Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 15, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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j Local, Social, Personal j
Portland vlaftod with hl parenU, Mr.
and Mm. ('. V. Rubcoek, tn Oregon
City, Himiliiy,
Will Hold Dlitrlct Convention.
Willamette Rebilmh lodge No. 2,
mot Friday fvcnlnn In regular mohmIoii.
Word has been received f rum Mm,
Ihiiinu (liillttwiiy nf McMlnnvlllo, vice
president nf the Roboluih iiHHi'inlily of
Ori'Koii, I hill, a district convention nf
Unit (inter will In held nl Orosjon City
on Wednesday, March 21, lit 9:'M n.
hi, itiHlniriiitiiM have ul hi ) been ro
L II, .liiilil of Molulla wiih In Oregon
CHy Tliiirmliiy uftoruooii.
All kludit of lumber and Hhiiiglon
for salo ut Wgolow & Nwman'm mill
Frank dowdier (if Stafford, was In
Oregon C'lly Friday afternoon.
W. II. IiikIch a Democrat war homo
..!.. II.. I.. I t.-..l.l..
ovo. th.it Willamette Robokiili hid.. "
U x pcft ml til (tut on tho dogren '
work. 'I'lilri la the Hist meeting of, 'P ;"X r'l,ll,y lin l"
tho hind ever Viold In this clret. 1 0,,w"o l" ,,:(;"!,t I'"Hltlon ,n th
..I.... i .. ii
The object of Him convention h to its
William Knight. Ik Hid new city ro
corder for Cimhy, and the Holectlon in
Miiflsfaetory, ho having filled that po
Ml Ion formerly,
Kiiient 1'hartern a foimor Oregon
City rcMldcnt, hut now of Portland,
vhdted frleiidH In (hla city Hat.urduy
utul Hiinday,
Two Oregon City student of the
I'nlveiMlty of Oregon will graduate
thlH year. They are .luck Liitourotto
and Itoy Kelly.
ii I ut weak lodges In gaining strength,
to promote fraternal ienl limn among
lodn-iH nnd to iIIhi'iimh measures for
the welll'ni'n and progreaa of Itehekah
lodgoa throughout I lie Hlale of Ore
noil. Tim lodgca of tho dhilrlet to
participate are Mllwauhlo No. ISO, IS
tueadu No. M7, Oswego 71, ClaeliiimaH
ID. Molal!a 150. Willamette Itnlielmli
lodge In their mooting Friday evening
left all aiianueiiieiiiH for tfto con voli
tion, which cannot fall to be a grand
lime In Itehi'kah rlrren, In tho hand
of two committed,!, Prograii with
Mm. J. J, Cooho an chairman, and on
(rtalniiiont, MrsVl. K, Walker. It
In lupecteil a largo crowd will ho In
alli-ii lance and Interesting program
Elven. followed by a haiKjiiet.
Celcbratet Fiftieth Dlrthd,iy.
I) M. Kleium-n who has long hei-n
111 hualni'MX tit ()re(;n City, celebrat
ed hi fiftieth birthday Monday after
iioon by serving an elaborate ban-
qiO't to the member of the Ileiitcheril
Vereln. or Oregon City Ucrman mo
lety lii Knapp'a hall, An entertain
ItiK program also waa kIvi-ii In hla
honor. The latter look place Immedi
ately after the ri'Kiilar monthly meet
1 ii K of the Hoelcty at which five now
IihmiiImth were Inltlttteil,
The (irlnclpal uumhera on the pro
Kram were: Hecltatlon hy Mr. Acker;
recitation, Mr. Slier; koiik, Mr. Miller;
recitation ltoni Stroliineyor; hoiijj,
MltH Kb'inueti; aont! (piartet, Mr. and
Mm. (Jiia Ki'hnoor and Mr. and Mm.
Winkle, al'in a abort apoech by tho
jucHldi'tit of the aorlety, Mr. Schnoor.
