Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 22, 1907, Image 1

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ProDOscd Improvement for !
Madison Street In Bout-
evard Style
Property Owners Who Do Not 8!gn
Petition Say They Will Not
Remonetrite To Open
Street f tilt Length.
' City than tlm Improvement of
'other Btroet."
"My Turn Next" will bo presented
lit tho Hhlvely, Tuesday, April 2, by
tint Haturday club t tho Congrega
t ton ill church. Following ho closely
tho quiet l.enten season ft ml being
',i.f honm talont It ought to ancure ft
good house.
Tho play U under tho direction of
Mr. H. h. I.. Clark ami tho cant I
mado up an follow:
Trnxlatium Twitter Will Iigu
I.ydln, hi wife. . , .Myrtlo Huehanan
Cicely, Lydla' hIhUt. .Ivah Gordon
Tom Trapp Harry Gordon
Kannr Wheatoar Ib-nry Smith
Peggy, uli round servant.. Ivy Roako
Tim IlitloiiH, Twitter' assistant
Karl Latourotto
After tho play a paniomtmo, whic h
Mr. W. A. White ha In charge, will
bo given. Tho Misses Clara Field
and Florenco Grant and Harry Mc
f'luro an tho actor. A nialo quar
Icttit from Portland will sing several
Ordinance for Underground
Wires is Railroaded
Through Council
A petition la being circulated among
tho resident and properly owner of
Mud I noil street, axklng that th street
b Improvi-d from Third street to Fif
teenth. J V. Campbell, Fred Horn
ahuh, W, II. Slilvt-ly and John Adam
aro circulating tho petition, and are
meeting with much HMt tx mong ! Arrangement have been completed
thoe InlereMted. Many who do not f)f (h t,.lu.n,.r)t' Mttito to bo held
rare to sign stnte that they will or Bt Willamette, Saturday, March 23.
fer no remonstrance If tho council T j (;nryi yMny 0. Porter and J.
grant the petition. ; (, w.r nr n, committed n charge,
The Idea I to Improve the ntreet, af ! ,hry lliv mim,,,.( n ec-urlng
ter the manner of certain city boulo-'a Mt ((f nt(.rHtiig speaker and help
vardn, with a twenty five foot road- fl, nj,,,.,,,. Following la tho pro
way and an eleven foot parking on !.rntn.
each aide. This, with a l foot Hide-; .Tl,mMiKhncK In School Work,"
walk will make a at reel forty two foet)MrH B Watt. Stafford.
In width, and beside being more at- j .Trntnin.r f.,r Orderlv and System-
Ole Andetson Returned To
See If Fuse Was
Street Improvements Dlscuaaed and
Infected Tree Ordered Removed
From City Other Coun
cil Oolngi.
Tho adjourned meeting of tho city
council wan held Wednesday night.
There were present beside Mayor
Caufield. Recorder Dlrnlck, and Chief
of Police Ilurns, i-ouncllmen William,
IUnlH, Andresen, Pope, Knapp, Meyer
and Igu. After tho roll call, the
business for which tho meeting had
been cnllod was taken up and tho bus-
IneaH lying on th tablo at tho close
of laat meeting wa cleaned up.
Tho ordlnanco compelling all elec
tric wlrea with the exception of thoe
specified as exempt to be placed un
derground was read for tho second
llmo and placed on lis final passage.
It waa railroaded through In abort
order, and no objection were made
to It passage. Thl ordlnanco provid
!en for tho conKtructlon of conduit In
Swede Workman Surfer Severe In
juries While Blasting Stump
on Ceorge H. Brown Farm
-Crippled for Life.
tractive, mat much Jen. Then. I Bt,p Tllll(.tl, x. P. Kendall, prlncl-'the down town atreeta through which
said to le no more attractive and at j west Oregon City.
the same time Inexpensive method
known of Improving a street than
Mr. Campbell, In speaking of the
proposed Improvement, aald:
"U will hit mo harder than moat of
tho other property holder, for I aball
have to pay tl'O In taxes to tho $:,(
of mime of the other, but at tho same
time I am wlllltiK- Thl I a uieaur"
that I neeiled for tin- advance of Ore
gon City. At present Jackson I the
only north and south street on tho hill
that la Improved, and thl ha been
opened from Fifth to Fifteenth. If
Madison Ntreel In opened tho full
length. It will make a direct mad to
the KaiiMiH City part of town, beaMe
glvliiK a good Mrcct to the hlnh Hchool.
