Mrs. It. It. McAlplu will vlnlt Portland friends, Friday, Tj P. liuzun )( the Western Union f U-tji upli company In In thin city on a luslncns trip. M Imm Kli'iinor Uurtcr of Portland Is visiting her friend, Mr. and Mm. lloberl MeAlpln. Mr, It. (. Ilernler wan In Portland vUUing Ixt sister, Mrs. W. 3. Wil son, tho first of tho wk, Tht) store of Goldstein & IaHI I '!on''d while Inventory In In progress, necotsnry because of the death of Mr. Goldstein, Members of Cataract Hose company will enjoy a banquet on tho night of their iiwU regulnr meeting, May H, tendered by six exempt member. The prayer meeting topic at the Flrnt Congregational church Thurs lay evening will bo "Tint Angel Wrestling with Jacob." Avery Kllhitt, who Iiuh been employ d by the Willamette pulp and Puper 4-ompany for the hint two years, left Ttiettdny tit kIiI for his old home at HuriKor, Me. About twenty of hU Ore gon City and Portland chunf gave htm a big Mend off tit tho train. Mr, ami Mrn. David Olds have been entertaining a number of relatives this week at their home In Falls View Dnvhl II. Purtch of Ilorlng, a grandson arrived Sunday for a short vlnlt. Men day night at midnight another grand son. Grunt Partch, came In from Is AtiKeleH, and on TueHduy, Mr, and Mr.i S. !'. Ilallard ami two daughters Mimes lols and Lura. came from Vor Tiotilu, Columbia county. Mr. Hnllard 1m a step son of Mr. Olds'. Ho linn re cently Hold hla property In Columbia -ounty where ho has lived for twenty year. WedneHilay, Ambrono Portch, Mr. Oldn' Mon-ln law, n Dunkard preacher, drove In from hit home at CluckamiiH two miles above tho gov ernment hatchery, and took tho visit or all homo with him. Mr. Partch and hln sixteen year old son Harry, havo JiiHt recovered from very severe Illnesses. The Harclity and Parkplnce bnBe bull teams aro scheduled to play a gumo at Willamette Park Friday after noon. Tho Ilurclay team ha been practicing very fulthfully of lute and have hopes of winning. SOCIAL DOINCLS Woman' Club. Tho members of tho Oregon City Woman's club wore entertained at tho homo of Mrn, Jostle. I,. Porter Wed nesday afternoon, MImh Martha Fran cen Draper gave a delightful mimical program, tho analysis being rend be foro each number by Miss Myrtle lliichnnnn. Hev, 13. Clarence Oakley gave a ahort tulli to tho club, advocat ing their takltiK up tho circulating li brary quoHtlon. Ho Hubl It was not necessary to wait for the town to do any thing, get a room and a few hooka, that wan the way other towns hud started the free library. MIhm Draper's program Included tho following numbers: Hach 8t, Henna.; Gavotte d minor; Chopin Herceuso; Wagner Ilraasln; Manic Flro Scene from Dlo Walkure; Valkman Walts!, b llat. Little 8urprl Party. I.lttlo MIhh Kda KniKer, daughter of Mr. and Mr. William Kruxor, was pleaHuntly surprised at her home on Taylor alreet last Friday. Twenty of her little friends came In to celebrate her tenth birthday. Many pretty pres ents were received. Amusing games were played and tho children at pop corn and candy beside the delicious uncheon lhat wan served. Thoy would all enjoy another such afternoon with l-Ma. At Rom Farm. Mm. Dan O'Neill and Minn-Mary L. Holme entertained at bridge at Itoso Farm ut Mt. Pleanant Wedneaday af ternoon. Tho favora wero won by Mm. Llewellyn Adanm and Mm. John Humphrya. DtirltiR tho afternoon re frehment wero aerved. Prewnt wero Mexdamca T. W. Clark, C. D. latotir- eite, J. P. KeatlriR, John Humphrya, 8. A. Dlllman, I.. AdaniH, A. C. Warner, Her First Party. MImn Margaret Galloway waa wnl i-hk to a few little frleuda from 2 to 4 o'clock Thumilsy afternoon, In honor of her third birthday. Notice to Fishermen and Dealers In Fish. This la to Inform youv that all II cennea pertaining to tho flnhlng In duatry, prior to March 31, expired March SI, 1907, and to fiati for sal nmn or other auadromous flah with out llconio Ik committing