OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. KmlUY, MARCH 1(1. 190T. r ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby wish to announce to the people of Oregon City and Clackamas County that I have purchased the remaining stock of I. Selling, and will continue to close it out to make more room for the new goods which are due to arrive from the cast. I wish to meet all my old friends and all the old customers of the for mer firm and I will continue to do a general merchandise busi ness at the old stand of I. Selling. Call and let us get ac quainted. G. ROSENSTEIN, Mgf. UN BACK Jclusively for burial purposes. Mrs. Bertha Mellien Returns! 01e MiUo!so i named a presi And Says She Did Not Run Away DENIES SHE ELOPED Will Not State Where She Has Been But Says it Was Respectable Place Hus band Not Returned Mrs. Bertha Mellien has returned . . . v. tO Dei nOIHC alter all auutc ui , v u days. She is very Indignant over toe report that sne eloped with a sixteen ,ntoj pressed himself Indignantly that he year old boy. She says she wants it spring fries They wjll niake a spcc. 1 should be accused of deserting his distinctly understood that she did not MiJ"ot whlte Leghorn and white y. go with him. 'Plymouth Rock chickens and White ' I went away for a few days, as any , HolIand turkeys. CHIEF INSPECTS HYDRANTS. body has a right to do," said Mrs. Mel-1 Chief Ruconleh has been busy the lien to the Star Wednesday. J I last few days looking over the fire "Where did you go?" was asked. OREGONA PULLED ; hydrants of the town, testing them Mrs. Mellien looked embarrassed OPP RAD RV Al TONIA out anl seelns that tney are ,n wrk and would not say. Ul 1 DrtK UY ML,UMilng order. The chief reports that the "I was in a perfectly respectable i I town Is In a serious condition at pres- place" she vouchsafed, "although it - jent as regards fire protection, .nd that was out of the way." ! The steamer reK"na of the - c- 'some of the hydrants are stopped up "Why did vou go away?" the in-jT- Co 's fleet 'Pnt a-"0,ind Tuesday aIthR,,ther. Ho has bpcn suporln. ouisitor continued. Mrs. Mellien seem- i ed to think it was nobody's business , particularlv why she should leave her ; home and children If she felt like it. and hinted that life in the Mellien home had not been as smooth as it:"11111 s,x oclock wnen tne 6teamer might have been. i Altona of the same fleet came throush "I have not seen the iSevers boyllhe locks frora hor uP',er rlver triP since the day I left," she continued. iand PuIled her off the bar "We did not leave together, and I don't know where he is." Albert Mellien, the woman's hus band is at present in San Francisco, where he went with a brother of Frank Sievers, the missing boy, to look for his wife. He has not yet learned of .af,er transacting the routine business his wife's return. ' several addresses were made. The The belief that the woman had elop-; election of the county officers of the ed was based mainly on the testimony Socialist organization 'resulted in of Conductor Peebler of the Southern ! Claude S. Howard being re-elected Pacific, who stated that he saw her "ur't' secretary, Charles E. Reynolds, with the boy on a south bound train ! I'rt Ginther, J. I. Imtl, W. W. and wondered at the strange pair. The ,-M-ers an(1 XIrs- G- R- Braker being t'seory was advanced today by one 'cted county executive committee, who is a connection of the family that a,lJ Mrs- s- v- Lewelling was elected Mr. Mellien had run oft with the ;s1te committeeman to represent the SJj-.