Tho Teacher Outxldo of tho School
Utn," Mildred Ituegg Klaert, hen-
"IllHtory In tho Gradea," Wilton C.
McKco, 8upt., City ScluadH, Oregon
"PoHtal Carl Geography." Mary 8.
Itarlow, Portland.
The- flladsume WhNt club will nx'et
Friday evening with Mr. and Mr. W.
F. Schixdey,
rounding of the Warner home, and
decided on meaHitrea that will greatly
Improve the appearance of the Mount
Pleawant itchool.
It was decided to paint the Hchool
houae, and to beautify the ground by
aettlng out tree and shrubbery. The
Mt. Pleaaat Hchool enjoys the dlatlnc-
tlon of being one of the moat proKres-
alve and bent conducted schools in
tho dlatrlct, and the members of the
board are bent on keeping up this rep
utation. It. H. Tabor, one of the mem
bers, leaves shortly for a trip to the
(ant, where he will look over other
country schools and the way they are
conducted with a view to obtaining
suggestions for uhg In his own school.
The other member of the board are
C. T. Andrews and A. C. Warner.
After tho hualnoH was concluded,
Mr. Warner served delicious refreshments.
Ole Anderson, a Swede, was hurl
ed twenty feet Into the air, by an
accident that happened Wednesday af
ternoon while blasting stumps on the
farm of George 11. P.rown, two and a
half miles south of New Era. Ander
son siiHtalned the loss of both eyes,
a broken noso, a fractured rib and an
ugly gash over one eye.
It seems that Anderson had lit the
fUHO of two sticks of dynamite, one
of which appeared not to have been
lit, and when Anderson went back to
light It. both, chargea exploded at
once with the above mentioned result.
Anderson regained consciousness In
the evening. It Is thought he will re
cover, but he Is sure to be a cripple
for life.
Dr.Norris Barely Misses Be
ing Run Down by Run
away Team
Team Become Frightened and Dash
es up Seventh Street Controll
ed by Driver After Run of
Several Block.
Tho Oregon City & Farmers' Tele
phone company ha obtained a long
It will tiuike Ori-inM fttv mikre enMV
, ... . . .i .u Ueniie of the entire upper floor of the
of access to the country to the north-; ' " ...
eaxt. and will create h new highway
for entranco to tho town.
"While we are doing this, we want
Andrescn building, corner of Main and
(Seventh streets. There nro six rooms
iln the quarter to bo occupied by the
---!-- -- - ....... . uirt m mwn It li I iiu: n'i n
i .i un . at posh i o for telephone convenience,
lavo been Improved on tho hill hftvo ' ' ,,.,., although a l m t of $r.O was so
, ., . . ,. The exchange w l! be located there-a
men opened u bliM-k or two at a time, i " h 'expenditures he should make.
to Ket the street open all the way I
through, for some of the street that
and they will probably stay that way.
Madison street Is the main street on
the hill and for the sake of Oregon
City It ought to be made as good a
street ami at the same time as attrac
tive as It. can.
"Hy making a wide purklng on each
side with a twenty lho foot roadway
the cost of making the Improvement
will be materially h'-isenod, while at
itelephono people, and it I their In
tention to equip them as thoroughly
all wire mpst bo run.
A petition was read from' Carlson
and Work asking that the aaloon li
cense owned by F. K. Ring, who con
ducted tho Hub saloon, be transfer
red to them. Jerome Stewart and aon
made tho same request with regard
to tho license held by W. E. Wilson
who recently sold out his saloon bust
ness at Fourth and Main streets, and
a petition of liko nature was filed by
John Gohra, who purchased the saloon
of Grlosson and Cassens at Sixth and
Main streets. All theso were ordered
granted as soon as tho necessary
bonds should bo filed.
Councilman Knapp mounted his hob
by of city parks and their Improve
ment, and spoke at some length rec
ommending that the committee on
parks bo authorized to Improve the
looks of Oregon City's parks by set
ting out trees and shrubbery. The
council thought the same way, and a
motion was pussed authorizing tho
enthusiastic councilman to be empow
ered to look after the work himself,
t on the
I well as Hie kcihthi omces oi uie cone
! pany.
