OfttOON CITY KNTftAMIIt, 1 'HI DAY, MAIlCII , 1007. LOCAL NEWS Mr. J. C. Bradley went to Portland yoHtorday afternoon to vlalt her broth r, W. It. Gradon. Mm. M. 13, Howard and son of Mu llno wore in Oregon City Thursday afternoon. Chrl Kochor ono of the blgge-.t fiirniiTM and hop grower on Uk I'ralrlo, was In Oregon City Thurs day afternoon. B, F. Smith, ono of tho prominent resident of Needy nnd juatlco of tho eaco for that district wa In Oregon City yesterday afternoon. Fred H. Charman of Rltavlllo, Wwh ltiKton, arrived yesterday afternoon to Im; present at tlm funeral of hi fath er, tho lato Major Thomas Chnnnnn. Seven candidate fur tlm rural free d llviry mall service, aro taking an examination y-foro Postmaster Han dull today. F. 8. Baker wont to Vancouver Thursday morning where be ban a contract of removing aomo govern lent buildings, Ex councilman A. W. Mlln, head miller of the flouring mill here, U assisting nt tho 8ahm mllla In get ting off a niMh cargo for tho orient, Cud Ilngby and family have remov ed from Water street to tho Doollttle property, which they recently purehaa tid. It U located In Green Point ad dition. There In a fairly good run of Chi nook salmon In tho Willamette river here, and tho fishermen bavo been making aomo good hauls. The, mud dy condition of tho water, however, has checked the run In tho last day or two. MIm Georgia Marra of Portland madu a abort vlxlt with her mother and ulster hero Thuraday. Mlaa Harm la a nurso In tho Good Samari tan hottpltal whore oho wuh graduated In Juno threo year ago Mlsa Mary 8. Harlow returned from a visit with relative ut Harlow Thura day ami addressed tho Dorthlck club this afternoon In their mooting with Mr, Jtdm W. I-odor. John GlobUeh of Portland baa gone to tho Wllholt Springs country, accom panied by Homo mining exports, to muko an examination of norno coal deposits. Mr. Cleblsch was formerly a btiNlneaa man of Oregon City and at one tlmo owned considerable prop erty hero. Oscar Cone, an old pioneer of Butte vlllo, broko hla thigh bono, slipping and falling on tho bnrn floor December 1. Mr. Cono I over 79 yeara old and although tho frarturo la healing, he la Mil! confined to hla bed with dropsy and Htomach trouhlo. Wayne Howard now operating In the timber business at Crabtree, Linn county, came down Friday for a abort visit to hla family. Do aava a ahort- ago of car la materially affecting tho timber buajnesg. , The framework of John Lewth walte'a new rosJdonro In West Ore gon City la up, ami will bo pushed to early completion. The construction work en Dr. L. L. Pickens' dwelling on the adjoining lot Is delayed on ac count of tho difficulty In getting ma terial for the concrete basement. It will be a nine-room modem structure. C. W. Vonderahe has the contract for both bulldlnga. ' k Superintendent H. 0. Malley of Ore gon City recently vlalted 11. L. Kelly In charge of tho government flab, hatchery at Elk creek. Together they visited Applegate river and decided to tako eggs from thnt stream at a point 20 miles from Grants rnss, Ashland Record. 11. L. Kelly is a son of II. L, Kelly of Oregon City and has been In tho government hatchery bus iness for a number of yours, Sd far thla week A. D. Munrow has made the highest Bcore nt Iloyer'a box alleys 151. J. 0. Spnglo litis beaten tho record In the nmt.ter of making spares. Ho made three spnros and 14 bulls In playing 15 balls. It la considered good playing to accom plish this in playing from 18 to 30 balls. The box bowling alloys are be coming a popular place , of amuse ment. j Guardian Sale. Notice Is hereby given ,,thnt under and by virtue of an order of the Hon orable County Court, of Clncknnms County, State of Oregon, male and en tered of record on the 4th day of Feb ruary, A, D. 1907, in the matter of tho giuirdiiiiiHlilp of Hurbara Reglna Mor- lock, Amolln 1mlae Morlock and An na Mario Morlock, minora, I will pro rood to noil, on and after Monday, tho first day of April, A, P. 1907, In front of tho Court hoiiHo door, at Oregon City, Oregon, all tho rlnht, title; and In terest that anld minora bavo In and to tho following doacrlbod property, Hltuato In Claekama County, Oregon, to-wlt: "Beginning, at tho Northeast corner of that certain tract of land found do aorlbod In deed recorded on page 870, Volumo "49", Hocord of Dood for Clackamas County, Oregon, aald bo ginning point being tho Northeast cor ner of tho Southwest quarter of tho Northwest quarter of Hoctlon 4, Town ship 3 Hoot h, Itango 3 Kant of tho W. M., running thenco south along tho East lino of aald tract 25.48 chalna to tli ii County road; thence along aald County road North f5 degree- Went l.ftfl clinlna; thenco Houth 74 degree West along aald road G.KO chalna; thence North 85 degress West 14 ohiilnx, morn or lima, to tho Went lino of aald Sect Ion 4; thenco North along auld Hoctlon lino 20 chalna, nioro or leaa, to tho Northwest "corner of tho Southwest quarter of the Northwent quarter of Kectlon4; thenco East 20 chalna to the place of beginning, con taining r,l acrea, morn or bps, subject to tho llfu estate of their father, Dan iel Morlock." Torma of ante, cash. K. (I. CAUFIKLD, Guardian. II. R. CROSS, Attorney for Guardian, lit! SUM.MON. