2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FU1DAY, MARCH 15, 190T. SMALL FRUIT PROFITABLE DOES NOT COST MUCH MONEY TO BUILD AND EQUIP CANNERY. READY SALE FOR PRODUCT SURE Most Expensive Part of Equipment Is Engine and Boiler Would Increase County Pay roll Materially. J Portland Commercial club Is one of jthe most active sub-organizations, That several fruit canneries could, this state Is being extensively adver be operated in Clackamas county w ith J Used throughout the East. It is a profit is a self-evident fact, as thou- j through this agency that the army of , , . , . , honieseekers are being induced to sands of bushels of pears, apples. ' ,1W"' u ... turn their eyes towards Oregon. Some prunes and other fruits go to waste. , b .it " the tourists leave the train at Dotnts annua y that could be saved in can- . 4 ' 1 F""s neries and bring in remunerative re turns. It is a mistaken idea held by many people that it costs a large sum of money to build and equip a fruit cannery. Residents of many towns advertise for capitalists to establish a cannery, when they could build one themselves with a small outlay of money. It does not need a big barn of a building to handle all the surplus fruit of a neighborhood, nor is anl expensive equipment required. Over on Puget Sound when a man j desires to Invest in a cannery he goes ahead and builds it without making any fuss about the matter. He estab lishes the plant as a business invest ment, and it brings in prompt and sure returns. The most expensive part of the equipment is a boiler and engine. At Anacortes a creamery op- i erator added a small cannery to the i creamery, the same engine and I boiler furnishing the required power and hot water for both plants. It was late in the season when the can nery was built and started up many of the earlier fruits being out of the marhei. ine cans were oruerea irom councii mating held in December. Portland and at the close of the year j 13o6 but di j not roach a gecond read 60,000 gallon cans of pie fruits had ing and fina, ras;!age untii Wednesday been put up and sold. The greater ! n!ght u is entitled an ordinance pro part of the product was apples, but jvIding for the ii,n3ng and regulat other fruits were included in the list ing of billiard, pool and card rooms. The entire cost of the plant did not und t0 preVent minors under the age exceed a few hundred dollars, as the engine that was used for the cream ery was already in position. Where creameries are operated in Clackamas county the engines could be used to operate canneries, and thus give employment to a number of people for several months in the year. All the fruit that could not be market- ed and now goes to waste, could be saved and sold to the canneries. Can- ned fruits are as staple as flour and bacon and the demand for these pro- ducts is especially good on this coast, on account of the Alaska trade and the immense number of logging tamps. The establishment of canneries in this county would result in bringing in thousands of dollars from what is now almost a wanton waste. HOMESEEKERS NOW rniMivr' yf;t iani1 that tht,y maintain no cur" LUnliNU WLj I j tains, partitions or other obstructions to the plain view of the interior of I -aid room from any person passing Portland. Or., March 9. The ad-i along the street. The said recorder vance installment of colonists, at- will issue such license provided that tracted by the specially reduced colo-his section shall nut apply to saloons nist rates, effective March 1, reached !0r private clubs having billiard rooms; Portland yesterday over the O. R. & ; provided further, that if the person N. The initial excursion came in two j or firm having such license shall be sections, aggregating 10 cars and car- .convicted of a violation of any of the rying nearly 1000 people, a majority j provisions of this ordinance, the fine, of whom are homeseekers. Included J costs and disbursements of the ac in this number were tourists and trav- j tion together with the costs of keep elers, who with the intending settler, j ing of such persons in jail may be re were merely awaiting the reduced I covered by Oregon City off of the sur rates. ietit-8 upon such bond. With the increased facilities fori handling new comers that the O. R. ' & N. company has supplied, this sys- j Nursing baby? It's a heavy strain on mother. Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother's system is needed. Scoff's Emulsion contains the greatest possible amount of nourish ment in easily digested form. Mother and baby are wonderfully helped by its use. ALL DRUGGISTS i 50c. AND $1.00 CANNERIES INVESTMENT tern expects to deliver In Oregon more that 1200 persons dally for several days. While it Is not expected the rush will continue as great as that of the opening days on which the colo nists rates were available, thore Is every Indication that many thousand Kastern rx'opte, a great number of whom are prospective settlers, will COme to Oregon durlns the two months these rates are In effect. j Through the medium of the Oregon I Development league, of which the m lumitu wregon, out most or them continue on to Portland and then scat ter to different localities. MINORS UNDER 18 MUST STAY AWAY STRINGENT REGULATIONS NOW TO GOVERN BILLIARD AND POOL ROOMS. Hereafter it will be u'-i.awful for minors under the age of IS years to loiter or remain in any card room, billiard room or pool room, or to en gage in any game of cards, dlcethrow ing or other game of chance, billiards, pool, bagatelle or other game In such places above mentioned, either for amusement or otherwise. This Is one of the provisions of an ordinance read the first time at .a of 18 years from frequenting the same. In addition to the license required to be paid for billiard and pool tables; the person conducting such place must pay to the city treasurer the sura of $25 per quarter, and upon presenting i.v . .w a er accompanie(1 by a in the sum jof $300 wRh two 8ufficient suretie3 t0 jbe approved by the mavor condition. ed with tbe proper reg1llations the . !cense mav be granted No mjnor un. !(Je, th(? age of ,g years sha be a,. i ,owe!, t0 frpqent or ,oker (n of about ; pace ()f businesSi and that they will not have any room or rooms in connection with their place of busi ness, where any game is played, cur tained or partitioned oft in any man ner whatever, and that they will not 'allow any game or games to be play led excepting in a main public room, ENCOURAGING REPORTS. President Anderson has received ii' : &' c- , letter from the men running the tunnel on the Crown Hoys Mining company's property In the Ogle Creek district. The Quality of the quart still continues good and the contract for running a tunnel over 400 feet deep will be completed next week. All the samples taken from along the tunnel assay well, and the work now about to lie completed brought to view some large bodies of ore. mm IE fflC CURRENT ON MILS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSION ERS MAKES SOME ROAD APPROPRIATIONS. F. E. McGugin, New Road Supervisor For Sandy District Railroad Crossings Allowed. The board of county commissioners court adjourn. ' Friday afternoon, af ter attending to ail the Important mat ters that demanded Immediate atten tion. However, the court will be sub ject to the call of the county Judgo. The plat of Quincey's addition to the town of Milwaukle, was approved and ordered recorded. It was filed bearing the petition of T. R. A. Sell wood and J. M. P.. Sellwood, both of Milwaukle, The petition of Kranz Kraxborger, et al, for the improvement of a county road from Aurora easterly to Cnnby anl Maxburg, was granted on the showing that the residents of that vi cinity haJ raised $110 for tho Improve ment of that thoroughfare. The court agreed to appropriate a like amount. The Oregon Water Power & Rail way company was ordered to repair the wagon road crossings between Gladstone and Milwaukle on account of possible danger by coming in con tact with electrically charged rails. The bond wires had come In contact with the rails in some way chnrging them with electric currents. The con dition will probably be remedied in such a way as to make travel pafe One hundred dollars was appropri ated for re-planking the road In dis trict No. CO, south