Tho banipiet was aerved In tho ad
Joining illiilnit hall and It wan em I
netitly bi'tUtlnu the occasion of Mr.
KIcniMen'a flftletli horthday. Aldo
from the law niimher of C.ennan
iiicinliei a of the a.iclety and their fam
lllea that were protonl lit the city,
many tame In from vitrlona aectlona
tit the cotinty.
After the baliiii t followed a do
llKhtfn! aoclal (M-ca!oii.
Deloail Cl'lllli! of KiikIo Creek, WIIH
III the city and haa been tho H'ient (it
K. Wllllanm.
Walter Smith of the l'aclllc Tele-
pliono (-ompiiny la In Harlow on a bua
Ineta trip.
(Men Hurnl. leavo: today for Harlow
lit tlm Intep'hlH of bin omployem, tho
'aclth: Teh ilioiie company.
Mm. A I. Cox an I Mm. II. K. Dnl'ny
ot IhN city vhdted frleiidH III Cailhy,
MoMt Reverend Archhhihop A. (;hrla
tl of Portland, made a brief IiiimIiichh
trip to OrcKun ( 'Ity. Thnmday,
J. IC.
Niiylur of Manpiani waa an
City vliltor Thiiraday after-
Oamund Hartman Wedding.
MIm May K. II art man, formerly of
rnrtland. but recently rcnld!n In St.
lanl, Minn., and Mr. Theodore Ox
rmind of tircKon City, were qnh'tly
iiiarrled by JuUlco l.lvy Stlp In hla
office Saturday ovonlnK. Tho bride
waa attended by her friend Mla Mario
Naucklo of Portland and tho Kioom
hy lr. II. H, Mount and II. K. Uraper
if thla city. Iminodlately after the rer
inony, Mr. and Mra. Oamtiml left for
ii vhilt with relntlven and friends lit
rnrtland. V'pon their return to Ore
Kon City they will i?u to housekecp
lilK In one of tho Colo Cottnuea on
Hlvth at reel, now belnR prepared for
ihelr occupancy. Tho brldo la popu
lar amoitK a wide circle of acquaint
tmcea In her homo town and will be
welcomed In Oregon City society,
where Mr. Oxmund holds tho respon
sible position of local secretary of tho
Crown Columbia pulp nnd paper com
pany ami has a host of friends.
Charh'H K, Clark, a prominent res
ident of Clackamaa, was In the city
Henry ThleitKen a prominent farmer
of Ml! wank lo precinct waa In tho city,
T, I.. Smith was over from Sham-
ockawa Monday and reports Intalnea
prospering In that section.
(ieorne ZelKler, a well known Har
low hop Krower, waa In tho city, Mon
I'O Caulleld returned Sunday from
Astoria whero ho has been with a sur
veying party.
John DrcHcher of Flllott Tralrlo,
formerly un OreRon City hotel pro
prietor, waa la tow n, Monday,
Mr. and Mm, (ioortto Cuso and child
of roriland vlnlt ;! ndatlvoa hero
Sunday. Cnae now has remiinoratlvc
employment us a mill wrlght.
MIhh May Hambo ri-turned Sunday
eveiiliiKS from several (lays' visit to
the family of ,1. L. Matlocka In Now
I'nlU'd KtatcH Senator Fulton reach
d I 'oi (land yesterday and among t)i
pi'oplo that called on him waa W. K,
C. I'. Youiik who haa been spending
fveriil weeks In tho county looking
iift'-r property Interests, atarted on
tils n turn trip to Orasa Valloy, Kaat
in Oregon, Frhlay ufturnoon. '
In a i;anio of ndler basketball play
.1 at tho Y. M. C. A. rink Friday night,
While's team defeated Kellcr'a by
o-ore of C, to 0. The game waa mar--ed
by repeated foula on both aldea.
