OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1907. 9 nmmmm LOCAL NEWS Mis Kuliy Thompson I. a returned rniii) ft Visit to Hnlom. 'J'Iik charier eoniinlsMlon Ik now a thlnit of reality, mill II member will no doubt noon Inohlo ttn' big Job. W. F. Hchooley, (ho renl oiitiilo iniiii, has returned frum a visit to Ronton ml Lincoln round)'. Andy Froiiiong of tho VVMt Hldo so cured Hut k'iIiI watch which wn drawn nt tin' Planet trnloon. Tint lucky number wiih 75. Tho now wlir motor linn been put tutu ('oiiiiiiIhhIoii ut Hi" city water work (ilitnt urn! It I ii.it nut tclpm ! tluit tlin whIit will ho shut iilT fro piently on account of trouble tit tho pUlllpllIK Htlltloll. 'I'i Hiihi-Imii'k Dally Review Iiiih ImhiumI im cuci-liciit luiliiHlrliil edition, lIltiNtniti'il uiul wi ll printed. Tin- re rimi rcci of Dough. cnimty are written up In Httrnctlvi' style without uuy ut ti'tnpt to exaggerate. LltHt WedlM'Hdny evening the Rcbek' iilin held their regular meeting and received three nw ini'inber Into tho lodgo: Mr. W. Ileylinan. Mr. C. II. Smith and Mr. John My. After the bUHllH'H meeting wa over the rent (if tho evening wan xpent In h social way. JliifreHhtneiiti were nerved nnd iiuihIc nud gaiiii' occuiiled tho time. The iiiunlc by the IlioiiHon orchestra wn i'H'Mclnlly I'tijnyed, The Oddfellow and their ladiea wi re Invited gicsti The Ri'beknlm received aeven nw Bp pllcntion for inembernlilp. Kutncada Newa. TuoHilay, tho 19th. wn tho (Hh birth lny unnlverHnry of H. II. Itaney of K titrndu. and a few of hi old iiclghlxir planned nurprlo on him. After en ojylng the aplendld turl.ey dinner, pro pare. I by Mr. Itaiicy, tho cmnpuny apent tho nfteniiMui In rt'iulnUreiice of year ago when they croancd tho (ilaln. Mr. Itaney received aevernl prcHent. ThoHi' present wi'ro Mr. Carroll Howell, Mnci Warnock and wife. II Wllrox and wlfo. It. M. Raney iiml family, MNn l.eno Dean and Mr. and Mrs. Raney. Proposal! for Improvement Bonds, Oregon City, Oregon. Healed proMma)H will bo received ly the undesigned Finance Cuiiunlt tee of Din Council of Oregon City, at t'ie office of the Recorder of Oregon City. On gon, until Tuenday, March T.th, r.in7, at 4 o'clock p. m. of anld day, for tlm aulo of not ln.a thnt. par value and accrued InlercHt, of Im provement bond of Oregon City, u the Mime hn been nuthorled to bo liKtied for the h u mi of 0:i2Ti0. Subl LiotnN w ill be Ih moil in the fol lowing ib'iiomlnatliius: One bund for the Mini of $."m.im mul one bond for the Hum of $532,511, to bo dated April lt, i:i()7, paynblo ten yonra from date, bearing Intercut at tho rate of nix jut cent per annum, paynblu aeml annually, anld Interest to bo evidenc ed by coupon iitttiched to auld bond, IntercHt nnd iirinclpnl jmynblt In l.'nlU'd Stau'H Cold Coin nt (no offlco of the Treasurer of Oregon (".,,, Ore gon, provided, however, tht Oregon City renervca the right to take up nnd camel ald bond upon tho payment of the fnco valuo thereof, wl'.h nccru cd IntcrcHt to tho duto of payment, nt nny Hcmitinni.nl coupon period at or after one year from tiu date of hucI. bond. Snld bond Ih ImhuimI under nulhorlty of an net of tho LeglHlatt.ro of tho State of Oregon, puhhoiI February 1C, 1S!K!, entitled, "An act to provide for the iHHiinuco of Iioi.iIh for tho Improve ment of nt root nnd the laying of how h'h In Incorporated cIIIoh, nnd for tho payment of tho cont of such Improve ment nnd laying of Hewers by Install ments," aa amended by an act of tho I.eglHlntuio of the State of Oregon, ap proved February 28, 1901, entitled "An net to amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (I, nnd 7" of nn act entitled, "An Act. to provide for tho iHsunnco of bonds for tho Improvement of at roots and lnylng of Rowers In Incorporated cities, nnd for the payment of tho cont of such Improvement nnd laying of sewers, by Installments," filed In tho office or tho Secretary of State, Feb ruary 22, 18911; ns amended by nn Act of tho Legislature of tho Stnto of Ore gon, (lied In tho office of tho Secretary of State, February 3d, 1905, entltlod "An Act to nmend Section 1 of nn net entitled, "An act