OREGON CITY, OREGON, f RIDAY, MARCH 29, 1907. 4- J PEST ON ANY TREE San Jcfce Scale is not Confined to Ftuit Trees Alone But iay be on Others. FOUND, ON SHADE TREES Samuel Rok Flndi Twig of Vint Maple Covered With Terror of Fruit Giowr May Not Af fect! Shade Trees. Home of tlni liiciil hnrllculturUU are becoming tli)-ed up over tho know ledge (hut thf Kan Jim acalo I not 4'imllneil to fi nit treea alone, but niuy Im foutul oiiyHlindu trees an woll. Hnmmd IUiiiUc fouml Monday a twig of vine nmplo thllt wan lnfextml with tint Kcfllc' Tli parnxlto whh IiiiiiIh takahle, fcmt iiio tin turn of tin wood nliow(ii,iiuiy tlmt It wan not from a fruit l(ee. Whether the Male will lnmati other than fruit treea U a din-fUiH'-'f quiHtloii, No counter jiurUHlln linn J.i'c-u found, ami the only way Kiiowu ho fur to get rlil of It In by "i"y IniC. The apray luclf do-a not Mil the jmraiilti', but the generation of A rjrtaln kiih by chemical routnlui'it In th apraylng In fatal to the enemy. Tint tint" and 'atmoKpherle coudltlomt are Jm (HtrtHiit too, ami the tempera ture iniiHt be warm to have the treat- llll'llt effective, Whether tlx acalo In detrimental to kIiikJ" treea or not, the fact r-tnalnw .tint It ran Kpread from them an well an from other treea, ami they niuat be pprayed to keep tho Infect Ion from preadlmc to orchard where It may !o daman". Tho rapidity with ilch thn pent multiplied, i-HtlinatiMl at about un million an hour. It a cauae for i niurli ronn-rn on tint part of thono who have tree that they wImIi to pre nerve. Mr. Rnake wIhIich to havo this at tention of all who havo tree railed to the fart that the acalo may bo found on any tr and for tho aako of thn fruit IndiiHtry ho thlnka that more than utual raro ahould be taken to pro vint thn fruit treea from being In-Tented. ml hlmMiilf by marrying nor. Bho admit that hIio baa been affllet- oil with ee.oma, and aaya that thin ban boon a thorn In thn (limit of her bun baud, 1 1 Ik wild to havo referred to hnr face an a "rotten old limit" ami to have atated that liu married hnr only out of aytnpnthy beeatmo no other man would take hnr. Tho recital con tinue the, III treutmntit aim la ptald to havo received at hi handH, and atatna that ho baa aecuaed her of adultery and of Improper relation, with other men at numerou tlmita. liu la wild to have beat and kicked hnr and to havo madu hltrmelf no din agroeablo to her that alio wan com pelled to leave her holnn. Bho Btatea that after alio li-ft, he did not contrl buto to her aupport nor to thn aupuort of tho boy whom nbe took with her, beyond about 2S a year which ho nave her for tho aupport of thn child ren, Mr. Slum auk for a divorce and Hid cuHtody of thn twelve-year old boy. Klin atatea that lie hna property of roimlderablo value, and la well ablo to pay alimony for her aupport, where font aim aitka tho court for a decree comiielllm; him to pay $20 a month to her. 8h abio aaka a rntralnli)K or der compellliiK bl in to keep away from her,' for alio anya that at varloi'u tlinea he Iuih threatened to kill her and ahe la afraid. She aim, wanU him to put up IW altorney'a feea. BIG JOB IN IDAHO County Surveyor is Awarded Contract (or Work by Go wrnment MAN IS MISSING SINCE NOVEMBER Albert Pasold of Molalla Starts to Visit His Mine - Has Not Been Heard From. County Surveyor S. A, D. HunKatu ban been awarded a bl contract from tho government for work to bo done on tho Minihl lnuian roaervauon in eaatern Idaho next aummor. The Indiana who have been living on thla reservation are to be moved to tho Fort Hall reaervatlon In Idaho, and the land Ih to be aulwllvlded and tho boundarlea eatabllHhed. Later It will probubly be thrown open for Bet dement. Thla reaervatlon la In tho extremo eaatern part of the atate next to thn Montana lino. Mr HuriKiite will leave about tho drat of May for hla work, taking with him the force of aurveyor from here. Home half dozen In number. Ho atatea that the work will be In plenaant coun try, Although a trllle ronnh In placea, The altitude Ik high, and part of the reHervatlrtn extenda Into the moun- tlllllH. II. H, JolniHoti baa been over the land, and baa made field notea of the country which are now being tran arrlbed by Mlaa Margaret Mulvey for u hh when Mr. HunKiite atarta hla work. It la eatlmnted that the coat of the work will be about $7750. During the abai-nce of the county aurveyor, tho office will be In charge of H. H. Johnaon. and Edna Voha, David and Allen Ruth erford, Nettle and Altha Stevena, Joae pblno Adama, Martha Fellowa, Eva and Huby Hchram, Dwlght Falrfowl and Ralph MadUon, Vlaltora preaent, Annlo Mayfleld, Pearl Miller, Mra. Joo Fellowa, Amanda Fellows, Mrs. Voha and Mra. Mudgett. Patrons and frlenda always welcome. There will bo an entertainment and pie social given In tho school houao at Highland Saturday night, April 13, 1507, for tho benefit of the school. A