of Clarkes post office. F. E. McGugin was appointed road supervisor in the Sandy district to succeed James Feagles, who had re signed and moved away. The Oregon Electric company was granted permission to cross the coun ty roads in the vicinity of Wilsonville on condition that the crossings were kept on a level with the roadways and kept in the proper repair. The Wettlaufer road was ordered opened, and Fred Schruble was denied damages for the opening of said thoroughfare. The Weyerhauser Timber epmpany was granted a rebate of $37.2.1 taxes on account of a wrong assessment. Mrs. P. II. Cratchen was granted a rebate on taxes on account of wrong assessment. CLACKAMAS COUNTY STUDENTS AT O. A. C. Following is a Hat 1 students at tending the State Agricultural col lego at Corvnllls from Clackamas county: S. D. Harney Clackamas LeRoy Ilreithaupt Oregon City M.iribel W. Cheney Milwaukle Otto H. Elmer Mulino Georgia V. Ewing Oswego Joseph A. G anon Oregon City Howard Gill Oregon City Frederick I-. Griffin Canby Etta A. Hall Milwaukle John E. Hanny Oregon City Soren F. Holm Milwaukle Zoa Irwin ISstaeada Vera Kayler Moialla Elton I. Kelly Aims John Keteln Clackamas Myrtle Ediia Lay Moialla Marshall James Lazelle. .Oregon City . .1. LwU Oregon City Fred I). Ense Oregon City William Lester Mans.. Oregon City Phillip E. Linn Oregon City Ralph S. Milln Oregon City Evaline Newkirk Oregon City I. H. Rej,i Milwaukle George j. Reiling Parkplace Leo Rosenstein Oregon City Raymond Seely Wilsonville diaries F. Kchirmer Oregon City William A. Sellwood Milwaukic Thomas R. Sleight On gon City "laudo H. Sprague Oregon City Helen M. Sprague Oregon City Roy if. Sprague Oregon City Cora M. Vocum '. Estacada Francis H. Zlnser Oregon City Alvah A. Witzlg Parkplace BUILDING SEASON WILL MEET EXPECTATIONS HEAVY SNOW STORMS EAST. Philadelphia, Pn., March II. A heavy kTiow storm, which seems to have centered along the New Jersey coast and Eastern Pennsylvania, vis ited this section yesterduy. Snow fell continuously for 15 hours, to a depth of seven inches. Reports from Atlan tic City show that the fall of snow there was nine Inches, with as great a full at other coast colnts. Throughout Pennsylvania tho storm was almost as severe. At Pottsvlllo, a fall of eight Inches Is reported, and at l.ockhavcn there was a fall of ten Inches. At Wllkcsharre, Scranton. Allentown. Harrlsburg and other points in tho eastern end of tho gtnto, a similar fall Is reported, and tn many sections the public roads are closed to traffic. The storm was accompanied by a high wind, wlilch caused drifting and tratlic on tho railways, particularly In the mountainous sections, was re tarded. TO HAVE ADDED FIRE PROTECTION IN CITY NEW ALARM SYSTEM MAY BE IN STALLED SIMILAR TO PORTLAND. NEW HOSE COMPANY ASSURED Important Gathering In Fountain Hoto Company's Hall Held Last Night Councilmen Logus and Knapp Pretent. That Oregon City will have an up- to-date tire alarm system Is almost an assured fact. The matter was under discussion at the meeting of Fountain Hose company held Inst night, and met with much favor. The new fire chief elect Lawrence Rucoiileh pre setited the matter, an4 it was general ly received with favor. It was the regular meeting night of Fountain Hose company, but many members were present from other companies, having accepted the Invi tation to be on hand at the first meet ing after Mr. Ruconicli was elected chief. Refreshments were served, but the most important business was the presentation of tho proposed system of fire alarm by Chief RuconJch. Councilmen, Knapp and I)gus were present a, the meeting and made earnest pleas in behalf of the propos- 1 fire alarm system. The plan as outlined Is to have a tower erected on the blufl connected with various sta tions in the city, and Immediately af ter the alarm Is turned In firemen and the citizens generally can determine the exact location of the blaze without waiting for the property to be des troyed before the locality can be de termined. The plan, If It Is adopted will be similar to that now in use In Portland, and every transfer man or driver of an express wagon will have the