OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1907. MOUNT HOOD POWER RAILWAY COMPANY APPROPRIATES AND FILES ON SEVERAL WATER RIGHTS. LOCATED ON SANDY - TRIBUTARIES Locations are Made in Name of C. W. Miller Reservoirs and Canals to be Built. The county recorder's office is be ing flooded with a lot of notices of water appropriations and other in struments to be recorded. All the force in that office have been compel - led to put In all the extra time they could spare after the reeular office hours in order to keep up with the work. Friday, although a legal holiday. both county recorder C. E. Ramsbv and deputy recorder, L. Williams, were busy entering upon the books notices of water appropriations which had been received the day before. Fri - day morning's mail brought another batch of notices Most of these notices were filed through C. W. Miller, who is an agent of the Mt. Hood Power and Rail way company and who is cornering the water rights along the right of way of that company's proposed line. C. W. Miller, who Is tho . vi , property in Clackamas county, has I filed a notice of appropriation In the! recorder's office for the purpose of vivvwiv Huni-r aim energv of light and wishes to appropriate 400 miners' inches of the waters of n..r creek. The said appropriation being In volume a continuous flow of GOO cubic feet of water per minute from a point in the southwest quarter of section 32, one south, five east The name of the canal or flume in which it is proposed to take and con duct the waters is to be known rs the "Construction Canal" and is to be five feet wide and four feet deep. Three reservoirs are to be construct ed : nnd the waters will finally be dis c:ged in the Bull Run river. Mr. Miller has also filed a notice of appropriation for C0.000 miners' inch es of the waters of the Bull Run river, being a continuous flow of 9).0OO cubic feet of water per minute at a point in section G, two south, five east. The appropriation is for the purpose of ui eiecincai power and en ergy of light. A canal, "Xo. 3." SO feet wide and 12 feet deep is to be constructed. A third notice has also been filed by the same person who wishes to ap-: propriate CO.OOQ miners' inches of the , waters of the Sandy river. The said j ap'irr.priation being in vo'uxe a con- j tin-Jons ?.o-.v of 9fl,f.)0 cubic feet of voter per minute. A canal. No. 4. ?,0 I feat wide and 12 feet deep is to be j for the purpose of carrying the j waters to the three reservoirs. I IMPROVEMENT CLUB MEETS TUESDAY MANY NEW DWELLINGS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS TO BE SUPPLIED. Oak Grove, Feb. 22 There will be a special mecing or the Oa Grove Improvement association at the school hou.-e next Tuesday evening, Febru-1 ftry 2G. County Judge Dimick, one : , ! ! 'rTrTn niUs ma"e uiiB'i noi in-re uie reiurneus 01 two Liear creeit be present and address the associa-1 patrons (one month each). One re tion. We extend a special invitation ' reived for December from six cows to all other officials and all citizens 50. Another who furnished cream of Oregon City and vicinity to visit : from fifteen cows $155 for December, us at this meeting. We want the peo-1 There is money in dairying but it pie of Oregon City to become better ' takes time, study and work to get it. acquainted with those of their most j northern suburb. A good program is ! Sidewalks will be built of a uni nsured. if0nn wi(Jth ln Oregon City, although A majority of our citizens have Big-; the established dimensions vary in dif nifled their intentions of supplying j feivnt locations jf the city. 1 IP O lea b ' ty' pAFs m(i I i.c .,; YX TeaI CEYLON J.A. Folger & Co., San Francisco themselves with electric lights and a large number or dwellings are now un der the process of wiring;. The com pany has promised to give us connec tions in the very near future. Work will soon begin on the im provement of a number