OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1907. S OREGON CITY PIONEER OF 1844 TOO EARLY COAST OLD SETTLERS WOULDN'T HAVE IT THAT WAY. IN CO08. MORE PUBLIC PARKS NEEDED HERE Underground Elsctrlo and Power Wlrct Believed to ba a Matter of Economy. Hlil Richardson, tlin fli-ht white child Unit miw daylight In Oregon Clly ;:i yearn ago, anil . who worked In the Oregon City. Tim bridal party enter oil Hid parlor h ltd ntood before a (Imp-ory-mode- of nword ferim, mirroundod ty a bank of piilniH, to tliti Htralrm (if lohoiigrln'H Wedding March, ployed by MIhh AIIiIiih Thlbert. The brldo wan becomingly attired In a cham paign colored traveling milt ami car ried white eamatloiiM. Mrs. W. It. Robinson of Portland, Mstor In law of the brldo wan matron of honor. Tho groom was attended by Mr. Dalaholl of Hali'in. A fti-r congratulations, dain ty rcfri'HlitiiciitH were served. Mr. and MrH. Clnipinan left on un evening train for Portland, from there they go to Suli-in to spend their honeymoon. At I) o'clock ThurHtlny afternoon un In 18!i0 and came an fur an Oregon City, reaching there July 5, 1850, three yearn ahead of the Iit Whltcomb. Mr. PaUlson hlniHelf rodo on tho Iot Whlteornb and L. K. Main wan also a resident of Oregon City at thn time. Social and Personal of his Idniieci rxpcili'lici'H the Coiih Hay country. Around Port- Kiiterpiliui officii when It wan HrHt , jnfuir dinner was served ut the Rob marled, was tilling yesterday of Homo jltmoii home to tho relutlvcH from out i. ...... ...I... ...... ! If U.....I.,.., lloWIJ In j o'wii "ii'i i i mm ti i n, iiirjiurii : Green, Mrn. Sarah Thompson, Mrs. May Cook, Mra. May KobliiMon of land. Oregon City and thn Willamette auvttnuiH; Mrs. Tllson, Sub-m; Mr. vlhy generally a pioneer U net con- and Mrn. W. II. Robinson, Mr., and ulih-ii-d worthy or any unumial demon- Mrn, Alex Robinson, Mr. Yniniin of nt ration utiles IiU arrival In Oregon ' pin (land. Aiiioiik the evening giK-Htn tiiiteiluti the early M'm. A dozen j w ore Mr, and Mrn. J. M. Marks, Mm. yearn ago shortly after bin location Chtirlen Uluhm of Portland, Mr. and In a promising Coon Hay tow n, he no- ! Mrn, T. II. Kendall and daughter Minn I Iced Unit one day there wrjati mm- , mini crowd of people on the Ktreet, and win told that the annual meeting j of tin' pioneer unsocial ion Will being held. Hit ).uw a couple of young f'l- j town wi-iirliig badges and on Inquiry learned Unit they were born In Coos 1 county lit lsC. Later he approached J a group of elder men, and K-imo of. thetn boa-iti-d of having come to Ore gon nn early lis Is." I. When Richard Hon tuld thetn that, he wan horn ut Oregon City In 1st I, they aliuont turn ed a cold hhuuhlcr on him, an I he hud to go away buck and nit down. One of the urgent needs of Oregon City lit thin time In mop- public prill. n, The city In xl'-udily growing In nop ulatloit mid real estate valuen are ap preciably advanclM'j;. A park site should be M-ittn-d that will afford a view of th city and the fiilln, A park nit" In, that M-itlm f tlu city l'iln!lllti!e lllunihe, Ml:n JenHle Planck, Minn Leah l.emtnon. RAISED 5000 BUSHELS GOOD POTATOES LEGISLATURE COSTS NEARLY $4,000,000 Halem, Feb. 23. legislature ad journed and majority of house mem berH gone home. Thin legislature ban far exceeded all former Hussions In the mutter of appropriations that foot up to a total of 1:1,725,000, and would have almont reached 15,000,000 mark If pruning hook had not been applied, The general appropriation bill wan $1, 2(7 000 and the Increane of tho total goen for a perdu) und educational pur- pOHCH, TWO DEMOCRATS GET PAT SALARY Halem, Feb. 2;!. Will R. King, of Ontario, and W. P. Slater of Salem, named by Governor an wipremo court commissioner at salary of $(",000 per annum, Duties to coiikIhI In assist leg Judgen f Mate Hupremo court In thdr work. Will H. King In promi nent In Democrat 'c clrclen and ban run for cmigren an well an governor. Mr, Slater In the nclon of a former Oregon Democratic congrensman. Both are able lawyers. 