OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE THIRTYTHIRD YEAR NO. 13. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH t 1907. ESTABLISHED 1888 LINCOLN STEFFENS VISITS THIS CITY Famous Graft Exposer Was in Town and Talks of His Mission To Oregon and What He Expects to Find LOOKS UP GOOD AND BAD POINTS OF OREGON Was in Oregon City as Guest of W. S. U'Ren to Talk over Initiative and Referendum and Other Reform Measures Interested in Local Affairs. "I haven't found any craft In Ore gon City," tuud Lincoln Sleffowi, the fiitiioiiM Kraft eposer, to Till' H'l'AU liiHt night. Mr. HtefferiH arrived In Portland yesterday morning and yesterday af ternoon mil In Orison t'lty to Inlk with W, H. I' lli n on Urn Initiative ami referendum mi'l kindred tili-H. present feature of graft connected with the government of the people. I mIi all not confine my Investigation to the fault of Oregon, though. You know I sometime write pleasant thing n well a unpleasant one." Atkt About Oregon City. Tln-ii Mr. Steffcit turned Inquisitor ami Inquired aliout Oregon City and There Is probably no better known it government, writer In (lu. country than Lincoln j "lUvu you not any Kraft?" he ask Stiffen on the subject of graft an an 'ed, Blid It bad to bo admitted that wo economic factor. Hit Ih famous for .bad noL hi exiioHiirc of Milwaukee, St. Louis, "Havo you got a Ikimh?" wb tho Philadelphia and other graft renter, ,M.t queatlon, and again It had to bo and ha wielded IiU muckrake tut-'unHwcred that we were without one sparingly In the .Intercut of reform ' lncn the direct primary law went In In Koverntnenl. Wherever be goe It 1 1 operation. Ih expected Hint bin iiiIhhIoii la to dig Then he asked about the spirit of up corruption In politic and govern-; the city, whether Mm citizen wore mi nt, and by the aid of the publicity j wide awake and progressive, and which hi forceful pen can give, to about the county and It reaotirce, help remedy the evil. At preKeiit ho ' hIiowIiik hi Intercut In all that con In editor In chief of the American ; rented Oregon, Rood or bad. Mugiulnc. the policy of which I for j Mr. Steffen took dinner last night r' ,,,rm i wllli Mr. U'Ren. and left in tho ev Why He ! Here. jcnlng for Portland. He will remain Influenced by Mm general Imprc- . in the Mate Mr omo tlmo studying hlon that obtain a to Mr. Htcffcn j condition, work, the first question put to him I EARLY BASE BALL. Bunday afternoon there will be a baMoball game botwoen Elyvlllo and Maple Lane at Mm Elyvlllo ground. Thl gamo wan scheduled for last Bunday, but wan potponed on account of tho Inclemency of tho weather. WANTS WORDING, CHANGED. Mary Robbln. through her attor ney C. P. and I). C. Latouretto, ha brought ault against W. Madltton to foreclose on proporty put up to so euro a note of $700 given In 1904. Tho forecloHiire of tho mortgago la asked aa woll a a decree allowing tho word ing of tho mortgage to be changed to conform to tho Intention of tho partlo Interested. STRIKE FAR FROM OVER Portland Industries Tied up Worse Than Ever By Striking Mill-men LOCUINC ('AMI'S ON COUJM HIA CLOSKD-THOUSANIIS AUK OUT OF WOHK. rortland. Or., March 14. Neither Mm mill worker nor the employer will consider nt all tho advisability of referring their trouble to Mayor Lane lot anyone else for arbitration. Both Hide are firm in their intention to fight out their difference. Three of the largest ntili are work ing day mIi If t h In their determination to keep open in up I to of tho Ktrlker. Two thousand are thrown out of work by the cloning down of 73 per cent of the logging ramp on the Col- pimbla river. Every mean ponlblo will