- 1 ' ' I OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE; FntlUY, MARCH 8, 1007. J Oregon Gty Enterprise Published Every Friday. soil to grow good timber, and tho land By THE STAR TRESS. i It la reported that the Oswego Inn H. A. Galloway.. Editor and Manager and Steel works object to the building Subscription Rate: of a railroad fridge across tho Wil- One Year v... $1.50 lamotte river. Past experience would Six Months .75 lead one to believe that they do not Trial subscription, two months.. ,25 care to do anything themselves and Subscribers will find the date of ex-1 plration stamped on their papers fol-1 Manv Clackamas countv people are lowlngthelr name. If last payment u:won(Uirl T H, t , u not credited, kindly notify us, and . . , ... the matter will receive our attention. ,umP ln tK irU' of Potatoes, whon there was an urgent demand for the Entered at the postofflce at Oregon prmluct in San Francisco. It was a City, Oregon, as second-class matter. '8hlpm0nt of m CBri011ls of the tub ' " " rr-r- " , ers from the East that caused a slump IMPROVE THE SERVICE. L ,ho CnIlflirnU larkot. Tne, fnrm. A radical change In the rural free er that sold his spuds when thoy were delivery system Is something that is I badly needed in this county. As a sample of the conditions nat vj.k hv. Inconvenience to certain sections Is the mall delivery from Oregon City to Stafford, Wilsonvllle and other sec tions of the northwest part of the county. It Is only a matter of a few rules from Oregon City to Stafford where it is Interrupted by tedious de jiess with the county seat. Mail mat ter from here under present condi tions must go by way of Portland where is is interrputed by tedious de lays and oftentimes causing a serious loss to correspondents. The people of that section are often anxious to see the latest doings around the courthouse that is printed ouly In the local papers here. As a rule it takes all the way from two to five days for county papers to reach sub scribers in the northwest part of the county and the kicks from residents of that section are long and loud. If t the residents of Stafford-Wilsonville country were supplied by a rural route from Oregon City they would receive Portland and Eastern mait as quickly as now. but the local letters and papers more promptly. In fact, this Is the only practical w ay to rem edy the existing conditions and the Board of Trade should take this mat ter up at its next meeting. M0REjF0RE3T RESERVES. Dispatcher fron Washington Indicate-that President Roosevelt has ad ded 17,000,0)0 acres of forest lands to the government reserves, one-fourth of which is in Oregon. The largest reservation ln Oregon was an addition of 977,000 acres In the Blue Mountain reserves ln East ern Oregon. Other additions to exist ing reserves are: 44G.0OO to the Siski you in Southern Oregon, 71.000 acres In the Weneha reserve, 514.000 to the Cascade reserve, mostly In Its west ernborder, and 154,000 to the Ashland reserve ln southwestern Oregon. To Include the timber land of the Coast Range the President created the Tillamook reserve, containing 165,000 acres; the Coquille reserve, embody ing 140,000 acres, and the Umpqua re- serve, with an area of 802.000 acres, The Wallowa and Chesiniminus re- serves are combined under the name foret,t reserves. As a result there will of Imnaha, and 783.000 acres are ad- jbe practically no land left In Clacka ded. An exact description of the new in!as county that will be subject to reserves could not be obtained tndav. LOCAL MILITIA. The move to organize a militia com pany here is a commendable one and should receive the support of every citizen, and the athletic young men of the city ought to take pride in a lo cal nreanlzatinn of this kind. The last legislature made an anoroprla'ion of 10n.0O. to be used in erecting armor ies for the various state militia com panies, and it is the opinion of Rep resentative Hunt'ey that a company here would be entitled to its share of this appropriation, although he did not support the bill. However, he is 1'irtily ln favor of the organization t' a local military company. Militia companies that have existed here ln the nf,t were noted for the enviable records made and always ranked high in the department. During the Philip pine war Company I of Oregon City particularly distinguished Itself, and many of its members have become prominent in the affairs of btate. Now that the legislature has ad jf'irned the board of fire insurance underwriters have issued circulars to the effect that there will be no more r?''f"M to policy holders. In other words the 25 per cent reduction rr.ade soon after the first of the year restor lug ti.o rates