0 - 8eeond Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and M-ji. S. 0. CurtlH of Prome nade Ktreet, ;ilghtfully entertained In honor of Mr, hm Mrn. George Wood- ward'n necond wedding annlvernaryl Monday night. The evening panned quickly with Interentlng games, niualc and other amunementn, after which a luncheon wan nerved. The guentn of honor were ahowered with wxta wlon en and recidved many glftn. Among thono In attendance were, Mennrn. and Mendamen flharlen II. tlat.en, Tl. B. Wiwdward, F, P. Cronn, S. O. Curtln, Mrn. Clara Jack; Mlnnen Myrtle Cronn, Maude Woodward, Amle Woodward; Mennrn. O. It. II. Mlllr, 8. H. Shadle, Kverett Cronn, Itradley Woodward, L. Cronn. Sola Circle Social. Sola Circle Women of Woodcraft In a special meeting Monday afternoon elected several candld.Jt-H, balloted on othern and received three applica tlonn for membership. Fifteen appli cant will be Initiated Friday evening, March 1. After the buninenn nenslon, the regular monthly social will be en Joyed. The menu Friday evening will be prepared by the ladles whose Ini tial letter Is 1 4. or M. and everything appearing on the table will begin with one of thoHO letters. Dancing and cards furnish amusement after supper. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY THOS F. RYAN, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Keal Enute, Ioaurance and Loans. .)fllee L'pstalrn, first building south of Courthouse. O. D. EBY, ATTORNEY-AT LAW Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and Eighth Sts. w ,C. SCIIUEBEL GEORGE H. DROWN FIRST LOCAL GROWER TO GRADE PhODUCT. HIS a mii:ht be !. eiii i-'l at price no-, but a few yenrn later, It., limy tin lienui Un- reiich of t!ie city. Aibbi from t'.;e e.i.iifoit of mote purbn j to local people, they would iiff.ild co;- i Velilelit H-iililig pl.iei-i for liMII il'- l I ; of n.uvr. l.leii( i tliat here daily ilurltig I ho Huni:i!i - iinmil.". nnd wonbl , add t thn att: iii'tlveu 'in of the city, i It I t .'iiei'ted t,y I';, use 111 position ; to l.liosv tb.it t'e- plaeltlg of elertlic, ttdepliiitic and tel-;rapli wires In un- ; di'igi'oiiud coinluitK, Is ii -ally a matter' of economy to tie- companion Wiling 1 the wire. It co.t much less for re-, palm, and It materially cn'n down the number of pules to In' replaced. If I the underground ordinance In panned , at the iiet regular meeting of the j council. In due course of i lino there will lie no poles left standing except I those that support the trolley wires and those will have to be painted. i".eori' II, I'.rown tb' potato king of Chiekuiiia.t county and the lint grower In thin notion that tried tie- plan of grading hln inncrs lor tno San FiancUeo market wan In Or goti City Friday, from New F.ni. lb' grew j fesm Nlickn of potatoi-s olT i acren of j land during, the past reason, and sn fur has nold only a part of bin crop, j IIU returns will probably reaeh the i'tiiim marl; from the l"i acres of po tatoes. WILL DEFY LAW BEES IT i IS SAID WANTS TO BE DESPERADO JESSE JAMES VARIETY. OF Coy is Only 14 Years Old Eut is Said to Ce Hiding on West Side From His Parents. I A 1 yearn ago Mr. Cwynr.e Green, with hl.n mind full of all sortn of tho ko called bravo deeds of J.- e James, anil Diamond Dick heroes, loaded down with his father's revolver and several boxes of amunl tle,n, roaming around in ne hills of the UYt Side i trlct from the Sun- nensl ,n iirig! n U'.e kciiooi nouse ani trovers in u suiaii way. i.cuk-ib ;K,.n.r8lJv creating a reign of terror San Franclseii have customers for j , , Ihl, s, ,,,, . ()f w.,lsaton on rocord smail potatoes us well an large ones. 1 . . , , Young Green In a lad of H years and ban been missing from bin home for several days. His latest escapad es are due to tho fact that he doesn't Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were In demand on the 25th, and three were granted. One to lima Single and H. L. Angelo; one to Ilarbara Barrett and O. M. Simlngton, and another to Nettie A. Harbour and W, R. Kemp, the latter being accompanied by a note from his mother, Mrs. S. A. Kempt of Wood burn, granting her consent to the union. The Rev. P. K. Hammond unit ed O. M. Simlngton and Ilarbara Bar rett in marriage the same afternoon. S. O'RKN U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNRYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCIIER ADVOKAT Will r ractice in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates. Furninh abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE Etiilding, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E. HEDCES HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS F. T. CRIFFITH Rooms 10-13 "Weinhard Building, opposite Court Hous Keul Kntate, Loarm, Insurance H. E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Main Street, OREGON CITY Urnwn tried the plan of grading bin potatoes fur tl.e Sail Francisco market, which re sulted In bis brand receiving ft few ei tit t more per hundred than the nv-' i-'io-e Kirks of the product relit Into; that market. Ills plan has since been1 