OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1907. 1 j Local, Social, Personal i ' OrownellHart Wadding. Miss Nellie , Hin t, daughter of Mr. mul Mr. Illruni Hint of Kalians City addition and llnwiinl M. Hrownoll of Astoria wore quietly married In tlm presence of only tint Immediate families at tlm Flint Presbyterian diurch of Oregon City ut throe o'clock Thursday afternoon, Kov. J. H. IjiiiiU borough officiating. Mr. ami Mm. Itrownoll left on mi evening train for their liomn lit Astoria whoro Mr. llrowuoll ii lining young attorney, Tlm best wishes of their Oregon ICty friend are extended. No Mjnquerade. Tlio Willamette club met In tint of Hen of tint president. (', (i. Huntley, Saturday I'Vi'iiliiK Hint voted to give Hid I nit of IIiIm hciihiiu'n delightful Iiuu'!iik puli I'm, mi (In evening of Fri day, March I, ut Armory IihII. Par Hons' orcheatrit will furnUh tint ihiihIc. TIiIh In tin" IiihI of n hiuIoh of four dances given by Hil popular club. Tho iiiKiubi'iN In charge will make every effort to liiivn It even more enjoyable thllll Hume preceding The Vote waa iinniiliiiouH against a masquerade. Minx KurfuM of I'.Uooi) was h visit ir In Oregon ("liy Monday. IC mayor ('. D Latouroltti In In Seattle on a business trip. Orrln Hughe waa In from Leaver Creek Saturday afternoon. O. I). Kby mid two sou spent Sun In) In Hot Motallu country. It. F. IIiiiIi-hh of Molalla was In Oregon City on btmluesa, Tuesday. V II, Kahler of Mulatto win an Oregon City vlaltor, Tn.-mlay I lv Lawrence U still suffering froii) n recent attack of pneumonia M. Illlttun tbe Stone pioneer who hut been seriously III, U Improving. Otto Kraxhorgor of Muclishnrg who liiul vbtllod IiIm brother, Itov, W. R, Kraxhorgor over Hunduy, returned homo Monday evening, MIhh Allen (lulo who hit'! biieti vlnlt lug her parents hern returned to Con tralla, Waah., Monduy, whore nhn In conducting a millinery store. Ralph Marshao u loriner ruHldent of Oregon City, took n leading part In the drama, "Annum thu Breakers" preHeuted by Uumni-II vlllo grange. (labit W'olfer, who Iiiih been suffer luK with a broken arm, went to Port liuid Monday to luive tlm limb taken out of the phiHtcr cant. Austin Muxtoii, Mauler of tlm Or gmi at ate, grange, wan In Oregon City Sunday. Mr. Ituxton In on an Inspoe tlou tour of thu grange of Clackamas county. Kbler Mat hewn and another promi nent llaptlst minister of Salem, held servlcea at the home of W. W. H. Samson at 3 p. m. Kunday. There wax a K'xid attendance. It. F. Woddlu of Stafford wan In town Haturday, but will nbortly re turn to ANhland where ho Ih tern lirarlly residing since he rented out lila farm at the former plaoo. Mlihael Moebnke of Heaver Creek wan In tin' city, yesterday. l'lilllp Craves own, Thursday. of Molalla wan in Henry Koclo-r a prominent bop grower of Murka Praliio wan In Ore gon City, Thursday. W. II, Young an Knglo Creek saw n.lll in ii ii, wax In tnn Thursday to Mocure additional help for bin mill. William Corhett, now employed at Moimcy'a sawmill at Eagle Creek, went to Cauby Haturday evening to remain over Sunday, with hln fam ily. Mm. T. H. Mack and her sister, Mlaa Maggie Lawler drovo to the New Kia remetery Monday afternoon to mako oiiie Improvemcnta around tb grave of their late mothnr. farmer waa In town Saturday aftor noon. Mr. Bchcnr haa not fully re covered from the. effecta of an acci dent canned by a fractloua lioran, r celveil hoiiki tlmo age. A marrlago HcenHO waa Ihhiiik! Fdi riiiuy 27, to MImm LIIIIiui Hunnett and t:harle Krt. Mr, KrU filed the writ ten conaent from IiIh paretita, Mr. and Mra. I'eter Krtz of I'ortlund, to lh marrlago, T. I). Hanklna, accompanied by Mra. HanklnM, who bad been vlnlting rela Uvea at Spokane haa returned to hla hoiini at Sla, J,ano county, Mr. Hank Ilia now owiih and operatea a Haw mil I that Iiiih a cutting capacity of 20,000 feet dully, Tlio Columbia Hook and Ladder coinpany'a grand ball given on Waab Ington'H birthday, Friday, February 22, In Armory hall waa tho aeventennth annual ball given by thla company, and waa largely attended and thor oughly enjoyed. The mimic waa fur nlnlicd by tlio Aurora band. "The MlHHourl (Jlil" waa given at the Khlvely Monday night and waa re ceived with great applauao and cheer from the