Francis V. Calloway of tho Univer
sity of Oregon formerly of Oregon
City won second place Ii: tho inter-
'olleglute contest at McMliinvlllo, Frl
l'ortland hospital for treatment. He
waa rolling logs near Mackaburg
riiuraday and accidentally had hla foot
rushed, It la stated that his foot will
hnvo to bo amputated, and Dr, Dod-
nan ordered him aont to the hoapltal
at. Portland.
Tho Wlllametto I'u'p &, Paper coni-
pany la still setting out orchnrJa of
'jottonwood treea to take tho placo of
tho forosta cut down, Kdgar Smith.
Art Torgomon, Herhort Thompacjn,
P'loyd Smith and Frank Smith, of Can
by, havo gono to Wheatland, Yamhill
ounty whero they aro employed In
planting cotton wood trefjs for tho
Willamette Pulp Sc Paper company.
Sola Circle had a special mooting
W. O. W. hall Friday afternoon,
hen a now member waa Initiated In-
tho order and seven applications
illoted upon. They will bold arioth-
iiicotlng for tho aarne purpose at
four o'clock Monday afternoon.
John nowiana icit Sunday evening
for f'Maoada whero ho will enter the
mploy of tho Oregon Water Power
&. Railroad company, He has been
lilting on his brother, Alfred T. How-
lund out on tho farm beyond Mount
Tabor. Tho latter haa been out of
tho hospital for tho last three weeks
and la recovering from the effects of
accidentally taking a swallow of for-
A marriage license waa Issued by
County Clork Orocnman Thursday af
ternoon to Mlsa Gertrude Naylor,
laughter of Mr. and Mm. J. E. Naylor
of Marquam, and L. H. Judd of Mo-
la'.la. Roth aro popular young people
f their respective neighborhoods.
Work has been suspended on the
(pairs to tho (). W. P. company's
!rllgo across the Clackamas river on
((count of a istriko of the pile driver
Miss Ileitha Davis of CorvalMs is
visiting her friend Miss Clara Fischer,
-ihc Is a sister of Mm. II. S. Strange,
formerly deputy county school super
intendent of Clackamas county.
Mm. Alice Armstrong formerly Miss
ICaton, left Monday morning on her
return trip to llerkele, Calif.
Miss Pearl Wisid was a guest of her
slHter. Mrs. J, W. Wilson In Portland,
over Sunday.
Miss Abby Whiteside of Eugene W'aa
i gucHt of Mrs. E. C. Oakley over
Sunday. Mlsa Whiteside la at the
head of tho piano department of the
University school of music.
Miss Stella Nile, a teacher In the
schools of Mllwaukto, visited relatives
at Oregon City, Saturday.
William McCuIro ot Portland visit
ed with Herbert Hannltln of this city,
Mrs. Fred llayhurst and Infant son
went to Salem Saturday to visit rela
tives for a few daya.
J. (!. CumnilnRs of Clarkcs. an old
time saw. mill man was In the city
Thursday. He reports that his son
Fred Cummlngs. had bought the Math
son place for $1000.
Miss Clara Fancher, a nurse In t
baby homo In Portland, has returned
to nor worn alter a visit or some
length with Oregon City friends.
CharlcH lUilllnger. Emll and Harry
Cordon, enjoyed a visit with Wilson
vllle friends over Sunday.
John P. Keating was hero from
Newherg from Friday until Monday
with his family.
Artisans Have Dig Time.
Oreg.ut City AHHombly No. 7, Unit
l Artisans, held n meet Inn In W. O.
W, hall Thursday evening that Inter
ested about one hundred members.
There were eight candidates Initiated.
A committee wns appointed to pre
pare for n social to he given on the
Yvcnlwjc f March 13. when friends of
tin' Artisans will be Invited. The
lueir.bora of the ooniinllteo are, Irn
Hiiukh.v, li. C. Hurk, Hairy Stevonmm,
Mis. R. ('. Pierce, Mis. Leah Miller,
The Rods, losing Hide In the cimiesl,
cIihimI la d meetliiK. served an iipprec
lilt fil luncheon of Ice-cream and cake
to Ihelr victorious contemporaries, the
filues, followed by un evening; d"volud
to ilniiclng and (..auuu
.1. A. IMirgoyno a prominent New
Kin lannor was In town Monday.