I Councilman I.ogus then Introduced
I tho subject of tho new military com
'pany that Is being formed here, and
' spoke In favor of the council giving
' any aid that It might to the project.
' Major loomls, who was present, was
railed on to explain the movement,
and he spoke briefly, telling of the
appropriation that the legbdnture had
.made for tho purpose of establlsh-
the same time the sheet will have the Apperson followed, both being listen-i))lf, miltnr rompanle. In tho state,
appearance of coHflng much more than el to with Interest. Judge Thomns F. 'linij f (, Hm,rt, f u, t lint would
coino to Oregon City. Ho said he knew
from con venation with Adjutant Gen
eral FlnziT and Colonel Jackson, In
spector general, that they both were
strongly In favor of having a company
established at Oregon City, and hud
Tho question "lh our prominent
public men favor tho parcels pout or
.postal savings bank?" was dlscur.sed
at Warner grange No. 117 at Its' last
'meeting. The subject was Introduc
ed by George l.azello anil ("apt. J. T.
moving them from where they could
contaminate the other tree. He said
that the duty naturally rested with
the fruit Inspector, but that there was
more than one man could poaslbly do
to cover the city and the country also.
Ho said that It would take at least
four week to go all over the city no
tifying those who had Infected trees
to dispose of them, and as much long
er to go over It again to see that the
notices had been compiled with. He
advocated the council's aiding in thia
work, either by passing an ordinance,
or making It the special duty of the
committee on parks.
He was followed by C. W. Swallow,
who backed up Mr. Lewis In his plea
for giKid trees, and Councilman Rands
moved that the matter be referred to
the proper committee. 7lil3 motion
was amended to read that notice of
the council's action be published In
the papers, and that all publicity pos
sible be given the matter.
The council then adjourned to be
called together again Immediately In
special session.
Robert Tucker of the Home Tele-
j phone company presented plans and
j specifications of his company for plac-
jlng their wires In underground con- wee(
(duits to comply with the terms of the
James Wilkinson of Gladstone and
Mamie Baxter of this city slipped away
quietly to Portland Wednesday after
noon and were married. The news of
the marriage came as a surprise to
their friends, for no one knew that
they were contemplating anything of
the sort. After the ceremony .they
came back to Gladstone on the car.
and hoped to get into their honje
without the fact being known that they
were married, but some one on the
car recognized Mr. Wilkinson, and
thought the lady was hi sister. It
happened however, that his sister was
on the car herself, and then It waa
known that Wilkinson was bringing
home a bride.
Both of the young people are well
known here the groom being one of
the most prominent florists of the
northwest, and the bride having lived
In Oregon City all her life. The cer
emony waa performed by the Rev.
A. J. Montgomery, who was at one
time pastor of the Presbyterian
church here.
A team belonging to M. G. Mclnls
ter of Molalla became frightened and
ran away Thursday noon on Seventh
Mr. Mclnlster had Just finished un
loading a wagon load of hogs at Brown
& Welsh' meat market near Seventh
and Center streets and was settling
hi bill preparatory to leaving when
the team started. He managed to
climb in the rear end of the wagon
and grasping the tyies succeeded in
calming the runaways by the time
they reached Madison street.
Dr. Norris was driving up Seventh
street In a light buggy unconscious'
of the runaway behind him and un
doubtedly would have been killed had
it not been for the remarkable pres
ence of mind shown by Edward John
son, who grasped the bridle of the'
doctor's horse and pulled it out of
the path of the runaway. It is said
that the doctor had a very narrow es
scape from death, the runaway missing
his buggy by a very narrow -.margin.
The first car to cross the Clackamas
Vuee the high water rendered the
bridge unsafe passed over Wednesday
It has been a great inconvenience
both to the transportation company
and to the public toJiave to transfer
at this
Tne funeral of Charles B. Frlssell
will be held Sunday at the Cremator-
iura at Portland under the auspices
of the Masonic order. Special cars
will leave Seventh and Main streets
at 2 o'clock. Word has been received
that Mrs. Walker, a sister of Mr. Fris-
point, and during tha lastLn wi,l arrive here Sunday mornlnK
week work has been going on night jfrom Cnlcago t0 attend the services,
and day to fix the approaches. There which win be conducted by the Rev.
has been no freight shipped over the p K Hammond. Friends of the de
O. W. P. to Oregon City since the ceased who wlsn may can at the house
flood, owing to the bridge being outon Water gtreet any tinMJ to view the
of commission, but with cars running remains.
through without transfer, freight traf
fic will be resumed at once.
