Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 22, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Sam Roake Will Give Three
Dozen Bushes to Plant
In Bluff Park.
At tli" IunI iiMX'tlnj; of the council
A. Knapp was appointed a committee
of iiiiw tu look up mid report on tint
matter of a park nt the head of tlio
steps on Seventh afreet, I In Iiiin not
been Idle, and at the next meeting
of the council will report that In) Iihh
Mfciiri'd tho promise, of throe down
rose hushes which Hum Roako Ih will
Iiik to kIvo Hid city ami to mt out free
of charge. Mr. Knnpp thinks tliut this
spot offer great possibilities for
park, and Im enthusliiHtlc over tho Idea
of beautifying the crest of tho Huff,
Tli rose 1 1 1 m In h which Mr. Roake
will donate nn to Im planted along
tho bend In tint walk between tho top
of the steps ami Center street. If
tho city Ik willing to K' Into tho mut
ter of waking thin a beauty spot, It
will h" iifti'MHiiry to fill In ntul grudo
before It run he nodded ami net out
with flower bed. A row of roues
along th walk, however, run ho put
In nt nny tlnn, ami will make tho
place attractive till further Improve
ments are made. Thin would bo fol
owing out the Portland lha of mak
ing the City beautiful With the rones
that gro who enHlly In this climate.
Some tb-ubT In thin town U nelllug
an almighty kih grade of -enamel
paint. Wednedny the Star printed
n nccoutit of a womnn on the hill
who look a biitli In a newly enameled
tub nnd stuck fitMt, The huHbnml of
thlN womnn merely Inughcd.
lowii Green Point way lives a nun
band who bun good Intention In re
gard to tiU wife, hut wliimn HtrenKth
tu InNufllrli-nt to cope, with tho sltua
tlon presented Uy r womnn twice bin
weight Murk fimt to the enamel of
a bnthtub. Hnch I said to be tho way
It all happened. The maker of bnth
tub eiiumi-1 will have to place a label
fin their product warning prospective
but hern to bo careful.
of IIiIh rii tiimotiH ; nnd If you full to
xo appear and answer, plaintiff will
apply to this Court for tho relief de
manded In tho complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving tho bonds of
matrimony now existing between
plaintiff ami you, ami for tho coat and
disbursements of thin ault.
Pursuant to un order made- and en
tered March 5, 1907, by Hon. O. R.
Dlmlck, County Judgo of Clackamaa
County, Oregon, this summons Im serf
d on you by publication theroof for
nIx successive week In tho Oregon
City Enterprise, Tho date of the
flrnt publication belnR March 8, 1907,
and of tho hint bclnn April 12, 1907.
Dntod March G, 1907,
13 t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guardian Sale.
Not lea la hereby Riven that under
and by virtue, of an order of the Ibsi
ornblo County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, miido and en
tered of record on Urn lth day of Feb
ruary, A. I). 1007. In tho matter of the
KiiardluiiNhlp of Harbnra lleglna Mor
lock, Atnelln Iviulm Morlock and An
na Mario Morlock, mlnont, I will pro
ceed to hii, on and after Monduy, tho
first day of April, A. I). 1907. In front
of the Court hoimo door, at Oregon
City, Oregon, all tho right, title and In
terest Unit kbIiI minora have In and to
the following di-Hcrlbed property,
situate In ('liirluiiniiH County, Oregon,
to wit:
"Beginning at the Northeaat corner
of that certain tract of land found do.
scribed In deed recorded on page 370,
Volume "49". Hecord of Deeda for
Clackamas County, Oregon, mild be
ginning point being the Northeast cor
ner of the HoutliweHt quarter of tho
Northwest quarter of Section 4. Town
kblp 3 South, Range 3 Kant of tho W.
M , running thence south along tho
Khhi linn of mhIiI tract 2!i.t8 chains to
the County road; thence along nali
County riad North 0.1 degreea Went
1 r.r, chains; thence South 71 degreei
Wont nlung said road 5.50 chains;
thence North 85 ih-greM Woat H
rhalna, more or Imh, to the Went lino
of ald Section 4; thence North along
ald Sect Ion line 20 rhalna, more or
lcn, to the Northwest corner of tho
Souihwi-Kt quarter of the Norlhw-eal
quarter of Section!; thence Kant 20
cbahiM to the place of beginning, con
taining fil acren. more or leas, Bllbject
to the life eatate of their father, Dnn
lei Morlock."