to an.ond Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (1 nnd 7, of an Act entitled "An act to provide for the Issuance of bonds for the Improvement of streets nnd laying of sowers In In corporated cities, nnd for the payment of tho costs of such Improvement nnd laying of sowers by Installment," filed lu tho office of the Secretary of State, February 28, 1901. Hnld liiiinl In IhhuoiI for tho payment of it port Ion of thi) coat of tlin liiylnK of muwoih In sower district No. 5, mul Hluill not exceed tlin mi tn of $IO:!2.r0 In tho aggregate, 'i'lio right to reject any ami nil bids Ih hereby reserved to tho undorHlgnod eoininlltoo mul tlm council of OrcRon City. All IiIiIh nIioiiM bn addressed to tho Finance Committee of tlm Council of Oregon City, In euro of tho Recorder. Jly order of tho Council of Oregon City. WM. ANDRHHHN, A. KNAPP, K. P. RANDS. Finance Committee of the, Council of On-Kon City, 11 12 Notice of Street Improvement Notice Im hereby given that Fourth K.lreet of Ori'Koii Cllv. On-iton. from ' tho IChmI Hud of Water Street to the ' Went lino of Main afreet and from tho , ,, .... . l LiimI lino of Main Street to tho ntone wall of tho Oregon nnd California I Railroad company on aald Fourth ! Street, will be Improved with crunhedi' rock or gravid tho full width of Hit 1 1 street, and by laying sidewalk, cross-1 walks, curb, gutters, drain and cor- ' " ""' tier block, nnd by grading said street according to tho established grade ! thereof. I . I pursuant, Council of , This imtlco Is publlHhed to an order made by tho Oregon C4ty, nt a regular meeting of said Council, held Wednesday, Febru ary Clb. 1907. W. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Notice of 8trcet Improvement. Notice is hereby given that Seventh Street t.f Oregon i.uy, i)rcKn, from tho i-.ast lino or Water street to tho West lino of Main street, will be Im- "n,l,1M eHtat by tho county court jet te Meridian; and thereby remove -alleged and pretended homestead ap-tne first publication of this summons proved with crushed rock or gravel "f Clackamas county, Ore gon, and any i from said property the cloud created U'lcatlon for said real property and j and If you fail to appear and answer, ami bv l.vlmc aide walks rr.H. w.,lu ! '"' " Persons having claims against ',.y,tt;",f"cl V1"1 lhe d'fcndant Peter thereafter executed an alleged and for want thereof the plaintiff will ap nmi uy ia)ing siaiwaius, cross warns, Gabriel heretofore made an alleged oretended deed of convevance to the nlv to the Cnnrf for tho relief nroH curbs, gutters, drains and corner block and by grading said street ac- co rdlng to tho established grade there- of. This notice Is published pursuant to an order made by tho Council of Oregon city, at a regular meeting of1 said Council, held Wednesday, Febru-1 ary Cth, 19o7. W. A. DIMICK. I Recorder. Notice of Street Imorovement v , . , . , , Notice I hereby given that Eighth Sin el of Oregon City. Oregon, from the stmio wall of tho Oregon and Cub i. i ft II 1 i Eighth Street to the Eat lino of Main Street and from tho West lino of Main street to a point on said Eighth Street ir, f,.,.t w,.Kt of tho v,.t tin.. Y . . ...... i , , or salil Main street, will be Improved wiui criiHiieu rocs or gravel trio run width of said street, and by laying sidewalks, crosswalk, curbs, gutters, 1 drains and corner block, and by gra.l-, lug said street according to tho cs- tabllHbed grade thereof. I This notice I published pursuant an onicr maiio ny un Council or ,,. nty. nt a regular meeting of d Council, held Wednesday, Febru- . KiL ft t.tta On said ary Cth, 1907. W. A. DIMICK, X Reconh'r. KUcn administrator and that the 19th you are required to appear and ans- I I day of March. 