Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 05, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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The telephone office hn been niovtx)
at lost. Tim mutter was kept very
inlet Wednesday night nnd many peo
ple were greatly surprised TliurHilny
at tho ctiniiKo. Tho phono wore cut
over nt seven o'clock In the evening,
jiiNt three inlinileH being consumed In
making tho change,
Tim new phono exchange In ono of
tlm most up to (lute office In tho stain
lr Will lit! UH MOllll Bit ttlO lieW It'll-
phono are liiMtiilletl. The service Ik
touch Imprnvei ty tho addition of
two iimie operator, Mle Ixirctfa
Waldron iiihI lllrdlri Miller,
By tho new system It In not neces
sary Id rliiK tlm liell to get central,
merely taking down tho receiver nuik
1 1) K the required connect Ion. The
present number will bn lined for a
while lunger, until the new telephone
are Installed. When Mil Ik doun there
will not he kii ninny Nubscrihcr on
one line iih heretofore, nud the nuiiiher
of rlnj; will not bo such a constant
worry to the housewife,
(!, 8. Rimers, who four yearn ago
reeled the liliuikrtihlilp fmni north of
Willamette ami went Into the dulry
business, iiiude hi lui( trip supplying
isistoiner on hi milk route, Thur
day. Mr. Hogem by straight busbies
methotl and coiiit-ou treat tni-nt hud
built up u good trade.
At the time hn discontinued tlm
route he was welling milk froih twenty
cow, hut he ha decided ho can mnko
moro money by paying moro atten
tioa to the farm. He hn bought a
separator and will fill (renin to a
Purtluml creamery.
u every Tburaday cveulng In tho
aagiigallonal lectuie riKim, tho pa
tor Itev. K. Clarence Oakley, conducts
a fllblo Study c1m uiHin th Sunday
school lenHnfi of the following Hundny.
Tal evening the lemm la concern
ing Jacob at llethel, and the vision hn
had of the angel ascending tho lad
dor to heaven. Tho clan meet at
7:30 a ml I open to all who aro Inter
ested to come, The attendance linn
beea growing encouragingly of late.
A Criminal Attack.
on an Inoffensive cltlxen I frequently
made In that apparently useless little
tube called the ' appendix." Il'a gen
erally the result of protrncted count I
pat Ion, following liver torpor. Dr.
King New Life Fill regulato tho liv
er, prevent appendlcltl, and establish
regular habit of tho bowel, 2ic, at
Howell & Jones' dmg store.
A. Venter of llarton, hcIhhiI clerk,
called on Superintendent Zlnser.
1). I.. Itoyland of District No. 109,
wa tranHBctlng business In the coun
ty superintendent's olllce, Thursday.
Gentle and Effective.
A well known Manitoba editor
write: "A an lnlde worker I find
Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver
Tablet Invaluable for tho louche of
blllouHiicHH natural to a sedentary
life, their action being gentle and ef
fective, clearing the digestive tract
and the head." Frlco, 25 cent. Sam
ple free. Howell & Jones.
If you want tho beat coffee on earth
try Flurrlngton Hall stool cut coffee.
Home Telephone Company
CHIenH of Ongon City should not
fall to avull themselves of tho oppor
tunity (o secure an early Installation
of the new Telephone Com-pnny's In
strument, The Independent Telephone Com
pany has recently Installed a tele
phone plant at Albany and here is
what they suy:
Oregon Iluslness Men's League. 0.
H. Sanders, Albany, President; M.
Feterson, Forest drove, Vice-President;
(Jeo. F. Rogers, Snlom, Secre
tary & Treasurer. Office of the Pres
ident, Albany, Oregon. March (I. 1907.
