ORIOON CITY f NTERPRIIK, FHIDAY, MARCH 15, 1907. WOODCOCK TRIAL IN JUSTICE COURT Trouble of Long Standing up For Settlement Before Justice Llvy Stipp Tim Woodcock trial Ik occupying Justice Ktlpp'M omit today iiinl will likely extend over (111 tomorrow, This trial l tho culmination of trouble of many your standing over the position f a fence In relation to tho county toad. Woodcock, It In nald, would not remove tin' fence when requested by tho county court, but allowed It to remain In tho middle "f the road. Tint present Hull Ih brought by the county as mi effort to settle Him trouble, O. ), Kby and Chris Hchiu b-I aro .Crutdier for rebatu of ta; regulation by court, In tho matter of dood from Chun. F. Clark ami wlfo to land for public road In district No. 2; Ordered Hint deed for Bald roadway bo accepted and recorded by Clacka in iik county, and that Improvements on mild roud bo rnado at the expense of thoso benefitted thereby and not from road fund of district No, 2, In tho matter of tho WutUiiufor road; Ordered tli tit. Hiild road bo and la declared to bo u county road. In tho mutter of claim for damage by Fred Hehorublo for damages by location of Wettlaufor road; Ordorod that said Claim bo and In denied. In tho matter of tho petition of tho Weyerhausor Land company for re- bato of tax; Ordered that petition bo granted and that a. wiirrimt bo drawn on treaHiirer for $.17.25 In fuvor of pe titioner. In tho matter of petition of Mm. prosecuting Woodcock ami Gcorgo C. Uiownell Ih ailing for tho defense. COMMISSIONERS' COURT Ordered that warrant bo drawn In favor of petitioner for $11 .48. (To bo continued Wednesday ) Pauper te It remembered, that at a regu lar term of the County Court of Clack nuitiH County, held In the Court IIoiiho lit Oregon City, for tho purpose of transacting county business In March, tin Maine beluK tho time fixed by law for holding a regular term of said court, preitent, Hon. (Irani H. Dlm lck, county Judge, presiding; T. 11. Klllln and John l.welllig, commis sioner, when tho following proceed Ing4 were had, tow It: In the matter of purchase of powder a ml fund for mad dlMtrlct 34; ' Ordered that K0i jund of powder I County Court and 4o feet of fuse bo purchaHcd for ttatd district. I'eler J. llniiHcn W. Hanforth It. H. Hughes C, K. Burns It. F. Forrester V. J, Jewelled M. KruK'r Mm. Valentine John Avln J. V.. Jack W, T. Gardner Mr. M. Pickens F. W. Hprngtio MrH, lirmltl Mrs. Heinz J. A. Jolll'S Martha Ford O. II. Dlmlck Auk Splinter (1. It. Dlmlck T. H. KlUIn J. lewellen Iii the matter of the Improvement of ; w vu v"Mr ( aril ft Molanner Justice of th Peace I,. Ktlpp C. F. Kly W. W. Smith o. F. Jones n .id known oh Otty and Steven road; Ordered that petition and aubserlp tloil of 1 2o0 be duplicated by county court. In the matter of fencing and obtrud ing a county road by one John Teevln In nmd district No. 3; Ordered that John Teevln be cited to appear before tho county court in flint Wednesday In April, 1307, to hIkiw caiiNo why ho Mhould not bo compelled to remove tho obstruc tion. In tho matter of tho petition of John V. Jiieobtmn and otherB for a county nad; Ordered, that viewer meet at place of beginning of aald road on tho day of March. 