of our streets. Central avenue will bo improved Its entire length, a portion of Second ave nue and the whole of Oak Avenue will also be graded. There are good prospects of Kailroad avenue being improved from Ceutral to Courtney avenue. Mr. Prabb on Courtney avenue has sold his property. The property con- j sists of 1 1-4 acres, a neat cottage and several neat outbuildings; considera tion J250O. Mr. Lewis has nearly completed his handsome new residence on his prop erty here. Mr. Rinehnrt u Itl erum i,n.... i.t.. I ; new automobile out again . - - -- . . oniU tlWIV ma We w ill soon be able to buy and cash money orders at our postoffiee. ! notice havlne been reeeive.i re..nJ from the department at Washiucton to that effect. Mr. Kreger. manager of the Port land kennel clubs kennels which are located here rennrf. that hia , bentnt .T Z becoming active there, preparations being made for exhibition at the com ing dog shows which are to be held i twu j v. uro Vi U tin? vUflNU . - - . .. . . . SMALL A I I ENDANCE FARMERS' INSTITUTE Logan, Feb. 21. Spring fever has hit this place sure, byt the way trig, , . , are singing, hens cackling and people making garden. The masquerade ball at Logan was a successful affair and everything passed off pleasantly. Miss Holcomb and George Miller took first prize for best costume, and Carl Fallert and Mrs. Linn for best waltzing. J. C. Sprague and daughter Miss Helen of Corvallis, were Logan visit ors the past week. The recent farmers' institute billed for Logan on the 12th Inst, was not so largely attended as would have been had it been more eenerallv j known. As It was, only a few knew j of it and consequently no prepara tions were made to entertain the peo ple. It being a very busy time, farm- jers could III afford to spare a day off. If these affairs are to be a success thorough preparation must be made ! In time, and the time of holding such meetings be mutually agreed upon. Three fourths of the members of this grange knew nothing about it until too late. Eyers' family of Stone, are having a siege of la grippe. j State Master Austin T. Buxton of j the Oregon State Grange, will begin ! his work of grange inspection Febru j ary 25, In Clackamas county, begin ning with Harding grange at Logan jou Monday, February 25. All members I be on band promptly at 10 o'clock. 1 Word was received here by the C,er I ber brothers of the slrious illness of i their father, Jacob Gerber Sr., of Sell 1 wood. j Emory Cromer and bride favored ; Lowtn with their presence this week. Farmers are too busy to eat these iav In a recent issue of this paper we noted the Item where one man said atisfaction SEVEN FLAVOR3 Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate linfflish Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong1 Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green 'Pacini m Flavor-Tight Cartoni Et FUNERAL OF PIONEER LARGELY ATTENDED LATE JACOB MILEY BURIED AT AURORA WITH IMPRESSIVE SERVICES. The funeral services of the lute Jacob Mlley helii inosuay were large ly attended, and the ceremonies were impressive. A service was held at the Mlley home near Wllsonvllle at 11 a. ni., followed by another service at the Aurora cemetery at 2 p. m. Uev. II. l.elshman. of Frog Fond, preached the sermon at the house iu the forenoon and conducted a short service at the Aurora cemetery. The choir under the direction of Mr. Cole, sung several appropriate numbers at the grave, and the Aurora Hand played a couple of appropriate dirges. The crowd at the cemetery was swelled by many old colony people, who came a long distance to be pres ent at the List sad rites held over their . deceased social comrade. Although a German, Mr. Mlley was born iu Ohio, near Columbus, on Sep tember 23, 1S;:S. In 1S17 he emigrated to liethel. Mo., and became a member of the German colony there of which 'be given the discount. The sheriff Is the