To whom It may concern: The ad
vent of the Home Telephono Compuny
Into Albany and Linn county has been
of material benefit to the users of
telephones, Inasmuch as It has In
creased our telephone patronage moro
thBii live hundred per cent, and the
yttrvlce from a poor, Indifferent ono, to
the best that modern appliance and
strict business application can pro
duce. I would not consider for a mo
ment, a proposition to destroy our
telephone competition. ,
(Signed) GEO. 13. SANDERS,
President Oregon Business Men's
Tlm entertainment given by tlm
pupil of Ht. JoIiiih school at Knapp'a
hull, Wednesday ovcnlitK. for tho Mc
Imghlln Institute, wa a great suc
cess both socially and financially. Tho
hull wax crowded till standing room
wbh nt n premium. Many wcro com
pelled to remain outside. Over two
hundred admission ticket wore sold
hy tlm achool children and a grout
many people inilil admlHHlon at tlm
door, f
All thn iiumhera of tho program
were wiill received by tho audience
and there would havu been repeated
encore had It not been announced
that tlm children would respond to
noiiu of them.
Tho quilt Hint had been on exhibi
tion In liiiNch'a store wan rallied after
the program mid It wuh found that
Mm, M. J. Snyder of tho Went Bide
held tlm lucky number, 07.
Thn Uev. A. lllllebrand announced
that tlm pleasing feature of thin
program were only a forerunner of
what will be given at commencement
time In June,
Thirty day treatment for kidney
;and bladder trouble sand rheumatlHin
ror i ,1)1), lour money refunded If
not Htlnlleil, rinoulea contain no al
cohol. Do not derange tho tomach,
Easy to take. Hold by Huntley Dro.
Saloon Notice,
Notice I hereby given that I will
apply at tin' next regular meeting of
;the Oregon City Council for a re
lewiil of my liquor McetiHe at my pre
lent place of biiMliieH, 50, corner Fifth
i and Main afreet.
17t2 A. J, Sl'RHER.
Ytt, I Have Found It at Last.
Found what? Why thnt Chamber
lain' Salvo cures eczema and all
manner of Itching of the skin. I havo
been afflicted fur mnny year with
skin disease. 1 had to gel up three
or four time every night and wah
with cold water to allay tho terrible
Itching, but since unlng thl salve In
December, 1005, the Itching ha stop
ped and ha not troubled mo Elder
John T. Ongh.y, Rootvllle, Fa. For
aale by Howell & Jonea.
' Snoon Notice.
Notice I hereby given (hat the un
designed will apply M tho Council
of Oregon City, Oregon, at It next
meeting, for a renewal of hi aaloon
IIci uho for a period of ix month at
hi present place of bulne, .Main
anil Sixth HtreetH,
Ordinance No.-
An utdlnanco to amend Section 10
of Ordinance No 271 entitled. "An
ordinance authorlvlng The Oregon
W'Hter Fower and Railway Company,
It KiircoRHor and atiHlgn, to cou
nt nut, maintain and operate a rail
way on Third atreet In Oregon City,
and to erect the necenHary polo and
Htrlng the nocoHHary wire for the op
eration thereof, and to enrry freight
tand oxprca matter on and over said
railway on aald Third atrcet and on
and over aald Company' railways on
Main street In Oregon City and to col
lect charge and toll for tho carrying
of freight and expre matter." Ap
proved November 10, 1902.
Oregon City does ordain a follows:
Section 1. That Section 10 of Ordi
nance No. 274 of Oregon City entitled:
'"An ordinance authorizing The Ore
gon Water Fower and Railway Com
pany, Ita BueeoHHors and BHHlgn. to
construct, maintain nnd operate a
railway on Third street In Oregon
City, and to erect the necessary ile
and string the necessary wire for tho
operation thereof, and to carry freight
and express matter on and over said
railway on said Third street and on
and over said Company's railways on
Main street In Oregon City, and to col
lect charges and tolls for the carrying
of freight and express matter," be
amended so as to read as follows:
J. H. Cusclck & Co.. Rankers. .1.
W. Cuslck. President: K. 1). Cuslck,
Cashier; II. H. Cusclk, Assistant Cash
ier. Capital and Surplus, $70,000.00.
Albany. Oregon, March fi, 1907.
To whom It may concern: The
Homo Telephone Company's existence
In Albany has had the effect of giving
us better telephone service and has
been especially helpful to the farmers.
It Iibb been the means of reducing
very materially their rates. We did
not know what good service meant un
til the advent of this company.