1907 at the hour of 10 wer the complaint filed against you In NOtic of .Street lmprovement lo'c'ock a. m. of said day has been tht a,K)VP entitled Court and cause, Street of Oregon City. Oregon, from' n,nnn ""cuois lo nam report (,oun for gnch app(18rance or answGr the West line of tho right of wav of 1nml ,ho ttll'mc"' r- In and by the order of the Court for tho Oregon and California Railroad D" D" JACK- I'blicatk.n of this summons, and if , , ,,,, V1, .Admlnlstrntor of the estate of John "" so to appear and answer, the co.npuny on said Ninth street to the Kl,nn01... ,,,.,, i Plaintiff will apply to the Court for East lino or Main street and from the 1 ' , ' ithe relief prayed for in her complaint, Went lino of Muln street to a point on Hrht Pl'letlu. rcbruary 15, 1907. tc,wlt: For a decree dissolving the said Ninth street 150 feet West of Ust rben. Mareh 13 I907- Imanjago contract now existing be ,, , , ,,, , , . . .,, ... . , A. R. Mendenhnlt, Attorney for ad- tween the plaintiff and defendant and the West line of said Main St. will bo ( , : to allow her to resume her former Improved with crushed rock or gravel ; ' iname of Annie C. Prager, and for such tho full width of snld street, and by laying sidewalks, cross-walks, curbs, gutters, drains and corner blocks, and by grndlng snld street according to the established grade thereof. This notice Is published pursuant to nn order made bv tho Council of c-imene iiouKiiuiii, ueiciHiiuu. ' , . , lounc" To Eugene Houghtlln, the above Oregon llty. at n regular meeting nflll)M defendant: ald Council, hold Wednesday, Febru-1 in the name of the State of Oregon ii ry Oth, 1907. W. A. DIMICK, you are hereby required to appear and Recorder. . , ' . . , .7 . ... Notice of the Establishment of the Grade of Water Street. Notice Is hereby given that tho Ri-ndo of that portion of Water street of Oregon City. Oregon, lying between the South line of Third street nnd tho North lino ino of Alley In lllock Nine of City, Oregon, is ordered es- Oregon Inl.lluliK.I " ' " This notice Is published pursuant to nn order made by the Council of (Oregon City, nt a regular mooting of sald Council, hold Wednesdny, Febru ary Gth, 1907. w. a: DIMICK, Recorder. Notice of Street Improvement. Notice Is hereby given that Tenth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from tho West side of tho track of the Ore gon nnd California Railroad company on said Tenth street to tho East line of Main street and from tho West lino of Main street to the East lino of Wat er Street, will bo Improved with crushed rock or gravel the full width of said street, and by laying sidewalks, cross-walks, curbs, gutters, drains nnd corner blocks, nnd by grading said street according to the estab lished grade thereof. This nol.ico Is published pursuant to an order mndo by tho Council of wnnt thereof tho plaintiff will take earson and Isabella RInearson, his tho relief prayed for In her complaint OrKon City at a regular mooting of decree against you for tho relief pray-.wife, to C. C. William on tho 2nd day to-wlt: for a decree forever dlssolv r,..w.n' wn,i..,intf v,ur "d for 1,10 complaint herein tiled, 'of October, 18S9, go a to make the do- lng the bonds of matrimony now exist, mid f,!...ti(.ll, held Wodi.oHd.iy, Hdiru- Jt, jcrlptlon In said deed read: running 1 In between plaintiff and said defend, ary (ith, 1907. W. A. DIMICK, That tho bond of matrimony now 'thence North 30 dug. 14 mln. West ' ant and for such other and further re- Recorder, existing between plaintiff and defen-'etc instead of running thence North lief as may bo equitable and just. (hint bo dissolved and that the plain- 30 de. 14 mln Kant etc as decrlbed i This summons la published In the 8UMM0N8. (tiff have Judgment from tho defen-1 therein. j Oregon City Enterprise for not leas ila-nt for tho coat and disbursements i This summons I published by the 1 than once a week for alx consecutive In tho Circuit Court of the Slate of,"f thlM ,""t' a"', f"r "m;n ot,",r and order of tho Hon. Grant H. Dimick, ! weeks prior to said 11th day of March, OicL'oii for Mnckiima Count v j f'irtber relief as to tho Court apppear JudKO of the County Court of the ! 