bo tried , WORKING ON HIS STORE. Workmen are busily engaged re modeling tho store In the Caufield building formerly occupied by Thom son's Bargain Store. Tho two dis play windows and the apace .between thero will bo combined Into one large window, and tho store room made ready for the paint department of Huntley Bros. Co. Bridge Whist Club. j ; Mrs. John P. Keating was hostess U the Bridge Whist club Wednesday afternoon. The honor of the game were carried off by Ml Mary Holmes and Mr. E. P. Rand. A dainty lunch wa served, HUSBAND IS A SPENDER Takes Money From Sale Of Wedding Gifts And Leaves Wife And Child REFUSE TO ARBITRATE WIFE WANTS DIVORCE MAPLE LANE GRANGE INSPECTED BY MASTER Special Meeting Held at Which Austin T. Buxton is Present And Speaks To The Grange GRANGE HALL DECORATED FOR THE OCCASION Flowers and Ferns Together with Interesting Program make the Meeting Most Successful. Fine Dinner is Served by Women of Grange. was lu rcKurd to hi tnlnMon to Ore- . RIOTERS IN LOUISVILLE. irt.it ntiit u t.t.l t ... I nneartl ' '""'"vlll... Ky., March 14.-Serious " " H'loyer and Ktrlker to I (..il.... .i i . . . iKtitimlt their illfTrti.nr,-M 1t n hfinrrl it """iik urn- 'Him i ncri' nn a reuii i------- ---- the lllterent of my miiKnlne." replied Mr. Hleffeti. : arbitration romiNmed of Mayor Ijine LOU1SK IM'SSKLL FILES suit ASK I NO HKLKASK FUOM UM'LKASAXT LIFE. Iulu Emma Wolf RusBell has filed a ault with County Clerk Greenman anking for a divorce from her hunband, Robert Nephl Huhkc-H. The bill of complaint alleges that ti e couple were married in Salt Lake City, February 0, 1901. and that there Is one child. Louine Willamette Rus sell, aged five. There is a long recital of the treatment the plaintiff Is al Uged to have received at the hands of her, husband, and the complaint specifies some of the language used wl.en Russell was in fits of temper. It Is also alleged that he subjected the A called meeting of Maple Lane grange was held at the grange hall, Tuesday, March 12, beginning at 10 a. m., especially for instruction In grange work by tho Supreme Master, Austin T. Buxton and State Secretary Mrg. Mary S. Howard. Tho Supreme Master gave the grange members an Interesting talk for the good of the order and the name of Mrs. I. T. Dick enson was balloted upon. ' She was elected a member of Maple Lane grange. An Initiation exemplifying the work was then held, the candi dates being Mrs. I. T. Dlckerson and her and a cordial visiting of the mem bers and visitors. The dining table was decorated with bouquets of Jon e.uils and purple wild-wood flowers, the hall In sword ferns, cedar branch es and cut flowers. Among the vis itors were Supreme Master Austin T. Buxton, State Secretary Mrs. Mary S. Howard, Worthy Master 0. L. Clyde and Mrs. Ida Kent, Worthy Ov erseer of Abernetby grange, Park psce; Captain Apperson, Mary In gram, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Shank, Ab einethy; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Mil ler; .and Miss Ella Chapman, Rlver- Cbarlos Forbes, c. w. Swallow, wn-1 view, Wisconsin, wno is mailing a liaro Beard and E. A. Seeley were ap- i visit of several months with her cou sin Mrs. T. E. Beard. The afternoon program of lectur er's hour was composed of the follow ing entertaining selections: Song, by the company, Mrs. T. E. Beard presiding at the organ; reading, (Continued on page 8.) pointed a committee to draft resolu tions of respect on the death of their lato brother N. W. Richards and the a'rar ordered to be draped in mourn ing thirty days. The resolutions were atferwards accepted. Then came the noon recess Including a bounteous din- "I mil iiiitkltitr n torn- ..f iI.a u-..m i. " - ..t ... . t .. . . in lilt' nf iiiiiiii ill ni. Miri.i.f r-t.i- n. . iti '..n,.v t u,rii,.. ..... .... land anvone else who will ho accent-'complainant to much personal indig- 1, , . nr..