.1. C. Sawyer Is coiillned to bis homo
with a severe cold. ,
Mrs. 0. W. Grace went out to
Clarkes for a visit with tho family
of 11. N. RIuko, Saturday.
Mm. .1. Stela of Oak Grove, visited
Mrs. Mary Mayo of Green Point. Frl
The Gladstone whist club wl'l meet
ruesilny evening with Mr, and Mrs
W. ( Cannon,
Henry Smith of Cauhy was In Ore
','!) CHy, Monday.
Jnuies lOvmis, ex-iimrshiil of Cnnhy,
was In tho city, Monday.
Mrs. Charles, who has resided in
th.ls city for several years, loft this
morning for California wliore she will
reside for n time.
Phillips & Olds received a large
shlmnont of new roller skates this
nonlnrj to he used at. their popular
Tho ground on the idle of tho Mc
Lon.'dilln Institute will he staked out
i'ot Monday, preparatory for oxen
vnl lug.
Traiil; Curver mi l faml'y, who were
living in tiio Mnnclo bouse at tho cor
nor of Sixth nnd Con I or streets, mov
ed to l'orllunil, Friday.
H. T. Itldgeway, Marvin Hubbard
nnd W. Rosennu wore among tho
Cliieliiuims precinct, people In Oregon
('lly, Monday.
Mr. and Mm. John Humphrevs of
Mount Pleasant went to Portland
Monday morning to secure a new
brooder for their white leghorn poul
ry. Mr. Humphreys stated that he
already has three Incubators In opera
A. Joehnke of Mt. Pleasant, recent
received a letter from his daughter
Miss Weihemlna Joehnke, stating that
in- was now giving lecture courses
before the public schools of New York
"itJ. She received her early educa
tlon in the, Oregon City public schools
Tho Crown Hoys Mining and Mill
ng company will hold a meeting next
dondny and come to some agreement
is to future operations. Tho contract
ra win complete nearly 300 feet of
'unnel work this week.
Miss Edna Canfiold. a student of
'ho University of Oregon who nttend-
d tho intercollegiate- contest at Mc
Ulnnvllle, visited her parents Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. H. Cnutleld Saturday night
md Sunday. She started on the ro
urn trip to Eugene Sunday evening.
Probata and Realty Law Practice
(teal Estate, Insurance and Loan.
Jffice-rUpstalra, first buUding south
of Courthouse.
0. D. EBY,
Money loaned, abstracts furnished,
land titles examined, estates settled,
general law business transacted.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Phone: Main 521 - , Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and EiplOts.
Will practice in ell cour's, make collections and settlement of estates. Furnish
abotiacts ol title, lend you money on lirt mortgage.
unuing, uregon tity, Oregon.
Rooms 10-13 Weinbard Building, opposite Court House
Meal Kntate,
Loans, Innuronce
Main Street,
II. V. C.lbson and S. R. Wilson, prom
inent resident of Rarton, were visit
ors In the city Friday afternoon. Mr.
Gibson stated that Dix Iiros. were
hulldlng a new sawmill at that p'ace
A'hloh will be In operation In a short
The Cams school district Is discuss
ing tho advisability of erecting an
addition to the present school building
to accommodate the increasing num
ber of pupils. Another plan that Is
under discussion Is to purchase the
Methodist Episcopal church building;
across the road, and use It for school
District Attorney Gilbert L. Hedges
will leave for Hlllsboro Wednesday to
be present at the Washington county
term of the circuit court. Mr. Hedges
stated yesterday that he had not yet
named a deputy for Columbia coun
ty, but would make tho announcement
in a day or two. The St. Helens Mist
says that tho position has been of
fered to W. II. Powell, the present In
W. M. Edwards charged with obtain
ing money under false pretenses by
passing a check on George Rros. for
$10 on a Colorado bank, bad a hear
ing before Justice Stlpp Friday after
noon and pleaded guilty. He was
bound over to the circuit court in the
mra of $250 and was committed to
the county jail In default of bonds. It
was ascertained that, he had no money
rn deposit In the First National Bank
of Colorado Springs.
