Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 01, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Special to Daily Star.
Washington. P. C. Kob. 2t. It was
announced after a cabinet mooting tiv
tiny that nil of the bids for construc
tion of tho Panama canal wore reject
ed, am) no now bids would be. asked
(or. Tho whole subject of construc
tion Is to be further considered.
President Hoosevelt announced he
I had received and accepted the reslg
'nation of John F. Stevens, chief engin
eer of the canal, the same to take ef
fect as soon as his successor Is appointed.
California Powder Works Sella Its
Holdings at Clackamas Sta-,
tion and Milwaukle to
Eastern Concern.
It Is possible that the E. J. Du-Font-DoXemours
Powder company
may erect branch works or at least
install largo storage magazines in
Clackamas county. Tho fact that this i
company has acquired tho holdings j
"Tho best way to Induce settlors , I'cat w' of Rotting people to nettle
and capital to locate In Clackamas j t'taoUmus county Is to build good
county," says K. H. Cooper, tho real j ''on,,! "1'oads which will enable home-
seekers or locators to get around the
county to view the resources of this
county for thomsolvoR,
K. It. Williams, manager of the Wil
liams Pros. Transfer company, say
the greatest thing for the upbuilding
of Oregon- City and of Clackamas
county would bo the building and op
erating of the electric line Into the
Molalla country,
"Transportation," he said, 'through
out the county would Induce homo
seekers to locate more than any other
one thing that I know of,"
estate man. "Is to advertise tho coun
ty it's resources and advantages.
Advertising is the best medium known
by which the people may be reached,
and tho work of advertising n com
munity and county Is the duty of the
board of trade or commercial bodies."
Mr. Cooper then went on to state
that the great resources of our county,
If known to the people of the KuM,
would at once secure an, Immigration
that would flood the county.
J. P. Clark of the Clackamas Coun
ty Abstract company believes that the
County School Superintendent .1. C,
Zinser has received a communication
from the secretary o( the State Horti
cultural society stating that In the ap
portionment of the Lambert cherry
trees to the various counties, tho
of the California Powder works and Clackamas County Horticultural so-
v w . inn
old lad,
Croon, the fourteen year
who has been roaming around
it recently purchased several hundred .ciety was entitled to fifty trees which :the hills of tho West Side for the last
acres of land near Taeoma on which
to erect a large powder manufactur-
, will be available at fifty cents each, j week, was rounded up In a peaceable
j These young trees were presented manner Sunday and has been sent to
by Mr. Lambert of Milwaukle. the WiKlitiiL'ton whom ln will li.i tiiLon
lng plant is especially significant at Jorininator of the specie, to the state 'care of by an older brother.
this time. s ; horticultural society that the proceeds! Young Green's ambition for a long
Kosldents of Clackamas Station
wore startled Monday morning
on hearing the news of the robbery of
the store of A. Mather during the night
of Sunday. Tho thief did not get
away with a big haul, however, and
the wholo amount of varied articles
taken will not sum up lo more than
r. or $30.
Mr. Mather not Kiel the officials In
Deeds were filed in the county re-J from the sale might be used in the time has been to go to work and he
corder's office Tuesday morning con- propagation of the specie and assist 'has had no use for the school room
veying various small tracts in the i in tne lurtnerance of the cause of hor-, ami its books. The trouble In the first
Matlock d. 1. c. near Clackamas Sta- jticulture throughout the state. place started when ho wa3 admonish- i this city a. toon as ho learned of the
tion and in the Hector Campbell d. 1. j The original gift consisted of 1100 ed by his father and told he must go ! rohberv.
c. near Milwaukle. hue these small .trees wnich were placed in the hands to school and as the result of the con
tracts are of especial value only minor of the Oregon Nursery company for ( troversy the lad went to the woods,
considerations are mentioned. j distribution. Eight hundred and fifty j The shooting of the other day hap-
A part of the property has been, frees of this splendid native variety poind when Croon's father told some
used for powder magazine storage a1"" yet b be disposed of and sixty-five bins to look for him and take tho can
There are other people Hint look like
I'utnaui. When Jonqulii Miller lec
tured hero a few yearn ago at tho
Chautauqua, Putnam wus mistaken
for th" poet of (hit Sierra on Hovcral
A Well Known Resident and Property
Holder Horticultural Society
Selling Fruit
Israel Putnam many years
dent of Hook Island
above the falls, a dosrt mlant of Gen
oral Israel Putnam of revolutionary
war fame, may Iik pleased to learn
that Schlatter, tho healer, Is again do
lng business at his old stand In the
Past. About IS years ago when
Schlatter was nt tho zenith of his
fame, Israel Putnam left, bis Hock
Island domicile to take earn of Itself
Loiters reiiialnlnK uncalled jr In
the Oregon City poMtofflro for the
week ending Kob. I'd, ItiuT:
Woman's Lint.
Itngley, Mrs. ('.; Cleason Mrs. I). K.;
Pappan, Miss Kosle I..; Miss Ann a II.