Respect fully,
(Signed.) 13. D. CUSICK,
J. S. Van Winkle, Albany Oregon,
March Gth, 1907.
To whom It may concern: This Is
to say that the telephone system in
stalled in this vlty by the Home Tele
phone Company gives a far superior
service to any with which I have ever
como in contact, nnd it has operated
to give us a farm more extended ser
vice with the farmers and rural dis
tricts than ever enjoyed before this
company began operations here; their
methods are clean and businesslike
and I cheerfully commend them to
the public generally.
Very respectfully,
(Signed) J. S. Van WINKLE.
Section 10, Tho Oregon Water
Power and Railway Company, Its suc
cessor or aMHlgn, shall pay annually
In advance to t)m City of Oregon City,
a a license for the running and oper
ating of said express and freight rar
a aforesaid, tho following sums, to
wit: For tho flrat five (5) year from No
vember 10, 1802, Four Hundred
($400,00) Dollar per annum, and for
the remaining five (5) year the sum
of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollar per
annum; A a further conlderatlon
for the granting of this ordinance the
u Id Railway Company, It successor
and assigns, shall within live (5)
years from November 10, 1902, put
down on and along said railway, on
tho paved portions of Main street,
rail of not. less than six and one half
(0'4) Inche In depth and weighing
not less than seventy five (75) pound
per yard, provided that currd rail
in side track, turnout and switches
may be six (fi) Inches In depth, and all
such rail shall be of a pattern and
shall be laid on a foundation to bo ap
proved by the salil city council.
Read first time and ordered publish
ed at a regular meeting of the council
of Oregon City, held Wednesday, April
3rd, 1U07, au.1 to como up for second
reading and flniil passage at a special
meeting of said council to be held
April 17th, 1907, at 8 o'clock, p. m.
! Recorder,
Notice of Change of Street Grade.
Notice I hereby given that tho
grade of Tenth street of Oregon City,
Oregon, from the West linn of Main
street to the East lino of Water street
Is ordered changed and re-established.
This notice I published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon
City made at a regular meeting of
said Council held Wednesday, April
3rd, 1907.
Administrator' Sale of Real' Estate.
In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur
L. AlbrlKht, deceased.
Pursuant to an order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Clackamas, I will, on and
after Saturday, tho 4th day of May,
1907, proceed o Sell the following de
scribed real property belonging to the
said estate at private sale for cash
and subject to confirmation by the
said court, said real property being--scribed
a f-llows, to-wlt:
Tlm North half of the Northeast
quarter of Section 15 In Township 4
South of Range 4 East of the Willam
ette Meridian In Clackamas County,
State of Oregon.
Administrator of the Estate of Arthur
L. Albright, Deceased. 17t5
Notice of Proposed Street
Notice Is hereby given that the City
Council has ordered the Improvement
of Madison street, Oregon City, Ore
gon, commencing at the North line of
Third street thence Northerly to the
South line of Fifteenth street. Said
Improvement shall be made by grad
ing said street to the proposed grade
to be established by the City Engi
neer, by laying wood side walks six
feet wide, by laying all necessary
cross walks, and by setting wood
curbs twelve and one-half feet from
the center of said street, and by Im
proving all parts of said street be
tween curbs, and all Intersections of
street und alleys the full width with
crushed rock and screenings. Wher
ever said grade requires a fill of more
than 15 feet, then said street shall be
Improved by building a good substan
tial wood bridge 25 feet wldo with
four feet Bluewalks on each side there
of. Provided that the part of the street
now occupied by the present bridge
between Fourteenth street and Eigh
teenth street shall bo Improved by
laying sidewalk four feet wide with
a good substantial railing along each
side thereof, on same grade as bridge.
Provided further that wherever a
fill of more than six feet Is required
said fill need not be more than 40 feet
wide at the top with sidewalks six feet
wide laid at the side thereof next to
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the Council of Oregon
City made at a regular meeting of said
Council held Wednesday, April 3d,
' Recorder.
Ordinance No.
