Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 05, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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O. W. P. To Lay Grooved
Rails In Cement Bed on
Main Street
VVy Cleared for Long Deferred Im
provementPetition For Grad
ing and Parking of Mad
lion Street.
luiHHoil until It hud boon thoroughly
illHcuHHitd and several changoa mado
In It.
Tho rail to lio lined, said tho rcMolu
Hon, along tho pavod portion of Main
Htrci't, will bo grooved rail, on tin-
paved portions of ttrrwi am) on curv
ed rail of Nwltchoit on pavod wtreMt,
T rails, tho former weighing 88
pounds to tho yard, and tho latter 70
pounds. Tho rulln aro to bo laid on
Hon Cx8 Inchon, 8 foot long, renting
on gravel bed 6 Inchon doop, thin on
commit construction and tho same ma-'
terlal uHd an filling between tho tl.
It was stated and not dlNputod during
tho dlBCHMMlon that there would bo,
practically, a aolid bod of concrete
undr tho track.
Tho roNolution provides for vltrl
flud brick or basalt atone block pav
I ri ja; between tho ralla and for a foot
on either aldo, tho cholco of material
being left to council. Tho block are
dearer and supposed to b bettor. The
tilling for tho paving la to bo either
cement or puvlng pitch.
Tho ralla and road bed construction
are similar In all roapocU to that bo-
Approval of tho ralla and proponed
roadbed of tho O. "n. P. track along
Main street, tho development that tho
1'aclllc Telephono company la oper
ating without a franchlHO, pnsnugo of
ordinance regulating material and con
struction of ildewalk. atart niudo for
tho Mndtrion street Improvement, and
first readlnK of ordlnunco regulating
Kanltary condition In bulldlnK were
tho tuoHt Important tranHuctton of
tho busy aeNNlon of tho city council, J ing imed now In Portland, Maid
Wednesday nlulit. that w protract- Griffith.
S for a half hour Into Thursday morn- Tho resolution gives tho cotnpnny
tug. Reside llio foregoing there were 1 permission to place tho present track
a largo amount of routlno business and above the atreet grade and nearer tho
minor matter disponed of. Mayor and curb In order to accommodate the traf
nil member wern present except , flc while tho now track I being put
'ouucllmen llrnhdt and HnrrlnKton. In. This I nereMary, Mr. Griffith
WAY CLEARED FOR jaatd, berauHo while tho new track I
NEW 0. W. P. TRACKS. Ulng luld In tho center of tho atreet,
There U nothing In tho way now to the excavation to allow tho eight foot
prevent or delay tho I'ortland Hall- i tie will take In ono rail of tho pre
way, Light and Power company from ont track.
ln)ceedlnK Immediately with tho re-1 Cotiiicllmen Androsen, Knapp,
'ontrurtlon of tho ), W. 1', track j Hand. Pope, Ixigti, Meyer and Wll
Jilong Main atreet. Tho 1902 ordl- llnm all participated In tho discus
iianco wa amended to suit the depth 'lon of tho reaolutton, and CltyAttor
f tho rail that the company'a attor- ney Campbell was there with good
ny say aro "now on hand"; tho suicgeKtlon for safeguarding tho clty'a
i all and method of laying were ap-! IntercHt. Superintendent Howell
lrtived by the council, and If tho com-:kvo warning that tho old track
lany I In earnest the work can be j were right abovo the city water
completed long before the franchise j main and bad done thorn groat dam
time limit, November 10 next. age. To tho suggestion of atatlng In
The matter wa brought up by the jtho resolution tho new track would
Kocorder reading a communication jbe placed In tho center of tho atreet,
from the company, aaylng tho bonding (Mr. Griffith turnod a deaf ear; bo wa
of the track at Green Point ' and not authorized to realgn any claimed
jreght of the company, referring to the
, company'a contention that It has a
Ung Main atreet had been ordered.
