Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 22, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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QllltO K tllJIMhui' Of UlHIlMlll'M (
tondod tlx) directors meeting of Hid
various rural iilmiiii companies In
Oregon City Huturdity. Tho farmers
want fimi oxchnugo with tho county
John Hhuttol hns moved hack to
Portland Hint his huh In law, J. 8,
Hlroin ha movitil on IiIm farm.
M. Johnston of. Hurtoii Ih moving
on IiIh hrolher's farm, hero,
Frank I'nrteh loft for Athena, Ore.
lion, IIiIm week to work,
Tho stork visited tho homo of Mr.
and Mm K. (I, Klrchom on tho 10th
lout., iiivln a llttlo daughter,
I ll at tho homo of IiIh moii J. H,
(illl of Iaikuu, Nehomlah (illl, aged
83 years, 9 months and 22 days, Hit
died Hatiinliiy morning, March 10,
death helng duo to an attack of tho
la grippe and old og". Ho wan horn
In Marlon county, Ohio May 24, 1823.
llo resided there until 1851, whon ho
moved to Iowa. lived there until 1872
thi'O wont to Knnana, und lived thero
until lltnn, when ho cntno to Orison
and mud" IiIh honiii with IiIh son, J. H.
'Jill of thin place, Tho following
children survive him: J. 8. (Jill, of
I man, Or. j W. It. (illl of (Vnti-rvlllo,
Iowa; Thomas (illl of ('(dorado; Mm.
Ida Walker of Formosa, Kansas; Mrs.
Ada Marge of New York City, N. Y.;
ami one stepson, Wm. Ilargo of Moa
w, Idaho. Grandpa (illl waa laid
t rout In rionsant View cemetery hern
on Runday at i o'clock, funeral ser
vice conduct od hy lt.tr, Mr, I'atton
of Viola at the Itavenswood church.
Xonophon, tho flno Imported Porrh
wn atalllon, nwnod by a company of
farioora. dlid from acute Indigestion
at tho home of one of IiIh keepers, Mr.
M. Krakca of Iogan. This will prove
a serious Iohh to tho company aa he
ciwt lhim $.1000. Xonophon waa ap
parently well until thn evo of hid
death, oven then hn did not appear to
ho Hi'rlmmly 111. A veterinary wan
aent for, hut thn homo waa dead be
fore he got there. A post mortem ex
aiiimniion niiowei mai ueam waa duo
i' ni-mij iiiuiKeHiion. i nn norse WHH
Inaured hut tho term had expired, they
had filed a new application for Insur-
anco and If tho paper had readied
their ileHtlnallon and been signed he
foro IiIh death, tho loaa will not ho
nulto at heavy on tho stock holdora.
()n of (he representatives of the
Christian confederation waa out thla
way not long alnco asking a renewal
of aomo of tho opilona. Ho clalma
Harrlman" absorption of tho floutd
line here hail broken Into moms of
their arrangement and they wanted
more time ho they could overcomo tho
olmtaeli'H arising therefrom.
wulor and hor font, slipped, Bhn fell
on hor hack find tho fall knocked her
hoiihoIonh, Hho was carrlod Into tho
Iioiihii and waa found to ho seriously
Injured, hut la Improving.
MIhh Lydln ltotfomlllor and brother
Krod wont homo to HIilKoflold, Wash.
Fred Ilottomlllor bought four pig-
eona for 25 centa from Mr. Korn and
took them to Illdgelleld.
Mra, J, I'ut. of Colton wan on thn
nick lint but la Improving.
(!. Kln.y from Clarkos, wont to
Cotton to vlalt Mr, l'utz und had hts
hair cut.
Mra. Henderson 'of ICIwood la voi-
111 alnco lust Tueaday,
Jullua and I'liul flchlowo wont out
In tho wooda cutting hael brush with
an m. I'aul cut hi brother Jullua.
Mr. Wottlaufor ban bought a bug?
(ieorgo Wallace from Highland took
a load of hay to town laat Saturday.
C. Klnzy wont to Howard's mill lo
Kt a load of ahorta for bla cows.
Tho preacher of tho Gorman M. R.
chudch for Clarkoa la III with tho grip.
Mr. und Mra. Maxon camo Tuoaday.
They am enjoying good health.
good delegation, resulting In & plea
ant und profitable mooting.