to what th"v "i-:ted pv. vious to the advance made on account of losses sustained in the Sau Fran cisco fire, has been annulled "by a new c'-cular. Not only will this effect lo cal people, but tho entire northwest fs well. It will be IniiwssJMe v., cure relief until another session of the legislature is held. It has I cm s lggusted that the people of Oregon City form a protective organization and carry their own insurance, can celling all policies held in the trust combination insurance companies. The Sandy stump lands are said to be in good demand by new settlers, as the soil possibilities have long since been demonstrated by practical effort. The operation of a dozen saw mills in that part of Clackamas coun ty for the last ten years has had the effect of putting tunny acres of stump $1.50 per hundred hit the nail on the head. Those who were holding for a better price, did not count on the big shipments fam the East. The development of Oregon will be retarded by the withdrawal of all pub lic timber lands from market. One of the Inducements to homeseekers is a matter of the past. In fact the ex tent of this national park area Is too much of a good thing. It w ill cost the government a small fortune to pro tect and care for this Immense area of parks. It has been suggested by one of the members of the local school board that its meetings should be open to the public. This Is the rule In every other city of Importance and the peo ple have a right to know every detail of a school board's transactions. The members of a school board are not rulers, but are the servants of the peo ple that elect them. There will De some additional Jobs for the small fry politicians now that the remainder of the timber lands not appropriated by the land grabbers, has been taken ln by the government There will be Inspectors and ward ens galore walking through the woods In the good old summer time and drawing salaries. The best interests of the city should be subserved in the matter of tele phone franchises, and it is of the ut most importance that the city receive revenue from these Important conces sions. The matter rests with te members of the city council, and they will be held responsible to the people for any legislation in this matter. Everybody at Oswego wants the proposed railroad bridge except the Oregon Iron & Steel company. The construction of this bridge wojld be a matter of special convenience to the residents not only of Oswego, but to the people living on thl3 side of the river as well. According to President Roosevelt's recent order one-fourth of the area ot tne state has been set apart in homestead and timber entry. The people that contributed to the relief of the San Francisco sufferers experienced the humiliation of having a large percentage of It stolen by grafters, and now have to pay losses suffered by De insurance companies. Thi.s Is the day that the members of the volunteer fire department exercise an exclusive right to cast their ballots. T'ul3 exclusive franchise Is permitted on'y once a year, but It is right that it is confine 1 to the practical fire fight ers. ! How can tV new district attorney jbe in Oregon City appointing deputies jf-T various counties in hte district j when he went to Astoria Sunday to begin his official duties. j Health in the Canal Zone. i The high wa'os paid made it a jmlehty temptation to our young art' snrm to Join the force of skilled work I men needed to construct the Panama Canal. Many are resfr?'--d, however by the fear of fevers and malar!?. I lis the knowing ones those who have ' used Electric Hitters, who go there j without thi.s far, well knowing they are safe from malarious Influence with Electric Bitter on hand. Cures bloo'i poison, too, biliousness, weakness an1 all stomach, liver and kidney troubles. 'Guaranteed by Howell and Jones, druggists. DOc. City Treasurer's Notice. tire is iieicby given that there .-uffieierit, funds on hand in the 'y Fund of Orogon City to pay outstan ling warrants endorsed ill I prior to Oct. 1, l&o. Also all water I warrants endorsed prior to April 4, Interest ceases with the date of this 'let ice. Dated March 8, 1007. M. ). LATOl'RETTE, Treasurer of Oregon City. Piles are dangerous but do not sub mit to an operation until you have first tried Man Zan the great Pile Remedy. It is put up in collapsible tubes with a nozzle that allows It to be applied exactly where it Is needed. If you have itching, bleeding or pro truding plies and Man Zau does not relievo, money refunded. Soothes and cools. Relieves at once. Sold by Huntley Bros. Do Not Crowe th Season. The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and en Joy tho exhtllratlng