large audience prottcnt. The play la a good ono and la ono that Keepa i be llatenera In a conatant itraln for tlio thlnga that are to fol low. The Jokea were good. OREGON CITY AND OAK GROVE UNITE REPRESENTATIVES OF LOCAL BOARD OF TRADE MEET THEIR NEIGHBORS. Mra. Ilnrley Steveim of l'nrtland won gui'Ht of relative In thla city, Monday, Mm. William CoilirU und children if Canby were v tailor In Oregon City Saturday. Mra. F. A. SU-lght mm Mra, Knlffht of Canliy were Oregon City vUltora, Saturday. K. I', Ih-dman formerly deput) rnuri ty recorder waa up from Clackamna Saturday afterncKin. V. I.. Mack of Canby, an old real 1ent of that aectlon, waa In Oregon City. Monday. A local tcarhi'ia' liiHtltute will bu held nt Willamette on March 2:1. Tho program will be announcoil Inter. John lv Noble vUlled with hla trotber ICinory of thla city over Sun lay, John la now yard niUMter for the Portland Hallway Light ami Power company. Attorney Howard M. Browne!! of ntorta, who haa been holding down a clerkhlp at the Oregon leglalaturo, 1'i'iit Sunday with hla parenta bore nd left for hla home Monday. II HofTmelHter, chairman of the tIuxiI board of tllatrlct No, 'id, Da "'loii ui, waa In Ongon City Tuenday Moinltig. calling on Superintendent J. Zlnser. .MIhh Addle Clark gave a abort but very linieli aniirer atei! ta k on the ulij-ct of the Hawaiian Islanda to the Chilitlan Kmh-avor aoclety of the I'aptNt church, Sunday evening. Tony lllulr loht one of hla little lugi-ra Mouiluy while loadlrm aoine ock to be urn-d III weighting down the new flume. Ida finger cnucbt In tome way under the atone, completely unfiling It. Clmrlea A. Chaao, formerly a Clack uiiiiih county pioneer of the early 6u' died at hla home ncur Colfax, Waah.," agid hH, Saturday. At one time be operated a llourlut; mill at Clear Creek in the Viola neighborhood and owned what la known aa CliaHe'a fer ry acroMH the Clackamaa. Mr. Chaae moved to Colfax In 1873 where he haa Rate Senator K. V. Rauda of Van couver, Wah., and formerly publlaher of the KnlorprlHO and later poatmaa tor of Oregon City, haa a bill before tbe Wellington legislature that In Its provlHlona authorl.o county courta to levy a apodal tax to ralHe money for advert lnlng purponea to Induce new Immigration. Tbomaa Fankey has returned fro.u a vlalt to the Yurulnn bay country, but thlnka that tbe opportiuiltlea are better here. Mr. and Mra. (ioorge ltrougbton of I'oitlund were In the city Sunday to attend tho funeral of hla alater, Mra. F.mnin J. Fletcher. W. A. White haa the contract for remodeling tho glaa front In the atore room nt the corner of Main and Sixth atreeta, that will be occupied by Mr. TboniHon with hla bargain atore. The new glaaa front will be ao conatructed that It will make more ahow room on the Interior of the building. At the Sunday morning orhit t the Si. John Catholic church Fr. Hll b-brand asked that freewill offering In- extended a I'ollah member who haa three HinaU children and whose bus I. mul ha lately been atiicken with In sanity, Before evening many contri- butloiiH hud been received. (J. M. Tucker left Tuesday for a ihort vlalt to bis parenta at Newport, Lincoln county. It Inn been aevoral years alnce A. Tucker and hla family novetl to Yaiptlna from Farkplaco. .'hurlea Meaerve, formerly publish er of tho Knterprlse la now aecretary f the fruitgrowers' union and the .loHophlno county horticultural socie ty at Cranta Puss. Fred Andoraon, an Aurora, hopgrow er, waa In town Saturday afternoon. He stated thnt a number of new yards planted last year would come Into biarlng thla aeuaon und more wero being planted for next Reason. Oak Grove, Feb. 28. At a apodal neellng of tho Oak Orovo Improve- netit aHHoclauoii taut itieaday even ing there were preaont from Oregon r'lty, County Judge Grant U. Olmlck, Mayor Caufleld, Thoa. Ryan, aecretary if tbe Oregon City board of trade, and bounty ComrnlsHloner Ixiwelllng. Each of thi.