Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 08, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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It Wat Portlitcnt Damandt and Plea
of Farmert Interested In
Telephonea That Paned
The Ordinance.
(living Hi" Homo Telrphomt Com
tinny a 25 yu r frani'lilne, the piim.ihk"
( nn ordinance n utilui Ihk billiard and
iihiI rooms, llii' prtipoHi'il clt'imlng up
f upper Seventh street unit the plant
ing nf shade trees in bluff park,
llix acceptance of dm office building
from tin) fi'-K'ii City Planing Mill
company tn lii inovi across tint street
mill used ii h it n engine limine In Green
1'olnl addition were among some of the
t lilnx iluiix at tint regular monthly
meeting of th city council held Wed
tu'mlny night.
It wiu not expected Hint nn ordi
nandi granting th Home Telephone
compuny n f i aiuli ln would pans at
thin meeting, but would bo finally
granted at a Inter meeting with mora
rigid ri'HirliiloiiM. It wan Hi" urgent
tli'inntiil of farmer rpreiientallve
linn - Unit demanded the prompt pan
nage of tho franchise ordinance, Theo
men were all Interested In rural tele
pliom ny tt in h and wanted connection
with Oregon city bimlucHH men. They
corid" tho I'aclflc Telephone com
puny, and exprenHed tlieniKelvea uh
having n fiillh In IU promises, They
xulit that Clackamas county wan their
home and Oregon City their county
hi at, anil were anxious to tin business
hero. In fact thy did not want to
build a contuctlng lino with their
w)HteniH, If It wan possible for thorn
to B't relief lu Oregon City.
Ii, W, Uobblns of Molalla, who la
Interested In th Molalla Mutuiil Tel
ephone company ltlut thut a niwwt
I ii K wan held on tint previous night,
nml tho members were unanlmoiiHly
In favor of Dm Home Telephone com
pany securing n franchise In Oregon
City. They desired to have compel I
Hon, In order that they could got bet
ter rate and more satisfactory ser
vice, Ho also Hinted that the Molalla
Mutual had 175 telephone and that
a new oiio wan going In almost every
IviuIh Funk of Iteillund tnadn at
atroiiK plea for tho Independent com
puny, and exproHsed tho opinion that
If lh Oregon City morchanta could
not afford to keep two telephone they
Hliould go out of buidmiss,
Similar arguments In favor of grunt
ing tho Homo Telephone company a
franchise, hIho wero mndo by L. II.
Klnhem of !,ognn, C, K. Hponce of
Cartis and Fred MaillHon of Highland.
Tho councllmon voted unanimously
lu favor of tho passage of ttrn fran
chise ordinance, and It will bo accept
ed at noon nn It Ih approved by Mayor
Tin ordinance requiring telephone,
telegraph and electric wlrea to bo
placed underground In tho district be
low tho bluff wan postponed for fur
ther coiiHliloniUoti until an adjourned
meet lug of Hie council to bo held two
weeks from last night.
The ordinance grant lug Frank
Bunch a f i uhcIiIho for convoying tho
waters of Singer Hill to block 10 for
manufacturing . purposes waa placed
on Ita Drat reading on account of a
chance In the Hfo of the franchlao.
An ordinance regulating billiard and
ioo room, waa paaxed after a second
Tho recorder's Monthly report show
ed that ll.Mi0.5l bad been collected
for license.!, etc.
The canvass of the returns of tho
firemen's election allowed that L.
Rueonleh had received 81 votes for
fire chief and Del Hart 22.
Several old rural telephone fran
chises wore ordered cancelled. , .
IS. A, Brudy wan granted a liquor
Hernial for tho term of six twmthsi j!