air and sunshine. Children that have been housed up all i winter nre brought out and you won der where they all camo from. Tho heavy winter clothing is thrown asld and many shed their flannels, Then a cold wave comes and people say that grip Is epidemic. Colds at this sea son are even more dangerous than In midwinter as there Is much more dan ger of pneumonia. Take Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It al ways cures, and wo have never known a cold to result In pneumonia when It was used. It is pleasant and safe to take. Children like It. For sale by Howell & Jones. When the new long distance tele phone company that Is to operate In conjunction with tho Home Telephone company1 applies for a franchise, in may be possible to get a clause in serted that will give the city authori ties free telephone service. County Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to pay County warrants endorsed prior to August 1, 1903; also road warrants endorsed prior to September 1. 19it. Interest will cease on such warrants on date of notice, March 11, 1907. J. C. PADDOCK. County Treasurer. The safe, certain, reliable little pills that do not gripe or sicken are Dade's Little Liver Pills. Best for sick head ache, biliousness and lazy livers. Sold hy Huntley Pros. Money to Loan. On real estate, $3.000. $1,000, $500. 300 and other sums to suit conven ience of borrowers. C, H. Dye. 13-ml Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and roup, and the fact that it Is pleasant ' tale and contains nothing In any way injurious has made It a favorite with mothers, r. W. S. Pclham, a merchant of Kirksvllle, Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamb erlain's Cough Remedy has been my leailing remedy for all throat troubles. ie is especially successful In cases of croup. Children like It and my cus- tomers who have used it will not take any other." For sale by Howell & Jones. MARKET QUOTATIONS OREGON CITY IS THE WHOLESALE PRICES. Hay and Grain. Hay A 1 Timothy. $11 per tn: clover $8 per ton; cheat mixed, 10. Grain Oats, $29.00 per ton; whrt 73c per bu.; rolled barley, $25 per ton; bran, $18.00; shorts, $20.50; chops, $17.00; middlings, $27.00. Flour Hard wneat $1.05 per bbl; valley Sf3.G5 per bbl: Olympic ancako flour, $3.75. Hops 1906 crop chojee 10 1-2 TJ j 10 3-4c; medium 8e9c; contracts' 1907, 12c. I Dressed Meats. lOSllc; beef, dressed, cows, 4 l-2feCc 0CTin. i.., a i . steers CS7c; hogs 89c, Live Stock and Provisions. Steers, $4.00(&$4.5O per 100; heifers t:5.25T($?..75: cows, $3.25l3$3.0r,: hoir-,, live $G.G5!&$C85; sheep $C$6.25; lambs, $C&$0.50; bacon, 1722c; hams, lS-S 18 l-2c. Produce and Poultry. Butter Ranch, 55c per roll; cream eiy, 70 75c per roll. Eggs lGfi 17c per doz. Hens 12 l-2c; roosters, old 10 l-2c voung, 11c; chickens, mixed, 12c. Fruits and Vegetables. Apples $1.00ft$1.25; potatoes $1.30 per sack; turnips, carrots, ruttabegas parsnips, beets 75c per sack. I 0 9 SATURDAY, Marci 9th - last day of closing out sale, but a few days remaining and the bargains are greater tliai ever. All the odds anu ends, broken lines and small lots marked down again and reduced to a price to sell them at sfght. An opportunity that comes only with such a great sale as this. DO YOU WANT AN ORGAN? HERE IS A CHANCE WE NEED tho space that these instruments are taking up. An In order to dispose of them quickly have decided to cut tho price. REMEMBER we have only the best makes the old reliable Kimball and Hurdetto and our guarantee goes with each Instrument, tho same as If you pay the regular price for them. Sold cither stallments. for cash or on In- Burmeister and Andresen The Oregon City Jewelers,. Suspension Bridge Corner. CASH FOR YOI'R TIMBER WE are in position to secure highest cash price. Examinations made without do lay. Have clients who want invest ment In timber and will pay value of property. List with us at once. Quick service guaranteed, s PACIFIC COAST SElTIUTIES COM PANY. Portland, Oregon. GIRL for general housework for fam ily of two and baby. Inquire at resi dence of I. Tolpolar, 409 John Adams street or at Tolpolar's store. 39 t3 NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Water consumers are hereby notified that the water will bo shut off all day Friday for repair of the flume. By order of W. If.' Howell. Superin tendent. tost and Found, Lost, between 9:30 p. m., yesterdav anil noon tooay. a bilious attack, with nain.-a n" ' sick hcadachft This loss , w as occasioned by finding at Howell j & Joins' drug store a box of Dr. I King's New Life Pills, the guaranteed ! cure for biliousness, malaria and jaundice. 