OREGON CITY, OREGON, TRtOAY, MARCH 22, 1907. WORK FOR COMMISSION First Meeting Held Thursday Night and Organization Completed COMMITTEES TO WORK Will 8tudy 8yatem of Government In Other Countries end Embody What It Oood In New Charter. Tho charter commission linn got diiwn to work In earnest. Tint first mooting wan h"ld Thursday nlKht at which plana for action wro discus ami, and varloa suggestion mail" a ti ihn best way to work, Mayor Can-fli-i announced tin committee ap pointed to Hludy tho forma of munici pal government of tli" various coun tries of the world v.::n a vliw ti) ah korlilnR any suggestion Unit mlKht be. found helpful In tho work of m formlnii tho Oregon City charter. There are many thing that have ,in found to need remedy In thn present charter. It hoa been In uo wince isr,'.l, and a thn clly ha grown, It hat not met all the requirement, Among Ihn apodal feature that tho new charter will cover and seek to remedy In this Indebtedness of tint city. It la thought that tho present float ing Indebtedim H altogether too large, and In carrying too high a rate of Intercut. Something must bo done to get tho clly finance Into bettor condition. Another thing that thn now charter will provide for U thn amount .f money th city may apend. In Portland there la a rlauso compelling thn city to keep within It Income, Thin I thought to ho a for thla city to have, and anggcatlona will ho discussed an to the licHt way to Incorporate It In the new charter. Still another thing that need rem edying la Ihn condition of tho streets that are nut Improved for their full length. The condemnation proceed ing that are neoesaary to bo gone through with now are expensive and 'umlernomn, and aomn carder way to secure the rlKht of way for street muat he f und, Thn llfn of franchla- c to le granted It another feature of the rommlNHliin'a work, It ha been found that aomcthtng nniHt bo done for thn rclh f of the road fund, for the city ha a hard time to ralan tho nec essary money for road Improvement The question of the clty'a llahlllty f r dnmagei In rase if accident on sidewalk or streets haa beeji brought a is. ami thin too, will bn made the sub Ject of morn extensive reference In thn new charter. Another feature of municipal affair that ought to bo treated more fully I the right of thn city to control Rtrcam running across private property which are a menace to life. All those thing and many othcra will bn dlouaod by thn charter com mlaalon, and their report will bo tho result of much hard work and study. In order to get tho full dlgeat of tho work done In other countries and by other cltle. tho commission has been divided Into subcommittees, each of which will havo n apodal branch or country to report on. Tho next moot ing will bo held In thirty dnys, at I which time It Is thought tho commit tees will lm ready to report. i Tho suboommltteoa, with their special subject for research nro as follow: Hon. T. A. Mellrlde Desirable fen lure to bo taken from municipal gov ernments of other nation. W. S. U'lten, V. A. Huntley, 13. V. Hands Switzerland, Now England and New York. T. F. Ryan. J. E. Hodges, W. R. Lo kiih Orent Britain. A. Kimpp, Win, Androson, Dr. E, A. Sommor, Henry Brandt Germany. J. U. Cnmpbell, C. W. ropo, D. C. Williams Canada. C. If. Dye, Fred J. Meyor, T. L. i'hnrmnn Southern States. F, T. Griffith, C. H. Cauflold, H, C. Stevens Somo good fenturoa In west rn city (iiurtoi'H. Ceo. A. Harding, D. C. Lntouretto, J. N. Harrington Australia and Now Zealand. and It soon beoamo evident that he had atlll another want; namoly the llttlii ) iiiK-K of tripping thn light fan tuatla whoola. For a while ho doomed autism to i cling to tho wall, but a ho Haw other nnni.iiin Hini tt ii.it n)'"i v 7 (lemon whlaperod In hi ear "why don't you try" and ho managed to cut adrift from tho wall. For ono brief moment ho rejoiced In hi wlo decision, but aa quickly ho regretted It. To the crowd It Hoemid a though tho man wa determined to kick hole In tho roof, but It noon bee n mo apparent thnt ho wa Intent on going through tho rear window, feet flrt. Then tho au- dlnncn aw him miiko a dntepato at tempt to turn a buckward flip-flop, but ho fell Mhort a few abort yard and lit In a heap on tho floor. According to tho man the light went ou, then dared up, tho building ahook, and ho riimn to. Fearing that tho manage ment would sun him for demolishing tho building, thn performer crawled on hand bjii! kneca to tho door, re moved tho foot wagon and left, say ing that ho wa aatlHlled, TO MIND THE BABY Portland Man States Spouse Went Gadding and Left Him at Home SAYS SHE SWORE AT HIM Clalme Wife Had Good Time While He Acted ae Nuraemald Allegee Evil Companion