1907, by order of the Honorable Thorn- HI he! Rutherford, I'lnlntlff, v. It, Iowell Hulherford, Defendant. To It. Lowell Hulherford, tho above nmiiod defendant: In tho namo of tho State of Oregon: You are hereby reuqlred to appear 1,.", ; and iinawer the complaint against you In tho nbovo rtflthd' 7 ; lM: n.urt and n or before the C h day of April, 1907, and If you fall to appear nnd annwer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for In the com plaint, to-wlt: for a decree dlnMolvIng th(, l(,)ri(lH of ,ntrlinony exiting ho t ween von and the iilulntlff. unnn tho Kfound of cruel and Inhuman treat-1 Ml,,nt' r,,r an "rder allowing plaintiff to reaumn her maiden name, Ktjiel 0born. and for general relief, Thl Hummona 1 publlHhed by order of Crant II. Dltnlck, County Judge of '""'y- "rcgon nnd ania ! order wa made and given by him on tho 21 Ht day of February, 1907, on ac- count of tho alienee of Judge of Bald Circuit Court for mild County and Ills- ...... ..j . . . .. .. '. ... V:1 "T mauo reiurn- I Iili ft If fTilk I ' rnli I I'tiirt .r ririrr.n ' for f,Hknmas county. The first Mention of this Hummona Is made on , '".lav ' Vv r 107 .nH ' 2-'d lay " '.' ant imbllcatlon Is tho 5th day of April, 1907. I i. A. WALTER WOLF. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. In li.tf mutter of the estate of John Khubbe, deceased. Notice I hereby given that the undersigned has been " " """'"lor itange six (0) Kat or the w lllam - said rs'Hte must present them to the' ' ''"derslgi.ed duly vc -Med at his resl - " n('ar "rieni, cjregon, u. t . IK i No. 1. Clackamas County, Oregon, I ...... . .... ... - !""" hl ""'' '' ua ' this notice. Dated February lfi, 1907. W. A. PROCTOR, Administrator of said estate. T. ( jonsrun. Any. ior Aumr. - , A,ml"',r4tor' Notice ' No'l' o I hereby given that the un- derslgi.ed, Herman Lleman, has been appointed Administrator of the estate "f "'"'""V Dleckman. deceased, by the nioiMMniir "Hill V "III I W V IBino- ; having claims ngalnst said estate are , hcr-by not Moil to present tho same u,: I,!,'m"'l proper vouchers to made and entered on the 12ih day of of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly HlM,v,' ,!an,,,1 Llesman, at . February, 1907, and the date of the!mado and entered on the 12th day of I "'I homo In Frog pond, w(thln slxiflrht publication thereof Is the 13th ! February, 1907, and the date of the j e-onths from tho duto of this notice, day of February. 1907. iflrst publication hereof is the 15th day i aieu February uio yin. iuu. II. LIESMAN, : AdmlnlHtrntor of tho estate of II.! Dleckmnn, deceased. 10t5. Notice of Final Account. N'-tlco Is hereby given that the un- "."' "nnuinviui.M ... .uc vmnw f hn Kennedy, deceased has fliedjoOn. ?titont above in ,h county court of Clackamas nnrni.d: ri in tl f v C i'ikh m a final aiAntnt aa! t Ai - . .i n . n... . (!"-HlK)ieil admltilstrator of the estate j county. Oregon. Ms linai account as; SUMMONS. ,n , (Mt Cnm nf thfl Rme Df Oregon for Clackamas County. Minnie M. Houghtlln, Plaintiff, vs. I- .1 T-V .t ,..! answer tho complaint filed ngainst ifou In the above entitled suit on or before tho ISOth day of March, 1907, nni, f yon fll o m mwM nJ j wt.r for want thereof the plaintiff will npply to said Court for the relief do- .manned m r.er complaint, to-wit: .' , , 1" Z II, i or i no iiisoiuiion oi ine uonas oi ' , ,,, ;,. l 'ta nni, disbursements in this suit, nnd forL p. , ... such further relief as to the Court fX vui: ..,i,.., .... ... ob H. Rtnearson. Abraham L. Rin- i TI.Ij oumninnii la mi lil I c Vv n.1 .1. ',17 of the Hon. Thomas A. McHrldo. Judge ot the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gun for Clackamas County, made and l entered on the 8th day of February, ! 190". First publication February 15, 1907.. r no, iV, ' Z', I nst miblicatlon March ) 1907 1 To C.eorgo RInearson, Edward 13. Last. 