TertiiK of hale, cftKh.
K. (!. CAUKIKU), Cuardlnn
II. K. CIIOSS. Attorney for Guardian
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stalo of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
ICthel ltutlMirford, I'lalntlff,
It, Ixiwell rtuthorford, Defendant. ,
To II. Iowoll Kuthorford, tho above
named defendant:
In tho tiamo of tho Btate of Oregon:
You ore herohy reuqlrod Ut appoar
and annwer tho complaint filed
agalnnt you In tho above entitled
Court and caiiHo on or before the Cth
day of April, 11)07, and If you fall to
appear and anawer, for want thereof,
tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court
for tho relief prayed for In tho com
plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dlaaolvlng
tho bonda of matrimony exiting be
tween you and tho plaintiff, upon the
ground of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, for ea ordor allowing plaintiff
to rcHurno her maiden name, Kthfd
Oaborn, and for general relief.
Thin mimrnona la publlahed by ordor
of firant It. Dlmlck, County Judge of
Clackamaa county, Oregon, and aald
order wan riia'fe and given by him on
the 2lHt day of February, 1907. on ac
count of the alienee of Judge of aald
Circuit Court for aald County and Dla
trlct, arid aald order la made return
able to tho Circuit Court of Oregon,
for ( lackarnaB county. Tho flrat pub
llcatlon of thla Hummona la made on
the ZL'nd day of February, 1907, and
tho lam publication la the Gth day of
April, 1907.
Attorney for I'lalntlff
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for ClackamfiH County.
Minnie M. Houghtlln, Plaintiff,
ICugene Houghtlln, Defendant.
To Eugene Houghtlln, tho abovo
named defendant:
In the naii. a of tho State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
annwer the complaint filed agalnnt
you In the above entitled ault on or
before the DMh day of March, 1907,
and If you fill to ho appear and ann
wer for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to said Court for tho relief de
manded in her complaint, to-wlt:
For the denotation of the bonda of
matrimony exlHtlng between yourself
ami the plaintiff and for her coats, and
disbursements In thla suit, and for
Hiieh further relief an to the Court
may aeem meet.
Thin nummoun In published for nix
consecutive weeks by order of tho
linn. Thomaa A. McHrlde, Judge of
the Circuit Court of tho State of Ore
gon for Clackamas County, made and
entered on the 8th clay of February,
Flrnt publication February 15, 1907.
Last publication March 29, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Portland, Oregon. 10t7.
ward 0. Jonca, Defendants. I as may te deemed proper In the prera-
To Peter Gabriel and Edward 0. lnos.
This summons Is publlahed In pur
suance of the order of the Hon. Grant
D. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly
made and entered on the 12th day of
February, 1907, and the date of the
fimt publication hereof la the 15h day
of February, 1907.
10t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jones, Defendants:
In the name of the Btate of Oregon:
You arc hereby summoned end re
quired to appear In the above entitled
court and annwer the complaint filed
agalnnt you In the above entitled ault
on or before the last dato descrlbled
In theordor for publication of sum-
monn, to-wlt, the lnt day of April, 1907
and If you fall to so appear or ans
wer the plaintiff wlil apply to the court
for the relief demanded In tho com
plaint herein agalnnt you. The re-
lief demanded In tho complaint Is a, v, . ..,,.,, . ,y,at -judgment
and decree of this court t Notl:e ,B ,,,!rfcl'y gIven that tbe un
quieting title of the plaintiff against dernlgned han been appointed execu-
tho defendants as to the Northeast tor f the Cntate of Jacob Miley, de
quarter (NE'i) of Section twenty- . . th pountv Court of
nine (29), Township four (4) South cta(" (1' by l Um-MUnt' ourt 01
of Range six (C) Eant of the Wlllam- ( Clackamas County, Oregon. All per
otto Meridian; and thereby remove nons having claims against the said
from said property the cloud created 1 eatate are hereby notified to present
by tho fact that tho defendant Peter ' thu amn . Tna navmont wilh
Jiahrlel heretofore made an alleged I . , . . ,
and pretended homestead application,1""1"' i" "
for said real property and thereafter
executed an alleged and pretended
deed of conveyance to the defendant,
S. A. D. Puter of the aald real proper
ty and that thereafter 8. A. D. Puter
mado an alleged and pretended deed
of conveyance to the defenadnt Ed
ward G. Jones of the said real proper
ty and decreeing said deeds to be null
and void and of no effect and enjoin
ing and restraining the defendants
and wach of them from asserting or
claiming any right, title or Interest
In or to said real property by virtue
of said deeds and for such other and
further relief as may be deemed prop
er In the premises.