When tho matter of a city health
officer came up for conabU-ratlon, City
Attorney Campbell called attention
to tho fuct that I)f'. J. W, Norrla, coun
ty health officer waa already cover
ing tho field, and that tho residents of
the city were already paying a per
capita tax for hla support. Petitions
were read ashing ror trio apK)ini-,
ment of Dr. J. V. Norrla to tho poal- j
tlon. alao ono In favor of Dr, M. C. i
Strickland. Tho matter of a city iJo,,n treet wojk,
heultii officer was finally referred to N- Rlory Mtr,!(st w'rk
the committee on health and police. jc- B' fif'Kht. atreet work,
' Homo old Improvement bonda were.0' M'"". trwit work,
Huntley Uroa. Co. preacrlptlon,
S, V. Montgomery, Muling,
If, h, L. Clark, rent pound,
K. V, Grlaez, liaullng,
I'opo Sc Co., faucet and lock,
F. Hunch, tiallM, etc.,
J. 8. Khoadcii,,
Fountain Hoho Co. allowance
Cataract Hoho Co, allowance,
Col. If & Ii. Co., allowance,
Mountain View Homo Co. No, 4,
F, C. Cadko, drain tile,
P. Hammond, levela,
Road Fund.
J. C. Bradley, 8t. 8upt
25.00 I
25,00 !
11.91 !
4.00 ;
$54.00 j
1C.00 '
25.00 :
24.00 '
K. T. Farr'a famoua blgh-dlvlng dog
Maximo, that baa beat tho world'i
record for high diving, died Wednes
day evening from tho effects of a tape-
Isrirm Mr Fnrr hart ttiicf floKpfl n con
tract with the Nat Kelss Carnival com
pany for a 40 weeka' tour with Maxi
mo and waa to receive a compensation
of $100 per week.
Maximo waa only three years old,
a mixture of fox terrier and collie, and
was a wonderful animal. He made a
high dive of 75 feet with ease, while
ordered cancelled.
Thomas F. Ryan being tho highest
bidder secured tho new sewer bonds, j
The matter of repairing upper 8ev-1
f nt h Htreet was brought up, and the j
inmo referred to committee, on streets
and public property with power to act.
The matter of paving this street alao
was dlHCtissed.
On the suggentlon of Councilman
Knnpp It was decided that some steps
he taken to set out Home shado trees
In fie bluff park at the beginning of
J, Bhortlldge, filing aaws,
No. 8556.
Office of Comptroller of the Currency-
Washington, D. C, Feb. 21, 1'j')7.
Whereas, by Hatlnfactory evidence
presented to the undersigned, It has
been made to appear that
"The FlrHt National Hank of Ore-
tho best record of other dnir nuhllah.
ed In the Police Cazette was only 35
jfeet. Mr. Farr had the dog over the! 'alette River
' ' TiMrth Wfvt ftrMilt tufla anrf Via waa
.... .... naiiK ti HHtn i rjini ,rwK in j, z. o,
widely known and admired. jn j EaHt of t;)e Willamette Meridian
Mr. Farr Is training a pup which he and running thence westerly follow
thlnks may become tho equal of Max- Ing the meanders of toe southerly
Petition tor Incorporation of Oawego.
The undersigned will present to th
County Court of the State of O'-enon
for the County or Clackamas", at the
Incoming of tho Court on the first
Wednesday In April, 1907, tho same,
being the first day of tho regular
April term of said Court, the following
petition for the Incorporation of the
town of Oswego In said County and
To the Honorable County Court of the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon: We the undersigned residents and
qualified electors of Clackamas Coun
... ..i - .1.1 1 . i ti i . .. . .
1 1 , nii'i rttmuiiift wtunu wie iiiuuh oi
the following aecrma rjounnaries
which are proposed to he incorporat
ed and known and described as the
town of Oswego to wit: Beginning at
a point on the west bank of the WI1-
where Tryon Creek
; flows Into said river and on the South
I lino after a course of practice.
igon City" In the City of Oregon City,
was referred to Councilman Knnpp. , W C()mity of WavUmMi an(, State
Undsley and Sons were denied a Lf Oregon, has compiled with all the
petition to store lumber on tho bluff Ln,v,M,OMH of tUl,- Btatlltc of ,h,. i;(t-
l",r'c Jed States, required to be compiled
C. N. Creenman was granted a re-(wth f)f(in! an asH(K.iatloil rhaI1 be
bale of $t0 on account of tho
plrd term of transfer license.