followed to n limited extent by other! I and It hi deidn d that the sacks be filled with spuds of a uniform size It ina' ti i s not what the nlze may be. MAY PORM STATE LOCAL MILITIA CO. Again in-!,f kii- they will be with us - t'ie entre push-the I'hicl.iimun county members of the legislature, the coiniultti e clerks and the lobby- want to go to schcml nnd when his father told him he must attend regu larly he took a skip nnd began his tac- tics. He ban since been roaming A petition In being circulated around j around through tho hills of tho 'Went urn. ,m ili.i Iiiiultoiuu nioM of Ororotl !.!, niiil oil ell times biw lielil un some Cltv ankiiii' for their sunnort in or-! neonle for tobacco and matches. Atl ganllng a company of Infantry for the 'other tlme3 ho would show up at the Nelson-Ahlberg Wedding. County Judge Grant H. Dlrnick unit ed in niarriaco Hannah S. Nelson and Olof Ahibcrg, Saturday morning at S::;o In the county court room, as soon an the marriage license had been is sued. The bride Is a resident of thin county and owns a large farm In the Sandy district. The groom is a busi ness man of Siattle. County Deputy clerk Mrs. Sleight and Judge Thomas F. Ryan were witnesses to the cere mony, g A large number or people attended the entertainment atMt. Pleasant Fri day evening in celebration of Wash ington's birthday. The program wan rendered in a very phasing manner and the farce "Who's who or All In a Fog." In one act was well received. Miss Carrie Seeley of Oregon City, recited very effectively and little Jnaniia Dixon raptured the attention and praises of the audience with sever al pleasing recitations. A social time and supper were held after the pro gram. ' A SAVING SCHEME Try to deceive yourseU into the belief that you are owing this bank a large sum of money and that you are required to make weekly or monthly payments. When these payments have been made for some time and you have accumulated a good bank account you will pardon yourself for the self-deception. o to j, j The Bank of Oregon City Oregon National guard, with bend quarters In this city. Several names IhIs. If we have been lonesome dur-have already been secured on the po lug their absence, we were consoled by the fact that they were striving to do something for their county. It is a notienbln fact that there are fewer committee clerks und state bouse at taches from Chickainim county than formerly. When George C. llrmvnell was a senate leader and made and un made Cnlted tSaten senators, a small army of Clackamas county people had Jobs during the sensions of the legln lature, mid some of thetn remained around the stale bouse after the nen nlotm were over. Clackamas county people could be found in every part of the capltol building from the basement to the rotunda, CLYVILLC BREVITIES The Hlblo clasn or the Mountain View church met with Mrn. It. M. C. Drown Thursday afternoon, their reg ular meeting day. Spring work in trimming and spray ing trees, garden making mut house cleaning luin begun. Every ono la busy. Now RbVew'Mks are helng laid In thin iielghAiorhood which add much to the comfort and attractiveness of tho jdfu'e, Molalla nvonuo la partly done Und lumber on tho ground nnd a start made on Pleasant avenue. til Ion nnd it Is thought that the move ment will receive a strong backing. A second petition will be passed around among tho young men of the city who wish to become members of the company. As the bill for the ap propriation of $ 1 00,(100 for the beuelit of the Oregon National Guard has passed the house and the senate, those Interested in the movement think It bent to get to work on the movement. SIXTEEN SUCCEEDED AT TEACHERS' EXAM County School Superintendent .in sit reports the following as the suc cessful candidates for county papers h the recent teachers' examination: First Grndo John F. Dressier, Lib play grounds of the school and enjoy himself with hln former schoolmates and tell them of his daring deeds out In the open wilds. Where he stays at night has nit been learned but some of the missing lunches of men who are einployodjiit tho mills testify to the fact that the lad Is finding something to keep body and soul together. Ills father, Clay Green, felt anxious about him Friday and persuaded some (if the boys' chums to look for tho young "make believe" desperado. The boys found their man but were not al lowed to advance any nearer the hid ing place or fortress, and when they insisted on talking to him and asking him to return. Green fired two shots at the band. No