M, No. PHI County Pond.
Men's List.
Perry Carson; linker, II. I'M Cook,
a short dbdnnre. i I. T.; PhvIm. Pail (2); Callagtier, Ft-
lie A.; Illnkle, Charles; KiieedHon, 11.
J,; Walling, P. (I).
a rest-
Endorsed by tho County,
"The moat poputai icinedy In
sogo county, ami tlio bo.it friend f
my family," writes Win. M. DMt. "A
Iter and publisher of tho Otsego Jour
nal. CUbertHvlllo, N. Y "Is Pr, Klnu'
purposes for some time, in spite of of these are for Clackamas count v.
the opposition fight made by the rest- I
dents of Milwaukle and Clackamas, 1 Harriman Accuses Fish,
but the powder companies always won j Special to Daily Star,
out. New York. Feb. 20. Peforc ;ro In-
That the Dupont company, the larg- , terstate Commerce commission today,
est manufacturer of powder in the E- H- Harriman said the reason he
United States, means to do. something deposed Stuyvesant Pish from the
is demonstrated by the fact that it presidency of the Illinois Central was
has acquired the ownership of all the ;tl!at 'ih used trust funds for private
established magazine sites in Clacka-j Purposes.
mas county.
In the event should the company do- i
cide to erect a large manufacturing '
plant here, it would g.'vp employment !
to a number of men. T
away from him, and young Green only
shot to scare the boys. The com
plaint for the arrest of young Croon
has been withdrawn and the lad will
be given a chance to give vent to his '
willingness f.r work.
About f. o'clock Monday morning,
Mather entered his store and noticed
that things wore pretty well scatter
Now Plscovviy. It baa proved to ho
, . !. i. ...mi. i.. ,... f..- ..I, J
and visiiixi nis rormer naurus in uioj"" ooioouo- "n .'.im
Mast. On day he boarded i a west- ; colds, making abort work of tho worat
bound passenger train with Mowing of tl.em. We always keep u botti
white beard and long gray hair, an. I j In tho hou-e. I believe It to bo tho
several drummers In the car wue ; mo: t valuabl prescription known for
strikingly Impressed with his resem- j l ung and throat disease," Cuarun
bianco to Schlatter. Now Mr. Put- , teed to never di uippolut tlie taker, by
nam can appreciate a Joke as well as .' Ilowi.ll K- Jones' drug idoio. Prion
itho nvcrniie drunnr.i-r. and entered hi
ed about mid that SOIUO Wells Fargo to the ronHidmev One .,f the dmm.
mors telegraphed lo the town where i
Senator Fulton presented a memor
ial frm the Oregon legislature favor
ing the election of 1'nited States sen
ators by direct vote of the people.
express packages were broken open.
XI... m.i. r .. . i.i. i
uwu w,l ""' laundry. 'Mr. Putnam announced that he would
-hlrtsand undershirts and some gr V,.t oft. stating .hat Schlatter would
n.-.i. .muhius was carrleii away
from the Wells Fargo packages. There
Is no clue to the thief.
doc and ll.oi). Trial bottle frco.
"Regular as the Sun"
roach i here as a specified nine. When
Putnam slopped off (he (ruin be was
astonished to m-o thousands of im-o-
I pie gathered around the depot, many
in the wake of the Seattle of them begging to , healed. This
probable that was too much for Putnam, ami refus-
adjustment j,,. tM proffered ttloxkles bold bv I
- i
me of the aillicteil, made hit wav out, i I
crowd at rapidly a i possible, j w a-
Follow In
M M :e;ienr. It Is now
there may be an amicabl
of the difference at Portland and th
U an expression as old as the race. No
doubt the rising and Netting nf the
mm Is the mofit regular performance
In the uiih'en o, miles it U the action
of the liver an 1 bowi I t when regulat
ed with Pr. King': New Life I':IN.
Cuar.iiit I by Powell & Jones, drug-
f, th,
I). 1. hub, ley a Caru i hawiulll iiuiu,
In Oregon City, Monday.
However, this may be a move
on the
part of the J! '"? company to con- i
ter the eiitire powder business of the .
Xorthwest including the remainder of I
the Pacific coast. I
AAAAAAAAA iAAAAitA iaia - . . .
v MEa mnn mm ...
Mary Kramlen a? plaiiiHS ha.1 en-1
tered a complaint through her attor- j
npy. Pruce Curry, seeking a divorce j
from her husband Gustav Krumien. j
The two were married in Clackamas j
county in November lSf. T.cuble j
has been brewing the last four year3
since the husband has taken to the i
drinking habitt The plaintiff states
in her complaint that he has been very j
abusive, mean and suspicious and that
he would not allow her to be alone or j
even treat her friends in a respectable
manner. In order to humiliate her in
evej-y way he has called her ail sorts
of vile and opprobrious names dur
ing his spells of drinking.
When jealous of her be has made
disgusting remarks of her character.
