Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 22, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Joile B. Hlddleton Wnt Divorce
From Homer B. Hlddleton
on Plea of Groit cruelty-
JoHlO I). ll(l(1lHt()ll II plaintiff llHN
liml filed through her attorney ft com
plaint for dlvorci rotu her husband
Homer H. lllddlcntoi,. Tim two were
married In Oregon City on August 20,
1!to, niul tint rcfiult of the union I
olio daughter of Onj uk" f "iin ''"
nml 8 nxiihM, named llrlltliinn J,
Th- iilnlntlff In Iht romiilnlnt re
cite Hint tin husband hn been In
a hnblt of drinking miirh and at times
when lin became mtoxtfatd ho prov
ed to tin dangerous nml rrui'l, culling
ln r nil MnrU of inimi'M ami on several
occasion choked her,
MrH, HIililli'Hoii hImo states thut on
September 20, I J06, hT husband
threw u lung butcher knife nt her nnil
li was only tint) to tho fiut that she
dodged Unit khi escaped being struck.
In (tin complaint tin' plaintiff stnte
that tin ilffondiitit ii unlit to euro for
tht chllil atnl begi tin court to grant
her tho earo nml custody of the child.
Tim husband In a healthy limn nml
when willing to work our tin from $2.50
lo $3.25 per day ami that sho says ho
I. ... 1..... HI ................. .
mm' in due m i in M imii in i,ny. iiBir or so or wc v, tie
uliiuniiy per uioiitii ror tin support or
herself and chllil.
aw of nw of sou, 25, 3h-4o, 40 acres;
also lu hoc. 23, 24, 25, 2(1, 3s-4o, 1.41
acres; $2000,
""Mary I1-. Murphy to Honora h. E.
Tho lloltou l nml company to Elsie
Kiln Pol.;.!?, all of lots 1, 2, blk. 9,
liolton; $175,
biulM 11, Eby to Frank Tloi tr all of
lot. 48, Clackamas Heights; 050,
Ilosca Itallou and Eunlco P. Ballon
to Thomas 11oh, part Chan, Maud
Rebecca Ht. JoIiiih 1LC, 250 acroa;
John ('. Jalm t nx to 15. A. Hell,
all tract No. 23 of Oak Grovn; $1000.
George C and John 8, MeGlnnl to
John T, Kllloran, nw sec 9, 8-4o;
Peter Caffney and Mury Onffiiey to
John F. Kllloran, i sec 9, Mw;
Albert and Emma Crosxnn to Henry
Thompson, 113.2 acres beginning cor
ner sec 21, G-2o also aw of see. 22,
0-2e; 15500.
J, T, and Mary A. Apportion to C.
li. Orny, 40 acres, beginning at nw cor
ner Julia Ann IjwIh DLC, 2a 1; $1000.
Richard Scott and wlfo to Mllwau
Mo grange, Cooo square feet. Mllwau
kit; $300.
Charles V. Noblltt to Margaret J.
Morolniid all of nw of ho of sec 33,
4i le; 40 aero; $5.00.
Oregon Watr l'ower Townslto com-
puny to J. W. It 1, E. 8. Winner, E.
F. Surface, W. M. Dale and Mm. Rosa
Reagan trustee of tho Estacada Meth
mllMt Eplarnpiil rhurch, all of lota 10,
11 nml 12. hlk. 9, oi-IkIiiuI IowiihUo of
ICntin iidu ; $1.
Andrew and I'lli-n (iritham to Jamex
H, lleemm 40 acren bcKlnnliiK at point
hetwecu Mectlon 2(i and 35 and w of
foriii'm or aeciioun zii. '. mm u
Oregon Bwodlnh Colonization com
puny to Hilda C. I'etoraon, nw of caw
of aec 35, 4m-3ii, 40 acrea; $000.,
Idl win MIll'Ti to IIiikIi Doylo, aoulh
half of a of aec 24, 3h-4cj, 80 unroa;
(leo. A. Cabin and wlfo and J, M.
Cameron arid wlfo to .1. M, Ujmico and
A. J. Good, no of DLC of Oeorgo Crow
No. f,2 1)1X3, 2h-1o, 15 acrea; $10.
V. H. ;and office to Robert J. Haw
Una, no of aw, n half of mo and ae of
no of aec 4, 4n-5e, 100 acroa.,
' l lll.rl.lli UI...I.,... t l II" TI....I.. ..II
of w half of aw of aec 25, 3m-4m; $125.
Charlea L. Itoadarmel to King Stur
Keon and wlfo, lota 1 and 2 In block
17, Tnlbert'a add Ut MarahfUdd; $350.