Aurora colony was a branch. Uter j doing away with the heretofore Ion he moved to Nineveh, Mo., and be- henry of the office in granting '.he came Identified with tho colony there, rebate after n certain specified time, and married Miss Elizabeth Mlllor on The rolls were made out nml handed I " -" '-auewi junur on The rolls Were IlliMo out and handed ' M" the 4- n In me this year and the seven children, five of whom are now living. He emigrated to Oregon iu 1865, and proceeded to hew a farm out of the heavy timber that at that time covered the country around Wilson ville. After coming here he associat ed himself with the German colony at Aurora and continued one until the colony disbanded early in the SO's. Mm. Miley died iu 1S7C, and 7 years j lat,r' Mr- MIK'-V was niarrled to Mrs. n' "ho ,mrvl him. The five children left. John. Isaac and WiMlam jon the home place t Wllsi,llle; ; Ir3 nun,ia Camnbel! nf P,.rtiHn,i nn,i Mrs. Kate Turner, of Wllsonvllle. Mr. Miley was invariably a dele- gate to the Republican county conven tions, and was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends. It is understood that the deceased Mr. Mlley, devised his large property! by deed to his various heirs. WILL LEAVE fOH WALLA WALLA SOON Mt. Pleasant, Feb. 21. Everybody Is enjoying and making use of the nice weather. Mrs. E. KelloKK starts Weom-sdav for the home of her father who Is ..u.i o. v waua nana, v-asn. j Miss Alta Millard attended Sunday "",,v- ou"""- Mrs. Rehywalt was caUlng on Mrs. M. Smith Friday. Mrs. II. Hughes who has been visit- leg at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowland, for some time, has returned to her home in Washing- Mr. U-xloy made a business trip to Portland one day last week. n,.chmr ana air. l euror.l ( wore transacting business at Clark ; Monday and Tuesday. . Don't forget to attend the entertain ment which is to be given Friday night, February 22, at Mt. Pleasant for the benefit of the school. A good time Is Insured and refreshments will l.e served after the play. Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Maule, a girl. Horn t Mr. and Mrs. Rowana, a boy. Mrs. May was calling on Mrs. Thompson. Tuesday. GOOD WEATHER FOR PLOUGHING Union Mills, Feb. 21. Several of,' the farmers around here have been j , making good use of this fine weather ' by plowing. j Mrs. D. Trullinger, Mrs. W. Morey, '( Mrs. H. Derrick and Mrs. Rosa Mul vanoy spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. Kerns. Charley Boyington spent a few days In Silvurton the first of the week. Some of the folks around here have been malting early garden. Albert White of Cams spent Sun day with his sister, Mrs. John Mul vaney. Mrs. Hu.sbanw went to Mack a burg Saturday on account of the illness of her mother. Mrs. Howard of CaniH Is working for Airs. Wm. Kerns. Most all the folks from our little village are going to take In the Mo lalla dance. ' Several from here attended the fun eral at Molalla of Mrs. Cllve who died at Macksburg Sunday morning. Mr3. Larkins and Mrs. Oren called on Mrs. Kerns Monday afternoon. Miss Howard went to Liberal, Mon- day. , H. Perrlck spent a few days at 811 vei ton the first of tho week. I'M. Hroadwell of Hundee Is upend ing a few days with his sister, Mis. Win. KeniH. I REBATE AF TER LEGAL LIT TAXPAYERS WHO DELAY AFTER MARCH 15, LEFT ON DIS COUNT. Rolls Were Given to Sheriff on Time, and Rules Will be En forced. Sheriff Hondo has given out the In formation that he will enforce tho law In the matter of tax rebate and that after the lr.th of March no one will full time for the rebate will be given, but after the 15th. no "chicken feed" will be given to the taxpayers. The taxes of this county amount to about S.'tj.OOO more this year than they did. last. The rebate will come un to something like $5000 nnd the sheriff believes that the matter of rebate 'ought to be done away with. During I the period to the 