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho, County of Clacka mas. Mary K, Courvtlle, plaintiff, v. Oliver I,. Courvlllo, Defendant. To Oliver 1,. Courvlllo, defendant bImivo named: In the niiino of tlm State of OrcKon yon are commanded to appear In tho ntxivo entitled court and caimo on or before tho 13th day of April, 1907, which la more tlian kx weeka from th date of tho fliBt publication of thla iiotlco and the dulo ni t by tho Judge of tho abovo 'ntltled court, and you are required to miHwcr tho complaint flleil HKalimt you In ald court and cauHe, and for want of mich anawcr or appenrance, tho plulntlrT will apply to tho Court fur tho re-f demanded In tho complaint, to wlt: for a deereo dla koIvIiir the IxmdH (if inutrlmouy now exlatlng between tlm idnlntllt and you uh defeudant, on tho ground of willful dexertlon. ami for audi other and further relief an may be JuhI and meet In equity. TliU auminoiiH la publlHhed by order of Hon. John H. Cleland, Circuit Judgo of tho State of Oregon, niado and en tered lu tho above entitled cauae on tho 19th day of February, 1907. and made by the aald Judge becauta and oti account of tho ulinenco of Hon. Thomaa A. Mcllrlde, JucIko of the alxive entitled court and for tho Fifth Judicial DtNtrlet. and on account of the werlmm lllnen of the aald Thomaa A. Mcllrlde. and becauao and for tho reuMon (lint the aald Thomaa A. Mc llrlde la not within thu. County of Clnckainaa at tho tlmo of tho appli cation of thla onlef. Date of flra: ptfbllcMtlon March 1, 1907. Date of hint publication, April 12, 1907. i JOHN F. LOGAN, 127 Attor:?v for plaintiff. CITATION'. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Clacka maa. In tho matter of tho guardianship of Anna Chaae, an Insane person. Now cornea Charlea 8. Chase, the legally qualified and acting guardian of siild Insane person, and files hla petition asking for a license to soil all the right, title and Interest of aald ward In ami to tho following described real estate, situate In Clackamaa County, State of Oregon, to-wlt: "The southeast quarter of tho North west quarter; the southwest quarter of tho northwoHt quarter of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian; all that nor- of the NorthweKt quarter of the South- . ..? ' ...... w". U,rter of Hi.l s.ti,.., 1:1 tviir North of the Sundy and Portland road. Also All that portion of the Northeast quarter of the aald Section 13 lying North of snld road. Suvo and except tho Southwest quarter of tho South west quarter of tho Northwest quarter of auld Section 13 owned by R. Olson; and also certain lots or small parcels of land North of aald road., and which have heretofore been aold by Frit, Stulke, 11. II. Chase and Elizabeth Chase and Charles S, Cbaso, but In cluding a snmll tract under contract of anlo to Newton Orr, and all subject to a mortgage of Fifteen Hundred Dol lars." , And It appearing to the satisfaction of tho Court, that It la necessary and would be beneficial to aald ward, that her interest In anil to aald real estate be sold. It Ih therefore, ordered and decreed that snld Anna Chase, Aman da Illanche Cbnse, Nettle Elva Chase, t'eaii Gladys Chaae and thu next of klu of said ward and all persona Inter ested In lior anld estate bo and appear In the above entitled Court on Monday the first day of April, 1907. at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in. to show cause why said license should not bo granted for sale of Interest of said ward In said land. G. H. D1MICK. County Judge of Clackumaa county, Oregon. Attost: F. W. GREKNMAN, County Clerk. I2t3 NOTICE. Tho annual meeting of the stock holders In tho Clear Creek Creamery company will bo held March 18, 1907, nt, the creamery plant noar the Bailor bridge on tho Clackamas river, Tho purpose of tho mooting Is the election of a board of Ave directors, a secretary and treasurer, together with other regular and important bus iness. Meeting called to order at 10 a. tn. All stockholder ara requested to bo present. 1212 TH08 K. ANDERSON, Secretary. 