OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, KUIOVY, MAKCH' 11107. HALF IV1ILLI0N DOLLARS BACKING OFFERED CAPITALISTS WILLING TO PUT UP FOR O. C, B. C. A M. RAIL- WAY. ARTICLES TO BE FILED WEDNESDAY Anxious to Get In on Ground Floor Under Certain Conditions Could Tap Larger Territory. Capitalists have Informed one of tho promoters of the Oregon City, Heaver 1 Creek & Molalla Railroad company that they are willing to put up one half million dollars for tho construc tion of tho proposed railway under certain conditions. Among these are teat a right of way shall be guaran teed, that they shall bo represented cn the directorate by two out of the seven members on the board, and shall bo given a first mortgage on the road and its equipment Of course one of those conditions is the matter of a guaranteed right of way. A half million dollars would enable the company to build a loop tapping the country south of Molalla, and would bring the entire business of that country tributary to Oregon City. There is no question but that the road would be a paying investment, as it would tap some of the richest farming and fruit lands In the Willamette val ley as well as vast bodies of the best fir and cedar timber. The assurance of this capita! would guarantee the early extension of the line to uiioii springs, ao.uiuonai ior- i ests of timber and promising coal and copper deposits. While the building rf the proposed railway would no doubt be a paying investment, it would result in making Oregon City a grQ market town and trading center as well as a manufacturing center. , It is bervJ that no obstacles will e placed in the matter of securing I -'-V.t of way. and that the money :'.! ' . forthcoming for the early com- rlff'n of the proposed road. The artless ot incorporation that t re to h?ve been filed a number of i cays ago. hsve been du'y signed up 1 by the promoters that were out of j the city, and steps will be taken to j place them on record Wednesday. t i WILL FIGHT TWO .tions for farming and fruit raising, CENT RAILWAY FARE11' - Insep of Carus in town idav, reports that several prospective WILL IM NE3RASXA RAILROADS CONTEST NEW LAW COURTS. Omaha, Neb., March 11. It is an- i,o.,;,.Vi,. a i .:... tuu.jiawuj; ai.iiiijuin.uu ju a H Itaic report of official character from Chi cio that the railways of Nebraska v!:i contest the 2-cent passenger fare lr.-.v which the legislature enacted a week ago and the Governor signed last Wednesday at midnight, placing it in effect at once. The roads are preparing to carry the case to the courts, and there make a vigorous contest to determine the validity of the new law. When the. law was enacted it carried an emerg ency ciause w.nicn provided for its i operation upon its being signed by .aged 2, made two unsuccessful ef t'.e Governor, or within five days fort-! to end his life at the Surber sa v it'.'out his signature. loon Monday night, if he was not at- T'-f Governor, George L. Sheldon, 'tempting a game of bluff. He failed thong': "looted by the Republicans up- I In his efforts to borrow a revolver in ! order to rpake away with himself, but High Grade High Price- Tided in Full 2-liaturt Eott7 J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco ' GCtr,?.-, n 'i GATE1 !:; ,w tXTRAGT on urn a so-called antl railway platform Ulst Fan cn thp tump ,,,irlng ttu, campaign advocated a graduated scale 'pj fntV8) rather than a flat 2 cent la. v. believing tho latter would bo confis cated In many cases of small or branch road. So when the legislature Pass- ed the bill providing for a flat 2 cent 'it. to Governor Sheldon hesitated to Sign the bill, thinking to be consistent with his pre-election course. Hut when he considered that, without his signature, the law, which the rnvjilo demanded, might bo unconstitutional owing to tho wording of tho emerg ency clause, ho decided to sign it rattier ttuin nhwe himself In tlin unv , .... , .. ...,,," of what tho majority of tho legisla- ture had doomed a wise measure. The railways, however, contend that the Governor did not relinquish his former conviction as to tho unfairness of such a measure and tbat he and prominent members of tho legislature elected on anti-railroad platforms. even now V" the validity of the ,aw- Primarily on the grounds. 