I small admlaalon will bo charged, ex cepting the school children and ladlea bringing a pie. Robert Olnther, Teacher. TH08 F. RYAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse. V 5 PROFESSIONAL b I REOTORY O. D. E8Y, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estate settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in CauHeld Bldg., Main and Eighth Sts. ACTIVITY IN TIMBER. An agreement of sale has been filed with County Recorder Ramaby by Chrlatlan liurkhardt of St. Joe, Wis consin, tranaferrlng 1954 acres of land between Boring and Kagle Creek to C. II. MaKlnnls, A. II. Davis, S. II. Rotherwell, all of Portland. Tho Miime agreement records the leaae of 440 acres of timber land In tho same diatrlct. The amount la $50,000, one half to bo paid In cash, and the real In throe notea of $8,333 each. IjihI November Albert I'aaold of Molalla left for bin mine thirty-five inlleK up the Molalla and aootheuHt of Tabor Rork. Hlnre then no trace Iuih been found of him. nor hna he sent any word aa to bin whereabouta. Next week a searching party con- bIhIIiik of De Wright, Frank Paaold . ., in i ... i i ami inuian rrana win ieavn io ne u they ran find aome tram of him. When he left he bad provlalona only for a abort time, and did not take hla gun. It la feared that aome accident may have befallen him or that ho may have become lost In tho M, li ved to death. W. 8. U'RKN C. SCHUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortxage. i Office in ENTERPRISE Building, Oregon City, Oregon, J. E HEDCES F. r. GRIFFITH Money to Loan. On real eaUte, $3,000, $1,000, $500, $300 and other sums to suit conven ience of borrowers. C. H. Dye. 13 ml j HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 "Weinhard Building, opposite Court House H. E. CROSS AT LEAVES TO TESTIFY. Will Walker left Tuesday morning for Hun FranclMco where he will testi fy BKalnat the captain of tho whaling ship on which be bad a thrilling expe rience. Young Walker sinned Articles for nix months, but found that bo was In for a voyage that lamed some four years. Tho captain turned out to be a cruel man, and tho crew had a bad time of It. On their return the cap tain was brought up In tho United Htatos court for cruelty, and Walker will be required to give testimony . ni.al.ml lil mi Ho llilnka thn rflHft will nnow ana i - I bo transferred to a court in tho east. FIFTY-SEVEN PACE I DEED IS RECORDED O.W.P. Transfers All Property In Clackamas County to P.R.L &P.Co. ATTORNEY Real Rntate, Loana, Insurance LAW Main Street, OREGON CITY RECITES HER TROUBLES A MetiHatlonul divorce auit hna been filed with the county clerk of Clark iimna county by May Shea, who wants to be separated from her hutihnnd, I aitlel Shea, of Portland. The romplaint alleges that the couple were married at Falrvlow, Multnomah county, a suburb of Port lad, Sept. II, 1S87. Two children were born to them, of whom one, Fred i. Shea la living, and the other, Ileaalo Shea died In 19l)G. Mrs. Shea says that her huabanlV cruelty baa made It Impoaalble for he: to live with him any longer, and the complaint recites numerous Instanc ca where he la aald to have been cross and morose to her, and to have used nbuslve languiiRo, railing her by op brobrlous epithets. At one time ahe complains that ha said he had degrad- Hla brother Frank bus twlre made an attempt to lor ate him, but succeed ed In Klng only as far as a hunting rnbln near High ramp, where tho deep snows hindered further progress. It la thouKht that by thla time the snows may be sulDrlently melted to allow the party to proceed further up the Molulla, mid they will make all possible efforts to find the man. This la not the flrat time that Paaold has been gone from home for long In tel yh'.h It is Maid that hla custom every winter is to go Into tho woods hunting or trapping, or to vlnlt hla mine. He has never been gone so long as this without aome word reach ing hlu family, however, and thoy are very anxious about Mm. If so. Walker will have to go too. WANT8 TO INSPECT SHEEP. W. 8, ICddy of this city has his eye on the new office created by tho last legislature when it provided for tho position of sheep inspector, He went to Salem Friday night to see about the appointment and to present his quall catlons as a veterinary. It la said tho office carries a salary of $3000 and an expense allowance of $1500 a year. SCHOOL REPORT. Following Is tho Highland school report. Dint. No. 33, for three months ending March 22, 1907: Niimbcr of pupils enrolled during January, 37; days taught, 20; average dally attend ance, 33; those present dally during January; Hurley Fellows, Harold, Her bert, Leo, fidna and Isabel Vohs, David and Allen Rutherford, Eva and Ruby Schram, Dwlght Falrfowl. Number of pupils enrolled during February, 33; number of days taught. 