1907. In the matter of the pe'lthm of J C. Elliott and nthera for a county roud; Ordered that viewers meet at place of beginning of aald road on the day of March. 1907. In tho matter of application of rood district for 20,000 feet of lumber to repair Hood View road; Ordered that 20,000 feet of lumber bo purchased and delivered on said road at price not to exceed $5.00 per thoiiHiind. In the matter of fencing and obstruct ing a county high roud by Fred Hol nian ; Ordered that Fred Holzman Immed iately remove all fencing placed In road by himself and that tho super vlnor of district No. 17 see that thla order I complied with. In tho matter of petition of William Thompson tor return of tax money luo him from county; Ordered that $3-1.34 bo returned to him for tax paid twice In year 1001. In the matter of application of J. M. ft. Redwood and T. H. A. Roll wood for record of plat of Qulney addition to Mllwauklo; Ordered that same bo and la approv ed and ordered recorded. In tho matter of tho petition of Franz Krnxherger for Improvement of road leading from Aurora to tho Candy and Maxherger road and aubHcrlptlon of 1 1 40.00; Ordered that petition b grnntod and that county npproprluto nn equal amount. In the matter of report of viewers on tho Olbson road; Ordered that papers ho submitted to district attorney for opinion. In tho tnnttPr of tho lines of tho Oro Kon Water Power &. Railway com Itnny's rendering a road crossing dan K" rous; Ordered that tho dork linmedlato ly notify aald company to repair said crossing and ninko same? safe for travel. In tho matter of tho application for p!ank to repair county road In dis trict 20 south of Clark'a Post office; Ordered that $100 bo appropriated out of road fund for snld repairs. In tho matter of resignation of James Feglos as miporvlsor of district 7; Ordered that said resignation be ac cepted and that F. IS. McGugln bo nnd Is appointed as suporvlsor of said road district No. 7. In tho matter of tho application of tho Oregon Kloctrlc Hallway Co. for per mission to cross county roada near Wllsonvllle; Ordered that permission be granted for said crossing subject to proper 0.00 f. . 00 ft, 00 5.00 0.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 1 0 . 00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 21.10 .20 10.00 9.40 C.30 1 .!W 1 .90 1 .90 1 .90 4.70 3.10 fl.r.o 1.50 6.50 C.50 0.50 C.50 Mm. 0. L. Jensen Inaant II William W, U. Tol Co. W. J. Van Horn Dr. C, H. Molsanor Dr. C. Z. Smith Dr. J. W. Norrla Dr. H. 8. Mount Brldgt Account M&rlnn Cu.tLty O, C. Lumber Co. Fruit Inspector A. J. Lewis Road Survey H. A. D. 1 1 ungate John Labor J. F. Drake It. A. Illbhard A. Myers H A. D. Hungate N. Illalr Pud Thompson Clint Hock Charles (!alo Tho Htar Pros? District No. 1 Bagor Wing W. 8. Payn 0. Ottlo W. Kmart W. II. Counsell District No. 2 Hodlun Proa. M. H. Webster I. W. Johnson It. It. Ilolcomb Frod Ilenrlcl C. Hickman Hcott I layman , J. Fish Road District No. 3 8.00 5.00 .75 2.50 E.