OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAKCH ft, 1007. OREGON CITY, BEAVER GREEK AND MOLALLA RAILWAY COMPANY PREPARE ARTICLES OF INCOR PORATION WITH CAPITAL STOCK OF $100,000. ENGINEERS PROCEED AT ONCE Several Miles of Track Likely to be Built During Present Year Say Backers of Road. Engineers will soon be placed in the field along the proposed lino of railway to be constructed to Molalla from the Oregon City water front, and the most available route wil' aoon be determined. Local capitalists that are at the back of the venture are having articles of Incorporation prepared authorizing the existence of a corporation to be known as the Oregon City, Beaver Creek and Molalla Railway company. The capital stock will be 100,000 and It will be enjoyed with the usual priv ileges granted railway companies. Steam may at first be used as a mo tive power on account of the heavy traffic in big logs and timbers that is sure to result from the completion of the first few miles of the road. If found to be a matter of economy the j road can be readily electrified when it Is completed or at any time there-' after. Engineers have already been em ployed to run lines of survey alonj the proposed route, and will begin actige work in the flield within a few days. If the property owners along the proposed line of railway do not inter- pose any obstructions in the way. It ; is intended to have the line In opera tion to Beaver Creek at the end of the present year. In fact, the comple tion of the entire system depends to a treat extent on th( mnr-ptsinnj thai can be secured In the matter of rMbt oi way. From present indications grade stakes will be placed in position along: the line of the proposed railroad that win pnng convenient transportation i facilities to the finest timber land and farming country jn the northwest. The local promoters of the railway have assurances that there will oe no difficulty in KPonrin? rnnitil in ..ua i .v ,i , build and equip the road, as it is a foregone conclusion that it will be a i paying investment In fact the finan t0 ,nd"" 'migrants and new cial standing of the men who are back , coraers to locate in Clackamas coun of the enterprise, does not require a l,y u "not to skin 'em " Ke 8a'8 that guarantee of this kind as it is a fore-' wnen a new comer reaches his utigh- gone conclusion. MOUNTAIN VIEW NOTES. Born, Saturday, February 24. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albright a fine boy. This the third boy" and Frank says he ll live eay after awhile when j -iemselves known and a hearty wel the boys make the living. icorae will be extended them. The Moran -Eurley saw mill is to be ! The late James Partlow, father of set up next week. The ground and 3- W, was known as the sage of foundation is all ready. , Mt. Pleasant, and he was one of the Mr. and Mrs. Woodward are visit- oldest of Oregon City pioneers. For ing Mr. and Mrs. Hassler. ,a period covering many years It was Lumber is being hauled for the new !nis custom to go to Barlow on every sidewalks. ! recurring birthday and spend the day Mrs. Clark was taken to.the hospt-'l company, with Uncle William Bar tal Tuesday; symptoms of nervous low- This continued until the latter's prostration. I death which occurred a few years ago, Mr. Sinclair lost a valuable cow last anl twn or three year3 later the for Sunday. ,Rif:r died at his Mt. Pleasant home. LitUe Ge'jrgie Selby fell against the T!le late James Partlow was in stove burning one hand quite badly. ; tensely practical and often gave vent R. M. C. Brown returned to Klamath : to fiome philosophical reasoning, county. Mrs. Brown will remain here j J- W- is a cnP off the old block, and until her husband gets a location when ;wnen a few years more are added to they will make their permanent home. nls ap- an,! if i expected that he also As he is favorably impressed with Uf: called" the sage of Mt. Pleas Clackamas county he will probably ant- Ilis expressed Ideas in extend- Grippe or Influenza, whichever you like) to call it, is one of the most weakening diseases known. Scolfs EmuUion, which is Cod liver Oil and Hypophosphites in easily di gested form, is the greatest strength-builder known to medical science. It is so easily digested that it sinks into the system, making new blood and new fat, and strengthening nerves and muscles. 