8UMMON8. In tho Circuit Court of tho Rtato of Oregon for Clackamna County. Kthel Rutherford, Plaintiff, va. i It. Iwell Huthorford, Dtifcndant. ! To It. Ix)well Itutherford, tho above named defendant: In tho name of tho State of Oregon: You aro hereby reuqlred to appear and anawcr the complaint filed nxaliiMt you In tho above entitled Court and cnuae on or before tho Cth day of Apry, 1907, and If you fall to appear and anawcr, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In the com plaint, to-wlt; for a docree dlaaolvlng '.he bonda of matrimony exlatlng be tween you and the plaintiff, upon the grounda of cruel and Inhuman treat ment, for an order allowing plaintiff to reaumo her maiden name, Ethel Onbofn, and for general relief. Thla Kiimmona la publlHhed by order of Grant H. Dlmlck, County Judge of Clackamaa county, Oregon, and aald order waa made and given by him on the 21at day of February, 1907, on ac count of the abaence of Judge of aald Circuit Court for aald County and Dla trlct, and aald order la made return aide to tho Circuit Court of Oregon, for Clackamaa county. Tho flrat pub lication of thla mi minima la made on the 22nd day of February, 1907, and tho Inttt publication la tho Cth day of April, 1907. A. WALTER WOLF, Attorney for Plaintiff, Notice to Creditor. In ti. matter of the eatate of John Shubbe, deceahed. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned baa been appointed admlnlatrator of tho above entitled eatate by the county court of Clackamaa county, Oregon, and any and all pcraona having clalma agalnat aald catalo muni prenont them to the uhileralgncd duly ye-lflod at bla resi dence m ar Orient, Oregon, It. F. I). No. 1, Clackamaa County, Oregon, within alx months from tho date of thla notice. Dated February 1C, 1907. W. A. PUOCTOR, Admlnlatrator of aald eatate. T. (J. Jonarud, Atty. for Adrnr. 11. Admlnlatrator' Notice Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, Herman Llesman, has been appointed Administrator of tho estate of Henry Dleckman, deceased, by tho Honorable County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estato are hereby notified to present the same for payment with proper vouchers to tho alaive named 11. Lleamnn, at his home In -Frog Pond, within six months from tho date of this notice. Dated February the 9th, 1907. H. LIESMAN, Administrator of the estato of H. Dleckman, deceased. 10t5, Notice of Final Account. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of John Kennedy, deceased, has filed In tho county court- of Clackamas county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator and that the 19th day of March, 1907 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. of said day has been by the County Court fixed as the time for hearing objections to said report and tbo settlement thereof. ' D. D. JACK. Administrator of the estate of John Kennedy, deceased. First publication, February 15, 1907. Last Publication, March 15, 1907. A. It. Mendenhall, Attorney for ad ministrator. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Minnie M. Houghtlln, rialntiff, va. Eugene Houghtlln, Defendant. To Eugene Houghtlln, tho above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are' hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed "against you In theabove entitled suit on or before tho 30th day of March, 1907, and if you fall to so appear and ans wer for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief de manded in her complaint, to-wlt: For tho dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff and for her costs and disbursements in this suit, and for such further relief as to tho Court-I may seeni meet. This summons la published for six consecutive weeks by order of the Hon. Thomas itMcnrlde. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 8th day of February, 11)07-. First publication February 15, 1907. Last publication March 29, 1907. MAC MAHON and McDEVITT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. 10t7. SUMMONS. ( In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for tho County of Clackamas, Georgo Nllson, rinintlff, vs. Julia Rosalind, Nllson, Defendant. To the above named 'defendant, Ju lia Rosalind Nllson; In the namo of the State of Oregon you aro hereby summoned to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 29th day of March 1907, and if you fall to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will tako decree against you for tho relief pray ed for In the complaint herein filed, to-wlt: ' That tho bonda of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defen dant be dissolved and that the plain tiff have judgment from tho defen dant for tho costs and disbursements of this milt, and for such other and further relief as to the Court apppear Just, equitable and meet. This summon Is published by or der of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho above entitled Court, duly made, signed and filed on the 9th day of February, 1907, which order specified the time for answering tho complaint herein as tho 29th day of March, 1907, and tho first publication of summons la made upon the 15tb day of February, 1907. RALPH E. MOODY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1017 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for Clackamas County. Oregon & California Railroad Com pany, a corooratlon, Plaintiff; vs. Peter Gabriel, 8. A. D Tutor and Ed- ward G. Jones, Defendant. i To Peter Gabriel and Edward G. Jones, Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and re quired to appear In tho above entitled court and answer tho complaint filed against you tn tho above entitled suit on or before tho last date descrlbled In theord'.T for publication of sum mons, to-wlt. tho 1st day of April, 1907 and If you fall to so appear or ans wer tho plaintiff will apply to thecourt for tho relief demanded In tho com plaint herein agalust you. Tho re lief demanded In tiie complaint is a Judgment and decree of this court quieting title of the plaintiff against tho defendants as to the Northeast quarter (NE'4) of Section twenty nine (29), Township four (4) South it Range six (C) East of the Willam ette Meridian; and thereby remove from said property tho cloud created by the fact that tho defendant Peter Gabriel heretofore made an alleged and pretended homestead application for said real property and thereafter executed an alleged and pretended deed of conveyance to the defendant, S. A. D. Puter of the said real proper ty and that thereafter 8. A. D. Puter made an alleged and pretended deed of conveyance to the defooadnt Ed ward G. Jones of the said real proper ty and decreeing said deeds to be null and void and of no effect and enjoin ing and restraining the defendants and each of them from asserting or claiming any right, title or interest In or to said real property by virtue of said deeds and for such other and further relief as may bo deemed prop er In the premises'. This summons Is published In pur suance of tho order of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of tho County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the 12th day of February, 1907, amf' the date of tho first publication thereof Is the 15th day of February, 1907. JOHN K. KOLLOCK. 10t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Annie C. Olsen, Plaintiff, vs. x Bertie Olsen, Defendant. To Bertie Olsen, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you are required to appear and ans wer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the 30th day of March, 190", that being the date fixed by the Court for such appearance or answer In and by the order of the Court for publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant and to allow her to resume her former name of Annie C. Prager, and for such other relief as to the Court may seem meet and just. This summons Is to be published in the Oregon City Enterprise for not loss thau once a week for six consec utive weeks prior to said 30th day of March, 1907, by order of the Honora ble Thomas A. McBrldo, Judge of said court, made and entered on the 13th day of 'February;. 1907, first insertion February 15th. 1907, ""last insertion March 2Pth. 1907. T. B. McDEVITT, 10t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the (Urcuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Ella E., Williams, Plaintiff, vs. Georgo Rlnearson, Edward B. Rlnear son. Emma Rlnearson Freytag, Jae ob H. Rlnearson, Abrahem L. Rin earson. Isaac Rlnearson, Peter M Rlnearson, Frank Rlnearson, Rlnearson. Ida Pullen, Rhetta Pill ion. E. G. Caufield, John T. Hall, W. T. Hume, J. C. Moreland and J. Po- llvka, Defendants. To George Rlnearson, Edward B. Rlnearson, Jacob H. Rlnearson, Abra ham L. Rinearson, Isaac Rlnearson, Frank Rlnearson, Rinearson, Ida Pullen, Rhetta Pullen and W. T. Hume, defendants herein. In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court on tho First day of the term of the said Court to be begun and held next after the expiration of six weeks from the date of tho publication of this summons, and you . will take notice that if you fail to appear and answer the com plnit tiled against you in tho above en titled suit on or before tho first day of said term of said Court, then the plaintiff herein will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint in this suit, which is for tho re forming of a deed maclo by P. M. Rin- earson and Isabella Rlnearson, hi wife, to C. C. Williams on tho 2nd day of October, 1889, no as to make tho de scription in said deed read: running thence North 30 deg. 14 mln. West etc