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 20.62 CC.00 43.00 20.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 17.50 10.60 10.50 2.50 2.50 190.10 District Freil Hokk Miss CarllHlo L. ritlpii C. F. Fly C. Waer C. Conslglo ;, ltuHst J. I). ltustilutllla C. Dlnlcola A. Dlnlcola Sherlrf C. F. Flv 33.45 Tax Department J. J. Cooko .l.oo K. II. Ilentle ;ii0.fio K. H. lluck 42.25 Nelllo Swafford 40.0 C. II. Piatt 22.50 Magglo Mulvey 8.00 Kdlth. Jackson 25.00 Hess Kelly 42.r,0 It W. linker 17.50 S. O. Dlllman 1C.3S Recorder (J. L. Hedgea 5.00 Treasurer Jesslo Paddock 10. 00 L. Ilolman 5.20 W. K. Carll 5.20 H. F. Latourette 1.20 V. It. Hydo 1.20 D. Cantleld 1.20 U. T. Itarhur 1.20 II. Stevens 1.20 II. H. Johnson 1.20 A. Dime 1,70 V.. It. Leek 2.00 W. K. Carll 10 no K. Mathlea 1.70 P. Nehren t.7o (. L. Hedges 6.20 U. I.. Hidman 12.00 D. It. Dlmlck 1.20 Wllllnnv Smith. 1.20 Win. Davles 1.20 M, Hulras 1.20 John Molan 1.20 Alfred Smith 1.20 Anno Perlnger 1.70 Ixmlsn Perlnger 1.70 J. L. Thomas 1.70 O. L. Hedges 5.00 H. L. liohnan 12.15 Schools T. It. Kendall 3.00 J. C. Zlnser 53.40 L. A. Head 15.00 T. J. Gary 15.00 Assessor J. F. Nelson 1.00 Margaret -CoodMlow 10.00 C. II. Pratt 10.00 Tax Rebate Mrs. Crntcher 11.48 Win. Thompson 34.31 Weyorlmuser Co. 37,25 Current Expense Telephone Co. 0.15 C. K. Hnmsby 3.20 S. T. Uoman 1.75 Huntley Pros Co. 23.25 Irwln-Hodsim Co. 1.35 Water Comm'rs 15.00 Court House Security Vault Works 1G2.35 Kager and Wing Hodlun Ilroa 5 J. C. Elliott Strauss Lumber Co. John Mima August Link Alonz-o Button J. 11. Hlefer 1! Johnson J. A. Kmlls (J. ltoesa II. Hennenson J. A. Kmll, Jr. J. J. Wagoner Sam Kinder N. K. Donahue & Co. .1. W. Hoots 11. O. Knox J. W. Hoots District ft Straus Lumber Co. N. K. Ihuiahuo & Co. John Strauss District No. 11 It. F. I.lnn VI. Harrington Kd Nachand M. S. (ilass Frank Mitchell Halllo Johnson L. J. Class N. Adams French M. Rivers W. Palley E. P. Carter W. Schwahauer C. T. Tmir.o Pauper P. Nehren 13.80 A. 'Mlhlstln 1.00 K. F. Oiisez 0.34 F. Uusch 15.00 C. N. (iroonmnn 1 .05 W. .1. Plunimer 3.00 Horace Martin 9.00 0. C. Mill & Lumber Co. .00 Class & Prudhomme 19.07 1. Soiling s 14.20 J. W. Norrla 50.00 St. Vincent Hospital 19.00 Mrs. Guy nop 19.00 Chas. Galo 4.00 W. 11. Itambo 25.67 F. T, Harlow COO 10. F. Griez 1.50 J. E. Jack 10.10 E. A. Cassons 3.00 Drown & Welsh 6.00 The Hod Front 2G.42 23.05 7.50 6.00 4,00 7.50 7.04 21.25 17.00 2.00 7.00 8.00 1.75 2.00 35.00 31.52 144.65 9.83 11.50 3.13 34.30 70.00 2.25 1.00 12.50 1.00 2.50 14.00 4.00 50.39 4.56 29.00 