This summons Is published In pur
suance of the order of the Hon. Grant
n. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly
made and entered on the 12th day of
February, 1907, and the date of the
first publication thereof is the 15th
day of February, 1907.
10t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for tho County of Clacka
mas. Ella E. Williams, Plaintiff,
George Rlnearson, Edward B. Rlnear-
son, Emma Rlnearson Freytag, Jac
ob II. Rlnearson, Abraham L. Rln
earson, Isaac Kinr-arsor i'eter M.
Rlnearson, Frank Rlnearson,
Rlnearson, Ida Pullen, Rhetta Pul-
precinct, Clackamas County, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
thla notice.
My address being Aurora, Oegon,
R. F. D. No. 3, Box C8.
Executor of the Estate of Jacob Mlley,
GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for
Estate. 14-t5
Dated March 9th, 1907.
In tho Circuit Court or the Stato of
Oregon for tho County of Clacka
mas. Mary K. Courvlllo, Plaintiff,
Oliver L. Courvlllo, Defendant.
To Oliver L. Courvlllo, defendant
above named:
The fanners of the southern part of
the county urn objecting to the smnll I In tho name of tho State of Oregon
bounty that Is paid fur the exterml-1'" n commanded to appear In the
nation of obnoxious animals, and arelab,,vo ,nllll,, "rt and cause on or
,.,., , . ,. , before tho 13th day of April, 1907,
thinking of petitioning the county w,lch , ,noro ,', W0(k' fro
curt to Increase the reward for kill- j the date of the first publication of this
lug wild atilmuk The advisability j notice and the dato set by tho Judge
of continuing the South Clackamas j ,,f ,h" ,)HVW nltl'd court, and you
county bounty Cuh is being discussed. IZVFS
and members are requested to write ! ,.ause. and for want of auch answer or
their views to the secretary, I appearance, tho plaintiff will apply to
The Increase In the number of coy
otes and other destructive animals Is
becoming alarming and It see
the Court for tho relief demanded In
tho complaint, to-wlt: for a decreo dis
solving tho bond of matrimony now
ma noc-; existing between tho plaintiff and you
ewsiiry Hint the county should take as defendant, on tho ground of willful
some action In regard to their oxter-' desertion, and for such other and
mlnatlon j further relief as may bo Just and meet
ln equity.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. John H. Cloland, Circuit Judgo
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon In and for the County of
George Nllson, Plaintiff,
Julia Rosalind Nllson. Defendant.
To the above named defendant, Ju
lia Rosalind Nllson;
In tho name of tho Stato of Oregon
you are hereby summoned to appear
and answer tho complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before tho 29th day of March
1907. and If you fall to answer, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will take
decreo against you for the relief pray
ed for In the complaint herein filed,
That tho bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defen
dant be dissolved and that the plain
tiff have Judgment from the defen
dant for the costs and disbursements
of this suit, and for such other and
further relief as to the Court apppears
Just, equitable and meet.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde,
Judgo of the abovo entitled Court,
The will of Fred Wnespo of Sandy of tho Stato of Oregon, made and en
was admitted to probate. It appoints terod In tho abovo entitled causa on
Rosa Wnespe administratrix. nnditho 1!uh of wry, 1907. and !diy mado. signed and filed on the 9th
liui vi. u i. ii M,.. i . i , i i iiiuiiu ny uio sain juugo uocause anu
haves , I tho p , rtytoherand the arpmmt f th(, B,monpt) ()f on
three children, Mary. Henry nnd Fred, j Thomas A. Mcllrldo, Judge of the
If the real property In mild nt any above entitled court and for tho Fifth
time, the will directs that two thirds '"llrl"1 "ltrlct, and on account of
of the proceeds iditill go to the wlf
tlio serious Illness of tho anld Thomas
! A trt'.rlil.l nml l.inaiiu. nt.1 f..1f lha
and the other third shall be dlvbled ( reason that the said Thomns AMc
among tho children equally. It also , Hrble Is not within tho County of
directs that if the wife lives on the I Clackamas at tho time of tho appll
homestead she shall have exclusive
control of the property to manage as
she thinks best.