'ba ,ch J9- ' 'Ulnenrson, Jacob H. RInearson, Abra- fllAL MAMO.N ami Mcu .Vlt l, hftm L RInearson, isaBC RInearson, Attorney for Plaintiff. ;Frank R, RInearson K Pullen, Rhotta Pullen and W. t! SUMMONS. Humo, defendants herein. In the name ' of the State of Oregon: You and each " of you are hereby required to appear In tho C'rci'lt. Court of the State of In the above entitled Court on the Oregon in and for the County of First day of the term of the said Court Clackamas. to be begun and held next after the (leorge Nllson, Plaintiff, expiration of six weeks from the date vs. j of the publication of this summons, Julia Rosalind Nilson, Defendant. and you will take notice that If you To the above named defendant, Ju- fall to appear and answer the com !la Rosalind Nllson; ! plait filed against you in the above en- In tho namo of the State of Oregon titled suit on or before the first day of you are hereby summoned to appear said term of said Court, then the and answer the complaint filed i plaintiff herein will npply to the Court against you In the nbove entitled suit for the relief demanded in the coin- on or before the 29th day of March 1907, and if you fall to answer, for JiiMf, equitable and meet. ; Ihls Hiirrunon I published by or-, lor of Hon. Thomna A. McHrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, ' duly made, lned and filed on the 9th duy of Fobrunry, 1907, which order I Kpt'cMed the time for anawerlnK the complaint herein a the 29th day of , ' ' HU'i VH7 Hint U Jt:o u,f HiimmonH Ih made on ; , F(.lmi 1907 i ' iai pii v vr the 15th RALPH E. MOODY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 101.7 8UMMON8. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Or egon for Clackamas County. Oregon & California Railroad Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Pet.ir Cabrb I, 8. A. D Pi.ter and Ed ward (J. Jones, Defendants. To peter Gabriel and Edward G. Jones, Defendants: In the namo of tho State of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and ro- ,llri.(i ar).ar )n ,h ti,ov ntlt.'ed pub-l:""rt aml anHW,'r the complaint filed - - ":u"' , V . "T'L!. n... .!.... ...... I It... .....I.l.rl ' ' n "f M"r1 th" 'a!,t ,lat dt-SCribled theorder for publication of aum-ied 1 f , 7 m and If you fall to so appear or ans wer tho plaintiff will apply to the court : plaint Is a judgment and decree of for tho relief demanded In the com- this court quieting title of the plain plaint herein against you. The re- 'alff against the defendants to the lief demanded In the complaint Is a judgment and decree of this court quieting title of the plaintiff against tn defendants as to the Northeast i . " T - 1 . C . ... I . ... ' ,a l i'4' o;'0, V " uon; i..';, iuiinii our n auiiui and pr tended homestead application , fr Haid real property and thereafter execuiei an a.iegou ana pretennea 1 4 "f conveyance to the defendant, 'S. A. D. Puter of the said real proper - ')ty and that thereafter 8. A. D. Puter jmade an alleged and pretended deedifendant E. G. Jones executed an al- fit n nvt'VHni'H in i rn iiiMi'nni mi f . 1 1 - ward G. Jones of the said real proper - ty and decreeing said deeds to be null n n it vol.1 Anrt of nn effort n ml pnlnln. .ng and restraining the defendants :nd each of them from asserting or! (claiming any right, title or Interest j In or to said reaV property by virtue of said deeds and for such other and ; further relief as may be deemed prop- er In the premises. 1 i O BU JII UilJIin 13 LIU published Jn pur - nf thP Hfiri. flrflnt ; 11. Dimick. Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly juii. K. kulujck. 1017 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. ; In the Circuit Court of the State of. I Oregon for Clackamas county. Annie C. Olsen, Plaintiff, vs in the name of the State of Oregon i other relief as to the Court may seem meet and just. This summons is to be published in the Qrmm CUy Enterprge for not less than once a week for six consec utive weeks prior to said 30th day of March. 1907, by order of the Ilonora- t 111.. nl...i..nn A .t .n,.l.ln 11 iw . i .ui i.mn-, juugn in sum ! court, made and entered on the 13th j day of February. 1907, first iusertlon ; February 15th. 1907, last Insertion ! March 29th, 1907. I i . u. mcukvitt. 