a mlndo meanor that will bo punished la the court. H. . VAN DUSEN, Maater Flnh Warden, Aatorla, Ore. 2t V VVVVV VV VV TTT Y IT V T T A (a AeAv lkn it uied to be. VVii mvic w - - - " Certain relief and (wually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, ndScoffs Emulsion, ALL DRUQ0I3T8I 60o. AND SI. 00. I ERGME DELIVERS TERRIBLE PAILIPPIC (Continued from pngo 1) "Hut when thla defendant I pre sented to you as tho supponed avenger of American womanhood, of American virtue, a champion who ban tain dor mant for thre years until ho becomes n Homo way oxalted, bn doea not come within a claHxIflcatlon of dementia Americana. Ho killed for a motive, and, when you are nuked to acquit such a man, you are naked to give something which you have not the power to bestow. "Tho real question here Is whether New York city Is to become a raining carnp. If thUj sort of thing can go on, If tho only thing between a citizen and his enemy Is a brain storm, then ev ery man had better pack a gun. "Mr. Delmas appealed to the Scrip tures. Let mo too, direct your atten tion to what tho 1ird said: " 'Vengeance Is mine, I shall repay.' "lA'i mo also remind you of the great fundamental law sounded down the ages, tho commandment of Cod; "'Thou shalt not kill." PIONEER WOMAN DEAD. t Mrs. Nancy Vllller Coon, who came to Oregon from Illinois In 1847, died at. Albany, Wednesday, on her 80th birthday. Her husband, James Madi son Coon, died 17 years ago. Surviv ing Mrs. Coon aro tho following child ren: James Coon and Mrs. J. W, Hart, of Albany; M. O. Coon, Bhedd; Mrs. Harvey W. Davis, of Halsey; A. H. Coon of Idaho Falls; J. P. Coon of Junction City, and Mrs. Ida Christen sen of Burns. Hard Times In Kansas. Tho old days of grasshoppers and drouth are almost forgotten In the prosperous Kansas of today; although a citizen of Codell, Earl Shamburg, has not yet forgotten a hard time he encountered. He says: "I was worn out and discouraged by coughing night and day, and could find no re lief till I tried Dr. King's New Discov ery. It took less than one bottle to completely cure me." The safest and most reliable cough and cold cure and lung and throat healer ever dis covered. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones' drug store. COc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. His Dear Old Mother. "My dear old mother, who Is now eighty years old, thrives on Electric llltters," writes W. It. Hrunson, of Dublin, Ga. "She has taken thorn for about two years and enjoy an ex cellent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well." That's the way Klectrlc Hitters aff?" the aged, and the same happy results follow In all cases of female weakness and general debility. Weak, puny children too, are greatly strengthened by them. Guaranteed also for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by Howell & Jones, drug gists. 60c. Oregon has 75 students in Eastern colleges. Cornell leads with 13, North western has 11, Harvard 10, Yale 7, Smith 7, Michigan 5, the othsm scat tering. Of these, 28 are from Port land. MARKETS Building operations were never so flush In Corvallts as at present. Hays tho Republican. The buslnens streets of tho town are, and have been for sev eral mouths torn up and blockaded with building materlnl. Contracts aro already let for building some 48 new residences In that city the coming summer. A Criminal Attack. on an Inoffensive citizen Is frequently made In that apparently useless little tube called the "appendix." It's gen erally the result of protracted consti pation, following liver torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the Ht- er, prevent appendicitis, and establish regular habits of the bowela, 25c. at Howell & Jones' drug store. The salvo that acts like a poultice Is Pine Salve Carbollzed. No other salve so good for cuts, burns, bolls and chapped skin. Ask about 1L Price 25 