-t-? boy and learning of the no-j-,a:,-v in the state organization. The torkty that the case had attracted, if,f'v' library proved to be quite an at came back with the Intention of j t action and several volumes were tmoothins over matters as much as Sj!J- The meeting closed by passing I issible. leavic,; the boy to follow 1 'e fo'-'owing resolution: later. Whereas, The officers of the West- Mrs Mellien seems to be rather bit- j'n Federation of Miners, Moyer, Hay ter against her husband and did not v an'J Pf'Uibone, have been held seem to think it strange that she hl m,,re t-'-3" a year charged with the should p, away without announcing ":a:"!cr o '-governor Steuenberg of her Intentions if she wished. Her . I,;ho- aiul return was as unostentatious as her ' v''"rf-as. ?aid officers were taken departure, for she slipped into the f""m Colorado to Idaho ln an unlaw-ho-)-;,., without her mother's knowing f l! manner literally kidiiapped with it. and went to bed. She did not asiistance of those sworn to sup rnahe clear whether or not she intend- port tlie constitution of the United ed fj stay home and take care of her children now that tho was back. SCANDINAVIANS HAVE CEMETERY , n en, therefore be it The Scandinavian Cemetery asso- Hesolved, we condemn the apparent elation of Canby has placed articles i;'t'ntion of the enemies of the min of incorporation in the hands of Coun- , ""ion to rlistroy their organiza ty Clerk Greenman. They will be t:(!i by persecution and perhap3 mur filed as soon as the necessary fee is litT' received. j Resolved, that if the decision of the After stating the name of the asso- Supreme court is allowed to stand elation and the fact that its duration thpre is no further use for extradition is to be perpetual, the articles go on laws 33 the kidnapping laws method to state that its purpose is strictly to . is urer and quicker, conduct a cemetery. The value of i Ordered sent to the county press the property now held is placed at by vote of the meeting. $200, and the sources of revenue are i CLAUD S. HOWARD, stated to be assessments on stockhold- Secretary. ors, and such contributions, bequests and gifts ss may be made. It Is spec ified that the real estate controlled by the corporation Is to be used ex- dent of the board of trustees, with Be Nelson, secretary, and Lewis Hang lum treasurer. All of these men are residents of San ly. i WILL SPECIALIZE wa! r,'tort,'1 ln ont ' ,no paper yesterday afternoon that a man naiu IN FANCY POULTRY ei -Mun,,n of Highland had been gone ifrom home for two weeks with his 'Wife and had deserted his sixteen- Mrs. T. E. Gault has just received , a fine nnir of uhlto Holland t.irkpv ' from the Jefferson prize winning stock of the Snow Drift poultry yards. These jwtll make a handsome addition to the j white youltry yard which Mr. and Mrs. 1 Gault are establishing at their place Thev moved from near Gladstone. 'n.,.,, , ,v,o ..... I uiautuuc iuia icu'ouc uuu tai 111 i hn.it vpsr Brr ami hv twr. Ino... !i,of.,M cttin o,i . ni, .,t utfu l"e lwl Ul ' 15 tn0USnt tnat tne accident was aue , to some defect in the steering appara- ilus' The Eteamer remained aground SOCIALISTS MEETING. The Socialists held their regular monthly meeting Sunday, March 3, with about an average attendance and Stf-tes, and V.'hreas, the supreme court of the I'riiti'd States sustained the kidnap lrs. Judge McKenna dissenting, and Whereas, the njine owners' associa tun appears to be furnishing the oil 'funds) for the prosecution of these SUPPOSED MISSING MAN COMES HOME Maxon of Timber Grove Was Reported Lost But Has Been Working Tht' report was entirely Incorrect. A man whose name was Maxon left his home at Tlmlx'r Grove south of Highland with his wife and went to Portland where he obtained employ ment. He left his boy at homo for a da'- but returned Saturday night with Mrs. Maxon. " "-i 'J 'U ill wreK..n Maxon formerly lived in anu urove a tiray nere. He ex- tending their cleaning out. and has .otherwise been getting the fire sys- jtni of the city ,n gooJ or(h,r i ine enter says tnat tne nre annara- tJ, u gPttlng inaiIeqate for lne m,edsJ o; the town, and has It In mind to n.ake a recommendation to the coun - cil that more be purchased. It Is like - ly that the agitation for a chemical engine will be taken up again. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of West Side school for the month ending March 8, 1907. First Primary Enrollment, 28; cY.ys absent, 29; times tardy, 0; neith er absent nor tardy, 17. Mrs. Grace Chapman, teacher. Second Primary Enrollment, 28; , . " i, i,M ' tuu., ...... lu,v.j, mwiuo teacner. Intermediate Enrollment, 17; days al sent, 32; times tardy. 