I OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH T. 1507. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. By THE STAR TRESS. H. A. Galloway.. Editor and Manager Subscription Rates: One Year $1.50 Six Months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. the long writ of errors that they had taken from the findings of the lower tribunal. In the caso of Williamson, the appeal was dismissed for the rea son that a similar appeal has been taken to the Supreme Court of the United States. KEEP THE ORCHARDS CLEAN. Hood River is using radical meth ods to keep Its orchards from being infected. A nursery stock of trees infected with scale was summarily burned, although It entailed a loss of $1000 to the owner of the nursery. The action of the authorities is to be commended, for only by keeping our orchards clean can we maintain the reputation of Oregon fruit. MOUNT MOOD ROAD. Several millions of dollars are to be spent and construction is to be rushed on the Mt. Hood railroad. It is thought that most of the work will be completed within two years. About benefitted by the work, thirty miles of this road lies in Clack amas county and we cannot but be It is becoming more apparent day by day that it will De a matter of future economy for Oregon City to se cure its water supply from the Clack amas or some stream that has a large flow of water in the forest reserve. It will cost money to install a pipe line through a long distance of country, a portion of which is rocky and rug ged, but it is believed that the invest ment would be remunerative in the end. Water could be supplied to oth er places along the route than Oregon City, and a source of revenue could be obtained from the farmers as well as the residents of small towns along The Portland Chamber of Commerce Is considering a plan whereby rep resentative boosters are to meet the flood of homeseekers that Is pouring into Portland outside the city limits and ride in with them, giving them ad vertising literature and directing them where to go. It might not be a bad scheme for representatives from Ore gon City to attempt to persuade some of these homeseekers that this is a as good a place to live as they can find. Ruef is having a hard time In the San Francisco courts and has been turned down by several state and fed eral Judges. In fact the once supreme political boss has received some hard jolts, and a writ of habeas corpus has been denied. Heney is leading in the fight against Ruef and he is making some telling scores. General Booth declares that he wll! accept "tainted" money, promising to cleanse it In the tears of widows and orphans. Apart from its poetic value the remark will appeal to the common sense of the American people. Mr. Bryan still says he believes in government ownership of railroads. That means the Democratic party still believes in it unless It has re voked the power of attorney that an impartial observer might think it had given Mr. Bryan from the way he has manipulated it. The report upon the operations of the rural delivery sen-ice up to March 1. 1907, shows that the total number of petitions received up to that date was 59.920, upon which 13,501 adverse CORRESPONDENCE j LABOR HARD TO GET FOR THE HOP YARDS. Marks Prairie, March 12 Our farm- future (the Immeillate right away) to huston electric railway connection out this way will likewise be appreciated. NEEDY. Needy, March 12. A heavy anow storm and rain fall visited Needy ers have been putting In some spring ! Momltty K,vlnK llH, furm,.ri, , fow grain the last few days. R. V. Zimmerman has been plas tering Ben Wolfer'a house. Avon Jesse will return home from Forest Grove about the first of April. He has been attending school. there. Dr. M. Glesy hns had several men grubbing out the old orchard on his farm here. Georgo Oglesby has been building a kitchen for Frank Miller of Aurora. Frank has a fine farm on Molfer prairie. Jacob Rltter has been hauling pota toes to Canby. There Is some talk of a mutual tele phono lino from Needy to Macksbnrg. One of our hop kings still has his 190G crop and Is hxiktng very blue, Just now. John Mark was In Portland last week to get hired help but met with little success, as wages are very high. He said he could not afford to pay $40 a month and board for hands to work his hop yards. Several hop growers here will try Japanese laborers In their hop yards. John Kopper has had several acres of brush slashed this winter. It Is reported here that Jim McGlll has rented the Chora ranch and will not return to Ireland for a year or two. Our vicinity has several saw mills In operation and people should be able to get plenty of lumber now even If It Is of poor quality. days rest. The Needy skating ring was well attended Saturday night. Nowadays every body skatea but "Father," and he's trying to learn. Miss May Price Is recovering slow ly from a severe attack of la grippe. Miss Amy Sconce has been visiting her aunt at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Garrett