Instead of running thence North 30 deg. 14 mln East etc as decrlbed therein. This summons Is published by the order of tho Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of the Ktate of Oregon for tho County of Clackamas, made February 11th, 1907, the Hon. T. A. McBrldo, Judge of tho above entitled Court being absent from tho said County of Clackamas. THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Published flrHt tirao Feb. 15th 1907. SUMMONS. In the Circuit of tho State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Oregon & California Railroad Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, Nils Mike Watnee, 3. A. Tt. Puter, Richard E. Moss and Ik. G. Jones, Defendants. To Nils Mike Watnee, Richard E. Moss and E. G. Jonw: Defendants. In the name of tho State of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and re quired to appear In the above entitled court and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the date last de scribed In tho order for publication of summons, to-wlt: on or before the 1st day of April, 1907, and If you fail to appear or answer, tho plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demand ed In the complaint filed herein against you. I The relief demanded In the com plaint Is a Judgment and decree of this court quieting title of tho plain aiff against the defendants to the Southeast quarter (SE'4) of Section twenty-nine (29), Township four (4) South. Range six (6) East of the Wil lamette Meridian; that there be re moved from said property the cloud created by the fact that tho defendant Nils Mike Watnee heretofore made an alleged and pretended homestead ap plication for said real property and thereafter executed an alleged and I pretended deed of conveyance to the I defendant S. A. D. Puter of the said real property and that there after 8. j A. D. Puter made an alleged and pre tended deed of conveyance to the de-1 fendant E. G. Jones of the said real property and that thereafter the de-, fendant E. G. Jones executed an al leged and pretended deed of convey ance of the said real property to the defendant Richard E. Moss, and de creeing said deeds to be null and void and of no effect and enjoining and re straining the defendants and each of them from asserting or claiming any right, title or interest In or to the said real property by virtue of said deeds and for such other and further relief as may be deemed proper In the prem ises. This summons Is published In pur suance of the order of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the 12th day of February, 1907, and the date of the first publication hereof is the 15th day of February, 1907. JOHN K. KOLLOCK, 10t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Fnal Account. Notice Is hereby g'.ven that the un dersigned executrix ot the last will and testament of the estate of Jane Atkinson, deceased, has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas Connty, her final re port ot receipts and disbursements as such executrix and her petition for discharge, and that Monday the fourth day of March, 1907, at 9:30 a. m., has been set and apopinted by the court for the hearing of said final report, and of any and all objections thereto. SARAH WEBSTER, Executrix of the last will and testa ment of the estate of Jane Atkin son, deceased. John K. Kollock, Attorney. First publication, Feb. 1. 1907. 8-5 Notice of Finaf Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned C. Earl Shaver, administra tor of the estate of John R. Shaver, deceased, has filed his final account as such administrator In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clack amas county, and that the said Court has appointed Tuesday, March 12ta, 1907, at 11 o'clock a. ra., and the court room of said court, as the time and place for the hearing of objections or exceptions to said final account and the settlement of said estate, all per sons having objections to said final account or to the settlement of said estate are required to present the same on or before the date above men tioned. Dated February 1, 1907, C. EARL SHAVER, Administrator of the estate of John R. Shaver, deceased. Graham & Cleetonattorneys for Ad ministrator. 