cts. Sold by Huntley Bros. WHOLESALE PRICES. Hay and Grain. Hay Timothy, $13, clover, oats, clover $8 per ton; cheat mixed, $10. Grain Oats, $29.00 per ton; whez 75c per bu.; rolled barley $25 per ton; bran, $18.00; shorts, $20.50; chops, $17.00; middlings, $27.00. Flour Hard wheat $4.05 per bbl; valley $3X5 per btl; Olympic "ancake flour, $3.75. Dressed Meats. Beef, dressed, cows, 4 J-236 cents; steers (J 7c; hogs 83 9c; mutton 10 lie; veal 8c. Live 8tock and Provisions. Steers, $4.00$4.60 per 100; heifers $.U0$4.00; cows, $3.25 $3.75; hogs, $(5,7517.00 Spring lambs, 9 10c; fcacon 17022c; hams, 17 17 1-2 c. Produce and Poultry. Butter Ranch, 6Cc per roll; cream ery, 7075c per roll. Eggs 17 cents per dozen. Hens 13c; roosters, old 11c; young 11 l-2c; chickens mixed, 12c. Fruits and Vegetables. Apples $1.00$1.25; potatoes $1.30 per sack; turnips, carrots, ruttabegaa, parsnips, beets 75c per sack. RETAIL PRICES. Flour, Hay, Grain. Flour Valley $4.15 per bbl; Oregon hard wheat, $4.55 per bbl. Wheat No, 1, 85c per bushel. Shorts, 95c per sack. Barley $1.15 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.50 per cwt. Hay Timothy $14; clover $10; oat $12; and cheat, mixed, $10 per ton. Produce, Poultry, Provisions. Butter Ranch, 60c per roll; sepa rator COc per roll; creamery 70 75c per roll. Eggs 17 l-2c per dozen. Honey 15c per lb. Dressed chickens 16c per lb. Bacen, 18c; bams, ISc. Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes $1.50$1.G0 per sack. Cabbage 3 l-2c. Ruttahagas, carrots, turnips, par snips, beets, lc per lb. f RED C. GADKE piy "iPL" fl & Tinning ' Hoi Air Furnacei, Hot Pipes, Pumps, Spray Pomps, Wafer Pipes, Spraying Materials. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work. Res. Pbcne 1514 8hop 1518 914 N. Main 8t, Oregon City, Or STRAIGHT & SALISBURY Successors to A. Mthlstln. PLUMBING, TINNING AND GENERAL JOBBING. Pumps, Spray-pumps, Etc. Main St., Between 7th and 8th. Phone 1011. CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothes Washed "Whiter Than Snow." Family Washings at Reasonable Rates--No worry, no regrets If yon phone 1204. Our wagon will call. Miss Betta Matthies Is visiting in Mount Angel. CALIFORNIA WINES Strictly in accordance with the Pure Food Law. COBWEB WINE HOUSE ' 417 Main St. - Oregon Gty Thirty days treatment for kidney and bladder trouble sand rheumatism for $1.00. Your money refunded If not satisfied. Ptneules contain no al cohol. Do not derange the stomach. Easy to take. Sold by Huntley Bros. DEALER IN Clackamas Go, If you want to sell your farm or unimproved land list it with mc. I have buyers waiting. Now is the time to act if you want to sell this year. I do not ask for an exclusive contract, but give you the right to sell the property yourself, or let any other agent sell it, If he can. All I ask is a working chance. Send me description, price and terms. GEORGE W. DIXON. Canby, Oregon. 22 CATTLE NET AVERAGE Or $5G.3 1 No changes in the local markets Wednesday. M. A. Shaver, tho Mo Inlla atiM'kralset brought twenty-two head of fine beef cattle to this city Monday and sold tin-in to R. PoUold, Brown & Welsh and Furr Bros., local butchers. Tho cattle aro a cross be tween Hereford and Durham stock and aro said to be the best beef sold here In some time. The price paid ws 4V4 cents a pound and netted tho owner $1250 or an average of $56.81 per bead, Mr. Shaver has about twenty-nine head of the name strain of cattle and will bring twenty-three head to town In a few days. The Big Store With The Little Prices Out of Sight. '"Out of Sight, out of mind," is an old saying which applies with special force to a Hore, burn or wound that's been trented with Bttcklen's Arnica Salvo. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. Piles too and chilblains disappear under' Its healing Inlluence. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists. 25c. Veritas literary society hold, a spec ml session nt the Bnrclay Bchool Wed nesday afternoon. After a very de lightful program the members mndo -arrangements to entrrtnln the Lau retta society at tho residence of J. C. V.liiHer Friday night Tho nffnlr will be a strictly literary one. Literary gnniea will ho tho only ones allowed to be played and afterwards tho company will enjoy literary refreshments. A Woman Tells How to Relieve Rheumatic Pains. I havo been a very great sufferer from the dreadful disease, rheuma tism, for a number of years. I have tried mnny medicines but never got much relief from any of thorn until wo years ago, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pnln Halm. I found relief before I had used all of one (bottle, but kept on applying It and soon felt like a different woman. Thorugh my advice many of my frinnda have tried It and can tell yon how wonderfully It has worked. Mrs. Sarah A. Colo, 140 S. New St., Dover, Del. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is a llnlmont. The relief from pain which It affords Is alone worth many times Its cost. It mnltos rest and sleep pos sible. For sale by Howell & Jones. BUYS FREDERICK FARM, George H. Brown, the potato raiser of New Era, has bought tho Julius Frederlch place of 70 acres, ono mile south of New Era. Tho consideration Is stated as $1000. Tho livestock and funning Implements were Included In the deal, and these will bo disposed of by Mr. Brown at public sale. Mr. Frederlch will move to Portland. Piles are dangerous tmt do not sub mit to an operation until you have first tried Man an tho great Pile Remedy. It Is put up In collapsible tubes with a nozzle thut allows It to bo applied exactly where it Is neoded. If you havo Itching, blooding or pro truding pllos and Man Zan does not relieve, money refunded, Soothes and cools. Relieves at once. Sold by Huntley Bros, Concord Grape Pudding. Allow two tablespoonfuls of rice flour, moistened with four tablespoon fuls of cold water and four tablespoon fuls of sugar. Stir Into it ono pint of boiling grapo juice. Stir until thick as bluno ninngo; pour into mold, put on ice. Serve with whipped cream, SPRING HAS COME Its coining makes necessnry to you many things that we offer for sale. Don't Imagine that because at the particular moment you may desire any special article It may not be exhibited on our shelves or In our windows or Bhow cases that we haven't got It in stock. TELL US WHAT YOU WANT We are anxious and ready to relievo you of the bother and annoyance of hunting for things. LET US DO IT FOR YOU We will leave no stone unturned to satisfy your desire and to deserve your friendship, to give you GREATER VALUES FOR LESS MONEY THAN ANY OTHER STORE KEEPER . . New Arrivals !1 mm lW&r evefy day' of Dfess i iiiw.wii in V I 0 Goods and Ladies' Suits. A complete line of Millinery at Lowest Price Possible. in Successor to I. Selling Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon City, Ore. 1b 7 H 10 I 0 0 0 Ouvtaiifitun (Bros. yiifyrs of CfYHHT TftOJ t Hit ACQ For the Smartest Suit of the day As to value-giving, that just puts us on our mettle, for we know, and will prove to you that, look where you may, you will not find any val ues to equal those we offer at TEN DOLLARS. Some stores ask $13 for them and others even more. 0 0 I See Our Window Display GORDON HATS Any Color Any Style Sole Agents J 0 0 0 S. R osenstein SUCCESSOR TO I. SELLING Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon City, Ore. I Gently moves the toweis and at the some tlrho stops the cough. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. No opiates. Dest for Coughs, colds, croup and; whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. , Children like It. Mothers indorse It. Sold by Huntley Bros. NOTE - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, MONEY REFUN DED IF GOODS ARE NOT AS REPRESENTED 0 0