2; neither ab sent nor tardy, 7. Jessie Blanck, teacher. Bolton Enrollment, 30; days ab sent, 23; times tardy, 3; neither ab sent nor tardy, 15. Clara Koerner, teacher. Advanced Enrollment, 17; days ab sent. 10; times tardy, 1; neither ab sent nor tardy, 7. F. C. Kendall, Prin cipal. SAMSON SEES 79th WEDDING. Miss Bertha Gray and Joseph L. Jones both well known young people . i .Marquam precinct were married, at the home of W. W. II. Samson Tuesday aftermxm, it being the 79th wedding that has taken place In that dwelling Klnce It was Inhabited by the present occupants. Rev. Speiss, pastor of the Marquam Methodist Episcopal church, was the officiating clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left for a short visit to Portland soon af ter the ceremony, and on their return will live at Marquam where the groom is a Bturdy and industrious young farmer. CAN CAN CANNABLE PEAS. An enterprising lady out at Mount Pleasant who believes ln plenty of out door exercise and raises splendid gar dens says "news Is scarce in our neighborhood but we read seed cata logues at night and cultivate the soil next day according to directions to produce the wonderful effects found in them." She said that last year she planted eight pound of peas and Intended to do the mime this year. "There are only three or four In our family" she explained, "but we like them so well, wo eat them twice a day and can what wo cau't eat." In other words they eat what they caa and what they can't they can. FILES ATTACHMENT SUIT. Henry Fleckonsteln & Co., has tlted un attachment suit against F. K. King i to recover $134. 7S. alleged to bo duo for goods furnished. King Is the un it on keeper who disappeared last Sat urday, leaving his bartender In charge of the business, who held the fort un til an attachment was put on the place Monday evening. DEATH'S DAILY HARVEST ALFRED SPRAGUE. The funeral of the lnte Alfred Spragite was attended by a largr con course of people Tuesday afternoon. The services tok place at tho family residence, W. V. 11. Samson deller Ing the eulogy, and the excellent King ing was under the direction of Pro fessor Courtwrlght. The deceased was born at Batavla, Clermont county, Ohio. November 8, 1S2I, and was married to Statins Goff October I.'. 1S:.0. In tho uprlng of 151 they crossed the plains with an ox-team, reaching Columbia slough, near Portland where they remained during the winter. They movent to Pprlngwater In 1852, and In the spring of 1353 moved on to the donation laud claim near Redland, which was his residence up to the time of his death. Mrs. Sprnguo died about a year ago. Mr. Sprague left five sons and four ; (la,lpnters- 8,1,1 8,1 wtre present at t,le fllneraI t'xc,'It na daughter who 1'1 s al uaM'r 1 Ily- The Interment took place In the fam ily cemetery and the aged pioneer was laid away by tho side of hi wife. Harley Boylan. Harley, the twelve-year old son of D. L. and Minnie Boylan, died at their home In the Twilight neighborhood, Wednesday, March 13, after an Ill ness of about a week with Inflamma tory rheumatism. He was the second of four children. The bereaved family Ihave the "ympathy of tho community. i Harle y being a general favorite with friends and schoolmates. The fun eral will be held Friday at 10 a. m. from the home. BREWERY WANTS ROOM VACATED The Welnhard Tlrewery has step ped into the affairs of the Hub sa loon where the third failure occur- red yesterday when Henry Flecken- of ", 5. R('c 2- r,s 2(1. ;!0 acres; $500. stein & Co. attached the stock of F. I Albert Itodlun and wife to Olen E. Ring to Ratlsfy a claim against j Hoilnn the w hnif of the s half of the him. w half of the so of sec 27, 1h-3o, 20 The brewery claims that It holds a.ucn-s: :,on- lnooo nn ftio l.nll.lln.r .....I ...,. h i"" ;!,,'BB,U- voiisiauie My looay moveo I the r(!mai"lnK "ck of goods out 'f the room and tho brewery will bo glv- ; 4- iln,i r.suier u. wood to en possession. It has not yet beeni1''"''" Clark the hw of the ho or announced what disposition they wiIliH,'c '!!