were vis iting frleiuls at Uuttevllle, lUMt week. County Commissioner Tom Klllln has been moving through Needy to his new home at Macksbnrg. (J. McGonlcal returned home from the east accompanied by his brother In law. I.n Wyland Is homo from Port land with a lame ankle. Baby Molson Is quite ill. Miss Gertie Ferryman of Salem has been visiting her cousin, Miss Grace Thompson. Gt bucj every body, spring will soon be hero. C. C. Molson one day last week. Miss Mabel Ackerson is home again from Martpiam. Albert Elliott Is shearing goats for C. U. Noblltt. Miss Edith Johnson has hud an at tack of the la grippe. C. K. Noblltt made a (lying trip to Oregon City. Our new road boss in certainly all right. He don't stand around with his hands in his pockets, but gets In and digs. Mr. Gahler has been spraying his orchard and the other farmers will He will move on his new home this week. Wiu, G. Klelnsuilth aold 80 acres or his timber land for $2850, about two weeks ugo to an eastern company. Mrs, Pitts, a cousin of Mr. Carry Tallman, camo out to visit for a few weeks. Peter Schlewe took a load of pota toes to town and sold them for $1.50 a sack. MOLALLA. Molalla. March 12. A sudden tM,n fulllw ,U exumple. snow can be seen In the foot hills. Messrs. Scott, Walker and Waldron, a "throe link" trio, camo out Satur dny from Oregon City to fraternally isit Molalla. reports have been made, and there the proposed pipe line. It has been iare now in operation 37,323 routes, on ; ,s prowln demonstrated that the city needs a WUItu regular rural letter-car water supply that will not be affected riers are employed. by heavy floods. The installation of an electric motor at the city water works is an expensive proposition in asmuch as men will have to be paid for operating it night and day. The potato crop in Germany last year was increased over one billion and three quarters bushels because CLARKES. Garrett Martin had an accident last Saturday while cutting wood. The axe slipped and cut his foot. Presiding EMer Rowland of the Farmers and horses have another 1 Methodist Episcopal church attended rot for a few days, while the grass quarterly conference here last Satur- jr- Oren, one day last week. 'day evening. Dr. Powell made a visit to the up- Mr( and Mrs. D. A. Miller from High per, uppermost Molalla last Sunday land were In town last Saturday on to give medical aid to the furtherest business. MULINO. . Mullno, March 12 A number of Mullno people have lettuce and onions plunted all ready. Mrs. Manning is papering and house cleaning. Fred Erlck son's baby has been 111, but Is better. Mr. Woodsido butchered a pig for Mrs. Wiles last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace made a bust- nesh trip to Oregon City a few days ago. Dr. Gourher has sold his old place to Mr. Porter who will take posses sion In the near future. Clarence Mallatt and family have moved to Dlx's mill to work. Mrs, I.eo has returned home. Charley Boynton has sold his furm lo Prank Shaw. Guy Jewett made a business trip to town Saturday. Cal Ball was seen to pass through our village one day hint week en route for Oregon City. He must have been hunting the tax man. he looked rather sad. Misses Mabel Chase, Henrietta Wiles ami Eva Wallace were calling on Agnes Woodslde, Saturday. Preparations are being made for services for Easter Sunday at the church. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Hlale of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Utilise Emma Wolf Russell, Plaintiff. VH. Robert Nephl Russell, Defendant. To Robert Nephl Russell, the nbovo named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer ' the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court atxl suit on or before the expi ration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or beforu the III! Ill day of April, 11)07, and If you fall to so appear unit answer, for want thereof the plain tltT will apply t Ibu Court for the re. lief prayed for In her complaint now on file herein, to wit: that the bond of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolv ed: that the plaintiff be awarded tin fcare and riistody of the minor child. l,oulnc Willamette, and that the plain tiff may have such other and further relief In the premises as the merits of her case shall require, and as In equity shall soeui meet. This summons In puhllidied by or der of Grant It. Dlmlek, County Judge of Oregon for Ctaekamas County, and said order was made and given by him on the 12th day of March, 19u7. the Hon. T. A. Mi-Bride, Judge of the aliovo entitled Court, being absent from the snlit County of Clackamas, and the dnte of the tlrxt publication thereof Is the 15th day of March, l'.to7. W. E HTOWK. H17 Attorney fur Plaintiff, UNION MILLS, 1'iilon Mills, March 12. Horn Mr. and Mrs. William Kerns, March I'" 7 n ten .pound girl. Mother and child doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs l.arklns went to Ore Ron City, Saturday. Mrs. Hlarktutin called on her moth. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate of Rob ert Haty, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, the executor of the last will and testament of Robert Haty. deceased, has file. I hi a final account as such executor In the above entitled Court and matter and that Monday April 15. l!o7. at the hour of ten 'o'clock a. in. at the County Court j room In "aid county, has been ap pointed y the County Jude as tll4 time and place for hearing and deter to ; mlitlng any and all objections there CHARLEY DAI'GHERTY, Executor of the hint Will anil teta- ineitt of Robert Haty. deceased. Diited March 12. I97. Mt5 VALUABLE MAP. cm family now living In the Table Rock neighborhood. One of the loggers engaged In the oi tne use or denatured alcohol. When I Baty camp, hail the misfortune to In Portland last Saturday that product becomes popular in this g--t a leg and arm broken Monday, in! friends Joe Wallace of Highland was kicked by a horse and hurt severely. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stromgreen were I country. Reports brought in by residents from various sections of the county fine P,at0 s'l will have a boom indicate that many new comers are already seeking new locations, and It is a noteworthy fact that they have Clackamas county with its ! falling a tree. Miss Ellle Grace was In town all' T milliner. W. I). Adams had a settlement Mou- ' last week to have some dental work I "l,r "chool will begin oon f'av for his timber contract. jilone. She has now returned, M.is Kwiiim as teacher. One of our poultrymen is reported1 I.ydia Bottemlller anr her brother' Little Aucta Perrln has been quite ' Thre huIi-mio'Ii for our new county. Ill, but Is getting better timiihtilp an I railroad surveys of Ore- ., . , ... ft"" Then- "lurvcvM are n p!endld Mr. and Mrs. Derrick attended the ; ,.,,, r furtH. ,.,,. ,, ,,r-w. grunge. Saturday. 1 KM ,( ,,f w,indeiful value Coun Albert White has rented John Mill- 'leu mot towns are fully Indexed, and vniiey's .place. ouUtloii of each given; railroad', i io i . 1 1 lit ii i v show n and distances between Mr. and Mrs. Blackmail have inov- ,, ... , , all stations are nt-m shown; emigres el In the old Trulllllger house and kIoiihI .lUlrlcts outlined numbered Itell and HuUtlou given Other da turei , mi nuineroii t to lie numi. A Mr. Blackmail Is working for with Ruef, the San Francisco boss is a prisoner at last, having been captured C! nav,nR fe(1 bis fowls so much bone iKred came from Ridgcficld, Washing- j DOVER. money to pay ror anything that suits in a suburban resort. However, his jlm al lnal tne women oiks, In making j ton to ( larkes last Saturday to make : Hover, March 12.- A. J. Morrison them. The right hand of fellowship attorneys may secure his release by cllstar(l- Havt? to have a hatc:h t han!y ja visit with their uncle and family, i;" I l;.!igl,t.-r I .ulu, drove lo Portland should be extended to them in no un- Ja writ of habeas corpus.' Is it possible I1'' (Tark t!ie hardshell eggs. and their old friends. : I'd lay. by way of dr.-gon City, certain way, and it would be extreme that the peculations of a political boss s,nl,h Clackamas county people are Mrs. (',. W. Grace Is In Clarkes vis- ' Rcrch ,,b. rts ha gone lo Portland bad policy to raise on th? prices r' 'are to be curtailed? j"f t'"' "I'inion now that Oregon City jltlng some relatives and for Iht Frank Alniert and wife, Cuy Wood land because a number of pnwpr 2t'r;r- ' i ve a "square ileal" In the granting health. ; I" and sou Roy, and Mrs. C. A. Keith buyers are already in the field this' Tiie nuv. ut v,.oup .kIn ...... , "f ,h ""'"e Telephone franchise; and' A. Stromgreen sold his farm March have ad been on the sick list during early in the season. It is an easv !.!., . . - , , . ,ar.ytning that council can do in the 1, for fT.Vio, to a man fro mthe east. '' la-t week. v.uwni.- u, 4iiiunj cm an ItC 111 iuii- I matter to anve away hundreds of lan(i, and S(,m(l of them wi Mjon )0 prospective purchasers by an attempt ,look,n8 over CIarUamas rflnfv ,t ! MBXBamEBMSBm ... rr-i ..... . io cr.iu lui-iii. i ne opportunity is now 1 t-pleii'll l iq.piii lunlty for energetic men Raul. McNally Co, Chicago. Ills lit:: The Touch tht Heals. i lis the touch of Ttucklen's Arnica Salve. It's tlet Lapplcht couiMliulloU of Arnica flowers and ht tiling balsam ovrr ccvowmniti'd No fustier how old the mo renr ulcer K this Salve will cure It For burns, scalds, cut", wounds or piles. It's an absolute cure. Guaranteed '.' Howell tit Juliet, drug gists. 25 c. It is the accepted time for the board of j : trad'.' to bo movinc and let the iiinnlc TU.U- ntw.nlti Imf if V.,-. I..,.. 1... U . . 1 .1 , ' " --.lu,-, aoej- jknf)w that Uiere js 8omethj h(.re ing out for exorbitant prices. 