03 he aJv:ated in his campaign speeches, tut il is confiscatory, The railroads will proceed with the'r crntost a soon ns tnf' arra-v ,hlir forc0 anJ complete their plans of campaign, " NEW STORE IS SOON TO OPEN The Rochdale Co-operative company is getting everything In readiness to open its store as soon as a location can be secured and a few more pre liminaries arranged. V. H. Smith I was elected president of the board of directors ana llliara Frev, secre- tary. at the meeting held Saturday jma. jeslre tntl8 U) combine and es night. J. M. McGlashan is to be the I tabllsh a high school will be exempt business manager, and J. F. Clark the fmm a county high school tax where attorney for the company. Over $1500 on0 fcas bwn vot0l, pr established. The of the subscription money has been c;lit.( incentive for the establishment paid in and the remainder will be ;of these schools, however, lies In the forthcoming in a short time. , ,fact tnat a ,mpn niay demand his At any rate the promoters are en-'scn(M,i money from any district which jcouragingly hopeful, and assert thatj,uw8 not maintain a high school and jit will be only a matter of a few da.? jg0 elsewhere to school. jor the end of the month at latest when . Under the provisions of this law It the concern will open its doors for ' s possible to have several high schools business. CFr(,,vr ...M oCLlniMj HUnCS WHERE fRUITS GROW j i Already homeseekers from various : sections of the East are scouring ' r..i ... l lland buyers have been in his neigh- Linn, and is considered the strictest ;borhood during the last week with a :law of the kind in the United tSatt s. view of making purchases, and they Its provision.? are as follows: 'evidently have the money to pay for' "AH children between the ag?3 of what suits them. One man in particu- '9 and 11 years must go to school all lar from Oklahoma desires to buy a farm costinz J3000 or lf.000. it beinz " T 1 his announced intention to make a. specialty of fruit and nut growing. He "tatod that the climate of Oklahomt j physically unable to attend, pupils was everything that could be desired, j under 10 living more than one ami one Ait he wanted to locate where heibalf miles from school, pupils of any -ou'.d grow fruits and nuts successful- WANTED TO GO bY POISON ROUTE ' A young man named Joe Richardson, jwent to a drug Ftore and oa his re : turn called for a g'asi of beer. When lit. v as set out to him he poured a part of tho cont-nts of a bottle of strych !dne into the foaming stein, but be fore he coul-l swallow it the bartend er grabbed both the tumbler and the bott!'; of poison and put them out of ; his reach. j Officor Cooke was summoned ;renuet'.:l tl.e brother of the your !i;,oi to take him to hi3 home on the . hill. Just what caused young Rich ardson to want to take his life was not ;'rm !ir- Mfinpi TILL I SAVE MODEL MUNICIPAL CHARTER I .Mayor Caufitbi will announce the i it:;; )in!";e;;t. of :;o:;t'; committees on ;::! d ar'.er C!:n:ni.ision In a fo-. days, i t'iO cio.7i!-rs will have to g':t Idov.n to deii'.ertlve work. It has j'.i"-:i v:i:.;-..,-:t.e i that a part of the ! vvorl-: ,f sonso of the committees v.-Ill jbc to r-xa-nin:: the provisions of some jof tl.e municipal charters used by the i Kni'.lish, German and French nations. If there is anything in these model charters that ctin be applied here or changed to suit the existing conditions it will be adopted. Charters of other American cities also will be gone over TEN PER CENT AT PAPER and It is expected that when tho work Is completed that Ort'gou City will havtj a model charter iu every detail. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. This Is to Infom. jou that during tho period beginning Friday (noonl, March 13. li'07. and ending April 15, I DOT. at 12 o'clock, mvon, It Is unlaw ful to take or fish for Salmon Fish or Sturgeon in any manner whatever In tho Columbia river or any of its trib utaries; or to have In possession any -salmon fish or sturgeon so taken. II. G. VAN DUSEN, 34 1 4 Master Fish Warden. MAY HAVE THE RURAL HIGH SCHOOLS REPRESENTATIVE DYE'S BILL WILL BE ON THE NEW STATUTE BOOKS. NEW TRUANT LAW VERY STRICT As An Incentive to Establishment of These Institutions Pupils Can Draw Money and Go Elsewhere. It Is now possible for two or more Clackamas county school districts to combine and establish a union high school, a bill having boeu Introduced by Representative C. II. Dye, of Ore gon City, making this condition pos sible. The bill passed both houses and became a law. Such district! as ;ln a county, and Inhabitants of rural districts will have an opportunity to save the expense of sending their children away to school to secure a higher education. There was considerable school leg- islation passed during the last ses- sion of the legislature, and among one u w.......... . ..!..,. ent truant law. The compulsory ed- Tues-"ucation law was introduced by Sena- tor Prank J. Miller of Marlon and ; the term. Children from 11 to 10 'must either work or co to schixd. The- exceptions to these requirements are children in private schools, pupils age living more than three miles from schools and pupils under private tu tors at home. Thirty days treatment for kidney and bladder trouble sand rheumatism for $1.00. Your money refunded if I not satisfied. Pineules contain no al- cohoi. Do not derange the stomach. Easy to take. Sold by Huntley Bros. Tetter Salt Rheum and Eczema. These ure diseases for which Cham berlain's Salve is especially valuable. It quickly allays the Itching and smarting and soon effects a cure Price, 25 cents. For sale by Howell & Jones. Tiie salve that acts like a poultice is Pine Salve Carbolied. No other salve so good for uits, burns, boils and cnapped skin. Ask about It. Price 25 cts. Sold by Huntley Bros. I i "IMZZVFW f2 ! - 45 i . -i a' ( A DELIGHTFUL DEVERAGc. A SAFE STIMULANT. A GOOD MEDICINE. For sale by E. Matt'nies. . ! j ;.i fata uia ioaid so. ta j B 1 (h ADVANCE & PULP MILLS BOTH COMPANIES MAKE THE AD VANCE WITHOUT DEMAND. APPLIES ONLY TO $2 EMPLOYES Voluntary Act or Part of Manags mcnts Probably Adda $25,000 Annually to Cotnpany'a Payroll. Tho 10 per cent advance In tho wag es of the men receiving 2 per day at the pulp and paper mills as announc ed Sunday by the managements oi the Willamette Pulp n.id Paper com pany and tho "town Columbia com pany, means probabl.' n Increase of ?'J.".io0 annually In tho city payroll. !t was impossible to secure tho exact uiutber of hands employed In tho pa per mills receiving per day, but stl mates made put the number at not greater than 330, ulthough It Is possible that there are more. It Is known that a largo number of the paper mill employes would como under tho head of skilled labor, mach ine operators, finishers, backtenders, etc., who receive much higher wages. It is a noteworthy fact that the ad vance In pay to tho w age earner, was irdi'ied without any demand or soli citation on the part of tho workers themselves, and was a voluntary act cn tho part of the companies. The rlers posted conspicuously near the time clocks were signed respective! . :y V. I'lerco Johnson president of te Willamette Pulp & Paper com pany, and K. J. Dnulton, superintend ent of the Crown-Columbia Paper com I any. I' Is understood that this voluntaiy a.u on the part of the two companies was the appreciation of tho fact that cost of living bad greatly Increase I tind they desired to express their i.p preclation of tho work being done by the men. About five years ago the pay of tho men employed was Increased 23 cents per day. It is expected that the other cm plwyes of the mills also will receive an ii.crea-te in pay. VILSONVILLE WANTS DRUCGIST AND A DOCTOR. Wllsonvlllo, March 12. Miss I,zl orohst is much Improved In health. Ml ""so Taylor Is also Improving slowly from a severe attack of ty- fhold fever. Mis Coblle Scetcyla home from a weks' visit In Oregon City. MrH- William Hrobst madn Portland a business visit last week, as did Mrs. ortn al"' Mrs. Llchtenthaler. Mr "nil Mrs. White and Mrs. """- sister oi .Nowucrg, ure lo ue Tin.u..'