Will Ilnrland bus been plowing for
Mr. Oage,
Tho little grandson of Mra. llarnes
who pulled a bucket containing hot
water on to hla arm making a had
hum, la getting along nicely. The
child's mother, Mra. Decker of Wil
lamette, came up, aa Mra. llarnes has
been quite 111 tho laat week.
Zack Klllgaon baa tho la grlppo and
la confined to hla room.
Mra. (ieorgo Ulckel la better and
her alater Mra. Green, returned home.
Mra. llarnea' brother, whom alio
had not aeen for 2.1 years, camo unex
pectedly to visit her laat work from
Kanana City, Mo.
Mra. Mellilo who haa been vlaltlng
In tho Kaat, aald It grow bo cold In
St. I'aul, alio wont to St. Iuls. She
went to aleep and when alio awakenod
alio thought aurely they had brought
her bnck to Oregon, tho air Boemod ho
balmy, hlrda alnglng and grass and
flowora ao freah.
T. L. Turner haa a narrow escape
from death or aerloua Injury. Ho waa
on hla way to tho Tualatin mill after
lumber when tho horses ho waa driv
ing becanio unmnnaguhlo and he
crawled hack and tried to get off
Trom tho hind end of tho wagon, but
waa thrown In aomo way bo hla sldo'
waa badly hrulHod and ho la yet quite
Horo and laine. Tho accident happen
ed near wlioro tho old red school houao
stood and men Htopped tho horaoa
near Zoko Eddy's, There waa aome
daningo to tho wagon.
Fred Waohlte enmo home for a ahot t
visit Inst week. 1
Mr. (1. Moaor hna two Incubators at
Tho building boom haa struck Staf
ford for Biiro, (iua (lidihordt la build
ing a commodious hen houso,
H. K. Kayler la quite "under tho
weiither." Ho la tho oldeat pioneer In
thla part of tho country.
David Fox baa moved back on hla
farm. Mr. Kox baa been In tho lumber
liualneHa for aeveral yeara on tho Ah
aqua and loat hla auwmlll l.v fire la d
C. W, Herman and wife havo recent
ly returned from a vlalt In Marlon
county. Mra, Ilerman'a father Iwh
had a aevero apell of lllneaa.
Mra. Watta of Ktonn la vlaltlng wiih
her alHter, Mra. K. K. Dart thla woe..
Mra. Watta' huabaud la a brother i f
It. F, Watta, owner of tho I.oatnt
Frank Milton, a rlalng violinist, nov
i f Portland, camo out to visit nla peo
ple tho flrat of tho week.
umla DaiiRherty caught a coyote
In a trap last week, Mr. Daugitorty
la a member of tho bounty club ao git
$10 for bla catch.
Cary Scott Herman celebrated hla
Stth birthday anniversary, Monday,
March 18. About 31 of hla relatlvca
and frlenda were preaent at hla now
homo enjoying tho delightful ocraalon.
Tho effect of good music waa aurely
In evidence. Carry Herman prealded
at tho piano, Frank Mutton waa first
vlollnlat, Alex Smith, second, Mlaa
May Herman ad James Melton guitars.
Mr. Smith gnvo aome of hla old time
aelectlona with tho vim of youth of
one and twenty at tho bow. Llttlo
Ruth Herman Hang anrf played her
peek a hi mi aelectlon to tho great do
light of all. Then camo tho refresh
iiulita, too nnmeroua to mention in
thla abort apace.
The quarterly Sunday school conven-
jtlon will be held on tho fifth Sunday
of March .F.aster Sunday, at the Mo
hilla school hall, where all the Sun
day acluads In South Clackamaa are
expected to bo represented with a
Needy, March 19. "It never ratna,
hut It poura." That l what everybody
thought Sunday.
Mra, Galor la In Portland vlaltlng1,
hor daughter thla week.
Mr. Hoffmun'a family ara every one
on tho sli:k list.
Mr. Cooper la aawlng wood for John
Dick Carrott apent Sunday at Kin
xer'a. Jamea Poxlcr and wlfo apent Sun
day at W. Jcucho'a.
Mr. Hard la hauling off bla apuda
and getting a giaxl price. Mr. Stony la
hauling off hla hopa.
Ico Flan la spending a few days at
MWa Martha Ileum a haa returned to
her homo at Illlorvllle,
Mlaa Spaglo haa returned home from
Hubbard whore she had been ataylng
for aomo time.
Mlaa May Price la getting bettor
Mr. Smiiker haa bought the Barn
Taylor place.