. The honk of Oregon City has liled
two suits, nno to collect on a pronils-1
aory note fur $1511 given in 190d hv '
cation of this order,
Dto of first publication March 1.
I'.MiT. Dnte of last publication, April
12, 1907.
12'7 Attorney for plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
In ti mutter of tho estate of John
Shubbo, deceased, Notlco is hereby
given that tho undersigned has boon
len, E. G. Caufleld, John T. Hall, W.
T. Hume, J. C. Moreland and J. Po-
To George Rlnearson, Edward D.
Rlnearson. Jacob H. Rlnearson, Abra
ham L. Rlnearson, Isaac Rlnearson,
Frank Rlnearson, Rlnearson,
Ida Pullen, Rhetta Pullen and W. T
Hume, defendants herein. In the name
of the State of Oregon: You and each
of you are hereby required to appear
In the above entitled Court on the
First day of the term of the said Court
to be begun and held next after the
expiration of six weeks from the date
of tho publication of this summons
and you will take notice that if you
fall to appear and answer the com
plait filed against you in the above en
titled ault on or before the first day of
said term of said Court, then tbe
plaintiff herein will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded In the com
plaint In this suit, which Is for the re
forming of a deed made by P. M. Rln
earson and Isabella Rlnearson, his
wife, to C. C. Williams on the 2nd day
of October, 1889, so as to make the de
scription In said deed read: running
thence North 30 dog. 14 min. West
etc Instead of running thence North
30 deg. 14 mln East etc as decribed
This summons Is published by the
order of the Hon. Grant B. Dimlck
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas, made February 11th, 1907,
the Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the
above entitled Court being absent
from the said County of Clackamas.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
day of February. 1907, which order j Published first time Feb. 15th 19.07.
specified tho time for answering the I erMnMs
complaint herein as the 29th dav of! ,, , ,? m o. . ,
March, 1907. and tho first publication , In the Circuit of the State of Oregon
of summons Is made upon the 15th
day of February. 1907. I
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Rob
ert Uaty, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the executor of the last
will and testament of Robert Baty,
deceased, has filed hla final account
aa such executor In the above entitled
Court and matter and that Monday
April 15, 1907, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m. at the County Court
room In aald county, has been ap
pointed by the County Judge aa tho
time and place for hearing and deter
mining any and all objections there
Executor of the last Will and testa
ment of Robert Iiaty, deceased.
Dated March 12, 1907. 14t5
Notice of Administrator's 8ale.
n the Circuit court or the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Louise Emma Wolf Russell, Plaintiff,
Robert NephI Russell, Defendant.
To Robert NephI Russell, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
court and suit on or before the expi
ration of six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons,
On or before the 2Cth day of April,
1907, and if you fail to so appear and
answer, for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for In her complaint now
on file herein, to-wit: that the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant be dissolv
ed; that the plaintiff be awarded the
care and custody of the minor child,
Louise Willamette, and that the plain
tiff may have such other and further
relief in the premises as the merits of
her case shall require, and 83 In
equity shall seem meet
This summons Is published by or
der of Grant B. Dimlck, County Judge
of Oregon for Clackamas County, and
Baid order was made and given by
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of sale made and
entered In the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Clackamas. Coun
ty, on the 4th day of March, 1907, In
the matter of the estate of Cbrla
Tlmm, deceased, the undersigned ad
ministrator of said estate, will on the
13th day of April, 1907, at the hour of
11 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, at tbe front door of the court
house In Oregon City, Oregon, offer
for sale to the highest bidder for cash,
subject to confirmation of Court, the
following described real property, to
wit; Beginning at the north-east corner
of James G. Cunningham's ten acre
tract on the County road and running
North Two Hundred and Ten (210)
feet; thence West Four Hundred and
Fourteen and 11-12 (414, 11-12) feet;
thence South Two Hundred and Ten
(210) feet; thence East Four Hund
red and Fourteen and 11-12 (414, 11
12) feet on said Cunningham's line to
the place of beginning, ' containing
Two acres of land more or less, being
a part of tbe George Wills -and Sarah
Wills Donation Land Claim, In sec
tion twenty-five (25) Township One
(1) South of Range One (1) East of
the Willamette Meridian, in Clacka
maa County, Oregon.