privi lege of immediately bitching on the nearest hose cart ami hauling it to the scene of the fire. For this work the owner of the team will receive due compensation from the city. It is believed that the city council will see its way clear to Install a bet ter system of fin-alarms that will tend to materially basen the danger from fires. Chief Rucoiileh slates that he has already secured 10 new members for the new company that is to bo formed In Green Point addition, and expects that it will be organized next week. After the business part of the meet ing was disposed of at the hall of the Fountain Hose company last night, refreshments were served and a social iceasion followed. A Humane Appeal. A humane citizen of Richmond. Ind.. Mr. V. I).! Williams, 107 West Main St., says: "I appeal to nil person with weak lungs to take Dr. King's New Discovery, the only remedy that has helped me and fully comes up to the proprietors recommendation." It aves more lives than all other throat iind lung remedies put together. Csed as a cough and cold cure the world croup, whooping cough, oiilnsv. hoarseness, and phtlsic, stops hemor rhages of the lungs and builds them lp. Guaranteed at Howell & Jones' Irug store. ,Vie and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. CASH FOR YOUR TIM M EH WE ire in position to secure highest cash price. Lxaminations made without de lay. Have clients who want. Invest ment in timber and w nav value of property. List with us at once. Quick ;ervico guaranteed. PACIFIC COAST SKCL'RITIICS COM PANY, Portland, Oregon. F. Fisher of Milk Creek was In Oregon City, Firday. EXCAVATIONS NOW UNDER WAY FOR FOUNDATIONS TWO STRUCTURES. MILLS HAVE PLENTY OF LIMBER Many New Houiot Planned for Com ing Season Two New Hot Houses and Floral Gardens. Although It Is Htlll early in ' sen son there are Indications that this will be a good season In Oregon City. The excavation for the basement founda tion of tho Masonic temple Is w-ell under way and next Monday work will begin on the foundation excavation of McIoukIi1Iii Institute. I loth these structures will bo Imposing buildings, solid and substantial and a credit to the city. That contracts will soon bo let for the construction of these build ings Is a certainty, and other new utruclures will follow. A number of new dwellings have been planned and several are already under construc tion on tho West Side. Homo time ago V. A. White drew plans for an annex to tho Star Press olllce, und tho con tract has bevn let to Harry Jones, Work Is now being pushed on the new residence of Ir. L. L. Pickens and John I.ewthwaite In West Oregon City and both will be modern structures, Cauemah Mill not fall behind this season in the matter of new buildings, uhlle Gladstone Is enjoying something of a building ItMitii, Marked Improvements are being made In the vicinity of Meldrum Place and Jennings I-odge, and many new buildings, principally dwellings are going up In that neighborhood, und the ground Is being cleared for others. Two large hot house plant and Moral gardens are two new et.terprlses in stalled there by Portland people, and each of the plants will nave 'tic ca pacity. In fact, Meldrum Place and Jennings Idge bid fair to become two popular residence suburbs con venient to both Oregon City and Port land. The demand for lumber and mate rial will keep the local mills busy a good portion of the time running on home orders and the new mills that have started up can get In on the home market. It Is not believed that the labor troubles in Portland will ma terially interfere with getting mate rial for building purposes here. PROGRAM TOR TEACHERS' MEETING County Superintendent J. C. Zinser. T. J. Gary and Miss Fannie C. Portei have arranged the following program for the local teachers' institute to bo held at Willamette, Saturday, March "Thoroughness of School Work." Mrs. E. E. Walts, Stafford. "Training for Orderly und System atic Thought," T. P. Kendall, of West Oregon City school. "The Teacher Outside of the School Room," Mildred Rugg Klsert, of Sell wood. "History In the Grades'" Walton C. McKee, superintendent city schools, Oregon City. "Postal