and Wante Hit Freedom, MINING PROPERTY LOOKS VERY GOOD Crown Boy Mine Opens New Vein That Promises Rich Returns. BUYS MOREV HOUSE. Thn discussion a l' thn disposal of the Morey honwi on tho hill ha been terminated by thn purchase of the property by Charles Oaulleld, who will continue lo live, there. At ono time It wa thought there might bo Archlo C. Wright has filed ault for dlvorco from hi wife, Mabel M. Wright In tho county clerk'a office. Both of these are from I'ortland. The complaint allegea that they wore mar ried In Sllvorton, Fcbraury 8, 1903, and that there la ono child, a little girl. Wright claim that hi wlfo ha been guilty of unbecoming conduct and cruelty to him. Ho state that Thn Crown Hoy Mining and Milling company appear to bo In good condi tion, At a meeting of the stoekhold era hold Monday night George An derson, president of tho company, wa appointed a cornmlttno with ono oth er to visit tho mine In Blue river and accept a contract that ha been com pleted and to let another for construc tion work. The work ho been progressing i through fifty feet of good ore, and an- j other body ha been struck that look good to those Interested. Tho com pany has now 700 fwt of tunnel, 550 f et of which i In tho lower tunnel where a vein ha been found that promise to yield substantial return. Bo far the work has been carried on without machinery, but If tho vein struck pans out a well a It appear, mining machinery of the latest pat tern will lm Installed. Stockholders' Notice. Notice I hereby given tbr one half of the Capital atock of the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua Assembly ha been subscribed. The first meet ing of the stockholders of said cor poration will be held In the County Court room, at the Court Houe in Oregon City, Or., on Monday, April 8, 1907, at the hour of one o'clock p. ra for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors and for the tranaactlon of such other buslne, a may legally corne before the meeting. CEORCJ2 A. STEEL, CHARLES H. DYE, HARVEY E. CROSS, 13t5 Committee. 408 Main Street Phone 1224 LOG CABIN SALOON BENNETT & F0UMAL Proprietors. OREGON CITY, OREGON A car of land plaater duo to arrive i shortly. Will sell at I'ortland prices ' with freight added. W. A. Holmes, Park place. ' Ten a ctiancn or a noapnai i.eing eHiaiiiisn- -,M.In,.(l . tako delk'ht In savlntt thn building by a charlUiblo or-jflm, (J,,1K ttlnKH thnt wouI(, cauH0 gnulziitlon of I'ortland. but this fell ,,,, ,H(.olllfrti nn,j U)llt H,10 has not throiiKh. At another time thn local physician were advocating thn pur chase of the property for hospital pur mhci, but could not get together. Mr. Cautleld ha been living Ihern for aomn time, and liked the location so well that ho purchased the property The prlco paid Is not made known, hut It U undcrMood that considering conducted herself as a good woman should. According to tho troubles Bet forth In the complaint, the woman wa In tho habit of staying out late at night with strange men, and of visit ing places where sh bad no business to go. From Wright's story it would ap pear that hi wlfo had no senso of the the value of thn property, It wa very j0i(Kat,)ri thttt U!t,my devolve up reatonahln. ,m ,m,t.j.r ,) tlt ), (.fl j)lm at I homo to take caro of tho baby while RENTS MUST BE PAID. l'oHtiunHter Randall ha received of clal notice fro intlin poHtofficn depart ment that all box rent miiKt ho paid In advance. Iiox rent dun card have been place ) In all thi local boxen at leioit ten dav before the he ulnuliiir of good feature jh ,Jimrt,,r ,, ,f K, m,t nt pu( when thn quarter begins, tho box rnimt lm cloned, and the NmtnuiHtcr saya ho will be compelled to enforce the regulation. NOTICE OF 8ALE. days after date, on Monday, March 25, 1907, I will sell at public auction at my farm at Clackamas, one j red heifer posted estray in accordance j with the law on estrays. C. F. CLARK. March 15, 1907. Administrator's Notice. Notice I hereby given that the un derx'Kned, Herman Desman, has been appointed Admlnlstrat)r of the estate of Henry Hleckman, deceased, by the Honorable County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon. Aall persons having claim against said estate are hereby notified to present the same for payment with proper vouchers to , the abovo named H. Desman, at hi Everything first-class. Hone Board ed by the day, week or month. Farmers' Feed Barn Ceo. W. Bradley, Prop. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Fine Horsen. New Rigs, single or double, furnished with or without drivers. Prices Reasonably Prompt Attention Main St. Oregon City, Ore. Knapp & Nobel Domestic and Imported Wines and Liquors Retail Liquor 8tore Family Trade Solicited. All Kinde of Smokers' Goods. Dr. Rlesland, specialist on all chron ic diseases, Incurable diseases not tak OU. If I Can CUre YOU. I Will SaV SO. If I homo In Pn, Ponrl wllhln ul mnnlhi not I will tell you. Will be at the '. from the date of this notice. 