Dated this 6th day of March, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Chris
Tlmm, deceased. 13t3
Petition tor Incorporation of Oswego.
The undersigned will present to the
County Court of the State of 0-eson
for the county ot Clackamas, at the
incoming of the Coirt ta the first
Wednesday in April, 1907, the same
being the firtt day of the regular
April term of said Court, the following
petition for the Incorporation of the
him on the 12th day of March, 1907 town of 0sweg0 , Baid County and
me: i iuii. i. r. .iiLuour, .juuge Ul lu3 State
above entitled Court, being absent
from the said County of Clackamas,
and the date of the first publication
thereof Is the 15th day of March, 1907.
1417 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion.
Interesting Statement by Huntley
To the Honorable County Court of the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon: We the undersigned residents and
qualified electors of Clackamas Coun
ty, and residing within tbe limits of
jthe following described boundaries
which are proposed to be incorporat
ed and known and described as the
town of Oswego to wit: Beginning at
a point on the west bank of the Wil
lamette River where Tryon Creek
flows into said river and on the South
bank of said Tryon Creek In T. 2. S.
R. 1 East of the Willamette Meridian
and running thence wtsterly follow
ing the meanders of the southerly
bank of said Tryon creek to a point
where the south line of "E" Avenue
in the Oregon Iron and Steel Com
pany's first Addition to the town of
for Clackamas County.
Oregon & California Railroad Com
pany, a corporation, Plaintiff,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I. (!. Hiimbo. George D. Uninho and
W. V. M 11 ill I ii Wei- iiiwl Dm ..Hi...- I,.
..n..,.t ii-nn f... . i . , i r, appointed administrator of the above,
collect 7;.0o from I. (!. Rambo, Geo. i ' ,
i I, I,. 1 1. r ti .. i , entitled estate by the county court
Rambo, and W. Rambo on a noto glv-: , ,. , ,
i.. ii, ... . of Clilckamaa county, OrcRnn, and any
en In the kiiuio year. Attorney's fees ... . . , , , .
UUU Ull pi'lBUllD I1UVIU U1U11U3 11.11111
Nils Mike Watnee, S. A. n. puter,
Richard E. Moss and Jii. G. Jones,
To Nils Mike Watnee, Richard E.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Moss and E. G. Jones: Defendants.
Oregon for Clackamas County. In the name of the State of Oregon:
Annie C. Olson. Plaintiff. You are hereby summoned and re
Bertie Olson, Defendant.
When a man comes Into this store
and calls for any particular Indiges
tion remedy, we give what he asks
for, but In case he leaves It to us we
usually recommend Pepslkola tablets.
Here Is a preparation we have been
selling right over the counter for years
and from actual observation we know
it must be good, and really does re- Oswego extended easterly Intersects
lieve and cure Indigestion and dyspep- tne said southerly bank of Tryon
sla or there would be a steady stream Creek- thence northwesterly parallel
, , . u , , 1V , with and 100 feet northeasterly from
of people coming back for their money, jthe 80uthwesterly line of "G Avemw
as every 25 cent box Is sold with the ; in said Addition to the Jtown of Os
understanding that you must be de- i wego to a point 100 feet north of the
cldedly benefitted or there la nothing i northwesterly corner of block No. 3, In
t i said Addition to the town of Oswego,
p y' J thence southwesterly to a point 100
You simply try Pepsikola tablets j feet north from the northeasterly cor
wth the understanding that they will ner of Block 117 in the Oregon Iron
steady your nerves, improve your ap- ian,d, S Company's extension of
,, , . , , . , . m :sald Addition to the town of Oswego
petite, relieve wind belching, coated , thenc( 80utherly along test ltae
tongue, sour stomach, fullness after of Eleventh street of the Oregon Iron
eating, weakened energy, and other! and Steel Company's , extension of
symptoms of indigestion or Huntley nrst Addition to Oswego, extended
Bros, are ready at any tme to pay therly to Tualatin or Sucker'
, , , , iLake; thence1 following the meanders
back your money without the least oI the north bank of Tualatin or SucU
argument er Lake and Sucker Creek easterly
jto the Willamette River; thence fol
lowing the meanders of the west !ank
and Interest are asked for nml n..
county clerk has Issued writs of at-, "Ul CHtBt n,UBt prOSOnt thm t0 thG
uiiiiiMsigiiiHi uuiy vc'iiu'ii ill ins rest
tnch merit, J ledges nnd
the attorneys.