Committee on fire and water
1 authorized to commence business of
re- j Vi.u, th,.ri,r..rtt i u'ini.n. n tm
ported that contract bad been award-1 ,y( Cominroller of the Currency, do
ed to F. 8. Ilaker to remove and fix i hert.j,y certify that
wnHTHiTtn' mim
iMmm Mi
w nwm
up building to be used as an engine
bouse ai Green Point.
against the
Tho following claims
city were ordered paid:
C. K. Hums, chief of police,
K. I.. Shaw, night police,
W. II. ('(Mike, night police,
George Hrown, special police,
W. A. Himlck, recorder, addition
al work and stamps,
George Marley, cleaning Main
Charles Catta, meals at Jail,
C. (5. Miller, wiring .etc..
P. O. K. Co., lights
O. C. Enterprise, printing,
Star Press, print. Job work,
William Hros. T. Co., hauling.
Chief F. D., salary for Feb..
"Tho First National Dank of Ore- .
gon City," In the City of Oregon City, i
In the county of Clackamas, and State j
of Oregon, Is authorized to commence
the business of banking as provided i
In Section Fifty one hundred and six
ty nine of the Revised Statutes of
the United States.
In testimony whereof, witness my
hand and seal of office this twenty
flrHt day of February, 1907.
13m2 Comptroller of the Currency. n custody this evening. He Is charg
ed by some of his neighbors with hav
ing obstructed the county road run-
31.50 Mrs. Annie Penman and son Jonah
205.38 Penman of New Era. returned from
jbank o said Tryon creek to a point
j where the south line of "E" Avenue
' In the Oregon Iron and Steel Com
pany's first Addition to the town of
Oswego extended easterly -Intersects
the said southerly bank of Tryon
Creek, thence northwesterly parallel
with and 100 feet northeasterly from
the southwesterly line of "G" Avenue
In said Addition to the town of Os
wego to a point 100 feet north of the
northwesterly corner of block No. 3, In
said Addition to the town of Oswego,
1 ihfnoa finiithapuffrl v In ft tvitnfr 100
feet north from the northeasterly cor
ner of Block 117 In the Oregon Iron
jand Steel Company's extension of
said Addition to the town of Oswego;
! thence southerly along the west line
'of Eleventh street of the Oregon Iron
land Steel Company's extension of
PROMINENT RESIDENT OF NEEDY Arst Addition to Oswego, extended
...,, southerly to Tualatin or Sucker
OBSTRUCTS THOROUGHFARE. Uke; thence following the meanders
lot the north bank of Tualatin or Buck
ler Lake and Sucker Creek easterly
to the Willamette River; thence fol
lowing the meanders of the west bank
of the Willamette River to the mouth
of Tryon Creek to the place of begin
ning; would most respectfully pray
that the said territory which contains
about 500 Inhabitants be Incorporated
under the provisions of an act of the
with Louis ' legislature of the State of Oregon In
1 kflS for the inenrnoration of cities
Woodcock a prominent Needy farmer - and town3. And your cetltloners
Expected That He Will Reach Here
This Evening With Constable
Road Troubles.
It is probable that Constable Ely
i will arrive this evening
Portland. Tuesday evening where they hoe(, , the center of the thorough. 1 ton, G. E. Thomas
had been to secure a tombstone for fare for a dlijtance of a quarter of a Busby I A Jones H
the grave of their lato husband and
father, David Penman.
I ? I Ana! tO
Homsiein ik Levin
Informal Opening
Oregon City's
New Store
Ready to
doors from Post-office
would ever pray.
C. N. Haines, Wilfred Piatt, L. E.
Morrell, J. J. Johnson, John Bickner,
W. F. Bickner. C. A. Bethke, R. W.
ning through his place by digging post-! Thomas, H. Bethke, G. C. Worthing-
Thomas, it. fiait, r. ji.