23c. f PLACE TO TRADE' RETAIL PRICES. Flour, Hay, Grain. Flour Valley $4.15 per bbl; Oregon l ard wheat, $4.55 per bbl. Wheat No. 1, 85c per bushel. Shorts, !.rc per sack. ""Barley, $1.10 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.50 per cwt. Hay Timothy, $12; clover, oats, cheat, mixed, $10 per ton. Produce, Poultry, Provisions. , Dutter Ranch, 60c per roll: sepa rator Cue per roll; creamery 70f75c , , . ?Kggs-17 1-2, 2 for 35. Honey 15c per lb. Dressed chickens lGc per lb. Bacon, 18c; hams, 18c. I Fruits and Vegetables. Potatoes $1.30i $1.50 per sack. Cnhbage ? l-2c. Unttahagas, caiTots, turnips, par uilps. bi't,s, Jc per lb. Apples $1.25 per box. Onions $1.25 per sack. Gently moves the Tjowei hiiu at the ta-no time stops tho couh. Dee's !axat.lve Cough Syrup. Contains lon-'v and Tar. No opiates. Best for ""Hughs, colds, croup ami whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. "lildren like It. Mothers Indorse It. !obl by Huntley Bron. L A. lluigoyno of New Krtt, was a vis itor In town, Wednesday. Kov. J. W. Kxon of Dover Was visit' lug friends In "Oregon City, Tuesday. ORDINANCE NO . An ordinance grant lug to Frank litiHch, his heirs and assigns ,th right to take water ,rr.-"i Singer Hill Crook and to lay pipe or Hume for conducting the srttne atong and under certain Btreets of Oregon City, Ore gon, to Block No, 10 of Oregon city, .Oregon, for manufacturing purposes. Oregon City does ordain us follows: I Section 1. That there be and hero by Is granted to Frank Busch, his theirs and assigns, the right uud au thority to take water from the crook commonly known'as the "Singer Hill Creek," nt a point cm Seviuith street of Oregon City, Oregon, between Cen ter street ami the top nf the blulT. and to lay a pipe or flume not exceeding 12 Inches In diameter for conducting the same along and under Sev enth street and down the bluff along the Singer Hill Road to Tenth street; thence Wo Vrty along and under Tenth street to Main street; thence Northerly along and under Main street to Block No. 10 of Oregon City. Oregon: also the right to lay a pipe or Hume and to conduct water from the Northwesterly line of Block No. 21 in a Westerly direction along and umler Moss and Eleventh hired to Block No. U of Oregon C'tv. ol(. gon. for the purpose of using the Hiild water for the propulsion of machinery for the manufacturing of furniture an I other purposes, provided, how ever, that said right Is granted upon the following terms and conditions: 1st. Tlint tho said Frank Busch, his heirs or nsHlgus, shall be held re sponsible for all dauuiKe that may oc cur to Oregon City or to any Individ ual owner of property within Oregon t'ltv by reason of any lonkuge, over flow or breaking nwny of the water so conducted in said pine or flume along and under said streets and down lilid bluff. 2nd. That the pipe or flume by which nail water may be conveyed shall be safely covete.l over with duo diligence while In course of construc tion, and when completed shall be made secure for the crossing of per sons, horses, cattle and wagons over ami upon said streets and at any point i along snbl nliie or flume win-re Oreuon Kity may hereafter construct a street or roniway. That the afreet it and sidewalks shall after the ronstrucilon of said pipe or flume be left In as good condition as they now are or may be when the work of construc ting or laying of said pipe or flume s begun. And If the parties In Interest under this grant of a right of way full to make any repairs to said pip or i flume or any part thereof, which may become necesxnry to nee lire (he pub lic In the use of any thoroughfare along which water may be taken, they Khali forfeit all rights and privileges under this ordinance, and shall bo liable for all damages which may re sult because of such neglect. 3rd. That tho Intake pipe or flume by which Said water may tie conveyed shall be connected with tho bed of said creek and the water thereof In such a manner as to cauxo no obstruc tion or Interference to the free flow of tho witter of said creek, and the construction of the entire system pro vided for hereunder shall be under the HilpervlHlon of the Committee of Streets and Public Property of the Council of Oregon City, and said en tire system must be constrncti ;! ho as to have the approval of said Commit tee, r 4th. Orei;on City shall have the right of using water for lire purposes along any part of th aforesaid pipe lor flume and the pintles in interest under this grant of a right of way ; shall provide some convenient means by which water may be accessible for I fire purposes at each cross street over which said pipe or flume shall pass. ( 5th. If any person or commit) y lhiill hereafter desire to bring down la larger supply