Tbl wa In reply to a recent resolu
tion of council directing thla to bo
'lone for the aufety of team and pod
vtrlan. Franklin T. GrlfHUi, local attorney
for the company, presented an ordi
nance ami-ndlug section 10 of tho 1902
franchise to tho O. V. P., changing
Two ordinance repealing old ordl
nunco for telephono right wore
Sanitary Ordinance.
A mile feiiHutlon wan aprung by
tho Introduction of an ordinance regu
lating Munltary condition In bulldlnK.
Tho mayor atatod tho lmnillato cuiiho
of H was the neglect or jrefimal of a
firm employing a number of women to
put In convenience. Tho ordlnanco
wa rend flrt tlmo and will bo pub
Untied In thla paper.
Flro Chief Hu'-onlch reported hy
drant at Fourteenth and Fifteenth
street out of repair, recommended
walk repaired In front of Grtwn point
flro bonne and two lights put In, new
no..Io for No. 3, and alnk placed In
If. Ik L'n, Fountaln'a and Cataract'
room. Latter rererroa. superin
tendent Howell denied tho chief re
port about hyaranta. Other recom
mendation adopted.
Hecorder reported collection dur
ing month: Fine S36; cemetery lot
etc., $35 ; llcenne 239; assessment
newer dlatrlct G, $020.03; atreet fund
(taxon) $2937.10; mlncl. general fund
(taxes) $5878.21; total I97G0.34.
Want More Pay.
John Oloanon, C. U. Straight, Nick
Story and A. Wlckbam, worker on
ntreet, petitioned for IncreaHed pay,
giving an reanon tho Increaaed coat
of living. Tber now receive $2.00 a
(Continued on Pago Four.)
Petition of Fred Leavens for aide
walk along lot 7, block 151, J. Q. Ad
ama ntreet, referred. Antman &
Knightly and Knapp & Nobel granted
six month extension of saloon 11
Grado of Tenth ntreet from Main to
Water ordered re-eatabllnhod.
Ordered finance committee prepare
ordlnanco allowing moving picture
galleries to operate at $10 a month
llcenne fee. Two men will atart ouo
In tho armory at onco If llcenao la re
duced to that.
Minor Matter.
Finance committee ordered to buy
24 cane steel file cabinet for recorder,
coat $G5,
Mayor will name general cleanup
Seat In central part to be re
paired. Police rod light will bo reconnected
with telephono office which moved
aero tho atreet Wednesday night.
Abntract of taxe duo city from
county will bo mado. Only way to
get them paid, tl ald.
Prlnoner nerving 20 day aentence
will Im put to work on beautifying of
city park at 8eventh Bnd Center street.
Lateral In alley in Sewer dlatrlct 5
reported too near surface. Street
committee will Investigate.
Following claim were recommended
jing. A the boy 1 not criminally In-j
dined and but for thin escapade bears
an excellent record, the grandfather
quickly regretted hi action and ob
tained tho boy'a releane.
County Court Finds Legal
Number of Signatures on
Oswego Paper
Beaver Creek Mutual Given Right to
Erect Polea and 8tretch Wire
Johnaon Appointed Deputy
George Brown aold a load of pota
toe Jn Oregon City, Thursday, from
bin place here,
John Evan has purchased a fresh
cow of William McCord of Twilight
Mr. and Mr. A. Roblnon will move
noon to Portland where they had liv
ed a good many year, before coming
to West Oregon City, a few month
Mr. R. Ford I visiting friends In
Kntacada for a few days.
Mr. W. Blackburn In thinking of
selling hi property In hopes of pur
chasing a larger and more conven
ient place.
W. C. Powell In Buffering from lum
Tho county court decided Wednes
day that tho petition for tho Incorpor
ation of Onwego had the legal propor
tion of signatures. The court will
vlnlt Onwego Saturday, April 13, and
make personal Investigation Into the
merits of the proposed plan to Incor
porate. Attorney J. U. Campbell reprenented
tho citizen who remonstrated, Frank
lin T. Griffith appearing for the 8.