10ti Attorney for Plaintiff. i , SUMMOrJS. j iln the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of ClacUa- lERa E. Williams. Plaintiff. I rson' Isc R'ncarson, Peter M. 5 "!.8on ?p n'nTjf"" ( ' 1 E O Cnnneld Tohn T Hall W T. Hume, J. C. Moreland and J. Po- livka, Defendants. ' plaint in this suit, which is for the re- 1 forming of a deed made by P. M. Rlu- State of Oregon for tho County of Clackamas, made February 11th, 1907, ; the Hon. T. A. McISrlde, JudKO of the above entitled Court being abaent from the aald County of Clackama. THQ3. F. RYAN, , Attorney for Plaintiff. Publlahed first time Feb. 15th 1907. SUMMONS. In the Circuit of tho State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Oregon & California Railroad Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, ,' . r, . r, . i Mis Mike Watnee, 8. A. n pter, ,vk;... --. u. Defendants. To Nils Mike Watnee, Richard E. . Moss ami ami r. u. jones: iwiennani. In the name of the State of Oregon: j You are hereby summoned and re- I quired to appear In the above entitled I court and answer the complaint filed i against you In the above entitled suit on or before the date last de- i ncrlbed In the order for nub cation of inmmn. fwit- on nr hot,, tho lot i - . -- --- - - - ---- day of April, 1907, and If you fall to . U 1 . . .1 M 11, 'r ur anwr, uw p.ai uiu wiii ply to 1 In ? ine conn ior me renei uemana- the complaint filed herein .against you. The relief demanded In the com Southeast quarter (SEVi) of Section I twenty-nine (29). Township four (4) South. Ranee six C) East of the Wll- lamette Meridian; that there be re . . . . . ... . .) 1 - - proper y me c.oua creaiou oy me iaci mat me ueienaani ; Nils Mike Watnee heretofore made an defendant S. A. D. Puter of the Bald , real property and that there after S. i a. U. Puter made an alleget and pre- j tended deed of conveyance to the de- 1 fondant E. G. Jones of the said real property and that thereafter the de- ntrnn onn n ra r r n ri ciaan t innvAit. ' anee of the said real property to the defendant Richard E. Moss and de- nrfn'n uol.1 Hoah in l.o mill an1 f . I and of no effect and enjoining and re - straining the defendants and each of ; them from asserting or claiming any right, title or Interest In or to the said real property by virtue of said deeds Sand for such other and further relief jas may be deemed proper In the prem- ;lspi. i Thla anmmrtna la nuK11ao4 In ri f. 'suance of the order of the Hon. Grant ! B. Dimick. Judge of the County Court of February 1907. JOHN K. KOLLOCK, 10t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Fnal Account. , Notice Is herebr c'en that the un- i i derslgned executrix or the last will and testament of the estate of Jane I Atkinson, deceased, has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon ; selling right over the counter for years for Clackamas County, her final re-j and from actual observation we know port of receipts 'and disbursements It must be good, and really does re as such executrix and her petition for jlieve and cure Indigestion and dyspep discharge, and that Monday the fourth jsia or there would be a steady stream day of March, 1907, at 9:30 a. m., has jot people coming back for their money, been set and apopinted by the court las every 25 cent box is sold with the for the hearing of snld final report, and of any and all objections thereto. SARAH WEBSTER, Executrix of the last wT.l and testa ment of the estate of Jane Atkin son, deceased. John K. Kollock, Attorney. First publication, Feb. 1. 1907. 8-5 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned C. Earl Shaver, administra tor of the estate of John R. Shaver, deceased, has filed his final account as such administrator in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clack amas county, and that the said Court has appointed Tuesday, March 12th, 1907, at 11 o'clock a. m., and the court room of said court, as the time an1 tllaIA fnl Ua hnnnl.. n nKtn.M.. ' Fv. .u. vuC uuuS u. uujt-iuons or exceptions to said nnal account and the settlement of said estate, all per sons having objections to said final account or to the settlement of said estate are required to present the same on or before the date above men tioned. Dated February 1, 1907. j C. EARL SHAVER, I Administrator of the estate of John R. Shaver, deceased. Graham & Cleeton, attorneys for Ad ministrator. 