19; aver age dally attendance for the month, 33. Those present dally during Feb ruary aro Hurley Fellows, Frank and Josephine Adams, Harold, Herbert, Leo, Edna and Isabel Vohs, David and Allen Rutherford, Arthur and Sadie Fellows, Dora, Ruby and Dwlght Fair fowl, Nettle and Arthur Stevens, Mar tha Feflows. Eva and Ruby Schram, Ralph Madison. Number of pupils enrolled during March, 36; number of days taught, 20; average ilaily attendance, 32. Those present dally during the month are Harley Fellows, Harold, Herbert, Leo County Recorder C. E. Ramsby placed on record Thursday, one of the largest deeds recorded In thla county for some time. The deed contains fifty-seven pages of closely typewrit ten matter and conveys the property In Clackamas county of the Oregon Water Power & Railroad company to the Portland Railroad, Light & Power company In consideration of one dol lar. Last December the O. W. P. com pany was merged Into the larger cor poration and the recording of the deed enda the deal. The larger company f now controls the electric power situ ation of Oregon City as well as of Portland. Ry tho terms of the deed, the consolidated company is In pos session of all the riparian rights, ' water rights, franchises, privileges and rights of way; and all light and . power business, all power plants and all real estate formerly owned by the former company. SAVERS WANTED Whenever we persuade an individual to become a saver of money we consider that we have conferred a benefit upon him and ijpon the community as well. We want more savers The Bank of Oregon City GETS THIRTY DAYS IN COUNTY JAIL I Oregon City & Fametfs? Telephone Co. is constructing an up-to-date CABLE CENTRAL ENERGY SYSTEM, being part of the Hojne Telephone Company of Portland ' Don' t fail to get your application in for a HOME PHFJI The Service will be the Bes Ul George Gilbert Alias Clifford Sentenced for Larceny from Employer. George Gilbert, alias C. R. Clifford, the man who stole the suit case and watch chain from the house of his employer G. Crlteser of New Era, was given a hearing In the justice court Tuesday morning. Gilbert fled to Salem after the theft and was arrested In that city by Chief of Police Gibson on a telegraph Ic description sent him by Chief of Police Burns of this city. Wishing to be lenient with Gilbert, or Clifford, Mr. Crlteser withdrew his charge of larceny from a dwelling and substituted one of simple larceny. The prisoner pleaded guilty to simple larceny and was sentenced to 30 days' imprisonment In the county jail. Gives More Light Gem High Efficiency Electric Lamp. This new line of high candle-power lamps signalizes an important development in the use of electric light, and marks a notable advance in the betterment of illumina tion. The actual gain is 20 per cent better efficiency than is at present obtained from the highest efficiency incandescent lamps. Health In the Canal Zone. The high wages paid made It a mighty temptation to our young arti sans to join the force of skilled work men needed to construct the Panama Canal. Many are restra'ned, however, by the fear of fevers and malaria. It is the knowing -ones those who have used Electric Bitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing they nre safe from malarious influence with Electric Bitter on hand. Cures blood poison, too, biliousness, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles fluaranteed by Howell and Jone, druggists. BOo. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the fact that It la ploasant to take and contains nothing In any way Injurious has made It a favorite with mothers, r. W. S. Pelham, a merchant of Kirksvllle, Iowa, says; "For more than twenty years Chamb erlain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles, le Is especially successful in cases of croup. Children like it and my cus tomers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by Howell & Jones. High Efficiency Lamp with Distributing Holophane Reflector. Appreciating the great gain in lighting secured by the use of proper reflectors, there has been designed for use with the new lamps a special line of Holophane Pagoda shades, which, when used with the new lamps form a brilliant and highly effective lighting combination. Two kinds of reflectors are provided, the distributing, or "D" form which is shown above, and which is recom mended where wide areas are to be illuminated, and the concentrating or "C" form of reflector which is admirably adapted for use in show-window lighting or wherever a concentration of light is desirable. The GEM lamp with its Holophane Glass reflector forms a brillant lighting combination and merits the at tention of store keepers and all those interested in the improvement of lighting facilities. On exhibition at the Company's office 609 Main Street. Call telephone 1 08 1 for information. Portland Ry, Light & Power Co. C- C. MILLER, Contract Mgr. for Oregon City.