E. II. Yoder and Ethel Yoder to
Levi ChrlMtner, 10 1-2 acrea In e half
of nw of n half of ae of aec 10, Ca lo;
Edmond Bwency to George W,
Myera, all of lot alx In hlk 7 lu Mllwau
klo; $125.
42. 3h3w, and claim 38, 4slw: alio
1 'JO acrea, aec fi, 4h1w, and aec. 30,
3n Zw, and aec 31, 3t lw; alao 2.78 In
aec 37, 3m-1w; $1000.
John M. Flytin lo L. W. Hyde, w
hulf of iin and ae of nw and no of aw
of hoc 14 In In 2n-o, 100 ucrea.
Hohert Wynno Wllaon and Minnie
C. Wllaon to Evalyn Carter Illack,
nw 2 5 of aecllona 12 and 13, 2a-lo, 20
acrea; $5000.
alx per cent per annum, payable aernl
i annually, aald Intoreat to ho evidenc
ed by coupons attached to aald bond,
Intereat and principal payable In
United States Gold Coin at the office
of the TreaHurer.of Oregon City, Ore
gon, provided, however, that Oregon
City reHoivea the right to take up and
cancel auld bowl upon the payment
of the face value thereof, with accru
ed Interent to tho date of payment, at
any aemlannual coupon period at or
after one year from the duto of such
A, KNArP, '
Finance Committee of the Council of
Oreeon City. H-t2
Notice of 8treet Improvement.
Notice la hereby given that Fourth
Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the Eaat line of Water Street to tho
Went line of Main atreet and from the
Earn lino of Main 8trcet to the atone
wall of the Oregon and California
Railroad company on aald Fourth
Oregon City, at a regular meeting of
aald Council, held Wednesday, Febru
ary 6th, 1907. W. A. DIMICK,
Street, will be Improved with crushed
Bald bond Is Issued under authority ' k or grav(!i the full width of said
of an act of tho legislature of the Ltreet( flrrj ,y laying sidewalks, cross
State of Oregon, panned February lfi.'ikg, cllr)Hi gutters, drains and cor
18'j:J. entitled, "An act to provide fori hltcknt and by grading said street
the Isaiiance of bonds for the Improve-'jpijjng l0 th(J established grade
merit of streets and the laying of thereof.
era In Incorporated cities, and for the Th,g notco )g pUi,iMhed pursuant
payment of the, cost of such Improve- j an ord,.r ma,le ,y tne Council of
Bpeclal to Dally Star.
I,a Grande, Feb. 20. A. Barbour an
old settler of Hllgard attempted to
commit Hiilcldo by drinking acid of
mi nts and laying of sewers ly Install
ttmnts," as amended by an act of the
Legislature of the State of Oregon, ap
proved February 28, 1901, entitled
"An act to amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, and 7" of an act entitled, "An
Act to provide for the Issuance of
bonds for tho Improvement of streets
and laying of sewers In Incorporated
cities, and for the payment of the cost
of such Improvement and laying of
sewers, by Installments," filed In the
office or the Secretary of State, Feb
riinry 22, 18113; as amended by an Act
of the I-KlHlature of the State of Ore
gon, filed In the office of the Secretary
of State, February 3d, 1905, entitled
"An Act to amend Section 1 ot an act
entitled, "An act to amend Sections
Oregon City, at a regular meeting of
said Council, held Wednesday, Febru
ary Cth, 1907. W. A. DIMICK,
Notlc ot 8treet Improvement.
Notice is hereby given that Ninth
Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the West line of the right of way of
the Oregon and California Railroad
company on said Ninth street to the
East line of Main street and from the
West line of Main street to a point on
said Ninth street 150 feet West of
the West line of said Main St. will be
Improved with crushed rock or gravel
the full width of said Htreet, and by
laying sidewalks, cross-walks, curbs,
gutters, drains and corner blocks, and
by grading said street according to
the established grade thereof.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order made by the Council of
Oregon City, at a regular meeting of
said Council, held Wednesday, Febru
ary Cth, 1907. W. A. DIMICK,
Homo kind hint night. He had heenjl, 2, 3, 4, 5, C and 7, of an Act
drinking heavily for some time,.
Is thought that he will recover.
hi 3s 3e; $xuo. lloth purtlea reserve Proposals for Improvement Bonde,
right for roiiilwuys. Oregon City, Oregon.
Addle ('. HodKkln and Frank E. Keuled proiswala will be received
HodKkln to W. A. Shaw, lots CO, C7. y i'"' undersigned Finance Commit-
70, 71, 72, Jennings Idge;
Special to Dully Star.