P. Ry.
Beaver Creek Mutual Telephone as
sociation was given franchise to erect
pole and stretch wlrea thereon In
Maplo Lane, Beaver Creek, Highland,
Viola, Canyon Creek, Milk Creek, New
Era and Canby road precinct, with
the usual rentrlctlona.
John Hough was allowed $4 for
a lost road warrant dated 1897.
Deed from David E. Pendleton and
wife to Clackamas county for a road
way, straightening and Improving
county road In sees. 17 and 20, C-3o,
wan accepted; a was also deed from
Charles F. Clark and wife for a road-
Notlo in the 8tr Want column are
strictly Canh tn Advance, at the follow
ing ra.li: rive unea, three inrtlona,
2bc; twit fOc; month 12.00. Count ts
word to Una, group of figure or Ini
tial counting a worda. No advertlea
mnt accepted for leaa than 26o.
suite, city water, close to business dis
trict, 1309 Main street.
FIVE ACRES, six room house, barn,
orchard; running water year round.
In city limits, block from schooL Call
on E. L. Shaw, night police. 69t6
HOUSE AND LOT on Sixth street.
Inquire of Dan Williams, 416V& Sev-
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. A. jenth street. 65-t3
Powell, who ban had a cane of chick-
en-Dox. is much lmoroved. IFOR THOROUGHBRED White Minor-
Tk w,. om oinin- n.t ca Eggs ror selling, can ai Hams'
at the home
Shield Thursday evening.
Mrs. J. F. Clark has been confined
to the boune with an attack of the
grip for a week.
John Armstrong sold a load of po
tatoes In Oregon City, Thursday.
8lde Singing club met ca E ,or 8etUnS.
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grocery.
PONY Brown, JV on left stifle, white
stocking on hind foot, saddle marks.
Yearling colt with her. $5 reward for
return to owner, Sam Batdorf, Wil
lamette. 17tf
franchlno for double tracks, but ho as
sured council It wa the Intention to
put the track a near tho center of
tho street a I practicable.
At tho Instance of Councilman
Knapp a clause wa added to tho reso
lution limiting to two block at a by tho finance committee, were al
tho depth of rails to bo ued In relay-i tliw tho excavation for now trackn, lowed and warrant ordered drawn:
Ing the track on Main street from 7 to ' and limiting to same distance the I General Fund.
1:4 Inche. Ho asked that Oil bo ' length of old track allowed at one Jc. E. Burns, chief of police. ...$ 75.00
lianned becouno tho rail tho company I time abovo tho street grade. The , K. L. Shaw, night watch 75.00
bad on hand for tho work were 04 ! company In alxo to provide temporary iV. H. Cooke, night watch 75.00
way, and road named "Lawnneld
Rebate of taxes allowed: W. G.
Glover $16.59; Cbarle E. Burns $5.90;
E. N. Foster $17.50; James Duncan
$6.48; A. and A. J. Wallace $5.50; Al
fred Inman $5.40; Jacob Rupp (poll
tax) $1, John Gaffney $3.
Petition for vacation of part of an
The Deutcher Vereln is making
elaborate preparationa for the recep
tion to be given next Sunday after
noon In honor of two of the members,
FIVE ROOM HOUSE with all out
buildings, gojd water, two and one
half acres of fine garden land, with
splendid growing orchard. Fine loca
tion for chicken ranch, or desirable
home for mill workers as It la handy
to car line. Frank Rotter, Parkplace,
Oregon. 63w
EYE GLASSES, on car leaving Port
land Monday night at 12 o'clock.
Glasses are at R. L. Holman's under
taking parlors. 63-3
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Sommers, who ; BRIGHT BOY to learn the printer's
have recently returned from a tour trade. Good wages to start and ad-
of Europe. All the members are ex
pected to be present. The meeting
w ill be called to order at half past six.
After the program the megibers will
partake of a bounteous banquet. Dur
ing the reception the Doella St Milton
orchestra will discourse sweet music.