C. W. Noblltt la suffering from a ao
vere attack of la grlppo. Owing to hla
ago It goea very bard with him.
Mra. Frank Flah waa vlaltlng Mra.
I'ttlnu-r Tueaday.
Allssea Anna and Zoo Fish and Al
bert Klllott apent Sunday at Nob
lltta. Mlaa Mary Spaglo la home for a
few daya.
A number of our young people at
tondod tho party at Marahoir of
Cfarkea, laat Thursday night
Godfrey Moohnke will noon have
another largo pleco of land cleared on
tho bill place.
An ordinance providing for the u n each bearing,
manner by loylng three atrlngcrs, four
by four Inches In alze, firmly upon the
ground, which shall be flrat properly
graded to conform aa near aa may be,
to the general contour of the atreet.
The planking filial be two fnchea In
thlcknoaa, not toaa than alx nor more
than eight Inches wide, and aecurety
aplked to tho stringers, using two aplk-
Mra. A. J. Kltzmlller returned from
Portland Tueaday.
Mrs. J. L. Robertson waa In Port
land aeveral daya last week.
A. J. Morrison haa accepted a po
sition wU, Mitchell, Lewis & Btavcr,
Portland. Ho' left Thuraday to com
mence work.
Ward Douglas waa a Dover caller
last week.
Mlaa Clara Exon vlaltod with her
brother's family several daya laat
week. Mr. Kxon accompanied her to
Portland, Friday.
K. C. Seward waa an Katacada caller
Joe Do Shazi-r and C. A. Keith are
on the alck Hat.
Gardena are coming up nicely In
spite of the anow.
Tho Rev. McPherson preached at
10:30 a. m. Sunday.
Guy Woodle and family took dinner
Sunday with tho Kltzmlller family.
George Wolf la entertaining friends
from Pennsylvania.
Otto Moehnk lias gone to tho log
King campa on tho Columbia.
Will Clarke lost a horse one dny
laKt week.
Raleigh Cross of Oregon City came
out to B, F. Glnthors place today and
got hla pony which Mr. Glnther has
been keeping over winter.
(Continued on pago 8.)
width und manner of constructing
aldewalka In Oregon City.
Oregon City doea ordain aa follows:
Section, 1. All sidewalks hereafter
constructed in Oregon City shall be of
asphalt, stono, cement, artificial stone
or wood.
Section 2. All aldewalka hereafter
conatruciijil in said city, except as
hereinafter provided for, shall be of
an even width of not leas than alx
feet and have a grade or fall toward
the curb of ono-fourth Inch to each
foot In width of walk.
Sec. 3. All sidewalks whether made
of wood, cement or other material
named in Section 1 of this ordinance,
shall be constructed In accordance
with tho Standard City Specifications
for such walks and bo subject to the
approval of the committee on Street
and Public Property.
Section 4. All sidewalks hereafter
constructed, reconstructed or renewed
upon Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Sev
enth, Eighth, Nrnth and Tenth streets
between Railroad Avenue and Water
Street and upon Moss Street between
the Southern Pacific Railroad track
and Main atreet aliall be not leas
than six nor more than ten feet wide.
Ail sidewalks hereafter constructed,
reconstructed, renewed or replaced
upon the aald streets after the same
have been regularly graded and Irn
proved, shall bo constructed, recon
structed, renewed or replaced with
concrete mixed and laid in accord
ance, with the Standard City Plans
and Specifications for such walks,
which plana and specifications shall
be furnished by the City Engineer.
Such walks shall have a concrete
curb alx Inchea wide on top, eight
Inches wide on the bottom and eigh
teen Inchea deep, set vertically and
on a line flush with the wearing sur
face of the walk.
Section 5. The council may author
ize tho building of walks four feet
In width upon the unimproved streets
within the corporate limits of the
city, except those streets named In
Section 4 of thla ordinance.
Section 6. The owner or owners of
property fronting upon any unim
proved streets, except those named
In Section 4 of thla ordinance, may
by and with the consent of the council,
construct Bldewalks four feet In width
upon such unimproved streets, pro
vided, however, that In the event of
the said street being improved and
such walk ordered removed, the said
property owners shall remove the
same and hold the City of Oregon
City and any and all of its officials
free and harmless from any loss or
damage occasioned thereby.
Section 7. Such sidewalks shall be
constructed In a good and substantial
Section 8. Thla ordinance shall not
be held to apply to Main street or
any portion thereof.