9t3 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Martha E. Henderson, Plaintiff, vs William W. Henderson, Defendant. To William W. Henderson, defend ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 11th day of March, 1907, same being the date fixed by tne court tor such appearance or ans- ttiiM In n vt A It.. . .3 . M 1 l m nni.7io.ti V. 7 J, U" , I lift T11 hllPMtlnn ff thin Dlimmnna ami If you fail to appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for as A. McBrlde, Judge of the above en- titled Court, made and entered on the fcth day of January. lf)07. A. It. MENDKNHALL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Flrat Inaertlon Jantiary 25, 1907, and lant publication 8th day of March. 1907. 7t7 Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, adminis trator of the estate of Sarah W. For tran, deceased, and all persons hav- 'nR claims against the said estate are anA Pt.nil,r , nra. Bftnt the 8ame to the undersigned duly verified according to law at Ration, Clackamas county, Ore., on or before i,.. - mr.nfhll Pm ttlo rat publication of this notice or the same will be barred. FRANK MARSHALL FORM AN, Administrator of the estate of farah W. Forman, deceased. Dated and date of first publication February 15, 1907. 10t5 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Oregon for Clackamas County. E. Matteson, Plaintiff, vs. A. P. Matteson, Defendant. To A. P. Matteson, the above named 'defendant. in the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against In V. n tl.l.J . ",u? aBli . u raum mc ntu uuy oi iMarch. 1907. which is six weeks from for In the complaint, to-wlt: for a de icree dissolving the' bonds of matrt mony existing between you and the plaintiff upon the grounds of wilful This summons Is nublishod bv oritpr of Grant B. Dimick, County Judge of : r. a said order was made and elven hv him ion the 23d day of January, 1907, dur- ! inA . i . a . u A - v. . . ' Judge of the Circuit Court of Oregon : for Clackamas Conntv from thin County at said time, and said order Is 1 made returnable to the Circuit Court 'of Oregon for Clackamas County. The ! first publication of this summons Is jmade on the 25th day of January, 1907 and the last publication thereof is the 8th day of March, 1907. THOMAS G. THORNTON. "t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion. Interesting Statement by Huntley Brothers. When a can comes Into this store and calls for any particular Indiges tion remedy, we give what he asks for, but in case he leaves it to us we usually recommend Pepsikola tablets. Here Is a preparation we have been understanding that you must be de cidedly benefitted or there is nothing to pay. You simply try Pepsikola tablets wth the understanding that they will steady your nerves, improve your ap petite, relieve wind belching, coated tongue, sour stomach, fullness after eating, weakened energy, and other symptoms of Indigestion or Huntley i Bros, are ready at any tme to pay back your money without the least argument. Improve and Beautify the Complexion. The principal ingredients In Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets are cascarln and dandelion which is one of the saf est complexion beautlflers known. i Fortv little chocolate coated laxative ! tabietSi 25 cents. Huntley Bros. Neglected Colds Threaten Life. From the Chicago Tribune. " 'Don't trifle with a cold,' ta good advice for prudent men and women. It may be vital In the case of a child. Proper food, good ventilation, and dry. warm clothing are the proper safe guards against colds. If they are 'maintained through the changeable weather of autumn, winter and spring, the chances of a surprise from or dinary colds will be slight. But the ordinary light cold will become severe if neglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of dlpththe ria what honey Is to the bee. The greatest menace to child life at this season of the year is the neglected cold." Whether it is a child or adult, the cold slight or severe, the very best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is safe and sure. The great popu larity and immense sale of this prep aration has been attained by its re markable cures of this ailment. A cold never results In pneumonia when I r I U 13 Slven For sale Howell & Jones.