7K Main - Street Klottrlc Hotel March 18th and every day hereafter. Office hours from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. except Sunday. Ex amination and consulttatlon free. Don't put It off. Come now. No drugs, no knife. I'ortland Apartment A. 13. 33d. office 1C5 1-2 TOO YOUNG POR MARRIED TROUBLES There will bn one love-lorn Hwntn littlo girl in nil county when lteumln Albert I'.nll giM-H to the county clerk to ob tain a mnrrliiKe license to wed the lady of hi affectloiiH. .lanu s Hull of Klngnlcy ha written to County Clerk Creenmnn biIvIhIiik him not to Issue a license to the young man a he Is inly nineteen years old. HI father evidently thinks this too early an age to embark on the troublous sea of matrimony, and prefer to keep his ion under the shelter of hi own homo f'-r a while. she wa out having a good time. Wright objected to tho places sho went and to tho men with whom she aHsoclated. and also to being left at home to mind tho baby. He say sho used to bn gono from home for a day at a time sometlmca, ond that sho wa In tho habit of staying out late at night. During these excursion from the path lnld out for a wife and mother. It Is snld that sho learned to drink and swear, and that she lost all lovo for her husband, and took delight In swearing at him and saying things to make him find badly. Wright thinks that he ha had suf ficient experience to bo ablo to tako caro of the child and asks for a di vorce from hi wlfo and tho custody of Health In the Canal Zone. The high wases paid made it a mighty temptation to our young arti san to Join the force of skilled worR men needed to construct the Panama Canal. Many are restra'ned, however, jiy the fear of fever and malaria. It Is the knowing one those who have used Electric Hitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarious Influence with Hlectrlc Hitter on hand. Cures blood poison, too, biliousness, weakness and all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Guaranteed by Howc'l and Jones, dnigglsts. 50c. Dated February the 9t.h, 1907. H. DESMAN, Administrator of the estate of Dieckman, deceased. H. Good Meals and Clean Beds THE STAKELY HOUSE Thomas Stakely, Prop. First Class Accomodations and Prompt Service. Our new location will please you. Thomson's liargaln Store on the cor ner, opposite tho Rank of Oregon Cltj Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackama, adminis trator of the estate of Sarah W. For- man, deceased, and all persons hav-1 Ing c'alms against the said estate are Main St. between 4th & 5tk hereby notified and required to pre-1 sent the same to the undersigned dulv OREGON CITY, ORE. verified according tn law at Barton. Clackamas County, Ore., on or before . six months from the date of the first ! Phone 221 Office P. O. Bid. Main St publication of this notice or the same will be barred. FRANK MARSHALL FORMAN, Administrator of the estate of Sarah W. Forman, deceased. Dated and date of first publication Febraury 15. 1907. 10ta Thirty days treatment for kidney and bladder trouble sand rheumatism for 11.00. Your money refunded if not satisfied. Ptneule contain no al cohol. Do not derange the stomach. jEasy to take. Sold by Huntley Bros. Pioneer Transfer And Express E. E.GRISEZ, Prop. Successor to C. N. GREENMAN Sand and Gravel Oregon City, Oregon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that thero are sufficient fund on hand In tho general fund of Oregon City to pay all out standing warrant endorsed prior to November B, 1901. Also all warrants In Water Fund en dorsed prior to May 9, 1905. Interest cease with date of this notice, March 19, 1907. M. D. LATOl'RKTTE. 1 Treasurer Oregon City. Plica are tUngorous Tmt do not sub mit to an operation until you have flrHt tried Man Zan the great- Pile Remedy. It Is put up In collapsible tubes with a nozzle that allows H to be applied exactly where It Is needed. u you have Itching, bleeding or pro truding pllea and Man Zan don not relievo, money refunded. Soothes nml cools. Relieves at once. Sold bv Huntley Bros. OREGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE Lr. A ED AM OREGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE Ask for Trading Stamps. Valuable premiums given away for each book of stamps Not a cheap shoddy premium but an article that will help to beautify your home. XENOPHON DIES REGISTERED STOCK Cause of Stomach Troubles. When a man ha trouble with hi stomach you