2.00 593.05 35.01 17.50 40.40 17.50 8.00 10.00 1.50 4.00 4.00 7.00 2.00 6.0(1 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 W, V. Hartnoaa 7.00 Alva Hughe 1,75 V. IJohlondor 6.00 H. Ilenrlcl 7.00 Hoffman 3.50 Willi Hughes 6.00 W. C, Martin 16.60 Wm. Phelp 7.00 District No. 19 D, L. Trulllngor 13.95 Otto Hofstettor 1.50 A. F. Donlson t 1.60 A. Krlckson 150 W. M. Walace 1;50 F. A. Woodsldo 6.00 Corodon Smith 2.60 District No. 20 Popo & Co. 8.00 J. .1. Jone 7.20 J. Putz 10.63 Philip Putz 0.05 F, Usurer 7.03 A. Dourer 6.05 Q. Hchlewe 2.10 A. Haag 5.25 O. 8. Martin 12.00 0. Martin 12.00 C. Hoag 1.75 , J. T. Grace . 1.75 I C. Martin .87 Iuls Vallen 3.33 H. Sullivan 23.75 District No. 21 P. H. ino;inb i.75 U. 8. Dlx 1.75 ,' Claude Wimdow 1.75 Frank Wlnslow 2.50 District 23 H.W.Zimmerman, 64.50 D. Shepperd 14.50 M. King 6.65 J. C. Mark 7.50 F. M. Lucke 2.25 J. F. Yost 30.25 1. I). Hutchinson 14.50 J. It. Marks 4.00 F. llachert 7.50 A. J, Zimmerman 4.90 nam iierziK a. m C. J. Erstgarrd 9.25 H. Cllbertson 12.25 J. Drudvlg 12.75 W. II. Tull 12.75 W. J. Andrews 7.00 J. C. Nicholson 1.75 L. O. Scove 1.40 E. H. Williams .50 A. W. Davenport 1.00 District 24 Carlton t lloncnkrans 10.75 Knight & Susbauer 4.65 Philip Mohr 2.25 Fred Mohr 1.50 Charles Konchak 5.25 Hlron Jackson 2.25 J. E. Mitts 2.25 George Mitts 1.50 Ernst Werner 2.25 Wm. Konchak .75 R. I. Garrett .75 L. P. Spagle 32.50 District 25 P. Meeka 2.25 B. Wallace 1.50 F. Wallace 3.00 Phillip Scheer 6.00 D. C. Harms 22.60 25 Liberal Store .35 I). L. Trulllngor 8. 86 Silas Wright 1.80 Dee Wright 1.20 Frank Bromler 2.70 Martin Oatman 2.62 Max Huss 3.00 E, E. Judd .75 W. D. Adams 1.00 fillas Wright .80 H. N. Everhart 26.00 27 C. W. Lafor 16.12 D. Bengly 10.60 L. II. Judd 3.75 C. C. Yeeter 3.75 W. E. Harmon 1.50 L. Labour 17.60 28 Francis Haun 15.00 Frank Haun 12.75 Amos Johnson 6.00 Jarnns Nlckelwon .75 H. Wilson 8.25 J. Walker .75 James Gray .75 Goo. Wyland 9.00 Wm. Miller 3.00 E. J. Rice 1.50 F. W. McLearln 1.00 Bobbins Bros. 4.80 L. D. Shank 25.00 No. 30 I. N. Davi" 26.00 C. Dfilashindn 19.20 J. Blckner 49.60 Ben Simons 12.40 C. Brown 20.20 John Kl.er 11.40 Van Delashman 11.40 Bert Hays 4.00 Jame3 Cook 10.00 31 H. O. Estberg 5.00 Z. Elligsen 13.75 H. Elligsen 2.60 C. Elligsen 2.15 L. Toedtmeler 1.75 H. Toedtmeler 1.75 A. Koellermeler 1.75 H. Koellraermler 1.75 E. Kruse 1.75 Z. Elligsen " 2.00 L. J. Barns 3.50 F. Oldenstadt 2.62 ; 32 J. S. Barns 6.00 F. F. Tooze 3.00 B. Baker 1.50 . Baker '.75 T. M. Baker 1.50 W. C. Heater 12.50 t 33 Caty Hardware Co. 6.50 Tellefson Bros.' 120.00 Dodge Lumber Co. 96.44 S. H. Hainey 6.00 A. L. Schmidt 11.00 D. Craln 7.00 Ray Willcox 5.00 E. Lewellen 14.00 E. H. Tlson 6.00 L. R. Roley 14.55 A. A. Allen 24.00 Henry Cromer 55.30 34 Charles Moehnke 6.00 Jake Boylan 2.62 Thos Armstrong 1.75 George Armstrong 1.75 Jack Boylen 3.75 Wm. Lynch 4.00 Mat Ranch 13.25 John Ream, 5.25 Fred Shaber 18.00 