Following Is the program that will
be rendered:
alley In block 4, Oswego, was granted jBegruessi-ng President Schnorr
the petitioner giving deed for strip of jLle1 Chorus
land 20 feet wldo and 100 feet long off i Declamation Miss Edna Petzold
vancement as merit deserves. Apply
between 5 and 6 p. m. at Star office.
made of designing and making child
ren's and babies dresses, by experienc
ed dressmaker. Miss Mattle Pink
ham, 307 Fifth Street.
Inches deep though weighing. 88 pounds loroHKlnRH for team over tho rained
to the yard Inntead of only 75 pound 'tracks at street Intersection.
ii required by tho ordlnanco. After
Insertion of a date at tho Instance of
Madlton Street Improvement.
Petition for Improvement of Midi-
'lty Attorney Campbell, to mako suro : son street from Third to Fifteenth
W. A. Dlmick, charter salary
$25.00, additional and Increas
ed work. $25.00 50.00
J. V. Campbell, prosecutlngfeoa
Feb and March 22.50
Drs. Carll and Melssnor, visits
at Jail 2.50
W, J. Plummer, labor painting
roof 3.00
the amendment would not extend the street presented and notice ordered
llfo of tho franchlno, tho ordinance ! published. This Is tho street It Is
was read first tlmo and ordered pub-' proponed to park along tho sides,
llthed. I Ordlnnnce granting franchise to
Mr. Grimth also presented a res(du- Frank Hunch to use Singer Hill creek Portland Gen. Electric Com-
t Ion by which tho council approved tho for power, was pnssed. pany, lights 203.50
rails and proponed road bed for tho j Ordlnanco regulating width and ma- Theo. Miller, fire election Judge 2.00
now track, tho 1902 franchlno provld- j terlal for sidewalks panned. It Is Henry Stratton, Are oloc. Judge 2.00
lng that tho council' approval must familiar to reader of tttl paper as J. E. Rhoades. Are eloc. Judge
Vo obtained. Thin resolution was not It has been published herein.
f ' 1
I IS sir
For cool cooking, lesi work and least fuel-expense uw a
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
the ideal stove for summer. Does everything that an other
kind of stove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. Made in
three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealer's, or write our
nearest agency for descriptive circular.
Ratio Lamp "ll
11 at
The Z-rj& T I the bet lamp for
all-round household
use. Made ot urasa
throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con
structed j absolutely aafe; unexcelled in light-giving
power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted.
If not at your dealer', write to our nearest agency,
etc., certificates 5.50
C. W. Swallow, shade trees. . . . 18.00
E. F. Grlsen, hauling 3.50
L. Ruconlch, chief of fire dept 18.00
Oregon City Foundry, Iron, ce
ment rammer 1-32
Popo & Co., fire supplies 4.33
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.,
hauling 31.25
;M. D. Latouretto, city treasurer
etc C5.00
Star Press, Enterprise contract
$-5.00, complaints. $15.00.... 30.00
tices In Star, $1.05; total.. ..30.00
George Marley, cleaning Main
Street 22.00
Wm. Gadke, cleaning Main St 24.00
L. Stlpp 25.00
Phil Hammond f 2.00
Com. Fire and Water for mov
ing Engine House 100.00
Cemetery Fund.
B. V. Linn, lumbor $ 2.05
Popo & Co., repairing pipes... 2.50
Road Fund.
Pope & Co., broom $ 50
J. C. Bradley, street Supt. ... C8.50
John Gleason, atreet work 18.00
C. B. Straight, street work... 20.00
west side of lot 11, block 4, for 1 pub-1
He highway.
Matt'Rauch la to be notified to re
move barn owned by him thit la
obstructing the Turner road In dis
trict 34.
J. D. Ernston et al subscribed $100
for Improvement of county road lead
ing from Gladtldlngs to Marquam.
When that sum has been worked out
under tho supervisor, the county will
donate an equal amount.
Bond of Vester road approved and
county board of road viewers will
view out, survey and locate said road.
A hill near the farm of A. Newell
was ordered cut down, graced, draln:
ed and Improved.
Deputies Appointed.