D. R. Martin, a well known farmer
living out on the New Era road, In
town Friday, stated that he had just
received a letter from his son Homer
Martin who Is now taking a post
graduate course in a university In
Berlin, Germany. Homer Martin grad
uated from Stanford university with
high honors, and then taught in the
high school there for three years. He
Is now spending a year In Europe, and
is taking a post gradunte course in
languages at the Berlin university.
i'Yanrls V. Galloway of McMlnnville.
former resident of Oregon City
nd one o ftbo winners in the orntor
eal .contest at McMlnnville, pass:vl
'trough tho city Sunday on his way to
'iiOMie to resume bis studies in tho
University of Oregon.
Jack I.atourelto, n student nt the
University of Oregon spent Suinh-.v
villi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
I.ntouretto after taking in the orator
'cnl contest nt McMlnnville. Ho
hoarded tho
local for Eugene Sundav
Deputy Assessor II. W. Shaw of Mu-
lino doing field work in the vicinity
of Wilsonvillo during the last week,
reports that the Oregon Electric com
pany has a largo force of men work
ing on the railroad grade. A long.
high trestle will connect the bridge
now being built across tho Willam
ette, as the structure is being so built
that it will not interfere with river
navigation. Mr. Shaw states that the
farmers are all busy in that section,
and that he is compelled to git Into tlio
fields to find tho property owners.
Health In the Canal Zone.
Miss Vera Cuuflcld has been In
roriland visiting for several days.
Horn to Mr, and Mrs. Konrns, of
Union Mills, u ten pound daughter.
W. M. Robinson is having -10 acres
of ground on his mountain ranch ci
tho West. Side slashed and cleared,
Including an old orchard. Mr. Rob
inson's placo lies near the West Ore
gon City school building, and he says
that. It affords a good view of Portland.
The high wages paid made it n
mighty temptation to our young arti
sans to join tho force of skilled work
men needed to construct tho Panama
Cnnnl. Many are nvtrn'Med. however,
hy tho fear of fevers and malarin. It
is the knowing ones those who have
used K'ootrie Bitters, who go there
without this fear, well knowing they
are safe from malarious influence with
Electric Hitter on hand. Cures blood
poison, too, biliousness, weakness nnd
all stomach, liver and kidney troubles.
Guaranteed by Howell and Jones,
druggists. 50c.
-for general housework for fam-
The Knights and Ladies of Security
will give lis sixth annual danco on
the evening of April G. Parsons' full
orchestra has been aecurod.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Dabcock of 1" Oregon City, has been Bent to a Btreet or at Tolpolar's store. 89-t3
l lly of two and baby. Inquire at resl-
C. Roth of Mackshurg, well known 'donco of L Tolpolar, 409 John Adams
if saved, will work harder than he
who earned itf provided yoi give it
the opportunity. That opportunity is
to be had by opening a SAVINGS
ACCOUNT with us.
is mi i
'n -in ifciej
If not don't delay, but get it wired at once.
The wires put you in touch with a world of com
fort that the dweller in a wireless house can never
appreciate. Good light alone is sufficient reason for
having it wired, but there are many other reasons.
When you hat e electric connection'you will find a
dozen uses for the current, all contributing so much
to the pleasure of living that you'll wonder how
you ever did without them.
At odd times you'll pick up little electric de
vices, rendering one service or another economical
ly and quickly, and presently you'IlbeIiving in an
electric home, amid greater comforts andfeonven-
iences than you everdreamed'of;
Get Youf!iHotJ32 WirccPat Once
C.G. MILLER, Contract Manager