T. Evans, Thos.
Fox. T. R. Clinefelter. A. S. Clinefel-
mlle and setting up two or three posts. ter. J. W. Thomas, Joseph Wint, Mr.
'As a result a warrant was Issued for Edwin Wint. T. J. Whlttier, C. H. El-
hls arrest ' 8ton- Jonn w- Van Horn- H. W. Koeh-
! .im. ' ' i i . . ler. R. C. Worthington, M. McKenzle,
i The Woodcock road has been a mat-, geguin q a ' mt j. R.
Uer of contention for years past and it Hamilton, A. J. Thompson, Henry
is an important thoroughfare connect- i riatts, Peter Keyzer, Gottfe Lehman,
iicg Needy with the Molalla country. . "eo. D. Brown, E. J. Russell, E. L.
;in fact, It was a road before the conn-1 1T'dn' S,; C:, B,nkeJ Vm
i . D. B. Fox, Martin Blanken, A. J. Dav-
try was surveyed. dson Dr. w. C. Bryns, Oscar Eaton,
j About five years ago a re-surrey c. B. Hall, David Nelson, G. W. Pros
j was made of the road, and Its location j ser. Ell Piatt, H. R. Davidson, John C.
was changed through the Woodcock ! Fo1- ott 3on n'J- tJ; Bn T'
Li.. r" 4 .. . ... ! Harbin, C. R. Arndt. H. W. LaMere,
na. ,1lwu,CuluJuua,i1auuiAi w Shlpley Frank Gerritz, Wm.
1 in the circuit court against opening the
Iroad in the new location, but lost,
j When the supervisor took a crew of
! men and opened out the new road,
i he and his help was subsequently sued
for $500 damages.
JQQIJ you anchor at
the oti Moorings
Moss nuyjhave grown around the old
wharf, things may have become rusty
without your noting it. Here at an old
stand, but a new store, only two doors
rsmoved fromJDregon Cits Post-office,
the good has been sorted from the med
force. Yesterday's experience benefit
ting you today. We have opened ajdif
ferent store from the ordinary, A store
that will stand arbiter of styles.
Letter of the Vogues
0 Yet a Pace Maker
1 In Low Pj icings
5 Here you'll find all the nejwest.martest Things in
Mens, Boys and Chilirens WeaV at all times But with
always less to pay than oth:f stores ask. Come and let
us prove it Let's Get Acquainted.
sin r i utHtf:
m :m
Copyrlitht ik-o? by
Chii. Kufnmn ft Brui. Chlcuso
TP l-I I C Informal Opening of ours
1 1 Will be followed later by a
more pretenMous event. So many new
things came trooping in
Men's Saits,
Men's Topcoats,
Men's Shoes - Hats
and swell things in Furnishing goods
that we actually couldn't wait longer to
show you. The early spring is forcing
things all round - forcing Nature evenl
Why! the buds are opening! Sd we
worked day and night, got things in the
' T,
best shape possible, and will be ready to
welcome yotSaturday. This homely
informal opening of our new store pre-
Malre, F. V. Whittier, B. H. Jones,
Gus B. Smith, Jack Monk, Fred W.
Lehman. F. F. Johnson, J. C. Haines,
Jr., R. C. Shipley. J. C. Haines. T. J.
League, A. J. Rossiter. J. W. Riser,
Harry W. Farmer, L. R. Woodard, B.
B. Simons. A. W. Anderson, J. E.
Headrick, Wm. B. Hyslip, I. Austin,
C. H. Nixon, John Gardiner, H. M.
Fox, William Miller, Dore Foot.
City. Oregon, Attorneys for Petition
ers; 13t4
Notice of Administrator's Sale.