- 2s le, and the nw of the no make of the property or whether an- 1,10 c balf of the no of the nw other attempt will be made to start a '"f R,'c ?' io 100 acres; $3000. saloon there. I Frank J. Finger to G. W. Cook lot . Ill In Wichita, 2 acres; $:i0. NOTICE TO FiSKERMEN. i M- J- l:ls"'0 nn'l J- H. KImoIp to Mae- This Is to infom. you that during the period beginning Friday (noon), March 15, 1907, and ending April 15, 1907, at 12 o'clock, noon, it Is unlaw ful to take or fish for Salmon Fish or Sturgeon ln any manner whatever ln the Columbia river or any of Its trib utaries; or to have In possession any salmon fish or sturgeon so taken. II. 0. VAN DUSEN, 31-t4 Master Fish Warden. A enr r,f Inrwl rOoufor ,la ... fiunvi v,.. mi ivc; shortly. Will sell at Portland prices with freight added. W. A. Holmes, Parkplace. RURAL CARRIERS ORDER UNIFORMS Will be Dressed Like City Mail MenBuy Them From Salaries Tho six letter carriers on the rural free deliveries have placed their or ders for uniforms. In the east most of the carriers In the country districts are uniformed and the local curriers think (hut Oregon should not bo be hind any tit her state. The small salary the local carriers j have been receiving and the expense that devolves upon them In furnish jlng their horses and outfits have pre- eluded any additional expense for I uniforms. However, the carriers get a raise next July, and their world looks blight enough to them now to warrant the purchase of tho now re galia. The uniforms will bo gray In color, conforming to tho uniforms worn by the city carriers. They will have caps and will present a cosmopolitan ap pearnnre among the fanners. Tho rural carriers have a hard life, and the pay Is miiall. On some of the routes In tho east tho farmers along tho line have furnished uniforms, but the local carriers have asked no fa vors. NEW RECORD ROOM AT COURT HOUSE Peter Nehreu, the Janitor at the court house, ha- been getting ready a new room In the basement to Htore the records and papers that have ac cumulated. The rubbish has been thrown out of the room In the outheast corner of the basement and no mo desks mov ed In so that riferencc to the rwird may be ey. The large number of tax rifelpts to l filed noon would more than fill the closet on the first floor where they are kept, and room had to be found elsewhere. Among the things thrown out of the new record room are can of Clackamas county fruit that were sent back after the rlose of the I-wls and Clnrk fair. Thl fruit was placed on exhibition pnTved In alcohol, hence it Is not edible. l'. S. to Genrgo F. Iloiiney s half of the se and the s half of the sw sec 8. 7s-3e, HIO acres. W. P. Kstes per Sarah A. Estes to H. K. Nobel lots t, 5, G and 7 In nee I. 7s-3e, 131.70 acres; $20. Daniel White et al to II. K. Nobel, lots 4, 5, 0 and 7, In sec C, 7s-3e, 13t.7G acres; $1. George (ireaby and wife to II. E. Nobel the no of the no and lots 1 of sec 4, 0s-;ie, S." acres; $5. T. F, Ryan ami Inez M. Hyan to II. E. Nobel the so of the no and tho s 4" acres of lot 1. hoc 4, 0s-3e; $1. Jesse N. Offleld to II. E. Nobel lot In the nw of the nw of hoc 30, 7n-3e; $1- I.. A. Carlson to Bert Jonsrud the nw of tho ho of Bee 9, 2a 4 e, 40 acroH; liooo. E. F. Hrunn to Scandinavian ceme tery association beginning at tho nw cor of the so of tho no of hoc 14, 2s-4e; $23. Anton J. Baler Jr., to Peter Me (Jerry, block 13 ln Clackamas Heights; $850. It. P. Cooper and wife to O. T. Kay and wife beginning at the nw corner Fred PlttS to I.aum TMMm unit t.t , , . . j""- - --io. 1u2 "t'":t 1- A' f-'nrk "'Binning on the n line of sec 3, 2s-2e, 13.80 acres; $1 j C F. Clarke and Sarah J. Clarke to M. V. Harrison and Jerry Horn part 'of the Matlock DI.C In 2s-2e, 12.01 acres; $1800. ' t Money to Loan. On real estate, $3,000, $1,000, $500, $300 and