An ordinance providing for the sani
tary conditions of factories, work
shops, tenements, public halls, or lodg
ing houses.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. In factories and work
shops where there are fifteen persons
or less of each sex, there shall be pro
vided by the proprietor or owner, one
water closet for each sex, and one for
each additional fifteen persons of
each sex or minimum thereof. Toilets
shall bo seperate In all cases. Every
tenement or lodging house shall bo
provided with one water closet for
every ten rooms or minimum thereof,
and olie sink for each floor. All resi
dences and public halls shall be pro
vided with at least one water closet
and one sink.
Section 2. Any person, firm or cor
poration violating any of the provi
sions of this ordinance shall be deem
ed guilty of a mtsdeamor and upon
conviction thereof, before tho Record
er or Mayor, Bhall be punished by a
fine of not less than $10.00 or more
than $50.00, Each day in which such
toilets and water closets are not pro
vided shall be deemed a separate of
fence. Section 3. Whereas there are
many buildings, factories and work
shops within the corporate limits un
provided with proper sanitary facili
ties nnd endangering the public health
of the citizens, therefore It is tho
judgment of the Council that an emer
gency exists, and that It Is necessary
for the public health that this ordi
nance shall become operative upon its
approval by the Mayor, therefore this
ordinance shall take effect and be in
force Immediately upon Us approval
by the Mayor,
Read first time and ordered publish
ed at a regular meeting of the Coun
cil of Oregon City, held Wednesday,
April 3rd, 1907, and to como up for
second reading and final passage at
a special meeting of said council to
bo held April 17th, 1907, at 8 o'clock,
p. m.
Hy order of the Council of Oregon
Notice I hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execu-
I tor of tho estat of Jacob Mlley, de
I ceased, by the Hon. County Court of
' Clackamas County, Oregon. All per
'sons having claims against the said
'estate aro hereby notified to present
the samo to mo for payment with
proper voucher at my home In Union
precltwt, Clackamas County, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice,
i My address being Aurora, Oregon,
R. V. D. No. 3, Box C8.
Executor of tho Estate of Jacob Mlley,
j deceased.
CORDON E. HAVES, Attorney for
Estate. 14-t5
Dated March 9th, 1907.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
I Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Louise Emma wolf Kussell, Plaintiff,
Robert Nephl Russell, Defendant.
To Robert Nephl Russell, tho above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
court and suit on or before the expl
j rat Ion of six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons,
I to-wlt:
I On or before the 2Cth day of April,
1 1907. and If you fall to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the plain
'tlff will apply to the Court for the re
I lief prayed for In her complaint now
jon file herein, to-wlt: that the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant be dissolv
ed; that the plaintiff be awarded the
care and custody of the minor child,
Iiulse Willamette, and that the plain
tiff may have such other and further
relief In the premises a the merits of
her case shall require, and as In
equity shall seem meet.
This summons Is published by or
der of Grant B. Dlmlck, County Judge
of Oregon for Clackamas County, and
said order was made and given by
him on the 12t.h day of March, 1907,
the Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the
! above entitled Court, being absent
jfrom tho said County of Clackamas,
and the date of the first publication
thereof is the 15th day of March, 1907.
14t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion.
; Interesting Statement by Huntley
When a man comes Into this store
and calls for any particular indiges
tion remedy, we give what he asks
, for, but in case he leaves it to us we
usually rccoromead Pepslkola tablets.
Here Is a preparation we have been
selling right over the counter for years
and from actual observation we know
It must be good, and really does re
lieve and cure Indigestion and dyspep
sia or there would be a steady stream
of people coming back for their mosey,
as every 25 cent box Is aold with the
understanding that you must be de
cidedly benefitted or there is nothing
to pay.
You simply try Pepslkola tablets
wth the understanding that they will
steady your nerves, improve your ap
petite, relieve wind belching, coated
tongue, sour stomach, fullness after
eating, weakened energy, and other
symptoms of indigestion or Huntley
Bros, are ready at any tme to pay
back your money without the least
Improve and Beautify the Complexion.
The principal ingredients in Dainty
Laxakola tonic tablets are cascarin
and dandelion which is one of the saf
est complexion beautiflers known.