.. . i . . . i . " "sonvuieues, soon. Amil YeiiKer's new wind mill Is a credit to us and is to be seen from afar. Amil Fanchman has worked the road to the warehouse, ' which will please the many farmers hauling there. The work on the rlcht of way be tween this place and Tualatin is pro Kresslnf? finely and cars are expected within thirty days. M ims Dot Taylor of Sherwood Is spending a w days with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ileed Graham, of Gra ham's ferry. Mrs. Osbtirn and family contem p'ate rnovini; nearer Wllsonvlllo. They have rented the ground floor of the M. It. A. hall. NOTICE. Petition ior Incorporation of Oswego. Tho undersigned will present to t'-e County Co.irt of the ?nto f ().,,) for the t:ounty ot Clackamas, at the iricouilm; of the f'o'irt on tho first Wednesday in April, 1!t07, tho same bcn: Oie firt day of the remi'ar April term of said Court, the following petition for the incorporation of the town of Oiiv.eo in nald County and State: To tie- Honorable County Court of the Con iily of Clackamas, State of Ore pon: Wo the undersigned rtsidontH and mialiio'd electors of ClficLii'Tiiir; Conn tv. ciol re;iili!!'; vithin tho limit.:-! of following lieseribed boundiirie . hlch !'" propt.-iod to be bicorporiit el and known and described a:-; the n of ;nve.:v to wit: Heginulng tit. i a point on the west, bank of the vil t o't; J i i m i- vhde Tryon Creek ( vs Into M.iid river and on the South I bank of said Tryon Creek iti T. 2, S. it. I ICatit of t'::o Willamette Meridian I ami nniiilng thence, westerly follow ing the mi-unile.'s of the wmthcrly biink of nald Tryon crock to a point ,vliere the south line of "VI" Avenue in the Oregon Iron and Steel Com pany's fir.-:t Addition to the town of Oswego extended easterly intersects the t:aid southerly bank of Tryon Creek, thence northwesterly parallel with and 1U0 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly lino of "G" Avenue iu said Addition to tho town of Os- wego to a point 100 feet ninth of tho northwesterly corner of block No, 8, iu saw Addition to the town of oawego, I honoti southwesterly to a point 100 feet mirth from tho northoiiMtcrly cor ner of lllock 117 In the Oregon Iron and Stool Company's extension of said Addition to the town of Ohwcko; thonoo southerly along tho west lino of Kluventh 81 root of tho Oregon Iron and Steel Company's intension ut first Addition to Oswego, extended southerly to Tualatin or Sucker Lake; thoncu following tho mouiidcrH of tho north bank of Tualatin or Stick er Lake and Sucker Creek easterly to tho Willamette Klver; I hence fol lowing tho meanders of tho went bank of the Willamette Itlver to tho mouth or Tryon Creek to tho place of begin ning; would most respect fully pray that the said territory which coiilitliis about 500 Inhabitants be Incorporated under tho provisions of im net of the legislature of the Slate of Oregon In IM:i for tho Incorporation of cities and towns, And your petitioner would ever pray, C. N. Haines. Wilfred Piatt, L. H. Morrell, J. J. Johnson, John Itlcktter, W. 1 lllcktier, C A, llethko, It. YV. Thomas, II. llethko. C. ('. Worthing ton, !. K. Thomas, u. jMutt. V. M. Iltisby, I. A. Jones, It. T. KuiiH. Tim. I'ox, T. It. Cllnefelter. A. S Cllllefel ter, J. W. Thomas, Joseph Wlnt, Mr, IMwIti Wlnt. T. J. Whlltlor, C. II. Id stun. John W. Van Horn, II. W. Km h ler. It. C. Woitblngton, M. McKoiilo. Aiue.ll Siguln, O, A. Itatlirf, J. It Hamilton, A. J. Thompson. Henry Piatt. Peter Key .or. tlottto Lehman, (leo. D. Itrowii. IC, J. lticisell. Iv I. Davidson, S. C. lt'.iiuketi, Arch Cinm, D II. Vox, Martin Hlanken. A. .1. Hav bison, Dr. V. C. Prun. Oscnr Koton, C. II. Hull, David Nelson. O. W. Pros ser, HI I Piatt, II. it. Davidson, John P. Pox. Otto Johnson. T, J. Drown. J. T. Harbin, C. U. Arndt. H. W. LaMi-re, A. W, Shipley, Krunk tlerrlt, Win Malre. V. V. Whlttler. D II. Jones, litis II. Smith. Jack Monk, Kre.l W. I. chmnu. K. P. Johnson, J. C. Hiiliies. Jr., It. C. Shipley, J. C. Haines. T. J. League. A. J. Hosslter, J W. KDer, Harry W. Parmer, I.. It. WiHidurd, II II. Simons. A. W, Andormoti, J. K. Headrlck. Win. II. Hysllp, l. Austin. C. 11 Nixon, J.ihn liardlner. II. M. Pox, William MllU-r, Dure Kih.I. P'UKN & SCIH Knin., Oregon (My. Oregon. Attorney for Petition, er. UU EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho un- derslgned has boon appointed esecu- tor of the estate of Jacob Mlley, de. reused, by the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. AH per- sons having claims against the mild estate are hereby notified to present the same t.i nie fur juiymetit with proper vouchers at my home In Union j precinct. Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months from th date of this notice. My address being Aurora, Oregon, ' It. V. I). No. Box 6S. ISAAC A. MII.KY, Kxecutor of the Kstate of Jacob Mlly, deceased. GORDON K. HAYKit, Attorney for Kstate. 1 1 13 Dated March 0th. 1!)07. Notice of Admlniitrator'g Sale. Notice Is hereby given that In pur- ( xitnnce of an ord'-r of mile made ami entered In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for ClacknmitN Coun ty, on the 4th day of March. I!u7, In Mie matter of the entitle of Chris Tlmm. debased, the undersigned ad ministrator of mild entitle, will on the lP.th day of April, 19'i7, lit tho hour of i ..vi, .,.1 I., ti. .. c..n,,.u... ..r ....I i 1 . . i. r, in in- ini'ii'nfil if, mint'... .r.i . . day. at the front door of th court j 1 tnt t,,!"' Ac.omodations ml l'rompt house In Oregon City, tiregon, offer Service, for sa'o to the highest bidder for cash, j oibjoct to continuation of Court, tho ; Main St. between 4th & 5th toiiowing iietcnneij real property, icy : wit; Iteglnnlng at the north-east corner trart on the County road and running North Two Hundred and Ten C'lOi feet; thence West Four Hundred mid Fourteen and 1112 (111, 11-12) feet; thence South Two Hundred and Ten Clio) feet; thence Fast Four Hund red and Fourteen and 11-12 (111, II 12) feet on said Cunningham's lino to the place of beginning, containing Two acres of bind more or loss, being a part of the George Wills und Sarah Wills Donation Land Claim, In sec tion t .venty live (2") Township One (1) South of Hango One (1) Mast of tho Willamette Meridian, In Oliielia- no: GRAND CLEARANCE SALE We hive sorm bargains in Foolwzir that trust be sold to make room for spring o-)k mwon th way Oregon City Shoe Store KRAUSSE BROTHERS Caret uS ot Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Ph;3eSf Williams Bros. Transfer Co. mu County, Oregon, Dnled IIiIm Oth day of March, 11107. C.KOItdIO W. DKUIIV, AdmlnlHtrator of the entitle of Chris Tlinm. tleeeasod, pil.l Stockholders' Notice. Notice Is hereby given tin one hair of the Capital Htock of the Wll lainetto Valley Chantaiiipia AMsembly loot been mitisorlhod, Tho llrat meet ing of I bo stockholder of ho lil cor oonillou will bo bold In tho County Court 1'oojn, ut die Court House In Oregon (Ml y. Or., on Monday, April It, I0n7, nt tho hour of one o'clock p, in., for the purpose of tdi-cllng a Hoard of Directors and for tho tiiiusactlon of inch other ImslnoHH, as may legally foine before the nioetlng. (iKOItCK A. STICKI., I'll Altl.KS II DYH, HAItVKY K. CHOSS, 1"I3 Commute". GEORGE HOE YE M'.Nrtsr Orrjjon City Crfullrld Building O. W. F.A3THAM, ATVOIt.NKV-ATLAVV 'iillectlon, Morlgugi1, Kiireclomirc, Abrtrnct of Title and (omeral l.w tni'ltiesit Offlee over Dun Of U'ri'Mi City. ION Muiti Street. Phone 1224 LOG CABIN SALOON BENNETT & rOUMAL Proprietors. OREGON CITY, OREGON I'verylhlng first cluss, Horses Hoard ed by the day, week or month. Farmers' Feed Barn j Geo. W. Oradley, Prop. i j ;i 'very, Feed and Sule Stable. Finn ! Horses. Now Itlgn, hIiikIo or double, furnished with or without driver Prices Iteasonablo, Prompt Attention : Mln ttt. Oregon City, Or, Knapp & Nobel Domestic and Imporfcd s Wines and Liquors Retail Liquor Store Family Trad Solicited. All Kind of Smoken' Cooda. 714 - Main - Street i iGood Meals and Clean Beds THE STAKELY HOUSE Thomas Stakely, Prop. OKI-CON CITY, OK K. t j ,M"", -M-OIIlce P. O. Hid. Main St. Pioneer Transfer And Express L V. (jRLSlrZ, Prop. Successor to C. N. GIUCUN.MAN Sand and Gravel C.eQon City, Oregon. 624 Vain Street s i f ' I