0 eg t ft Use Scott's Influenza. s , Invaluable for Coughs and Colds. ALL DRUGCISTSi 50c. AND $1.00. i 000O0OMOt00,QC00Ol0O00000t return and locate near Oregon City. The Indies of this vicinity met last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lewel Ion and sewed for Mrs. J. D. Locke, who has been In poor health all win ter. Pearl Selby has gone to work with a telephone company. Mrs. R. M. C. tirown Is visiting with friends in Portland and Barton this week. Mrs. J. P. Roehl is quite feeble from a severe attack of heart trouble. Mrs. Fred Currlns is visiting a sis ter at Sotlwood. Mahlon Moran came up1 from Port land to visit his parents. MARCH IN OREGON DIFFERS FROM EAST "Back East" March Is the worst month of the year, except drear No vember. V.'lndy March! Wind of the piercing, freezln kind, resulting in an awful death harvest from pneumo nia. What a contrast to the real spring weather Oregon enjoys In March. The U. S. weather bureau at Pomand reports from data covering 35 years that we may expect warm, southerly winds during this" month with an average velocity of 6.2 miles! "Velocity" is too strong a word for 6 mles an hour wnds gentle zephyrs, The average temperature for March in this favored land for 35 years Is 4G.9 degrees, and in the coldest March in all those years the average tem perature was 40.5 degrees. Average rainfall for 35 years is 5.23 Inches, just enough to give vegetation the start that insures early and bounte ful crops, and robes all Western Ore- gon in bright green, variegated with beautiful and brilliant colors of myr iads of flowers. It's nice to live in Oregon. SHOULD EXTEND THF (ll AI) HAND sIde consIsts of Clackamas, Washing- mi uL-au iiniiuton Columbla and clatsop countleS( land he will have the appointment of J. W. PARTLOW TELLS HOW TO TREAT INTENDING SET TLERS. J- W. Partlow the well known farm er of Mount Pleasant says that the , borhood a cordial Invitation is extend jed him to stay over night, and no 1 monev is taken for accommodation. ' In the morning the stranger Is shown 'up the advantages of that section. He ! "!so is told to invite his friends to j 'come to that neighborhood and make i Emulsion after ! Ing the glad hand of hospitality to the stranger and new comer that Is seek ing a home In a new land, Is worthy of note. Much of the efforts made (6 induce Immigration is of a cold-blooded variety one of the objects being to relieve the Immigrant, of hlB money as quickly as possible. The Oregon City and Clackamas county spirit should be cultivated in such a way that the stranger will feel that he is appreciated, and that If he decides to locate here that he will be a valuable acquisition to the com munity. We old timers need an Influx of a lot of new blood to get us Inoculated , In tba same sew red blood corpuscles. To succeed la this line tba matter of extending the glad hand of hospi tality to the new comer must be kept In the foreground. YOUNG OREGON CITY LAWYER IS SUCCESSOR TO HARRI SON ALLEN. Portland, Or., March 1. Gilbert L. Hedges of Oregon City was appointed today by Governor Chamberlain dis trict attorney in placo of Harrison Allen, resigned. Gilbert L. Hedges Is a native Ore gonian born in Canemah, and Is a 'rising young attorney of this city. Af- er completing his public school stud ies here and a short course In a Port land school, entered Yale university I where he graduated with high honors, winning In an oratorical contest that 'gave him almost a national reputa tion. He is a Democrat and served one term In the house of the Oregon legislature being the only Democrat elected from this county. The district over wnicn he will Dre- four deputies. Mr. Hedges is the first Democrat to fill the position of dhv trict attorney of the fifth Judicial dis-j trict In the memory of the oldest habitants. ADVERTISE OREGON SEDGES GETS ATTORNEY ' PLDM IN ROOM MAnA7llSIFipelltor of Mr-!k,,K08 f,,r pmon BOARD OF TRADE ORGAN VOTES SPACE TO CLACK AMAS COUNTY. DE BRIEF AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE Extols Some of the Great Resources of Oregon City and Adja cent Country. The last issue of the Portland Board of Trade Journal gives space to the following In part. However, It does not do Justice to the paper mills and manufactories of Oregon City. It Is stated that many copies of the Board of Trade Journal will be distributed, in the East. . "Clackamas county contains 1C00 square miles, equtva'ent to 1,221,000 acres. As an evidence cf what can be done In Clackamas on its 150,000 acres under cultivation, when It is realized how much of wealth producer these are, what would be the result of the cultivation ot a more extended area? Here's' a few figures for the farmer to consider: Wheat 33 bushels to the acre, oats CO bushels, barley 40, clover 4 tons, timothy, 2 1-2 tons, potatoes 150 bushels, hops 1200 lbs to the acre. Not nearly as much attention has been paid to fruit raising as the quality of the soil merits. In the foot hills there is a large acreage peculiar ly adapted to apple raising and pro curable at a reasonable price. These together with peaches, prunes, pears, etc., can be readily grown and with attention made a source of profit. One report of Clackamas county's varied resources states that "the up-to-date farmer can plant and harvest some crop every month In the year." Outside of water transportation tlK're Is the railroad line of the South ern Pacific and the electric line of the Oregon Water Power & Railway company both of which connect Ore gon City with Portland. The timber acreage of Clackamas county Is large and valuable and it is estimated that there are quarter sec tions that contain as high as 25,- VALUABLE DEPOSITS OF COAL MEASURES 000,000 feet, thouRh the average Is placed at 4,000,000 feet. tlood logging streams bring the product readily to the sawmills, Fir la the principal timber, although larch, hemlock and Cottonwood abound. REALITY MOVES IN GLADSTONE SUBURB Gladstone real estate Is on the move. The dlfforeul real estate men report a number of that have 'been made during tho last week and other people aro Improving their prop erty. W. It. Pann, an eastern capitalist, has purchased the Bollomy property for $2300 and Is beautifying tho same. Charles Uartsch, who bought property In that district aorne tlma ago and built a handsome residence, Is moving In. Charles Tooxe la also Improving his property which he pur chased of Mrs. Sladen. Improvements will amount to about $1000. Uev. Henry Spelss, who has charge of tho Barton church has also 'pur chased several lots and has begun building his new home. EBY NAMED DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY HEDGES' FIRST APPOINTMENT MEETS GENERAL APPROV AL OF ALL. Attorney O. D. Ety is Chris Schue bel'a successor as deputy district at torney for Clarkanias county. The appointment was announced lato Sat urday afternoon, and was District At torney Hedges' lust official act be fore departing for Astoria to begin ac tive work In the circuit court. Thei j Clatsop county grand jury has return ed a number of Indictments and Mr. Hedges will have his hands full for a few days. Mr. Eby Is a Democrat, but was not a candidate for the position of district attorney as mentioned lu a Portland paper. His appointment is alike sat- ! '"factory to both Democrats and lie- mibllcans' 81,(1 t,ie local members of ln-,tne Dar P"c themselves as well pleased with the selection. It was announced Monday that Mr. Hedges had appointed J. M. Walls, deputy for Washington county. Mr. Walls Is a Democrat and was a com- of district attorney. NO WARRANT ON TELEGRAPH ADVICE Such Evidence Is Not Sufficient When Worthless Check Is Cashed. The local authorities refused to Is- sue a warrant for tho arrest of W. M. Edwards charged with passing a worthless $10 check on Mr. George, proprietor of Georgo Bros, restaurant and lodging house last Saturday on the ground that he could not be held merely on the telegraph statement that he had no money on deposjt In a Colorado bank. Edwards who has been here for several days claims that he Is a horse buyer from Colorado, and asserted that he had funds on deposit I: the First