Si ill Hi'. WiihIi., Feb. 20. Esther
Mlieli'!!. the Oregon holy roller, who
killed her brother George at tho de
pot at Health',, wan sentenced lo till
itlum lit StelliiciMiiii. She accepted
lu'f fate with the saute Hlolld Indlf
fi ience that Ihih marked her demean
or since the tragedy.
CM, C!
Thoiimn L. Aubrey to Jane E. Au-
e half of lie of sec 9. 1C0 acres; $1.
Geo. A. Steel and Eva P. Steel to
Oregon & California Railroad compan
nw of nw of sec 22, 3s 2e; and w half
of nw nee 11, .'U5e, (t cl); $1.
C, p. Mallatt and Ella Mallatt to
J. II. Turner, n half of so of no of
i:ec 11. Ii 2e, 20 acres; $200.
John linker and Mary J. linker to
Grace E. I.der. Ezra Fisher DLC No.
41, 2s-2e. 4 acrea ;$2.V
tee of the Council of Oregon City, Bt
the office of the Recorder of Oregon
City, Oregon, until Tuesday, March
5th, 1907, at 4 o'clock p. m. of said
day, for the sale of not less than par
value and accrued Interest, of Im
provement bonds of Oregon City, as
the snine has been authorized to bo
Issued for the sum of $1032.50.
Snld iHtnds will be lasued In the fol
lowing denominations: One bond for
cQtitled "An act to provide for the
Issuance of howls for the Improvement
of streets and laying of sewers In In
corporated cities, and for the payment
of the costs of such Improvement and
laying of sewera by Installment," filed
In the office of the Secretary of State,
February 28, 1901,
Notice of 8treet Improvement.
Notice Is hereby given that 8eventh
Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the East line of Water street to the
West line of Main street, will he Im
proved with crushed rock or gravel
and by laying sidewalks, cross walks,
curbs, gutters, drains and corner
blocks and by grading said street ac
cording to the established grade thereof.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order made by the Council of
Oregon City, at a regular meeting of
said Council, held Wednesday, Febru
ary Cth, 1907. W. A. DIMICK,
Notice of Street Improvement.
Notice Is hereby given that Eighth
Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the stone wall of the Oregon and Cal
Said bond Is Issued for the payment ' Ifornia Railroad Company on said
of a portion of the cost of the laying". Eighth Street to the East line of Main
of sewers In sewer district No. 5, and Street and from the West line of
shall not exceed the Bum of $1032.50 in
tho aggregate.
The right to reject any and all bids
Is hereby reserved to the undersigned
committee and the council of Oregon
All bids should be addressed to the
Notice of the Establishment of tho
Grade of Water Street.
Nlce Is hereby given that the
grade of that portion of Water street
of Oregon City, Oregon, lying between
the South line of Third atreet and the
North line of Alley in Block Nine of
Oregon City, Oregon,' Is ordered es
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order made by the Council of
Oregon City, at a regular meeting of
said Council, held Wednesday, Febru
ary Cth, 1907, W, A. DIMICK, .
Main street to a point on said Eighth
Street 1C8 feet west of the West line
of said Main street, will be improved
with crushed rock or gravel the full
width of said street, and by laying
sidewalks, cross-walks, curbs, gutters,
drains and corner blocks, and by grad-
the sum of $.",00.0(1 and one bond for; Finance Committee of the Council of .lng said street according to the es-
tbe sum of $532.50, to he dated April Oregon City, In care of the Recorder.
1st, 19u7, payable ten years from Hy order of the Council of Oregon
dntc, bearing Interest at the rate of .City.
tahlished grade thereof.
This notice is published pursuant
to an order made by the Council of
Notice of Street Improvement,
Notice is hereby given that Tenth
Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from
the West side of the track of the Ore
gon and California Railroad eompany
on said Tenth street to the East line
of Main street and from the West line
of Main street to the East line of Wat
er Street, will be Improved with
crushed rock or gravel the full width
of said street, and by laying sidewalks,
cross-walks, curbs, gutters, drains
and corner blocks, and by grading
said street according to the estab
lished grade thereof.
This notice is published pursuant
to an order made by the Council of
Oregon City, at a regular meeting of
said Council, held Wednesday, Febru
ary Gth, 1907. W. A. DIMICK,
Real Estate Transfers
Frnnk M. Ibimcue nnd Mary ('.
I'.nrmon, to Aimer II. Cole, all of east
hulf of se of sec. 2, 4H'le, SO acres;
1 1 2iio.