Griffith are
Improve and Beautify the Complexion. jof tne Willamette River to the mouth
Hie principal ingredients In Dainty of Tryon Creek to the place of begin-
quired to appear in the above entitled ... . iM,ot tho satll ,rrilnP '
court and ansn-er the complaint filed , aanaeuon wnicn one or tne ear- "
To Bertie Olsen, defendant above i against you In the above entitled est complexion beautifiers kuown. i lmiw th nrnviin nf n m .,f th.
named: j suit on or before tho date last do-j Forty little chocolate coated laxative 1 legislature of the State of Oregon in
in me name oi me state ot tjregon i -i "eu m me viuci iui- yuvinvauou ui iaijets 5 cents
- -- - ....!.. J ... Oliltllnnna , ,, i I a., am l.nl. tl,A 1 I l -
you lire required io appear ami bus I """"""""i . vu ji unun mu ji.
wer tho complaint filed against you In day of April, 1907, and if you fail to
the above entitled Court and cause, , appear or answer, the plaintiff will ap
on or before the 30th day of March, 1 Ply to the court for the relief demand
1907. that being tho date fixed by the ' ed in the complaint filed herein
Court for such appearance or answer J against you.
In and by the order ot the Court fori The relief demanded In the coin
publication of this summons, and if . plaint Is a Judgment and decree of
yc..;, fail so to appear and answer, the tins court quieting title or the plain
Huntley Bros.
Neglected Colds Threaten Life.
From the Chicago Tribune.
"'Don't trifle with a cold,' Is good
eiico near Orient Oroiron R F D 'plaintiff will apply to the Court for "iff against the defendants, to the
'n 1 PI....I ..,' PomViv' n' n'i tho reljrf prayed for In her complaint, Southeast quarter (SEV4) of Section
,o. 1, Clackamas County, OieRon. tlwt: For a decree dissolving the twenty-nine (29), Township four (4)
Oregon Patents.
Granted last week: Samuel T.
Lock wood, Portlnml, ling-holder mech
anism for bag-turning machines.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of
Oregon, for the County of Clnckn
nms. Jonuthan Stoker, Plaintiff,
' vs.
Smllo Stoker, Defendant.
To Sadie Stoker, Defendant.
In tho niinio of the Stnto of Oregon:
I compilation of facts, figures and draw'
lugs, nnd of wonderful value. Coun
1 ties nnd towns are fully indexed, ami
'population of ouch given; railroads
nliiliilv slimvn iiiul (IIhIhiicoh between
You nro hereby required to appear nll S,',ti,mH are also shown; congros-
nnd answer tho complaint, filed ngnlnst atonal districts outlined, numbered
you la tho above endUed suit, on or nnd populations given. Other fon-
beroro the 20th day of April, 1907, uros too numerous to mention. A
' splendid opportunity lor energetic
mini iiniu ui-niK uii'in iiitui m. wi-cili ...p..
mnrrluRO contract now existing be- South, Range six (61 East of the Wil-
tween the plaintiff and defendant and lamette Meridian; that there be re
to allow her to resume her former moved from said property the cloud
name of Annie C. Finger, and for such "created by the fact that the defendant
other relief as to tho Court may seem Nils Mike Watnee heretofore made an
meet and just, ', alleged and pretended homestead ap-
This summons Is to be published in plication for said real property and
tho Oregon City Enterprise for not thereafter executed an alleged and
fess than once a week for six consec- pretended deed of conveyance to the
utlve weeks prior to said 30th day of defendant S. A. D. Puter of the said
March, 1907, by order of tho Honors- real property, and that there after S.
bio Thomas A. McBrldo, Judge of said A. D. Puter made an alleged and pre
court. made and entered on tbe 13th1 tended deed of conveyance to the de-
gon. These surveys are a splendid 'day of February, 1907, first insertion fendant E. G. Jones of the said real
I within six months from tho dato of
this notice,
Dated February 1G, 1907. 4
l ' Administrator of .said estate.