Albany, Or., March 7. To invoke
j me leitrreiiuuui uu me compulsory
pa$s law enacted by the recent ses
sion of the state legislature is the pur
pose of the members of the Grange in
mis couniy. rreparauons are now Notice ,s hereb :ven that ,n Dur.
being made for the circulation of pe-; 8uance of an order of sale made and
titions for referendum vote on the ' entered In the County Court of the
measure. The Linn county Council. state of 0ron. for Clackamas Coun-
, . tI . . . , ty. on the 4th day of March, 1907, in
Patrons of Husbandry has also con- matter of the estate of Chri3
demned the $123,000 annual appropri- i-rimm, deceased, the undersigned ad
ation for the state university, and has ! ministrator of said estate, will on the
gone on record favoring a referendum ' 13th day of April, 1907. at the hour of
111 O ClOCK m Uie. ioreumra ui mu
day. at the front door of the court
vote on the measure, too. But no pe
titions are being prepared to Invoke
the referendum on the petition, and
local members of the grange say they
will await the action of the legisla
tive committee of the state grange on
this matter before Instituting definite
scnts an opportunity for Oregon City's good dressers to
view - withoul buying unless you choose, the newest
brightest things in Men's apparel and Toggery. We'll
garb the boy. or man from the ground up at prices un
usually low for new and dependable goods. The criti
cal patron is assured complete satisfaction. .
house in Oregon City, Oregon, oner
for sa!e to the highest bidder for cash,
subject to confirmation of Cdurt, the
following described real property, to
wlt; Beginning at the north-east corner
of James! G. Cunningham's ten acre
tract on the County road and running
: North Two Hundred and Ten (210)
'feet; thence West Four Hundred and
; Fourteen and 11-12 (414, 11-12) feet;
; thence South Two Hundred and Ten
(210) feet; thence East Four Hund
, red and Fourteen and 11-12 (414, 11-
12) feet on said Cunningham's line to
the place of beginning, containing
William Thompson, one of the old Tw0 acre3 o iflnd nlore 0r less, being
time residents of Needy in the city a part of the George Wills and Sarah
Wednesdav. savs that the best nart of Wills Donation
on Saturday, Your attendance is particularly desired. Come, look around view the new; things. You'll
not be urged to buy against your wish. t 1
Clackamas county Is south of the Mo
lalla river, that this is an xuullsputed
fact. Mr. Thompson says that lie does
not understand why there is not a
move made to build a motor line from
Oregon City to tap that country. He
is confident that the road would do
a good business from the beginning,
and-the people of that section are
desirous of having close connections
with Oregon City.
In fact, .Mr. Thompson says that if
there was a motor line that he would
come to Oregon City every two or
three, days.
Land Claim, in sec
tion twenty-five (25) Township One
(1) South of Range One (1) East of
the Willamette Meridian, in Clacka
mas County, Oregon.
Dated this Ctli dav of March. 1907.
Ad-ninistrator of tUe estate of Chris
Thimi, deceased. 13t3
Two doors
lrom P. O.
The Touch that Heals.
lis the touch of Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. It's the happiest combination
of Arnica flowers and healing balsams
ever compounded. No matter how
old, the so reor ulcer is, this Salve
will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts,
wounds or piles, it's an absolute cure.
Guaranteed ly Howell &vJone3. drug
gists. 25 c.
A Hupiane Appeal.
A humane citizen of Richmond, Ind.,
Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main
St., says: "I appeal to al! person with
weak lungs to take Dr. King's New
Discovery,' the only remedy that has
helped me and fully comes up to the
proprietor's recommendation." It
saves more lives than all other throat
and lung remedies put together. Used
as a cough and cold cure the world
croup, whooping cough, quinsy,
hoarseness, and phtisic, stops hemor
rhages of the lungs and builds them
up. Guaranteed at Howell & Jones'
drug store. 50c and $1.00, Trial bot
tle free.
Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall mov
ed last week to the Click farm.
The salve that acts like a poultice
is Pine Salve Carbolized. No other
salve so good for outs, burns, bolls
and chapped skin. Ask about It
Price 25 cts. Sold by Huntley Bros.