Catherine McKitiim to W. II. Ilul
hurt, all lots I. 2. 3, 4, 5, C, 30, 31
and 32 in MU, 5. Pleasant Little Homes
No. 3. HutnllvUlim of sec. 2!l, ls2e;
$ Jim,
Pearl T. llayei nnd Guy V. Hays to
David E. Long, part of DLC Edward
A. Wilson No. 72, 2s le, 30 acres;
E. M. Howell nnd Anna Howell to
C.ustav Kngebi'ccht nnd Anna Engo-
I. i'echl p.ll't of George Abel'ilethy DLC
NO 5S in nee. 29. 2s 2e: 8 12 acres;
$1 100.
Jeremiah A. ltrackett nnd Minnie
II. llmekett to II. F. Forester, part
sec 29. 2s le, 10 acres; $1000.
t'. S. Land Office to William L.
Huckiier, ko of sec 31, Gs-2e, 1C0 acres.
The Culled Status of America to
John O. Wlckhnm, nw of sec 31, Ch-2i
ICO acres.
Rebecca L. Yoder, Jennie L. Yoder,
Arthur E. Yoder, Harriet Yoder nnd
Rebecca Yoder, to Levi D. Yoder. n
half of a half of sw sec. 15, 5n-le;
F. M. Farmer to Charlea O. LInd,
beginning at point ho corner lot 8, hlk.
5, llni ton, 10 itcroH In section 23, 2h-3o
Tyler Woodward cud Mary J. Wood
ward to John Klernnn, all hcc 10, Gs-3e
CIO acres; $t,
Augusta F. Dempster and Win. H,
Dempster to Harry Auno nnd LUllo
Aune, part lot 7, hlk. 4fi Oregon City;
Oregon Water Power Townslte Co.
to H. E. Stubbs, lot 7, blk. 18, Estn
cada; $75.
Oregon Water Power Townsllo Co.
to It. K. Stubbs, lot 8, blk. 18, Esta
cada; $100. .
Mrs. E. J. Koplln to J. A. Ronm, 1
jicro of trnct U, WlllnmoUo Fulls; $L
A. H. Koplln nnd Daisy E. Koplln to
J. A. Roam, 1 acre tract B, Willamette
Fulls; $350.
James Wurd nnd Eva E. Ward to
Chris Slcbken all lot 8, blk 5, Sunset
City; $580.
William F. Palmatoor and riioobe
Pulmnttcr to Jasper L. Ilewett, all
Just three weeks more. The biggest sale that Oregon City
has ever known. The reasons are plain, all goods offered at
Cost or Less. There are only three weeks more of this great
Closing Oat Sale so avail yourself of this money saving opportunity.
i j
Regular 2 for 5c Dnrnlng Cotton ' s
Regular 4c spool san-silk, now sell
ing 5 spools for . .
Feather stitch braid, regular 10c qual
ity, closing out price
Enameled stocking darners with
handles, regular price 5c, closing
out prlco 2 for
Best grade I..L. Domestic SG-lnches
wide, now selling at yard
5 I -2c yard
Dark figured calicoes, closing out
price, yard
4 l-2c
Broken lots of Boys' wool Hats, 50c
and 75c grades, closing out ii'lce
Child's Ferris good sense Waists, reg
ular 50c quality, closing out ...33c
Washable Art Silks, Royal or Filo, now
being sold 3 skeins for . '. 10c
Children's and Misses' Hose Support
ers, regular 15c grade, closing out
Boys' heavy Cotton Sweaters 50c and
C5e quality, closing out price ...33c
Men's unlaundrled Shirts, all linen
fronts, worth 50c, now HOlling at 33c
Men's best 50c Work Shirts, during
i sale 37c
Women's 50c Rubbers, high cut to
close at pair 38c
Men's 75c storm Rubbers closing
out prlco 60c
Best grade Table Oil Cloth, 20c qual
ity now. selling at yard 14c
Boys' Knee Pants, 50c quality, now 35c
05c grade closing out price 43c
75c quality offered at ......... .55c
Men's President Suspenders, regular
B0c value, sale price 35c
Men's $20 to $25 Suits being sold
at $16.95
Men's $15 to $16.50 Worsted Suits
now i . .v. $11.25
Men's $10 to $11.50 Suits, best of val
ues at regular price, during closing
out sale $7.75
Youth's all wool Suits, sizes ranging
from 14 to 20; our regular $8.00 val
ues now selling at $4.95
Men's 50c Underwear, Shirts and
drawers, garment during sale.. 35c
Men's $2.00 B. Calf shoes to close out
at $1.40
Women's $1.75 and $2.00 vlcl kid
Shoes now selling at $1.29
Women's $2.50 vicl kid
shoes, light and heavy soles to close
at $1.85
Women's $1.50 Felt Juliets, closing
out price 98c
A Great chance to supply your wants at never to be forgotten bargains.
k7 )M
nw of bo of boo 20, 3s-4o; also so of
no of sec 20, 3s-4e, 4 3-4 acres; also