of water In a pipe or I llume of Increased capacity, they may enfr upon and use tho ground or I space ocemded bv th- parties In In terest, hereunder, herein granted, guar anteeing" to the said parties In Inter est hereunder, an equal flow of water 'according to the maximum quantity owned by them, and being resnoiml- bio In actual damages suffered by do- lay or stoppage of water already In use by the said parties In Interest hereunder. Gin. If any person or company shall hereafter make application to enter and occupy the ground already G' DM G .In puf b the puitles In Interest liertx ........... '. .. . , . ini'M'i, iiereui Kitiiueii, mo last 11111110(1 person or company shall bo hold rtv sponsible for nil illumines that may oc cur by reason of -any ttaltagtv Qirflf flow or breaking sway of their uluo or flume, Section 8, The said Frank Busch, hlit heirs or anslgns, shall pay annual ly In ndvuiico to Oregon City as a license for the privileges herein grant ed the sum of Ten Dollars per annum and u failure to so pay said sum as a license or to comply with any or all the conditions of ilils, ordinance nhul work n forfeiture of all lights granted hereunder, Section 3, All tights and privileges hereby granted ahull exnlre. at Urn end of twenty Wvo years from the date of the approval of this ordinance, Section 4. This ordinance ni n 1 1 not take effect unless a written aeeep. (unco of tho terms and conditions itieieof Khali be filed III the office of the Recorder of Oiegnn City within lit) davs after the r.pproval of Ibis or dinance. Section 5. That said F'nnk Buxch, his heirs slid nsiilgns, Html! bo deemed to have iibniidoned all rlidit and pri vileges conferred by this ordinance, unless he or they shall within two venrs from tho approval of this or illtiiince. roiHtrucl said pipe or llutnn' herein provided for, Section ti, That an oiillniitice en titled, "An ordinance granting to Frank Bunch, hit heir and amlnnn. the rlghf o take water from Singer Hill Creek and to conduct the hiiiiih along and under certain streets of Oregon City, Oregon, to the South Must corner of Block No. 10 of Oregon City, Oregon, for nmiiiifacturlng and other purpimes," pint ted March 2Ut, IIMi.V and numbered Ordinance No, 3.1 be and the sumo Is lierebv repealed. Read flrnt time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon City. Oregon, held March 15, r.iu7. By order of the Council of Oregon City. Oregon W, A. DIMICK. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. An ordltiuiie repealing ordinance No. 107 of Oregon City, Oregon, Oregon City due onlnln as follow: That Ordinance No, J"? of Oregmi jtity, Oregon, entitled, "An Ordlinicn granting the on-i.n t ity r:e:irie Company the tight to erect and initln- j tnln Ixib'H, etc.. "paused Sept, Ilrd, ! 1HKS, be. and the name Is hereby rn , pealed, and that all rights and pri vileges granted thereunder unto the i said Oregon CUy Electric Company, jbe and the name nrt hereby annulled, revoked and forfeited. ! Read first time and ordered pub lished at s regular meeting of tho Council of Oregon City held Wednes day, March Gth'. lt7. ) By order of th Council of Oregon Y. A, PIMIt K, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance repeal lug ordinance No. 3I1U of Oregon City, Oregon. j Oregon City does ordain as follows; ' That Ordinance No, 3,".t! of Oregon City, Oregon, entitled, "An Ordinance granting to Frank It, Andrews, his sin-censors and asHlgus, the right to 'erect and maintain telephone poles and stretch wins thereon for tele phone purposes upon, over and along the Streets of Oregon City," passed and approved loc. Mh, ll'iCi, be Slid I the same Is hereby repealed and that all right and privileges granted there- , under unto the mild Frank H. An clrewH, his HiicceihoiH and assigns, be and the same are hereby annulled, re. j voWeil and forfeited. I Read firxt .time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of tho I Council of Oregon City held Wednes. , day, March Gth, l!o7. j By order of the Council of Oregon City, W. A. DIMICK. I Recorder. J Stockholders' Notice. V'.l,.a l-nre'iv iflveii th ot. nlf of tw Capital Mtock of ino Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua Assembly 'ois been Huh'terHicd. The first meet ing of the Ntockhol b-rs of mii 11 cor 'locution will be held In the County Court room, at the Court House In Oregon CUy. Or., on Monday. April 8, l!to7, at the hour of one o'clock p. m.,5 for the put-pom. of electing a Board of Directors and for tho transaction of such other business, as tuny legally come before the meeting. ! OKOIidE A. STEEL, I CHARLES II. DYE. HARVEY E, CROSS, 1:itr Committee. I KU9 0 2 Sjipersion FiHge Corner. Kb