15th of March the office force has to be doubled and this ! Is quite an expense to the county. The taxes this J23S,O00. year will amount to MAY BE FIGHT FOR WORLD'S MARKETS Chicago, Peiv 21 "The time Is corn- 1 Mng when our manufacture res will out 'grow the country and men may bo I turned out of our factories," said Sec retary of the Treasury Shaw In un ad- dres4 last night before the students or the I'nlversity of Chicago. "One of these fine days we are going to have !an excess of manufactures," he said. I "Then the wor'd will not come after our manufactures. We pay out In wages as much as all the rest of the I world together. Think of the hundred ... . nver ,.v.,rv ..,. fll ,,, ,lllr, , ipi 1 1 11 111 h 11 ih in imniirrunin irtnr lomn ,lls rtat , f wh(T0 di thpy To lh farmB? N() Thy ;g to the factories. The factories are multiplying more rapidly than our :.,,,, an,, W, an, ,() h(m ft Hir phls K,lortly. The., will come the Kr,,at ,lanKr , Ult, ,.,mMlry K()r ,w . w, , wUl ; lnst contur). waH ,!lc. w,,rst , . h,8. I tory of the world for wars. I I00U for thU Ct.nt,iry t ,.. f(ll.tll t,,(, Kr,.nt. !,.,. .,,, u., , , .... ... It wl ,)(. Wi. f(). , Krant thPn. n;ny ,. ,,,,,,., God WASHINGTON USES OREGON IIAZELWOOD 'IT IS AN EXCELLENT PRODUCT FOR CLARIr YING BEER. .1. MoIihU, who has made a specialty f shipping ha-x-lwood chips to Mon tana and points west of the rocky mountains,' Is no.v confining his sup 1 ply to the demands of tli Olymiila Brewing company at Olympiu, Wash. He recently sent a few bales to Olym-1 Girlhood and Scoffs Emulsion are linked together. m The girl who takes Scoffs Emul sion has plenty of rich, red blood ; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is weak, Scoffs Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment easily digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. ALL DRUCGISTSl pla. Iliuolwood chips are used to clarify beer In certain breweries, and Mr. Molmll formerly did a good busi ness by working up tho heavy wooded parts of Im.el brush Into lino chips, At one time the demand was so grout that Mr. Meludl was compelled to go Hcvcrat iiiIIcn hack and bring in hiuolwood to bis Abornediy mill to be ground Into chips, However, there Im sufficient hazel wood left 111 Oregon to keep Washing ton beer elarltlod for niuny years to come. ASKS COURT ORDER BE MODIFIED JOSEPH CHAMNESS AVERS THAT HE CANNOT PAY., MONEY DEMANDED. In " divorce suit t.i Alnilua !. Chainii" versus Joseph ('lminnens, the ileiendunt through hU attorneys, lilnghiun and I H mirk & lUmlck, comes before the circuit court for modifying of the order of tho court for the pay ment of $500 ns suit money nml at fnrnev'a fi',4 iniil Mm fitt-fli..,- mini .f , nr, t(f ,, that be Is unable to pay any such amount of money. The defendant In his motion has answered the charges made by his wife In her complaint as untrue and (hut he bus not been guilty of cruel unl Inhuman treatment toward the u'.'ilutlfT. He also refutes and says tnat the other charge agaliiht tt 1 in are unfair. HU wife was examined for the Insane asylum be came all person saw she acted un reasonable and very green. He ha admitted that he Mas the owner of ''rtaln property In and around Silver bin, but on account of certain pay- menta to sntlsfy mortgage and pay ment of attorneys f,.en jn t,H HUti ,11" Is unable to comply w ith the or- ; dcr of the co'irt. ! Joseph C!ia:ii:ess request that the court modify the natd order with ref erence to the payment of alimony nnd suit money. He also denies that Mrs. Chnuiness It In Indigent circumstance and avers that she Is the owner of two hoimes In Canemnh. When the legislature adjourns a whole lot of periotis will m watching their own business affair more close ly, than they have that of the people. For Rheumatic Sufferers. The quick relief from pain afforded by npp!lnK Chamberlain's Pain llulm make It a favorite with snffere'r jfrom rheumatism, sciatica, laiuu back, 1 lumbago, and deep seated and muscu lar pains. For sale ty Howoll & Jones. 