- onirvv iMrilfll'in iu run lis ' ' - - i nnvo never worked, .... . . . . ., Bi.iu nltv and In addition to swearing at liefore fmtliiT iwi nm H.. nn i . j by the rocks thrown at them, and the I wunti'il to ci. mi. i. nt I,, it,.. ',..,u, ""d lieeome familiar with comlitlons I""' " "'" "h 'h mnb WIPE STICKS PAST itl It li lull n n I.. (.... I 1. t out tier ' ... indiij y,i-m HijiiMMi ny iicinK Mr. Hterr-nn 'mentioned hi. trip i,"IU!'t'tl1- 11 ""'"' "t there tbruuKh California. apekln of ,h. w"r" ov,"r 1 rioters In tho mob. 'her, failed to provide her with food jti'.il cUithinj?. She calls him a spend ! thrift, says he would not pay his debts recall, or the iHtwer of the tieoiibi to i remove from !,,, any n who u! GRAND DUKE GENEROUS. leemeil liu'onipi'ii-ut or unlit to hold i ' I't'tershurg, March 14. M rand the olllr,. to which he him been elect- ,,M," l(-,-"'l. brother of the emperor ed. ban announced a gift of $100,000 for 8ometlmft Writes Good Things. ,l" l"'n,,,lt ,,f "l0 famine sufferers, lie "In Um Angeles this power bus bei-n : 'M ,n" I'easiuits' Hunk l-..",-used but mice," he mild, "The law is . ,M,rt f Hcreiigi? In bis estate in operation lu Los Angeles, I'imnde- 1,10 l,m(,,,,,ds from which are to be im, ami other California towns, and "v,,r ,0 ,ho ""fferers. it linn been found that the cxNlencti 1 HUSBAND LAUGHb'f'n'5 clalms that he fl-Krantly ,isre- jgunled the marriage vow. j As an Instance of his general shift- essness, it is stated that the wire ! The wife of one of the well known 'men in town thinks her husband is a ;of,on p!,a(W1 w,th hlm ,0 reform i brute. She would spell It with a big i01"' thut he Promlsod but per- III. too. Kven after giving the old zinc r flllfilU'(1 hls ,od lnt(,nll,n8- At ;buth tub a coat of nice white enamel on, timp- ,ht' complainant states, he to pleane he,- she was not satisfied, Promised If she would sell some of ifor when she vvu.t to take a bath, and ,t,u w, ;1,inS Presents to get money, sill down In the tub, she stuck fast. hv would settle down. Then was when she found out that i e. ib bhi-bu. wmu me pres- b i bosl,.....! . brnto nf mlrn Pail- th r,'Ilf- bought some ftirni- , : h 11 b aMIAILXL iia r or m slm screamed. Who wouldn't if be turt and made the home attractive. Wk fast to a bath tub? Her hus-tT,'en ,ho hoos ,,r th Ousting wife; of this power of th lieonlo has been ' TROUBLE IN WYOMING. , , . ,,,, , . ,, siucK i nst iii a nam uin: iter nus-, t -z Kllmrletit. Where It run bn ii.u.,l K Slier (bin. Wviiiitinir Mnrh 11 . . v i-v.. ilnlwxl for n.iuu,.tt tnnh u-ta I -. :--. ..,., . .... " imiui came. I hen lie laughed. Tho I j r-s' rnddom has to be. . I lie situation hero between the sheep I K.,r ,,.,, ,ho h .,f left of the money and decamped. , .Mr. Merfens will observe the work- ,nn.l cuttle men Is crucial. The sheep K ,hp f,lsU,r B,)0 HtU(,k Flnally This, the complaint states, was lugs of the Initiative and referendum nu n have been told to get out of tho I ..i, mn,, 0,,rt ,vnl ,..', 'h Lake City, in July. 1905. inn iniiiT nun -in tiiiniijiii-MU i i. . iiiiniir iniri (it inuiiiiot . ...-.r.. a . .. - " " ' ' " u' frrni' her unplensiint predicament, nl though rumor has it that she will armed and in operation In Oregon. . ko. They are heavily "From my work In the past," w trouble Is cspected. said, "people think I have no other ' object than to dig up grnrt atul ex- J HOTEL MAN KILLED. pose It, My Interest In graft Is only I Kn,.m., (),., M,,r, H.