Hon W. S. U'Ren of Oregon City,
addressed the students of the univer-
Miss Mona E. King of Ilwaco, Wash., jsity this (Wednesday) morning on
is a guest of Mrs. Harry Moody. Miss j "Movements of Government," and for
King will enter the St. Vincent train- actual worth the talk was easily bet
ing school for nurses at Portland next ! ter than any assembly address this
year. Eugene Guard.
It did. I am glad to say that there is lean's promised speech on "How doe-4
very little obejetion met with by the a bill become a law In tho legislature
committee from tle properly owners.
Some of them would not sign the pe
tition, but they nay they will not put
In any remonstrance. I don't think
there I.h any doubt but. that tho Im
provement, will go through, and I
or congress was postponed until tho
next meeting. April 27, Judge Ryan
gUin;? hist lino to State Master Buxton.
'ordinance. He also filed a bond fori
!$3ii00 as required by law, which was
j approved by the mayor. His applica
tion to be allowed to do business here
on the streets was also granted by the
; council.
j J. I". Campbell presented a petition
; from the property owners on Madi
; son street asking for the Improvement
!of that street from Third to Fifteenth.
;The recorder was instructed to pub-
lish the notice of the establishment
'of tho grade.
I B. M. Ilamsby also presented a pe-
Silence Is n Rafe refuge if sought
think It will menu more to Oregon soon enough.
Htlun el(rn,vl Uv residents nf .T O
their promise that the first of tho . , .u . , i
A , , , , ,. Adams street asking that it be lm
nmr companies 10 on lormeu suouui
Farms to be Unfed with us.
Wo advertise extensively.
That gives us a market.
Wo have many inquiries.
That gives us customers.
We go after business.
That helps us to sell your farm.
We aro wldo uwnko.
That brings quick returns for you.
Cooper k Co.
jcomo to Oregon City if tho people
j wanted It. In regard to the share of
jthe appropriation that would be glv
i en to a local company, he stated that
jit would amount to about $10,000, and
j hinted that Oregon City might as well
j have this money spent hero as to
j have some other city get It.
j Dr. W. 13, Cnrll followed him. also
j advocating that the council take some
! fiction with regard to tho company,
j lie said that If the state wero going to
spend that amount of money here he
j thought it was up to tho city at
i least to donate n lot for the armory.
! Councilman Knnup moved that the
mayor be referred to a committee,
j but It was pointed out to him that by
i the time the committee could report,
; it would bo too Into for the city to take
'ny action, and Councilman Logus In
j trodueed a resolution to the effect that
It, was tho sense of , tho council that
the location of a military company i
! here is desirable, and pledging tho BOARD COMBINES
, council to extend all tho encourage-j Yf'ftDK AND FUN
ment nnd What aid might bo In Its j MUim ttNL I Ul
power toward the establishment of ;
jsuch a com puny. On motion of Conn-! Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Warner enter-
oilman Logus this wna adopted. tained the members of the Mt. Hens-
A. J. T.ewls, the county fruit inspec- nnt school board and their wives Wed
tor, apoko in regurd to the Infected nesiiay night. Tho evening combined
trees of tho city, nnd urging the lmslnov.s and pleasure, for the board
council to do something towards re- bold a session in the pleasant sur-
proved between Seventh and Eighth
The recorder was Instructed to pub
lish notice of tho grade.
Tho matter of tho crossing at Four
teenth street which is rendered dan
gerous by the O. W. P. wires making
a short circuit was brought up. and
Instructions were given to notify the
company of the danger.
An ordlnanco relating to the build
ing of wooden sidewalks was read for
tho first time and ordered published.
After -this various matters relating
to the establishment or chnnge of
grades In the down town streets were
taken up. and an order was issued to
the Pacific Telephone company not to
place any more poles in the city with
out first securing the permit requir
ed by law, and to show permits for
such work already done.
Tho council adjourned to meet again
In two weeks.
Ilk WW
ls :
Makes the finest, light
est7best flavored biscuit,
hot-breads, cake and
pastry Renders the
food more digestible
and wholesome