Card Geography," Mary S. Harlow, Portland. NEW HYDRANTS IN POSITION A brand new (Ire hydrant was plac ed In position at the corner of Fifth and Main streets Monday morning and 'another at the corner of Sixth and Main. It Is understood that a new pattern -of hydrants will be placed all along Main street that nro a great Improvement over tho old-stylo ones that have been used for these many years. Water Superintendent Howell usu ally attends to placing the new hyd rants In position, but the city council authorities did not receive a new sup ply until recently. It was this condi tion that, prevented the replacing of the broken one at the corner of Sixth and Main streets at an earlier date. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is 3oth Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the fad that It Is pleasant lo take and contains nothing In any way Injurious has made It a favorite with mothers, r. W. S. Pelluun, a merchant or Kirksvlllo, Iowa, snys: "For more than twenty years Chamb erlain's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles. Io is especially successful In cases of croup. Children like It and my cus tomers who have used it. will not take any other." For sale by Howell & Jones. HELLOH J 2,(HM) mil.m of long diH Ihiicb l'hilion wlro In Oregon, WnHlilngtoii.Ctili forma ami Idaho now in operation ly the hioiflo Station Tclt'ihon) Coin. .n.y, covering '2,'1M Iowiih. (juit'k, lucuriittt, (!iiat. All tho satisfaction of n personal ('oinimiiiicfttlon. Pintaiice no ellecl to a clear Understanding, H po ll a ne and Han Francisco. uh easily heard us Port land, - Oregon City ofliee at liiinlin's Driiir Stoic When you require an Abstract of Till to lauds In Clackamas Comity, hav It accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible com puny Incorpor ated for the purpose. Our rules ar reasonable, We Invito you to amine our complete set of Abntritcl Hooks. CLACKAMAS TITUS COMPANY. 800- COM Chamber of Commerce Illdg., PORTLAND, OUICGON. Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. J. U. CAMPBELL, A TTO K N IS Y - AT- LA W. Oregon City, Oregon. Will practice In all courts of the slat Office. In Cuufield Hulldlng. ' ,r..' m ' &eeds J ne e t't ir v. :.'. i '. It m '. l ts:e. ..'. rv. t ..'. v '.;t I Ui'l CN :, '.v V U t 'II I. I t -1- ! u'.d iiti- t I v i ,o ! i ) !,. it ! l I V1T-. V.!lM". t d -1 r f.-lU t";fi ;.:; !,"J I n:-. I f t :! t )'' ' i si. I ; i;:.v -i i ii. ivi..i . '. i-4 '. W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V. Grnduitc of the Ontario Vrlcii nary College of Toronto, CmnuU. and the MiKillip School of Surgery of Cbicaeo, ,ai p.cultd (rrj;oii City and mtnhlifthrd an office at The I'ahIiIom SlaLlr, J-eve nth Slrci-t nrnr Main. Hoth telephone. Farmers' lj Main tjll Private Money to Loan I have private parties with the fol lowing amounts io man on real estate: i unies Amount. Tims $:!0oo.oo H.".no. no fir.no oo $ 1. 100.00 $ .ioo.no $ 300.00 $ 100.00 to to 10 year to r. yearf yeara year year to 3 years to 3 to 4 $ 200 00 1 to S ycra Interest at G per cent ami your ou time for repayment. Also a little Chattel money at 8 per cent, Will buy notes and mortgages. Also own Oregon City property b trade for country land. Will look up titles to land fre) If trnde Is made. Own 3 lots, bouse, barn and chl.:ken park at Willamette, for sale cheap on Installments. No real estate agent to Interfere. If Interested call, write or phone JOHN W. LODER, Httomey at Law.. Stevens Hullding. Oregon City. Oregon. Estray Notice. Oak Grove, Jan. II. Taken estray. one small hornless, solid red cow No marks, S. L. Casio, P. o. address Crelghton, Oregon. j t3 Beauty More Than Skin Deep. Every one who wants a good healthy color, nnd a clear skin free from bil iousness, sluggish liver and chronic constlpati,,,, ,,, t;t a ()f Dainty Lnxakola tonic tablets, nature's, sweet restorer. Huntley pros, There is no satisfaction keener ucmo ary ana comfortable ...iv. i wui. m me naraeat storm OU ARE SURE OF THIS IP YOU WEAft Roiled clothing OR YEUOW 107 CNSAUtVFftYWHtni i Mf I 1 C ,1 t- 0$ k A.J TOWH 0.,605T0M MASS II a TOWtR CANADIAN C0,UNTQ,jNrart