other sums to suit conven ience of borrowers. C. II. Dye. 13-ml A r ,.f l,.,l l....... .1.... , , - " mini iJlumei UIIU lO BrriVO shortly. Will sell at Portland prices, with freight added. W. A. Holmes, ' Parkplace . NEW CHURCHES Two More Incorporated County Clerk's Office Wednesday In METHODISM IS GROWING Molalla and Estacada Form Organl za ti o n s Five New Churches in County The cause of Methodism would aemu to bo thriving In Clackamas county Judging from the number of cliurchen that are being Mtarted. Two Metho dist churches were Incorporated Wed nesday, making live for which artl cles have been tiled during the hint six weekn. Tin Methodbit Episcopal church of Molalla was Incorporated by William V, Herman, WillUin Macurell, I'elor Faurle and O. W. Hobblns. The ar ticles, utter Hinting Its Intention of using the privilege grunted corpora tions of this kind to tho extent of holding or conveying real or person ul property, borrowing or loaning money and conducting such business us may rom within It scope, specify (hut In Its dealing It shul! be govern ed by the MethiKllNt denomination. W 11 1 in in P. Ileruiun Is named as president of the board of trustee, nud O W. Hobblus as th secretary. The valiiu of tho property Is named us $2o0U. Articles of a nltullnr nature will al to be tiled by tho Estacada Methodist church os soon as tho fee Is sent to the county clerk. J. W. lted, i: H. oilier, William Pule, uosa A. Ilea gun and E. F. Surface r the Incor porators. The charter of this corpora Hon like that of the other Is porttetu ul. and It Is to bo governed according to the rales of tho Methodist denomi nation. The value of tho property Is given at $25(10. The officers of tlm lsird of trustees of this church aru J. W. Heed, president, and E. S. Wor- iner. secretary. Tho other three churrhes of this do iiomluutlon to bo Incorporated recent ly are tho nratison church at High land; the Hock Creek church at Needy and the MetfKKtlst church at Clarke. SUIT TO FORECLOSE. E. F, and F. It. Itlley, attorneys of Portland, have filed a suit with tho 'otinty clerk to foreclose certain proMTty In ('liickumus county put up ns security for a note of $525 given !) A. Itow'ey and Isabella, his wife. Tho complaint alleges that tho nolo was given October 27. 1903, and that no payments have been made on It at ull. It Is mid t'.mt the defendant had allowed the taxes to heroine de linquent when the property was put up as security, and Hint no tuxes hnvo lieim pnld on It, by the defendants but that tho plaintiffs hnvo pnld taxeH for which they ask to be reimbursed to the extent of $27.09. They II I ho ask a decree of foreclosure and $75 at torneys' fees. A c:ir of bind planter due to nrrlvo shortly, will sell at Portland prlcea with rrelght added. W. A. HoIiiioh. I'HikpInco Our new location will please you. Thomson's Itargaln Store on the cor ner, opposite the Bunk of Oregon Cllj County Treasurer'! Notice. I now huvo money to pay County warrants endorsed prior to August 1, 1905; also road warrants endorsed prior to September 1, 1900. Interest will cease on mieh warmnta on date of notice, Mureh 11, 1907. J. C. PADDOCK, County Treasurer. MAPLE LANE GRANGE (Continued from page 1.) biography of Harriet needier Stowe, Mrs. A. J. Lewis; remarks on tho proper way to give and recelvo critic Ion, Mrs. William Heard; question box opened by Mrs. C. W. Swallow and William Beard; hoIo, Dr. T, K. Beard; recitation, Mrs. MauU; read ing, Mrs. Splinter; rending, Mrs. C. Vv. Swallow; Bong, "Old Kentucky Home"; solo, Mrs. Ralph Miller; chorus by grange; recitation, selec tion from James Whlte.omb Riley, Mrs. T. E. Beard; recitation, William rioi.nl; reading, "Tho Bountiful tlrango Hall," Mrs. Seeiey; song, "America," nil; discussion, "Shall wo abolish tho road fa; Is not tho road poll tax $3. enough without the general tax of $1? William Beard, Dr. T. E. Board, Chas. "'' J- 'OWIS, It. II, 1 al)0r. 8. V l , lt(,n,un' lhl8 en(lo(l tho program, 1,10 remainder of tho meeting was a secret session.