may know that he Is eating more than ho should or of snmo article of food or drink not ault- ed to hi ago or occupation or that hi bowel are habitually constipated. Tako Chamberlain' Stomach and Liv er Tablet to regu'ato the bowels and improve the digestion and boo If the trouble dona not disappear. Ask for u free sample. Sold by Howell & lonoa. Tho famous stallion rCenophon, own "d by a stock company called tho Sprlngwater Percheron association, ' ha died of acute indigestion. Tho horse was kept on a farm near Ixigan. and Wilson and Zumwalt of this city were the heaviest losers. The atalllon was a registered French Percheron, and wa obtained by the local company through McLaughlin Brothers of Kansas City, at a cost of S:tC00. It Is understood that the horse was Insured for a good sum. A car of bind plaster duo to anivo shortly. Will sell at Portlund price with freight added. W. A. Holmes, Rheumatic PaMa Relieved. x tt. F, Crocker, Esq., now 81 years of age, and for twenty years Justice of tho Pence at Martlnsbnrg, Iowa, says "I am terribly afflicted with sclntlo rheumatism In my left arm and light iilp. I havo used three bottles of Chamberlain's, Pain Halm and It did me lots of good." For sa'o by Howell & Jones. mmm DOZENS of WAISTS for Spring and summer wear. Fancy Plaid Silks, white wash Silks, Lawns, and Linens handsomely trimmed with f Oriental Lace, AppMque and Embroidery. Very latest de signs; long or short Fleeves. Sizes 32 to 42. Prices varying 65c to $6.00 i i The Touch that Heals. II the touch of Tiucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combination if Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever compounded. No matter how ild the so reor ulcer is, thts Salve -vlll cure It. For burns, scalds, cuts, vounda or pllos, it's an absolute cure. Guaranteed l,y Howell & Jones drug gists. 25 c. I SKATES AT RINK. Visitors at tho skating rink Satur day night were entertained In a way not announced by tho management. A pnlll gentleman who would tip the beam nt about 210 pounds, and ns the bud boys nay was "three sheets to Ihn wind" entered the rink nnd re guested a pnlr of skates. Now this request Js by no means a new ono to the malingers of " tho link nnd they filled' his wants. After much diffi culty ho managed to reach the door Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, nnd the fact that it is pleasant to tnko and contain nothing in any way Injurious has made it a favorite with mothers, r. W. S. Polham, a merchant of Klrksvllle, Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamb erlain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troublos. lo la especially successful In cases of croup. Children like It and my cus tomers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by Howell & Jones. CONTINUES hER MUSIC. Mrs. Eva Emery Dye has received I a letter from Miss Mary Conycrs, Stat- iiik i ii hi siiB nupes io continue ner i ' mimical studios in New York this sum- j mer. Miss Conyers nnd Mrs. Kate : Ward Popo are rooming together and are making satisfactory progress In their studios. Out Dress Goods Dep't. is fairly running over with new and fresh designs for spring Suitings. Tho newest in Smoke Gray, Checks and Plaids, Panama Cloth in all colors, A big assortment of Suit ings, and we are sure to please you. . Shirt Waist Suits White, medium and dark colors; cut full and well made. Ging hams, ducking and percales. A very neat garment for either street or house wear. All sizes. Prices $1.50 to $5.00 Gently moves tho Twwei ana at the , same time stops the cougt;. Dee's Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. No opiates. Host for Coughs, coliK crouti and whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers Indorse it. Sold by Huntley Bros. Tetter Salt Rheum and Eczema. i These are diseases lor which Cham 'leiiuln's Salve is especially valuable. It quickly nllas tho , Itching and smarting and soon effects a cure. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Howell & Jones. Tho safe, certain, reliable little pills that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's Littlo Liver Pills. Best for sick head ache, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold by Huntley Bros. Long Gloves Black and Gray in lisle thread; White, in plain and lace silk. El bow lengths. 85c to $1.50 Agents for Con temerl Kid Glov es. All colors, $1.25 to $1.50 Spring Stsits and Coats New attractive styles and materials sweller than we've ever shown. We make a specialty of the "Palmer" gar ments the garments that hold their beauty and shape. A large collection to select from and best of all the prices are within reach of every one. Visit our Suit Room I o i I