1 here to secure a desirable class of '" " " i The adopted plans for building a Alexander Howie, the "prophet" of ! .,- 0ll 80hool h,mse at Marquam newspaper fame is dead. His passing j,s an in(UcaU(m of the ,.,,. was uhe nis ine. spectacular, mis ,,.,. ,,,. ... .... .. .. funeral also will be in keeping with ',)f,.itv is at a lo,v ,n a (.mniUnitl the me of the man who courted the ;,nt ljlt,(, js i()W U)y, ,,,,,.. notoriety of the papers to help him!Sf..)ol i,ous,.s in furthering the purposes to which I he dedicated bis sensational life. There are many who are grateful for the good they have received through Dowio. There are many who believe they have received serious injury at his hands. The value of a life like his cannot be measured haphazard In ordinary standards. Tim;- must show whether the industrial experiment ho started or the faith that he strove to establish will endure. -Cherries are a sure crop in Clacka mas oun'y and the returns are satis factory. The peculiarities of Foil ad aptation are demonstrated by the fact that four of the leading varieties orig inated at Mihvaukie. The potato market, has dropped and latest reports from San Francisco in dicate that the supply far exceeds the demand. Carload after car'oad of po tatoes have been rushed into the Kan Francisco market both from Oregon and the East, until the market is over loaded. It is the big shi;n cm:- of Eastern potatoes that has played hav oc with the market and cair-:'.-d a su - plus of the tubers. In fact. it. is re- planned Statixtics show that. New Yorkers pay a head for the privilege of heint; gurerned. Some of the New York papers nenrn to think, though, that it, isn't s'ieh an almighty good government af. that. Informal Opening of OregonCity's New Store nil! i w m i in era 0 73 UUVQI THE HOME OF THE VOGUE IN MEN'S DRESS " Ready'to Welcome You Two doors from the Post-office In some towns they are protecting ih"ir valuable dogs from poison by muzzling them. Oregon City would not mind particularly the loss of a few of its ubiquitous canines. ported that several hendred rp-s of Oregon potatoes still remain unsoid. Again another uhj-.-ci ie.-.-.o.i has pre sented itself, one that has time and again been repeatr! -t!:ut of soi;;:.g farm products promptly when they reach remunerative price without waiting for further advancus. iew charter commission has some voluminous work and Mit", igh investigations will be made of the good points of other charters. Thrice tried, finally convicted and facing sentunc-.-; of both fine and im prisonment fo- complicity in the Ore gon land frauds, J. N. Williamson, ex Congrcis ti.-.n, Dr. Van Oesner and Marion Biggs have met with an ad verse ruling fro:n the Circuit Court of Appeals, sitting at San Francisco. By a decision handed down yesterday the Appellate Court confirmed the convic tion of Gesner and Biggs, overruling T'c-' b-oV'-n fire hydrant at the cor ner of Main and Fifth streets, still re mains uiu'e,aired. It Is neither orna mental or useful. Look! Before You Anchor at the Old Moorings t Mo.ss may have rovvn 'round the old wharf, things may have b-come rusty without your noting it. Here at an r,IJ stand, but a new tore, only two doors removed from Oregon j i City's Post Office, the good has bten sorted from the mediocre. YLTfil'DAY'S exper i itnee benefitting you TODAY. We've opened in Oregon City a "Difftrtnt Store" from the Ordinary. A store that will stand Arbiter of Styles. LETTER. OF THE VOGUES YET A PACE MAKER. IN LOW PRICINGS! Mere You'll Fir-d All the Newest, Smartest Things in MEN'S, BOY'S and CHILDREN'S Wb'AR at all Times But with always Less to Pay than Other Stores Ask! Come Make Us Prove It,! Let Us Ij Get Acquainted! O je:i th increase in the forest re "nrv"i Indicate a proportionate growth in available presidential timber? X 4. I mm o it:-; a 4 f 'V, )-. i 1 -p :,.' lil: Copyright 19116-07 by Chai. Kuufmun & Bro. Chlcuio 1; -t-ft1;.--, ' 1 p V?JC ' mm 1 . 1 vnttl 1. 11 M ' 1 This Informal Opening of Ours Will Be Followed Later by a more Pretentious Event. So many New Things came trooping in MEN'S SUITS MEN'S TOPCOATS MEN'S SHOES and HATS and swell things in Furnishing Goods that we actually couldn't wait longer to show 'em to you. The early Sprinj; is foicinn things all round forcing Nature even! Why! the buds are opening! So we worked day and night, got tilings in the best shipe possible, and will he ready to WELCOME YOU SATURDAY! This homely, informal opening of our new Store presents an opportunity for Oregon City's gotd dressers to view without buying - unless you choose, the newest, brightest things in Men's Apparel and Togeery. We'll garb the boy or man from the ground up at prices un usually low fot new and dependable goods, The critical patron is assured complete satisfaction. Along with the rohins and violets ;..i 1 o'.iier slns of spring come threats of a Ute Indian uprising. Even Maypr Schniitz scorns to be tried with Ruef, and he has asked for a separate trial. Most Liberal Price Concessions for Our Introductory Sale on Saturday! Your Attendance is Particularly Desired. Come, Look Around View the new things. You'll not be Urged to Buy Agoinsti Your Wish. The Man's Toggery Oregon City Goldstein Levitt Drs Frm pstfflce