-ae prornliient men made lengthy rernarka pertaining rnoat.ly to the beat metboda of developing our reapectlve nlaeea and the county at largo, and each advocated that In co-operation there la atrength and auggeated that the two placea mlgbt better advance their Internal by co-operating, one with the other. Judge Dlrnlck dwelt at length upon tho Improvementa of the public blghwaya now being car ried on In Clackamaa county. T, F. Ryan extended to our people, In behalf of the board of trade of Ore gon City, a hearty Invitation to attend the meeting of that body. Mayor Cau fleld and Comrnlaaloner Lewelllng both ttld that they are willing at any time to do anything In their power to aaalat ua. A feeling of good fellowship seema to have arisen from the visit of these noHt worthy offlciala. We may go Oregon City way yet. It waa announced by the president that representatives of both the Elec tric Light company and the telephone company will bo present at our next meeting and atate to ua Just what we may expect from them. The president alao announced that the name of our postofflce will be changed from Crelghton. Oregon, to Oak Grove. Oregon. The musical program was excellent md each number, without exception, ma met with a hearty encore. A num ber of new niembera were enrolled. Our next regular meeting will be held one week from Thursday night, March 7, 1907. A. 8. Klelnsmlth of Oregon City, who haa beenu vlaltlng the Steudeman fam ily for last two weeks, left last Mon day. Fred Karnrath who loat the largest barn In In tho district by fire a week the property and build It up. After ome negotiation the above named gentlemen relinquished their rights, at aomo pecuniary loss, and matters remained In statu quo until the Home ago, la building a temporary structure Telephone company of Portland at present. 'ready to proceed with Roland Edwards waa promenading: It haa been deemed advisable the atreeta here ono night thla week,!mlt thft mmvany to rmn I suppose ho had something on the string. and to make It a strictly Mra. W, Hughes, Hoffman, Davis j11"" an'' t0 cmi'r"ct and Young, have put In phonea this week. Miss Maud Daniels, E. Martin and Wm. Daniels, A. Thomas, W. Hughe, attended the debate at Bhubel Satur day night. Arthur Hornshuh left the rock pile because of lllneas. Harry Shelly has been 111 for a few days also. Luke Duffy went to town thla week to have an operation performed. Mr. Htlne la on tbe sick liat. A NEW INDUSTRY FOR OREGON CITY construction! idvlsable to peV emaln aa It 14 ly local proposl-m at Oregon City A CLARKES AND HIGHLAND. Mlaa Mary Holman haa returned fiom Seaside. The people who are constructing i he Home Telephone company at Port land, having almost completed the plant there, are turning their atten tion to othir places Including Oregon City. Sometime last full our attention waa called to tbe fact that a number of business men of Oregon City had organized a telephone company to meet the necessities of the situation by giving the farmers' lines accommo dations at Oregon City. To thla end a small plant waa conatructed and they proceeded to give service, but the demands made upon this company for extension and further develop ment necegHltated a larger expendi ture of money and a fuller develop ment of the field. A representative of the Home Telephone company of Portland, went to Oregon City last fall and met Messrs. Caufleld, Camp bell, Huntley, Bonney and Dr. Mount, the directors of the Farmers' Inde pendent Telephone company. These gentlemen stated that they were not in the telephone tmstness as a busi ness, but their company grew out of the necessities of the Case and they together with a number of Farmer lines Interested asked the Home Tele phone company to Interest Itself In an up to date, cable, conduit telephone system which will afford the cltlzena of Oregon City and the Farmers' lines unequaled telephone service and con nection with Portland and all the ad jacent country. To thla end the company has asked the city council for a new franchise, haa made Its plana and Is now engag ed In the construction of a plant. As usual, the existing telephone mo nopoly cornea to the front and by Its tactics of delay and obstruction seeks to prevent tbe advent of thla new en terprise Into the city. This Is a repe tition of a policy practiced all over the country, but a mere g)ance shows that the people are not disposed to favor thla theory of Industry and develop ment, but are, on the other hand. In favor of competition, which works the same results In tbe telephone busi ness as In other lines of Industry. The