-aHmtI Mo-! as It. Is nn element in the corruption Poland was caught under a falling of government, draft as a studv by1"'''1' "ml lns,1,ll,l.v killed today while Itself has no Interest for me. I Hhnll "f,W"rk s"K'ntt,w- ws f,r'"" ., , , , , , . , , r'.v pioprietor of tho Hotel Oregon, go Into your land frauds because they :i Springfield. "-b1-". She asks for a divorce, the custody of the child and $100 a month ali- ; prefer standing to sitting for a time. nu,1-v' She lso NVan,s 1150 attorneys COLLEGE HAS PILED fies and says that Russell is woll able .,) pay. SUIT TO POUECLOSE rLOOU Af PITTSBURG IS WORST IN YEARS Faiins to lu listed with us, WHY? BECAUSE Wo advertise extensively. That, gives us a market, BECAUSE Wo have many Inquiries. That gives us customovs. BECAUSE Wo go nftor business. That helps us to sell your farm. BECAUSE Wo are wldo awake. That brings quick returns for you. Cooper & Co, o-- McMlnnville College has filed a fore cW.suro suit through attorneys C. D. an 1 1). C. Lntourotto. against James j Pittsburg. Pa., March 14. This (lis- i N. Eaton, Alice R. Armstrong, Ella trlct is In the throes of the greatest! Armstrong, Course, Rlsberger and , flood that has been here In years. It Aim Rlsberger to recover on a note.is expected that the water will reach of 1200 given by Mahnla Eaton and so- Jtho highest point that it ha3 been for cured by a mortgage on lot C, block ' 7", yours. ,07. Oregon City. Tho niortagor died; So far 15 lives have been reported leaving tho surviving defendants, as lost, and many families have boon James N. Eaton, Alico Armstrong, driven from their homos. The flood I'.Ua Armstrong, while tho defendants ' (Uo to heavy warm rains that have George Rlsberger and Afra Rlsberger j melted the snows, and swollen all tho Imvo certain interests in the prop-1 streams tributary to the Ohio. erty and a contract to purchase tho ! Reports come fiom the Ohio valley Rivmo. I that, conditions are Dractleallv tho same. Much suffering will result from the high water. I KiSf Alum if CULVERT TO BE BEGUN. Harry Jones was awarded tho con tract for laying the culvert on Fifth street to contain tho crook that flows through that neighborhood. Mr. Jones will commence work on the culvert as soon as ho finishos the work of ex cavating and laying tho sewer for tho Masonio Templo. The proposed cul vert will run about two hundred feet, beginning near tho Rambo residence. ABERNETHY GRANGE APPROVES. Abernethy Grange has endorsed the resolutions adopted by the county con vention Invoking tho referendum on tho compulsory pass bill. NEW REAL ESTATE MAN. Albert H. Griessen has entered in to partnership with W. A. Schooley to conduct a veal estate business. Tho firm will continue in tho offices now occuied by Mr. Schooley with tho Williams Bros. Transfer Co. SUES FOR GOODS SOLD. George Redaway, through his at torneys, U'Ren & Schuebel, has brought suit against George Gadko and Kate Gadke, his wife, to collect a bill of $133.00 alleged to be due him for goods purchased at his store. !-' SSI! t, J! 4, : - " ' 7 iniiffl iii? mMn -w-rmrtrfnt P. sQ'''&:-zM'-'& in food causes injury to health. Following the advice of medical ' J-- - A scientists, England and France have v - viil j-:-6,-':f--T-rid passed laws prohibiting its use in bread making. American ho. use wives should protect their house- f j holds against Alum's wrongs J by always buying pure Grape L.ream 01 lartar uaKing rotter. mmm n - r r H : n-.- j..-:.- . tjl i urc vjrapc vream or s:' to 4V- vj n tr&xrt " i Tartar Powder is to be had MWii! for the asking Buy by name i Ji mm L. .- - hiv,W