Section 9. All ordinances and parts
of ordinances In conflict herewith are
hereby repealed.
Read flrat time and ordered publish
ed at a special meeting of the council
of Oregon City, held Wednesday,
March 20, 1907.
Ry order of the Council of Oregon
City. W. A. DIMICK,
and the North line of Fifteenth street
Is ordered established.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the counpil of Oregon
City, made at a special meeting of
aald Council, held Wednesday, March
20th, 1907.. W, A. DIMICK,
15-2 Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that the grade
of that portion of Ninth Street, Ore
gon City, Oregon, lying between a
point on said Ninth Street 100 feet
West of the West line of Main Street,
and a point on said Ninth Street 150
feet West of the West line of Main
Street, la ordered changed and re
established. Also that the grade of that portion
of said Ninth Street lying between a
Notice of Street Improvement.
Notice la hereby given that John
Qulncy Adams Street of Oregon City,
Oregon, fromi the North Line of Sev
enth Street to the South line of
Eighth Street will be Improved with
crushed rok or gravel the full width
of said Street, and by laying wooden
sidewalks, cross walks, curbs, gut
ters or drains, and corner blocks, and
by grading said street according to
the established grade thereof.
This notice la published pursuant
to an order of the council of Oregon
City, made at a special meeting of
said Council, held Wednesday, March
20th, 1907.. W. A. DIMICK,
15-2 Recorder.
Notice la hereby given that the grade
of that portion of Fourth Street, Ore
gon City, Oregon, lying between the
East line of Main Street and the stone
wall of the Oregon & California Rail
road company on said Fourth Street,
point on said Ninth Street 150 feet I Is ordered changed and re-established.
Wect of the West line of Main street , This notice Is published pursuant
and the East line of Water street, Is to an order of the council of Oregon
ordered established. .City, made at a special meeting of
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the council of Oregon
City, made at a special meeting of
aald Council, held Wednesday, March
20th, 1907.. W. A. DIMICK,
15-2 ' Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that the grade
of that portion of Madison Street,
Oregon City, Oregon, lying between
the South line of Third Street and the
North line of Thirteenth Street, Is
ordered changed and re-establlahed.
Also that the grade of that portion
of said Madison StreeJ lying between
the North line of Thirteenth Street
said Council, held Wednesday, March
20th, 1907.. W. A. DIMICK,
15-2 Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that the grade
of that portion of Seventh Street, Ore
gon City, Oregon, lying between the
East line of Water Street and the
West line of Main Street is ordered
changed and re-established.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order of the council of Oregon
City, made at a special meeting of
said Council, held Wednesday, March
20th, 1907.. W. A. DIMICK,
15-2 Recorder.
We have some bargains in Footwear that must be
sold to make room for spring goods now on the way
Oregon City Shoe Store
Ms I
Sy its !
The well-known firm of S. Rosenstem has taken over the entire tremendous stock of I. Selling,
making a mammoth collection of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes everything for mortal man,
woman and child all of which will be sold at the astonishingly low prices previously in force dur
ing the great I. Selling sale. Such a cutting and slashing of established prices never before took
place in Oregon City; and coming at this time just before Easter when every one is outfitting
afresh for the Spring season, it affords the people of this community a bargain-opportunity that
will be appreciated.
To the Women:
You can
enoueh on
cwn outfit to completely supply your
To the Children:
Everything for the
boys and eirls at
v prices so low you can have two outfits where other
wise you would have had one.
To the Men:
A heavy ' rainfall visited Clarkos
Sunday giving (ho farmers a few days
W. a. TlroadduH cumo from Tortlnnd
looking for potatoes In Clarkos.
Mrs. Peter Schlewo wont to Port
land to visit hor daughtor Hannah.
O. Hanson sold 40 acres of land to
A. Stromgreon for $700, who has
moved In his now home and O. Hanson
moved In with I. P. Olson.
Mrs. C. Hung fell on March 8, It
was a frosty morning whilo pumping
Your complete outfit from
head to heel, including hat
and shoes, will cost you less than your suit alone
would elsewhere.
To the Public:
Visit our storel See for
yourself the tremendous
bargains, and buy whatever you need for yourself
or the home at these way-down prices. It's
Easter offering to a generous public.
7th & M
N. B. Saturday vou can buy regular high grade two-pairs-for-a-quarter and
fif teen-cents-a-pair socks for 5 cents a pair. Five pairs allowed each customer.