National bank of Colora do Springs, Colo., so It Is stated by F.rsons who have been doing business r-ith him. Mr. George cashed a 110 check for Mr. Edwards, retaining ISI'011 W1" "nvo nothing to fear. It HI of the amount for board and lodging furnish! him. Mr. George then had a local bank send a telegraph query to the Colorado bank, and a response came In the afternoon that TSdwarda had no money on deposit thoro Mr. George then made an attempt to have a warrant Issued for Edwards' arrest but was assured by the proper authorities that the man could not be convicted on evidence of this kind. Cause of Stomach Troubles. When a man has trouble with his stomach you may know that he Is 1 eating more than 1 he should or of some article of food or drink not suit ed to his age or occupation or that his bowels are habitually constipated. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets to regulate the bowels and improve the digestion and see if the trouble does not disappear. Ask for a free sample. Sold by Howell & Jones. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. B. V. Crocker, Esq., now 81 years of age, and for twenty years Justice of the Peace at Martlnsburg, Iowa, saya: "I am terribly afflicted with sciatic rheumatism in my left arm and right hip. I have used three bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and It did me lots of good." For sale by Howell & Jones. EXTEND UNDER CLACKAMAS COUNTY 80IL FROM 8CQTT8 MILL8 CAU8INQ INTENSE EXCITEMENT. SOUTHERN PACIFIC MAY EXTEND Twenty-Year Leases on Lands by Cor porations and Railroad Sur veyors, In F lot Fuel That Will Burn. The 20-year leases acquired by tho Oregon Diamond Coal Mining and De velopment company ( tho lands tin dornonth the town of Heott'a Mills, and tho evident purpose of tho South ern Pacific Hallrond company i build a branch lino from Mt. Angel to the former place, a distance of segon in lies, means something for Clacka mas county. Scott Mills Is built al most on the dlgldlng lino between Marlon nud Clarkumus counties and a part r tho town actually lies In tho territory of tho latter division. All the coal mines that have been pros pected and mined for years aro locat ed on tho Clnekmuas coifnty side. Tho wagon roud from Clackamas county to the Ogle creek minim, also pttHsos through Scott Mills,, and tho only thing that makes It a Marion county town Is the fuel that a majority of the lesldi iits have to pay their taxes In Salem. There nro cropping of cool through out that entire section of country nnd somo proifil.tlng veins havo been un covered, J. K. Jack says that cropping of coal havo been found on the old Jack homestead this Side of Hutto creek from Sends Mills, possessing Indica tions that it was of good quality. A IochI blacksmith at Marquam used coul dug out of tho ground In that suction for a number of years and It proved satisfactory. The company that has secured leas es on tho Scotts Mills property, re cently sunk a 200-foot tunnel with most gratifying results and tho citi zens of that burg aro much excited over tho fact that heavy bedy of good quality conl exist under the town. The owners of tho property leased, ac cording to tho conditions of the agree merits, are to receive 8 cents per ton for coal taken from their respective holdings. The Southern Pacific Railroad com pany has boon so favorably Impress ed with recent developments that en gineers are already In tho field locat ing a line from Mt. Angel to Scotts Mills. This branch road would take a largo section of the south end of ClnrkntiiB r-nnntv nml O 1.1 I... tended to Wllhoit Springs only a few miles further. These developments will mean something for the coal prospects In the Marquam and Wllhoit districts, :and Is not improbable that the heavy coal M ndTlylnB the town ,t o.vnn .urns cjuenu mrough a islderablo portion of Marquam con-pro- clnct. Do Not Crowd the Season. The first warm days of spring bring with them a dcKire to get out and en Joy tho exhlllratlng air and sunshlno. Children that hnve been housed up all winter are brought out and you won der where they all ramo from. Tho heavy winter clothing Is thrown aside and many shed their