Forty little chocolate coated laxative
tablets, 25 cents. Huntley Bros.
Neglected Colds Threaten Life.
From the Chicago Tribune.
'"Don't trifle with a cold,' Is good
advice for prudent men and women.
It may be vltaT In the case of a child.
Proper food, good ventilation, and dry.
warm clothing are the proper safe
guards against colds. If they are
maintained through the changeable
weather of autumn, winter and spring,
the chances of a surprise from or
dinary colds will be Blight. But the
ordinary light cold will become severe
If neglected, and a well established
ripe cold is to the germs of dlpththe
rla what honey Is to the bee. The
greatest menace to child life at this
season of the year la the neglected
cold." Whether it is a child or adult,
the cold slight or severe, the very best
treatment that can be adopted is to
gve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It is safe and sure. The great popu
larity and Immense sale of this prep
aration has been attained by its re
markable cures of this ailment. A
cold never results in pneumonia when
it is given. For sale by Howell &
fn the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Ethel Rutherford, Plaintiff,
R. Iwell Rutherford, Defendant.
To It. Lowell Rutherford, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby reuqlred to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
Court and cause on or before the Cth
day of April, 1907, and If you fall to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief prayed for In the com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving
the bond of matrimony existing be
tween you and the plaintiff, upon the
ground of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, for an order allowing plaintiff
to resume her maiden name, Ethel
Osborn, and for general relief.
This summons Is published by order
of Grant B, Dlmlck, County Judge of
Clackamas county, Oregon, and said
order was made and given by him on
the 21st day of February, 1907, on ac
count of the absence of Judge of said
Circuit Court for said County and Dis
trict, and said order Is made return
able to the Circuit Court of Oregon,
for Clackamas county. The first pub-
llcatlon of this summons Is made on
the 22nd day of February, 1907, and
the last publication is the 5th day of
April, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
SUMMONS. lentered In the County Court of tho
In the Circuit Court of the State of j State of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun
Oregon, for the County of Clacka- ty. on the 4th day of March, 1907, in
Jonathan Stoker, Plaintiff,
Sadie Stoker, Defendant.
To Sadie Stoker, Defendant. ,
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
I you m ma uoove eniiueu huh, on or
before the 20th day of April, 1907,
said date being more than six weeks
after the date of the first publication
of this summons; and If you fall to
so appear and answer, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief de
manded in the complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and you, and for the cost and
disbursements of this suit.
Pursuant to an order made and en -
tered March 5, 1907, by Hon. G. B.
Dlmlck, County Judge of Clackamas
County, Oregon, this summons Is serv
ed on you by publication thereof for
six successive weeks in the Oregon
City Enterprise. The date of the
first publication being March 8. 1907,
and of the last being April 12, 1907.
Dated March 5, 1907.
13-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court or the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Mary E. Courville, Plaintiff,
Oliver L. Courville, Defendant
To Oliver L. Courville, defendant
above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are commanded to appear in the
above entitled court and cause on or
before the 13th day of April, 1907,
which is more than stx weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
notice and the date set by the Judge
of the above entitled court and you
are required to answer the complaint
filed against you in said court and
cause, and for want of such answer or
appearance, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded In
the complaint to-wlt: for a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and you
as defendant on the ground of willful
desertion, and for such other and
further relief as may be just and meet
in equity.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. John B. Cleland, Circuit Judge)
of the State of Oregon, made and en
tered In the above entitled cause oa
the 19th day of February, 1907, and
made by the said Judge because and
on account of the absence of Hon.
Crown Boys' Mining and Milling Co.. (a corporation) Location of prin
cipal place of business, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, (414 Main
Notice Is hereby given that there Is delinquent upon the following
described stock of said corporation on account of assessments levied by
the stockholders thereof,' on the dates and in the several amounts set op
posite the names of the respective stockholders, as follows:
No. of No. of
Chns. E. Lane,
Chas. Moran,
Helen Montour,
M. Moran,
H. B. Nickels,
Stacey Nickels,
Win. Cummlngs,
Alphonse Goulet,
Oct, 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1906
Jan 1, 1907, $10.80
And In accordance with law, and an order of the Board of Directors
of said corporation, made on the 22nd day of March, 1907, so many
shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at
public auction at the office of G. F. Anderson, at 414 Main St., Oregon
City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 30th day of April, 1907, at the hour of 5
o'clock p.m., of said day at said place, to pay said delinquent assessments
thereon together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale.