Oregon City and Farmers' In dependent Telephone company Is strictly an Independent telephone com pany and from the hearty welcome It Is receiving at Oregon City and from the expression of good will on all sides, tho success of the enterprise Is absolutely assured. The Home Telephone company of Portland has commenced to give ser vice and a hearty Invitation Is given to all citizens of Oregon City and Clackamas county to visit the ex change at the corner of Park and Burnside streets and examine a strict ly up-to-date telephone equipment. The Home Telephone company re cently Installed an all cable plant at Albany, Oregon, and likewise at Cor vallis. The undersigned sincerely hopes that the people of Oregon City will s?e to it that this new enterprise may receive the encouragement It deserves and that It may become a substantial local Industry and an Important fac tor In the commercial life of the city. THE HOME TELEPHONE CO.. By Albert Andrews. Secy. oooooooooooccooocooocoooooooooooocoocooo Property throughout Clackamas county Is changing bands rapidly as can be seen by the number of real es tute transfers In the Mar from day to day. A. Knapp of this city has Just piirchiih il 80 acres of farm and tim ber land south of Mo'alla. Mrs. Ala Law-son has also bought the property of Julius Martin In thla city. C. S. and R. S. Moore formerly res idents of Oregon City, are promoting a large power plant for Klamath Falls and It Is announced that the plant will lie In operation within a year. Moore Itroa. own two large sawmills on Link river, where they own desirable mill ami factory altos. Seven thousand Inches of w ater has been secured from the government canal at Keno. ''.eoige Sclieer a pioneer Mackaburg o . o FnrniSjto be Hated with us. WHY? BECAUSE We advert lao. cxteimlvely. Thai gives us a inurket, BECAUSE W'n have ninny Inquiries. That glvos ua customers. BECAUSE We go uftor business. Tliut helps uh to sell your farm, CECAUSE We are ublo nwnko. That Initio quick rctitrna for you. Cooper & Co. Officio with U'Ren & Schuebel, F. D. Lliulsley of Llndsley & Son's in wintn was In town Thursday hxik- 'ng after some shipments of lumber to be aent to Salt Lake city. He had ordored three cars, but on account of the shortage only one had arrived. He recently sent out three carloads of lumber and now haa orders for three carloads of mining timbers from Salt Lake. Tbe county grange convention will ho bold nt the court house on March ", for the purpose of electing delegates to tho state grange convention. War ner grange of New Era has elected the following delegntes to the count ty convention: Master, Thomas F, liynn, George Randall and Mae W'ald- ron, nlso tbe following as alternates: 'ieorge Lnzello, David McArthur and .T. S. Dick. The state convention wll ho held In Mav. , o 0 O o o o 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 O In BLACK CAT Slack Cat Brand Town Black Cat Brand The Touch that Heals. Us tho touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. It's the happiest combination if Arnica flowers and healing balsams ivor compounded. Mo matter how old tbe so reor ulcer Is, this Salve ivlll euro It. For burns, scalds, cut? wounds or piles, It's nn absolute cure (limifintiMHl by Howell & Jones, drug gists. 25 c. Lost and Found. Lost, between 0:I!0 p. m yesterday and noon touay, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick headache. This loss was occasioned by finding nt Howell &. Jones' drug store a box of Dr King's New Life Pills, tho guaranteed euro for biliousness, malaria and Jaundice. 25c. o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 C Black Cat Brand Up and down in Black Cat Town Children gaily prance: Here there every where- Merrily they dance. Jump! Run! Just for fun. Pull and haul and Climb! Boy, girl, In a whirl- What a jolly time! I 0 0 0 O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 Mm mm 1 i; W . s 6 & I ; BLACK CAT HOSIERY For Ladies' or Gents, 5c to 50c pair For Childrens or Misses, 5c to 35c pair For Boys - extra heavy ribb. 5c to 25c pair 0 0 0 8 liv I wfllstl Wmmmurt busiest stored o -as -aas&aiS 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 The Dally Star gives you tho news v fev jr1Vvlr Si Wr iig'fr lay IMP Thf Trf-f