Jonsrud, Atty. for Admr.
T. (1.
Threo salesmen for our now county,
township nnd railroad surveys of Ore-
. 1 ,.. A- M ....
I ic ja lur iub uicui porauon oi ciiies
!and towns. And your petitioners
would ever pray.
! C. N. Haines. Wilfred Piatt, L. E.
jMorrell, J. J. Johnson, John Bickner,
W. F. Bickner, C. A. Bethke. R. W.
Thnmna H Rotliko Ci C Y,i tliincr.
ndvico for prudent men and women. tolK g. ' E. Thomas,' R. Piatt." F. M.
It may be vital in the case of a child. S Busby, I. A. Jones, H. T. Evans, Thos.
Proper food, good ventilation, and dry. I Fox, T. R. Clinefelter, A. S. Clinefel
warm clothing are the proper safe- j ,J- W. Thomas .Joseph Wint Mr.
, . ,, .. 1 Edwin int. T. J. Whittier, C. H. El-
guards against colds. If they are ston John W- Van ,lorn w K()eh.
maintained through the changeable ;ler, R. C. Worthlngton, M. McKenzie,
weather of autumn, winter and spring, jAmedl Seguin, O. A. Ratliff, J. R.
the chances of a surprise from 0I ! Hamilton. A. J- Thompson Henry
, , ,. . . . ., .Platts, Peter Keyzer, Gottfe Lehman,
dmary colds will bo slight. But the Ge0 D E j RusseU E. L
ordinary light cold will become severe Davidson, S. C. Blanken, Arch Coon,
if neglected, nnd a well established I D. B. Fox, Martin Blanken, A. J. Dav-
ripe cold is to the germs of dipththe-! 'dso"' tPr- N)T- C Bruns, Oscar Eaton,
, ... i , x, , i C. B. Hall. David Nelson, G. W. Pros-
ria what honey is to the bee. The , aer Eli platt n R DavldsoIli John c.
greatest menace to child life at this ; Fox, Otto Johnson, T. J. Brown, J. T.
season of the year is the neglected ; Harbin, C. R. Arndt, H. W. La Mere,
A. W. Shipley. Frank Gerritz, Win.
al'ler tho dato of the first publication Ills.
Rand, McNully. Co., Chicago,
February 15th, 1907, last insertion property ami that thereafter the tle-
March 2!Hh, 1907. fondant K. G. Jones executed an al-
T. B. McDEVITT, j leged and pretended deed of convoy
101.7 Attorney for Plaintiff. . nnce of tho said real property to the
t defendant Richard E. Moss and de-
SUMMONS. 'creelng said deeds to be null' and void
In the Circuit. Court of the State of Or- and of no effect and enjoining and re
egon for Clackamas County. ' straining the defendants and each of
Oregon & California Railroad Com- them from assorting or claiming any
pany, a coroorntlon, Plaintiff, right, title or interest In or to the said
vs, real property by virtue of said deeds
Pelor Gabriel, S. A. D. Tutor and Ed- and for such other and further relief
cold." Whether it is a cbll.t or ndnlt A- VV. fellipiey.
t. .. ,, ,, ,, . . i Maire, F. V. Whittier, B. H. Jones,
the cold slight or severe, the very best I Gus Smith Jack Monk Fred w
treatment that can be adopted is to j Lehman, F. F. Johnson, J. C. Haines,
gSve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It Is safe and sure. The great popu
larity and immense sale of this prep
aration has been attained by Its re
markable cures of this ailment. A
cold never results In pneumonia when
Jr., R. C. Shipley, J. C. Haines, T. J.
League, A. J. Rossiter, J. W. Riser,
Harry W. Farmer, L. R. Woodard, B.
B. Simons, A. W. Anderson, J. E.
Headrick, Wm. B. Hyslip, I. Austin,
C. H. Nixon, John Gardiner, H. M.
Fox, William Miller, Dore Foot.
TT'n vt o Drum on rT r,
It is given. For sale by Howell &!ntyi 0l,egorl( Attorneyg for 'petition
Jones. 'ers, 13t4