flannel. Thpn a cold wave comes and pooplo say that grip Is epidemic. Colds at this gen son aro even more dangerous than in midwinter as there Is much moro dan ger of pneumonia. Take Chamber lains l ough Ketnedv. bowevor and ways cures, and we have never known a cold to result In pneumonia when It was UHi'd. It Is nlnxnn nn.l o.rn take. Children like It. For salo by I lo wIl & Jones. jwnamoenain s tough Remedy Is Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and I cro,'I. and the fact that it is pleasant to take andn-ontalns nothing in any way injurious has made It a favorite wun mouiers. r. w. 8. Pol ham, a merchant of Klrksvillo,' Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamb erlain's Cough Remedy has boon my leading remedy for all throat troubles le Is especially successful in cases of croup. Children like It and my cus tomers wh.r have used It will not fake any other." For Hale by Howell & Jones. Tetter Salt Rheum and Ecxema. These are diseases for which Cham berlain's Salvo la. especially valuable It quickly allays the Itching and smarting and soon effects a cure. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Howell & Jones. LIVY STUM' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City. j-3LL.Ql 2,X10 mill of long Jlx titnoo telephone wire In Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia ami IdaJio now in oration ljr the I'acifia Htation, Tdotjhone Com pur.y, covering 2,1!W towns. Quick, tticurate, elwap All the satisfaction of a pe rnon a 1 com imi n mation. UiHtanoo no enct to a clear unilorvtaiiilitig. Ho kane and Han" Kranoiwo as eufily heard as Port land. Ori'itoi, City oilier at llanlinir's Druir Ntoro When you require an Abstract of Tltl to lands In Clackamas County, hav It accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Incorpor a tod for the purpose, Our rates ar reasonable, Wo Invite you to amino our complota sot of Abstract Books. i CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, 1)00- C08 Chamber of Cominrc Jlldg, PORTLAND, OREGON, Money to loan on Clackamas County Property. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LA$! Oregon City, .... Oregon. Will practice In all courts of the state- Office In Cauftold Building. Ll SEEDS h t.Hvt Hie Icl f,,f tirrt v vtani. (ml r till lu llir lr I, llirir U.i'.tH crtiatMy of iftowth, f hrir iiut ctitiiutiuly large lrl It t I llrll. low. v. !c miul Wnuimil pri, in a k r Ihrm Hunt ffll.ihlr anil llir nin.l Mi.ii'ar r.rry hrir Nil. l r mi .irairn. 1J07 Ba Aanut.1 lie on trijin-.i. 0. M fCRKV 4 CO., (Joltcll, Hick. UaJew W. 5. EDDY, V. S.. M. D. V. Crnddite of the Ontario VrteiL nary Collrge of Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, 1st located at Oregon City and mtahlbdicd an office at The Phloii Sublrs, Sevttitu Strcrt near Main. Both telephones. Farmers' ijj Main Ijtl Private Money to Loan I havo private parties with the fol lowing amounts to loan on real estate: Parties Amount. Tlm I 1 2 5 8 15 . $3000.00 $1500. 00 5 to 10 year 3 to 6 year 1 to 3 year 5 years $:i.'i0( oo 11500.00 I 500.00 t 300.00 f 100.00 to 1 to 3 2 to 4 jeora years. $ 200.00 1 to 5 ycur InteroHt at C per cent nml vnur n tlmo for repayment. Also a little Chattel money at 8 per cent. Will buy note and mortgages. Also own Oregon City property P trade for country land. Will look up titles to land frtvj If trade Is untile. Own 3 lots, house, barn and chlokn park at Willamette, for alo cheap oa installments. No real eatato agent to Interfere-.. If Interested call, wrlto or phone. JOHN W. LODER, Attorney at Law.. Slovens Building. Oregon City. Oregon. Estray Notice. Oak Crovo, Jan. 14.-Taken estray, ono small hornless, solid red cow. No marks. 8. L. Casto, p. o. address, Crelgliton, Oregon. n.t3 Beauty Mora Than Skin Deep. Kvery one who wants a goon healthy color, and a clear skin fio0 from bll lousness, sluggish liver and chronio constipation should get a nekago of Dainty Laiakola tonic tablets, naturo'a sweet restorer. Huntley Bros. It STAND FIRM mien ouuuy an OILED SUIT i or SLICKER derrtiind Its the easiest and only way to get tne Dest Sold everywhere m AW. vf UJ ,1 Mm iv IO TO .u,M co tVi(iNfi tax.