casualties resulted however hut In the afternoon the county officials were notified and a search was nindo for the lad Satur day morning. Ills whereabouts are not know a although It is reported that Mrs. Martha Shepherd, the ost m 1st ress at Harlow, was given a sur prise Friday night by a large company friends. The party was held in range hall and was partieipated in by nearly everybody In the Rarlow neigh borhood. Mrs. Shepherd is very pop ular and it is said that she has a life lease on the office of postmistress at Harlow. The young people's social rlub of the Haptlst churrh. a recently organiz ed club, celebrated Washington's birth day Friday evening at the church par lors, inviting a few friends to Join in their pleasure. Oranges and randy were served and a short impromptu program enjoyed. Willamette RcbekaUs had a grand attendance at the dinner given for the members of that order Friday evening. There are perhaps 200 members and about 150 were present to partake of what Is pronounced by one who was thero as a "perfectly splendid" chick en dinner, IS Id MSB HI) llnn V. Guns, Mabel Kennedy, Mildred a young fellow about Green' nfSe was Chapman-Robinson Wedding A pretty homo wedding occurred Thursday evening, February 21, at 7 o'clock at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Robinson, 709 Sixth Ktreet. when their (laughter Miss Grace V. Robinson became tho wll'o of Ern est C. Chapman, Tho ceremony was Ruogg F.isort, Kunlee Garfield, T. J. Sklrvltb Soooml Grade (1 Pearl Voder. IHrd le h. Hlair, Alice Hill. IT. K. Kenngy, I.ouh l.enunon, Ednu King Kade, Her bert Parsons, Pearl Curtilage, nnd Ellen Hrobst. Third Graile-HHtlle", A. Fisher. HRST STEAMER TO REACH PALLS HERE The name of the first steamboat that, came up tho Willamette river Is again being discussed. The Oregon- inn says that tho first steamer to come up the Willamette and Columbia was acquaintances that ho was armed for seen Saturday noon smoking a pipe across the river and generally taking things in a cool manner. Young Green intends to carry out his program and It Is learned that he does not intend to be captured and be made to return to his home. He is saving nmunltion for tho officers whom ho thinks will look for htm and the last shell in his gun will he kept for himself In caso ho thinks capture stares him in the face. Tho complaint for the arrest of young Green was sworn out by Mr. Burden of the West Side, whose son was shot at by the Greon boy. Young Green is said to have told one of his The entertainment at Twilight hall. Friday evening, was a success in every way. The program was well rendered and the address by Judge Dlmlek was highly appreciated by tho audience. The quilt was rallied off and Mrs. Edith Reese of Newbcrg proved to have held the' lucky number. the officers, himself. the Lot Whltcomb, Tho Albany Dem ocrat takes up tho matter in tho fol lowing wily, and says: Mr. C. Pattlson of Oakvlllo says tho nei formed by Rev. II. II. Robins, pas- Columbia built at Astoria was tho first tor of the First Baptist church of boat to make tho up trip. It was built I Friday. and had one bullet for Mrs. R. L. Rlngo of Clarkes visited her sister-ln-lnw, Mrs. 0. W. Grace, Mrs, Peter Wink returned Saturday to her home in New Era after six weoljs spent with Mrs. G W. Grace here. Mrs. Wink has entirely recov ered from an operation undergone sev eral weeks ago. There are several persons search ing every corner of this county for largo draft horses. Some sales report ed lately have brought from $100 to $800 per team. Pine Salve Carbollzed, acts like a poultice; highly antlsceptlc, exten--dvely used lor Eczema, for chapped ;iands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Huntley Bros." Drug Store. If not don't delay, but get it wired at once. The wires put you in touch with a world of com fort that the dweller in a wireless house can never appreciate. Good light alone is sufficient reason for having it wired, but there are many other reasons. When you hai e electric connection you will find a dozen uses for the current, all contributing so much to the pleasure of living that you'll wonder how you ever did without them. At odd times you'll pick up little electric de vices, rendering one service or another economical ly and quickly, and presently you'll be living in an electric home, amid greater comforts and conven iences than you ever dreamed ofs Get Yout House Wited at Once PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. C.G. MILLER, Contract Manager FOR OREGON CITY m 44