9t5 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Ur the County of Clacka mas. Martha E. Henderson, Plaintiff, vs William W. Henderson, Defendant. To William W. Henderson, defend ant above nanisd: In the name of tho State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed asrnlnst von in the above entitled Court and cause ! on or before the 11th day of March, 1907. same being the date fixed by the Court for such appearance or ans wer in and by the order of Court for the publication of this summons and if you fajd to appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In her complaint to-wlt; for a decree forever dissolt Ing tho bonds of matrimony now exist ing between plaintiff and said defend ant and for such other and further re lief a may be equitable and just j This summons Is published In tb j Oregon City Enterprise for not leas 'than once week for six consecutive weeks prior to said 11th day of March, 1907, by order of tho Honorable Thom as A. Mcliride, Judge of the above en titled Court, made and entered on tae 8th day of January, 1907. A. R. MENDENHALL, Attorney for Plaintiff. First Insertion January 2.1, 1907, and last publication 8th day of March, 1j07. 7t7 Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un Jerslgned has been appointed by tho County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, tulmlnl trator of the estato of Sarah W. For- man, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby notified and required to pre sent the same to the undersigned duly verified according to law at Barton, Clackamas county, Ore., on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or the same will bo barred. FRANK MARSHALL FORM AN, Administrator of the estate rl Sarab W. Forrnan, deceased. Dated and date of first publication February 15, 1907. 18t5 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Oregon for Clackamas County. E. Matteson, Plaintiff, vs. A. P. Matteson, Defendant To A. P. Matteson, tho above named defendant In the name of the State pt Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 11th day of March, 1907, which Is six weeks from tho first publication of this summons and If you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wlt: for a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony existing between you and the plaintiff upon the grounds of wlLtui desertion and for general relief. This summons is published by order of Grant B. Dlmlck, County Judge ot Oregon for Clackamas County, and said order was made and given by him on the 23d day of January, 1907, dur ing and because of the absence of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Oregon for Clackamas County from this County at said time, and said order Is made returnable to the Circuit Court of Oregon for Clackamas County. Th first publication of this summons is made on the 25th day of January, 1907and the last publication thereof is the 8th day of March, 1907. THOMAS G. THORNTON, 7t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion. Interesting Statement by Huntley Brothers. When a man comes Into this store and calls for any particular Indiges tion remedy, we give what he asks for, but In case he leaves It to as we usually recommend Pepslkola tablets. Here is a preparation we have been selling right over the counter for years and from actual observation we know it must be good, and really does re lieve and cure indigestion and dyspep sia or there would be a steady stream of people coming back for their money, as every 25 cent box Is sold with the understanding that you must be de cidedly benefitted or there Is nothing to pay. You simply try Pepsikola tablets wth tho understanding that they will steady your nerves. Improve your ap petite, relieve wind belching, coated tongue, sour stomach, fullness after eating, weakened energy, and other symptoms of indigestion or Huntley Bros, are ready at any tme to pay back your money without the least argument Improve and Beautify the Complexion. The principal Ingredients In Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets are cascarin and dandelion which Is one of the saf est complexion beautifiers known. Forty little chocolate coated laxative tablets, 25 cents. Huntley Bro3. Neglected Colds Threaten Life. From the Chicago Tribune. "'Don't trifle with a cold,' ij good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in the case of a child. Proper food, good ventilation, and dry. warm clothing are the proper safe guards against colds. If they are maintained through the changeable weather of autumn, winter and spring, the chances of a surprise from or dinary colds will be slight. But the ordinary light cold will become severe if neglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of dipththe ria what honey is to the bee. The greatest menace to child life at this season of the year is the neglected cold." Whether It is a child or adult, the cold slight or severe, the very best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is safe and sure. The great popu larity and immenso sale of this prep aration has been attained by its re markablo cures of this ailment. A cold never results In pneumonia when it is given. For sale by Howell & I Jones.