By order of the Board of Directors of the Crown Boy's Mining and
Milling Co.
. Dated, this 28th day of March, A. D. 1907.
lC-t5 D. C. BAKER, Secretary.
Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of the
above entitled court and for the Fifth
Judicial District, and on account ol
the serious Illness of the said Tboma
A. McBrlde, and because and for the
reason that the said Thomas A. Mc
Brlde Is not within the County ot
Clackamas at the time of the appli
cation of thla order.
Date of first publication March 1,
1907. Date of last publication, April
12, 1907,
12t7 Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackt.maa County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Rob
ert Baty, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned, the xecutor of the last
will and testament of Robert Baty,
deceased, has filed his final account
as such executor In the above entitled
Court and matter and that Monday
April 15, 1907. at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m. at the County Court
room In said county, has been aj
polnted by the County Judge as the
time and place for hearing and deter
mining any and all objections there
Executor of the last Will and testa-
ment of Robert Baty, deceased.
Dated March 12, 1907. 14t5
Notice of Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that In pur-
Rttanca nf An nrrior r1 oala maiia nA
Timm, deceased, the undersigned ad-
minlstrator of said estate, will on the
13th day of April, 1907, at the hour of
11 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, at the front door of the court
house in Oregon City, Oregon, offer
for sale to the highest bidder for cash,
subject to confirmation of Court, the
following described real property, to
wlt; Beginning at the north-east corner
of James G. Cunningham's ten acre
tract on the County road and running
North Two Hundred and Ten (210)
feet; thence West Four Hundred and
Fourteen and 11-12 (414, 11-12) feet;
thence South Two Hundred and Ten
(210) feet; thence East Four Hund
red and Fourteen and 11-12 (414, 11
12) feet on said Cunningham's line ta
the place of beginning, contalniag
Two acres of land more or less, being
! a part of the George Wills and Sarah
Wills Donation Land Claim, in sec-
ilin twenty-five (25) Township One
(1) South of Range One (1) East of
the Willamette Meridian, la Clacka
mas County, Oregon.
Dated this 6th day of March, 1917.
Administrator of the estate of Chris
Timm, deceased. 12tS
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
In the County Court of the State of
In the Matter ci the Guardianship
Pearl E. Trullinger, a Minor.
It appearing from the petition of
E. A. Howard, the guardian of the
person and estate of Pearl E. Trullin
ger, a minor, that It Is necessary for
the maintenance, support and educa
tion of said minor, and that It would
be to the best interest of said minor
that all of the said real estate mention
ed in the petition of E. A. Howard,
guardian of the person and estate of
said minor, should be sold.
It is therefore ordered, Jhat the
next of kin of said ward, to-wlt: D.
N. Trullinger, Herbert Trullinger and
Bertha A. Trullinger, and all persons
Interested In said estate appear before
this court on Monday, the 29th day of
April, 1907, at 10 o'clock A. M., to
show cause, if any they can, why such
sale should not be ordered, and that a
copy of this order be published in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper circulated in Clackamas
County, for a period of three (3) suc
cessive weeks.
Dated this 25th day of March, 1907.
Date of Ass't. Amount
Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1, 1906
Jan. 1, 1907, $3.24
Dec. 1, 1906
Jan. 1, 1907, $44.50
Jan. 1, 1907, $11.25
Oct. 1, Nov. 1, and Dec. 1, 1900,
Jan. 1, 1907, $4.52
Dec. 1, 1906
Jan. 1, 1907, $18.00
Dec. 1, 1906
Jan. 1, 1907. $9.00
Jan. 1, 1907, 4.83
March 15, Apr. 15, May 15, June 15,