Sam Batdorf 4.00 P. Berdlne 2.00 John Turner 33.75 35 A.D.Edwards 6.25 36 Carlton & Rosenkrans 5.83 A. J. Lais 62.40 Paul J. Schneider 37.50 Noah Yoder 10.50 W. F. Smith 8.25 H. M. Bobbins 6.75 Arthur A. Schneider 6.75 P. Laverty 1.50 Allen Drescher 15.00 Mr. Anderson 8.00 J. Brallsford 11.20 Deescher 12.80 George Pope 17.00 38 A. Mather 30.80 T. B. Worthlngton 12.00 Wesley Stromer '3.00 Robert Richardson 12.50 Aug Tuchoiky 12.00 H. Thlessen 10.00 39 A. F. Dorsey S.15 Pope & Co. 11.95 C. W. Frlederlchs 4.65 F. Busch 3.25 J. V. Green 40.00 Llndsley & Son 96.40 Jack Confer 45.00 Herman Fisher 10.50 Robert Shanborn 5.50 Edward Jones 2.00 No. 40 Western Storage Co. 1.60 A. Gustafson 1.50 P. M. Hoist 1.50 A. Vester 2.50 G. B. Dlmlck 13.20 John Lewellen 64.70 Beall & Co. 242.90 Just Described Her. "Yes," said Lovet, "I was engaged to her once." "So I understand," remarked New Itt. "She told me she was an old flame of yours." "IJiat's pretty near right. She cer- my did burn up my money." Ex. tait "Was the widow astonished when Mr. Diffident proposed?" "No, but Mr. Diffident was." 12 G. Fischer 6.75 J. J. llHtton 1.75 Imis Kohl 8.75 N. Kirchem 3.50 Edwin (ierber 6.20 Fred Gerbcr 15.00 13 F. Busch 1.50 Wilson & Cooko .85 W. II. Brown 30. 00 Harry Hubert 28.20 August Hubert 47.25 W. B. Hubert 7.00 W. Shannon 20.20 Walter Emmet 32.80 I). D. Evans 26.00 Lewis Evans 9.60 M. M. Hart-ell 17.60 W. C. Ward 7.60 E. Fnirhrother 1.80 John Hugl.es 19.20 Harvo Mattoon 11.20 E. N. Bar;.tt 16.00 F. Mitchell 8.00 W. B. Hubert 8.00 14 Hurley & Moran 1.50 Popo & Co. 3.50 B. F. Linn 25.11 H. F. Harris 12.9S C. W. Frledrlch 1.40 Wm. Beard 10.00 O. F. Gihhs 55.00 C. C. Glbbs 25.00 A. Splinter 40.00 Frank Beard 42.00 .las. Shelley 44.00 Jim Ehelley 9.00 F. W. Glbbs 10.50 F. Stevens 28.00 J. B. Jackson 20.00 O. Guilllan, 23.00 H. F. Rose 19.00 D. Thorn 8.00 John Edmlnsen 2.00 15 Popo & Co. 2.75 F. Busch 6.25 Wm. Fine 36.25 Frank Qulnn 27.00 Joe W. Little 21.00 A. .Toehnke 12.00 J. V. Green 5.00 Jack Confer 5.00 W. G'. Randall 5.00 17 L. O. Rlgga 4.50 F. M. Barmoro 1.50 W. A. Tlce 2.25 Alex Tlce 2.25 Goo. Holland 18.75 A. H. Knight 8.75 No. 18 Popo & Co. 15.60 F. Busch 2.75 Hurley & Moran 7.50 E. W. Horashuh 40.00 Arthur Hornshuh 3G.50 Wm. PhelpB 2.50 Hy. H. Hughes 7.00 Dan Glnther 15.75 ' W. C. Martin 10.00 Wm. Grlsenthwaite 5G.50 James Shannon 49.25 Chris Muralt 23.00 Hy. Sholloy 12.50 All Thomas 29.00 Elmer Londergan 20.00 Otto Lyman 3.50 Geo. Hollman 3.50 Wm. Herman 1.75 rw WHITE SILK WAIST Bean tifol display Wash Silk Waists trim med with silk appliques and laces, also have all-over lace waists made over silk, long or short sleeves. S3.00 to S6 00 SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY 100 Ladies' Negligee "Shirt style" waists, in extra good mad ras and gingham with soft collar, light patterns. One day only 75c and $1.00 values 29c L. Adams Oregon City's Busiest Store 'ft? J I