She states that he is able to work
but that he will not do so. The result
of the union is eight children, Ade
laide, H; Venus, 12; Rueben, 10; Ag
nes, 8; Clarence, C; Roy, 4; Carl, 3;
and baity (unnamed) one year old.
The children are all in custody of the
defendant and the plaintiff with the
exception of Adelaide who i.s in Se
attle. The woman states that she is
willing to work and that she is able
to support Pie minor children. She
seeks the court to grant her a decree
dissolving the bends of matrimony be
tween the two and seeks the custody
vt Venus. Agnes, Carl and the baby.
Saturday, lVIai-ch 9th, will be thz last day of this great sale. The time is limited, when
the doors dose Saturday night, March 9th, this Sale will hz in memory only. Stronger
inducements than ever are offered to reduce the stock to a minimum. All goods at cost
or less. Take advantage of the unprecedented offer. Buy now for future need. To
share in this great reduction you must hasten - there are only a few more days of the
great sale.
Guided by the ropor' presented by
City Superintendent W. C. McKee
the school board has exonerated Mrs.
Godfrey of the charges preferred
against her.
The school board met Monday ev
ening and made a careful investiga
tion into the charges prefered by C.
Schuebel against Mrs. Viola Godfrey
principal of the Barclay school for
undergrading his daughter Eulalie.
The board after referring the examl-
tion papers to Superintendent W. C.
McKee and he reported proper grad
ing had been given, found Mrs. God
frey guiltless of charges laid against
her. Mrs.' Godfrey fainted in the
schoolroom Tuesday morning, over
come with the excitement she has
been under for the last week and a
cab had to be called to take her home.
'YOMK.V :5..1i) Slioes "American LtIv," Lest footwear
itiaile, Clo.-ini Out Price 265
WOMKX'S :i.ooshoe.s now celling at $2-20
WOMK.VS $.. Shoe-, lijrlit or heavy ols. now selling at
i"i"'' f'f SI -85
VtOM K.X'S Ji-.'.ito Shoes on .-ale at, pair, f -29
.MKX'S Shoes: ourWn) -nulo, Clo-iing Out Price
MK.VS V ami gnule; your choice nt, price, pair, . . jgSg. 1 O
.! ION'S :!.. V) Cros.-ett Shoes; to close out at, pair - $2-65
MK.VS .!.()() (W.-ett Shoo?, .luring Clo-ing Out Sale .... 3. Q
i'.tlVS' ::, ami -i..V) Shoes, si.es up to now at pair .70
Price (-oncc.v-ions are eiionnoti.5.
MINX'S -s;(i.000 to $'.J5.00 Suits now heing sold at 4-95
MINX'S ifir,.(Mi to $10.50 Wor.-teil Suits; your choice, Closing
Out Price SI 025
$11.50 to $1 2.50 Suits now being soldat 7-95
All Young Men's Suits at a Sacrifice of from $'.50 to $1.50 le.s than .
former price.
WOMKX'S 75c Corset?, all sizes, ht'ing closed out ttz
WOMKX'S $1.50 Underskirts now hcing Hold at 98c
I llll.DUKX'S and MISSKS Ilia.k Killed lloe, all H.es,
regular 15c grade; Clo-ing Out Price, pair 7 l-2c
OOOl) KICriM'.ICAl. ICO during Clo-ing Out Sale, yard, .. 4 .2c
'MICN'S Best' 5Hc Work Shirts, Kale Price, 37c
MKN'S President Su-tcnder-i( rej.'tilar 50 c graile, now heiug
offered at 35
I5KST TAl'.KK OIK CLOTH, during lids sale, yard "J 4c
MK.X'S r.Xl.AUXDKllKD Sill UTS. j.urc linen hoso,,,?,
Closing Out Price 33c
Ill'CK TOWKI.S, large sic; 5c regularly, priced al Qc
. VOc grade PATH TOWKLS on sale at "J 5c
10c tpialily CPASII TOWKLS, Closing Out Price 5c
J Mi OOOOS A large Mock remaining, prices are dropped far liclow
actual cost.
l.S-jnch, all wool ALBATROSS, 5oc grade, Closing Out Price
x p'd : 37c
5.-inch SACK I X(i, K5e (pialily, Closing Out Price, yard, .. .. 53c
52-inch, all wool Kadies' Cloth, Ching Out. Price, yard 43c
t'-inch Fancy Suitings, regular 15c iialil.y, Closing Out
Price, yard 49c
r.H-hieli, ail wool Suitings, 5l)c and 05c goods, cntiro line
offered, yard 37
M K.X'S 11 ATS, regular $1.50 and $'.'.00 grades selling nt 95c
.av2.50'(pialily, Closing Out Price $J .QtJ
MK.X'S $:U)0 HATS, Closing Out Price $2-10
MK.X'S Regular 75c Storm Rulibers, (!losing Out Price, pair, . . QQc
WOMKX'S Fancy Collars; tiie correct thing for Spring wear,
regular values, choice, 5c
111) If p