1 Chamberlain's CoLgh Remedy a Fav- I orite. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough . Remedy to any other for our child j ren." any Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twining. Mich. "It has also done I the wor k for us In hard colds and i croup, and we take pleasure In rec ioinmendliig It." For side by Howoll I & Jones. Eatray Oitk Grove, Jan. Notice. H Taken estray, one s.nall Inijnless. soil. I red cow. No mark. S. I.. Cnsto, J. o. addres. ICrelghtoii, Oregon. j l-t3 Beauty More Than Skin Deep. livery one who wnnts a good healthy color, and a cl"ar skin fre from bil iousness, Hhigglsh liver and chronic coiiMtlputlon sliould get a Hckngo of Dainty Lnxakola tonic tnliletn nifmu'i 1 I eet restorer. Huntley Hros. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1907. (JVY STI 11 A TTOt.ICyAT-LAV. Jiistletj of tho Peuce. Office In Jagger Building, Oregon City c . i BOo. AND $1.00. in e 3Lt-OI 2,1 HK) miles ofloiiKtllfl lanci telephono wiro lu Oregon, Washington, Oali foruiii ami Malio now In operation hy the l'aoi(lo Station Telephone Uoiu put.y, covering '2,2.r0 low n H (illicit, n curate, cheap All the fiatinfiu'tioii of ft personal comimi nicution. liriUiK'ff no Hl'oct to n I'lenr uinlerHlanding. Ho kane ntul San FrtuieiHoo ns eiifily heard n l'urt land. Oregon ('it v ollire nt Manilla's Druir Sloro When you require an Abstract of Till to lands In Clackamas County, have It accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Inrorpor ale, for dm purpose. Our rales r reasonable. W Invito yon to amino our complete set u' Abstract Hooks. CLACKAMAS TIT1.IS COMPANY. MiO- 00H Chamber of Couimrc Hldg., PORTLAND. OUICCON. Mtuiey to loan u Clackamaa Count Property. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTOKNICY-AT-LAW. Oregon City, . . . . Oregon. Will practice In all courts uf the stat Office In Cauflohl llulldlng. IS , en . r ft 1 1 t -1 1 - iur ilua. 1 1 VJ ,-1. 'o-, r"f.- . . lr' i i'.' Ttuff J U II I - r 1 . - ...I y.4t o. r . rtanv a co., ;vr"Vrfc. I'"" !ah. vfj' W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V. Cradiittc of the Onlnriu Vctoi nsry College of Toronto, Cauaila, and the McKiliip Scbovl of Surgrry of Chimno, I ntttrd Oregon City Mini mUhliihrd so office at The Pmhiou Stables, ."eventh Strret tu-r.r Main, 1Mb iele,ihours. l'arnicra' ijj Main tjll Nasal CATARRH In sll Its stafci-t, Ely's Cream Balm eli-Aii, KMittm and liralt tho dl-iu-d m if il.raoo. It curia caUrrh ami iliim-a sway s cold In Uis bead oulcklr. t'rntm Balut ) ilamd Into tin nimtrlla,pnada Ornf Iha Riomhrana ami la slinoflMi). ltallsf ti li SMihatu and a Cure fullcnn. Ittamit drjrlnif dnis Del prwliica ann-diig. Irjjo Hlw, IM cm la at IlruK I lit, ur by mail ; Trial Slio, M ccntt. Kl.T 1IKOTII tiUH, M Wr tin Hliwl. New York Private Money to Loan I havn private parties with the fol lowing amounts to loan on real estate; Parties Amount. Time $3000.0(1 $1.1(10.00 S to 10 year 3 to fj year I to 3 yearn l year 1 to 3 years 2 to 4 year .ir.oo.oo f inoo.no $ nno.no $ 300.00 $ 100.00 to . S 15 2.1 $ 200.00 1 to 5 )f-jra Intercut ut G per cent and your own tlmo for repayment. Also a little Chattel money at 8 per cent. Will buy notes nnd mortgages. Also own Oregon City property to trade for country land. Will look up titles to land free it trado Is made. Own 3 lots, house, barn and chloken park at Willamette., for aalo cheap on Installments. No real estate, agent to Interfere. If Interested call, write or phono JOHN W. LODER, Attornoyat-Lnw., Stevens Building. Oregon City, , Oregon. MAKE EVERY DAT UJUNT- no, matter how , bad the weather you cannot afford to be without a WATERPROOF OILED SUIT V0R SLICKER a 1 Mhr!K IS' IIP I -L1 i whn you buy looK for the SIGN OF THE FISH tomitj "Mm , i retttrm rr, Bn.mu .... 0