II. H. Johnson was appointed dep
uty county surveyor and the follow
ing field deputies for County Assessor
J. F. Nelson: E. P. Carter, Geo. F.
Horton, H. W. Shaw and G. B. Hay-
Bond of John C. Elkins as constable
for district No. 3, was approved.
and Clara WlnkeL
Soprano Solo... Miss Marie Friedrichs
Piano Solo Miss Theresa Wltz
Quartette. . .Mr. and Mrs. W'lnkel and
Mr. and Mrs. Schnorr.
Violin Solo Frank H. Bunch
Piano Accompaniment John Busch.
Maple Lane grange. No. 296, meets
Saturday. The ritualistic work will
be done by the women of the grange
and the kitchen work by the men. The
women expect a big dinner and a good
chance to run the grange according
to their own ideas. The same plan
will be carried out at Abernethy, No.
346, at Parkplace at Its next regular
day meeting, April 27.
Plumbing & Tinning
Dot Air Faruces, Boa Pipes, rumps.
Spray romps, Water Pipes,
Spraying Materials,
' All Kinds of Jobbing Specialty
Estimates Given on All Classes
of Wort
Res, Phone 1514 Shop 1516
914 N. Main 8t, Oregon City, Or
The city council took a flvd minute
recess Wednesday night in honor of
Dr. Sommers, ex-mayor of Oregon City,
who took a look In on the body over
which he at one time presided. The
doctor remarked the session was tame
compared to the lively times in the
old days.
Takes Money fop Journey But Is For
given by His Grandfather.
Beauty More Than Skin Deep.
Every one who wants a good healthy
color, and a clear skin free from bil
iousness, sluggish liver and chronic
constipation should get 1 ickage of
Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, nature's
sweet restorer. Huntley Bros.
' Whooping Cough.
I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in my family In cases of
whooping cough, and want to tell you
that It is the best medicine 1 have
ever used. W. F. Gaston, Posco, Ga.
This remedy Is safe and sure. For
sale by Howell &. Jones.
Strictly in accordance with the
Pure Food Law.
417 Main St. - Oregon Gty
Out of Sight.
'6ut of Sight, out of mind," is an
old saying which applies with special
force to a sore, burn or wound that's
been treated with Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind
and out of existence. Plies too and
chilblains disappear under its healing
Influence. vGyaranteed by Howell &
Jones, druggists. 25c.
N. Story, street work 13.00 court costs.
A. Schroeder, the fifteen year old
boy who was arrested Tuesday on a
charge of purloining a revolver and
forty dollars from his grandfather,
Marvin Hubbard of Sunnyslde, was
v ' " - - -Mexico and will become operative the
ing upon his grandfather paying the . . .
April 1 mavked the passing of public
gambling in Arizona, the law making
the running of a gambling game a
felony going Into effect that day. A
similar law has been enacted In New
Successors to A. Mlhlstin.
Pumps, Spray-pumps, Etc.
Main St.. Betweea 7th and 8th.
Phone 1011.
first of sext year.
Clothes Washed "Whiter Than
Snow." Family Washings it
Reasonable Rates--No worry,
no regrets If you phone 1204.
Our wagon will call.
0. B. Jefferson, street work .
The lad's parents live in California
and he has been residing with his
grandparents. For some time the boy
has shown signs of longing for his old
home and he at last became so home
sick that he took the revolver and all
the money In the house and went to
The gross receipts of the Oregon Portland. T. Hubbard swore out a
City poBtofBca for tho Quarter ending
March 31, were $3004, and for the
year ending on the same date, $13,335.
Both totals are large Increases over
corresponding periods 1 a year ago.
There is no better Index of a city's
growth than the postofflce receipts.
warrant for the lad's arrest, charging
him with larceny. Schroeder was ar
rested in Portland by the police of
that city on a description furnished
them by Deputy Sheriff Baker of this
county. Constable Chas. Ely brought
the boy to Oregon City, Tuesday morn-
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianosand Furniture Moving
"EES? Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Mill Street